Multifactor CFA: Measuring More Than One Factor Higher Order Models PRE 906: Structural Equation Modeling Lecture #9 – April 1, 2015 PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA Today’s Class • Confirmatory Factor Analysis with more than one factor: Logic Model Comparison • Including factors for “methods” effects • Structural models for multi-factor covariance matrices • Higher order structures Including “Random Intercepts” for person effects PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 2 Key Questions for Today’s Lecture PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 3 Today’s Data • Data for today’s class come from a study of self-efficacy in mathematics problem solving • Participants (n=225) answered a total of 24 survey items Six math problems were shown… …for each problem, participants were asked about their confidence in their ability to correctly answer the problem 1. 2. 3. 4. • How sure are you that you can understand this mathematical problem? How sure are you that you can determine a strategy to solve this problem? How sure are you that you can determine the information required to solve this problem? How sure are you that you can solve this mathematical problem correctly? Ratings were given on a scale from 0 to 100 in 10-unit intervals (so we will assume these to be MVN) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 4 Picking Up Where We Left Off • As a baseline analysis, let’s consider a model where we measure one self-efficacy factor with all of the 24 items of the survey: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 5 Model 01: Single Factor Model Fit • Very poor model fit by any standard: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 6 MULTIFACTOR CFA MODELS PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 7 Multifactor CFA Models • Multifactor CFA models are measurement models that measure more than one latent trait simultaneously • The multiple factors represent theoretical constructs that are best when they are defined a priori For us that will be the self-esteem construct Is it one thing? –results say no Is it four things? –that’s an empirical question…we’ll evaluate that next • Multiple factors can also come from modification of models with single factors when model misfit is identified Sometimes this shows up as design features of the study—such as our multiple problems and multiple self-esteem questions PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 8 Sequence of for Measuring Multiple Factors 1. Specify your measurement model for each factor alone 2. For each: assess model fit, per factor, when possible (remember…need 4+ indicators to test model fit) 3. How many factors, which items load on which factors, and whether your need any method factors or error covariances For models with large numbers of items, you should start by modeling each factor in its own analysis to make sure each factor fits its items Global model fit: Does a one-factor model adequately fit each set of indicators thought to measure the same latent construct? Local model fit: Are any of the leftover covariances problematic? Any items not loading well (or are too redundant) that you might drop? (If the 1-factor model fits) Reliability/Info: Are your standardized loadings practically meaningful? Once your single-factor measurement models fit, then consider the multiple factor measurement model PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 9 From One Factor to Four Factors • As our one-factor model of self-efficacy did not fit these data, we must expand our thinking • Recall the self-efficacy items: 1. 2. 3. 4. • How sure are you that you can understand this mathematical problem? How sure are you that you can determine a strategy to solve this problem? How sure are you that you can determine the information required to solve this problem? How sure are you that you can solve this mathematical problem correctly? Let’s start by constructing four separate one-factor models PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 10 Model 01a: SE1 Confidence in Understanding • For question #1: “How sure are you that you can understand this mathematical problem?” we’ll define a single factor called “confidence in understanding” • Only responses to this item will be included in this analysis • Cannot compare model fit with previous analysis (Model 01) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 11 Model 01a: Global Model Fit Evaluation • Model fit indices: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 12 Model 01a: Local Model Fit Evaluation • Normalized residual covariances: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 13 Model 01a: Item Parameter Evaluation PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 14 Model 01b: SE2 Confidence in Strategy Development • For question #2: “How sure are you that you can determine a strategy to solve this problem?” we’ll define a single factor called “confidence in strategy development” • Only responses to this item will be included in this analysis • Cannot compare model fit with previous analysis (Models 01 or 01a) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 15 Model 01b: Global Model Fit Evaluation • Model fit indices: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 16 Model 01b: Local Model Fit Evaluation • Normalized residual covariances: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 17 Model 01b: Item Parameter Evaluation PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 18 Model 01c: SE3 Confidence in Information Finding • For question #3: “How sure are you that you can determine the information required to solve this problem?” we’ll define a single factor called “confidence in information finding” • Only responses to this item will be included in this analysis • Cannot compare model fit with previous analysis (Models 01, 01a, or 01b) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 19 Model 01c: Global Model Fit Evaluation • Model fit indices: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 20 Model 01c: Local Model Fit Evaluation • Normalized residual covariances: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 21 Model 01c: Item Parameter Evaluation PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 22 Model 01d: SE4 Confidence in Problem Solving Ability • For question #4: “How sure are you that you can solve this mathematical problem correctly?” we’ll define a single factor called “confidence in problem solving ability” • Only responses to this item will be included in this analysis • Cannot compare model fit with previous analysis (Models 01, 01a, or 01b) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 23 Model 01d: Global Model Fit Evaluation • Model fit indices: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 24 Model 01d: Local Model Fit Evaluation • Normalized residual covariances: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 25 Model 01d: Item Parameter Evaluation PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 26 Summarizing the Four Single Factor Models • For each of the four single-factor models we found: All fit really well globally All fit really well locally All items seemed to load onto the factor • We can now proceed to building a four-factor model of self efficacy using each of the four single-factor models • Starting with each factor by itself does not guarantee the four-factor model will fit well • It does cut down on sources of where the four-factor model may have misfit PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 27 MULTI-FACTOR CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS MODELS PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 28 CFA Model with Factor Means and Item Intercepts But some parameters will have to be fixed to known values for the model to be identified. covF1,F F1 λ11 λ21 λ31 κ1 κ2 2 F2 λ4 λ5 λ6 2 2 2 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 Measurement Model for Items: λ’s = factor loadings e’s = error variances μ’s = intercepts PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA μ μ 2 1 μ 3 1 μ μ 4 μ 5 6 Structural Model for Factors: F’s = factor variances Cov = factor covariances K’s = factor means 29 CFA Model Equations • Measurement model per item (numbered) for subject s: y1s = μ1 + λ11F1s + 𝟎F2s + e1s y2s = μ2 + λ21F1s + 𝟎F2s + e2s y3s = μ3 + λ31F1s + 𝟎F2s + e3s y4s = μ4 + y5s = μ5 + y6s = μ6 + 𝟎F1s + λ42F2s + e4s 𝟎F1s + λ52F2s + e5s 𝟎F1s + λ62F2s + e6s Here is the general matrix equation for these 6 item-specific equations: 𝐘 = 𝛍 + 𝛌𝐅 + 𝐞 where 𝐘, 𝛍, and 𝐞 = 6x1 matrices, 𝛌 = 6x2 matrix, and 𝐅 =2x1 matrix PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA You decide how many factors and if each item has an estimated loading on each factor or not. Unstandardized loadings (𝛌) are the linear slopes predicting the item response (y) from the factor (F). Thus, the model assumes a linear relationship between the factor and the item response. Standardized loadings are the slopes in a correlation metric (Standardized Loading2 = R2). Intercepts (𝛍) are expected item responses (y) when all factors = 0. 30 CFA Model Implications Items from same factor (room for misfit or mis-prediction): • • • Unstandardized solution: Covariance of y1 , y3 = 𝛌𝟏𝟏 ∗ 𝐕𝐚𝐫(𝐅𝟏) ∗ 𝛌𝟑𝟏 Standardized solution: Correlation of y1 , y3 = 𝛌𝟏𝟏 ∗ (𝟏) ∗ 𝛌𝟑𝟏 std load ONLY reason for correlation is their common factor (local independence, LI) Items from different factors (room for misfit or mis-prediction): • • • Unstandardized solution: Covariance of y1 , y6 = 𝛌𝟏𝟏 ∗ 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐅𝟏, 𝐅𝟐 ∗ 𝛌𝟔𝟐 Standardized solution: Correlation of y1 , y6 = 𝛌𝟏𝟏 ∗ 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐅𝟏, 𝐅𝟐 ∗ 𝛌𝟔𝟐 std load ONLY reason for correlation is the correlation between factors (again, LI) Variances are additive (and will be reproduced correctly): • Var(y1) = (λ112)*Var(F1) + Var(ei) but note the imbalance of λ2 and e PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 31 Model-Implied Item Covariance Matrix • Matrix equation: 𝚺 = 𝚲𝚽𝚲𝑇 + 𝚿 𝚺= model-predicted item covariance matrix is created from: 𝚲 = item factor loadings 𝚽= factor variances and covariances 𝚲𝑻 = item factor loadings transposed (~𝛌𝟐 ) 𝚿 = item error variances PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 2y1 y2,y1 y3,y1 y4,y1 y5,y1 y6,y1 11 21 31 0 0 0 y1,y2 y1,y3 y1,y4 y1,y5 2y2 y2,y3 y2,y4 y2,y5 y3,y2 2y3 y3,y4 y3,y5 y4,y2 y4,y3 2y4 y4,y5 y5,y2 y5,y3 y5,y4 2y5 y6,y2 y6,y3 y6,y4 y6,y5 y1,y6 y2,y6 y3,y6 y4,y6 y5,y6 2y6 0 0 0 2F1 F1,F2 11 21 31 0 42 F2,F1 2F2 0 0 0 42 52 62 2e1 0 2 0 e2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2e3 0 0 0 2e4 0 0 0 2e5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2e6 32 0 52 0 62 Model-Implied Item Covariance Matrix • 𝚺 = 𝚲𝚽𝚲𝑇 + 𝚿 Predicted Covariance Matrix Items within Factor 1 2 2 2 11 F1 e1 11 2F1 21 2 2 2 2 21 F111 21 F1 e2 2 2 31 F1 11 31 F1 21 42 F2,F1 21 42 F2,F1 11 52 F2,F111 52 F2,F1 21 62 F2,F111 62 F2,F1 21 The loadings control how related items from the same factor are predicted to be. 11 2F1 31 11 F2,F1 42 11 F2,F1 52 21 2F1 31 21 F2,F1 42 21 F2,F1 52 2 2 2 31 F1 e2 31 F2,F1 42 31 F2,F1 52 42 F2,F131 2 2 42 2F2 e4 42 2F2 52 52 F2,F131 52 2F2 42 2 2 52 2F2 e5 62 F2,F131 62 2F2 42 62 2F252 11 F2,F1 62 21 F2,F1 62 31 F2,F162 42 2F2 62 2 52 F2 62 2 2 62 2F2 e6 Items within Factor 2 The only reason why items from different factors should be related is the covariance between the two factors. PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA The loadings also control how much of the item response is due to factor versus error. 33 Factor Model Identification • Goal: Name that Tune Reproduce observed item covariance matrix using as few estimated parameters as possible (Robust) Maximum likelihood used to estimate model parameters Measurement Model: Item factor loadings, item intercepts, item error variances Structural Model: Factor variances and covariances, factor means • Global model fit is evaluated as difference between model-predicted matrix and observed matrix (but only the covariances really contribute to misfit) How many possible parameters can you estimate (total DF)? Total DF depends on # ITEMS 𝐯 (NOT on # people) Total number of unique elements in item covariance matrix Unique item elements = each variance, each covariance, each mean Total unique elements = (v(v + 1) / 2) + v if 4 items, then ((4*5)/2) + 4 = 14 • Model degrees of freedom (df) = data input − model output Model df = # possible parameters − # estimated parameters PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 34 Oops: Empirical Under-Identification • Did your model blow up (errors instead of output)? • Make sure each factor is identified (scale of factor mean and variance is set) Sometimes you can set up your model correctly and it will still blow up because of empirical under-identification It’s not you; it’s your data – here are two examples of when these models should have been identified, but weren’t because of an unexpected 0 relationship F1 = ? Cov = F2 = ? 0 1 λ2 1 λ4 λ1 λ2 y1 1y 2 y3 2y 4 y11 1y 2 y3 e1 e2 e3 e4 e1 e2 e3 PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA F1 = 1 0 35 Back to our example… FOUR-FACTOR MODEL OF MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING SELF-EFFICACY PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 36 Model 02a Lavaan Syntax: Each =~ Defines a Factor PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 37 Results: A Warning From the Analysis • Upon using the sem() function to estimate Model 02a, R reported the following • Not positive definite = not invertible • Indication of some type of problem with the model • Not a valid solution if our factors are multivariate normally distributed Empirical underidentification or model misspecification This type of result would not be reportable Look at the covariances…and the correlations they imply PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 38 Solutions to Non-Positive Definite LV Covariance Matrices • The non-positive covariance matrix occurs in models with multiple factor occasionally • Our factor model had a saturated covariance matrix between factors • • All factor covariances were estimated—making it harder to estimate Fixes aren’t often obvious: Can force a fix by making factors uncorrelated Can look for sources of model misfit that may indicate omitted factors Can specify a simpler factor covariance structure (such as a higher order factor model) In our example, we will try all three PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 39 Model 02b: Four-Factor Model with Uncorrelated Factors • Syntax—Note: Once factors are specified (using =~) they act just like observable variables in the rest of the syntax • So ~~ represents factor variances and covariances This model is very unrealistic—most if not all mental traits are correlated Would likely be a very big red flag to reviewers if you were to try to publish this model in a journal article I am presenting it in class to show how things work PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 40 Model 02b: Global Model Fit Evaluation PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 41 Model 02b: Why Global Fit Was Terrible • When factors are fixed to have zero covariance the model states that the items not measuring the same factor have zero covariance • The same matrix for Model 02a (not shown) would not have zeros throughout as factors were allowed to have non-zero covariances (and correlations between items measuring different factors) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 42 Model 02b: Inspecting Local Fit for Hints at Model Misspecification • Normalized Residuals: • Look at values different SE – problem is lack of factor covariance PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 43 Model 02a: Inspecting Local Fit for Hints at Model Misspecification • We will now use Model 02a to look at local fit to determine where this model is misspecified • Look at items with same question index (Q) but different factor index (SE) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 44 Model 02a: Inspecting Local Fit for Hints at Model Misspecification • The largest 40 modification indices from Model 02a PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 45 What Model 02a and 02b Local Misfit Is Telling Us • From Model 02a Globally: • From Model 02b Globally and Locally: • Restricting factor covariances to zero leads to terrible global fit Local fit suggest factor covariances are needed Therefore, we looked at Model 02a’s local fit From Model 02a Locally: • Overall four-factor model has a fit problem leading to factor correlations all greater than one (non-positive definite factor covariance matrix) Model has some type of misspecification Items referring to the same mathematics question (e.g., Q1.SE1+Q1.SE2+Q1.SE3+Q1.SE4) had large positive normalized residual covariances Modification indices all showed these had the largest values (largest 36) Conclusion: Model is misfitting on items that refer to the same mathematics question PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 46 Ways to Improve the Fit of the Four-Factor Model • The four self-efficacy factors were composed of items that all referenced a common stimulus: a mathematics problem • To address the additional dependencies we could consider residual covariances between SE items referencing the same mathematics question • The common stimulus added additional dependencies that the four-factor model cannot accommodate But…these indicate additional dimensionality Instead, we can add a “methods” factor for each math question PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 47 Additional Multiple Factor Models METHOD FACTORS PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 48 Method Factors • Method factors are latent constructs that summarize variability due to differing testing methods • The method factors are typically uncorrelated with the factors of interest • Most common in use in negatively worded items In our example, these could represent the mathematics questions The “method” items are then cross loaded onto each In our example there are six different mathematics questions, each with four SE items Each mathematics question will be represented by a method factor All four SE items that are asked about a question would then measure that question’s method factor As each math question is likely to be related (due to each measuring math), we’ll let the methods factors correlate with themselves but not the self efficacy factors (the factor of interest) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 49 Model 03: Lavaan Syntax for Method Factors • The mathematics question method factors (Q1-Q6) are coded as if they are regular factors • Covariances between method factors and all self esteem factors are set to zero PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 50 Model 03: Global Model Fit Indices PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 51 Model 03: Local Indices of Model Fit • No large normalized residual covariances PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 52 Model 03: Comparison to Single-Factor Model 01 • A typical comparison when estimating models with multiple factors is that of the multiple factor model with a single factor model • Testing the hypothesis that the model with a single factor fits as well as the model with multiple factors For us, that would be comparing our Model 03 (all items; 4 SE factors + 6 Math Question Factors) versus our Model 01 (all items; 1 SE factor) PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 53 Model 03: Path Diagram PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 54 Additional Considerations • The purpose of the instrument was to measure mathematics self-efficacy as a unitary construct • The results from Model 03, however, have four factors of mathematics self efficacy—not one • To try to get a unitary construct of mathematics selfefficacy, we can construct a higher-order factor of selfefficacy where the four SE factors are indicators PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 55 HIGHER ORDER FACTOR MODELS PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 56 Sequence of Steps in CFA or IFA 1. Specify your measurement model(s) 2. Assess model fit, per factor, when possible (if 4+ indicators) 3. How many factors/thetas, which items load on which factors, and whether your need any method factors or error covariances For models with large numbers of items, you should start by modeling each factor in its own analysis to make sure *each* factor fits its items Global model fit: Does a one-factor model adequately fit each set of indicators thought to measure the same latent construct? Local model fit: Are any of the leftover covariances problematic? Any items not loading well (or are too redundant) that you might drop? Reliability/Info: Are your standardized loadings practically meaningful? Once your single-factor measurement models are good, it’s time to consider the (higher-order) structural model PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 57 Higher-Order Factor Models • Purpose: What kind of higher-order factor structure best accounts for the covariance among the measurement model factors (not items)? • In other words, what should the structural model among the factors look like? Best-fitting baseline for the structural model has all possible covariances among the lower-order measurement model factors saturated structural model Just as the purpose of the measurement model factors is to predict covariance among the items, the purpose of the higher-order factors is to predict covariance among the measurement model factors themselves A single higher-order factor would be suggested by similar magnitude of correlations across the measurement model factors Note that distinctions between CFA, IFA, and other measurement models for different item types are no longer relevant at this point Factors and thetas are all multivariate normal latent variables, so a higher-order model is like a CFA regardless of the measurement model for the items Latent variables don’t have means apart from their items, so those are irrelevant PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 58 Necessary Measurement Model Scaling to fit Higher-Order Factors “Marker Item” for factor loadings Fix 1 item loading to 1 Estimate factor variance Var(F)=? 1 y1 e1 κ=0 PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA λ21 λ31 y2 λ41 y3 e2 e3 μ2 μ3 μ1 1 μ4 y4 e4 Because it will become “factor variance leftover” = “disturbance”, it can’t be a fixed quantity (must be estimated) “Z-Score” for item intercepts or thresholds Fix factor mean to 0 Estimate all intercepts/thresholds All the factor means will be 0 and you won’t need to deal with them in the structural model anyway 59 Identifying a 3-Factor Structural Model Option 1: 3 Correlated Factors Measurement Model for Items: item variances, covariances, and means Structural Model for Factors: factor variances and covariances, no means Possible df = (12*13) / 2 + 12 = 90 Estimated df = 9𝛌 + 12𝛍 + 12𝛔𝟐𝐞 = 33 df = 90 – 33 = 57 over-identified Possible df = (3*4) / 2 + 0 = 6 Estimated df = 3 variances + 3 covariances df = 6 – 6 = 0 just-identified covF1,F covF1,F Var(F1)=? 3 2 Var(F2)=? Kκ 1 1==00 1 y1 μ1 e1 λ21 y2 μ2 e2 PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA y3 e3 3 Var(F3)=? κ2 = 0 1 λ62 λ31 λ41 μ3 covF2,F y4 μ4 e4 y5 μ4 e5 y6 μ6 e6 κ3 = 0 λ72 λ82 y7 μ7 e7 1 λ103 λ113 λ123 y8 μ8 e8 y9 μ10 10 μ1111 μ12 12 e9 e10 e11 e12 μ9 y y 60 y Option 2a: 3 Factor “Indicators” (Higher-Order Factor Variance = 1) Same Measurement Model for Items: Possible df = (12*13) / 2 + 12 = 90 Estimated df = 9𝛌 + 12𝛍 + 12𝛔𝟐𝐞 = 33 df = 90 – 33 = 57 over-identified New Structural Model for Factors: Possible df = (3*4) / 2 + 0 = 6 Estimated df = 3𝛌 + 3𝛔𝟐𝐝 df = 6 – 6 = 0 just-identified Var(HF)=1 κHF = 0 λF λF3 λF2 1 Leftover factor variances (part of factor not predicted by higher-order factor) are called “disturbances” Var(d1)=? Var(d2)=? κ1 = 0 κ2 = 0 F1 1 y1 μ1 e1 λ21 y2 μ2 e2 Var(d3)=? 1 λ62 λ31 λ41 y3 μ3 e3 y4 μ4 e4 κ3 = 0 F2 y5 μ5 e5 F3 λ72 λ82 y6 μ6 e6 y7 μ7 e7 1 λ103 λ113 λ123 y8 μ8 e8 y9 μ9 e9 y μ1010 y μ1111 e10 e11 If you only have 3 factors, both models will fit the same—the structural model is just-identified, and thus the fit of a higher-order factor CANNOT be tested PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 61 y μ12 12 e12 Option 2b: 3 Factor “Indicators” (using Marker Lower-Order Factor) Same Measurement Model for Items: Possible df = (12*13) / 2 + 12 = 90 Estimated df = 9𝛌 + 12𝛍 + 12𝛔𝟐𝐞 = 33 df = 90 – 33 = 57 over-identified New Structural Model for Factors: Possible df = (3*4) / 2 + 0 = 6 Estimated df = 2𝛌 + 1𝛔𝟐𝐅 + 3𝛔𝟐𝐝 df = 6 – 6 = 0 just-identified Var(HF)=? κHF = 0 1 λF3 λF2 Leftover factor variances (part of factor not predicted by higher-order factor) are called “disturbances” Var(d1)=? Var(d2)=? κ1 = 0 κ2 = 0 F1 1 y1 μ1 λ21 y2 μ2 e1 e2 Var(d3)=? λ31 λ41 y3 μ3 e3 1 y4 μ4 e4 κ3 = 0 F2 y5 μ5 e5 λ62 λ72 y6 μ6 e6 F3 λ82 y7 μ7 e7 1 y8 μ8 e8 y9 μ9 e9 λ103 λ113 y10 μ10 e10 λ123 y11 μ11 e11 If you only have 3 factors, both models will fit the same—the structural model is just-identified, and thus the fit of a higher-order factor CANNOT be tested PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 62 y12 μ12 e12 Structural Model Identification: 2 Factor “Indicators” Measurement Model for Items: Possible df = (12*13) / 2 + 12 = 90 Estimated df = 8𝛌 + 12𝛍 + 12𝛔𝟐𝐞 = 32 df = 90 – 32 = 58 over-identified Structural Model for Factors: Possible df = (4*5) / 2 + 0 = 10 Estimated df = 4𝛌 + 0𝛔𝟐𝐅 + 1𝛔𝐅,𝐅 + 4𝛔𝟐𝐝 — OR — Estimated df = 2𝛌 + 2𝛔𝟐𝐅 + 1𝛔𝐅,𝐅 + 4𝛔𝟐𝐝 df = 10 – 9 = 1 over-identified However, this model will not be identified structurally unless there is covariance between the higher-order factors PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 63 Higher-Order Factor Identification • Possible structural df depends on # of measurement model factor variances and covariances (NOT # items) 2 measurement model factors Under-identified They can be correlated, which would be just-identified… that’s it 3 measurement model factors Just-identified They can all be correlated OR a single higher-order factor can be fit Some # variance/disturbances per factor (so, 3 total) in either option Factor variances and covariances will be perfectly reproduced 4 measurement model factors Can be over-identified They can all be correlated (6 correlations required; just-identified) They can have a higher-order factor (4 loadings; over-identified) The fit of the higher-order factor can now be tested PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 64 Examples of Structural Model Hypothesis Testing • Do I have a higher-order factor of my subscale factors? If 4 or more subscale factors: Compare fit of alternative models If 3 (or fewer) subscale factors: CANNOT BE DETERMINED • Saturated Baseline: All 6 factor covariances estimated freely Alternative: 1 higher-order factor instead (so df=2)—is model fit WORSE? Saturated baseline and alternative models will fit equivalently Do I have need additional “method factors”? PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 65 Model 04: Higher Order SE and Math Factors • We will add higher-order factors for Self-Efficacy and Mathematics Items to our Model 03 • When doing so, Model 03 (with the saturated factor covariance matrix) now becomes our alternative model • No higher order factor model with the same Model 03 measurement model can fit better than the saturated factor covariance matrix Our higher order factors can only fit as well as the saturated factor covariance matrix model PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 66 Model 04: Lavaan Syntax • The higher order factors are defined with a =~ just like the original factors The terms on the right of the =~ are the original factors PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 67 Model 04: Global Model Fit PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 68 Model 04: Local Model Fit PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 69 Model 04: Comparison with Model 03 • The final model fit question: does Model 04 fit as well as Model 03 • If so: it is plausible that higher order factors exist If not: no higher order factors Using the likelihood ratio test: PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 70 Model 04 Path Diagram PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 71 At Long Last: Interpretation of Model Parameters PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 72 At Long Last: Interpretation of Model Parameters PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 73 At Long Last: Interpretation of Model Parameters PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 74 At Long Last: Interpretation of Model Parameters PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 75 At Long Last: Interpretation of Model Parameters PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 76 WRAPPING UP PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 77 Wrapping Up… • Fitting measurement and structural models are two separate issues: Measurement model: Do my lower-order factors account for the observed covariances among my ITEMS? Structural model: Do higher-order factors account for the estimated covariances among my measurement model FACTORS? • Figure out the measurement models FIRST, then structural models • A higher-order factor is NOT the same thing as a ‘total score’ though Recommend fitting measurement models separately per factor, then bringing them together once you have each factor/theta settled This will help to pinpoint the source of misfit in complex models Keep in mind that structural models may not be ‘unique’ Mathematically equivalent models can make very different theoretical statements, so there’s no real way to choose between them if so… PRE 906 SEM: Lecture 9--Multifactor CFA 78
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