Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie
Société Suisse d’Economie et de Sociologie rurales
Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture
Information and Guidelines for Authors
Description of the Journal ....................................................................................................................... 1
Legal issues .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Review process ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Preparation of Articles ............................................................................................................................ 3
Submission Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 6
Description of the Journal
The Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture is edited by the Swiss Society for Agricultural
Economics and Sociology. It is a peer reviewed online journal in which both theoretical and
empirical economic and sociological scientific contributions are published. The journal is
furthermore designed to fill a gap between journals about Agricultural Economics and
journals about Agricultural Sociology. It is devoted to the advancement of socio-economics
and deals with the analytical, political and moral questions arising at the interface between
economy and society in agriculture and rural areas. Articles in the Journal of SocioEconomics in Agriculture explore how the rural economy is, or should be, governed by social
relations, institutional rules, political decisions, and cultural values and vice versa. They also
consider how the agricultural sector affects the society of which it is part; for example by
breaking up old institutional forms and giving rise to new ones. Papers will be considered
regardless of whether they are theoretical or empirical in nature and whether they use
quantitative or qualitative methods.
The Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture will consider primary research articles and
research reviews on the following topics:
Agricultural and Food Policy
Agri-Environmental Measures
Climate Change
Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental and Resource Economics
Farm Economics
General and partial equilibrium models
Linear and non-linear Programming Models
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture - Information and Guidelines for Authors
Rural sociology
Legal issues
In 2014/2015, the former Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture was re-launched as the
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture. The Yearbook was a printed journal in which the
copyright of the articles was transferred to the Swiss Society of Agricultural Economics and
Rural Sociology as the publisher of the Yearbook. As the journal has been published online
and open-access since the re-launch, the author retains the copyright as long as they give
proper credit to the article that has been published in the Journal of Socio-Economics in
Agriculture. The author(s) grants publishing and distribution rights to the Journal of SocioEconomics in Agriculture.
Authors’ liability
It is the obligation of the author(s) to ensure that written works are entirely original. If formerly
published work is used, it must be cited or quoted appropriately. All authors who have
contributed significantly to the conception, design, conduction or interpretation of the study
must be listed as co-authors. Persons who have participated in other aspects should be
acknowledged. The corresponding author must ensure that the final version of the article has
been approved by all co-authors. Authors need to maintain the data sets on which the article
is based for at least 5 year, so that interested persons can reproduce the analysis.
It is not permitted for authors to seek publication in other journals, books, etc of contents that
have been published in the Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture. Submitting the same
article to other journals concurrently is considered to be unethical publishing behaviour.
Potential conflicts of interested must be disclosed to the Journal of Socio-Economics in
Agriculture when submitting a manuscript.
Users’ rights
Similar to the creative commons licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, users have the right to read,
print and download the article; to use and analyse the text and data in the article if it is
properly cited; and to translate the article. However, contrary to CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, it is not
permitted to redistribute or republish to article on other websites or online repositories.
Furthermore, selling and re-using the article for commercial purposes is also prohibited.
The Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture accepts English, German and French articles
for publication. English articles can either be in British or American English but have to be
Review process
Articles should be submitted to the editor-in-chief by email to the following address:
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture - Information and Guidelines for Authors
Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial board for general eligibility for
publication in the Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture. This decision will usually be
made within a week. The corresponding author(s) will receive an email message when the
manuscript has been sent to reviewers. Two scientists will be asked to review the manuscript
in a double-blind procedure. In cases in which the opinions of the reviewers deviate from
each other, a third reviewer may be asked to review the manuscript.
Once an article has been accepted for publication, the Journal of Socio-Economics in
Agriculture will be responsible for formatting and layout, while authors have the obligation to
check the printing proof for errors.
Unlike in most other scientific online open-access journals, the publication in the Journal of
Socio-Economics in Agriculture is currently free of charge.
Preparation of Articles
The maximal length for both a primary research article or research review is 10,000 words
for the total text: including abstract, references, tables, charts etc.
The articles must be submitted in common word processing software. Ideally, authors should
use the template provided on
Formatting and layout should be kept as simple as possible, as all formatting codes will be
removed and replaced upon processing the article. However, authors may use bold face,
italics, subscripts, superscripts etc. Use a layout with a single-column format only.
Lines should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. Use double line
Make use of the 'spell-check' and 'grammar-check' functions of your word processor. Non
native-speakers are strongly encouraged to let their manuscript be proof-read or edited by a
native speaker.
Information on the title page
The Title must be concise and informative: no longer than 100 signs including spaces.
Provide the first and family names of all authors and the complete postal addresses of their
affiliations including phone number (with country and area code) and e-mail address. Clearly
indicate who, is the corresponding author.
The text of the article must be preceded by an Abstract. The abstract should be concise and
factual and no longer than 300 words. It should state the purpose of the research, the
principal results and major conclusions. As abstracts are often presented separately from
articles, they must be able to stand alone. Please provide the Abstract in English; even if the
article is written in German or French. Abstracts of accepted articles will be printed in the
yearbook of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Sociology “Agrarwirtschaft und
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture - Information and Guidelines for Authors
Agrarsoziologie, Economie et Sociologie Rurales” for increasing the readership and visibility
of the papers.
Keywords: For indexing purposes, please provide a maximum of 6 keywords, using British
or American English spelling and avoiding general and plural terms. Only use established
abbreviations. The keywords should be in English; even if the article is written in German or
JEL classifications: indicate the appropriate JEL classification(s): see
Acknowledgements: Please include the acknowledgements on the title page in a way that
does not disclose the authors’ identity. Individuals who provided help during the research,
writing or proof reading of the article may be listed in a separate section at the end of the
Structure of the manuscript
Divide the article into clearly defined and numbered sections with brief headings.
Subsections should be numbered; for example 1.1, 1.2 and 1.1.1, 1.1.2, if a third level is
used. The abstract, the acknowledgements and the references should not be included in
section numbering. Please ensure that the names of the authors cannot be traced back by
deleting your name in the file properties and including the acknowledgements in a separate
title page file.
To ease the review process, please include a copy of each figure and table in the manuscript
at the location within the main structure of the manuscript (not at the end of the text).
Additionally, Tables and figures should also be submitted in separate files (below)
Please use the following standard structure for your manuscript. deviations from this
structure are possible but such deviations must be justified:
In the Introduction explain the scientific relevance of your work, the current research gap
and how your article intends to close the gap. Clearly state the objectives of the work. Avoid
a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
Materials and Methods should explain clearly how you conducted the study in order to allow
reviewers to evaluate your work and permit others to replicate your study
The Results provided in the Results section should be clear and concise. The Results
section may be combined with the Discussion section.
The Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work; not repeat them.
Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section. The
Conclusions section may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and
Discussion section.
If there is more than one Appendix, the appendices should be identified as A, B, etc.
Formulae and equations in appendices should be given separate numbering: Eq. (A.1), Eq.
(A.2), etc.; in a subsequent appendix, Eq. (B.1) and so on. Similarly for tables and figures:
Table A.1; Fig. A.1, etc.
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture - Information and Guidelines for Authors
For generating the reference list, we recommend to use Endnote or similar software. You can
find the Endnote style at We use the same reference
style as the European Review of Agricultural Economics (examples below taken from
Book Swinnen, J. F. M. (ed.) (1997). Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Central and
Eastern Europe. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Article in a book Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. (1997). Dynamics in consumer behaviour with
respect to agricultural and food products. In Wieringa, B., Tilburg, A. van, Grunert, K.,
Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. and Wedel, M. (eds), Agricultural Marketing and Consumer
Behaviour in a Changing World. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 143-188.
Article in a journal Monier-Dilhan, S. and Ossard, H. (1998). Producers' loss due to
asymmetric information: An application to a specific case. European Review of Agricultural
Economics 25: 155-169.
Dissertations, reports, conference papers Zeller, M., Schrieder, G., Braun, J. von and
Heidhues, F. (1997). Rural Finance for Food Security for the Poor: Implications for Research
and Policy. Food Policy Review 4, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Washington DC: IFPRI.
Mathematical formulae: Present simple formulae in the line of normal text where possible
and use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms, e.g., X/Y. For
complicated formulae we recommend using the word equation editor. In principle, variables
are to be presented in italics. Number consecutively any equations that have to be displayed
separately from the text (if referred to explicitly in the text).
Footnotes should be avoided if possible. If they must be used, please number them
consecutively throughout the article, using superscript Arabic numbers. The footnotes may
be built into the text or listed at the end of the article. Table footnotes should be placed
beneath the table.
For tables, please use a grid with separate cells for each row and column. Do not use line
breaks within the cells. If you do not use a grid, use single tabs, not spaces, to align columns.
Tables must be submitted in an editable format such as Word or Excel; if necessary as
separate files.
Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing in graphs and figures. Preferably use the
following fonts: Arial, Times New Roman and/or Symbol. Size the artwork close to the
desired dimensions of the printed version.
Submit each artwork as a separate file. If you use a Microsoft Office application (Word,
PowerPoint, Excel) then supply the illustrations in their native document format. Regardless
of the application used (with exception of Microsoft Office) supply artwork in eps-format or
tiff-format with at least 300 dpi. For good reproduction make sure that the artwork does not
exceed the size of 100% in the layout with 150 or 300 dpi. Further information on the
requirements for graphs for publication is available at
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture - Information and Guidelines for Authors
Please do not supply files in the GIF-, BMP-, PICT-, WPG-formats, as they are too low in
Provide captions to figures as part of the main manuscript files.
Layout and style
Place tables and artwork near the reference in the text. Number the tables and the artwork
consecutively according to their sequence in the text. Use an initial capital only in column
headings in tables.
Include a translation of all foreign words and acronyms: in parentheses at their first
Submission Checklist
Please attach the following files when submitting an article to JSAgr:
Letter to the editor (preferably as .docx)
Title page (preferably as .docx)
Anonymised manuscript file (preferably as .docx)
Tables (preferably as word-tables in separate .docx files)
figures as separate files (preferably as .tif or .eps, details see above)
If relevant: Supplementary information, e.g. datasets or further explanations (any
commonly used format)