The Assessment of Mentalization Patrick Luyten, PhD University of Leuven, Belgium University College London, UK Why important? Figure 2.x Understanding BPD in terms of the suppression of mentalization Temporary Failure of Mentalisation Pretend Mode Pseudo Mentalisation Psychic Equivalence Teleological Mode Concrete Understanding Misuse of Mentalisation Unstable Interpersonal Relationships Affective Dysregulation Impulsive Acts of Violence, Suicide, Self-Harm Psychotic Symptoms Overview Theoretical considerations Clinical assessment of mentalizing: the mentalizing profile Structured assessment of mentalizing Therapeutic implications Luyten, P., Fonagy, P., Lowyck, B., & Vermote, R. (2012). The assessment of mentalization. In A. Bateman & P. Fonagy (Eds.), Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice (pp. 43-65). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. The formula to understand women Team Psychoanalysis Unit London (UK): Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman, Mary Target UPC Kortenberg (België): Rudi Vermote, Benedicte Lowyck, Yannic Verhaest, Bart Vandeneede Yale University (USA): Sidney J. Blatt, Linda Mayes, Helena Rutherford, Michael Crowley Psychoanalysis Unit Leuven: Nicole Vliegen, Liesbet Nijssens, Naouma Siouta, Tamara Ruijten University of Durham (UK): Elizabeth Meins Viersprong & MBT consortium The Netherlands Some Theory… What is mentalizing? Mentalizing is a form of imaginative mental activity about others or oneself, namely, perceiving and interpreting human behaviour in terms of intentional mental states (e.g. needs, desires, feelings, beliefs, goals, purposes, and reasons). What is mentalization? It is a capacity we use all the time It is what we need: To collaborate To compete To teach To learn To know who we are To understand each other and ourselves Is fundamental in our ability to navigate the social world Mentalizing is multi-dimensional: Four polarities Automatic – controlled Internal – external Self – other Cognitive - affective Fonagy, P., & Luyten, P. (2009). A developmental, mentalization-based approach to the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder. Development and Psychopathology, 21(4), 1355-1381. Dimensions of mentalization: implicit/automatic vs explicit/controlled Psychological understanding drops and is rapidly replaced by confusion about mental states under high arousal That handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee Thou gavest to Cassio. By heaven, I saw my handkerchief in's hand. Controlled Automatic Arousal Dimensions of mentalization: implicit/automatic vs explicit/controlled Psychotherapist’s demand to explore issues that trigger intense emotional reactions involving conscious reflection and explicit mentalization are inconsistent with the patient’s ability to perform these tasks when arousal is high Arousal Dimensions of mentalization: implicit/automatic vs explicit/controlled That handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee ThouLateral gavest to Cassio. Amygdala PFC temporal Lateral PFCmy Medial Ventromedial PFCin's hand. By heaven, I saw handkerchief cortex Controlled Automatic Arousal Dimensions of mentalization: internally vs externally focused (mental interiors vs visible clues) Internal I wonder if he feels his mother loved him? External He looks tired; perhaps he slept badly With selective loss of sense of mental interiors, external features are given inappropriate weight and misinterpreted as indicating dispositional states You’re covering your eyes; you can hardly bear to look at me Dimensions of mentalization: Cognitive vs affective mentalization Cognition Agent attitude propositions “I thought that Rutten would succeed in forming a proper government” Associated with several areas of prefrontal cortex Emotion Self affect state propositions “I feel sad about it too” Associated with inferior prefrontal gyrus Mentalize This! Ik denk niet dat het makkelijk zal worden, maar we komen er wel! Maar ja, zonder mij zal het toch niet lukken Ik zal alles doen om dit te laten slagen Dimensions of mentalization: Cognitive vs affective mentalization With diminution of cognitive mentalization the logic of emotional mentalization (self-affect state proposition) comes to be inappropriately extended to cognitions. “I feel sad, you must have hurt me” Oh nee, wat zal mijn moeder nu zeggen Mentalize This! Ik voel me zo rot Mijn vader heeft altijd gezegd dat ik niets kon Wij voelen ons allemaal rot Mentalizing Profile of Prototypical BPD patient ImplicitAutomatic BPD Mental interior focused Cognitive agent:attitude propositions ExplicitControlled BPD Mental exterior focused BPD Affective self:affect state propositions BPD Imitative frontoparietal mirror neurone system Belief-desire MPFC/ACC inhibitory system Assessment of Mentalization Why important? Figure 2.x Understanding BPD in terms of the suppression of mentalization Temporary Failure of Mentalisation Pretend Mode Pseudo Mentalisation Psychic Equivalence Teleological Mode Concrete Understanding Misuse of Mentalisation Unstable Interpersonal Relationships Affective Dysregulation Impulsive Acts of Violence, Suicide, Self-Harm Psychotic Symptoms Clinical Strategy to Assess Mz 2-3 clinical interviews Essential components: Demand questions explicitly probing for mentalization Exploring mentalizing in specific relationships and high arousal contexts Exploring mentalization with regard to symptoms and complaints Attention to interpersonal process: selfcorrecting tendency of Mz and ability to allow the clinician to correct mentalizing lapses General Strategy Assess general mentalizing abilities Assess specific mentalizing abilities: Mentalizing profile based on polarities Non-mentalizing modes Individual differences in attachment Allows to predict what is likely to happen in treatment Tailoring of interventions Demand questions that can reveal quality of mentalisation why did your parents behave as they did during your childhood? do you think your childhood experiences have an influence on who you are today? did you ever feel rejected as a child? in relation to losses, abuse or other trauma, how did you feel at the time and how have your feelings changed over time? have there been changes in your relationship with your parents since childhood? Elaboration of interpersonal event Thoughts and feelings in relation to the event Ideas about the other person’s mental state at turning points in narrative Elaborate on actual experience Reflecting on reconstructed past Understanding own actions (actual past and reflection on past) Counter-factual follow-up questions Interpersonal interaction Last night Rachel and I had an argument about whether I was doing enough around the house. She thought I didn’t do as much as her and I should do more. I said I did as much as my work obligations allow. Rachel got angry and we stopped talking to each other. In the end I agreed to do the shopping from now on. But I ended up feeling furious with her What does non-mentalizing look like? Excessive detail to the exclusion of motivations, feelings or thoughts Focus on external social factors, such as the school, the council, the neighbours Focus on physical or structural labels (tired, lazy, clever, self-destructive, depressed, short-fused) What does non-mentalizing look like? Preoccupation with rules, responsibilities, ‘shoulds’ and ‘should nots’ Denial of involvement in problem Blaming or fault-finding Expressions of complete certainty about thoughts or feelings of others (“I just know”) What does good mentalizing look like? In relation to other people’s thoughts and feelings Acknowledgement of opaqueness Contemplation and reflection Perspective taking Genuine interest Openness to discovery Forgiveness Predictability What does good mentalizing look like? Perception of own mental functioning Appreciation of changeability Developmental perspective Realistic scepticism Acknowledgement of pre-conscious function Awareness of impact of affect Self-presentation (e.g. autobiographical continuity vs. identity diffusion) General values and attitudes (e.g. tentativeness and moderation) What does extremely poor mentalizing look like? Anti-reflective hostility active evasion non-verbal reactions Failure of adequate elaboration Complete lack of integration Complete lack of explanation Inappropriate Complete non-sequiturs Gross assumptions about the interviewer Literal meaning of words Assessment of mentalization Distinguish four main types of problems - not mutually exclusive; more than one may apply to the same person Concrete understanding o Generalised lack of mentalising Context-specific non-mentalising o Non-mentalising is variable and occurs in particular contexts Pseudo-mentalising o Looks like mentalising but missing essential features Misuse of mentalising o Others’ minds understood and thought about, but used to hurt, manipulate, control or undermine Concrete understanding General failure to appreciate feelings of self or others as well as the relationships between thoughts, feelings and actions General lack of attention to the thoughts, feelings and wishes of others and an interpretation of behaviour (own or others) in terms of the influence of situational or physical constraints rather than feelings and thoughts May vary markedly in degree Context Specific - Relational Dramatic temporary failures of mentalisation “You’re trying to drive me crazy” “You hate me” ‘I can’t think once she starts on me’ Particular problem in family/group therapy! Pseudo-mentalising subtypes Intrusive mentalising Opaqueness of mental states not respected Thoughts and feelings talked about, may be relatively plausible and roughly accurate, but assumed without qualification Overactive-inaccurate mentalising Lots of effort made, preoccupation with mental states Off-the-mark and un-inquisitive Destructively inaccurate Denial of objective reality, highly psychologically implausible mental states inferred Misuse of Mentalizing (1) Understanding of the mental state of the individual is not directly impaired yet the way in which it is used is detrimental May be unconscious but is assumed to be motivated Self-serving distortion of the other’s feelings Self-serving empathic understanding A person’s feelings are exaggerated or distorted in the service of someone else’s agenda Misuse of Mentalizing(2) Coercion against or induction of the thoughts of others Deliberate undermining of a person’s capacity to think by humiliation Extreme form is sadistic or psychopathic use of knowledge of other’s feelings or wishes Milder form is manipulation for personal gain o inducing guilt o engendering unwarranted loyalty o power games o Understanding used as ammunition in a battle Non-mentalizing modes Teleological mode Psychic equivalence mode Extreme pretend mode Teleological mode Behavior and thought/intentions are equated Primacy of the physical/observable “I only believe you when I see it” Extra sessions Need for physical contact Yawning means you are bored of me Going on holiday means you want to get rid of me Only what you see is real Doubts about honesty/hypocrisy Gergely, G., & Csibra, G. (2003). Teleological reasoning in infancy: The naive theory of rational action. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7, 287-292. Psychic equivalence What is thought is real Everything becomes too real (e.g., thoughts, feelings, lying on the couch) Decoupling of Mz or de-symbolization (concreteness of thought): Rejection literally hurts (Eisenberger et al., 2003) Very painful feelings of shame, sadness, emptiness, badness, which threaten to disintegrate the self -> evacuation by means of projection, dissociation, self-harm Extreme pretend mode Hypermentalization Mentalization severed from reality (“the educated neurotic”, “canned language”) Elaborate, often highly cognitive, or affective overwhelming, confusing narratives (e.g., on TAT, Rorschach) Dissociation/”driving oneself crazy” May lead to wrong impression of therapeutic work and progress/indication for insight-oriented treatment Creating a Coherent Self-representation by Controlling and Manipulation – Hyper-activation of Attachment Alien part of self Self representation Externalization Attachment figure Self experienced as incoherent Attachment figure Self experienced asascoherent incoherent Through coercive, controlling behavior the individual with disorganized attachment history achieves a measure of coherence within the self representation Individual Differences A biobehavioral switch model of the relationship between stress and controlled versus automatic mentalization Attachment - Arousal/Stress Attachment history determines Setting of switch o when controlled Mz switches to automatic Mz Steepness or slope of change o how extensive the switch is Time to recovery from switch => Determines affect/stress regulation Adult Attachment Interview coding system (Main & Goldwyn, 1994) • Autonomous [secure] ▫ coherent: undefended access to consistent memories and judgments ▫ believable ▫ value attachment and acknowledge impact • Dismissing [avoidant] ▫ can’t remember / idealise / devalue • Preoccupied [resistant] ▫ entangled in angry / passive / fearful associations • Unresolved with respect to trauma [disorganised] ▫ slips, contradictions, gaps, reliving of trauma Attachment security High threshold for switching under stress Fast recovery Ability for simultaneous activation of ATT system and Mz system Associated with effective affect/stress regulation Leads to so-called “broaden and build” cycles associated with attachment security (Frederickson, 2001) o Security of internal mental exploration, even under stress o Ability to ask others for help = relationship-recruiting Attachment hyperactivation Lowered threshold for attachment activation and thus switch Longer time to recovery May explain typical pattern of o Fast attachment to others o But to unreliable others because of deactivation of controlled mentalization o Hypervigilance to emotional states in others o Hypo-hypermentalization cycles (overly trustingoverly distrusting) o Through negative feedback: increasing hyperactivation of the ATT system and lowered threshold for decoupling of Mz Hyperactivation and Maltreatment DISTRESS/FEAR Adverse Emotional Experience Exposure to maltreatment Activation of attachment Proximity seeking The ‘hyperactivation’ of the attachment system Trauma and Mentalizing Frightening/frightened states of mind of caregivers Lead to defensive inhibition of mentalizing about caregivers’ mental states Leads paradoxically to hypervigilance/hypersensitivity to mental states in others But dominated by non-reflective assumptions about the mind of others Attachment deactivating strategies Resembles secure attachment on first impression High mentalizing, even under stress but often hypermentalization = mentalization “on the loose” The “educated neurotic” that uses “canned language” Collapses under increasing stress Failure of defense mechanisms under increasing cognitive load *Shaver, P. R., & Mikulincer, M. (2005). Attachment theory and research: Resurrection of the psychodynamic approach to personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 39, 22-45. Disorganized attachment Particularly maladaptive mix of hyperactivating and deactivating strategies Leading to hypermentalizationhypomentalization cycles Relationship-specific nature of mentalizing! Mentalizing is interpersonal: can patients allow co-regulation of mentalizing and affect? Different profiles/switch points in different relationships Immediate therapeutic implications Finding optimal balance between ATT activation and Mz Tailoring interventions to patients In hyperactivating patients, failure of Mz easily ensues: emphasis on insight or deep interpretations, especially in early phases, probably counterproductive In deactivating patients: risk of pseudomentalization Threshold for switch Strength of automatic response Recovery of controlled mentalization High Moderate Fast Hyperactivating Low: Hyperresponsivity Strong Slow Deactivating Relatively high: Hyporesponsive, but failure under increasing stress Weak, but moderate to strong under increasing stress Relatively fast Disorganized Incoherent: hyperresponsive, but often frantic attempts to downregulate Strong Slow Secure Mentalizing Profile of Prototypical BPD patient ImplicitAutomatic BPD Mental interior focused Cognitive agent:attitude propositions ExplicitControlled BPD Mental exterior focused BPD Affective self:affect state propositions BPD Imitative frontoparietal mirror neurone system Belief-desire MPFC/ACC inhibitory system Very High ● ● High ● ● ● Ordinary/Aver age Low ● ● ● ● Internal ● Self External Very Low ● Cognitive Other Legend: = Typical mentalizing profile for Borderline Personality Disorder = Typical mentalizing profile for Narcissistic Personality Disorder ● Affective Treatment vectors in re-establishing mentalizing ImplicitAutomatic Impression Controlled driven Appearance Inference Mental interior focused Certainty emotion Doubt of of cognition Cognitive agent:attitude propositions Imitative frontoparietal mirror neurone system ExplicitControlled Emotional contagion Autonomy Mental exterior focused Affective self:affect state propositions Belief-desire MPFC/ACC inhibitory system Structured assessment of mentalization Selective Trust! Approaches to measure Mz (Parental) Reflective Functioning is typically measured based on interviews Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) Child Attachment Interview (CAI) Parent Development Interview (PDI) Pregnancy Interview (PI) Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) Limitations: Time and cost-intensive Mostly uni-dimensional Score on RF Scale 9 7 5 3 Description Full or Exceptional Interviewee’s answers show exceptional sophistication, are surprising, quite complex or elaborate and consistently manifest reasoning in a causal way using mental states Moderate to high RF Marked Numerous statements indicating full RF, which show awareness of the nature of mental states, and explicit attempts at teasing out mental states underlying behaviour Definite or Ordinary Interviewee shows a number of instances of reflective functioning even if prompted by the interviewer rather than emerging spontaneously from the interviewee Questionable or Low Some evidence of consideration of mental states throughout the interview, albeit at a fairly rudimentary level 1 Absent but not Repudiated Reflective functioning is totally or almost totally absent -1 Negative Interviewee systematically resists taking a reflective stance throughout the interview Negative to limited RF Multi-dimensional assessment with RFscale is possible: Specific issues (eg trauma and loss) on the AAI (Berthelot, Ensink et al., 2012) Symptoms (e.g. Rudden et al. 2009) Specific attachment figures (e.g. Diamond et al. 2003) Yet: remains time/cost-intensive Remains “off-line” measure <---> “on-line” Assessment of mentalization polarities Various proxies of mentalizing exist Different “off-line” and “on-line” measures can be used an adapted Multi-dimensional appraoch provides a guide to measurement selection and development Luyten, P., Fonagy, P., Lowyck, B., & Vermote, R. (2012). The assessment of mentalization. In A. Bateman & P. Fonagy (Eds.), Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice (pp. 43-65). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
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