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huge auction
Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 10:00am
Owner: Jerry & Doris Hurla
Located at 23027 227th St., Leavenworth, KS (approx. 2 miles west of Jarbalo, KS)
Directions: From Tonganoxie, KS, take 24-40 to Laming Rd, (by water tower), N (approx 4/10mi) to Tonganoxie Rd,
right approx 1.8 miles to 207th St, N (left) 5 miles to Dempsey Rd, W (left) 2.5 miles to 227th St, S (left) .7 miles to auction.
As we are downsizing, we will sell the following at public auction:
Massey Harris 101 Jr
Massey Harris pacer
Massey Harris super101 (1938)
Massey Harris 81, built in 1941
w/Chrysler engine,
only 700 made
Massey Harris 101 Jr,
early prod #
JD 420 w/wide front, 3 pt
IH Cub w/Woods belly mower
incl frt blade, single plow
& disk
Shaw DuAll model R8
AC Model C
AC Model B, 1938 w/wide frt
Hefty “F”, made in Michigan w/
French Cont eng, 3 pt
(very unusual)
D10 AC, w/cracked block
AC 6 ft 3 pt blade
Intl Cub Cadet 1100
JD Model 70
JD 110, eng redone
Economy Powerking all gear
driven w/belly mower
Husky 14hp rider
Sears 10XLw/plow & mower
Dandyboy walk behind w/cultivator
Shaw walk behind w/cultivator
Brushhog D-4-10 w/Wisconsin
Wheelhorse D250 w/French
cont engine
Auctioneers Note: Jerry & Doris have been
avid collectors for many years. Jerry is well known
around the tractor pulling circuit and has an extensive collection of unusual tractors. We are selling
a portion of the tractor collection at this auction.
Doris loves to collect primitive type items and has
a unique collection of items to be sold. There are
many more items not listed, more items to be
added prior to sale. Please plan to spend a full day,
bring trucks & trailers.
Intl metal peddle tractor
Case peddle tractor
AC peddle tractor
Lg sel toy tractors & trucks
Metal dollhouse
Sm cast iron stoves
Sm childrens chair
Sm church pew
Metal childs stove
12 gal Diamond
McCormick Dearing 2 gal
Brown concave bottom crock
Crock fruit jars
Western 10 gal crock
Redwing 2 gal crock
Springvalley butter crock
Sev crock jugs
Salt glazed crock
Uhl 5 gal crock jug
6 gal crock w/wooden handles
Lg sel glass & crock chicken
feeders & waterers
Plus lg sel of other crocks
& jugs
Cast iron cookstove
Wooden icebox
Lg sel Maytag oil cans
Lg sel kerosene lamps
MFA metal ad sign
Small trunk
Tom’s peanut jar
Mammy & Pappy shakers
Lg sel Sunshine biscuit tins
Loose Wiles tins
Blue graniteware
Cottage cheese keeper
Milk bottles
Glass jars
Lg sel milk bottles
Carnival glass
Very old wooden rocking horse
Glass train candy keeper
Glass stagecoach candy keeper
Coffee pots
Flat irons
Iron stone pitcher
Iron beds
Lard press
Oil cans
Lg sel pulleys
JD corn sheller
Lg 2 wheel cast iron grinder
Sm wicker rocker
Metal “RIT DYE” 3 drawer cab
Wooden butter churn
Copper boiler
Cream separator
Wheeling warming stove
Lg sel farm related literature
Tom’s toasted peanut cabinet
Watermelon hog oiler
Double wheel hog oiler
Junior planter
Platform scales
Great western stove books from
downtown Leavenworth
Many more items to be sold,
too many to list
– auction Conducted by –
Sebree Auction LLC
913-724-6400 • 15516 Crestwood Dr. • Basehor, KS 66007
“Everything we touch turns to sold”
Auctioneers: Lynne Sebree & Dan Yergey
Concessions by
Basehor VFW
Color photos @ www.kansasauctions.net/sebree
• Cash or good check accepted with proper ID.
• All items sold as is where is with no
warranties either written or implied.
• All announcements day of sale take
precedence over printed material.
• Not responsible for accidents.
• Bad check writers will be prosecuted.