SPRING 2015 Volume 44 | Issue 1 FRIENDLY VISITORS – MAKING CONNECTIONS Longevity and good health. What comes to mind when you think of aging well? Most people automatically acknowledge the role of good nutrition, regular exercise and sleep. However, there is growing literature that supports the importance of social engagement and human interaction to healthy aging. J-Sei’s Friendly Visitor and Caller program matches frail isolated seniors with volunteers that provide companionship through weekly visits and phone calls. Volunteers offer friendships and valuable discussions to older adults who can no longer easily leave their homes for social activities. One senior who has had the same volunteer for over five years says, “My visitor has a great sense of humor! I enjoy his company and he is very entertaining. We talk about all sorts of things, what don’t we talk about? Music, my photography his drumming. Name something – and that is what we talk about.” While the benefits to the older adult is clear, the volunteer also gains a friend, and learns from the senior’s rich life experiences too. “Every generation has a quest. Many generations are given monikers, such as baby boomers, generation X, millenials, etc. As a Friendly Visitor, I enjoy hearing about people’s modern day adventures. Seniors have a unique perspective on life and the world that I can appreciate today”, replies one long time Friendly Visitor and Caller. Another volunteer said, “The woman I visit has such a different life history and every time I talk to her I learn something new about her story and about the country and period of time she grew up in. Our relationship broadens my perspective.” This is such a fulfilling experience for both individuals. To give and receive the tremendous benefits of serving as a Friendly Visitor or Caller, please contact Karen at (510) 848-3560 or Karen@j-sei. Karen matches volunteers and seniors and looks forward to creating more friendships that blossom with time. J-Sei Administrative Offices 2126 Channing Way Berkeley, California 94704 P: (510) 848-3560 F: (510) 848-3631 info@j-sei.org | www.j-sei.org J-Sei Senior Center (Berkeley Methodist United Church) 1710 Carleton Street Berkeley, California 94703 P: (510) 883-1106 (M-Th) TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 SENIOR CENTER Class Schedule Crafty Wednesdays Footcare Clinic Ukulele Class 3 Monday Letures 4 Lunch Program Get a Lift to the Center 5 UPCOMING EVENTS Asian Day Celebration 6 Flavors of Spring 7 J-SEI NEWS 24th Annual Crab Feed Thank You to Funders Handiperson Needed 8 SATURDAY MORNING SERIES Tips for Senior Travels Family Histories 9 10 11 12 RESOURCES Paperwork, Paperwork! Welcome Jane Yamashiro J-Sei Home Room Open Senior Center Partnerships Staff Information Save the Date! J-Sei Newsletter Contributors Editing: J-Sei Staff Layout: Gregory Magofña Images: Mari Nakamura Jane Tanamachi J-Sei Home 24954 Cypress Avenue Hayward, California 94544 P: (510) 732-6658 F: (510) 732-6633 www.j-sei.org 1 J-SEI SENIOR CENTER FALL CLASS SCHEDULE Mondays Wednesdays 10 to 11:30 am | David Wei Berkeley Adult School $35/session 9:15 to 11 am | Anne Arronov Berkeley Adult School $35/session Tai Chi and Qi Gong Kimekomi Doll Class 2nd and 4th Mondays 12 to 1 pm | Sadako Delcollo $5/class Lectures 2nd Monday 12:15 to 1:15 pm See “Monday Lecture Schedule” Tuesdays Meditative Movement 9:15 to 11 am | Kathleen Davis Berkeley Adult School $35/session Writing Class 10 to 11:30 am Grace Morizawa $1/class Sewing 2nd and 4th Tuesday 9 to 11:30 am | Mary Mitsuda $6/class Community Ukulele 12:30 to 1:30 pm Susan Sullivan $5/session Stretch and Dance Calligraphy 9:30 to 11:30am | Jimmy Koide $3/class Shodo – Japanese Calligraphy 1st & 3rd Wednesday 12:30 to 2 pm | Naoko Haruta $5/session Session begins January 7 Crafty Wednesdays 1st Wednesday 12 to 3 pm | Betty Jo Yamamoto $5/session Thursdays Quilting 9 to 11 am | Carolyn Hayashida Fee: $1/class Gentle Stretching 9:30 to 11 am | Ruby Okazaki Berkeley Adult School $35/session CRAFTY WEDNESDAY Do you enjoy crafting? Those who craft, know that keeping it fresh can at times, be challenging. Instructor Betty Jo Yamamoto shared some wonderful crafty projects in 2014. This New Year, she will continue to lead the class, and would like to invite you to share as well. She welcomes those attending the Crafty Wednesday class to bring ideas and projects to share and teach. It is exciting to see what we can create when we gather. Call and join: (510) 883-1106. The class meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 12:30pm – 2pm. Meet at the J-Sei Senior Center, located at 1710 Carleton Street, Berkeley, CA. $5 donation appreciated. FOOTCARE WITH OVER 60 CLINIC Over 60 Clinic will provide footcare and blood pressure checks on May 12, 2015. Please contact Vickie if you would like to make an appointment (510) 883-1106. The new footcare person will be available Tuesday, May 12, from 9:15am-11am. Your donation is appreciated. J-SEI COMMUNITY UKULELE CLASS WELCOMES VOICES! Susan Sullivan, J-Sei ukulele instructor welcomes those of you who enjoy singing to join the class! The blending together of ukulele and voices beautifully completes a song. This class combines learning and singing, strumming in rhythm, and developing good playing skills, all while having a great time! The class meets every Tuesday afternoon from 12:30pm – 2pm, at the J-Sei Senior Center, 1710 Carleton Street, Berkeley CA. $5 donation appreciated. 2 MONDAY LECTURE SERIES How to Choose an Executor or Trustee Monday, April 13, 12:15pm Edward W. Goodson, Certified Specialist, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law Trust & Probate Law Group Who should you choose as an executor or trustee? Why is it usually a bad idea to choose more than one person? How sophisticated, organized, and trustworthy does your executor need to be? When is it appropriate to choose a trust company or private professional fiduciary? Get answers to these questions and more. Please attend this discussion presented by estate and trust attorney Edward W. Goodson, who is certified as a specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. “Companionship Over 60” Monday, May 11, 12:15pm Junko Adachi, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern Oak Creek Counseling Center Intimacy is more important than you think. Many people believe that romance becomes unimportant as we age, and generally, people over 60 don’t seek this type of relationship. But it can be limiting when people accept the idea of being alone for the rest of their lives. The truth is that no matter how old we are, we need companionship as human beings. Seeking companionship over the age of 60 can seem daunting, but it is not as bad as you think. Junko Adachi will talk about how to navigate the waters of intimacy in your old age. “Understanding your Grandkids” Monday, June 8, 12:15pm Ryan Takemiya, Youth Culture Expert J-Sei Kids these days! Ever wonder what they’re up to and why they act the way they do? Come to this fascinating workshop where youth culture and youth behavior is explained. Through a detailed analysis of the changing nature of our modern society, you will better understand the type of world your grandkids live in, and therefore will be better equipped to communicate with them. 3 LUNCHES On-Site Lunches Monday-Thursday | 11:30am Seniors 60+ 2-4/week pay $4 Once/week pay $5 Non-seniors pay $8 We feature a Japanese menu. Each lunch provides 1/3 of the required daily allotments (RDAs) of vitamins C and A. Meal nutrition and quality are very important to us. We cater our lunches from Musashi Restaurant. A two-day advanced lunch reservation is appreciated to ensure availability. Delivered Lunches We also offer home delivered meals to seniors 60+ in various East Bay cities. Monthly menus are available at the J-Sei Senior Center and online at www.j-sei.org. GET A LIFT! Need a ride to the J-Sei Senior Center for lunch or a class? Our transportation program has open seats available on Mondays and Tuesdays to the senior center and on Wednesdays for outings. To reserve a seat, please call transportation coordinator Ryan Takemiya at (510)6204095 or email at ryan@j-sei.org. 4 J-SEI NEWS J-SEI ASIAN DAY CELEBRATION Thursday, May 14, 2015 11am ~ 2:30pm J-Sei Senior Center 1710 Carleton Street Berkeley, 94703 The month of May has been nationally designated as a time for all Americans to acknowledge, honor and promote the contributions all Asians have made to our country. J-Sei will celebrate the contributions our elders make to our lives and community on Thursday, May 14, 2015. Our celebration will kick-off at 11am. You will be able to browse displays showcasing projects from our J-Sei classes, including creative work from: Kimekomi Doll Making, Calligraphy, Shodo and Quilting classes. Take a peek at what they do and possibly join in a future class. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. A fashion show with designs from our Sewing & Alterations class and a reading of writings from our Writing class will precede our afternoon entertainment. Talent oozes from many among us with Japanese roots. This year we are fortunate to have one of our own share with us her love of Japanese dance. Keiko Allen volunteers in the J-Sei kitchen on Wednesday with our J-Sei nutrition program. She tells me that, “Ever since I was small, growing up in Fukuoka Japan, I had a love for Koten Japanese dancing. I remember, participating in Hakata Dontaku (famous dancing festival in Hakata) and its parade. Now, I am retired and have more time to devote to Japanese dance. I picked up Shin Buyo (newer dance than Koten) several years ago and will be taking my SHIHANN qualification test in March, in Tokyo Japan. My dream is to teach Japanese dance with hopes to share and promote part of the Japanese art and culture I love.” Sharing the stage with Keiko will be lyric Soprano Hana Packard. She has been singing since she was eight years old. Currently, she is a voice and vocal performance major at Mills College. Her repertoire includes music from a wide range of composers from early opera to more modern 20th century pieces. She has performed in “The Turn of the Screw,” “Carmen,” “Lakme,” and “The Marriage of Figaro.” We hope you will join J-Sei as we celebrate Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month! Reservations are a must! Seating will be limited. The deadline for reservations is May 8, 2015. We appreciate your donation of $10 for this special Asian Day lunch and program. For more information, contact (510) 883-1106 or (510)848-3560. 5 Join us for an evening of delightful tastes and sips from J -S E I P R E S E N T S Bay Area restaurants, caterers, wineries and microbreweries. The Julia Morgan designed Berkeley City Club will provide the perfect ambiance for a grown-up Friday night. ••••• Friday, April 17, 2015 6:00 to 9:00PM Berkeley City Club 2315 Durant Avenue • Berkeley Music by T H E D U O and B L U E F L A M E A BENEFIT TO SUPPORT THE SENIOR CENTER LUNCH AND HOME DELIVERED MEAL PROGRAM A big thank you to UNION BANK for a long history of partnership FOR EVENT TICKETS ~ OR SPONSORS & VENDORS M AT S U MOMIJI BOXER & GERSON ANONYMOUS ABACUS PRODUCTS, INC BERKELEY BUDDHIST TEMPLE BERKELEY JACL TA K E BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PAUL+ JOAN FUJII OAKLAND NED + CAROLINE ISOKAWA PAUL+ANN TAMAKI DION RUSSELL+KAROL DOI KAISER PERMANENTE MARK FUJIWARA+JANE OTO BAILEY FUKUMOTO YAMASHIRO & MISHIMA FUKUMAE & SAMAN PA R T I A L L I S T A S O F 3.09 .15 PETER FUKUMAE THE FURSTNER GROUP GETA RESTAURANT HUB INTERNATIONA GEORGE YIN+RUTHIE NORTON KOKORO ASSISTED LIVING DR LEROY MORISHITA+ BARBARA HED MORISHITA MATT+SHARON MORIZONO GARY LEE + LISA OYAMA GLEN+AMY SHINSAKO CHRIS+ARLENE SWINDERMAN STEPHEN+DORINE TANAKA JANE TANAMACHI DIANE WONG SCOTT YOKOI+SUZANNE ISHII CHEF KINOSHITA THE MEAD KITCHEN MONTCLAIR BAKERY MONTICELLO VINEYARDS MUSASHI OORI RICE TRIANGLES OZUMO PAUL MATHEW VINEYARDS PEJU/PROVINCE WINERY POSTINO PRESTON'S CANDY PROSPECT 772 WINE CO. SEMIFREDDI’S SPEAKEASY ALES & LAGERS VENDORS ALPHA OMEGA WINERY AZUMA FOODS INTERNATIONAL BERKELEY BOWL CAFÉ DEJENA CHRISTINE’S UPPER CRUST PIES COOKIE BAR SHOP PURCHASE ONLINE: DRAGON ROUGE DRAKE’S BREWING CO. FIVE RESTAURANT CHEF ALAN HIRAHARA HOPSCOTCH KARINTO KRISPS KINDER'S MEATS DELI BBQ flavorsofspring2015.brownpapertickets.com J-Sei, 2126 Channing Way, Berkeley, California 94704 D E TAC H + R E T U R N F O R M B E LOW TO: YES! I WILL AT TEND FLAVORS OF SPRING NAME PHONE ADDRESS CIT Y STATE NUMBER OF TICKET ZIP $75 EACH: EMAIL CHECK ENCL payable to J-Sei $ I AM UNABLE TO AT TEND. PLEASE ACCEPT MY CONTRIBUTION OF $ Guests must be 21 years or older. $55 of each $75 ticket is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Admission tickets and a confirmation letter will be mailed to you. For sponsor or additional information~ 510.848.3560 or www.J-Sei.org 6 J-SEI NEWS J-SEI’S 24TH ANNUAL CRAB FEED Q. Did you hear about the crab that went to the seafood disco? A. He pulled a mussel! Bad jokes aside, after 24 years, the J-Sei Annual Crab Feed continues to attract hundreds of people for a great meal of Dungeness crab and garlic noodles. But more importantly, the crab feed is a fun and casual event where old friends reconnect and new friendships are made over cracked crustaceans. Cree8 Productions provided lively Bollywood dance entertainment and Ben Takeshita once again served as our welcoming master of ceremonies. Many thanks to our 21 member organizations who volunteered, made desserts, provided drawing prizes and helped us sell tickets. Volunteer groups Alpha Phi Omega and UC Berkeley’s Nikkei Student Union were enormously helpful. Donations and the hard work of Jo Takata and her team of friends and sisters, Glenn Shinsako, Satoshi and Elaine Steinmetz and Trader Joe’s made the event a great success. Thanks to event sponsor Johnny Ng from @Printing and the committee co-chairs Matt Morizono and Charlotte Sakai, and members Grace Goto, Amy Shinsako, Diane Wong and Kay Yatabe. THANK YOU TO OUR FUNDERS With so many families that benefit from our various programs, it does indeed take a village to make this J-Sei community flourish! In addition to the many individual donors and the business community that contribute through sponsorships, participation in events and gifts, J-Sei wants to acknowledge the private foundations and public entities that provide critical grants. We are grateful for the support of: • • • Alameda County, Area Agency on Aging Contra Costa County Health Services, Public Health Division Beulah Older Adult Fund • • • • East Bay Foundation on Aging The Bernice M. Hemphill Trust True North Foundation Union Bank HANDIPERSON NEEDED Do you know someone who can help at J-Sei Home with periodic plumbing, general fixes and maintenance? We would appreciate a referral to a skilled handiperson that we will pay for periodic work. Thank you - please call Mary with your referral (510) 732-6658. 7 SATURDAY MORNING SERIES Tips for Senior Travelling May 30, 2015 Berkeley Higashi Honganji 1524 Oregon Street, Berkeley 9:30 am Registration 10:00 am to 11:00 am Presentation and Q&A Traveling and experiencing new sites and cultures is a fantastic way to expand our horizons. Just because you are getting older, it certainly does not mean you have to give up your adventures. Come and listen to our presenters who will give ideas on destinations, how to find trips that may fit physical limitations, and how to manage the basic logistics such as getting through the security lines! Our speakers will present from a professional viewpoint and personal experience. Genealogy: How to Research and Share Rich Family Histories June 13, 2015 Berkeley Methodist United Church 1710 Carleton Street, Berkeley 9:30 am Registration 10:00 am to Noon Presentation and Q&A Each of us has a unique and interesting personal and historical past. Have you thought of trying to capture your family’s genealogical roots and narrative? This Saturday Morning Series will provide concrete suggestions for where and how to start your search. Also, effective techniques for creating your written story will be discussed, such as development of plot, characters, setting, dramatic tension, and descriptive and interior levels of narrative. Come, get inspired and gain the tools to develop your treasured one-of-a-kind family history. Kimi Kodani-Hill, Family Historian and Author of Tapaz Moon Linda Harms-Okazaki (Genealogical Society) Genealogist and Family Historian, President of the California Genealogical Society and Library Brian Komei Dempster, Professor, Department of Rhetoric and Language Director of Administration, Master of Arts in Asia Pacific Studies University of San Francisco 8 CASE MANAGER’S CORNER PAPERWORK! PAPERWORK! PAPERWORK! Is paperwork driving you crazy? Is the paperwork at your house spread all over the kitchen table, stuffed in a bedroom drawer, or piled to the ceiling on your computer desk? You can’t locate an important paper when you need it? Or, have you hoarded every piece of paper you’ve ever received? Do you still have receipts for diapers and your children are grown? Don’t fret. You can still figure out what to do with all those papers! Here’s a helpful checklist and some terrific tips to assist you with understanding how to store your important documents. It is important for you and for your loved ones to leave an organized estate – no matter how big or small. They will thank you for your forward looking consideration. Big Tip: Schedule a dedicated time to work on this project; a whole day or a few minutes a day, whatever works for you. Ask for help if needed! Getting started: collect ALL your paperwork in one place: a large box or plastic bin will do. The idea here is to have all your paper work in one place – then you sort. As you sort discard old, unneeded receipts, credit card statements, papers, etc. Use a shredder for discarding personal information. Then: Sort paperwork into categories, here are some examples: Tax Returns: IRS has 3 years to audit you after you file a return, unless they suspect someone failed to report 25% or more of your gross income and no deadline on an audit if they suspect fraud. SO – if you are clean, 3 years is adequate. Household: Mortgage documents, loans, or lease, repair receipts, purchase & warranty receipts that are still active (discard the old ones). Car: Purchase, loan papers, car title, repair records – good to have if you want to sell that car. Bank Statements: at least until you have done your tax return. Personal Papers: Birth Certificates, Marriage License, Divorce Decrees, Passport, Wills/Trusts, Military Records, Naturalization/Immigration/Green Card papers, Advanced Health Care Directive, Durable Power of Attorney. Credit Card Statements: At least for 60 days in case you need to dispute a claim. Financial: Paycheck stubs: until you receive your W-2; Social Security Statements, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), In Home Supportive Services (IHSS), retirement accounts, stocks, etc. Medical: Costs may be a deduction when you file, including mileage to medical appointments. If you have been in the hospital, get a complete itemized bill. Organize your paperwork. Alphabetically, in categories you can remember, or whatever works for you: a place for everything and everything in its place. Take advantage of that saying and spend some time organizing your paperwork. There are many ways you can organize your household paperwork. You can use a large three-ring binder with dividers, or a filing cabinet with hanging files. Many office supply stores offer various types of organizers, accordion files, and even fire proof safes! Whatever works for you. (cont. on next page) 9 (cont. from previous page) While we are talking about paper work, here are some more tips: TO KEEP IN YOUR WALLET/PURSE: Insurance and Medicare/MediCal cards, list of medications, emergency contact information (numbers, no addresses),driver’s license/ Department of Motor Vehicles ID, credit and debit cards. Keep a copy of what you have in case of loss or stolen you will know what to replace. IMPORTANT TIP –The number one thing you should not carry in your wallet is your social security card. If it gets into the wrong hands, it can be used for everything from buying a car to opening a credit card. You should also never carry your passport in your wallet. Even if you are traveling in a foreign country, leave your passport in your hotel and just carry a photocopy of the picture page. And of course do not keep a list of your pins and passwords in your wallet. That would be a gold mine to a thief. Keep those passwords at home. WOW – sounds like a lot, and it is. AND it will be beneficial for you when you do your taxes, when you are looking for a needed document and for your loved ones who will benefit from your efforts in the future. Thank you to www.essortment.com/ storing-important-documents-checklisttips and comcast.net/blogs/lifestyle/for this information. JANE YAMASHIRO – WELCOME TO THE J-SEI BOARD Jane H. Yamashiro, Ph.D. is a sansei/yonsei who grew up in Berkeley attending East Bay Japanese American bazaars and community functions, including volunteering at Sakura Kai Health Fairs through high school. She has since lived in San Diego, Tokyo, Nagano, Honolulu, and LA and looks forward to reconnecting with the local Japanese American community here. For the past decade, Jane has been conducting research on Japanese American experiences and ways of identifying while living in Japan. Her work addresses changes and diversity in what it means to be “Japanese American.” She is currently a Visiting Scholar with the Asian American Studies Center at University of California at Los Angeles. Regarding her interest in J-Sei, Jane explains, “Through my involvement with J-Sei, I hope to connect my academic knowledge of challenges facing the Japanese American community as we become more diverse generationally, racially and ethnically, and geographically with the on-the-ground realities facing people living in the Bay Area. I look forward to learning more from everyone in the organization and the greater community about how to make this the best organization possible for serving the needs of the Japanese American community here.” J-SEI HOME NEW ROOM AVAILABLE A new room has been built at J-Sei Home and it is now open for a new resident! Please feel free to visit this homey setting, complete with Japanese meals and caring staff. Please call Mary at (510) 732-6658 or email her at Mary@j-sei.org. 10 SENIOR CENTER PARTNERSHIPS BERKELEY NIKKEI SENIOR CENTER 1901 Hearst Street, Berkeley (510) 809-5202 Director: Kayo Fisher 2nd Saturday - 10 am to 3 pm: Exercise, Yoga, Sing-a-Song, Art and Craft, Calligraphy or Sumi-E, Dance, Blood Pressure Clinic, Entertainment and Fundraising, Home-made Japanese Lunch 4th Saturday - 10 am to 3 pm: Celebration of the month birthday, art and craft, hot Japanese Lunch ($3) EXTENDING CONNECTIONS Buena Vista United Methodist Church 2311 Buena Vista Avenue, Alameda (510) 522-2688 It’s a time to fellowship, learn new things, and enjoy support and encouragement from each other. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 9:30am-1pm at Buena Vista Methodist United Church in Alameda. Each Wednesday begins with fitness using stretch bands, weights, and Tai Chi followed by a coffee break and sing-alongs to old Japanese and American classics. Lunch is served at 12pm; special program from 11am-12pm; birthdays are celebrated on 2nd Wednesdays. A $2 donation to the church is requested. For more info, contact (510) 522-2688. See you there! EDEN SENIOR CENTER EDEN Japanese Community Center 710 Elgin Street, San Lorenzo (510) 276-9786 The Eden group comes together on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month from 10 am to 1 pm. Volunteers provide leadership and support for all program activities. Activities include exercise, singing and crafts, birthday and holiday celebrations, movies, occasional speakers and lunch. The Eden group also goes on field trips during the year. Contact the center directly for dates. For more information, please contact the center on the 2nd or 4th Thursday of the month. SAKURA KAI OPEN HOUSE SENIOR CENTER 6500 Stockton Avenue, El Cerrito (510) 778-3406 | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Coordinator: Setsuko Doi Cultural and education program for seniors on 1st and 3rd Saturdays. Our classes help enhance health with yoga, taiso , hula and line dance; improve skills in technology and self-improvement in karaoke, calligraphy; ukulele with crafts and Mah Jong games; socialize and enjoy delicious Japanese lunch; celebrate monthly birthdays. First Saturday Taiko, Mah Jong, Craft/Origami, Iroiro, Blood Pressure Screening, Conversational Japanese, Sit down and stretch Yoga, Men’s Group, English Wi-Fi, Karaoke, Line Dance, Japanese Computer/Wi-Fi Third Saturday Taiko, Mah Jong, Craft / Origami, Japanese Calligraphy, Iroiro, Ukulele, Conversational Japanese, Light Exercise, Men’s Group, Hula, English Wi-Fi, Conversational English, Japanese Computer/Wi-Fi, Music Bell Special Upcoming Events: April 4 May 2 June 6 Introducing a new class Health Fair Fashion Show 11 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID C O M M U N I T Y • C A R E • C U LT U R E 2126 Channing Way Berkeley, California 94704 www.j-sei.org BERKELEY, CA PERMIT #619 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Join us for our 2nd Annual Flavors of Spring, Friday, April 17 at the Berkeley City Club. See inside for featured vendors and ticket information! STAFF CONTACTS Diane Wong, MSW Executive Director (510) 848-3560, Ext. 102 diane@j-sei.org Karen Waters Program Coordinator (510) 848-3560 karen@j-sei.org Miyuki Iwata, LCSW Bilingual Case Manager (510) 848-3560, Ext. 103 miyuki@j-sei.org SAVE THE DATE! Mar 9 Monday Lecture: What Does it Mean to be Japanese American Today? Apr 13 Monday Lecture: How to Choose an Executor or Trustee George Kono Van Driver (Mon & Tues) (510) 848-3560, Ext. 106 george@j-sei.org Apr 17 Flavors of Spring May 11 Monday Lecture: Companionship Over 60 May 12 FootCare with Over 60 Clinic Veta Jacqulin Part-time Case Manager (510) 848-3560, Ext. 105 veta@j-sei.org Ryan Takemiya Van Driver (Wed & Thurs) (510) 848-3560, Ext. 106 ryan@j-sei.org May 14 J-Sei Senior Center Asian Day Celebration May 25 Memorial Day: J-Sei Office and Senior Center Closed May 30 Saturday Series: Tips for Senior Travelling Suzanne Otani Bookkeeper/ Admin Assistant (510) 848-3560, Ext. 101 suzanne@j-sei.org Mary Hart, MA, NHA J-Sei Home Administrator (510) 732-6658 mary@j-seihome.org Jun 8 Monday Lecture: Understanding Your Grandkids Jun 13 Saturday Series: Genealogy: How to Research and Share Rich Family Histories
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