13-23 Grenville St Ballarat, Ph 03 53318338 22nd ANNUAL BUNINYONG JUNIOR MASTERS 7th – 9th April 2015 TOURNAMENT EVENTS for players with handicaps BOYS 72 Hole STROKE - $40.00 entry fee (GV Geoff Ogilvy trophy event) GIRLS 54 Hole STROKE - $30.00 entry fee (GV Future Champions Series event) Under 18 and Under 16 age categories Separate 18 hole competitions daily - $15.00 entry fee per event A & B Grade Categories in each age group determined by number of entries Handicap limit: Boys 36 and Girls 45 COMPETITION EVENTS for players without handicaps Boys and Girls combined event Event will be a modified stroke competition played on a shortened course Under 14 and Under 12 age categories 18 Hole competition on Tuesday - $15.00 Entry Fee EXCELLENT TROPHIES TO BE WON! Entries Close: Thursday 2nd April 2015 (or when fields reach capacity) with Tournament Secretary, P.O. Box 112, Buninyong, VIC, 3357 All Fees to accompany entry form Draw to be published on Club website and in The Ballarat Courier POST ENTRIES will be accepted for daily events if fields are not filled to capacity BUNINYONG GOLF CLUB - TEL: (03) 5341 3217 FAX: (03) 5341 3241 EMAIL: admin@buninyonggolfclub.com.au TOURNAMENT CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Age categories determined as at 7 April 2015. All age group players are eligible to win the Buninyong Junior Masters Gross Trophy for boys and girls. The 72 and 54 hole events will have priority in the field. For the under 18 and under 16 age categories, the tournament is restricted to players who are current members of clubs affiliated with Golf Victoria and hold a current Golf Australia handicap. Under 14 aged players, with a recognised golf handicap, may enter the under 16 events. Proof of handicap to be provided on request (Golf Link Cards Accepted). Golf Handicaps are NOT required for events in the under 14 and under 12 age events. All handicaps will be fixed by the Tournament Committee, and the Committee reserves the right to make any alterations to the handicaps before any event should it be deemed appropriate. Players must be prepared to play when called upon to do so by the Committee. Leading scratch players in the Boys and Girls Masters events will be drawn together in the last round. Professional Golfers shall NOT be permitted to caddy for competitors. The Tournament Committee has responsibility for the entire management of the Tournament. The Tournament Committee may in the event of bad weather, or for any other reason, either shorten any contest, or alter any day or days considered necessary to complete the event. In the event of a tie for the 72/54 Hole Best Scratch (Masters events only), those players tying for first place shall continue over such holes as the Tournament Committee determines, in a sudden hole by hole play-off until the winner is determined. All other ties will be decided by the Australian count-back system. Competition shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as adopted by the Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrew’s, Scotland, together with such Local Rules as are in force on the Buninyong Golf Course. If a dispute arises on any point, it shall be decided by the Committee in charge of the Competition, whose decisions shall be final, provided, however, that the Committee, if in doubt, shall have the right to refer any such dispute to Golf Victoria, whose decision shall be final. Players are eligible to win one major 72/54 hole Trophy and one 18 hole Trophy per event. BUNINYONG JUNIOR MASTERS 2015 ENTRY FORM Separate entries must be lodged for each competitor. Competitor’s Name: __________________________________________ MALE / FEMALE Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________ Golf Club: _______________________________________________ GolfLink Number: __________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: Golf Australia Handicap: ___________________ BOYS EVENTS Event No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Date(s) th th th 7 ,8 & 9 th 7 – (pm) th 8 – (am) th 8 – (pm) th 9 – (am) Event 72 holes 18 holes 18 holes 18 holes 18 holes GIRLS EVENTS & MIXED EVENTS Cost $40 $15 $15 $15 $15 Tick Event No. Date(s) th th 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8 &9 th 8 – (am) th 8 – (pm) th 9 – (am) th 7 – (pm) 11. 7 – (pm) th Total amount enclosed $ Event Cost 54 holes girls 18 holes girls 18 holes girls 18 holes girls Short course 18 holes - under 14 (boys & girls) Short course 18 holes - under 12 (boys & girls) Tick $30 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 Total amount enclosed $ Credit Card Payment Authority – Please complete if paying by Credit Card Credit Card CardNumber: Payment Authority – Please complete if paying by Credit Card Credit ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ CCV – 3 digit number on rear of card ……………………………. I authorise the Buninyong Golf Club Inc to debit my Credit Card for $ Expiry Date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ Cardholder’s Signature: …………………………..
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