BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING GRANTS Grant Guidelines 2015/2016 This document sets out the objectives of the 2015/2016 Keep Australia Beautiful National Association Beverage Container Recycling Program, co-funded by Coca Cola South Pacific and The Coca Cola Foundation. It details applicant eligibility, selection criteria and the expectations of recipients. BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING GRANTS GLAMORGAN SPRING BAY COUNCIL Grant Guidelines 2015/2016 OVERVIEW The Keep Australia Beautiful, Beverage Container Recycling Grants (BCRG), funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation (CCF) and Coca-Cola South Pacific (CCSP), provide financial support to community groups and organisations to improve awareness of recycling Coca-Cola’s support for this project is in line with its community involvement program, which totalled $439,000 in 2014. The Keep Australia Beautiful Beverage Container Recycling Grants clearly fit within the Community Recycling priority set by the Company. Keep Australia Beautiful, Coca Cola Foundation and Coca Cola South Pacific are proud to partner together in this program. The BCRG will resource practical steps to encourage and facilitate “Out & About” recycling programs in Australia at a local community level. These programs can include the provision of education on the correct disposal of waste, provision of education on the cause and effects of recycling and the enforcement of best practice principals in local communities. 2014/2015 RECIPIENT “It's amazing what people can achieve with the right infrastructure. Providing bins for different types of waste and resource means that every item is carefully considered before it is defined as waste or resource. Project Leader, Cynthia All programs funded by the BCRG must include a focus on the recycling of beverage containers. In larger communities this may mean temporary infrastructure for events or for special venues such as large retail centres or education centres. In smaller communities it may mean assistance with processing to overcome remote location or dispersed population. LEVEL OF FUNDING Community groups are able to apply for funding up to a maximum of $5,000 incl. GST). The granted amount may vary from original requests due to the number of grants in a funding round. We have a small number of larger grants which will be considered upon their individual benefits. 1 WHO CAN APPLY? The applicant organisation must have an ABN registration or work closely with a service group or council that does. If approved by the state CEO, Keep Australia Beautiful state offices may apply for funding on behalf of a non ABN registered organisation. The program is available to all Australians regardless of state legislation that may apply in relation to recycling. Community groups e.g. Tidy Towns Committee Local associations e.g. Progress Associations Small to medium enterprises e.g. Recycling Depots Local government authorities e.g. Councils Events and Festivals School* "This grant has helped St Francis Xavier College reduce our ecological footprint, and with support from our students and staff, we are working towards a more sustainable future.” Michael – project leader * School applications MUST demonstrate relevance to the wider community in relation to beverage container recycling activities. This could include a project which involves the wider community when school grounds are used for weekend sports, markets, fates and other activities and the recycling infrastructure and messages are promoted to an extended audience. Applications are submitted via an online application form at: All applicants must submit a written quote from a supplier prior to applying. Should your project not require purchase of infrastructure or materials, you will not be required to obtain or submit a supplier quote. Note: The Community Grant to be received is to fund on ground works by our community participants and will not be used to influence legislation or for political activities. FUNDING PRIORITIES Projects which address the specific issue of beverage container recycling and its by-products. To fund community recycling projects focused on beverage containers that: Are well defined with clear goals, objectives, outcomes and evaluation Are accurately budgeted for with all resources identified including sources of additional funding Demonstrate a capacity to leave a legacy beyond the funding period. Communities and projects that have participated in the Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Communities Awards consisting of Tidy Towns, Sustainable Cities and Clean Beaches and have demonstrated their ability to implement suitable projects Trial projects which will develop a model for future litter prevention projects. Projects that can continue after the initial support from the grant. 2 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Eligible projects will be assessed against the following: RESEARCH – Whether the project is based on an understanding of the recycling problem in the project area. Also, consider investigation of recycling strategies (and specifically beverage container recycling) as described by other organisations nationally and/or internationally. RECYCLING INNOVATION – Supporting community projects which are innovative and resource the continuum of best practice “Out & About” recycling programs in Australia at a local community level. PUBLIC BENEFIT – Supporting initiatives which build local communities capacities to provide long term sustainable benefits to the Australian population. SUSTAINABLE LIVING – Supporting initiatives which stimulate an informed community. MEASURABLE IMPACT – Supporting projects which have measurable short and long-term objectives based on sound research, planning and evaluation. EVALUATION – Methodology including a sound approach to monitoring outcomes. COST EFFECTIVENESS – Cost measured against anticipated benefits. CONDITIONS In order to be successful, applicants must meet eligibility requirements and adhere to the following conditions: The applicant organisation must have an ABN registration or work closely with a service group or council that does. Allocation of funding may be used only for the purpose outlined in the ‘agreement’ based on information supplied in the application. Failure to do so may result in a requirement to repay the funds. Recipients must formally acquit their grant funds after the completion of the project. Links to online interim evaluation and final report forms will be provided and are due in September 2015 and February 2016 respectively. Exact dates will be supplied on notification of grant recipients. Please note these forms will require detailed information on project details including: location, grant amount, project description, anticipated amount of recycled materials collected, number of beneficiaries, number of bins to be installed, how funders were acknowledged. The report must be supported by pictures of the project during or after completion and must include testimonials from participants and copies of any media coverage. Recipients must be prepared to provide detailed results including estimated amounts of material recycled as a result of the grant. Ideally this will be by weight and if not by weight then a measure of volume that the grant recipient can convert into an estimated weight. This needs to be self-audited on top of any figures which a waste contractor may provide to ensure accuracy. Recipients must endeavour to gain media coverage as part of the project. Recipients to contact their local state or federal representative as part of this publicity. Evidence of this must be provided. Recipients must provide a representative to attend potential media opportunities organised by KAB. Any infrastructure installed as a consequence of this grant MUST include appropriate signage acknowledging funding. Please see Media, Branding and Signage Guidelines below. 3 Applications must cover ALL elements and answer ALL mandatory questions in order to submit their application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. An application is considered incomplete if it does not contain all essential information with all questions answered. If any legal details provided are incorrect, KABNA reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of the agreement or withhold payment. MEDIA, BRANDING AND SIGNAGE Recipients must adhere to the following media, branding and signage conditions of the grant: An acknowledgment of funding assistance by Keep Australia Beautiful must be included in any advertising and on any material relating to the project for which the funds were allocated, including all infrastructure. a. The image to be used is the Beverage Container Recycling Grants program logo which acknowledges Keep Australia Beautiful and The Coca-Cola Foundation which can be found downloads section at Please note that logo will require approval before reproducing it. b. This link also provides bin signage templates as an opportunity for you to use on your bin infrastructure. Recipients can download these as high resolution JPEGs from the sticker signage section at c. The text to be used: Keep Australia Beautiful, Beverage Container Recycling Community Grants, funded by Coca-Cola. Logos used must follow the style guide provided at and all signage must be approved by Keep Australia Beautiful National Association before going to print. 4 SELECTION PANEL The selection procedure is that each member office creates a probable list of recipients to be reviewed at a staff level by the KAB CEO Meeting, consisting of senior staff from around the country and then confirmed by the KABNA Board which includes board representatives from each KAB office and a number of independent board members. PROGRAM TIMELINE 10th April 2015: Applications open 29th May 2015: Applications close June 2015: Assessment of applications by Keep Australia Beautiful Final list confirmed with KAB and Coca-Cola, case studies from applications able to be used by KAB and Coca-Cola 28th June 2015: All applicants notified by this date by email 17th July 2015: Letters of Agreement signed by both parties July/August 2015: Distribution of first 60% funds by KABNA August 2015: Press release announcement Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2015: Implementation of funded projects 26th September 2015: Interim reports due to Keep Australia Beautiful National Association 19th February 2016: Final reports due to Keep Australia Beautiful National Association March 2016: Distribution of remaining 40% of funds to completed projects FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE COCA-COLA FOUNDATION The Coca-Cola Company is a local business on a global scale. As our business has expanded over the years, so our community support has grown to create and support projects most relevant to local communities around the globe. We are committed to investing our time, expertise and resources to help develop and maintain vibrant, sustainable and local communities. Established in 1984 (and wholly funded by The Coca-Cola Company), The Coca-Cola Foundation helps keep that commitment every day by partnering with organizations around the globe to support initiatives and programs that respond in a meaningful way to community needs and priorities. More information on The Coca-Cola Foundation can be found at FURTHER INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS For further information regarding the Community Grants or for advice regarding your proposed project please contact: Deborah Richardson Bull | Programs Manager PH: (02) 8626 9396 E: 5
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