Project Work Class-IX (SIP) Note:-1) Each subject carry 20 marks. 2) All the project work will be done in the test notebooks and they will be submitted on the first day of the school after the summer vacations English Literature Q1) write the summary of Act I scene 1 and give the character sketch of Portia Act 1 (scene 2) and the basis of the Act 1 scene 1. [20] English Literature Q1) Write an essay on the topic “Mobile Phone: a blessing or a curse.” Q2) Write a letter to a friend. Describing a recent exciting inter-school cricket match which ended in a tie. Q3) Write a letter to your Principal requesting her to organize a trip to Agra. ह द िं ी साह त्य 1) कहानीकाय का ऩरयचम दे ते हुते ‘काकी’ कहानी का ऩरयचम एवं साय लरखिए| 2) ‘काकी’ कहानी के आधाय ऩय श्माभ, बोरा तथा ववशवेश्वय का चरयत्र का चचत्रण लरखिए| ह द िं ी व्याकरण 1) ‘असपरता ही सपरता की कंु जी है ’| ननफंध लरखिए| Geography Q1) How grid system is helpful in locating the place? Explain with the help of a diagram. [8] Q2) What is IDL? [4] Q3) Why do some planets have longer days than a year? Collect the information about planets which show this kind of characteristics features. Q4) What do you mean by Earth as an oblate spherical? History/Civics Q1) Explain factor of rise of Jainism and Buddhism on the basis of i) ii) iii) iv) Rigid caste system Animal sacrifice Language Effort of sages and Intellectuals [with picture on related topic] Q2) Describe: VARDHAMANA MAHAVIRA AND JAINISM i) ii) iii) iv) No belief in God Discarding of rituals Universal brotherhood The fine vows [with picture on related topic] Q3) Compare and write 10 points on Jainism and Buddhism and also paste pictures on the related topic Q4) Explain the contribution of BUDDHISM in India on bases i) ii) Principle of Buddhism Two sects of Buddhism & Define i) ii) Lion capital of Samath Ashokan Pillar at Lauriya [6] [2] Maths Q1) Write the properties of Rational Numbers (Q) and describe the decimal presentation Of rational numbers. Q2) Describe Irrational Numbers ( ). Q3) What us the meaning of the marked price, Discount and selling price? Give the fine differences between them. Q3) Compound interesting using formula; Explain with the help of example i) ii) When the interested is compounded yearly When the rates for successive years are different. Physics Q1) Explain and draw the diagrams of devices for measuring length. Q2) Explain about vernier caliper. Q3) Explain about Screw Gauge. Q4) International system of unit. Biology Q1) Draw the structure of plant cell and animal cell. Q2) Draw the structure of Prokaryotic cell. Give differences between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell. Q3) Explain the structure of Nerve cell. Explain nervous tissue. Q4) Give the classification of animal tissue with diagram. Chemistry Q1) Explain about gas laws. Q2) Explain Boyle’s Law and Pressure, and volume relationship in gases. Q2) Explain Law and temperature –volume relationship in gases. Q4) Types of chemical changes Q5) Explain about physical change. Physical Education Q1) Draw the structure of the level organization a multi-cellular organism Q2) Draw the structure of diagram explain muscular system Q3) Draw the structure of cell. Explain it. Q4) Draw the structure of Respiratory system. Computer Q1) Write the introduction and history of JAVA Q2) Explain all the characteristics of JAVA. Q3) Explain the data type in JAVA with the help of diagram Q4) Explain all the JAVA statement and also diagrams explaining them Q5) Find the story behind why the Mascot of JAVA is a coffee mug.
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