City of Hamilton – Information Update – Provincial Plan Review

Mayor and Councillors
March 17, 2015
SUBJECT/REPORT NO: Provincial Plan Review (Growth Plan; Greenbelt Plan; Oak
Ridges Moraine Plan; Niagara Escarpment Plan) (City Wide)
City Wide
Sarah Cellini
Policy Planner
(905) 546-2424 Ext. 2634
Steve Robichaud
Director of Planning and Chief Planner
Jason Thorne
General Manager
Plan n ingÿÿonomic Development Department
Planning Committee and Council Direction:
On March 3, 2015, Planning Committee requested staff to provide an information
update on the Province of Ontario's Coordinated Land Use Planning Review (a
Province-wide review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt
Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Plan, and Niagara Escarpment Plan), the Province's
consultation program and how the City is responding/participating in the review.
On March 11,2015, City Council approved the following motion:
"That Mayor Eisenberger forward a letter to the Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister
of Municipal Affairs and Housing, on behalf of Council, requesting that the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing hold additional public meetings for the Provincial Plan
review in Hamilton's rural area and advising that a Provincial staff person is welcome
to attend all of the City's own public meetings being held in the rural area."
OUR Vision: To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities.
OUR Mission: WE provide quafity public service that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner.
OUR Values: Accountability, Cost Consciousness, Equity, Excellence, Honesty, Innovation, Leadership, Respect and Teamwork
SUBJECT: Provincial Plan Review (Growth Plan; Greenbelt Plan; Oak Ridges
Moraine Plan; Niagara Escarpment Plan) (City Wide) - Page 2 of 5
On February 27,2015, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced that the
Province is undertaking a coordinated review of the following Provincial Plans:
The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe;
The Greenbelt Plan;
The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; and,
The Niagara Escarpment Plan.
Provincial-led Consultations
As part of the plan review, the Province has scheduled 13 consultation sessions (see
Appendix "A") to facilitate public input. The purpose of the Province's public
consultation is to provide an opportunity for the public to express ideas to make the
Plans stronger and work together better, to identify what parts of the Plans work well
and what parts of the Plans require additional consideration. The review of the Plans
will focus on six themes: protecting agricultural land, water and natural areas;
transportation and infrastructure; healthy, liveable and inclusive communities; building
communities to attract workers and jobs; climate change; and, implementation and plan
A Regional Town Hall Meeting is being held by the Province in Hamilton on Thursday,
April 16, 2015 at the Hamilton Convention Centre and will be organized as follows:
• Open House from 6pm -7pm; and,
• Meeting from 7pm- 9pm.
In response to the Province's Regional Town Hall Meeting scheduled for April 16th in
downtown Hamilton, Planning Committee requested that the Province schedule an
additional meeting in Hamilton's Rural Area to promote accessibility and open
discussion for the residents of Hamilton and the surrounding rural areas. A letter from
the Mayor's office to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing requesting the
Province to host an additional public meeting in Hamilton's Rural Area is being
submitted (see Appendix "B").
The Province has advised that the public consultation process will collect broad input
into how the Plans are working or not working and how they should be modified
accordingly. In addition to the Regional Town Hall Meetings, there are a number of
other opportunities for the public and stakeholders to provide input to the Province,
Our Region, Our Community, Our Home Discussion Paper and Discussion Paper
Workbook, which have been posted online for those who want to provide input
OUR Vision: To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities.
OUR Mission: WE provide quailty public service that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner.
OUR Values: Accountability, Cost Consciousness, Equity, Excellence, Honesty, Innovation, Leadership, Respect and Teamwork
SUBJECT: Provincial Plan Review (Growth Plan; Greenbelt Plan; Oak Ridges
Moraine Plan; Niagara Escarpment Plan) (City Wide) - Page 3 of 5
• Through the Environmental Registry at (Registry #012-3256);
• Comments can be sent by e-mail to;
• By mail to the following address:
Land Use Planning Review
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Ontario Growth Secretariat
777 Bay St. Suite 425 (4th floor)
Toronto, ON M5G 2E5.
In addition to the opportunities for comment listed above, City of Hamilton staff is invited
to attend a special stakeholder workshop for the coordinated review with the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs in Toronto on March 23, 2015. The purpose of the workshop is to
generate ideas on how to make the plans stronger and work better together.
Written and electronic submissions are due by May 27, 2015. The comments submitted
will help inform draft amendments to the Plans, and the draft amendments will be
presented at a second set of public consultations later this year. Comments from the
second set of consultations will be used to fine-tune the proposed changes.
To support the coordinated review, the Province has appointed an advisory panel (see
Appendix "C") to develop recommendations to the government on how to amend and
improve the Plans. The advisory panel recommendations will consider the areas set out
in the discussion paper: Our Region, Our Community, Our Home. A report, prepared by
the advisory panel, will be delivered to the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
and Natural Resources and Forestry by September 1, 2015, with final recommendations
on amendments to the Plans completed by early 2016.
Hamilton's Review of the Provincial Planninq Documents
The City of Hamilton's Planning Division has been working on gathering information to
formulate the City of Hamilton's response to the Provincial Plan review since November
2014. Internal discussions amongst Planning Division staff have been ongoing in
anticipation of an expedited Provincial consultation timeframe. An internal consultation
session is planned for April 2015 and will include all City Departments whose programs
and services are impacted by the Plans.
Staff have also developed a program to obtain public input to inform the City's response
on the Provincial Plan Review. The dates and locations of the City's Consultation
Sessions are listed below:
OUR Vision: To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities.
OUR Mission: WE provide quafity pubfic service that contribute to a healthy, sale and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner.
OUR Values: Accountability, Cost Consciousness, Equity, Excellence, Honesty, Innovation, Leadership, Respect and Teamwork
SUBJECT: Provincial Plan Review (Growth Plan; Greenbelt Plan; Oak Ridges
Moraine Plan; Niagara Escarpment Plan) (City Wide) - Page 4 of 5
Tuesday April 7, 2015
1 PM to 4 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
Liuna Station, 360 James Street North, Hamilton
Winona Vines Estates, 269 Glover Road, Stoney Creek
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
1 PM to 4 PM
Rockton Fairgrounds, 518 Old Highway 8, Rockton
Thursday, April 9, 2015
6 PM to 9 PM
Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trinity Road, Ancaster
The events will be promoted through a variety of communication methods:
• One ad placement to be placed in the Hamilton Spectator the week of
March 23
• One ad placement in each of the 6 Hamilton Community Newspapers on
March 26
Landing page at to promote the sessions on
the city website with a link as a 'hot topic' on the home page
Media Relations
• Release to be issued week of March 23 to supplement advertising
Social Media
• Tweets to go out following the media release distribution through the
corporate Twitter feed (@cityofhamilton)
To staff's knowledge, the City of Hamilton is the only municipality that is hosting its own
public consultation process in order to inform its position on the Plan reviews. Dillon
Consulting has been retained to facilitate the City-led consultation sessions.
A staff report containing the City response to the Provincial Plan Review will be
presented to Planning Committee at the scheduled June 16 meeting. The report, with
any revisions as required by Planning Committee members, will be presented to Council
at the scheduled June 24 Council meeting for ratification and forwarding to the
OUR Vision: To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities.
OUR Mission: WE provide quafity pubfic service that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner.
OUR Values: Accountability, Cost Consciousness, Equity, Excellence, Honesty, Innovation, Leadership, Respect and Teamwork
SUBJECT: Provincial Plan Review (Growth Plan; Greenbelt Plan;. Oak Ridges
Moraine Plan; Niagara Escarpment Plan) (City Wide) - Page 5 of 5
As a result of the expedited timeframes, the City of Hamilton will be requesting an
extension from the Province from the May 27 deadline to June 24 to include information
gathered from the internal and external consultation sessions and to enable Council to
receive the staff report on the matter and advise the Province accordingly. If this
extension is not granted, staff will provide staff comments to the Province prior to the
May 27, 2015 deadline and then provide the Council endorsed comments after June 24.
The staff comments will include a summary of the feedback received at the City's
consultation sessions.
If you have any questions with respect to the information contained with this update,
please contact Joanne Hickey-Evans, Manager of Policy Planning and Zoning By-law
Reform, at (905) 546-2424 Ext. 1282.
Our Region, Our Community, Our Home Discussion Paper:
Discussion Paper Workbook Questions:
Appendix "A" - Provincial Regional Town Hall Meetings Listing
Appendix "B" - Mayor's letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Appendix "C"- Advisory Panel Members
OUR Vision: To be the best piece in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities.
OUR Mission: WE provide quality pubfic service that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner.
OUR Values: Accountability, Cost Consciousness, Equity, Exceflence, Honesty, Innovation, Leadership, Respect and Teamwork
Appendix "A" to Information Update
Page 1 of 2
Provincial Regional Town Hall Meetings
Bingemans Conference
Open House 6-7pm
March 25,2015
Meeting 7-9pm
425 Bingemans Centre Dr
March 26,2015
Royal Ambassador
Open House 6-7pm
Meeting 7-9pm
15430 Innis Lake Rd
Toronto Reference
Open House 6-7pm
Meeting 7-9pm
March 30, 2015
789 Yonge St
Army, Navy & Air Force
Open House 6-7pm
Meeting 7-9pm
7 George St
Parkway Banquet Hall
1135 Lansdowne St W,
Open House 6-7pm
Meeting 7-9pm
Cobourg Community
Open House 6-7pm
Lions Club
Meeting 7-9pm
157 Elgin St E
Au ro ra
Monday April
13, 2015
FtSC Renaissance
Open House 6-7pm
Meeting 7-9pm
700 Bloomington Rd
Holiday Inn & Suites
Open House 6-7pm
Parkway Convention
Meeting 7-9pm
327 Ontario St
Appendix "A" to Information Update
Page 2 of 2
April 16, 2015
Hamilton Convention
Open House 6-7pm
Centre by Carmen's
Meeting 7-9pm
1 Summers Lane
Owen Sound
Harry Lumley Bayshore
Open House 1-2pm
April 18, 2015
Meeting 2-4pm
1900 3rd Ave E
April 20, 2015
Ajax Community Centre
Open House 6-7pm
75 Centennial Rd
Meeting 7-9pm
Open House 6-7pm
April 22, 2015
Milton Banquet Hall
3090 Steeles Ave W
Tuesday May 5,
Chateau Le Jardin
Open House 6-7pm
Conference & Event
Meeting 7-9pm
8440 Hwy 27
Meeting 7-gpm
Appendix "B" to Information Update
Page 1 of 1
March 17, 2015
The Honourable Ted McMeekin
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
17th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
Dear Minister McMeekin:
The City of Hamilton welcomes the opportunity to participate in the 2015 Coordinated Provincial
Plan Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan and Niagara
Escarpment Plan. Hamilton has been shaped by the vision, goals and policies contained within
the plans and our municipality is thankful that it was granted a Regional Town Hall Meeting.
With the announcement of the review and associated meetings, members of Council and I
would like to formally request at least one additional Regional Town Hall Meeting in Hamilton's
Rural Area to provide an Opportunity for our rural residents and farmers to participate.
In addition to the Town Hall Meeting, the City of Hamilton is organizing Municipal Provincial Plan
Review Consultation Sessions in Hamilton's East, West and Rural Areas to accommodate
citizens who may not be able to attend the Regional Town Hall Meeting on April 16. If an
additional Town Hall Meeting in Hamilton's Rural Area cannot be accommodated, City of
Hamilton staff would welcome Provincial staff to attend any or all of the City's public consultation
sessions planned in April:
Tuesday April 7, 20t5
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Liuna Station
Rockton Fairgrounds
l:00pm - 4:00pm
Ancaster Fairgrounds
6:00pm - 9:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Winona Vine Estates
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Please advise at your earliest convenience if an additional Regional Town Hall Meeting in
Hamilton's Rural Area is possible and if Provincial staff may be available to attend any of the
consultations sessions organized by the City of Hamilton.
Thank you for your consideration of Council's request.
F. Eisenberger
Appendix "C" to Information Update
Page 1 of 4
Advisory Panel
To support the co-ordinated review, Ontario has appointed a panel of six advisers,
chaired by David Crombie, to develop recommendations on how to amend and improve
the plans. They are to deliver a report to the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
and Natural Resources and Forestry by September 1,2015.
Panel Members
David Crombie
Keith Currie
Rae Horst
John Mackenzie
Leith Moore
Debbie Zimmerman
David Crombie
David Crombie has a long history of public service and engagement. He was elected as
an Alderman for the City of Toronto in 1969 and then as Mayor in 1972 -- an office he
held until 1978. During his time as Mayor of Toronto, he was instrumental in Toronto's
urban reform movement and oversaw the creation of the St. Lawrence neighbourhood,
an area of mid-rise, mixed-use, mixed-income buildings that follow Jane Jacobs' vision
of urban planning.
He served as a Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament from 1978 to 1988,
during which time he held several cabinet positions, including Minister of Indian and
Northern Affairs. From 1988-91, he served as the Commissioner of the Royal
Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront.
He is the former president and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute, former Chair of
Ontario Place Corporation and founding Chair of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. He
was formerly engaged with the Honorary Council for the Loran Scholars program and
served on the CivicAction Board of Directors.
Currently, he is the President of David Crombie and Associates Inc., as well as the
Chair of the Toronto Lands Corporation and the Chair of the Nuclear Waste
Management Advisory Council. He is engaged with the Governors' Council of the
Toronto Public Library Foundation and participates on the advisory boards of the
Ryerson Image Centre, CARP Canada and the Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries.
In recognition of his contributions to Ontario and Canada, Mr. Crombie was appointed a
Member of the Order of Canada in 2004. In 2012, he was made a member of the Order
of Ontario.
Appendix "C" to Information Update
Page 2 of 4
Keith Currie
Keith Currie, a Simcoe County crop farmer, was re-elected as Vice President of the
Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) at the Annual General Meeting in 2014. His 25
years of experience with the OFA began with an appointment to the Simcoe County
Federation of Agriculture, where he held numerous positions including President in
2004. Currie has served on the Board of Directors of the OFA for the past 12 years.
With a diploma in Agricultural Production Management from Ridgetown College, Currie
manages an eighth-generation cash crop farm near Collingwood with his wife and four
Rae Horst
With over 30 years' experience managing natural resources at the senior policy level for
the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and as CAO of the Credit Valley Conservation
Authority, Rae has written provincial environmental and resource extraction legislation,
regulation and policies; conducted major provincial policy public consultation exercises;
implemented both environmental and industrial legislation; and negotiated major land
development and mining development agreements.
Rae was a former Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Director responsible for
petroleum resources, aggregate extraction, conservation authorities, native land claims
and provincial land and waters and represented the province for negotiations with the
U.S. for a water withdrawal from the Great Lakes by the U.S.
Rae is a geologist with a BSc from McGill University, an MSc from Laurentian University
and an MBA from the University of Toronto.
John Mackenzie
John MacKenzie is the Commissioner of Planning for the City of Vaughan. MacKenzie
is responsible for the City's Building Standards, Development Planning, Policy Planning
and Parks Development Departments. From 2011 to 2014 MacKenzie was the City
lead on efforts to advance and facilitate the first phase of transit oriented development
projects in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre. MacKenzie currently represents the City
of Vaughan on advisory Committees including the Metrolinx Planning Leaders Forum.
From 2005 to 2011 in his role as Director of Real Estate Development and AFP
Initiatives at Ontario Realty Corporation, MacKenzie led inter-disciplinary teams on land
development, land use policy and infrastructure projects across Southern Ontario. This
work included project management for Toronto Waterfront Revitalization projects in the
West Don Lands, and several hospital redevelopment projects across the Province.
During this time MacKenzie also served as an Advisory Committee Member for the
Ontario Greenbelt Foundation. From 2000 to 2005 MacKenzie played a major role in
Appendix "C" to Information Update
Page 3 of 4
preparing and implementing provincial plans and initiatives including the Oak Ridges
Moraine Conservation Plan and Greenbelt Plan.
MacKenzie holds a Masters of Science Degree in Planning from the University of
Toronto and an Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Geography and Urban and
Environmental Studies from Brock University. MacKenzie is a member of the Ontario
Professional Planners Institute, Canadian Institute of Planners and the Ontario
Association for Impact Assessment.
Leith Moore
Since 1957, Fieldgate Homes has left its footprint on almost every corner of the Greater
Toronto Area, creating new home communities, condominiums and commercial
developments of distinction across the metropolitan region and beyond. As the
company has grown, it has diversified too, building on the reputation of excellence in
design and construction.
Leith joined Fieldgate Homes in 2014 to lead the diversification of the Fieldgate brand
into urban communities and condominium homes.
Prior to this Leith was Vice President of Development for the Sorbara Group of
Companies (1985 - 2014).
Leith was the Chair of BILD (Building Industry and Development Association) and 20122013 President of the Ontario Home Builder Association.
Leith was a member of the 2013 Ontario Transit Investment Strategy Panel (Golden
He is a graduate of the School of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of
Waterloo (1981). He was also Past Chair and member of the Board of Evergreen (a
national non-profit environmental charity), and from 2006 - 2013 an adjunct professor at
the School of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Waterloo..
Debbie Zimmerman
Since 2003, Zimmerman has been the CEO of the Grape Growers of Ontario, the
official organization that represents over 500 registered grower members on 17,000
acres in the province's three viticulture areas: Niagara Peninsula, Lake Erie North Shore
and Prince Edward County.
Actively involved in politics for 36 years, her political career began in 1978 as a local
alderman for the Town of Grimsby, and in 1989 she was elected to Regional Council. In
1997, Zimmerman was elected Regional Chair for the Regional of Niagara, a position in
which she served for two terms.
Zimmerman is the past chair of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for the
Province of Ontario (2004-2010), and the former member of the Niagara Escarpment
Appendix "C" to Information Update
Page 4 of 4
Commission (1994-1997). She currently sits on the Board of Directors of the YMCA of
Niagara, the McNally House hospice, and is the Co-Chair of the Pathstone Mental
Health Fundraising Campaign.
Zimmerman has been the recipient of many awards, including the Greater Niagara
Chamber of Commerce "Community Leadership Award" in 2013, the "Niagara Award" in
1998, the Niagara Women's College "Board of Governors Award" in 1998, the Niagara
College "Board of Governors Award" in 2001, and the YMCA "Woman of Distinction"
award in 2003. In 2015, she was awarded the "Local Food Champion" award for her
commitment to local food and years of service to Niagara.