Girls Basketball Camp Flyer.docx

2015 Nathan Hale Girls Basketball Camp
The Nathan Hale girls coaching staff and West Allis-West Milwaukee Recreation
Department are conducting a basketball camp this summer. Campers will have
fun and make new friends while learning the fundamentals of basketball. They
will work on dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding and team play. The drills,
contests and games will combine to make this a special learning experience.
Camp Coordinators:
George Sotiros, Nathan Hale Girls Varsity Coach.
Questions regarding camp? Contact:
Bill Barbeau, Nathan Hale Varsity Assistant Coach
July 13 – 16
Nathan Hale High School, 11601 W. Lincoln Ave.
Grades 1 – 3
Grades 4 – 6
Grades 7 – 8
(2014-2015 School Year)
(2014-2015 School Year)
(2014-2015 School Year)
8:00 - 10:00 am
8:00 - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 12.00 pm
REGISTRATION: Registration is accepted at the WA-WM Recreation Department, 1205 S. 70th St., between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday, via mail registration, online at or by
phone with credit card by calling 604-4900. A drop box is available at the south entrance of 1205 S. 70th
building for after-hours registration. Do not turn in registration to your school office. Deadline to register is
Friday, July 3rd. After the deadline, registrations will be accepted only if openings are available and on
a first come, first serve basis.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEST ALLIS - WEST MILWAUKEE RECREATION DEPARTMENT
Date of Birth:___________________ Grade: (2014-15 School Year):________________________________
Child’s Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address:_________________________________________ City :_____________________________ Zip:______________________
Check t-shirt size:  Youth 10-12  Youth 14-16  Ad Small  Ad Medium  Ad Large  Ad XL
Name of Person Paying:______________________________________________________________________
Address:_________________________________________ City :_____________________________ Zip:______________________
Home Phone:_______________________ Cell Phone:_______________________ Work Phone:___________________
Circle One:
Grades 1-3: 8:00-10:00am
Grades 4-6: 8:00-10:00am
Grades 7-8: 10:00-12:00pm
Registration: 209100.01
Registration: 209100.02
Registration: 209100.03
FEE: $36.00 Resident
$54.00 Non-Resident
____ Check
____ Cash