‘Movie Matinees’ to feature Julia Roberts & Tom Hanks Market Street Matinees are free films shown at 2 p.m. each Tuesday in the Lowry Room on the third floor of the Welch Family Wing. Matinees are free and open to the public. Attendees may bring food or buy snacks from the library’s vending machines. May movies featuring Julia Roberts: • May 5 – Pretty Woman (R) • May 12 – Steel Magnolias • May 19 – Erin Brockovich (R) • May 26 – My Best Friend’s Wedding Brown Shades of • A NEWS PUBLICATION FROM THE STAFF & FRIENDS OF THE JAMES V. BROWN LIBRARY • Dedicated people, bound together like pages in a book, have the strength to achieve great things. BEEBOTS SUMMER READING HIGHLIGHTS Readers of all ages will learn about the superheroes among us this summer as the library presents “Every Hero Has a Story” during our summer reading library program. Watch for the Summer Reading special section that will be published in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette on Thursday, May 28 to unmask our programs. Escape the ordinary and join us for Family Fun programming in the Lowry Room at 10:30 a.m. Fridays starting June 26 and ending August 14. The educational and entertaining programs will feature magicians, storytellers, animals and more! The Library’s summer reading program is 100% supported by donations. Adopt your summer reader today at jvbrown.edu. June movies featuring Tom Hanks: • June 2 – Sleepless in Seattle • June 9 – Forrest Gump • June 16 – A League of Their Own • June 23 – You’ve Got Mail • June 30 – Da Vinci Code May 2 Suzette Meyer Day May 7 Lycoming Mall Day May 8 Peg Redka Day May 10 Nancy S. Boyer Day May 11 Mary Ellen Straub Day May 13 Janet C. Harrison Day May 14 Molly Knapsack Harbison Day May 16 Louis E. Hunsinger, Jr. Day May 18 In Loving Memory of Marcia Miele May 27 Bailey Knapsack Day May 29 In Memory of Ralph D. Zell June 6 In Memory of Nancy Ann Charles June 9 In Honor of Nancy J. Lady Day June 11 Enrico M. Caruso Day June 13 In Memory of Jack D. Hawkins, Sr. June 14 Bryanna Phillips Day June 16 In Memory of Mary Bennett Shirey June 27 Linda Schramm Day June 28 In Honor of Charley Elizabeth Greevy on her 9th Birthday June 29 In Memory of Jack & Janet Buckle June 30 Joyce Hershberger Day For more information or to Own-a-Day, go to our website at www.jvbrown.edu, or call the Development Department at 570-326-0536, ext. 134. The librar y recently purchased state-of-the-art “Bee Bots” – award-winning programmable floor robots that teach control, directional language and programming to young children. These ro b o t s we re purchased using Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC) funds given by local banks and corporations who understand the value of reinforcing science, technology and engineering concepts to school-age students. ADULT PROGRAMMING The Forever Young (Adult) Monthly Book Club’s May selection is the John Green novel “Paper Towns,” which will be discussed on May 28. The group meets the last Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at Alabaster Coffee, 410 Pine St. The first 10 registered participants receive a free book. Those who already own a copy of the book are welcome to join the discussion. Movie Matinee selections are rated PG or PG-13, unless otherwise noted. 2015 Recognition May / June 2015 Library to host STAY photo exhibit for Mental Health Awareness Month The library will host the photographic exhibit, STAY, throughout the month of May in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month. STAY is a travelogue into and out of a life of depression and self-harm through the photography of Ralph Wilson and Stephanie Carey. An opening reception to see the exhibit will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on May 1 in the Moltz Rotunda Reading Room. Come join us for this First Friday event. NEW LOCATION! AUTHOR GALA SAVE-THE-DATE New York Times best-selling author and award-winning food critic Ruth Reichl will headline the 13th annual Author Gala on Oct. 29 at Le Jeune Chef located on the campus of Pennsylvania College of Technology. The gala is the library’s main fundraiser each year, and since its inception, this event has raised more than $200,000 to support the library. Table sponsorships are available by calling Robin Glossner at 570-326-6689. Table sponsors are invited to attend a private cocktail meet-and-greet with Reichl prior to the event. FRIENDS VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION On April 23, the Board of the Friends of the James V. Brown Library celebrated and recognized the significant contributions of time and talent that are given by the many volunteers working within the walls of the library and out in the community on behalf of the library and its many programs. Volunteers can be found daily helping patrons find their way around the library, spending time in the stacks shelving returned books, helping with programs for all ages, working in the book store, sorting books for the twice-yearly book sale, and doing many more supportive tasks. A reception honored and celebrated the generous folks who work quietly within the library and out in the county. The Volunteer of the Year honors a volunteer who has unselfishly given of his or her time to the work of the library for a significant period of time. This year the Volunteers of the Year are Gary and Jean Reeder. Jean works in the Friends Favorites Book Store at least two days each month, helps with the set-up and running of the semi-annual book sale, and re-shelves returned books on a weekly basis. In addition to being a regular shelver, Gary has been working on the Bookmobile since 2010. He provides support on its longest run to numerous May Book Review Luncheon Janet Hurlbert, professor emerita of library sciences, Lycoming College, will be the presenter for the Friends Book Review luncheon on Friday, May 1. She will review the book O My America! by Sara Wheeler, a travel writer and biographer. “Fifty is a tough age” Wheeler writes. “Role models are scarce for women contemplating a second act.” In this book she tracks the “second acts” of six women who reinvented themselves in the second half of their lives in the new world of America. Each woman reinvented herself in their middle years in America, the land of new beginnings. This book is a tribute to trailblazers and unstoppable women. Note:This will be the last Book Review Luncheon until the Fall. day cares and schools in the outer regions of Lycoming County. The Carile Brown Award, named for the wife of founder James V. Brown, is given to those who have demonstrated sustained dedication to the library thus helping to carry out the goals of its founder. The recipients are Laurie Burkholder and Stephanie Calder. They co-chair the library’s Annual Author Gala, the Library’s major fundraising event. Barbara McGary, Library E xe c u t i ve D i re c t o r ; H a ro l d Hershberger, President of the Board of Trustees; and GregThomas, President of the Board of the Friends, each spoke to the value of volunteers in keeping the library moving forward. As a pleasant ending to a delightful reception, Youth Services Coordinator Nina White entertained those gathered with a reading. Volunteers gave more than 9,000 hours of their time to the library in 2014. Mon. & Fri. 10:30AM-1:30PM Tues. & Wed. 1:30PM-4:30PM Sat. 12:15PM-3:00PM Shopping at the bookstore is a rewarding way to support Friends. Proceeds are used to help fund library programs and services. Please visit us soon and spread the word to your friends and family about the great used books and media bargains! Address______________________________________________ City________________________________Zip________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________ I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE LIBRARY INFORMATION IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT Return to: Friends of the J.V. Brown Library • 19 East Fourth Street • Williamsport, PA 17701 (Annual membership contributions are fully tax deductible) Membership runs Jan. 1 — Dec. 31 MEMBERSHIP LEVELS Individual $20 Family $35 Supporter $50 Sponsor $100 Patron $200 Benefactor $250+ Pay by MasterCard / Visa Check#_________ Cash Card #________________________________ Security Code_________Exp.__________ Signature___________________________________________________________ I WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER Bookstore Book Sales Book Review Luncheons Mailing Crew Book Sorting Crew Special Events D ____/____ T ____/____ “Summer Reading Alert” The Friends need your unwanted books, CDs & DVDs! Donations gladly accepted at the library circulation desk. Tax donation receipts available. Name_________________________________________________ Look for reduced prices on monthly specials! Stock up for Summer Reading Friends Membership 2015 Yes, I want to be a Friend of the Library The luncheons start at noon in the Lowry Room of the Welch Family Wing of the James V. Brown Library. Those who wish may purchase lunch for $6. To reserve a lunch, call Dana at the library at 570-326-0536, ext. 114. Reserve your lunch by 3 p.m. the Wednesday before the luncheon. You may bring your own lunch or simply attend the reviews which will start at 12:30. Parking is available in the metered lot off Market Street adjacent to the Welch Wing. Consider a bequest to the James V. Brown Library www.jvb r own .edu This man remembered you in his will. Friends of the James V. Brown Library 19 East Fourth Street Williamsport, PA 17701 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Williamsport PA Permit No. 6
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