RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INUNDATION AREA AND IRRIGATION AREA ON FLOOD CONTROL IN THE LOWER MEKONG TERUMICHI HAGIWARA Department of Civil Engineering, Tohoku University SO KAZAMA and MASAKI SAWAMOTO Department of Civil Engineering, Tohoku University Abstract-Flood and inundation are annual event, which is utilized for agriculture in the Lower Mekong basin. Inundation area can be associated with agricultural land. A numerical simulation was carried out to understand change of inundation area by flood control, and irrigation area estimated from reserved water. The decrease of inundation area caused by flood control is much smaller compared with potential irrigation area. Although decrease of inundating area influence agricultural land, that can be made up for by irrigation. However it is hard to prevent inundation of floodplain even if there is large-scale water control system. I. INTRODUCTION Now development of the Mekong river basin is one of the most notable planning all over the world. The Mekong river is an international river and its basin spreads six countries. Its development planning has various problems. For some decades of conflict and disruption over the basin countries, development in the Mekong is the lowest level in the world. The flood in rainy season and salinity intrusion from South China Sea in dry season are the most important annual events in the Mekong River. Flood and inundation analysis and assessment of salinity intrusion in the Mekong delta have been made with a numerical method ([1] and [2]). The subjects of those studies are not whole Mekong Delta but a part included in Vietnam. The Cambodian part studies are hardly made for the reason of difficulty in getting available data. Although annual flood and inundation have negative point such as disaster, that also has some merits. Inundating water is traditionally used as the water for agricultural use in this region. Inundation can be regarded as natural irrigation area, fish habitant, and grand water recharge. Water resource development in the Mekong basin may control annual flood and reduce the inundation area in the Mekong Delta. However it has not researched how the change of inundation area influences society and economy in term of water resource. Particularly agricultural area may be decided by decrease of inundation area. It is an important problem how much area can be irrigated with the water stored in the upstream dams or reservoirs by controlling a flood. That is useful in discussing the validity of development in this region. This paper estimates the change of inundation area under the various flood-controlled situation by using numerical simulation and irrigation area from stored water in upstream dams and from inundated water for natural irrigation in downstream. II. THE STUDIED REGION The Mekong River has its source in the southeastern Himalayan mountains and flows 4200 kilometers to its mouth at the South China Sea, making it the world’s twelfth longest river. It ranks tenth in terms of dis charge. The studied region of this study is a part of the Lower Mekong basin (Fig. 1). Annual precipitation in the Lower Mekong is strongly seasonal, as is the annual flow of the Mekong. About 85% of the precipitation falls during the rainy season. Annual precipitation averages about 1680 mm across the basin. The Mekong flood season lasts from July through December with an average discharge of 25,000 m3/s. The low flow season lasts from January to June with an average discharge of 6,000 m3/s. In this region Mekong has two large tributaries, Bassak and Tonle Sap, and these rivers joins at Phnom Penh, which is capital city of Cambodia. The end of Tonle Sap river is the Great lake(the Tonle Sap lake), which has a retarding function. Therefore the complicated flow is formed around Phnom Penh. Here spread low and flat land called Mekong Delta and floodplain cover a wide area. III. DATA SET As the boundary conditions in the flood simulation of rivers, water level data at Kampong Cham, upstream of the Mekong, at Prek Kdam of Tonle Sap, at Tan Chau, downstream of the Mekong and at Chau Doc of Bassak are used (Fig. 2). Water level data at Phnom Penh is used for validation of the simulation. Those data were periodically obtained by the Mekong river Commission (MRC). The simulation period is from July 6 to October 12. 18 Kampong Cham 16 water level (m) 14 12 Prek Kdam 10 8 Tan Chau 6 4 Chau Doc 2 (a) Lower Mekong 0 7/6 7/20 8/3 8/17 8/31 9/14 9/28 10/12 date Tonle Sap Kampong Cham Fig.2. Water levels for boundary condition Prek Kdam Mekong IV. BASIC EQUATIONS AND M ODEL Phnom Penh A. Flood calculation Flood water levels of rivers are estimated by 1-D dynamic wave model, which consists of following a continuity equation and a momentum equation. Bassak Chau Doc TanChau (b) Around Phnom Penh Fig. 1. The studied region ∂A ∂Q + −q= 0 ∂t ∂x 2 1 ∂v 1 ∂v 2 ∂H n v v + + + =0 g ∂t 2 g ∂x ∂x h 4/ 3 (1) (2) Where A : cross-sectional area (m2), Q : discharge (m3/s), g : gravity (m2/s) v : velocity (m/s) H : water table (m), n : Manning coefficient, h : water depth (m). The q refers inflow per unit area such as tributary Riverbed elevation data were not available along rivers but were available at only hydrological stations. These elevations are –0.93m at Kampong Cham, -1.02m at Phnom Penh, 0.08m at Prek Kdam and 0m at Tan Chau and Chau Doc. Riverbed elevation were interpolated by using these data. Elevation data of floodplain were used for the inundation simulation. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) made digital elevation data in all over the world with 1km Square. However this data has wrong value at some point compared with a map, which named Cambodia Topographical Maps, edited by Japan International Cooperation Agency. Thus elevation data of USGS was corrected and interpolated at some point according to the map. inflow or rainfall. This model was solved by finite difference method that time interval is 30 second and ground resolution is 1km. It was supposed that all rivers have wide rectangular open channel, river width was set 1000m for the Mekong, 500m for the Bassak and Tonle Sap, and Manning coefficient is 0.02. B. Inundating flow For floodplain, the following 2-D continuity equation and momentum equation in two directions are applied. ∂h ∂M ∂N + + =0 ∂t ∂x ∂y (3) ∂M ∂H gn2 M M 2 + N 2 = − gh − ∂t ∂x h 7 /3 (4) ∂N ∂ H gn 2 N M 2 + N 2 = − gh − ∂t ∂x h 7 /3 (5) C. Overflow For the overflow discharge formula combining rivers and the floodplain, the following equations are used. For the complete overflow, (6) water level (m) 11 Where M = uh , N = vh : discharge flux in x-and ydirection (m2/s), respectively. Although these equations originally include nonlinear term, we ignored this term for the reason of less influence of this term and avoidance complicated calculation. Also in this model, time interval and ground resolution are 30 second and 1km. Manning coefficient of the floodplain is 0.05. Q = 0. 35 Bh1 2 gh1 12 10 9 8 observed 7 culculated 6 7/6 7/20 8/3 8/17 8/31 9/14 9/28 10/12 date Fig. 3. Comparison of calculated and observed water level at Phnom Penh Kampomg Cham For the submerged overflow, Q = 0 .91 Bh2 2 g ( h1 − h 2 ) (7) Where B refers the width of overflow. h are water stages from the crest of overflow on levee, and h1 is the higher. V. SIMULATION RESULT OF 2000 FLOOD Calculation was performed in order of flood, overflow and inundating flow. Fig. 3 shows comparison the result of calculation with measured value. Although there are some errors early time due to initial condition, good results are obtained in a long time. The inundation areas gained from calculation and satellite image at November 4 are compared in Fig. 4. Both show good agreement except for around Kampong Cham, northern side of Mekong and western side of Tonle Sap. This discrepancy is occurred for the wrong elevation data. More correct data and field survey are necessary for more accurate calculation. The distribution of inundation depth could not compare with actual value for the lack of available data. However the range of inundation can be sufficiently expressed by this model. VI. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INUNDATION A REA AND IRRIGATION A REA A. The change of inundation area Flood control caused by basin development may observed calculated Fig. 4. Comparison of inundation area decrease inundation area. We simulate the change of inundation area under assumed flood controlled condition. Here water level at boundary condition was changed for expressing controlled situation. As shown in Fig. 5, different water levels were assumed to change with some percent decrease to the 2000 flood for flood control. The ratio range of control is from 10% to 50% with 10% interval. Boundary water levels at other points were given as the same control ratio. 17 Without control Without control water level (m) 16 wat 15 er 14 lev 13 12 50% control 50% control 11 11 0 20 20 40 60 60 80 100 100 day day Fig. 5. Assumed water level at Kampong Cham Fig. 6 shows the distribution of inundation depth at 80th day after the beginning calculation, with maximum inundation area, under flood control of 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50%. Inundation area and depth decrease, as flood control is getting more. Practically reduction of inundation area is remarkable in eastern part of the Mekong. It may become impossible to continue a traditional agricultural form in this area. There is large area that water depth reaches more than 5 meters in the case of 0% control. In the case of 50% control, most of the inundation area could not reach 1 meter of water depth. However the region between the Mekong and Bassak, and eastern part of lower the Mekong still inundate more than 2 meters depth. Therefore it is hard to prevent large scale of inundation even if there is large-scale flood control system. a) without control b) 10% control c) 30% control d) 50% control 5m 0m 0m 5m Fig. 6. Distribution of inundation depth 45000 40000 dischage (m3/s) 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 without control 10000 50% control 5000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 day Fig. 7. Controlled discharge at Kampong Cham irrigation area inundation area 80000 70000 60000 area (km2 ) B. Irrigation area Difference of inflow from upstream between the case without control and the case of controlled situation was used for estimating stored water in upper dams or reservoirs. Fig. 7 shows discharge at Kampong Cham in the case of 0% and 50% control. The peak discharge is considerably controlled, discharge change smoothly. This difference of discharge is assumed to be stored in upper dams. Therefore amount of stored water was estimated by integrating the difference of discharge at Kampong Cham between the case of 0% control and of each controlled situation. Irrigation area was estimated by dividing the amount of total reserved water by necessary water head for rice, which assumed 0.5m per unit irrigation area 1m2 since necessary water for irrigation is 1l/second/ha according to [3], and the irrigation period was set for two months. In Fig. 8, irrigation area is compared with inundation area that is the maximum value in each control ratio. This can be seen as the comparison of natural and artificial irrigation area. Despite higher flood control, inundation area could not change so much, while irrigation area increase rapidly. At the point of 10 % control the irrigation area reaches equivalent value to inundation area. This result shows that it become possible to get larger irrigation area than natural irrigation in this region with more than 10% of flood control. However the irrigation area is over-estimated in this study for ignoring other purpose of stored water use. Actually irrigation area will be much smaller value. Moreover dam construction has some problems such as environmental disruption. 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 VII. CONCLUSIONS The wide area of inundation in the lower Mekong is reduced by flood control. In this region, inundation area relates to agricultural land since inundating water is traditionally utilized as water for agricultural use. In this paper the change of inundation area and distribution of inundation depth caused by flood control are estimated by a numerical method, and irrigation area is gained from stored water in upper dam or reservoir. The result shows that traditional irrigation style becomes impossible in some region. While amount of stored water in upstream dams or reservoirs make it possible to irrigate large area. And wide range of inundation is hard to prevent even the case where large-scale flood control was made. However this irrigation area is maximum value in the case that all reserved water is used for irrigation. Since reserved water is used for various purposes such as drinking or industry, irrigation area will likely be smaller value. Moreover there are many places where inundation is not expressed by calculation for the lack of available elevation data. Comparing more accurate map and field survey will solve this problem. Inundation areas are also important in this region for ground water charge and fishery. Ground water is useful 0 10 20 30 40 50 control rate % Fig. 8. The relationship between inundation area and irrigation area for water supply in developing country in dry season. Inundation fishery is a chance for farmers to make cash. This simulation results are effective for deeper such discussion. A CKNOWLEDGMENTS The writing of this paper was made possible largely through a grant from the Sumitomo Foundation and through the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Encouragement of Young Scientist 13750481), and we would like to acknowledge here the generosity of these organization. REFERENCES [1] K.Inoue, K.Toda and O.Maeda (2000) A mathematical model of overland inundating flow in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Ecosystem and flood [2] N. Huu-toi and A.D.Gupta (2001) Assessment of water resources and salinity intrusion in the Mekong delta. IWRA, Water International, Vol.26, No.1 [3] H. Hori (1997) The Mekong river - development and environment-. [4] J.W.Jacobs(1997) Adjusting to climate change in the Lower Mekong. Global Environmental Change, Vol.6, No.1 [5] S.Herath and D.Dutta(2000) Mekong basin study. Proceeding of the AP FRIEND Workshop [6] MRC(1997) Lower Mekong Hydrologic Yearbook.
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