K9 Central’s AAC Agility Trial August 8th & 9th, 2015 (1 ring – grass) Closing Date: July 25th, 2015 www.k9central.ca 905-623-3940 Money prize Steeplechase rounds both days! JUDGE: Robin Robbs & Jennifer Laird running order of classes Saturday (8:30 am first dog on the line) (estimate) Master Snooker (RR), Advanced Snooker (RR), Starter Snooker (JL), Steeplechase 1 (JL), Master Standard 1 (RR), Advanced Standard 1 (RR), Starter Standard 1 (RR), Master Standard 2 (JL), Advanced Standard 2 (JL), Starter Standard 2 (JL) Sunday (8:30 am first dog on the line) (estimate) Master Standard 3 (RR), Advanced Standard 3 (RR), Starter Standard 3 (RR), Master Gamble (JL), Advanced Gamble (JL), Starter Gamble (JL), Steeplechase (RR), Master Jumper (RR), Advanced Jumper (JL), Starter Jumper (JL) THIS IS A LIMITED TRIAL Trial Secretary, Amanda Wood 2836 Holt Rd, Bowmanville, ON, L1C 3K7 (905) 623-3940 amanda@k9central.ca ACCOMMODATIONS K9 Central-Limited RV spaces available, no water, limited electrical hook up. Water can be filled up at main building before parking. Please let us know if you will be staying on site so we can accommodate you. Darlington Provincial Park - 10 minutes from SDC www.ontarioparks.com/english/darl.html 1600 Darlington Park Rd. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 905-4362036 Howard Johnson Hotel - 8 minutes from SDC 1-800-446-4656 - 905-623-3373 143 Duke Street, Exit 432 at Liberty St. of 401, Bowmanville, ON, Travelodge – 16 minutes from SDC www.travelodgeoshawa.com 940 Champlain Ave, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7A6 904-436-9500 – Toll Free: 1-888-484-6045 Comfort Inn – 15 minutes from SDC Phone: (905) 434-5000 605 Bloor St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 5Y6 L1C 2W4 www.howardjohnsonbowmanville.com/ www.comfortinn.com/hotel-oshawa-canada-CN285 START TIMES (estimate only) See confirmation for final times Self check-in through out the day, measurement 15 minutes prior to judge’s briefing Judge’s Briefing, 8:15 am First Dog on the Line 8:30 am NOTICE TO COMPETITORS This test is being held under the Agility Association of Canada Inc. (AAC) Rules. Exhibitors through submission of entry, acknowledge that they are knowledgeable of the AAC Rules and Regulations, to include but not limited to the following: This test is open to all dogs being at least 18 months of age, including purebred and non-purebred, except bitches in season, dogs suffering from any deformity, injury or illness that may affect the dog's physical or mental performance, or dogs exhibiting signs of aggression towards people or other dogs. Everyone is responsible for the behaviour of their own dogs, please be respectful of everyone’s dog and space. No leads, collars, food or toys or other training aids/devices shall be permitted on the course at any time. (this includes in your pockets) There shall be NO REFUNDS for entries withdrawn after the closing date or in the event the dog is absent on the day of the trial, EXCEPT FOR BITCHES IN SEASON OR INJURED DOGS, provided notification is received by the trial secretary prior to the first day of the trial. If the dog and/or handler are dismissed from competition, regardless of the reason for such dismissal. (there will be no refund). Any handler who is found to abuse a dog will be disqualified. All competitors participate in the events at their own risk. The General Agreement on the back of the entry form must be signed in order to comply with AAC's acceptance and acceptance to this trial. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON LEASH AT ALL TIMES UNLESS COMPETING IN THE RING OR THE DESIGNATED OFF LEASH AREA. DOGS MUST BE UNDER CONTROL AT ALL TIMES, EACH PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THEIR DOG IS BEHAVING CORRECTLY, if not your dog will be asked to leave the venue. You must clean up after your dog, if found not to, future entries will be refused. Please Note: No choke, prong or electric shock collars are permitted on K9C property. CLASS DESCRIPTION: AAC Starters Class: The starters class shall be for dogs not having earned the Agility Dog of Canada (ADC) title. A dog must achieve 3 clear starter rounds under 2 different judges to be awarded the ADC title. AAC Advanced Class: The advanced class shall be for dogs having earned the Agility Dog of Canada (ADC) title, but that have not earned the Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AADC). A dog must achieve 3 clear advance rounds under 2 different judges to be awarded the AADC title. AAC Masters Class: The Master Class shall be for dogs having earned the Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AADC) title. To be awarded the Master Agility Dog of Canada title by the AAC, a dog must achieve 3 clear Master rounds under 2 different judges. AAC Veteran Class: Veteran class is for dogs 7 years of age and older or dogs 5 years of age and older who have been competing in the Special Agility Class for a minimum of 1 year. AAC Special Class: Special class is open to all dogs. A dog entered in Special Classes may move to the Veteran Classes. A dog may no longer compete in the Starters, Advanced & Masters titling classes once entered at an official trial in any of the Veteran or Special agility classes. Dogs moving into Veterans & Specials from regular classes take their titles with them (i.e. they move laterally). GAMES: Classes are now offered at 3 levels: Starters, Advance and Masters. Progression from one level to the next is as follows: Movement into Advance Games from Starters level games requires 2 qualifying scores under 2 different judges in the game. Movement into Masters games from Advanced level games requires 3 qualifying scores under 2 different judges in the game. PRIZES AND AWARDS: In each of the Starters, Advanced, Masters rounds and all games flat ribbons will be awarded 1st to 4th in each height division. A qualifying ribbon will be awarded to all dogs that achieve a qualifying score in any class. Titling ribbons will be given out for all titles starter to Life Time Achievement Awards. MEASURING OF DOGS: All competing dogs must now be registered with AAC. Dogs over 2 years old are measured by two Judges (or three if necessary). Once its official height is determined, that dog need not be measured again. If your dog does not already have its AAC number, please complete the "Dog ID Card Registration" form and submit it to the AAC Trial Results Coordinator with your payment of $ 10.00. Dogs cannot compete if they do not have a valid ID card. If you have forgotten your card, then your dog will have to be measured. Return signed entry form(s) with fee payable in CDN funds to: K9 Central Pet Resort, Training & Spa Inc. 2836 Holt Rd, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K7 amanda@k9central.ca Entries Close: July 25th. 2015 No post dated cheques accepted, No refunds after the closing date (905) 623-3940 HANDLER’S INFORMATION Name: ______________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ City/Prov: ________________________ Postal Code: ________________ Email: ___________________________ Telephone ( ) ____________ DOG’S INFORMATION Call Name: ________________________ Date of Birth _______________ Breed: _______________________________________________________ Jump Height at this Trial: 6 10 16 22 26 Dog’s Height at the Withers _________ Original Jump Height _________ AAC Registration Number (Dog’s) ________________ (Jr.) _____________ Class Entry (please circle) REG Saturday, August 8, 2015 _____Master Snooker (RR) _____Advanced Snooker (RR) _____Starter Snooker (JL) _____Steeplechase 1 (JL) _____Master Standard 1 (RR) _____Advanced Standard 1 (RR) _____Starter Standard 1 (RR) _____Master Standard 2 (JL) _____Advanced Standard 2 (JL) _____Starter Standard 2 (JL) JUNIOR SPECIALS VETERANS Sunday, August 9, 2015 ____Master Standard 3 (RR) $18 ____Advanced Standard 3 (RR) $18 ____Starter Standard 3 (RR) $18 ____Master Gamble (JL) $18 ____Advanced Gamble (JL) $18 ____Starter Gamble (JL) $18 ____Steeplechase 2 (RR) $18 ___Master Jumper (RR) $18 ___Advanced Jumper (JL) $18 ___ Starter Jumper (JL) $18 We appreciate any help over the weekend. Sign-up sheet will be available at the trial. Junior Handler: $10.00 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 FEO: $14.00 * MULTIPLE RUN DISCOUNT (per dog) (only applicable for entries received before the closing date) Saturday 4 runs = $67.00 Sunday 4 runs = $67.00 AGILITY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (“AAC”) PARTICIPATION WAIVER AND RELEASE Handler Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Dog 1 Name: (the “Dog”) AAC Dog ID#: ___________________________________________ Dog 2 Name: (the “Dog”) AAC Dog ID#: ___________________________________________ Dog 3 Name: (the “Dog”) AAC Dog ID#: ___________________________________________ Dog 4 Name: (the “Dog”) AAC Dog ID#: ___________________________________________ In consideration of the acceptance of this entry by AAC and K9 Central Inc. and the opportunity to have the Dog participate, compete in and/or be judged at this event or trial, I, the undersigned, agree as follows: 1. I certify that I am the actual owner of the Dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner of the Dog and that the Dog is not a hazard to persons, property or other dogs. 2. I agree that AAC or the Organizing Club for the Event may refuse my entry for any reason that it deems to be sufficient. 3. I understand and acknowledge that participation in the Event carries certain risks, including, but not limited to injuries (including serous injuries and death) to myself, the Dog, another dog under my control or persons attending as my guests (my “Related Parties”), damage to property and other losses. I waive any and all claims that I have or may have in the future against, and release from all liability and agree not to sue AAC, the Organizing Club or any of the directors, executives, committees, representatives, employees, volunteers or agents of either AAC or the Organizing Club (the “Personnel”) for any injury, death, property damage or other loss that I or my Related Parties sustain due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, breach of duty, statutory or otherwise, or mistakes or errors of judgment of any kind. 4. I assume full responsibility for the conduct of myself and my Related Parties during the entirety of the Event. I agree to indemnify and save harmless AAC, the Organizing Club and the Personnel from and against any and all claims that may be made against them or costs, fees, expenses or liability (including, without limitation, lawyers’ fees on a solicitor and own client basis) incurred by AAC, the Organizing Club or the Personnel that may arise due to: (a) any act or omission of myself, my Related Parties or any party for whom I am liable at law; or (b) aggressive behaviour by the Dog or any other dog under my control. 5. I have read, and do understand the rules of competition and the additional rules (if any) appearing in the trial schedule for the Event, as well as the policies of AAC pertaining to discipline (collectively, the “Rules”). I agree to abide by the Rules and to conduct myself and the Dog in accordance with the Rules. I understand that myself and/or the Dog may be subject to disciplinary procedures or sanctions for breach of the Rules and agree to respect and be bound by any disciplinary decision made by AAC. 6. I understand that AAC and/or the Organizing Club may, in the course of administering the Event or conducting its activities generally, collect, use or disclose my personal information and that any personal information collected, used or disclosed by AAC and/or the Organizing Club will be treated in accordance with AAC policy and applicable privacy and personal information laws. I hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure by AAC and/or the Organizing Club of my personal information. Media Release & Rights of Privacy Waiver I Hereby Grant to AAC and its affiliated companies, representatives, agents and assigns, all rights and permission to use or appropriate his/her and their dog’s name, biography, likeness, photograph, voice, performing persona, or other indicia of identity for broadcast, telecast, cablecast, transmission or distribution in any format or media known now or in the future. Waiver of Rights to Privacy, Publicity & Personality Further, I hereby release Agility Association of Canada Inc, and its affiliates, representatives, agents and assigns from any claim or cause of action for invasion of the rights of privacy, right of publicity, right of personality, or any similar rights. 7. I have been given the opportunity to read and understand the terms of this Agreement before signing it, and have in fact done so. I understand that by signing this Agreement, I am restricting my legal rights and I sign this Agreement voluntarily and of my own free will. Signature: Parent or Guardian must sign if the Handler is under 18 years of age. Date (dd/mm/yy): Signature: ______________________ Print: __________________________ Signature of Parent /Legal guardian of Minor: __________________________ Date: _______________________ Entry not valid unless Agreement is signed, dated and submitted with the correct fee
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