June 2015 Newsletter Monthly Quote: Cowboy Wisdom - “Never give the devil a ride. He will always want the reins.” ---Unknown 2015 Officers, Directors Grant & Trail Committees President: Jerry Lutker Vice President: Steve Kiesewetter Treasurer: Denise Elwell Secretary: Eileen Weyhrich Reporter: Donna Perry Directors: Jim Bunting, Paul Doubet, Pat Gomes, Teresa Nordwall, Bob Weyhrich Grant Committee: Paul Doubet, Lauren Malmberg, Nicole Mauser-Storer, Jay Sibley, Eileen Weyhrich Trail Committee: Bob Elwell, Pat Gomes, Theresa Nordwall, Karen Smith, Eileen Weyhrich, May Meeting Highlights: St. Jude Dance Update: The donation amount has not been finalized yet; but, is approximately $5000 Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ Jubilee Park, May 22-25, 2015 (Memorial Day Weekend). God and Mother Nature blessed us with beautiful weather Friday and Saturday. There were approximately 15 riders that participated in the club ride and we had about 20-25 for lunch afterwards. Paul Doubet has an awesome cooker and cooked great hamburgers and hot dogs for us…there were chips, beans, salads, cookies, Texas sheet cake, and other deserts. Did I mention that there were beans, beans and more beans! Everything was very tasty; thanks to all who brought food! Saddle Raffle Results: Congratulations to Julie Graves for winning the Saddle Raffle on Saturday, June 23 rd. Julie said she would donate the saddle to the Saddle Up for St. Jude Auction on Saturday, June 6th! Here’s your second opportunity to get that saddle! Saddle Up for St. Jude: Donations for the auction can be taken to Bernez Farms Feed & Supply or to Julie Graves’ house in Dunlap. Jubilee Park Update: We are expecting a letter from Springfield by June 1st so that we can move forward with the grant for Autumn Olive Removal in Mithcell’s Meadow. Springfield is still interviewing for park Superintendent. Jubilee Riders and PAMBA have been asked to participate in a Jubilee College historical event on August 8th from 9:00-3:00PM; there was some discussion about taking a few horses of various breeds to the event. Upcoming Events (mark your calendars and make your reservations): Saddle Up for St. Jude, June 6, 2015 @ Jubilee Equestrian Park; Contact: Julie Graves Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ Jubilee Park, June 7, 2015, 10:00 AM; we’re piggy-backing on the Saddle Up for St. Jude event…make it a weekend and camp the 5th thru the 7th! Jubilee Riders Club Meeting, June 11, 2015 @ Jubilee Equestrian Park Great trail riding adventure at Ft. Robinson, Nebraska: The ride is for ALL horses, hosted by APHA (American Paint Horse Association), stay in the lodge (which is the fort), stalls are in the original Calvary barn, meals provided, 13 hr. drive from IL, dates: Sept. 7-12. Check out the website and share with others. They have a limited number of riders and do fill the ride. Karen Smith and Donna Perry went in 2010 and had a great time; Paul and Sharon Doubet are planning to go on this ride in September. Check out reservation details at: http://www.apha.com/events/fort-rob This really is beautiful country and a great opportunity! You can also check out the following website for information about Fort Robinson: http://www.stateparks.com/fort_robinson_state_park_in_nebraska.html Please note that the official account of the meeting is contained in the minutes which will be read at the next meeting to be held on Thursday June 11th at the Jubilee Equestrian Park with a Potluck @ 6:30 followed by the meeting @7:00. President’s Note: Last week (May 18-22) the trails were really in great shape. My only suggestion would be to take pruners with you. It seems most trails are being overrun with Autumn Olive (yes, Jim, I branched out from the Green Trail). The west side (Pink Trail) is not bad but logs have to be removed before it can be mowed. Saturday, May 23 was the club ride and cookout. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, beans and more beans. Something about cowboys and beans just go together. Everyone seemed to have a great time, the ride went well and after lunch it was nice to just sit around and visit. If you didn't make it to this one, please plan on coming to the next one. Great way to meet club members. Saddle Up for St. Jude is June 6. Please plan to be there to help Julie and her group out. Volunteers are always needed. Trail ride leaves at 10 am. Happy Trails Jerry Jubilee Riders June 2015 Newsletter 2 Jubilee Park: Promote The Park: If you have not already done so, take a minute and go out to www.HorseTrailDirectory.com , click on “Illinois” and add a comment about Jubilee Equestrian Park. We need to promote the park to get people to come! Trail Update: Take your pruners when you ride; the grass, weeds, Autumn Olive and other invasive plants love the rain we have been having this spring. All kinds of viney, thorny plants are invading the trails; the honeysuckle and multiflora rose are crowding the trails in some areas. You’ll also find a few fallen trees. As of recently, there has been very little, if any, trail maintenance. Many of you may also be aware that as of Memorial Day Weekend, the day ride section of the horse camp had not been mowed. Grass is/was as high as the picnic tables. The camping area was mowed and was beautiful for the holiday weekend. Membership: 2015 membership dues are due in January and are $10 for a single and $15 for a family. Checks should be made payable to Jubilee Riders and mailed to Denise Elwell (see club roster for address). If you need a copy of the 2150 Club Membership Application, ctl+click on the following link: http://jubileeriders.com/Forms/ClubMembershipApplication_2015.pdf For questions regarding membership, email JubileeRidersSaddleClub@yahoo.com or contact Denise Elwell. Club Roster: Distributed periodically to club members throughout the year; report additions/corrections: email JubileeRidersSaddleClub@yahoo.com or contact Donna Perry Website (www.jubileeriders.com): If anyone has any pictures that would be appropriate for the website please let us know: email JubileeRidersSaddleClub@yahoo.com or contact Nicole Mauser-Storer. Calendar of Events: Jubilee Rider’s Business Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month. All meetings are potluck @ 6:30/meeting 7:00. May through October, meetings are held at the Jubilee Equestrian Park. November thru April, meetings are held at the Brimfield Evangelical Free Church on the corner of Maher Road and Route 150 in Brimfield. Any changes to the location due to weather will be communicated via email. There is no meeting in December. Jubilee Riders Club Meeting, July 9, 2015 @ Jubilee Equestrian Park Jubilee Riders June 2015 Newsletter 3 Jubilee Riders Club Ride at Jim Edgar Panther Creek, July 17-19, 2015, 10:00 AM on Saturday the 18th; Pot Luck following the ride. Make your reservations: http://www.reserveamerica.com/ Brimfield Old Settler’s Day Parade, August 8, 2015, Noon in field behind where old Casey’s was Jubilee Riders Club Meeting, August 13, 2015 @ Jubilee Equestrian Park Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ Weinberg King, August 14-16, 2015, 10:00 AM on Saturday the 15th; Pot Luck following the ride. Make your reservations: http://www.reserveamerica.com/ Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ Jubilee Park, September 4-7 (Labor Day Weekend), 2015, 10:00 AM on Saturday the 5th; Chili Dump following the ride…make it a l-o-n-g weekend and camp! APHA Ride at Fort Robinson, NB, September 7-12, 2015; http://www.apha.com/events/trailrides Fort Madison Rodeo, September 9-12, 2015; if you are interested in making the trip by horse-back contact Pat Gomes…groups leaves for Fort Madison on September 5th. Jubilee Riders Club Meeting, September 10, 2015 @ Jubilee Equestrian Park Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ 4J Big Piney in Missouri, September 13-18, 2015; see http://www.4-j.net/ for information and reservations ILAQHA Ride, www.ilqha.com, September 25-27, hosted by Green River Saddle Club in Amboy, IL Jubilee Riders Club Meeting, October 8, 2015 @ the church on the corner of Maher Road and Route 150 in Brimfield Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ Sandy Oaks, October 30th – November 1st, 2015, 10:00 AM on Saturday the 31st; Campfire Cook Off Saturday night; Spookiest Trailer/Horrifying Horse Contest. Make your reservations: http://www.reserveamerica.com/ Jubilee Riders Club Meeting/2016 Elections, November 12, 2015 @ the church on the corner of Maher Road and Route 150 in Brimfield Brimfield Jubilee Riders Club Ride @ Jubilee, November 13-15, 2015, 10:00 AM on Saturday the 31st; Weenie Roast & pot luck after ride…make it a weekend and camp! Jubilee Riders Club Christmas Party, tentative date is December 13th; Rookies in Brimfield and Sazani’s on Rt. 29 in Peoria are being considered. St. Jude Dance & Auction, February 27, 2016 @ the Brimfield American Legion. Doors open @ 7:00pm; music provided by Southern Cross begins @ 8:00pm. Silent Auction, Live Auction, Horse Race and Dancing; what more could you ask for?! & Club T-Shirts & Bandanas: Need a T-shirt or Bandana, let us know by email JubileeRidersSaddleClub@yahoo.com or contact Pat Gomes. If you see Jerry Lutker out at the park, she normally has a couple bandanas in her truck. Member News: Welcome new members Terry & Christina Spurgeon and their children Rebecca & Andrew! Bob Weyhrich was able to join us Memorial Day Weekend and ride for the first time in a good while!!!! Wahoo! Please continue to keep Bob & Eileen Weyhrich and Karen & Dave Smith in your prayers. Jubilee Riders June 2015 Newsletter 4 June Birthdays: Happy Birthday to Denise Elwell and Julie Graves! If your birthday was missed, email JubileeRidersSaddleClub@yahoo.com or contact Donna Perry. Newsletter: Do you have news you want to share with the club or something you want to sell? Are there any dates that need to be added and/or corrected in Calendar of Events? Is there something that all club members need to know? Please send contributions for the July newsletter to Donna Perry no later than June 26th. It’s not official yet; but, Let Summer Begin! Supposedly, the temperatures this summer will be lower than average; this makes for pleasant riding! See you on the trail…Donna Perry Jubilee Riders June 2015 Newsletter 5
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