Journal E-Link 2 FKIP THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) METHOD TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY Lilik Romsatun Abstract: The objective of this research entitled the effectiveness of using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method to improve the students‟ writing ability for the eleventh grade students of MA Sunan Ampel Kebet Lamongan is to measure the effectiveness of using STAD method in students‟ writing ability for the eleventh grade students of MA Sunan Ampel Kebet Lamongan.The research uses quantitative research method which focuses on pre experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The instrument used in this research is tests (pretest and posttest). The population of this research is 37 of the eleventh grade students of MA Sunan Ampel Kebet Lamongan and the sample is entire population. The data of this research are collected by giving the tests (pretest and posttest) to the students‟ sample. The collected data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of data analysis showed that t-test was 3,505 with d.f36 and level of significance at 0,05 was 2,04. Based on the data analysis above, the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the t-test was higher than t-table (3,505>2,04). It also meant that teaching writing by using STAD method was effective to improve the students‟ writing ability. Key Words: writing, cooperative learning, student team achievement division (STAD). 51 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP Writing is one of the four skills INTRODUCTION English acceptable needed by students. According to Brown language among all nations has been (2007:403) writing is a composing process learned by people in the world to and usually requires multiple drafts before communicate each other. Teaching English an effective product is created; make sure for the students starts from the very that students are carefully led through beginning level of education. It is in appropriate stage in the process of elementary school, and sometimes it is composing.Writing can be very enjoyable begun at kindergarten. Then it as long as we have the ideas and the means continues to the junior and senior high to achieve it. Writing is an effort to school, but most of the students still have improve the students‟ language ability. some the as difficulties widely to master English So, the teacher must have an because they don‟t use English in their interesting strategy and method to improve habit. the students‟ writing ability in teaching English consists of four skills learning process. There are some namely listening, speaking, reading and classroom strategies that teacher can writing. The students must have all of choose to teach foreign language, one of those skills if they want to master English. them is cooperative learning strategy. All of them relate each other, but writing is According to the most difficult one. According to cooperative learning Wendy (1990:68) (2010:6) interactional model by using team or group writing is not always easy; writing has of four to five students with different certain characteristics which seem to make background, gender, race and culture. It it difficult for pupils. As Weigle (2002:15) means point out, education research has taken the concentrating in changing the traditional stance that the written form of the classroom in order to improve learning and language is more „correct‟ and therefore social relations among classmates. In should be more highly valued than oral cooperative learning, the students work language. It means that accuracy in writing together in pairs or in ideally group of four is frequently more important that accuracy to share ideas, knowledge, or strategies in in others. Therefore, in this research the order to solve the writing problems. in Mirta researcher focuses on writing skill. that Sanjaya (2011:242) strategy cooperative is learning an is Based on the reason above, the researcher is very interested to investigate 52 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP the teaching writing using cooperative learning claims that group work is better learning Team than individual competition. In practice, Achievement Division (STAD) method to cooperative learning in class is conducted the eleventh grade students of MA Sunan in small groups. There are some methods Ampel Kebet Lamongan. or techniques of cooperative learning, they strategy in Student According to Brown (2007:403) are: Student Team Achievement Division writing is a composing process and usually (STAD), requires multiple drafts before an effective investigation, think pair share, picture and product is created; make sure that students picture, mind mapping, make a match and are carefully led through appropriate stage debate. in the process of composing. cooperative learning strategy above, so the In other assumption, Wallace, T jigsaw, jigsaw 2, group Based on the methods of researcher chooses Student Team (2004:15) In Teaching Speaking, Listening Achievement Division (STAD) method in and writing, tells: “Writing is the final this study to improve the students‟ writing product of several separate acts that are ability. hugely challenging to learn Student Team Achievement Division simultaneously. Among these separable (STAD) is a kind of cooperative learning acts are not taking, identifying a central which idea, outlining, drafting and editing”. cooperatively among their member in students are asked to work From the definition above, the order to learn the material. Student Team researcher can conclude that writing is a Achievement Division (STAD) is one of way to produce language that comes from the simplest of all cooperative learning our thought. By using writing, we can methods, and is good model to begin with share our ideas, feeling, experience or teachers who are new to the cooperative anything that exist in our mind. It is a approach. According to Slavin (2005) the process that what we write is influenced by idea of the Student Team Achievement the constraints of genre and has to be Division (STAD) is the students have to present in learning activity. Writing is also work together to learn the material and an ability to make a form of words that responsible for themselves as well as their have a higher value. teammates learning. Cooperative learning is one of the classroom Fachrurrazy strategies. (2012:57) According In Student Team Achievement to Division (STAD), the teacher divides class Cooperative into some groups. Slavin (2005:144) each 53 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP group consists of four to five students that experimental representative all of class part in level of experimental design because there is one academic, male and female, race and class to research. According to Ary ethnic. Besides that, the groups are mixed (2005:328) “one group pretest-posttest in level of proficiency and ethnicity, the design is used to compare between the heterogeneous team gives many benefits to students‟ achievement before and after students‟ learning. Moreover, Student treatment which focuses on the single Team Achievement class.” Division (STAD) design. It uses pre focuses on the use of team goals and team This research uses test instrument. success. Slavinwas quoted by Sharan According to Ary (2005:218) test is a set explains that the team goals and team of stimuli presented to an individual in success can only be achieved if all team order to elicit responses on the basis of members have mastered the materials which a numerical score can be assigned. which are being studied. In this study, the researcher uses pretest Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method primary of using Student Team Achievement components. Those components include: Division (STAD) method to improve the class students‟ writing ability. presentation, has five and posttest to measure the effectiveness teams, individual quizzes, individual improvement score, A test is a series of questions that are and team recognition. So Student Team used to measure skills, intelligence, ability Achievement Division (STAD) method is or a talent that is owned by an individual compatible applied in teaching writing as or a group (Ary, 2005:218). Concerning one of cooperative learning strategy that it with the kinds of tests divide tests into would create good cooperative writing. several types: (1) personality test (2) aptitude test (3) intelligence test (4) RESEARCH METHOD In this study, the researcher chooses attitude test measures of (5) projective interest test test (6) and (7) quantitative research which focuses on achievement test. In this study, the experimental method. According to Ary researcher chooses achievement test to (2005:325) there are four designs in measure the students‟ achievement in experimental namely 1) pre-experimental writing by using pretest and posttest. design, 2) true-experimental design,design 3) quasy experimental design, 4) factorial In this test method, the researcher uses t-test formula to measure the 54 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP significant difference between pretest and No Student’s Code Pre Test Post Test posttest one group design. So the formula 10 Student 10 55 54 of t-test is: 11 Student 11 44 53 12 Student 12 48 48 13 Student 13 50 49 14 Student 14 71 48 15 Student 15 47 54 16 Student 16 47 62 17 Student 17 72 97 18 Student 18 80 78 Md t X 2 d N ( N 1) Where: t = test of significant 19 Student 19 48 65 Md = mean score of difference 20 Student 20 52 63 pretest 21 Student 21 98 99 22 Student 22 55 62 23 Student 23 47 71 24 Student 24 54 56 25 Student 25 45 64 26 Student 26 50 66 27 Student 27 66 80 28 Student 28 60 56 29 Student 29 83 88 30 Student 30 91 57 31 Student 31 45 62 32 Student 32 47 68 33 Student 33 55 49 34 Student 34 57 50 35 Student 35 60 75 36 Student 36 90 91 37 Student 37 48 56 2126 2440 xd and posttest = deviation number of each subject (d – Md) = the sum of squared deviation N = total number of subject of sample d.b. = (N – 1) Adapted from Arikunto (2010:349) FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Result of the study shows that the students‟ tests of eleventh grade students N = 37 of MA Sunan Ampel Kebet Lamongan were very different between pretest and posttest. It can be seen on the table below: After collecting the data, the researcher processed the data. The total of No Student’s Code Pre Test Post Test students‟ pretest was 2126 and posttest 1 42 69 was 2440. It meant that there was 45 62 3 Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 46 66 4 Student 4 57 68 pretest and posttest. To know the total of 5 Student 5 86 66 gain (d) by counting students‟ posttest is 6 Student 6 47 75 7 Student 7 47 81 minus pretest. Then it was found ∑d= 314. 8 Student 8 46 60 Next, to calculate mean difference could 9 Student 9 45 72 2 significant difference between the students be used formula: 55 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP Md d 314 = 8,486 N 37 Where: Md alternative hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. From the statement above, it is found : mean difference from pre test and post test (post test – that there is significant effectiveness of using cooperative learning strategy to pre test) improve the students‟ writing ability. ∑d : the subject deviation (d) Student N : number of each subject (STAD) method as one of methods in Team Achievement Division Based on the formula of mean cooperative learning strategy can influence difference (Md) above, the researcher got the students‟ achievement in writing score of mean difference with the sum ability to the eleventh grade students of 8,486. And the sum of square deviation MA Sunan Ampel Kebet Lamongan in the (∑X2d) = 7809,243 by counting all square academic year 2012/2013. deviations from all subjects. The result of t-test is 3,505 with the total of respondents 37. It is higher than t table 2,04 at level of significance 0,05 with d.f 36, which NU = d.b (in the table of t-table). CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Based on he result of the study, the researcher can conclude briefly as follows: There is an effectiveness of using Student Team Achievement Division Based on the explanation above, the (STAD) method to improve students‟ researcher concludes that there is an writing ability. It is based on the result of effectiveness of teaching writing by using the test that shows t test is 3,505. It is cooperative learning strategy in Student higher than t table 2,04 at level of Team Achievement Division (STAD) significance 0,05 with d.f 36. It means that method to the eleventh grade students of the alternative hypothesis is accepted and MA Sunan Ampel Kebet Lamongan in the null hypothesis is rejected. academic year 2012/2013. The result of calculation shows that the result of t-test 3,505 is higher than ttable 2,04 at levels of significance 0,05 The researcher gives suggestion relate to the study, as follows: 1. Suggestion for the English teacher with d.f 36. It means that there is an effect The of using Student Team Achievement English teacher to use Student Division (STAD) method to improve the Team researcher suggests Achievement the Division students‟ writing ability. Therefore, the 56 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP (STAD) method in teaching writing because the method can help and motivate students in teaching learning process of REFERENCES Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Ary, Donald, . 2005. Introduction to Research in Education. Seventh Edition. Canada: Thomson. English. 2. Suggestion for students The students can use Student Team Achievement method to Division solve the (STAD) writing problem because the method is used very attractive (there is team work). 3. Suggestion for future researchers This study can be used as reference if the future researchers conduct the study using the similar method. Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Third Edition. USA: Longman. Fachrurrazy. 2012. Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Teachers in Indonesia. Malang: State University of Malang Press. Sanjaya, W. 2011. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media. They are expected to conduct the research on other skills, speaking, listening, and reading. And the future researchers implement it in the different level such as in elementary and junior high schools. Slavin, R. E. 2005. Cooperative Learning: Teori, Riset, dan Praktik. Terjemahan oleh Lita. Bandung: Nusa Media. Wallace. T, . 2004. Teaching Speaking, Listening, and Writing. France: Typhon, Annecy. Weigle, S.C. 2002. Assessing Writing. Cambridge: University Press. 57
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