Spring 2015 - Kansas Lions

Kansas Lions News
Vol. 60 No. 3 • Spring 2015 • Kansas Lions online: www.kansaslions.org
2015 State Convention • June 4-6 • Lawrence
Music, dancing, speakers, displays, business all on menu
Prepare for a fun-filled and informative weekend when Kansas Lions gather in Lawrence June 4-6 for the 2015
State Convention.
Planned activities include performances by the great Frankie Valens, a
1950s “sock hop” (bring your dancing
shoes), guest speakers from the sports
world, the always excellent Kansas Lions Band Concert and an opportunity
to meet and interact with LCI President
Joe Preston.
Lions also will hold the Fourth State
Council Meeting (Friday morning) and
vote on constitutional amendments regarding selection of the Council Chair
in the new, three sub-district format
(Saturday afternoon). Lions also will
pause to remember those lost in the past
year. A hospitality room and numerous
vendors will be present throughout the
Be sure to reserve your room at the
Lawrence Holiday Inn no later than
May 16 by calling 785-841-7077. A
block has been reserved through that
date at a special rate of $89/night. The
Holiday Inn is located at the north end
of Lawrence (just south of the west
Lawrence turnpike exit) at 200 McDonald Drive.
Once your room is reserved, be sure
to also complete a conference registration form (on page 9). That form
is due by May 29. If you or someone
you know would like to advertise in the
conference booklet or reserve display
space, forms for both are in this issue
(pages 4 & 6). The deadline for the
booklet is May 10; deadline to reserve
exhibit space is May 20.
Read more about convention highlights below. Plan now to be part of this
special weekend, sure to “Strengthen
the Pride” of all Kansas Lions, “We
Special guest:
LCI President Joe Preston
Kansas Lions welcome Joseph
“Joe” Preston, of Dewey, Ariz., who
was elected president of Lions Clubs
at the association’s 97th
held in Toronto, Canada, July 4-8,
Preston is
IP Joe Preston
retired from
the automotive industry. He has more
than 30 years of experience as a fleet
sales manager and was consistently
recognized by Ford Motor Company
See PRESTON on Page 8
May 16: Deadline to reserve your hotel room (785-841-7077)
May 29: Deadline for conference registration form (on page 9)
Convention highlights
Thursday Night: Gospel Music with Frankie & Phyllis
Friday Lunch speaker: Karen Kornacki. Karen Kornacki has been a KMBC Sportscaster since August 1983. She
won the Kansas City Image Award in 1995 in recognition of
work in the community as well as on the job. She also won
an Emmy in 2003 for a special show on the Royals. She has
been involved with various charities throughout her years in
Kansas City. Karen is a motivational speaker.
Friday Seminar #1 (1:30-3 p.m.) – Dave Lindstrom.
Dave played defensive end for the KC Chiefs from 1978 to
1985. Since retiring, he has been a member of the Chiefs
Ambassadors doing community service in Kansas City.
Friday Seminar #2 (3:30-4:30 p.m.) – Leo Panel. A panel
of current and past Leos will answer questions, talk about their
experience as Leos, and their future as Lions.
Friday Night – ’50s Sock Hop with ’60s Pop Star
Frankie Valens. Be ready to dance the night away to some
great ’50s and ’60s music. There will be a costume contest,
so pull out your old duds and come to party!
Saturday Morning – Kansas Lions State Band Concert.
The band will perform at the prestigious Lied Center on the
University of Kansas West Campus. Don’t miss this always
popular event.
Saturday Luncheon – J. P. Davies. J.P. will talk about his
experience on the Olympic Bobsled Team, the struggles and
high points of training, and his past relationship with Lions.
Saturday Dinner – International President Joe Preston.
You will not want to miss dinner with our own International
President Joe Preston. A Lion since 1974, Joe has received a
multitude of awards as a Lion. He is a singer/songwriter and
is sure to inspire us on Saturday night.
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 2
An important message regarding checks to Sight Foundation
Please make sure that all checks sent to the Kansas Lions
Sight Foundation are made out only to Kansas Lions Sight
Foundation or KLSF. Do not put candy day, case of candy,
MSU or anything else in the “pay to” line. The banks will not
cash these checks.
Please use the memo line to put what you want the donation
used for, ie. candy day, candy supplies, MSU, Knight of Sight
Pin, etc. or just leave it blank if you have no preference.
Checks improperly filled out must be sent back to the
club or individual to be made out correctly before they can
be deposited. The banks are getting very strict on what they
will accept.
If you will just make sure the check is made out correctly
it will eliminate a lot of frustration for both you & the KLSF
Thank you.
PDG Marilyn Sorenson
KLSF Secretary
Kansan completes Advanced Lions Leadership Institute
Marge Zakoura-Vaughan, First Vice
District Governor-Elect of District 17-N
and member of the Wichita West Lions
Club, recently completed the Advanced
Lions Leadership Institute for Lions from
Constitutional Area I. About 150 Lions
participated in the program, which took
place this year in Calgary, Canada on March
7-9. Lion Marge was the only participant
from Kansas.
Lion Marge attended sessions designed
to enhance knowledge of leadership fundamentals, membership programs and Lions
Club International Foundation (LCIF).
Other workshops addressed skills related
to conflict resolution, project management,
teamwork and delegation, and developing
Lions leaders of tomorrow.
Esther LaMothe, International Director
and Chairperson of the 2014-2015 Leadership Committee, said that, “throughout the
institute, Lion Marge Zakoura-Vaughan
contributed to a steady exchange of ideas,
challenges and successes.”
“Quality leadership is critical to the
future of Lions Clubs International,” she
added. “Vice District Governor ZakouraVaughan has repeatedly and consistently
demonstrated her commitment to our organization and the pursuit of excellence with
her time, effort and energy.”
Zakoura-Vaughan has been a Lion for
almost 20 years and has held all offices in
her club, as well as numerous positions at
the district and state levels. Lion Marge is a
recipient of several awards and is a Melvin
Jones Fellow.
In this issue:
Council of Governors
Council Chair
PDG Jess Larison (Marla)
3306 SE Boston Mills Rd.
Columbus 66725
H 620.674.8449
C 620.674.1521
District Governors
17-K Don Kiehl
404 West 8th Street
Goodland 67735
H 785.890.6638
C 785.821.0305
lostlion@st-tel.net OR
Marge Zakoura-Vaughan
17-A Bev Greenwood (Mo)
Box 199
Milford 66514
H 785.463.5486
17-N Gene Allen (Terry)
876 South 30th
McCune 66753
H 620.632.5290
C 620.230.5120
Convention book ad form..........Page 4
New band uniforms...................Page 5
Exhibit table form......................Page 6
Peace Poster Contest...............Page 7
Constitutional amendment........Page 8
State Conv. regis. form.............Page 9
Letter from band student.........Page 10
Local Lions news.......Pages 11, 13, 14
Environmental photos.............Page 12
Leos ask for help....................Page 15
Dist. K, A conventions.............Page 16
LCIF anniversary.....................Page 17
New ALERT trailer............Pages 18-19
Worldwide Week of Service....Page 20
‘Kansas Lions’
on Facebook
Kansas Lions online:
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 3
Continued from Page 2
“Lions Club has such wonderful
opportunities,” said Zakoura-Vaughan.
“I’m delighted to implement the skills
and knowledge I gained from the Institute with Lions and other organizations.”
In particular, she is interested in
continuing to work to develop leaders
by encouraging Lions to become active
in Lions club at all levels. 1st VDGE
Marge highly recommends Lions consider attending the GPLLI and then apply to attend the ALLI, as well as USACanada Forums. All provide wonderful
learning experiences.
Lion Marge also recommends accessing the informative programs and
resources on the LCI website (www.
Kansas Lions leaders with special guest
MD-17 State Council members pose with special guest, Lions Clubs International Director Larry Dicus, at Mid-Winter Rally in January in Salina. Pictured, left to right,
are 17N District Governor Gene Allen, 17A District Governor Bev Greenwood, Dicus,
17K District Governor Don Kiehl and Council Chair PDG Jess Larison. See more MidWinter Rally coverge elsewhere in this issue. Photo by PDG Denny Smith
The Kansas Lions News is published periodically
by the Kansas Lions Foundation, 231 S. Tyler
Road, Wichita, KS. 67209
Editor: Nancy D. Borst, P.O. Box 127, Goddard,
KS. 67052; (316) 644-5430; ndbdesk@cox.net
Deadline for next issue: July 1, 2015
Please send your news to Nancy either
via e-mail or snail mail.
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 4
Sponsorship Opportunity
State Convention Booklet
Help welcome our special guest, International President Joe Preston and wife, Joni, and
Kansas Lions to the 2015 State Convention in Lawrence – June 4-6, 2015. This is YOUR
opportunity, as an individual or as a club, to be a part of this Convention. The State
Convention booklet for 2015 will be both informative and commemorative, and a great way
for both Lions and Lions Clubs to welcome this very special guest to our great state!
YES! I / We would like to welcome International President Preston and
Kansas Lions and sponsor the State Convention Booklet!
Full Page - $100
Half Page - $50
Quarter Page - $25
Individual Sponsorship Listing - $10
Individual Sponsorship Listing (Bold) - $15
Club Name: ______________________________________________
Individual Name: __________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City / State / Zip: __________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________ Email: ____________________
Please complete and return with your payment to: 2nd VDGE Deb Weaverling,
127 Hampton Court / Lansing, KS 66043 / e-mail: dweaverling@gmail.com
Check payable to: Kansas Lions State Convention
Deadline for Convention Book sponsorships is May 10, 2015
2015 State Convention • June 4-6
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 5
State Convention agenda
Thursday, June 4, 2015
2 p.m. District Governors Elect/ Spouses Review Meeting, Lobby Board Room 1
3-6 p.m. Registration, Conference Center Lobby
6:30 p.m. State Convention Kick-Off Dinner, Regency B
Gospel Music with Frankie Valens & wife, Phyllis
8-10 p.m Hospitality Room, Lobby Board Room 2
8 p.m. Review Session – Current Council/District Governors Elect, Lobby Board Room
Friday, June 5, 2015
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Registration (Closed during Luncheon)
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hospitality Room (Closed during Luncheon); Displays/Vendors
7:30 a.m. Kansas Lions Band Foundation, Brazilian B/C
Kansas Lions Sight Foundation, Brazilian A
Kansas Lions Foundation, Brazilian D
8 a.m. Budget & Finance, Lobby Board Room 1
9 - 11:15 a.m. Fourth State Council Meeting, Brazilian B/C
11:30 a.m. Luncheon/Speaker Karen Kornacki, KMBC sportscaster; hosted by PDG Club,
Regency B/C
1:30 - 3 p.m. Seminar #1: Kansas City Chiefs Ambassador – Dave Lindstrom, Former
Defensive End
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Seminar #2: Leo Panel
5 - 6 p.m. First Vice District Governors Elect & Second Vice District Governors Elect
2015-2016, Brazilian B/C
6:30 p.m Dinner/Entertainment -Sock Hop with ’60s Star Frankie Valens, Regency B/C
Update on new
Lions Band uniforms
The new Kansas Lions Band uniforms are currently in the process of being manufactured by Fruhauf Uniforms,
Inc. in Wichita.
Prior to Mid-Winter Rally, the committee had $60,000 donated to make
an initial purchase ($30,000 from the
Kansas Lions Band Foundation; $20,000
from band committee carryover funds;
$10,000 from MD-17 administrative account). Thanks to the Kansas Lions Band
Foundation’s willingness to “up front”
the remaining amount of $37,049.00, all
300 uniforms have been purchased.
To date, $8,200 has been donated
by individual Lions and Lions Clubs to
help cover the “up front” cost. The new
uniforms cost just more than $335 each.
Fruhauf is working hard to try and get
the uniforms completed in time for our
State Band concert in June.
Once the new uniforms are in hand,
the old ones will be available to Lions
and Lions Clubs that originally purchased them.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
8 a.m. - 3 p.m Displays and Exhibits (close at 3:00 p.m. for banquet set-up)
8 a.m.- 5 p.m Registration (closed for band concert & luncheon)
8:15 a.m. Meet in Lobby – Current State Council, DG Elects, International Family
8:30 a.m. Depart, Past International Family, Convention Chair and spouses.
10 a.m. Band Concert, Lied Center, KU West Campus (directions in the Convention
12:15 p.m. Luncheon/Speaker Olympic bobsledder J.P. Davies, Regency B/C
1:30 - 5 p.m Hospitality Room (closed for Band Concert & Luncheon)
2 p.m. State Convention Business Session, Brazilian B/C
Special Guest, International President Joe Preston; PCC Bill Phillipi, endorsed
candidate for International Director
Voting by Delegates of MD-17 on Constitutional Amendments
Kansas Lions Band Foundation Annual Meeting
Kansas Lions Foundation Annual Meeting
Kansas Lions Sight Foundation Annual Meeting
Service of Remembrance
Immediately following Service of Remembrance:
Kansas Lions Band Foundation Board of Directors Election of Officers 2015-16. Current
District Governors, District Governors Elect, Current Band Foundation Directors, Incoming Foundation Directors.
6 p.m. Meet in Brazilian B/C for Assembly to march in: Current State Council, DG Elects,
International Family, Past International Family, Convention Chair and spouses
6:30 p.m. State Convention Banquet, Regency A-D
Special speaker: Joe Preston, International President
Lions Band co-chair Shari Neidhardt
models the new uniform. Photo by PDG
Denny Smith
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 6
2015 Kansas Lions Convention
June 4-6, 2015
Holiday Inn in Lawrence, Kansas
Please indicate your desire for exhibit space at the 2015 Kansas Lions State
Convention by providing the appropriate information below.
Exhibit space will be in one of the smaller ballrooms.
Standard table length is 8’.
Tables will have tablecloths but no table skirts.
Name of group/event: ______________________________________
Contact/Setup Person: ______________________________________
Telephone: __________________E-mail: _______________________
_______ Yes, electric power is needed. I understand the cost will be $10.
Please return the completed form to:
Lion Diane Hentges
e-mail: dhentges42@gmail.com
812 North Washington, Kansas City, KS 66102
Requests must be received by May 20, 2015.
All venders must be registered with the Conference.
Now is the time to book the MSU for 2015 & 2016!
Contact Lion Ron Bretz to reserve your date.
(316) 283-1921 or (316) 772-7740
E-mail: wildfires@cox.net
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 7
State Peace Poster contest winners honored
2014-15 theme:
‘Peace, Love and
Three district winning
posters were submitted to
MD-17 for the 2014-15
State Peace Poster Contest.
Hansini Perera, a Fort Hays
State University graduate
student working on a Master
of Fine Arts degree, served
as judge.
The following winners
were selected: First place,
Ashley Heuton (age 13),
sponsored by Milford Lions
Club, District A. Student’s
quote on peace: “Peace is
when the people fighting for
our countries can take off
their boots and never need
to put them back on again.
Love is when we spend the
four seasons together and
visit our favorite places.
Understanding is when we
are as gentle as a dove but
have the courage of a lion to
come together as one beautiful world.”
Second place: Kamryn
Schoenberger (age 12),
sponsored by Hays Lions
Club, District K. Student’s
quote on peace: “Let peace
rain down on us.”
Third Place: April Powls
(age 12), sponsored by
Westphalia Lions Club,
District N. Student’s quote
on peace: “Peace, love and
understanding soothes the
soul and hugs the world.”
Each entrant received a
framed certificate and monetary award ($150, $125,
The winner advanced to
compete at the Lions Clubs
International level.
Second place winner Kamryn Schoenberger is pictured with her mother, Melissa, and MD 17-K
District Governor Don Kiehl. This photo was taken at the district convention. Contributed photos
The first place poster was created by Ashley Heu- Third place winner April Powls says “Peace,
ton, who says peace “is when the people fighting love and understanding soothes the soul and
for our countries can take off their boots and nev- hugs the world.”
er need to put them back on again. Love is when
we spend the four seasons together and visit our
Thanks to Lion Jean
favorite places. Understanding is when we are as
Gleischner for chairing this
gentle as a dove but have the courage of a lion to
important project.
come together as one beautiful world.”
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 8
Continued from Page 1
for excellence in customer satisfaction,
sales and product knowledge.
A member of the Bradshaw Mountain of Dewey-Humboldt Lions Club,
President Preston has been a Lion since
1974. He has held many offices in the
association, including club president,
zone chairperson, district governor,
council chairperson and chairperson
of district leadership development,
Lions Quest and MERL for the state
of Arizona. He was host chairperson
of the 1994 International Convention
in Phoenix, Ariz., chairperson of the
2003 USA/Canada Lions Leadership
Forum, and a national/multinational
coordinator for Campaign SightFirst
In recognition of his service to the
association, President Preston has received numerous awards, including the
100% Club President Award, the 100%
District Governor Award, the Senior
Builder Key Award, Life Membership
in the association, nine International
President’s Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest
honor the association bestows upon
its members. He is also a Progressive
Melvin Jones Fellow.
President Preston was recognized
by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
for his work as a Lion to prevent drug
use and abuse among youth.
President Preston and his wife, Joni,
also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin
Jones Fellow, have two sons, one
daughter and seven grandsons.
MD-17 constitutional amendments up for vote at convention
Amendments to the MD-17 Constitution will be voted on
during a business session on Saturday afternoon, June 6 of
the State Convention at Lawrence. All Lions must present a
delegate form (below) to be eligible to vote. Please note the
voting requirements.
The information on the amendments comes from PDG
Chris Bauer, chair, Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
Following is the wording of the proposed amendments.
Amend the MD-17 Constitution by deleting the strikethrough words in ARTICLE IV, SECTION 1 (first sentence):
There shall be a State Council composed of the duly
elected District Governors in the State and one immediate
Past District Governor.
And in ARTICLE V, SECTION 2 (first sentence):
The Council Chairperson shall call a meeting of the State
Council and all District Governors-Elect for the purpose of
nominating and electing, for the succeeding year, a Council
Chairperson from the outgoing District Governors as provided
in ARTICLE IV, SECTION 1 and a Council Vice-Chairperson
from the District Governors-Elect.
And add the following to ARTICLE V, SECTION 2:
“Candidates for Council Chairperson shall be any current
District Governor or any Past District Governor who has
served on the Council of Governors any of the previous three
years. The council chairperson shall serve for a one-year term
only and cannot serve in that capacity again.”
More important convention deadlines
May 10: Deadline to place ad in convention book (form on page 4)
May 20: Deadline to reserve exhibit space (form on page 6)
Per International and State Constitutions, all Clubs, in good standing with the Association and their District, shall be entitled
to one (1) voting delegate and one (1) alternate for each ten (10) members, or major fraction thereof, of their membership
May 1. All present Governors, all Past District Governors, Past International Officers and International Officers shall be
entitled to full delegate privileges. All Delegates and alternates need to be certified by their Club President or Secretary.
It is hereby certified that Lion ___________________________ is a duly elected (Delegate) (Alternate)
________________________Lions Club, to the 2015 MD-17 State Convention June 6, 2015.
Club President
Club Secretary
of the
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 9
Kansas Lions State Convention
Holiday Inn – Lawrence, KS
June 4-6, 2015
Registration Form
Name: __________________________________
Title ��
Lion � PDG � PCC ��Guest ��Leo �
Spouse: _________________________________
Title � Lion � PDG � PCC ��Guest ��Leo
Club: ___________________________________
(Please circle one) District 17 K
Street Address: ____________________________ City, State & Zip: ________________________________
Telephone: _______________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Events (check events you wish to attend, number attending, sub-total for each item and total for all events:
��Registration ($8.00 registration fee required of all attendees)............................................. (
) x $8.00 .$ ________�
��Thursday Night Dinner – Roast Pork, Red Potatoes, Tuscan veggies, with Choc Cake… (
Entertainment: Gospel Music with Frankie & Phyllis Valens
) x $17.00.$________
��Friday Lunch – Chicken Salad Croissant, fruit cup and cookies…………..….….....……..(
Keynote Speaker: Karen Kornacki – KMBC Channel 9 Sportscaster
��Friday Dinner – Midwestern Buffet…………………………………………..…….………(
Entertainment: 50s Sock Hop! Frankie Valens! Costume contest.
) x $14.00 $ ________
��Saturday Lunch – Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich, potatoes salad with cookies…….….(
Keynote Speaker: J.P. Davies – Member of U.S. Olympic Bobsled Team�
��Saturday Dinner – Chicken Picatta, Rice pilaf, green beans, Tiramisu………………........(
Keynote Speaker: International President Joe Preston �
) x $14.00$ ________
If this is your first state convention, check here �
) x $17.00 $ ________
) x $17.00 $ ________
$ ________
Name of who encouraged your attendance: Lion _______________________________________________
Make checks payable to - Kansas Lions State Convention
Mail registration forms and remittance to:
Lion Lela Gillespie, 1414 Givens Road, Manhattan, KS 66503, E-mail: kayg7@cox.net C – 785-532-8611
Final Date for Meal Reservations May 29, 2015
Make hotel reservations directly with the Holiday Inn & Convention Center 785-841-7077
$89 Special Room Rate good until May 16, 2015
Send it to The Kansas Lions News.
E-mail: ndbdesk@cox.net
Mail: Nancy Borst, PO Box 127, Goddard 67052
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 10
Lions Band: Does it make a difference for students?
The answer to this question is without a doubt a “yes.” Lions’
support for the band program gives young musicians an opportunity to experience a different level of learning. The following
is a recent letter received from one of our band students.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Neidhardt,
Thank you for the opportunity to make music with other
students from across Kansas. I think the Lions Band Camp
is probably one of the best run band camps in the state and
the two of you are to thank for that. Both times I have gone
were incredible experiences. I met a lot of people who enjoy
creating music as much as I do and made many friends through
that shared interest. Everyone at the camp is so spectacular
and I cannot wait to go again this year. Thank you for making
the camp possible for so many students across the state, as
you have made it for me.
Thank you for all of the support and encouragement you
have both given to me in my endeavor to join the KAMS
program. While living away from home on a college campus
is a daunting prospect, I feel like living in the dorms while at
band camp has somewhat prepared me for what is sure to be
an interesting experience. While I am at Fort Hays, I hope to
continue playing music. It is yet to be seen whether that will
be with a group, in a class, or with the school’s band but, just
being continually involved with music is my goal.
Thank you for helping me become the person I am today.
I really appreciate the opportunity to go to, in my opinion,
one of the most beneficial band camps in the state for young
musicians. It means a lot to me that the two of you care about
Kansas kids having a place to play music during the summer.
Thank you for all that you have done for me in having me at
your camp and supporting my music education and enrichment.
Branden Allmond
Note: Branden currently is completing his sophomore
year at Remington High School and has been selected to participate in the Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science
program, starting this fall. KAMS, established by legislative
action in 2006 by SB139, is the state’s premier academic
high school program for the state’s best and brightest high
school students. Because of the financial support from the
Whitewater Lions Club, he has attended the Kansas Lions
Band camp for the past two years and will be attending the
camp again this year.
As you can see, Kansas Lions do make a difference in these
young musician’s lives. This program would not exist without
your generosity. Thank you for giving Lion Shari and I the
opportunity to serve you as Co-Chairs of the Kansas Lions
Band Committee and making a difference in furthering the
experience of each student’s music education.
–PCC Hans Neidhardt
Local celebrity visits Lions club
LEFT: Wichita Northwest Lion Club members and local celebrity Sierra Scott pictured, from left to right, front row: Carolyn Meeske, Gracene Sims, Sierra Scott, Janet Jamieson, and Larry Jamieson. Back row: Lela Heacock, JoLynne Campbell, Ken
Meeske, Diane Suddeth and Roger Suddeth. RIGHT: Scott, of the Brett and Sierra Show, spoke to the Wichita Northwest Lions
Club in March. Her message was about positive news and news broadcasting. Lions Patrick Laham and PDG Bill Kincaid were also
guests at this meeting. Contributed photos
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 11
Local Lions: ‘We Serve’ our communities
The Hays Lions Club, together with
Hays First Care Clinic, have purchased
a portable $7,800 Spot Vision Screener.
“Spot,” which looks like a digital camera, emits an audible upbeat chirping
noise while the lens screen is filled with
a miniaturized laser light show. The
noise and blue lights work to attract attention toward the camera.
The patient may be an infant as
young as six months, or an uncooperative child. It takes just one second
for Spot to capture a binocular (both
eyes) screening. The patient is a noninvasive three feet from the screener.
Seven Hays Lions Club members are
trained to use the portable device.
According to Lion Jim Huenergarde,
the plans are to keep the device at First
Care Clinic to be used on their patients
on a regular basis. As Hays Lions Club
schedules screenings with preschools,
day cares or the school system, the device will be used to screen 50 to 200
people at a time, he told a reporter for
the Hays Post, which ran an article on
the acquisition.
The Highland Lions Club has
made a generous donation to the City
of Highland Community Center improvement projects in honor of late
Lion James Gilmore. Improving the
parking lot at the community center/
fire station is expected to be completed
this summer. A plaque of appreciation
will be hung in the Community Center
in Gilmore’s honor. He was a charter
member of the club and a founding
member of the Highland EMT. He also
served as City of Highland Fire Chief
and Rural District Fire Chief, as well
as City Superintendent for the City of
Highland. He was always looking for
ways to help his community.
PDG Bob Courtney was honored
for his 50 years of Lions service by the
Pratt Lions Club in January.
Making connections
The Hays Lions Club is reading to the residents of CedarView Assisted Living Residence each month. The project is organized by Valery Rule. Members spend 30 minutes
reading to the residents on various topics as well as sharing life experiences. Pictured
above, left to right: Hays Lions Club President Scott Watford and club members Valery
Rule and Roger Pruitt read to residents. Contributed photo
Ethan Steward
(left) performs on
his bass clarinet
for the Madison
Lions Club recently with hopes
to represent the
club at the Kansas
Lions Band camp
in Lawrence this
June. Contributed
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 12
Nature’s captured beauty yields awards
Photo Contest
winner advances
This photo by Sally Conard of the
Emporia Lions Club (District N) is
the winner of the MD-17 Environmental Photo Contest. This photo
was sent to International for competition there. Voting will take place
at the International Convention in
Hawaii this summer. Please look at
the photo closely so that all Kansas
Lions can support this winner and
vote for it at the convention. Twelve
of the photos will be chosen at International headquarters for inclusion
in the 2016 Calendar. Best of luck,
Sally! – From Louise Greenberg, MD17 Environmental Chairman
Contributed photos
Banana spider wins People’s Choice
Merle Laham was awarded the District 17-N People’s Choice Award for
her Environmental Photo Contest entry of a Banana Spider (above).
Laham (right) was honored at the District 17-N Convention. This is the
first time she has entered her photos in this contest. This entry placed
1st in the Animal Life Category for District 17-N.
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 13
Bel Aire Lions purchase body cameras for local police
Chief Darrell Atteberry of the Bel
Aire Police Department accepted two
Taser video body cameras donated by
the Bel Aire Lions Club during the
Jan. 6 City Council meeting. These
cameras will not only serve the police
force but will help in the service of the
Bel Aire community. The cameras were
readily accepted by Chief Atteberry to
be used by officers as they make contact with the public.
Chief Atteberry noted these cameras
will not only protect the officers in following procedure, it will also reduce
any claims of ligation when somebody
claims abuse.
Funds for these cameras came from
various projects, such as the fireworks
stand last summer and Taste of Italy
dinner in November.
Chief Darrell Atteberry of the Bel Aire Police Department accepts the two video body
cameras donated by the Bel Aire Lions Club during a January City Council meeting. Representing the club were Lions Jackie O’Neal, Andy Horner, Richard Caldwell,
Grace Neil and Gary O’Neal. Contributed photo
Honoring excellence
On behalf of District 17-N, Lion Patrick Laham,
pictured on the left, presented Viola Lions
Club President Shane Beebe with the Club of
Excellence Award. Lion Shane was one of the
cooks at the 58th Annual Viola Lions Club Sausage Supper, held Feb. 17. Below, two Conway
Springs Leos helped serve 1,200 people at the
supper. Contributed photos
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 14
Local clubs honor their own, give to others
The Cunningham Lions Club,
which celebrates its 60th anniversary
next year, recently honored its sole surviving charter member, Jack Meyers,
who was 21 when the club organized.
The club successfully pulled off a surprise celebration.
Reading Lions Cynthia Price Wilson and Reta Jackson located and
placed identification tags on the trees
in the Reading City Park. After the
2011 tornado took most of the trees out
of the park, more than 100 trees were
planted to replace them.
The Reading Lions Club used some
of the money so generously donated to
us by other Lions Clubs to buy metal
identification markers to name the trees
so that visitors to the park could identify the trees. Kim Bomberger of the
Kansas Forest Service, who was the
leader in providing and planting the
trees, is going to develop a program and
provide a map of the tree locations, so
that area schools can bring classrooms
to Reading and with the assistance of
the map and the identification markers,
learn the names of various trees.
Lion Alyce Metzler
Reading Lions Club
Donation to DeafKan
The Augusta Lions Club presented a $500 donation to Heidi Howard and Stephanie Wilcox from DeafKan. The donation was made March 24. Pictured from left to
right: Lions Merle Laham, Jess Daniels, John Reid, Leonard Wakefield, Bill Kincaid,
Patrick Laham, Wendell Corneil. Shaking hands with Patrick is Howard, Executive
Director of DeafKAN. To her right are Lions Dianne and Bill Buggeln, DeafKan Secretary Wilcox and Lion Sandi Williamson. Not pictured but present: Deaf Interpreter
Kelly Seymour and Lion Judy Dryden. Contributed photo
Centennial salute
The Junction City Sundowners
Lions Club, District 17-A, Zone 7, was
among six clubs in the district to receive
the Centennial Service Patch by
completing requirements in the categories of Youth, Sight, Environment, and
Community throughout the year. Shown
in the photo are (left to right) DG
Bev Greenwood, the presenter, and the
officers of the Sundowners Club Lions:
Manny Pasquil-secretary, Chuck Kiserpresident, Penny Harris, proxy for John
Harris-vice-president, Bill Semanko-tail
twister, and Beth Howell-treasurer.
Contributed photo
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 15
Leos set sights on Hawaii and LCI Convention
Leos are going to Hawaii for the Lions Clubs International
Convention. They have begun fundraising and are working
hard to make this trip a reality.
The Leos are NOT expecting a free vacation! Our kids
have already paid for the airfare and are now working to pay
for the rest. No funds given by Lions are used for the sponsors – your support is for the Leos! There are currently 12
Leos from Kansas planning to attend.
Here are some ways you can help:
-The cost to feed a Leo per day in Hawaii is $45 (5 days
-The Leos will be traveling as a group and we want them
to have “look-alike” backpacks to help (a) keep them togeth-
er and (b) keep them organized ($35 per Leo).
-Lodging will be approximately $400-$500 per Leo based
on the number of people per room (we are trying to get 3
Leos and a chaperone for each room).
-We want each Leo to have 10 Leo pins for trading ($30
per Leo).
If your club can help in any way, it would be
appreciated. Please send donations to the Kansas Lions
Foundation with “Leos to Convention” in the memo line. If
you could also let me know it was sent, that would be greatly
- Lion Cheryl Kerns ckerns@bluevalleyk12.org
Please note: The International Band trip to Hawaii
has been cancelled due to a lack of students.
GPLLI scholarships available from PDG Club
The Great Plains Lions Leadership
Institute is an amazing opportunity to
enhance leadership skills, meet Lions
from six states and one Canadian province, learn and grow as a Lion leader.
This year’s institute will be July 2426 at Jamestown University, Jamestown, N.D. Registration is $150 if paid
before June 1 ($170 after that). The fee
includes meals, costs and double occupancy dorm room.
The MD-17 Past District Governor’s
Club is offering two $200 scholarship
in each district to attend GPLLI. Applicants should contact PDG Denny Smith
(ddsmith@pld.com; H 620-356-5879).
GPLLI is open to any Lion, Lioness
or Leo who is at least age 18 and who
has not yet served as District Governor
as of the institute date.
Seminar topics include building effective teams, communication skills,
conflict management, diversity, goal
setting/action plan/personal mission,
time management and project management. Graduating from GPLLI meets
one requirement for completion of the
Master’s Program of Lions University
(learn more at lionsuniversity.org).
For more information about GPLLI,
contact PCC Anne Smarsh, t.smarsh@att.
net; or PDG Craig Donecker, craigd@lit
PDG Funke awarded 25 Member Senior Master Key
PDG Dan Funke, member of the
Goddard Lions Club, recently was
awarded the Senior Master Key for recruiting 25 members that have stayed in
Lions for more than one year.
Membership Key Awards are given
by Lions Clubs International to acknowledge the importance of effective
recruitment in membership growth.
They recognize the number of new
members a Lion has sponsored. There
are 17 Membership Keys. Keys are automatically issued after the new members have remained Lions for a year and
a day.
A new member must remain a Lion
for a year and a day before the name
may be used as credit toward a key, to
be issued the 13th month; except where
the sponsored member dies, transfers or
moves from the community before the
expiration of a year and a day.
Although through his service Funke
has helped charter six new clubs in the
Wichita area, no charter, transfer or reinstated members could be used as credit for a key.
Funke stated, “You have to just ask
and follow up with every new member
you contact in order to recruit members.”
PDG Dan Funke
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 16
District K convention draws crowd of 130
From DG Don Kiehl
Lions, you may have missed a great event: the inaugural
District Convention for 17-K at Hays. Our visitors, International Director Yves and Lion Dominique Léveillé, are from
the Ormstown Lions Club in Québec, Canada. They live at
Howick, which is south of Montreal near the U.S. border
with upstate New York.
The convention attendance was 130 Lions and guests.
This is the first time since 2002 that a district convention attendance exceeded 100. My sincere thank you to Hays Lions
for their assistance, to the Lions who attended, and a special
thank you to PCC Les Herrman and Lion Brenda Herrman
for their commitment to a successful convention.
ID Yves’ opening message to the assembly dealt with club
and district membership and the importance of reversing the
loss of members into a gain of membership at club, district,
multi-district, and international levels. He certainly did open
our eyes and ears with his message.
PDG Kathie Bell presented the Nominations Committee’s report, which provides the names of Lions who are
seeking office in the district. The following Lions were
elected: District Governor, Fran Smith; 1st Vice District
Governor, Kerry Hookstra; 2nd Vice District Governor,
Randall St Aubyn; Kansas Lions Foundation Director,
PDG Craig Donecker; Kansas Lions Band Foundation Directors, Marvin Greenberg and John Lee; and Kansas Lions
Sight Foundation Directors, Jim Huenergarde and Sylvia
Peace Poster Chairperson, PDG Sheryl Brenn, presented
awards to five contestants in the 17-K Peace Poster contest.
The students are Kamryn Schoenberger, Kaitlyn Godsey.
Melissa Gonzales, Fernando Zarate, and Melvin Jurey. PCC
Les Herrman introduced the speaker, Brenda Meder, the Director of Hays Arts Council. Brenda’s message dealt with
arts and how they interact with every person’s life.
“Arts improve the quality of life. The Hays Arts Council promotes the visual, performing, and literary arts for the
people of our region. We support creative expressions, foster
arts education, and bring culture experiences to the community,” she said.
She explained how the arts can interest children and adults
to imagine and create. The examples she presented were inspiring and challenging to all.
At the convention dinner, ID Yves presented a slide show
and detailed briefing of the Lions Clubs International Foundation. The four major projects are Sight, Humanitarian
Needs, Youth, and Disaster. A club or an individual can work
toward a Melvin Jones Fellowship by installment donations
of $100 to the Sight, Humanitarian Needs, or Youth projects
over time. Disaster donations are not included in the Melvin
Jones program.
The best part of donating to LCIF is that 100 percent of
the donation is used for the purpose the donor identifies.
There are NO administrative fees deducted from the donation. LCIF administration fees are paid from membership
Great Bend Evening Lions Club had an award for their
president, Elwyn Maneth, which was presented by ID Yves.
ID Yves presented Presidential Achievement Awards to Lions Landon Frank, Scott City Lions Club; Christine Carter,
Dighton Lions Club, and Sharon Phelps, Ulysses Lions
Club. The Lions were involved with the children screening
project and had sponsored new Lions earlier this Lion year.
The Brewster Lions Club sponsors the Roy Allison trophy, presented each year to the club with the highest percentage of members in attendance at the convention. This
year’s winner is the Great Bend Evening Lions Club with
77 percent of their members in attendance. The Stafford Lions Club came in second with a 71 percent score.
DG Don and DGE Fran led a remembrance service to
honor 23 Lions who died this past year.
Lion Jim Huenergarde, as auctioneer, led a spirited bidding war on many items. His work netted $1,453 for the 17K Leadership Fund.
District A Lions gather in Manhattan for convention
The District 17-A Convention was
held Feb. 20-21 at the Sheraton Hotel
in Manhattan. International Director
Mike Molenda and his wife, Lion Linda, from Hastings, Minn., were informational and entertaining. ID Mike’s
motto is “Service + Fun=Lions.”
Election results of District 17-A are:
District Governor Elect, Lion Carleen
Rajala, Shawnee Lions Club; 1st VDG
Elect, Linda Leander, Assaria Lions
Club; 2nd VDG Elect, Deb Weaver-
ling, Leavenworth Lions Club; Kansas Band Foundation Directors Elect,
IPDG Al Urich, Belleville Lions, and
PCC Bobby Duvall, Topeka Sunflower
Lions Club. Kansas Lions Foundation
Director Elect is Lion Cheryl Kerns,
Miami County Traveling Lions Club.
Kansas Lions Sight Foundation Directors Elect are PDG Marilyn Sorenson,
Scandia Lions, and Lion Vern Failor,
Topeka Sunflower Lions Club.
IPDG Al Urich presented 2013-2014
Club Excellence Awards to Abilene,
Clyde, Delphos, Enterprise and Milford Lions clubs. Delphos also received a Growth Award.
IPDG Jerry Loney presented 20132014 Club Excellence Awards to Everest, Shawnee and the Kansas University Eye Center clubs.
Regional Chairman Lion Mo Greenwood and PCC Bobby Duvall each received the Presidential Region ChairSee 17-A on page 17
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 17
continued from Page 16
man Award.
Presidential Zone Chairperson
Awards were presented to Paul Drush,
Al Keithley, Ann Strunk, Melanie
Snider, Gerald Snyder, Russ Stauffer
and John Burns
Lion Linda Molenda presented information about heart disease. February is
heart awareness month. She described
the symptoms and progression of her
own heart attack. She asked Lions to
support heart research and heart attack
In addition to ID Molenda, International Family attending was PID Ernie
Young, PID Gene Vogel and PID Ed
McCormick. Young said, “Remember the year is not over; you have four
months to continue working on you
The humorous and talented “Sisters
of Hope” entertained convention goers
Friday evening. They are led by Lion
Zone Chair Ann Strunk of Abilene
Lions Club. (FYI – They have been
known to travel.)
It’s not too late to …
‘Hop on the Road to 50 Years’ with LCIF
In 2018, Lions Clubs International Foundation will become 50 years old. In order to celebrate the upcoming birthday, the Lions of Kansas are being asked to commit to “The
Road to 50 Years.”
How does “The Road to 50 Years” work? You commit
to donating $10 during the 2013/2014 year, $20 during
2014/2015, $30 during 2015/2016, $40 during 2016/2017,
and then $50 for the 2017/2018 year. If you have already
made a donation this year, contact your coordinator if you
want to have your pledge count for the Road to 50 Years
Not only will this help LCIF continue to support its many
projects, but it increases the donations made to LCIF by Kansans. Just because you may have missed last year, doesn’t
mean you can’t still participate. Just sign up this year with
your $20 pledge.
Besides feeling great for making your donation to LCIF,
there are benefits for you, too! You may choose to have certain donations count toward contributing member pins, or
toward a Melvin Jones Fellowship. All five years of dona-
tions can count toward a Melvin Jones Fellowship, OR, for
your $20, $30 & $40 donation you can receive that year’s
bronze contributing member pin, and for your $50 donation
you can receive that year’s silver contributing member pin.
And remember, you can always give more!
In addition to the individual donations, a CLUB portion is
being added this year. Each club is asked to donate a minimum of $250 a year for the next four years. At the end of
the four years, the donation total will be enough to name
a Melvin Jones Fellow. A special Melvin Jones Fellowship
presentation will be made in 2018.
Consider everything that LCIF has done for the Lions of
Kansas and “Hop on the Road to 50 Years.”
Contact your District Coordinator or MD District Coordinator to “Hop On!”
17K – PDG Kathie Bell
17A – PDG Daryl Stone
17N – PDG Bill Kincaid
MD – PCC Michele Hufferd
LCI offers special centennial recognition for clubs
For nearly 100 years, Lions have served their communities and impacted millions of people around the world. In
celebration of LCI’s 100th anniversary, Lions are asked to
help reach the Centennial Service Challenge goal of serving
100 million people by June 30, 2018. Your club can play a
part in reaching this goal, and can earn special Centennial
Your club can earn a Centennial Banner Patch with a special gemstone design each year you sponsor a Global Service Action project impacting Youth, Vision, Hunger or the
• Each gemstone represents the number of different Glob-
al Service Action Campaigns that your club participates in
during the fiscal year.
• The more campaigns you participate in, the more gemstones you can earn for your banner patch.
• Earn a diamond-level Centennial Banner Patch by participating in all four Global Service Action Campaigns!
Your club can earn up to four Centennial Banner Patches
by participating in each year of the Centennial Service Challenge.
All Centennial service activities must be reported through
MyLCI’s Service Activity Report to receive recognition.
More information on the LCI website: www.lionsclubs.org.
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 18
New ALERT trailer ready to be filled
Are the Kansas Lions
ready to assist your town in
case of a major disaster?
The Kansas Lions Foundation has sent an appeal to all
Kansas Lions clubs, asking
each club for assistance to
fill the two ALERT disaster
relief trailers owned by the
Kansas Lions Foundation.
Tremendous progress has
been made since many Kansas Lions helped the city Greensburg after its devastating tornado in 2007.
With an LCIF grant, Kansas Lions was able to buy an
additional trailer, but there
is a shortage of some needed
supplies to address a major
disaster should one occur in
Kansas. Please read the list
of items needed and consider
what you and your club can
do to meet the need.
appreciated. Thank you to
all the clubs that have already donated. Questions? Please contact PDG Dan Funke,
316-650-0737, djfunke@cox.net; PDG Daryl Stone, 785392-3590, stoney-d@sbcglobal.net.
Items needed
-Boxes 12x12x18 inches; must be flat
for storage – egg and banana boxes
work great
-Boxes 18x18x18 inches
-Trash bags – contractor 50 gal. heavy
duty & kitchen size with drawstrings or
Pictured left to
right: Augusta Lions Club President
Patrick Laham,
Lion Cindy Scovill, District N
Alert Team Chair,
and her husband,
Lion John Scovill.
Augusta made this
donation to the
ALERT trailers at
Mid-Winter Rally
in Salina. Photo by
Merle Laham
-1 and 2 gallon zip closure bags
-Rakes, metal pronged, non-flexible
-Shovels, square point
-Push brooms
-Corn brooms, heavy duty
-Dust pans, metal
-Tarps, 10x10 feet or larger
-Packages of 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch
cotton rope
-Large and XL plastic gloves, heavy
-Work gloves, heavy duty
-Buckets, 5 gal., 2 gal.
-Cleaning rags
-Personal first aid kits (to distribute)
-Paper towels
-Toilet paper
-Diapers, all sizes
-Safety glasses
-Towels (bath)
The following will not be stored in
trailers but Lions would like a source
where they could be picked up on the
way to an event.
Wal-Mart gift cards also are
-Box tape
-Hand sanitizer
-Dish soap
-Cleaning supplies
-Laundry soap
-Personal items (bars of soap,
shampoo, deoderant, women’s
personal hygiene products)
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 19
trailer ready to go
The Kansas Lions Foundation, with
help from a grant from Lions Clubs
International Foundation, has purchased a second ALERT trailer for
use in MD-17. Please help stock this
trailer by checking the list of supplies
needed on page 18 and making a
Contributed photos
Kansas Lions Foundation
Kansas Lions State Office
231 S. Tyler Rd.
Wichita KS. 67209
Non-Profit Standard
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 300
Wichita, KS.
Kansas Lions News • Spring 2015 • Page 20
Lions Worldwide Week of Service in May
Plan now for special service activities May 16-22
Join fellow Lions around
the world for this special
Centennial Service Challenge event to strengthen
our communities and help
Lions reach our Centennial
goal of serving 100 million
Looking for a great way
to serve? Consider hosting
a project to help children in
need in your community.
No matter how you choose
to serve, be sure to join us
for this global event!
2) Share your project –
Invite your community to
serve with you to showcase
your club and the power of
3) Report your project
– Report your service on
the MyLCI Service Activity Report to earn a Centennial Banner Patch for
your club.
Join the Lions Worldwide Week of Service in May.
1) Plan your project – Host a service project that benefits youth, vision, hunger or the environment during
the week of May 16–22.
Share this special event
with your club and start
planning your project today. Don’t miss this opportunity to join Lions around the globe in the Worldwide
Week of Service in May!
Share event photos using the hashtag “#Lions100,”
and we’ll share them on the LCI Facebook page.
Next Kansas Lions News deadline: July 1, 2015