access to a rich history Steeped in boatbuilding tradition, the site of Jones River Landing has been the home to many remarkable vessels that helped to build the industry and wealth of our newly forming nation. It is perhaps the oldest continuously operating boatyard in the country, with shipbuilding first established here by the early 1700s. The oldest building on the site, the historic Shiverick Boatshop, was build in 1895 and was operated by esteemed boatbuilder George Shiverick. building community Ecology education for all ages reconnecting Student programs + volunteer outreach Today, Jones River Landing is a professional and regional education center focused on preserving our river heritage and protecting our region’s vital resources and ecosystems through community participation. find us online l Landing (c. 1898) E. A. Ransom steamer Tiger massachusetts to its environment Fish inventory with Division of Fish & Wildlife Row, paddle, sail or cruise the Jones Sailing the Duxbury Duck contemporary coastal / JonesRiverLanding t / jrlanding P / JonesRiverEcology A / jonesriver 55 LANDING ROAD, KINGSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 781-585-2322 / PO BOX 73, KINGSTON, MA 02364 our heritage The history of our coastal communities turns on wood, water, fish, iron, and seagoing trade. The mission of Jones River Landing is to reconnect regional contemporary society to its place on this historic and ecological arc. The organizations operating out of Jones River Landing provide programming that support this mission through education, ecology, science, and artisanry. Located south of Boston on the banks of the Jones River in Kingston, Massachusetts with convenient access from Rte 3, the Jones River Landing site comprises 2 waterfront properties with docks and water access. A non-profit entity, Jones River Landing is home to members and organizations interconnected by an appreciation for our maritime environment and a commitment to preserving our community’s vital natural and historic resources. at the Landing RECREATION & COMMUNITY BUILDING ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP We welcome everyone to the Landing to participate in a range of activities for all ages on and near the Jones River, including: Membership to join Jones River Landing is $50 per year, with benefits that include: – Special events and weekly community gatherings – Volunteer participation in a wide variety of projects – Programs in water safety, hands-on river stewardship, – Access to the river for kayaking, canoeing, and fishing – Invitations to special events and seminars – Group and independent study programs focused on ecology – Addressing issues of climate change and energy efficiency – Opportunities to learn traditional boatbuilding – Discounts at the River Store and conservation of natural resources JONES RIVER WATERSHED ASSOCIATION JRWA is the Landing’s parent, non-profit organization, established in 1985 to protect, enhance, and restore the natural resources of the Jones River watershed and extended ecosystem. Highlights include: – Advocacy for land conservation and river health – Water quality monitoring, habitat restoration, and scientific studies of native freshwater and marine species – Raising public awareness of the health, safety and sustainability issues in our local and global environment The Landing is funded by the generosity of businesses, foundations, government grants, and individual member contributions. Visit the Landing to access the Jones River with canoe, kayak, rowing and sailing craft and explore this primary feature of Cape Cod Bay. join / help / give – Networking and coalition building among like-minded groups MASS BAY MARITIME ARTISANS An association of people working in traditional maritime artisanry along Massachusetts Bay: – Based at the Landing’s historic Shiverick Boatshop – Weekly hands-on boatbuilding workshops – Maritime Artisans speakers’ series and habitat restoration TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS Donations are essential for ongoing renovation, maintenance, and programming efforts at the Landing and the work of JRWA. Both are non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. Donations and memberships are accepted by mail and online: PO BOX 73, KINGSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02364 VOLUNTEERS Volunteer opportunities include ecology programs, general on-site maintenance and reconstruction projects, riverfront access, administrative and computer work, event planning and organization, and committee and board membership. Juvenile Lobster Monitoring Holmes/Watson Boatyard (c. 1900) purchased in 2008 Landing site (c. 1940) purchased in 2003 Historic photos: Kingston Public Library Aerial cover photo: M. Pillsbury
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