Campus Address 1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa Postal Address Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1 Northcliff 2115 South Africa Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190 Email: Johannesburg, South Africa– 20 May 2015 African Leadership Academy Celebrates Selection of Candidates for its Educator Program at GSP African Leadership Academy (ALA) is delighted to announce the third cohort of candidates for its Entrepreneurial Leadership Educator Certificate. From nearly 200 applications only 36 have been selected to take advantage of this unique professional development opportunity. As members of the Global Scholars Program (GSP) staff, this diverse cohort of educators from around the world will undertake an intensive 4-week immersion into the theory, practice, and execution of ALA’s unique brand of leadership education and development. Upon successful completion, candidates receive first-level certification for teaching short-course programs with ALA. They will join a growing network of educators from Africa and around the world who are committed to re-thinking educational environments that foster 21st century skills. Directors and Deputy Directors for 2015 Session I: Session II: Session III: Ryan Findley - United States David Tait - South Africa Segun Olagunju - Nigeria Connor Toohill -United States Isaac Tsatsu – Ghana Stacey Jones Lee – United States Professional Educators Ellie Law (University of Rochester) –United States Uzo Agyare-Kumi (ALA) - Nigeria S. Babatunde Vaughan (Genius Royal Academy) – Nigeria Abayomi Sofolahan (Greensprings School) - Nigeria John Igwe (Jumpstart Academy Africa) – Nigeria Eric Kanyiri (Peponi Secondary School) - Kenya Cheryl Matthews-Valery ( Medgar Evers CP School) - USA Webster Magowo (ALA) - Zimbabwe Natacha Mendes (Angolan Leadership School) - Angola Iona Hughan (University of Notre Dame) – USA Raven Tukes (Harvard University) – United States Nekpen Osuan (Columbia University) - Nigeria Iheanyi Akwitti (Supreme Education Foundation School)- Nigeria Felix Tanui (Peponi Secondary School) - Kenya Beatrice Dankyi (University of Ghana) - Ghana Alex Crentsil (Alpha Beta College) - Ghana Charity Tony-Ubah (Oxbridge Tutorial College) - Nigeria Robert Haguma (Akilah Institute) - Rwanda Edith Mathenge (Peponi House Preparatory School) - Kenya Elishibah Msengeti (Bethel Home) – Kenya Chris Brennan (St. Louis Country Day School) – United States Alisha Jean-Denis (three dot dash) – United States Folasade Adefisayo (Leading Learning Limited) - Nigeria ALA Alumni Educators Thato Seerane (ALU) - South Africa Olga Kanyansi (Skidmore College) - Uganda Adil Nyambasha (University of Rochester) - Zimbabwe Nora Oteri (Amherst College) - Kenya Faridah Nalunkuuma (Agnes Scott College ) - Uganda Mhraf Worku (Trinity College) - Ethiopia Tony Kirumba ( ALA ) - Kenya Oumar Ba (UC - Berkeley) - Senegal Natalia Sikombe (John Carroll University) – Zambia Kanizius Nsabimana ( ALA ) - Tanzania Kalliope Kruesman (University of London) - Germany Hayat Seid (NYU Abu-Dhabi) - Ethiopia Nandi Mgwaba (University of Notre Dame) – South Africa Dupe Fasawe (Reed College) – Nigeria African Leadership Academy NPC Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187 Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286 Campus Address 1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa Postal Address Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1 Northcliff 2115 South Africa Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190 Email: About GSP The Global Scholars Program at African Leadership Academy (GSP) is a 3-week leadership development program for teenagers aged 15 to 19 from all over the world led by ALA’s renowned Entrepreneurial Leadership faculty, Alumni and Educators from diverse professional backgrounds. It is an unparalleled opportunity for young people to learn and develop the entrepreneurship and leadership skills needed to become global agents of positive change, understand more about Africa and build powerful international connections. GSP participants have come from over 30 different countries across the globe and historical average geographic representation has been 30% from the Americas, 20% from Europe, 40% from Africa. They have gone on to leadership roles in their schools and to gain admission into leading colleges. Further details about GSP can be found via: Email: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Phone: +27 11 699 3000 (ext 3087) About African Leadership Academy African Leadership Academy (ALA) seeks to transform Africa by developing a powerful network of entrepreneurial leaders who will work together to achieve extraordinary social impact. Each year, ALA brings together the most promising young leaders from all 54 African nations for a pre-university program in South Africa with a focus on leadership, entrepreneurship, and African studies. ALA continues to cultivate these leaders throughout their lives, in university and beyond, by providing ongoing leadership and entrepreneurial training and connecting them to highimpact networks of people and capital that can catalyse large-scale change. For more information, visit Should you write an article using this press release, African Leadership Academy would like to archive and share the article. Please email any articles to African Leadership Academy NPC Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187 Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
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