CABINET APPLICATION NORTHEAST STATE 2015 – 2016 Table of Contents Application Checklist…………………………………………………………………1 Common Application…………………………………………………………………2 Letter from the Governor……………………………………………………………..3 Northeast State Application Supplement….………………………………….………4 (Gubernatorial Cabinet – pages 49) (Lieutenant Gubernatorial Cabinet – pages 1014) Empire Constitution Region Application Supplement………………………………15 New England Region Application Supplement……………………………………..19 Application Checklist ☐Complete the “Common Application” ☐Complete essay question and sample work for your first choice position only ☐Your completed application must be emailed to by July 15th ☐In addition please mail your applications to: The Junior State of America NES Cabinet Application 1411 K Street NW, Suite 200 Washington D.C. 20005 1 Common Application All applicants must fill out the following supplement. Name __________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ____________________________ State ______________________ Zip _______________ Home Phone ____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Email _____________________________________ Year of Graduation ____________ Please attach a photograph of yourself. Responses to the following should be typed on a separate page. 1. What has been your past JSA involvement? What has been the most defining moment in your JSA career thus far? 2. What makes you unique in what you have to offer the JSA cabinet? How will your personal attributes and work ethic contribute to your department, and to the cohesion of cabinet as a whole? What past leadership experiences and qualities most prepare you for a role on NES cabinet? 3. What were our weaknesses as a State this year? Explain the issues and provide ways to avoid these problems in the future. Feel free to include potential cabinet positions or programs that would improve the NES in your response. 4. You are sitting on a plane next to a teenager watching ‘House of Cards’ on their laptop. You have five minutes. How would you convince this individual to start a JSA chapter? Once you have completed these questions to the best of your ability, please read through all of the available positions carefully, making sure to list your top four choices below as you choose between the positions. The NES positions are available to all members of the Northeast Junior State. The availability of ECR and NER positions depends on where in the NES you reside. Please read the introduction to each application supplement carefully before you begin. You are only required to do the application supplement for your top choice position. Showcase your best work and be sure to have fun and let your creativity and dedication be visible through the quality of work you present. Candidates for certain positions may be asked to complete a phone interview with an elected official. Please make note in your application if you will be unable to participate in an interview between July 15th and August 1st. Desired positions (in order of preference) – please indicate State or Regional 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ 2 Letter from the Governor My Fellow Northeast JSAers, It is with great excitement that I present the 20152016 Northeast State Cabinet Application! The NES has enjoyed one of the most successful years in recent history, growing in size and energy, and I have no doubt that the upcoming year will be even more extraordinary. I look forward to smashing attendance records, reenergizing debates, and running the most wellorganized conventions in the nation with the best the NES has to offer. We need passionate, engaged statesmen, and there is no better time to get involved in JSA than right now. Trying to summarize my experience on cabinet is nearly impossible. Suffice it to say, I cannot imagine high school without it. On cabinet, I met some of the most incredible friends in the world, and together, we made countless memories. From rap battles to late night tangents about the meaning of life to coordinated outfits for JSA dances, cabinet is quirky and truly wonderful. My hope for this year is that we can create a welcoming and fun community of JSAers dedicated to growing this state and supporting one another along the way. Show me that you can be a team player, and I’ll be very grateful. There is truly something for everyone on cabinet, which is why I encourage all of you to apply. Personal connections will not affect who I or the other elected officials select for cabinet hard work and dedication will. Some of you might have a clear idea of what you want to do, be it coding a website or writing brilliant debates. If you’re undecided, don’t worry! Read each job description carefully and consider how much time you want to commit to JSA and where your personal strengths lie. Please be aware that cabinet is a serious, yearlong commitment. We will kick off the year with a MANDATORY cabinet retreat from August 2223. All applicants are expected to be in attendance if selected, and are also expected to be present at all overnight conventions and their region’s one day conferences. Please contact me if there is a scheduling conflict. Whether you’re a rising senior or sophomore, from the largest chapter in the NES or the smallest, I implore you to take a chance and apply. It sounds cliché, but cabinet can be lifechanging. I’m so hyped for a funfilled, recordbreaking, and memorable year, and I invite you all to come along for the ride. NES, Let’s Go, Most Sincerely, Jenna Wong Northeast Governor 3 Northeast State (NES) Application Supplement The NES Cabinet is broken down into two groups: Gubernatorial, which deals with conventions and communications, and Lieutenant Gubernatorial, which deals with legislative affairs, expansion, and the newsletters. Gubernatorial Cabinet The Gubernatorial Cabinet is responsible for planning several overnight conventions in Boston, Washington, D.C. and Providence as well as ensuring the smooth operation of all activities within the boundaries of the Northeast State. You may apply to this cabinet if you reside in MA, ME, NH, VT, RI, NY, or CT. Executive Staff Chief of Staff The Northeast State Chief of Staff plays one of the largest roles on cabinet and is vital for maintaining its success. They are the goto person for any issues that the Governor cannot handle, and should be ready to take on any of an assortment of roles and assignments that they will likely be given throughout the year. The Chief of Staff will be a leader on cabinet, enforcing deadlines and working with all other cabinet members to complete assignments. The Chief of Staff must feel comfortable working with all aspects of NES cabinet. The Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, along with the Lieutenant Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, is in charge of organizing and reporting all of the Chapter President calls he or she will place alongside the elected officials. Thus, the Chief of Staff will need to work very closely with all the Elected Officials and Lieutenant Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, as well as Chapter Presidents across the state in order to facilitate communication from the state level to the chapter level. The Chief of Staff must be reliable, as well as knowledgeable about all aspects of the Northeast State. Previous NES cabinet experience is required to be considered. Essay: What past leadership have you shown that you believe qualifies you to help lead the state? What characteristics of your personality best illustrate your capabilities, reliability, and potential to be a great Chief of Staff? What is your vision for cabinet next year? How do you believe that you will be able to effectively work with all Elected Officials and other cabinet members throughout the year? What advice would you like to offer to the Governor for the coming year? What communication skills do you believe prepare you to effectively communicate with Chapter Presidents across the state? How do you plan to run the Chapter President contact scheme next year? How do you plan on creating a supportive community within cabinet and the Northeast State? Sample Work: Create a deadline list for all aspects of the convention team prior to Fall State. Be sure to include what cabinet members would need to do and when it would need to be in by. Include, but do not necessarily limit your answer to the follow positions: Convention Coordinator, Executive Director of Debate, Directors of Debate, Director of Logistics, and Director of Activities. In addition, create a brief email that you would send to a cabinet member that the Governor has told you to address for being disruptive in debates and inappropriate at conventions. Finally, a Chapter President you are assigned to contact has been completely unresponsive to all calls and emails for the past month and there are no contacts from that individual’s school to disseminate information to. How will you resolve the situation and reestablish communication with the chapter? 4 Communications Department Director of Communications *Two Directors may be appointed The Director of Communications will have the responsibility of informing JSAers across the state about upcoming events in both the state and the region. The Director will be in charge of operating and managing multiple social media accounts as well as the state’s Facebook events for all conventions and conferences. The Director will also be responsible for disseminating valuable information about conventions and conferences, various upcoming deadlines, and updates on goals accomplished by this year’s cabinet through monthly email newsletters. Furthermore, this position will also play a crucial role in the Chapter President contact scheme, as they will work with the Elected Officials and Chiefs of Staff to contact Chapter Presidents across the state and inform them of all happenings in JSA, as well as field any questions that they might offer up. The Director of Communications will also serve as the head of the Communications Department, leading initiatives in communications, technology and public relations. They will serve as a leader on all of cabinet as well, working to inform its members and promote cohesiveness between various departments, ultimately leading to a stronger, more robust Northeast State. Essay: What do you believe is the most important trait for the Director of Communications to have? Why? How have you shown that you have demonstrated this trait? How will you work with the Directors of Technology, Public Relations, and Media Productions to enhance the public appearance of the state? What steps will you take to send out an engaging and informative email newsletter? How will you expand and utilize the NES Texting Service? How will you communicate the needs of the average JSAer to the Northeast State Cabinet? Sample Work: Please submit a sample newsletter that you would send out to Chapter Presidents and JSAers in the fall, regarding upcoming conferences, recent happenings, and the first convention of the year, Fall State. Include information about debate signups, tax paying, registration deadlines, etc. Additionally, please submit a call log demonstrating how you would want the first call of a year to go with a Chapter President. Finally, a chapter president from a small school is having difficulty registering for Winter Congress on MyJSA. Please submit a detailed list of instructions on the registration and bill writing process. Director of Technology The Director of Technology will be in charge of all technological affairs across the state, including running all Google forms, documents, and spreadsheets throughout the year and updating the website. The Director of Technology will also work closely with the Director of Communications to disseminate information to the JSA public. The Director of Technology should to be extremely well versed in HTML script and be able to successfully operate the Northeast JSA website ( They will need to have sufficient knowledge of how to operate and update Wordpress websites, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheets. This year, the Director of Technology also will be involved in a national initiative of developing a smartphone application for conventions, and therefore must possess at least a basic knowledge of these mediums. Most importantly, they should attempt to introduce new technology into the Northeast in this everadvancing world, so that we as a state can adapt to whatever will make our operations more efficient. Essay: What experience do you have with technology and coding? What changes would you bring about to the Northeast website and to the way that the Northeast State uses technology? How do you believe that we can effectively change technology to better the JSA experience for all delegates? What new technology would you implement next year? What quality do you believe best suits you to serve as the Director of Technology? Sample Work: Please list the steps and code necessary to recreate a page of your choosing currently on the Northeast website. It can be the home page, the cabinet profiles, an event page, etc. Use this as an opportunity to display your technology skills and understanding of Wordpress. Additionally, please attach any other work you may have completed with technology other than JSA, including other websites you have run. 5 Director of Public Relations The Director of Public Relations is mainly tasked with releasing press releases concerning updates and events, making the state’s public appearance more attractive to prospective JSAers, and finding guest speakers for conventions throughout the year. The Director must be able to find new ways to spread the word about JSA, whether it be to media outlets or students across the Northeast. The guest speakers chosen for conventions need to be engaging and know their audience, so that the delegates in attendance leave the speeches motivated and excited. Next year, the Northeast will be looking for both fascinating and bigname speakers. We need someone who is exciting to listen to, but can also garner interest for each convention. Essay: How you would go about acquiring speakers? In the past, which speakers have been the most effective for you? How would you, in detail, bring JSA into the eyes of the media and students across the Northeast? How will you work with the Communications Department and Publicity Directors of both regions to effectively spread the word about JSA, as well as disseminate information about upcoming events and available opportunities? What strategies can be implemented to make the state’s social media presence more interesting or attractive? What skills or traits will make you a unique and successful Director of Public Relations? Sample Work: List ten attainable speakers you think would meet the criteria of being either excellent orators or notable individuals. Business leaders, journalists, poets, athletes, exconvicts, go wild! Explain briefly what would make them so intriguing and why you think they would be a good fit for the Northeast. Write a letter to a potential speaker inviting them to speak at Fall State. Explain JSA's mission and be sure to clarify exactly why their time would be well spent speaking to JSA delegates. Finally, devise and summarize a strategy to help a chapter receive coverage in their local news outlets. Director of Media Productions The Director of Media Productions is mainly tasked with coordinating a team of photographers at all state and regional events to ensure that high quality and engaging photos can be used for publicity as well as for the personal use of delegates. They will also be asked to create event Facebook cover photos and creative flyers for chapters. In addition, the Director of Media Productions will be asked to produce promotional videos to build enthusiasm for conventions. A good Director should be able to organize photographers to go to multiple debate rooms per block, have a professional quality camera, and of course, write hilarious (but appropriate) captions for photos. Essay: What are your overall goals for this position, if you are selected? What experiences do you have with technology that make you qualified for this position? Please detail your expertise in Photoshop, Google Drive (spreadsheets/words/forms), video/graphic design and photography. List any equipment that you have access to and can use for cabinet work (DSLR camera, Microsoft Office suite or equivalent, reliable laptop, etc.). How do you plan on leading a team of photographers at overnight conventions and one day conferences? How can we improve the overall quality of media in the NES? Sample Work: Send at least ten photos of your previous work, with a particular emphasis on action shots and pictures of people. In addition, make a sample cover picture (dimensions are 851px wide by 315px high) for Fall State 2015, which is from November 1415 at the Westin Boston Waterfront, incorporating the theme “Opportunity and Obstacles: Fulfilling the American Dream.” 6 Convention Staff Convention Coordinator* *An assistant/CoCoordinator to this position will be appointed. The Convention Coordinator is one of the most important members of Gubernatorial Cabinet, as they are in charge of planning all conventions, including making the agendas and working throughout the convention to make sure that it runs smoothly. They need to be prepared to deal with any crises that may arise at conventions, and be prepared to work diligently throughout the entire year to make sure that the Northeast State convention agendas remain the best in the nation. At conventions, the Convention Coordinator must be able to work under stress to deal with any unforeseen circumstances, and at Winter Congress they must be able to make a second agenda in a single night, so efficiency is key. Photoshop skills are preferred, but not required. The Convention Coordinator must, however, have extensive knowledge of Microsoft Word and be able to easily make agendas from templates and from scratch on Word. Finally, the Convention Coordinator should have political knowledge, top notch communication skills, and excellent grammar and proofreading skills, to make sure that there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes within the agenda. The Convention Coordinator must be willing to put in hour after hour throughout the year to ensure that the Northeast exceeds the high standards set for conventions in the past. Essay: What changes would you make to the agenda in the coming year to make it more reader friendly? Why do you believe that these changes would be beneficial to the agenda? What do you think draws so many delegates to JSA conventions? What innovative activities or technology can be introduced to conventions in general? What do you believe qualifies you the most to run these conventions? What do you believe the most important qualities of the Convention Coordinator are? How will you make sure that all work for conventions is completed on time and is of the highest quality for conventions? Sample Work: Please submit an original design for the Fall State Agenda, including a cover page, agenda at a glance, and the body of the agenda. Incorporate the Fall State theme of “Opportunity and Obstacles: Fulfilling the American Dream.” Also include sample blurbs, resolutions and any changes you think would improve the agenda. Do not feel the need to write debates for every block, but the agenda should clearly showcase all agendamaking abilities that you hold. Also, please respond to the following crisis scenario: The Fall State convention begins, and you learn that the Grand Ballroom cannot fit all delegates for opening session and that the hotel doublebooked 2 of the debate rooms. The Grand Ballroom is at maximum capacity and the remaining rooms for first block do not appear to have enough chairs to seat all the attendees that would have been coming from other debates. How would you ensure that everyone will be able to view opening session and that all debates are carried out? Executive Director of Debate The Executive Director of Debate will be in charge of organizing all debates and debate related activities at the three conventions throughout the year. They will also lead Bill Team at Winter Congress, which will be in charge of editing bills and ensuring that committees at Winter Congress run smoothly. The Director must be extremely wellversed politically, and must have strong grammar and proofreading skills to make sure that all blurbs and debates are well written. If there is a missing resolution, a debate that does not have a speaker assigned, a missing blurb, or poorly written resolutions or blurbs, it will be the Director of Debate’s job to resolve these problems. The Director of Debate should also be creative, making sure that new debate topics and formats are introduced into the Northeast State to engage delegates at conventions. They must also be diligent and fair, as they will need to spend hours prior to conventions editing resolutions, picking main speakers for conventions, editing blurbs, and ensuring equal representation of chapters across debates at all conventions. The Director of Debate will work closely with the Convention Coordinator and Governor to make sure that all debate blocks at conventions run smoothly, and that best speaker awards are awarded fairly and efficiently. Essay: How will you make sure that debates vary across a wide spectrum of experience and that all delegates at conventions are engaged in the resolutions? What makes you the best candidate for the Director of Debate? What experience do you have in politics that exemplifies your political breadth of knowledge? What new debate formats would you try to introduce into the Northeast in the coming year? What topics do you think will be most engaging for convention attendees? Finally, what qualities do you possess that would help you delegate responsibilities and effectively run the debate department while presiding over multiple assistants? 7 Sample Work: Incorporating the Fall State theme of “Opportunity and Obstacles: Fulfilling the American Dream”, please submit 30 resolutions and 10 thought talks. Please provide blurbs for five of the resolutions, and five of the thought talks. Make sure to be creative with both the resolutions and the thought talks, so that they cover a wide range of issues, vary in format (Tag Team, Speed Chess, etc.), and also have different difficulty levels; some geared more towards novices and others geared more towards experienced debaters. Indicate which debates would be novice debates, and if you introduce any new debate formats in your list, make sure to explain them thoroughly. In addition, respond to the following crisis scenario with a brief but detailed solution: a debate has escalated into a shouting match and the room is out of control. How will you restore order and get the debate back on track? Director of Debate* *multiple Directors will be appointed. The Directors of Debate will work with the Executive Director of Debate to organize all debates and debate related activities at the three conventions throughout the year. They will also work on Bill Team at Winter Congress, by editing bills and ensuring that committees at Winter Congress run smoothly. The Directors of Debate much be extremely wellversed politically, and must have strong grammar and proofreading skills to make sure that all blurbs and debates are well written. If there is a missing resolution, a debate that does not have a speaker assigned, a missing blurb, or poorly written resolutions or blurbs, the Directors will aid in resolving the issue. The Directors of Debate should also be creative, making sure that new debate topics and formats are introduced into the Northeast State to engage delegates at conventions. Essay: How will you make sure that debates vary across a wide spectrum of experience and that all delegates at conventions are engaged in the resolutions? What makes you the best candidate to be a Director of Debate? What experience do you have in politics that exemplifies your political breadth of knowledge? What new debate formats would you try to introduce into the Northeast in the coming year? How would these work? Sample Work: Incorporating the Fall State theme of “Opportunity and Obstacles: Fulfilling the American Dream”, please submit 20 resolutions and 10 thought talks. Please provide blurbs for five of the resolutions, and five of the thought talks. Make sure to be creative with both the resolutions and the thought talks, so that they cover a wide range of issues and also have different difficulty levels; some geared more towards novices and others geared more towards experienced debaters. Indicate which debates would be novice debates, and if you introduce any new debate formats in your list, make sure to explain them thoroughly. Director of Logistics* *Two CoDirectors may be appointed. The Director of Logistics has the responsibility of making sure that every Northeast State convention runs smoothly and there are no logistical gaffes or issues. They will lead a team of logistics agents at every convention, volunteers who want to get more involved in the running of the state. The Director is also in charge of organizing transportation for all chapters that request assistance, as well as working with the hotel and local restaurants to organize food options for convention attendees. They will be in charge of mediating any logistical issues that arise, and be given assorted roles throughout the convention to maintain order and fluid transitions between blocks and activities in the convention. They must be organized and responsible, as they will be given many of the most important duties at conventions. Before conventions, they will need to prepare extensively to make sure that any potential logistical issues are dealt with before they come to fruition, and that all delegates are informed of all happenings at the convention. They will need to deal with luggage security, fluid transitions to and from meals at conventions, and be on call to respond immediately to any other issues, including locked rooms, lost delegates, or a general lack of organization in a certain area of the convention. Essay: What personal qualities and experiences do you possess that best prepare you to be the Director of Logistics? What do you see as the role of the Director of Logistics in convention logistics? How will you work with Chapter Presidents to organize cheap transportation to and from conventions? What opportunities will you provide to average JSAers to get involved as logistics agents? What were three logistical issues that you saw at conventions this past year? How would you solve them as Director of Logistics in the coming year? 8 Sample Work: List reasonable bus quotes to the hotel from a 30person chapter in Manhattan, a 50person chapter in southwestern Connecticut, and a 10person chapter in northern Vermont. Please provide the quotes sent to you by the bus company. Create a Google Form for the average JSAer to signup as a logistics agent at Fall State. Finally, please respond to the following crisis scenario: A chapter in New York calls you the day before Fall State claiming that the bus they were supposed to take cancelled on them, and now they have no available method of transportation to the convention. How will you get the chapter to Fall State as efficiently and affordably as possible? Director of Activities The Director of Activities is in charge of all nondebate activities at conventions, including dances, quiz bowls, any movies shown in evenings, and any other new activities that the Director creates. Also, they will be in charge of running activities blocks during conventions and ensuring that those blocks run smoothly. They must be extremely organized and be able to effectively plan out all of their activities in advance, so that no logistical issues arise from the activities. Finally, it is crucial that the Director of Activities is innovative and engaging, so that delegates enjoy all activities at conventions. Essay: What do you think JSA delegates look for in activities? How do you believe that you will be able to deliver what they want in the activities you create and organize? How will you ensure that all activities run in an organized manner? How will you attract JSAers to attend all available activities? Sample Work: For a mock activities block, organize a list of activities along with descriptions of how each work that could be published in the agenda. Be sure to include new activities, as well as ones that have been included in the agenda in past years. Make sure to explain how they would operate and why you think they would be engaging for JSAers not interested in the dance. Secondly, please respond to the following crisis scenario: one of the rooms where you were supposed to hold an activity is locked, while both musical chairs debates are missing speakers for the music. How will you ensure that the all activities go on as planned and with all necessary equipment? 9 Letter from the Lieutenant Governor Greetings Northeast State, I am so delighted to be presenting you with the cabinet application for the 20152016 year! I do not know where to begin. With all honesty, I can say that applying for cabinet was the best decision that I made in my high school career. JSA is so incredible because it is completely student run, and being on cabinet gives you the opportunity to see the intricacies of such an amazing organization. Not only are you one of the students who makes the wonderful events happen, you are also given the opportunity to be a leader, watch your work pay off, and meet truly outstanding people in the process. Being on cabinet gave me the opportunity I wanted to help improve JSA and do work that I really care about. When you are on cabinet not only will you help JSA, JSA will also help you. I know that the application may seem daunting, but in the words of Ginny Weasley, “You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” I know that if you are reading this you care deeply about JSA and would love to be able to contribute more. I urge you to have the nerve to apply. Getting a position on cabinet is competitive, but that does not mean it is impossible. We are looking for people who are willing to dedicate their time and effort to improving the Northeast. I know you are more than capable! If you think that JSA is all about writing debates and making agendas and that is not for you, know that there is more than likely something for you. The Lieutenant Governor’s cabinet may be just that place. I like to think that the work of the Lieutenant Governor’s cabinet is the behind the scenes work that makes JSA special. Whether you love activism, fundraising, newspaper editing, or expanding the state, there is something for you! When you are reading through this application, think about what you love and how you could bring this passion to a role on cabinet. I really hope to find a diverse cabinet of students who really care about the positions that they are appointed to. If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, or would like to talk to me about anything, please do not hesitate to reach out! I look forward to reading all of your applications and cannot wait for a fantastic year! Warmest regards, Abi MummeMonheit Northeast Lieutenant Governor 10 Lieutenant Gubernatorial Cabinet While Gubernatorial cabinet works specifically with conventions, Lieutenant Gubernatorial Cabinet is responsible for the “behind the scenes” aspects of the Northeast State, including activism, fundraising, the Joint Council of Chapter Presidents (JCOCP), The Patriot, and expansion. Lieutenant Gubernatorial Cabinet embodies the ideal that the Junior State does not just revolve around debate, but rather includes social networking, the public, and community service. You may apply to this cabinet if you reside in MA, NH, VT, RI, NY, CT, or ME. Lieutenant Governor’s Chief of Staff The Lieutenant Governor’s Chief of Staff will work closely with the Lt. Governor to run and monitor the cabinet, organize all information, and aid individual directors and agents with their work throughout the year. The LTG Chief of Staff must check in with cabinet members on a weekly basis to ensure that they are all on task, motivated, and working hard. If a cabinet member is not on task, the Chief of Staff must be willing to confront them and make sure they get back on track. The LTG Chief of Staff will also serve as Secretary of the JCOCP, where they will be in charge of recording minutes for the triannual meetings. Finally, the LTG Chief of Staff will work with the Gubernatorial Chief of Staff to organize the Chapter President contact scheme for next year. In this capacity, they must make weekly calls to their group of chapter presidents, make sure they have all the resources they need and to update a spreadsheet with a summary of how their chapters are doing. For this position, the Chief of Staff must be willing to ensure that all cabinet members are engaged and involved in their work, and that each member has enough work to better the Northeast. There's always something to be done, and the LTG Chief of Staff must help get it done efficiently and successfully. While not required, previous cabinet experience within the Junior State is highly recommended. Essay: Discuss your vision for LTG cabinet in the year to come. What ideas do you have that you'd like to implement along with the several directors on cabinet? Come up with at least one idea for each department on the Lieutenant Governor’s cabinet. What qualities do you think the ideal Chief of Staff should embody, and in what ways do you embody these qualities? In what ways will you work with the Lieutenant Governor to ensure the best for the state? What experience best prepares you to help lead LTG cabinet? What organizational skills do you possess that will make you a successful Chief of Staff? What department on LTG cabinet would you focus on the most in the coming year, and why do you believe that they deserve the most attention? Sample Work: Please prepare a list of deadlines for all LTG cabinet members for the time period between cabinet retreat and Fall State. Make sure to list what each department should be accomplishing by a given set of dates. Choose one idea you have for the year to come, pertaining to any position on LTG cabinet, and go into detail about how you would make it a reality. Explain one way that you would like to facilitate collaboration between departments on LTG cabinet. Finally, assume that a cabinet member is not getting their work done in a timely fashion, and the Lieutenant Governor calls on you to address this cabinet member. Please write a concise and wellworded email to this member politely but forcefully telling them to put in additional effort. Similarly, please write a brief thank you email to a cabinet member who has gone above and beyond, completing tasks thoroughly and exceeding expectations Director of Fundraising & Financial Aid *Two directors may be selected. The Director of Fundraising works to raise money for the Northeast State Scholarship Fund. Whether it be through individual solicitations, organizing fundraisers, or raising awareness about JSA and the Scholarship Fund, a Director of Fundraising must have a strong work ethic and persistence. This is one of the most difficult jobs on cabinet and the person who fills it must be creative and motivated, as innovative strategies must constantly be developed. A Director of Fundraising must have strong communication skills, particularly over the phone, and be enthusiastic and persuasive. Not only will the Director of Fundraising work on fundraising for the state, they will also work with chapters and the regions so that fundraising is going on year round. The attendance of numerous JSAers at overnight conventions is directly in the hands of the Director(s) of Fundraising. This position is a huge responsibility, but it also carries with it a unique opportunity to foster a fair, growing, and inclusive state. Essay: What does JSA mean to you? Why are you qualified to be a Director of Fundraising? Please share three ideas you have for the department and how you would implement them in depth. What would you do to generate as much money as possible this year? What type of personal fundraising contacts do you have that may be utilized to find donors, what kind of 11 donors will you look for? Do you have experience raising money for any cause or program in the past? What are some ways that we can raise money at our overnight conventions, oneday conferences, and in chapters? Sample Work: Please craft an email that you would send to a potential donor in order to request funds. Explain what JSA is and be persuasive in your attempt to garner a contribution. Secondly, please list 5 different groups or personal contacts you would reach out to as a Director of Fundraising. Explain why you think each one would be likely to donate. Create part of a fundraising guide for chapters detailing at least two ways for chapters to raise money. Include information about how chapters can use money they have raised to aid the chapter and the state as a whole. Lastly, go into depth about a way that we can raise money at our overnight conventions that has not been previously done. Explain how you would specifically implement the method. Director of Expansion The Director of Expansion will manage all efforts throughout the Northeast State to expand into new high schools and new locations. They must be willing to work to expand not just in areas that are geographically close to them, but also in areas all across the Northeast State, to ensure that we as a state can fill in all the gaps where chapters do not yet exist. The Director of Expansion should be comfortable speaking over the phone, crafting strong emails, and conveying his or her passion for JSA to others. The Director of Expansion should have experience with creating and growing new chapters whether in an official capacity or not. A Director should be organized, personable, and dedicated, as he/she will have a large number of agents to organize, and will be responsible for initiating equal growth in both regions. The Director is not only responsible for his or her own work, but also for ensuring and encouraging the dedication and hard work of the members of the expansion department. The Director should be prepared to work with other members of cabinet to disseminate information and grow the state in method that prove to be most successful. Finally, the Director of Expansion must be well versed in the intricacies of all chapters across the Northeast and be able to successfully aid chapters in whatever fields they may need support in throughout the year. Essay: What expansion techniques do you plan on using in the coming year, and why do you believe that these would be the most effective? As Director of Expansion, how would you ensure that all expansion agents were motivated and on task? Please identify and explain one new idea you have for the Expansion Department in the coming year that would enable the department to gather new leads or support developing chapters? What do you think the Expansion Team did well and did not do well this past year? How does your personal experience in JSA relate to expansion, and how can/have you use/used your experience to interest others? How do you believe that you would contribute to a more efficient and cohesive expansion team? Sample Work: Please craft a short but informative letter that you would send to school administrations to raise awareness for JSA and promote a chapter at that school. Please create an online form that will enable people to submit the names of contacts that they may have. Screenshot and paste the form into your application. Please write an email that could be sent to a new Teacher Advisor explaining what JSA is and how they can help. Also, assume you are on the phone with an enthusiastic expansion contact who is interested in starting their chapter, but who has encountered a couple of roadblocks. Answer the following questions the expansion contact may have: 1. "My school doesn’t have many students who are politically engaged, but I would like to start a chapter to get students engaged. What should I do to encourage all types of students to come to JSA?" 2. "My school already has a really large Model United Nations, and I think we might have problems building a strong JSA because of that. What should I do?” 3. "I’m having trouble finding a teacher/adviser who is willing to do all the work necessary for JSA. What should I do? 4. "I really want to start a chapter at my school, but our school has no funding remaining for extracurricular activities and there seems to be no other way to fund the club. What should I do?” 5. “My school administration has not been helpful in starting up my chapter and they will not allow any additional clubs. Can I still get involved in JSA and can other kids at my school also get involved if they show interest?” 6. “I have students interested in attending a convention, but the school/our teacher advisor is not very enthusiastic or helpful. How can we get there?” 12 Expansion Agent* *Multiple agents will be selected. Expansion Agents will work under the Director of Expansion to promote new chapter growth across the Northeast State. They must be diligent yet personable, willing to learn, and willing to dedicate time to contacting as many potential Chapter Presidents as their Director sees fit. Agents should also be willing to work in sections of the Northeast not necessarily close to their homes, so that the Expansion Department can approach expansion across the entire state. Expansion Agents must be persistent as oftentimes contacts will not respond to the first email or call. Expansion is often very difficult, but can be one of the most rewarding jobs when a new chapter starts up. An ideal Expansion Agent shines with passion for JSA, has strong communication skills and is comfortable speaking over the phone, has a developed knowledge of the organization to answer potential JSAers’ questions, possesses creativity, flexibility, friendliness, and patience, and is willing to work hard to improve the Northeast State. Essay: What do you think separates JSA from all other political and speech organizations that are prevalent across the Northeast State? What new ideas do you have that will make expansion more effective and more efficient? How would you deal with expansion contacts that don’t respond to your calls/emails? How do you believe we can successfully expand to the far reaches of the Northeast, such as Cape Cod, upstate New York, and Maine? How do you think we could keep these chapters involved when they are so far away from other chapters? What new perspective do you think you will bring to the expansion department? Sample Work: Please attach a list of three personal contacts at different schools across the Northeast where you think the Expansion Department would be able to start up new chapters. Secondly, assume that either the Lt. Governor or the Director of Expansion contacts you with the phone number and email of a JSA Summer School attendee who is interested in starting a chapter at their high school. Please construct a 500 word email explaining who you are, why JSA is so much fun, and why they should start a chapter. Please keep it interesting, funny, and creative. Lastly, please respond to the following Crisis Scenario: A contact you’ve been working with calls you and says that their TA has quit. The new chapter was planning on attending Fall State but with only 1 month left and no TA, their attendance is in jeopardy. How would you approach the situation? Director of Activism* *Two directors will be selected The role of the Director of Activism will be comprised of two parts: Social and political activism. The Directors of Activism will collaborate to focus on community involvement and raising awareness for an activism cause. The founder of JSA, Professor Ernest Rodgers once said, “We don’t need more highly trained minds, but more highly trained hearts.” The Directors of Activism will be responsible for upholding this important value of true statesmanship. They will also be in charge of choosing an organization that we can raise awareness for at conventions and that will enable JSAers to get involved. CoDirectors of Activism will also work with chapters individually to help them engage in whichever activism causes they choose. They will promote community involvement at a chapter level so that JSAers can set examples of empathy in their own communities. At conventions, we would like to incorporate causes in a handson fashion. Thus, whoever is appointed to this position must also be creative and ready to lead any activities involving social activism. In addition to social activism, the Directors of Activism have the opportunity to fulfill JSA's primary mission – promote civic engagement and political activism. In the year to come, the CoDirectors of Activism will be responsible for inviting political organizations of interest to come to all three conventions in addition to the traditional Political Fair at Winter Congress. The Directors of Activism will work to find internship and job opportunities for JSAers in politics and will also be in charge of helping Chapter Presidents across the state get more politically active in their towns by encouraging their attendance at local political events, helping them organize voter registration drives, and promoting political engagement with specific candidates or parties. Together, as statesmen, we have the opportunity to create immense change, and CoDirectors of Social Activism will lead the initiative to harness that power. Essay: How effective do you think the Northeast State was with Social Activism this past year? How do you expect to get Chapter Presidents and JSA chapters more involved in their communities? Why do you believe the Junior State prides itself on promoting social activism in communities? How do you plan on effectively disseminating information regarding any fundraisers or social activism programs that are being held? What ideas do you have for resources or activities to make activism blocks more meaningful and engaging? How do you think we can get JSAers involved in charitable organizations on a more substantive level than by simply giving money? What is your vision for Political Activism in the 20142015 year? Touch upon a few activities or ideas you have in mind. In your opinion, where does political activism fit into the Northeast? Why should it be a priority? How will you approach finding internship opportunities for JSAers? How will you encourage 13 Chapter Presidents to get more involved politically in their communities? How politically involved have you personally been in the past? Sample Work: Choose three organizations you could see as being a cause to dedicate ourselves to for the 20132014 year. For each, explain its purpose and why it embodies the values of the Junior State of America. Talk about how we, the Northeast State, could include it in our conventions, oneday conferences, and chapters. Secondly, assume you are to plan a social activism workshop for Fall State. Explain what you would do in the workshop to promote social activism across the Northeast, but keep in mind it should fit within a block's worth of time (about one hour) and needs to remain within the hotel. Otherwise, by all means, get creative! Also, write a sample letter to an organization to be invited to our political fair, where booths are set up for JSAers to come and pick up literature, join mailing lists, and talk to representatives. Make sure to explain JSA's purpose – sell our organization! Finally, please organize a list of 5 different political organizations you would like to attend our political fair, along with a description as to why each one would be beneficial for delegates. EditorinChief of The Patriot * Print Editor and Online Editor will be selected The Patriot, which is the newspaper for the Northeast State, should be the voice of the people. The EditorinChief is in charge of making it just that and of making sure that The Patriot is diverse and informative so that it maintains a large and interested readership. The EditorinChief must be extremely organized with deadlines, as they will be responsible for making sure that every article is in on time and that the paper is completed with enough time to print. It is very important that a large number of noncabinet members write articles, so that every person can be represented in the triannual newspaper. The EditorinChief for next year will be obligated to put in the time and effort necessary to maintain a diverse, highquality publication that is not only consistent, but fresh each and every time. The EditorInChief should be someone who has experience working with the layout of publications in the past and has the technological skills necessary to make the Patriot look both professional and creative. Previous experience working with publications (yearbooks, school newspaper, etc.) is highly recommended. This year one or both editor(s) will be working closely with the Director of Technology to make The Patriot more accessible throughout the year. Essay: How will you create a diverse group of writers for The Patriot? What do you think the main goal of The Patriot is for the state? How will you increase the readership and interest for The Patriot, and how will you make The Patriot more fun and exciting? What new ideas do you have to really “spice it up” next year? What experience do you have with publication design? How will you incorporate the website into improving The Patriot? Sample Work: Please create a multipage design for the Patriot. It should include a front page and several interior pages. Make it creative but maintain the look of a real newspaper. In the template, please write one full articles and include headlines for the rest. Also, please attach any other publications work that you have completed and that exemplifies your work in the field. 14 Letter from the ECR Mayor Hey ECR, Thank you for taking the first step to becoming more involved in JSA in the coming year! Regions are, in many ways, the lifeblood of the NES: truly the wheels of the metaphorical bicycle that is the Junior State. Regional officials are responsible for all aspects of regional events, most importantly the Fall and Spring One Days. Getting involved on the regional level gives you the opportunity to make an immense impact on the success of these conferences. Participating in regional cabinet in the coming year will give you the opportunity to become more engaged in the student run aspect of JSA in a new and exciting way. No matter what you feel your strengths and weaknesses are, there will always be a role on ECR cabinet that best allows you to become a bigger part of the region. That said, regional cabinet will also require diligent, committed statesmen to fulfill the responsibilities that come with regional leadership. In short: apply for regional cabinet, you won’t regret it. Yours, Isaac Belenkiy ECR Mayor Letter from the ECR Vice Mayor Hey ECR, Just requesting an application is a testament to your dedication as statesmen, and we’ve seen many of you demonstrate it time and time again. I can personally vouch that the only thing more rewarding than participating in JSA is becoming actively involved in it, and cabinet is the best way to do so. Being on cabinet is an incredibly enjoyable way to get involved, gain valuable experience, and watch your work make an impact on the events you love. No matter what your talents and strengths are, there is a place for you to help the region, so carefully read the descriptions for each position as you think about how you’d like to give back to the ECR in the coming year. That said, I’m incredibly excited to work with all of you next year, and I know you’ll all be glad you decided to apply! Yours, Jake Tuckman ECR Vice Mayor 15 Empire Constitution Region (ECR) Cabinet Supplement The Empire Constitution Region is one of two regions comprising the Northeast State. The ECR Cabinet is predominantly responsible for planning oneday events in NY and CT. Additionally, the ECR works closely with new and old chapters to maintain and grow JSA. You may apply for this cabinet only if you reside within either Connecticut or New York. Conference Coordinator The Conference Coordinator spearheads all affairs pertaining to OneDay Conferences, including: managing cabinet members to ensure their work gets done, accounting for and fulfilling deadlines, collaborating with the rest of Regional cabinet to find a venue, and creating the agendas for OneDay Conferences. The Mayor may have the Conference Coordinator carry out other tasks throughout the year, but organizing the OneDay Conferences will certainly be the most significant. Be cognizant that holding this position may entail a great degree of stressful, short deadlines and high accountability, as the Conference Coordinator will need to be the first to respond to conference issues. It is expected that the Conference Coordinator will submit his/her work in a timely and effective manner to ensure the success of all OneDay Conferences that the Empire Constitution Region holds. In addition to these responsibilities, the Conference Coordinator will also be in charge of logistics: making sure chapters know how to get to the event, organizing food options if necessary, and being available for all matters concerning transportation. Essay: What best prepares you to serve as the Conference Coordinator? What experience do you have with One Day Conferences? What personal qualities best prepare you to serve as the Conference Coordinator? What do you believe the role of the Conference Coordinator should be on regional cabinet? Sample Work: Provide a sample agenda for a OneDay Conference. Spare no effort in producing a professional looking draft. Additionally, describe in detail your plans to get chapters from across the ECR (with particular attention to the more difficult areas such as the suburbs of New York and Eastern Connecticut) to Stamford. Provide multiple travel options, estimations of cost, and your personal recommendations. Director of Debate* *Two CoDirectors may be chosen. The Director of Debate is directly responsible for writing all debate resolutions, thought talks and other debate formats seen at the ECR One Day Conferences. Since debate is the main focus of these One Day conferences, the Director of Debate is vital to the success of the region. Additionally, the Director of Debate will serve as an important resource for any chapter hosting a Chapter Conference as he/she coordinates the debates that will be held. Responsible for formulating a set of debates that appeal to a wide range of students, the Director of Debate must be extremely wellversed politically and possess strong grammar and proofreading skills to ensure that all debates and blurbs are well written. Finally, the Director of Debate is responsible for finding ways to continue improving the overall quality of debate in the region, while teaching delegates across the region how to effectively convey arguments to an audience and introduce their opinions. Strong political awareness is highly recommended for a Director of Debate to aid in debate creation. Essay: What qualities make you the best candidate for Director of Debate? What experience do you have in debate? How politically aware are you? How would you incorporate the theme of an event into its debates? How will you improve the overall quality of debate and introduce new debate formats at OneDay Conferences? Sample Work: Create 25 original debates of varying themes and debate types. Write blurbs for 10 of them. The debates should include a wide range of debate types, style, and difficulty. 16 Director of Activism The Director of Activism is a position that is focused on satisfying the goals of JSA, apart from debate. JSA has a commitment towards civic and social activism, and the Director of Activism is key in fulfilling that ideal. The Director of Activism will be tasked with finding speakers for One Day events. The Director will also be responsible for executing fundraisers, coordinating chapter actions, raising enthusiasm for ECR causes, and organizing opportunities for ECR members to get even more involved in service. The Director of Activism will need to work with the rest of regional cabinet to publicize whichever cause is chosen, and make sure that fundraising is lucrative and chapters in the region are getting involved. The Director of Activism should be prepared to contact Chapter Presidents in an effort to get them involved with the activism cause itself, and should make sure to also work the NES Directors of Activism to further their causes. Essay: How will you get members of the region excited for an activism cause? What characteristics make up a good activism cause for the ECR? What role should activism play at regional events? How would you get guest speakers to come to events? What personal qualities do you possess that would best prepare you to serve as the Director of Activism? Sample Work: Research 3 charities JSA could get involved with during the coming year. Explain why you believe they would be a good choice for the region. Also, please list 3 fundraising techniques you would use to spread awareness and raise money for the activism cause. Create an email/call script for getting in contact with potential keynote speakers to come to Fall One Day. Director of Communications *Two CoDirectors may be chosen The Director of Communications is a new position. It will be combining the Director of Chapter Affairs and the Director of Publicity, so anyone applying for it must be prepared to take on a lot of responsibility. There is a lot of information to distribute in JSA, and many chapters in need of individual help with expansion and getting to events, and that is the Director of Communication’s role. The Director of Communications will make calls, send emails, use Facebook, and talk with a variety of ECR members to make sure every delegate is receiving the information and help they need. The Mayor or Vice Mayor may have the Director of Communications ask people questions, take polls and surveys, tell Chapter Presidents additional information, research something in the ECR and report back, or post something on Facebook. The exact role will change frequently, but the Director must be versatile and highly skilled in communication. The Director of Communications will also be working with Chapter Presidents across the region and disseminating valuable information from the state. They will be one of the primary lines of communication between the Region and the chapter. The Director of Communications must be able to work with a variety of personalities and leadership styles to ensure that the chapters are well informed and able to continue growing. Essay: How are you prepared to ensure that the region is informed about upcoming events? What contact method do you think is most effective when trying to reach Chapter Presidents? How can social media be used to disseminate information? What most qualifies you to serve as Director of Communications? What do you think are the most effective forms of expansion within chapters? What do you see the role of Director of Communications being on cabinet as a whole? Sample Work: Please submit a sample newsletter that you would send out to Chapter Presidents and JSAers in the fall, regarding upcoming conferences, recent happenings, and the first convention of the year, about debate signups, tax paying, registration deadlines, etc. Additionally, please submit a plan for a newly created or small chapter with around five people in it to expand and thrive. Director of Media Productions The Director of Media Productions oversees all technology and photography based activity of the Empire Constitution Region, including but not limited to photographing all regional events and creating Facebook cover photos to promote events. The Director of Media Productions will also be working with the State Director of Media Productions and the State Director of Technology on media initiatives, which may include helping lead a team of photographers at both regional and state events. This position will require expertise in using image editing software and Google Drive, and applicants must also have access to a camera. Essay: What are your overall goals for this position, if you are selected? How do you plan on making media accessible and interesting for the average JSAer? How have you led a team efficiently and effectively in the past? What experiences do you 17 have with technology that make you qualified for this position? Please detail your expertise in Photoshop, Google Drive (spreadsheets/words/forms), video/graphic design and photography. Also list any equipment that you have access to and can use for cabinet work (DSLR camera, Microsoft Office suite or equivalent, reliable laptop etc.). Sample Work: Include at least fifteen photographs that you have taken, with a minimum of eight focused on people. Also attach or link to anything you have designed or produced in the past. In addition, create a sample Facebook cover photo (dimensions are 851px wide by 315px high) to advertise Fall One Day. Be sure to include the event name (you may make up a theme to use), a date, and any other information you consider relevant. 18 Letter from the NER Mayor Hello, New England Region! This year has surpassed all expectations. We’ve broken records together and implemented amazing new ideas in the NER. However, this would have been impossible without our dedicated and phenomenal Conference Coordinator, Directors of Activism, Directors of Debate, Director of Communications, and Directors of Media Productions. Unfortunately, as this year draws to a close, so must the incredible team dynamic that we have built. What this means for you, though, is that you have the opportunity to be involved in one of the most incredible parts of this organization: cabinet. Whether you enjoy the debate side of JSA, or find yourself more interested in the behindthescenes work, or both, or even a different side of the Junior State altogether, there is always a place for you to do what you love. Look through all the positions and figure out what suits you best. Being on cabinet means you are dedicated and prepared to work to make our region that much better, and that is what we are looking for. Show us what makes you different and how you will use that to your advantage. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I can’t wait to see what you all come up with! And don’t forget, #NERBestByFar! Best of luck, Alyssa Wang NER Mayor Letter from the NER Vice Mayor Hi there, New England Region! It should go without saying that I am beyond excited for the year ahead. This year in JSA has been filled with incredible events, fabulous people, and wonderful memories, and I have no doubt that the future will bring all of that and more. With that in mind, this cabinet application is the first taste of a new JSA year. Its release brings the promise of all the friendships, laughs, and hard work to come. NER, applying to cabinet is your chance to “be the people” in an incredibly dynamic way. Cabinet is your opportunity to take your involvement with JSA to the next level, to implement your own ideas, and to hone your leadership abilities in a supportive and friendly environment. In this application, we’re looking for innovation, ambition, and drive. We’re looking for newcomers and old friends, experienced debaters and introspective brainstormers. From all areas, ages, and walks of life, we’re excited to hear from you. Cheesiness aside, I hope you’re excited too. Yours, Lexie Lehmann NER Vice Mayor 19 New England Region (NER) Cabinet Supplement The New England Region is one of two regions comprising the Northeast State. The NER Cabinet is predominantly responsible for planning oneday events in MA, NH, VT, RI, and ME. Additionally, the Regional cabinet works closely with chapters to maintain and grow JSA. You may apply for this cabinet only if you reside in MA, NH, VT, RI, and ME. Conference Coordinator The Conference Coordinator spearheads all affairs pertaining to OneDay Conferences, including: finding a venue for events, booking Keynote Speakers, organizing Logistics Agents, and creating the agendas for OneDay Conferences. The Mayor may have the Conference Coordinator carry out other tasks throughout the year, but organizing the OneDay Conferences will certainly be the most significant. Be cognizant that holding this position may entail stressful, short deadlines and high accountability, as the Conference Coordinator will need to be the first to respond to conference issues. It is expected that the Conference Coordinator will submit his/her work in a timely and effective manner, so as to make regional planning more cohesive and to ensure the success of all OneDay Conferences that the New England Region holds. In addition to these responsibilities, the Conference Coordinator will also be in charge of logistics, for example, organizing food options if necessary or being available for matters concerning transportation. Essay: What best prepares you to serve as the Conference Coordinator? What experience do you have with OneDay Conferences? Finally, at OneDay Conferences this year, what was one thing we did well, what is one area on which we can improve, and how will this affect the decisions you make this year? Sample Work: Provide a sample agenda and cover page for a OneDay Conference. Spare no effort in producing a professional looking draft. Do not write debates for every block, but the agenda should clearly showcase all agendamaking abilities that you hold. In addition, write a formal, brief (less than one page) letter to a potential Keynote Speaker inviting them to a OneDay Conference. Be sure to include your version of the mission and definition of JSA (feel free to take from JSA’s formal mission) and explain why you believe the speaker would benefit JSA’s work. Director of Debate* *CoDirectors may be appointed The responsibility of the Director of Debate will be to create the debatelists for the OneDay Conferences and help chapters create debatelists for schoolheld Chapter Conferences. The Director of Debate will also be in charge of writing all debate blurbs. As always, debate will be one of the most important aspects of the New England Region, so the Directors of Debate will need to be diligent and have a strong work ethic. A wide breadth of political knowledge as well as impeccable spelling and grammar is highly recommended for this position. Essay: Being able to construct debates requires the ability to decide what will and will not generate strong discussions. Give us a sense of what sort of issues get you fired up. Tell us about any interesting debates you have been in, and feel free to tell us your criticisms of previous debate lists. What prior experiences (in/out of school) best prepare you for this position? What debate topics do you think will most engage members of the NER? How will you improve the overall quality of debate and introduce new debate formats at One Day Conferences? Sample Work: Create 20 debates of varying theme and debate type, writing blurbs for 10 of them. The debates should range from thought talks to resolved debates to alternative styles such as Speed Chess and Solution Centrals. Show versatility and creativity, as well as a wide range of topics and varying difficulty levels. Also be sure to use impeccable spelling and grammar. 20 Director of Activism The Director of Activism is responsible for working with Elected Officials to select a yearly Activism Cause. They will run an activism program tailored towards the region’s activism cause for the year at the fall and spring regional events. The largest responsibility of the Director of Activism by far is planning the NER Activism Day held during the late winter/early spring. This is a day completely centered on debating, discussing, and supporting the yearlong activism cause. This involves contacting possible speakers, helping the Director of Debate think of debates, working with the Director of Communications to publicize the event and have individual chapters run activism events to get more involved with the cause. In addition, the Director of Activism will be responsible for raising money for the NES Scholarship Fund. They will work with the NES Director of Fundraising to come up with easy fundraisers at each OneDay Conference, as well as fundraisers that can be run by individual chapters at their schools. Essay: In the past, what causes have you advocated for in your JSA chapter or community? How would you get other people in JSA actively engaged in supporting that cause? What is your vision for activism in the coming year? Sample Work: Create a list of five different ideas for the yearlong activism cause with descriptions. Please do not list organizations to donate to, as we are looking for broad initiatives that can be kept interesting and novel throughout the entire year. Avoid cliché causes that JSAers might find boring or overused. Avoid being too broad or too specific, and choose topics that can have controversial debates formed about them. Secondly, write a generic sample letter to a speaker you would like to give a Keynote Activism speech at the New England Activism Day. Be sure to include your version of the mission and definition of JSA (feel free to take from JSA’s formal mission) and explain why you believe the speaker would benefit JSA’s work. Finally, come up with a list of five potential fundraisers that chapters could implement at their schools to offset convention costs. Director of Communications* *CoDirectors may be appointed The Director of Communications has the primary role of ensuring chapters have everything they need to succeed and thrive, which will entail weekly calls with chapter presidents about the issues that pertain to them (these may need to be followed up with regular Facebook messages, text messages, etc). The Director will organize chapter president dinners to foster a sense of community within the region, work with chapters to expand and retain their membership, and offer logistical help in attending OneDay Conferences and overnight conventions. If a chapter wants to host a chapter conference, the Director will be there to guide them through this process. The Director will also be expected to make scheduled posts on Facebook to advertise upcoming events and debate signups. Finally, the Director will work on a new mentorship program that will partner developing chapters with wellestablished ones. They will check in on these relationships over the course of the year, and may be asked to help organize interchapter activities. If you are a good communicator, passionate about JSA on the chapter level, and interested in participating directly in the organization of chapter conferences, then this job is for you. Essay: What experience do you have growing your own JSA chapter and/or any other related group? What do you think most stimulates chapter growth, and how would you suggest chapters retain their members? If you were to encounter an unresponsive chapter president, how would you go about fixing that issue? In addition, how would you publicize NER events, to both schools with JSA chapters and those without? Sample Work: Write a sample Facebook event page description for Fall OneDay, to be held at Boston University. You should write a minimum of ten sentences concisely explaining what the event is and why people should attend. Make sure you list some basic car directions and public transportation options to get to the event space. Additionally, please submit a plan for a newly created or small chapter with around five people in it to expand and thrive. Finally, create a list of steps you could suggest to chapters that are struggling with getting permission from school administration for overnight trips. Director of Media Productions The Director of Media Productions oversees all technology and photography based activity of the New England Region, including but not limited to photographing all regional events and creating Facebook cover photos to promote events. The Director of Media Productions will also be working with the State Director of Media Productions and the State Director of Technology on media initiatives, which may include helping lead a team of photographers at both regional and state events. This position will require expertise in using image editing software and Google Drive, and applicants must also have access to a camera. 21 Essay: What are your overall goals for this position, if you are selected? How do you plan on making media accessible and interesting for the average JSAer? How have you led a team efficiently and effectively in the past? What experiences do you have with technology that make you qualified for this position? Please detail your expertise in Photoshop, Google Drive (spreadsheets/words/forms), video/graphic design and photography. Also list any equipment that you have access to and can use for cabinet work (DSLR camera, Microsoft Office suite or equivalent, reliable laptop etc.). Sample Work: Include at least ten photographs that you have taken, with a minimum of six focused on people. Also attach or link to anything you have designed or produced in the past. In addition, create a sample Facebook cover photo (dimensions are 851px wide by 315px high) to advertise Fall One Day. Be sure to include the event name (you may make up a theme to use), a date, and any other information you consider relevant. 22
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