1st Term Project Work Class-III Note:-1) Each subject carry 20 marks. 2) All the project work will be done in the notebooks and they will be submitted on the first day of the School after the summer vacations. English Language- 1) - Write a short story in your own words by the picture given below and give suitable title for it. [10] 2)- Write an essay in your own words about “How did you spend your summer vacations?” English literature-1) - Write the poem “A frog in a well” in an attractive way and also draw a picture. [10] [10] 2)-Find out the meanings of the following words from the dictionary and write them:- [10] 1)-Abroad 2)-Absolute 3)-Bandage 4)-Blizzed 5)-Creative 6)-Concrete 7)-Disappointment 8)-Dozen 9)-Elaborate 10)-Exclaim 11)-Flyover 12)-Gulp 13)-Hollow 14)-Imitate 15)-Landlady 16) - Magnificent 17)-Optimism 18)-Nostril 19)-Patient 20)-Questionnaire ह द िं ी व्याकरण १- भाषा कितने प्रिार िी होती है ? उनिे नाम लऱखे तथा उससे सम्बन्धधत चित्र बनाइये या चिऩिाइए | २- भारत िे किधही छ: प्रलसद्ध व्यन्ततयों िे नाम लऱखखए व चित्र चिऩिाइए| ३- उऩयत यु त चित्र में से ऩशय , ऩक्षऺयों पशु पक्षियों व िीट-ऩतंगों िे नाम उचित स्थान ऩर लऱखखए | कीट-पतिंगों ह द िं ी साह त्य १- ईश वंदना से सम्बन्धदत किसी अधय ऩस् य ति िी प्राथुना लऱखो | २- किधही ऩांि लमत्रों िे नाम लऱखो व उनिा एि-एि ववशेष गण य लऱखो न्िससे आऩ प्रभाववत हैं | Mathematics-1) - Draw the following shapes and write two lines about them:1)-Cube [10] 2)-Cuboids 3)-Sphere 4)-Cone 5)-Cylinder 2)-Write the number names from 1000 to 1010. [5] 3)-Write tables 6 to 10. [5] Science -1) - Write the names of 5 scientists and their discoveries or inventions and which country do they belong. [5] 2)-Observe 5 animals and birds which are present nearby you, collect information about what do they eat, whether they are pet or wild and where do they live . Arrange this information in alphabetical order . Present this information in tabular form. [10] 3)-Collect some pictures of living things and non-living things and name them and stick those pictures in the notebook and decorate it beautifully. Social Studies-1)-Put 5 pulses and 5 cereals in polybags and write their names also. [5] [10] 2)-Paste pictures of different kinds of clothes in different states and mention the state also. [10] Computer -1)-Name any 5 input devices and 5 output devices and paste the pictures. [5] 2)-Write short note on compact disk and paste original CD. [5] 3)- Draw a diagram of CPU that shows how CPU works. Write few lines of CPU. [5] 4)-Explain multi-tasking and operating system. Draw the logos of windows operating system and Apple operating System. [5] General knowledge-1)-Paste the pictures of the following mobile phones and write two features of each:1) –Samsung 2)-Nokia [10] 3)-Sony 4)-Micromax 5)-Gionne 2)-Paste the pictures of any 5 sports personalities and write about them. Arts)- Complete pg. no. 4 & pg. no. 9 of art book. [10] [20]
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