¯ . . . ¯ - . ¯ .. ,~. " I The C rd ’:++ "’n nd V w, [ Vat. XVII.--No. 11. MIDDLEBUSH,N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH2, .19~t . . ¯ .~k= i Price, Five Cents .. . i ++.p,hh F"Ire aaimSW man; omes I Destroye d , sny_;,both.woed Judgeroves P Court HasItsH umani S’de [oesl poIR[ez. Try aa we mighL e High wlndl and fuel oil which only to return for some unknown Once more Magistrate VeTn0n ~ c~tsts On i charge of reckless hlveEt been to isgnelrth inylh~d on wIBI ~.or- rear, on. That wanthe thlt time |hl | gmann has proved hat the Adrlvlng TO’m h Chile b Police Ll, thfor’~laUon is able to who bllcktog Jug splattered lad then burst intoladflamen was seen alive. ~uH . o, th.more th.+u,,¯ I Ru.e, o, ,hehe,,, . they olnt*o*beth’"" .o.lng pHm,.,., Ap-ieo.h.ed tahHog .bout thed.th otherpants pJ&~ where people are fined for Ci de Lane Hamilton SL and ~41d parsntly, "mum’ Is the word. of Mrs. McKinley Crawford g8 o[ were MI~ CpJwford’l htllth]lnd, breaking laws. Tbe Better Government, Assocl-Jscboo I St. and the complete de-[Evelyn Scbonk and Henry Bow .r. Id Y~ush brou.ht a eharae at reck aBon so aotive In politics in the - -- C. HumHueb was the case for Donl d I less drJ vi ng "against Orthn structton of the home in which whodtheovered the blaze L, Wert Of Princeton in Municipal phrey of New Brunswick. Hum- p/it. hu dropj~td out of the p l¢- she Heed, Saturday. Bowler said he had fixed’ a leakC.ourt Mondaynight¯ He had been phrey was fi*ed k"0 and $3 n cos s .Cure., Or has B Perhaps theB.G.A. The fire, which started about 3 InS oil atove. He leR the room fled dterrurgedhlswlth driving an automobGeMer Pfe ffer test fled he pursued ~ mnmg:*s *tm~lrat~,o,~aglsa mo:~e p.g m., had eomplethLyengulfed theIreturned a few minutes later only license had been revoked h m when ~ ghted flrecraoker ha the Adm. g [four-room structure by the Gme Jto find that it had become I sheet by State Trooper E. Z. Szock. wan thrown from h s au omoblle ~o DucK. Ann tt may be ,for the : the Communityand East Frankfin ,or" flames. In a matter of seconds same reason that we havent heard[Fire Compancs had arc red on !the whole building was on fire he The charge grew out of an feel- and exp oded in front of the polLce den ear or ths month in which carS rodin 60 m h aa Hamilton from the Republ<an offtisldom.’the scene¯ Tbe~’ eoutd do ’e sad If so, one or the other organlza-lmore has p+ur w~ er on the fiJmea Wert bad turned over the ear he Franklin Iownship ponce Lt Rus14’as driving on Eocky Hill Rd. $1 tP’ost AIgcxCzekPeot6dMnrilnSt Clan had better e .... Ut in thel, in au efforL to put ,hem nut sol~e]l Pfeitier notified Dr. Edgar Upon lnves lga ng he accident ¯ a fine of l Adol h }[ofstetter open ~c.on The Job of se ng a’tbat they could find out whether’Fliu{ county phystctsn ot he death ’ ’ ’ P ’ randi date to the public In ibiS:anyone had been trap led in he of Mr~ Trooper Szock discovered that was ned $5$$’ Craw ord. Mtor he nvesfor th n o obe a Wert should not have been behind stop ~treel sgn. Bothg men pYaid year’s election Is going to be house, figured, he ordered he body o the wheel of the car. Idifficult, AS far as the Republicansl Wituesses said they saw Mrs. ithe burned womanturned over to $3 court costs. Hagmann told Wet ba be Was The case of John [qerce nf Ells- in power are concerned, he won’tiCrswford run from the build]ng the Andersml Funeral Home of liable to a mandatory fine ranging abeth Ave. was dismissed when be able to "run on his record as .soon utter the fire was noticed New Brunswick. Inywberefrom $100to $500. It WlUl the complainant. David Cavalier nt. hna~t been m the .................... re" Ithe eaae so often tthen mount’ ]to Hagmann also finedshowed him . and ~Iscr¢¢enbadt’drlven hiS car wttbout :ahl ~ netrwetia,, Pw that that ~ql ¯B ~Q ¯ J Sou h Bound Brook¯ lulled toieo~1948~Tb~ uP- ~P " s Walm ~ ~ ~ I~ courts have a b .... side +, ;pear. Cavalier had charged that ’~ They might we]] remember ~,what[oarnes 1.11#_!11111 111’ B[11111111111 ~lv~ ~ ~lllwllr , . .appeneu m me general e ee aA ~i l-mmlwlicml h~ fined Weft the minimum , ed, o g eh= PermitUpheld byCourt po*e,nthe t--ah,ooovered+,th I"~outdnt ofth--e,vos th., they o*0or,ed, . ¯ NoJustice" for Pupils Ot Hamilton School almost every tree and telephone ’.posters,, II tile which the BepublleansI Frank n Townab p has come requticmcnts of the zoning oYd Iose,"’So sure were thnyt hrough a pre m nary eour ae o nanee w b he aw on its side. Franklin When Ihe eoporallon appeared effort In campaigning for the H.am ton Homes. lne¯. took the before the commiBeebast fall In ,,~. they~erebeck~.g ’Wek.o*tow.a~ cou~l ~astwe~k th a,, .~temp ohave heordlni.ee If yOUask the pupils in H.amfiton Thepre.firs grade cuss s meepUoMmoa ~ownl~c:;lquea~l~lt~e°ermtah~’attempt to fc.rce the issuance ot ; changed,o fit their plans, *bey had d ng permits ~or the construe building 96 units. They School If lbey think there la aJr~ Ing on the stage O[ lhc firehouse, ¯ aat a few pictures el him tacked *lbu to.tton of an ~0-unlt garden apart- proposed reduced the numeber of units by Justice In the worM, they wLLl and the first and second grades*trees and poles will assure him O~[men development, hut Superior t6 in an apparent attempt to get t probably answer with an emphatic met, In the engine re~m, The third ivlctory," they said. jCourt Judge Dan hi J, Brennan a favorable reply Io their request, "NO." And if you were In their aud fourth grades arc boldlug I But, what a sGH Jolt they re. denied the Linden r’nr~wwnllr~n’~ Barnes, however, in the affidavit filed I. last week’saerie., s~ld be place, you would probably agree ~lan~esc extra class rooms, i.~)elved when they counted tbol, request tot adecided .ummaryJ.dgmt’nt. Grove s In Manor School, whileb, ~the allots and learned that the man,Ha the Judge In the cot~ denythg the compony’a appBd with them. !the nrlh. seventh and eighth grades Iwho had the "election in the bag".Jporiatton,a favor the townsh caller ueeause d d no meet = de ’sad 1o~ o Democrat "Charlle would have had tO IS3LLea ~/’Jfll[ ~¯ and fronl arc[ re utrements Laat Wednesday he boer In meet hi he audl orium. P’ Y q and the scboo spral g and her oak and Mrs. dtlhn Webster and .~trs John Gobee"’ mn ed a e y because the propoaed [ara~es were leapt tO repairo ithcaaached had boon to]~,7Clgler h Sthld serve tlhhpr~P~ls:dOs[chh(~ovllnlg food to the cblldren J s!f:lrl~e;t:edt~Vo~ the Adm!nlstr?tlon a~d ogi~aS:rao~ head~ have[ con.,drive The company’s and Emerson plea for place a permit was first ’trio Ipian. close do tn conform he o nes wilh " the nrdhe members board " , . ; ~cddvdthat It wasuseless to at nil, c+. cltrv, ousc " ¯ ~aa]dgeZthae;Y PaKsnt°w~x°P~r;en~cPosm’ t~h°[Yl~°rb~tltobn~afP;:tn~en~s!l°:t;oSltx; ’. ’t hit’+n c[~;peOamtlP~:n~s ac~l~ii:In~a~els;, g yl f c n-, brough before bo ownsb p camdone so often ill the past. Classes castd somewhat bv he ac ha ", ¯ tar Thursday and Friday were dhvreh, ¯e era several flr~,~, in tbe~aucBng a succesa n rampalgo, ’rattier I n Septemberot las~ year, Ai~ 111 A.. With the ex- . Aflcr many delays, he con pnny I d e B G called off and II looked as If a long pa~’" ’f<w days" "The children ge ,cepUon of the aforementioned vas o d eou d o cons ruc s v.o.Gon ,rein ,bo,r boob. a.d?2g.ku’ h:ub;’ teachers v~s In the maklug for the on the lruek and rush ~’lo paplts, Room ~or some of the fire"he said. clause could be found in the Pine -Grove Manor Hcbool. buL 1he plaeIlngblg°fproblem.the ,v=alni.g cJaasea The pupils woke on Monday morning to dts¢~ver that the nanee’a requirements aud that ; " Barnes "acted peremptorily, arhtrat y and ua]aw/uilyl’ [ The arm of Ko~sller and Karat c, oeG . Inwtrb!l ptsye . ,argo .,,ilon do,tsr proJec hera.so erEltsaboth a,or.oys’s repr par tn getting Char e Gobee;d d not camp y wi h zon g ord- ’senlthg the Franklin-I{amilton the eleeted.~ltha, been a. fallure, Juat[nauees. [Homes and Municlpa Atorney t~.onunueaon ~’age 101 I I Formal dentsl of the appllcaGon ’Robert E. Gnynor ot Middlebush poaed ~1~_~ ____E i Jl / ~t f. --__jwas made on Jan¯ 23. whenF¯ Buildlls appearing for the townshdp In Ing Inspector Marvin Barnes the proeerdlngs. ~l~ ¯ O [cthlmed that the company’s plans [ A:tother bear[.g in Superior fur side yards did not meet h~’/Courtw be bold later thls month UleSO[A[[atKA11r _rl.rlr .,. par--on be.0 Futile Wait forPhysician I board-------------’--------’’’’’’--’--’’’ I Sportsmen5octel Ciob Give $25 to Polio Food ~sses In the Community toVoton. 4-H Girls Hear Speaker Mrs. HeZenB, Bob~lnl, Bomer- Ed Voorbees, head at the local set County 4-H repre~enthil~e. M.areh at Dimes Campaign, an- spoke Io the Midd[cbushGIr]a ,I-H 10S to Supervlalng Principal Ja~e$ M. Lynch. the bosBly arranged A h@t~rf I’#=. ~.~ ~g ~ eoro,=~o,,n IA / I~ nouneed yeslerdny that he has re- C ub at he M dd eboah Church, .... ~ff’~rk t~k .thus’’’~~,1 Thursday, on the "value el teamtr~n=ffcr of students has proved ;Y ," . ceived a $25 donailon the "~"’~-;" "~’~"" " " * otter POI[ Qy, ~r.+ ~ OT Z/ JOl~n ~t.~ weonesaoy rtlS temlly , Sportsmen SocLh C ub otfrom Somer+ very ~a araaor~, work" amongstthe girts th the organizaGon. She showedthem how, , hadwoited in vein for two hours for a doctor to comeset St. Commentingon the dance held by worklnd together,orthey could ] to treat him." ¯ ~,, . .as Saturday under he co.span- accomplish much m e tbo~ by ~¢hooJ Roer~ Adverhs~s + weanesdey is o doy off for monyof the city’s sorshtp of the HamRton Park Polka each girl going her ownway. For Oil Burner’ Boiler-Iphysicions. Club and St. Otp*s SisterhOOd. Several parents ,atterMed the Voorbeessaid he was well pleased meeting as guests and were served An urgent requelt in the form j Thefirs ea or a phys e an was cthns were available " of in advertisement for bids on Imado b-¯ ."elip ~*^uu--1with the turnout. Part of the pro- refreshmenlshy the gtris. ¥ zour . ..... m~nu~esI At ||,58 tbo exchange telephoned ~eeds fromthedaneewil be given The monthly business meettog Ibo srando burner was placed inter PaJ~aywas Mrekcn at 10.31 to say that a doctor wou[d arrive ~o the Polio fund. washeld prior to the talk by Mrs, in local papers last Tueldny by : a m soon Helpthg to contribute to the sue. Robbl n the Board of Education. ’Pa" ny’s son called the Fire De " . . - " Pti, Huskies called CoronerRob- coss of the dance by way ot donaI-artmen. ~ -The edvart~semen .... coroner tie.us, were the fo[towthg: dohn and PTA Plonfi Supper g a c tlcate Jamtson Als Sam Bessenyei the to er n Ham ton SCboO latre . Act ng AsaLMant F re Ch e? Huff ~ .....eli Co The Franhlln Pa rk Parentsaid Tborsdny that his invesLIga- Brenner’s Market. Franklin Cam- Teacher Association execuUve and tion bad tsdleated thalnophystrlan munlly Market. and Cseke’s Mar- membership supper ¢ommlBees on. Harohl Deiner, ehiefs driver, ~Khed a point where it is a .nnd rescue squadmembersarrived, ever arrived at the Pallay home. be f- all ot Hamilton St. Rl~zp’s wlti meet Tuesday In the school Pallay. one of the lasl b~Jek- Florists MDover St. and City Bak- at 3 p. m, to complete plans for waste of time, moneyand effort i Paltsy was given oxygen, and ; Nasonworked aver the elderly man 5mltha to work at that trade In this cry of ~aston Ave. also donated, l0 keep repairing If. the supper which will be held on area, bed retired three year~ ago. The bids will be’ recelvad In tot twn hours, Tuesday,Marchi3. at 6:30 p. m, Ptl. Morlce Hssklns and James He had Itsed In New Brunswick 35 Popar Mlddthbuah SchoM on March g The committee in charge o! the Collectloe SuRdoy it I I~ m. Ir none d the bids Anoth*r haler drive with the affair consists ot Mrs. Harvey I=c¯ptsble, the board will + homewith the firemen, called the He leaves his wife, Helen: two/ proceebegoing to ths Pollo Fund Swift, ehatrraan; Mrs. Russell rt~dv~l=~. ~ P~t.vs c ar~’ Exchange at 10:35. T~e son,, John Jr. and Fraak; a ~u~-I will be held in the E~t MJllltone Laird, Mrs. Adb/n HothL Mrs. Rteh¯ exchange reported that it was ur~ ~thslee will be held in the ter. Helen,and a ulster, Missfiilzaarea this Sunday. Everyone con- ard Knudaen, Mr~ GUM~VeDry.RI~ Orove ManorSchooend ~, ~ble to obtain a doctor at that time. beth Kobot of Newyork CRY. trthuUng to the drive Is eskadto k[en. Mra. Royal Carroll and Mrs, ~,0ramunlty Voh firehouse u~fil Poller then e~Uedboth MiddleThe funeral wfil be held Eatur- have their paper In bundles and Harold 8nydam, Mrs. Malcolm Pun- placed by the ¢urbo in front o( Adamswill control tlekefJ, deeo~lemoll ~lrfler led boiler irl U~* aex and St. PetefB OeneralHospt- d~y at E,,30 a. m, at the Gowen no pkv~- eral Home,233 +. Bomez~etreported., St. rations L.. ’this,. Both,,, their home=by I 9. In. that .... and wal~. , ¯ ,be a,;h;;g:." l ol:,The h:rlSoy,MQrch 2, 1951 THE RECORD Poge Two PAGE EKI’ORIAL DoctorsMustAct to Assure M.d+<o, Co.+ ,. A.oi,o.. Deltpite ,:, . the failure + ~e~rt attack pres. to report of the daily cam her+ ;I few i~ll3Utc+; after t’he ;it .......... + the incident, +hould awaken thc city to the + ....... Tm question +’ Has y~r+¢’aitq~ living deerealld Iimm t~l~ were #r~ln? "-! e + ¢ ~+ OE~mOE MILLER, eleetri be available every ~OtiS Of every day I i.cl.ding Wednesdays, There i, obviously no basis for saying with ~+~taii+ty dotter h3d arrived "---- :Manin the Street W+dnesdmy i~-ed for some pmvi~ion to a+iure that medical care will i~t I that if a i . + ark. be + r ken man s~ ..II G+’ewouldhaveheensaved.Onlya mcdica+ manat the scene+ at+Bleard Rt.--To mepHL~I woukl be qualified t~+ say, i BUt t~lere b;Pve been ntJmcyotl~; iltSt~lllCt’s ill the past wherc immediate medical attention bag Blade the difference betwecll huh.r, tu face pr+kresBJv~Jy hJgJll The freeze houri’t appeared to tllldl a d:Serenee anywhere as yet+ I~ peP]laps we’Ll nottce a ebenge In month or s+, That docent +eel leo Likely¯ but could be, life and death. I. t6i+ ease the family waited fol tx+o hours. rh¢ vl+tJlll (lit+d+ a doctor still had not arch, red. ~.~ben MES, REBECCANA~+ Does.r-icE+ Wcdncsd?ys havcbeena causefor complaintin housewive, 2+ Burner St.--Nothln seems lower. Everythim S is alwa) getting higher Jnd higher¯ Cloth( are up, food Is up. NO, [ t+ati’t s4~ |hal the freeze has made alLy sat of ¯ difference. New Hrunsx+iek f.r sever:J] years. The cit~" s phvsiei:ms owe it t+, " " the COnllminlt~, to takc actiorl Oll this very serinns problembefore ;il~rH’llt, r ¢.Ise r)~ waitill~ ill v;lJn Call gaelic, ¯ Let’s Put Upo Fight "" OZZE NABERMA, *i,,do To Keep the Polio Hospital ,AO,ETRATE JOSEPH J. TAKACS n+ticedtrlmmer’any21 klndHiramo[ S,.--la change.hOr C’+’’ 1’I’1’’+’ ’to+to m’ha+’+ ++orkud in poliocaml+ai~,+s an<lrhe havecome JOSEPH COULARD. f, rme ’ EllLonllcern Court m+rre--ag’s-ra Rnds ore++, +,> J’ ’l ’’j ’ 1’+"+ t ]’ + [ I]I+ ~’ ’(’’]++CX h<j¢~ probab[~ el.st’ ll+is spring camc ;is a ~rt’at .,+, +beck, |r Crime Increases ’e81t + cert+qnl Bad~r+~+4~I-41--~+.. ean’tldghcrhOZ;esdYthan l+lhlngSe+tlp week +, lheySaYweretbat ago. b.t the) ,+ wRs a s wh++ %vb’ ’lOt OH]Yt+)POliO VJCtlttlS :tI1ii lheil+ far’lille+ ’)tlttJ.]usands t°Tbt~ +ItHtJrct]s El+gtnshlnwn--[ don’t do much bu! to bc immensvb pro.d tff the ~ttle hospital in North Brun+~vlck , lag personally, hut from wbsl The ch,sin~ nlig+bt .lake se.sc if adequate facilities [or tb++ The malt who’s meal often con-, Rtthard MnbiEan, Takaes has hear price+ are awfuLly high. Ir’~atlllent tit litfantlh: p;iral~sis cases were availal)lu elsewhere in :/rented +ith the seamy side of served ill tbst capacity stare then, phe county. But since rberc are at ]c:tst basic facilitle+ at the I)oli<;lslrate ~ew Brunswick probably Mag-+txcept thetheperiod fr.m 1~2 +o , 1945, lot when magistrate served tESTER DAYTON, local bulh Joseph J, Is Takaes, Lag superintendent, 56 So ’ $I In World War ll with Army lutelSeven days + a week, Takaes lib Hospital, :,nd no fneilltics elsewhere, tbe decision ]iv tile ]nfgantile ¯ Milllow.--Yea, l’v~ not hgeuee, lie was appointed tD fli. ’ens to stories or thievery, embezParahsis Fntu]dation to +.’tit off the bospltal’s funds i~ incumprcterm of John A, that.Change¯MyThlng~wlfe ,lemenl. traPfie+W’vlolatLons, domeslle the unexpired doesi6’e higher,the buying[ sea hensihk.. Lynch. ¯ squabbleR, lenBIll-tand[ord probPrequenlly lauded by observers "feed and household things, ’a ’]’bt’ mother M a child afflicted with p.]io wrote tiffs week: :lCnlS and numerou~ other vigilfrom what she lells me arid fr, liOJLS of society’s cede of ethics+ In pohce eotrt f.J" Ihe objective what l observe COltS ~re elimhb "If the faciliries are ’inadequ;lh", let Us m;Ikc tht+nl adelltl~te, [tJl Throu~:h the ptJilee courl’s pot i.anller bl v,’h[Ch he haZldle$ ~ll ,¢h.uld an,rdlcr cpidemle <,f Ihis dreaded disease strike, this wonder- tale pass the elly’s law hreaker~, eases¯’rakaes polzlt~ out that ¯¯since BILL SCHWARTZ. local fur: the new Slate eolistlttllitm provided turJ+ salesman. Bro0klyn--Oh, ful I.x;d .spit ,I and its staff stand rt’~dv to help." There are fcw ooth minor and major, Do eennomle eoedltlons affect ilia[ jnsticcs of the peace eallnut don’t lblok the freeze nag Iliad p¢oldeill the COllllt}" s’~bf) ~ill liar endt)rse hcr vii:w. g leipa] court, yOU II difference; in fact, near at a] l ....... Tliere arc El)ale who say that Bill Schwartz,;is chairmanof its’ 12~:1; r~Pk°a[c:l~: ~tt loh~°t~Ya?t"sM~cgh presidv Lee’Ill And that Io be the e~+e In ¯It Since we live in New York and board of gt+vern.r~, acttlaJ]} ga~.’e bil life f~)r the p.li,> (.’enter. The conditions nt.ke for shift.+ In the numlt’ipnl eonrt~, work In NeW Brunswick. 1 sh0 nahlre of the offeliSes. ilt,ssihlc fit~llt ’rak.eg illalrltaLnR a private law both places illd ll’s the same flier leasi tilL. rt~;l* ¢1[ tl~ call 41o i~ pill lip tilt’ st rtmgeSl " * * * ~prat’tiee al 71 Paterson St+ Itls high prices+ My wife buysI all t bef.rc wewill givv np this fine iJlsrirution, WHEN TIMES ARE BAD, }lagpractice is ~eneral except that I~ food. She tells me prices are st I~lrale Tnkaes NJ)’S thi,er I~ a rise a inaglsll’ate he ca~not h~lldle crim- tip there. ill dt.sertion, st, x. u’gnr’." he’+ lnal eases. GMeSt CoJumn ¯ e(*li~’ and nDn-P~uppnl’L cases, Ill ;*~ gl’11dllatP n[ St. Pt.tel’*~ lllgh -- . . I)el+itldg Ol [tdl enlplnyrlletlt (here Neh(;ld. Vil]anl)va ;;lid [he Newark + ! It’s Your Fault,Citizen, If Wrong Candidates Win Ey MARION H. RIEMAN ~];ir(,h g JS the doadlille fill’ le~LSl~,rln~l r p,11~1,1, eJeeliol] "So what’.," ~;i;t.~ ~dr. Avera;~c(’iIilon. ’[ lli,V~q’ hlffher Ii) "¢ok, jji lilt, IHI+ ifi.irit,,<. What¯+: IhP u~e" ,%hJ~l Ol Iiip li11], , IhL+re~iitl i.nlltl,.~l H.,~ltb.. ]l’~; I)~l[ lib 111%hU,IIH,-, h+ ~i~pI vhort, h y<Ju attel]d. SO ~h’,’ ahmdd ~:cei’eumnk’~, ~1)111’ [larly nl+’*mhm’~llip h r ¯%’o r , "]’h(, raBbi<it.alL, addt,d lhal ;1[. ’~ 11haul!h thl~; ~(irq el lhhli[ i,q UlliO~. ~jli~Hie-,~, I U+llilid l !*’ ]It nnel/ll’~ i~ bidll i+n Ihc bl, lief abh,. he a[lla)~ [l’l*l~ Jlil’er if Ih[, (. ill)l(, eDil!d IH’ r]lar. :>l:ii ( ,lIv ]11,;.~Ol] li~inll trader il ~ ;:lib- t;i Ii t, a ~riilll eiliZell Hlld II ri,~l [J%’ ;i i.[(,Y~nl iii "r d;:w. pr’~ .ide~ :~I Mnoi(ipal c .. ,,/ ¯ ,i hi, ~ .,LicCe~,lld l*q,II +it ~lp~l,$’llnu,llT p~(,ry L*i~jZ~I} CIRU’] 41tl’~ I]IDZO!IL%’ *l:ld NwPI" + Ylll ;ll~ indt+l)l,lldelll ~ ij,(.l, a~hllik, Io ih" ll’[+t" ill I’;i-e ~lUlll" iilin.olitll <,nnl ,.I ilol+~ t.<l~ni+ Oil" OIT.II:IIII[ ~h" %~ t I’;+:~,’ /" II/i *i *( , i%t, ~llllli.lillll, Ii;11 lel’. lo,,k ,I lillh’ n+c.<’ l.,t,..;:. ~i %’(1111 i’¢’;l~ll]lill~ Wherl prbnary elecln0q colllr% round and there is no coates1 for party positions or for hem,- +.It,ll.; o+1Tul,~d;ix;ind "1"hlU.~d:l~ illr ~ hi~ Ihtlut~hl. -.nlno i~f lli~ p[fi)l’l hl.+:rl,I ill :r;llli(. t-a~l,~ ~l’hihI Fi’[+ ,l~[p~ii! nl:lko ]i ~ldi k AJid (i(,rli, prols]enl~ i it~ ~+:l.k. ihroltJi nollln>,li pnr- ¢1:~i. li~t. i;ay (I,~liU’~’i(’ t.;~.l,~ ..it, +~ ;zl.i, hl+trd %1’,i+th(.l" i;l ~ll+ .\[i ~%’L’I~l~" ( ’il I/.en i] il h I’,lr t [ i11 iht, nu O-ilill h’l]" ~ ~OUl"[ui~ilSt*~ [I~ I]~ a nlclnio;~.!.h.:ih. FIRST APPOINTED [,~.r <ll ,i ]I;LII~’. ~llln(-[h[tl~z I~ pia-ll~ + ~[ill+l i ¯ ~;nl~ll~*~:zn}l (J(.izlrler;o~" arid ~%l,+t+t, ~],+t’l.h t. I ,lln,:ll:~ ~Xl.:l n:~ lht, rth+d h~lu.iu;z n -¯ - nailerstorpublic oSice, whos~ TAKACS, whir ]l;t~ ak~.ys lived ill ~’~pt~, Ih.uHslcie~. I,~ inarrJed al~q I’e’!l[(l~ ~11]11; Livi[ig~[D]l A~’+e"[tL~ ~lJ~o. ;i ,~rndllalr Df ,I1!]11] tlnpkJll~, al~(i hlll;~l.r (i]" ;i ii]~l~ler¯~ dlgree Ill:Ill ~’oltlh]hl~ l" ’’<i11’ I’~ d’ rl+l.lor ell pnblil, h+,~]lll ill [he Pe¢~h . ~+u*~j~ ~l;i~!:lcaH’ "]’;ik;l(.~ i~ ;i illenlhc is ll[ ih(’ ~d[dd](’~c’~ ~’onillv ~[~i~ IC Ii ~ ,%’~s >l-i:llilm a p+xst erull , ,.c ,, , i~,. K:inl~,l. +%Tnul, iz,+’l :~’li~ ,~ +... [h¢,[ ’(*~i~lu "%¢’1L’ra :l~Pr)"’ ~(][a+ldl,,tirt,igila ml.lnber.i%,;il.~O. (’:llhrllic %’:u Vn inl.a/r~ all([ th,’ ~ ’ (lr~allJza[hlf! ~" ~lJ][;:;i;~, I::tl’![ir~l’lt(’l ~ ¯ ~. ~.~q~ ~. ~1 ¯ , : ~ ~" ’ ~ ~ i f AND. Mr, AVERA~ CITIZEN+ faull IS it? Yours, Mr Average "+l I~ " ~ ~ ........ ~ Citizell. did 3<ill exl,r ~l*~ll hi Ihhlk I!i,il II 1 + ’+ Ahd vh;i I t.(lllll "’indc])LllldcIl[ V(ICZ" i~ ’C ~L ,~.+;~ ~l. biAMM, son of h I )nql Ii:n~l+ donL [)t, 1I’~ ()n t’lt’l’ll(+ll i %le(LI+pn’ndt’lli ~oh ;dl¢llll iI’ Yon rould h;l~e i*nillCli and Mrs, William H, Stature J y lie I1!11~1 (.hnll~e ht, hveen (-atoll, li [l:lr’l~ ,h~ i.eRi-h,l’inL~., alid kiltlX~ll ~)li~ hlC Jnololn1~,t+- ~,,n’t+ h, d;lles qr.leuh,d hy lilll(’r~. "t*dheu ~[~. I) ;vn uibl,r I’O[]~ iltjilild. ]it, has]1)~[ hi:+ e t:l }hip ii~lntin;llp a good L[" %o°d[i]n’l Ilk(, lilt, ini;lll ynnll f’]l~llL(’t, par y picked flnr ~lil~ pll~niilll. ~.,li II1,111alld lllli-~[ [’h°lyi(’ helW.cell (*an+ il(llilUlll(’d I " pcolde~%LIO of [be M~dd[esex M@]e Chorus, eouhl have sele(’led ;n g,,<l¢l man. cli¢llilt,~ hl’lpcd ~t¯i ¯l,., ¯parly nwlllhe,~ per~iu.dL, d hil. I ....... i : ~l~"-Mc’dlt;crc, ilnqu~l[dcd ~llid ilo&l-’, h{a piJtldOll slgnL’d and had ]lis { H ii | ~-------Pl’()sron170 +, al+e of[eccd nameeutered till Ihl.. hallm I. x cuiitr(dlud (,iindidat[: United Jewish Appeol Io you when )nu leavc the nomL+ pariy member may run for ali)" I "UJA Night" will be observ Baling jab 10 a small grmtp who oflLcc whenhe Is quallfind I)y filling i Sunday nLght at the Hlllel Foun¢ hi. I (’I IL° s gnd bY hp prDper u*ork only fnr Jobs and favors. tLon. It will feat[~re mmsLeand < So Lhel’e II Ls..%I1’. Average CItLnun11)[:r of reslatered voLer~. ¯ tertaLnfftent by A~lle Platt zen. Thiuk iL uver care[ully before ~o, ;’+It1 Average CLLizen. unless his Ja~ combo. March 8. you help nomLnate good candl" Other entert~tnment haa be (Mrs. Rieman, who lest week date% you and good governmellt ~eveaied that she will be a con. I~e out Ln the first feudal¯ ton Yatvtn, c¢-ebeL,’mem dldate for city carom $| on¯r In )[_i M * + ¯ tertatameof, resisted by / " the May ate¢tlon+ Is In IeUv0 AND WHY should LL be bad for K’ EhMry, Ch4mdlw will wu bold II paid y pol~oo wl+ththll lUBlle ~I’ ~~llPl~ llll il~lli~+ll ¯ eJvis llldlr. Shl II ¯ former l[r14: B, Chlndllr unlnlmOUl mimed preSldlnl o~ tbo N41w BII~I~I~I April, e 4~ business to be knows a. a member Rtunlwlek Urben 1.411<i.1 Wldnlldly lherrloon. Su¢¢141dlr~l LllM111ylt GOllln ~ ~Ibel el o~e Earty. Or lhe oilier? You. prelldent of lhl LellUl of .’lo*’t n~ad brains people hnow; Wom¯n Vcdlrl; prllldllnl ,of thli first time ¯lnc.I hi becaml Its prelldont In Amral, um where you re, or what school ¯ Livlngofon PTA, end luPerlnt~ed* * m on mi .~ Aitl planned byP1~’Ltis AdoLf and .0+ oh.+--. EO +o,++h,+h + ¢.IVJ~ club yoIl b~lonl or which , Pmbytert¯n ,..d., of,h....A,,.J.A,<b,be,. wh. b.,.. ",."+,"’. Churgh,) " I ku$ riB¯mUd/XlleUtlvl lu~lstlnt, . ¯ ,, .~ _ ,] 1 ,Fddw,Mo~h 2, 1951 FI~B~IIrm I~ .’~rm TILE, RECORD ,~.~.,~d,, ~,,.. moam on Wemlnltou’. Su~,=l~ W@ fumi~ A-; Women’sBerviee Leqlue M of thl ]ndapenden| Orders o( Odd IU~ &f~ lille Aun I~[ormed ChtU~hpc[lows Lodge ¯t HewHop~, PL qwlfl ~ It= next ~tlall at the The firemen ~ the PP~nlCU= . q~lily dti~lles ~" ,mo,... ~..lovt,~o..o~ ~.,=,ot,o.r P~e Co..,e ~ de)’ eveetol It d o’etoek. Membersthll ¯ drive to raJae i~hifilonld feeds welave themOpldJedby expem Ju~ arled to brtu~ white elepblne, to pug’chin new equipment. Thebr Ikk~J~le |OT the ~lfld~lmD’l IWIh next meetinl will be ~ Moadt~ we Ilmmmm ~ emll~w ’~..," ~ ~-", o,~. = = ,~ ¯ ~ wl~ I~ "," ~ Flr~i~y. Idtrcb -~..l, ho~e. ~119, at S:~* p. m. Supper Will be mefved beMtonto~ at that time end A con, welilbind 6 pcunde ? ~flnuL’ll ~ $ p. m, ~ ouBces, wu born to MJ~, MI]ten Laird to Princeton HoSpital on Chdztopherlon and hiJ see:rdton Veil] provide the music, There will Feb,27. Mr=, WH]iam Henry WJllon hM 4be square dances, u midway, and various other aRraettons, ~veryone been confined to her home wRh is Invited to attend. Mrs. W. Bruce grippe i:hl6 week. Her daughter, .Armstrong .Jnd Mrs. Harold Suy. Breudt, and ann, Warren. b~ve also beenLll, dam are t’o-cbaimen, Mrl~ Arthur Burns has been conJBned to her borne the past weed F~i~[ WomoH ~oF|IW rs. Fe~and LIot Of H~hlend |IR AFOO|ll Promoted . daughter of Mr. and Mrs, The firs~ woman Marine to be ~arvJn Mamasof this ]~ea]ity, hns been I1[ with grippe this week. enllstea from the New Brunswick Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Arm. area ha¯ been promotedto private, e;trong were the dinner guests of first class, at the Marilte Air Staler. and Mrs. Wendell Forbes el rio,, Cherry Point, N. C. Cnrtelyou Lane Sunday nlghL I Miss Catherine Howartb of Mr, and Mrs. Louis H’sbruuck:Ryders La. East Brunswick, enlertained Me’. and Mrs. Edward ltured the Marines ~:st fall and SkJpworlh and Mr. and Mrs. Ireiil~trained at Parris Island, S. C. Bhe ’lk/~iller on Sal~rdayceL’nil]~. J ~ a clerk-typist in the motor transgetlJamJn Namanof Six ~*lih’ ’ port section at Cherry Point, ,.°-, l r*lophone 2-1100 10 Year JAMES; Guarantee SMAHE, 0N FUNERAL DIRECTORS NewBrunswick, N. J. 25 Easron Avenue "" Asph alt HomartFull Thick WE’LL KEEP YOUR AUTO IN GOOD REPAIR ~ICORAE~I S~BVI4~’~ r~e~lN’~ *O~lpl’te $~lrvine f°* *[Ijr ’ute ,. , Wedo everything to keep it in tip top shape. , , the best mechalliCs and the f~nest equipment * . . take advantaa* "~ hath ¯ . , arid the prices are right , . . drive In "eODAY, VIRES, TUBES. BATTERIES, ACCESSORiEB SICORA ESSO 3 in-1 SHINGLES 1 Typical Job Price , GIv~l doublethldmessover 97%of roof SERVICF -’-o-o, ooo:,.,.,.,,,, NEWBRUNSWICK,’~, Lm~.~r- -~,.,Vway & Frankt=n**~e 24-Hou, "a’=rhrtq Service ~=" .a ~ ..... J, ~ Average24 ft. ¯ 36 fL Home |0 YEAR GUARANTEEDI°%o°wn’upte3°MoM HOMARTAPPLIED INSULATING SIDING "---j DIRECT i. WHEREDP.E..$ES q7900 ’the vlbtaM colors Of Homoff3.In-1 ihlagle= give your home O fresh new1oak , * . the asphalt layer and Vermontslate suRaceshed water and help keep out tun rayl. T~III Cite the best shingles you can buy---at any pricel Come111 or coil for free e~timate on on new Homottroof today[ ARE MADE--- and SAVE at H. @B. DRESS. CO. --AT-- Ii i C’I!LIOUE. Swept skirt droper~ Trim cuffed short sleeves a,!i! : Ilotlerinq VEF:!c~-~- CO:.- ~11 ~I~! ~i I w- I "~ ~.’! ’:~ piquecello.... ~ I ¯ Siz.-.s ] 2-20 , . in ALL SIZES! ! &B DRESSCO ¯ 20 MAPLE STREET, SOUTH RIVER ,s,.~ ¯ ~CumbiuutiouwJn~owB PHO~ ....................................................... ..................................................... .o~ ~,,,~,u0 ~~=~=~" Houri: 9 a. m. t ~ ~ I’r: @vehl~g, Mor,c,J/ ~ ; F’q~ay, ~atu~rL%"? ~ m. to 4 p, "1 J~ 101 ALBANY ST. SEARS New Brunswick Phone3-SB~) Friday, March2, 195-1 THE RECORD Four iJml i III ¯ Licenses,Registrations AvailableThis Month Motor vehicle license agencies throughout the state will be open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Mondays through Fridays and 9 a. m. to noon during March to issue 1951 motor vehicle registrations and drivers licenses. No motor vehicle may be operated on nubile streets after midnight, March 31, unless it displays the 1951 plates, which are black with straw-colored numerals. Plates purchased any time during March may be displayed on the vehicle immediately. No registration will be renewed unless the car has passed second inspcc!ion and the.pegislration certificah. Is properly stamped. . ¯ , NOTICE OF ORDER [ TO LIMIT CREDITORS. IP ’I Somerset County Surogste’s Cou~W’ i ha:ate of MARGARET POLIIEMUS DUNN deceased. ~. Notice is hereby given, that on the twenty-fourth day of January, ,:,S,~ A. D. 1951. on the application of the u:~,dcrsigned; as Executors of the Eitate or Margaret Polhcmus Dune. decease’d; an order was made by the Surrogate’s Court, requiring the creditors or .~he said deceased to bring in their dr:bts, demandsand claims against said decedent, oner oath or affirmation, and present Mr. end Mrs. Franklin Billings of Matilda Ave., received the Dis tlnguished Service Cross awarded posthumously to their son Frank B. ime to the subscribers within Billings, st recent ceremonies hold in Brooklyn, N.Y. SIX months from the date of said The DSC,one of the highest awards which can be bestowedupon = memberof the armed forces, was given to Billings for ,,extraordinary order; and In default thereof any heroism in action in Korea." such creditor shall be forever barred of his or her action theretot against the subscribers. Care Urged in Using Local Marine Recruits - _ ~1~ Building Materials JAM~.S CONGER DUNN4p Train at Parris Island VANCE POLHEMUS DUN:~. Wise use of scarce building ms- Now at Parrls Island, S. C.. uniIESTON N. POTTS, terlals was urged this week by Ar- dergolnJ;[ Marine recruit training, Heston N. Pelts, Attorney,Executors. thur M. Mason of Clayton Lumber Vincent John Maffeo, son of Mr. 390 George St., Co., member of the public affairs and Mrs. James Maffeo of Mill- New Brunswick, N. J. committee of the National Retail stone Rd. is a former employe of R 2-2,9,16,23;3-2 Dealers Association. the Staffin Johns Co. ,~ ~,n,~ o**h,*,u,,,,o, o* He was accepted *or enlistment The yA durthg during Dt,.~:o,-: "certain building products, such as Tuesday in ceremonies at Marine 195[, aporoved 88 percent of ve°.e. to make second New York ans’ apr:tcatlons nails, pipe, gutters, downspouts, dts.triet headquarters, City, metal lath and reinforcing steel major changes of 2,I Bill course. are likely to be restricted. Advisement and guld~’,.ee is requlrBy using only the necessary over a larger amount of construe- ed for veterans wh~ desire such amounts nf such material, the avail- tion work and benefit more people, changes. In numbers, .approvals able supply can be made to stretch totaled 4,130; disapprovals, 1,164. he said. The Big "Store That Service Built" At the FOOT OF CHURCH STREET GIBBS where your money BUYS MOREl SEWING MACHINES ::,t ,-: AYlOWAY t ’, i ’i J heybudgetterms. Lib. end tted~e ellewencs en yewpts~nt xmdd~, BED SPRINGMATTRESS /, ¯ ¯ ~ere’s a value that defies comparison! YOUget a full size BED, "American Beauty" INNERSPRING MATTRESS and a sturdy COIL SPRING, . . all three at a price that’s t~,pleal of Gibbs" | ~q SINGIRrsnabb,obev¯, I, od~lecka~cken us Ifm ~le, ~ ~w, d.~,~ myIq me. On~ $~9.50 Complete SINGER* Electric PortableSewingMarline forI only $89:50,.completewith caseI Smooth-st,robing. sturdy, dependable as only a SINGERcon be. Many.fine cabinet models, too-modern, ¢do* | nlal. parredstyles. . . See Paem.Choow~ ~ SINGEP,,SENVING CENTER your sewm.ghead- Make your ~ ~ensational valuesl quarters--for skoppmghere CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS Telephone is pleasantondconvem~t, N.B. 2-9090 too. " .. . Payus a v=.sdsoon.we hoveeverythingfor the SINGER sails and setvlsss SewingMoehlaas endotherprod. wanton who sews under one s~¯sly through SINee9 S~.- roof plusthe.best.Insewing advice and sewinglrlSlrg~lon. a/0os YOUR mw SINGER TODAY AT YOUR oot. ",- ChurchSt. Brunswick Footof Chur©h’Street ~’- ’ I ¯ Red’ Sq Trade-markend the "SINOERSEWING .CENTER’,’ srnb~mon the window,one sever~rouphdeporlmestd’ores, deaiws,or otheroutlst~ SINGERSEWINGCENTER 369 George’Street OpenThurs. till I I New Brunswick 9 p.m. I I Charter 7.0620 II I I Friday, March2, 1951 i ma 911 i THE RECORD . aa ¯ I Pa0eFive ++ wl i --~ ,mgwatoh .t +th ,..,. r .,h’tf., ,.I,. Ted.to b..W,nZ,+ tol.,d.,. TheO’+’!’l’: Subs, onrlL are as finalfollows:Standings for the year hbtrylngwifet° aboutaV°ld heirq)l~Rl°~son, tromMrs. Thechairmen (andupto yestor-of all civic andfraternalorpnk-- Eogllil. Uplet D.’------l...----e ,,y’,,unws day,h. -Inwor,.,l for,haSte.n tto.totom.t w ,. Stoskowltz 14 ,., bs unaware of her’basnt sonln" Staskowitz Fund Is Richard Tedes- Steve’s Fund. I illness, and her husband , to, who runs a |rotory store ’and Donations have already been 4 the heart to tell her," delicatessen st 314 Commercial promised by numerous orgy,!_,#. 6 Young Slave’s elaumst-’, at the Ave. 7 Our L~dy ot Vieh)rias School In 13 Boyrevllle are PraYing daily tot Tedesco deserthas hlmNlf as "a Uons. As ot yeat#rday, ¯bout 1160 14 his recovery. His grandmother, friend and customer" of Slave’s had been eontrlbutod. Among those a¢cepUng cho~ks with whomhe lived, said each day father. his elassnmtesvisit her to Inquire He first learned of the family’s and eimh for the Sl~mkowitl PundLi plight when the father told him Station WCTC,which Is broadcastabout Steve. A friend of the family has start, that he had been losing business ing appeals regularly. ed a fund drive to help defray because his wife’s and son’s itincss Checks may be made out to the 153 the cost of medical expenses. The was keeping him away from the 15"/ father, owner of s coal and ice office where he receives call. So Steven Staskowitz Fund and sent 125 buJiness., was reported heavily tn Tedeseo arranged to have Stas- to Tedcseo, who yesterday opened 154 debt for medical bills from the kowitz" calls transferred lo his ownI[ an account in the boy’s nslmeat the 171 previous illness of Mrs. StaskowRz. store. ! Peoples National Bank. I 760 I Franklin Eagles ........ It matters not the Kport, the old W B A C ............... 11 ¯ saying goes-~"They’re all danger- East Millstone " 9 DUe at playoff time." It was proven Pr kH Pi-.re .. --an-..n 8 again last night as the cellar’’N=mn,,,. ,rl., - ....... .-.......... sere ....... 2 dwelling Jones Five upset the has- I.tones Five I ketbsll league champion Franklin : ............... Eagles, 42 to 35, to eliminate them i ~romIhe Recreation Leagueplay-:, uffs. Led by George Gregory. the ’ Jones Five was in front most of Middlnbush NO. I (3) 120 145 ?he game, but a spirited rally by [ McKinley ....... the Eagles tied the contest at the : J. Kline ........ 1,13 157 ’~, end of regulation time. The Jones Blind ........... 125 125 then outscored the Eagles. 6-2. in i Rosky ......... 179 183 the overtime to remain in the play. ; W. Klinc ........ 128 160 offs. The Eagles were hampcred~ 695 770 by pl~ying without their star for~ ward and league high scorer, Elmer Griggstown (0) Lueas. O.M. noepfner . .. 143Smith 115179’~0 Gregory was high man fur the ....... wlnners with ]3 points but was K.R" BJelkc ..... K. Hoeptner .... 144 153 closely followed by Arabic Previtc Iloagland .... 155135136 117 with 11 and Bill Bclnavis with 10. Gaze Govae and Mike Uhall paced 692 715 the losers with 13 and 12 point~. Eagles (38) Middlebush No, 2 (0) G F TP C. Gilbert ...... 182 121 Uhall. f ...... 5 12 2 R. Merrell ...... 110 119 G. Gubac. f .... 6 1 13 J. Young ........ 93 128 Tolh, gMJc’k[o ............... Duneanko. (.. 0 4 S. Boekhut ..... 160 176 BOWLING 1 "Q 17~ 795 iS0 (3) No. .....1204 Jone ~I"/G 0G’ 4l|Llbll+2l"(42)~ ,I 0 TP38 0East Colli{,r _~aston ....... Franklin ........ FOR 0 l 1 I 0 2 S~ II. Salters. g 2 Belndx’is ..... 4 15 ]2 Set}re by perh,ds: Eagles . . 9 6 10 It Jones 5 5 7 ],4 10 Koka| .......... 1 3 4 10 _ East Frank,in No. 2 (2) E. Szabo ...... 105 42 IL Voorhecs .... (;. Kocsls ..... "93 2--38 T" C°yne 6---42 u--r -erx V ¯ F 0 2 0 0 0 13 F 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 s,..r,.I,.,. pcri,,d~: 3 Tigers ...... 3 4 7 W B A (’ ...11 .5 5 ()ffi(.i;,ls: Bodnarlk.S ha ....... l=,st Millstone (42) (; F Ilutchlnson. f 4 0 Morton. f ..... 6 1 I~,C. Lazieky. c . 0 0 qlwH ¯ l,,azlcky, g ._ 3 I E. Kurssr,g .. 2 0 (’lmpko . . 2 0 E. Lazieky .... 3 0 20 2 Franklin 5 (33} (; F Stasiak. f .... 3 0 Slake. , .0 0 C’her.’y (. . . 3 1 Busei|horn. g .. 4 0 Easton. g + . 3 0 Klsh .... 1 0 Giambalvo I 0 DaiSy............t M. Zastoeki " + "J’P 12 $ 0 2 0 o ’J’P ~ 6 14 2 3 0 2 ._. 29 97 154 113 150 136 " t / ++ + ,+ ++ SALE LAMPS . 155 ’: ~ i i ...g ........++ i14 i23 i(~i 1’t8 149 157 159 618 739 701 P$ Franklin Park (I) F. RIccl ...... 164 O. Wagner . .. 140 190 133 126 149 g. [,cwl.s ~~~~ HAND 24" ITS 123 Is9 DECORATED TABLE LAMPS ~ ~"~+’~ ~/~~: . ~+ ¯ 853 .Community No, 2 (0+1 : M. liharpsky .. 152 S. Sleola 146 , g ..... F. Ltlpo.... 142 I’. BIscclll 108 1’. Hart ...... ~ J. Yarush . 141 ; I’. Bast.t, lli 728 63’2 ’ " EACH 138 132 149 124 125 127 ..... 178 172 138 ... 145[ [ 7p0 FINE FLOOR LAMPS 143 121 192 AS LowAs ,++ TP 6 0 7 8 6 2 2 "" ~ 174 113 132 689 728 8-- 22 " 8---29 Millstone Valley (3J J. Kan’uzas 145 172 W. Paris .... 135 164 II. tlnppert . . 171 184 166 V. Jen,ga ..... 51. Itlahut TI’ 199 196 8 13 816 890 0 SecondDistrict (2) 7 Clancia.... 4 200 134 Wescutt 4 139 135 Lap~ynski .... 6 193 189 Marottl, . 175 16+ lit)crler 42 . ...... 150 227 857 849 ’Community No. I (I) Pan c-’,.a .155146 Kerekcs . .. 165 189 I3cssenb’ci .... 151 149 Taylor ..... 175 167 Klhigcr . .... 156 139 2 :._ . ........ tile restis tip to (.;oil." Mrs. T. Staskowitz, or Sa2,’reville. grandmother of six-year-old Sieves 8taskowitz said Tuesday. Thl, youngster, who has been in n semi-coma for six days. was trans, tarred to Roosevelt tlospltnl lit New York for treatment ol what laboilevedtobetubereularmenln-+year-old , Ituspital SL Poters by. tl~ ISayrevJlle eciol 681 I ,’-0014 207 ¯ 835 EACH 108 168 165 214 155 Nowyou con buy fine BOUDOIR LAMPSwith handpointedChinaBasefor as little as 810 189 148 174 181 133 $vm~-----lh~V~" Ze EACH s0279o s2~ This is o chanceto get the Lamps youalwayswantedat a fraction of mAll WeCanDoNowis Pray" g.~. SO E"tobias...... is0 i59 1~ E. Newton . WBAC G (.soh, r. f . 1 "r(fl’nelh), f 3 Rnsso. e . . 6 l Pagano. Gory, g .. _I W. Shirley . 0 Bellow _ .... I ! ONLY L(;ec.."+:77 +iii ,4s G.Kocsts ...... ii3 Ol,c~al.:subs.~odnarm. Tigers (22) G l’ietrueha, f __. 6 Vatnro, [ .. 3 topaz, c ...... 0 Szabo, g ..... 1 Papp. g ....... 0 168 "~-- WEEK 142 143 .s -- 158 Williams. e .... Aske¢,’. g ...... ONE A. Jasionowski, v,’ho has been trc~tin~ him since he Was stricken last week. At Roosevelt Hospllal in Metueh+ el. meat)while, his mother Is also fighting a battle for her life. For the second time In five years, the mother b suffering; their cost RICE r~ ,llPlltawx 201 COMPANY ¯Nil 5Oil St . NL~V BRUNSWICK I from chesttuberculosis. 8teven. of 20 Fl~t MondaynighL] The father, Emergency IAvo.. North Brum~Ick, has been G, 36 YEARSOF I i I Fine Furniture I ill il i l I I "I i L, %L Friday, March2, 1951 m .... THE RECORD T . : Pager21even fro= t’...,,e..,ive ,eeY’WCACalenat oardof ci,.li Se,*lc, d ,=,. available Join Regular Army Charles R. Gulosss. 20-year-aid Monday6;45, ballroom daocing Examiners, ~t the hcapltal. Ictasses:study 7:~0,group. sketchiag clas:t; 8, -, ~ ,, !child san of,,r.and ,,rs.Oulott,, Wednesoay, m., of 148 De~avan S’,, eulisted In the I Thursday, all day, L~dles Day. Regular Army for three years. Pre- YMCApool and gym; 4:30. Y*’ruens viously employed as a musician, :basketball; 7-9, open house: 8, Yat Ft. Ii Friday. Wives health ;Gulotta i~ vow staiiouc’d 7;30 p.education m., Ji,’e group, Juuetkm. Drven.t. M::ss. ,i I Slotiont.d at Ft. [)ix i’~ Fraok CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS !3t War d.i o ,Ie ~on of Mr. aad iuformallun on an examiuatiou [Mrs. Frauk M. Y.mdulino Sr. of for patent exandaer in file U.S. 1166 Flul:Jvr~ St.. who enJLmtrd in Palent Offiee n]ay l)e obtains,: i[h{’ R ’.~tl]ar ,~rll; threp years, 3’ I’dr f]’oR] (’~eol’~e It, Stryker, It)t’al see. !~A ,~r::lhl:l:e O~’ ~e%vBruuswick relary of ttw U. S. Civil Nerrice tti~h ~vh,),l, V:otdolim, workedas "a:l ,qtl’(~nlol)i]u tn.ct’hallie before Commission. at Ihe Post ()flier. l~lfovn)~tJon ol1 aHt, xDntinalioll for ~e flistlig. ~uard at the l v~l~s VAl io..pitM is WALL’S ¢OMPLLrI’E TUXEDO RENTAL SERVICE SHIt~T " TIJ~- STUDS" COI.LA~F.S’t g’rV’t_l~ Tt..,XI~D O . LAg BUTTONS- CUFF LINKS ~onsistlng O’f ~,RM BANDS ¯ SUSPENDERS Arrar~n~ml.,-¢. Should he Made t0 Days in Advance S, R. 6-1265-J OpenTilt 11:30 11 i i ’, ~ : ^ ~,S %I)VI:ItTISI’)) ~.()bt t. A’~D ~.t.%MOi i; ]:re .)-our equipment slid ttupl)lies as Ihry Ihmtld be to m=ke~ompshotl =s good a~ /hie one, "1 ThoughtI’d Try It Anyway" which they just weren’t made to do It all adds up to ust.tess waste ’that is heard altogether too often of film and a strong feeling of dis;from the lips of amateur phoh~g- appointment. raphers. &nd it accounts for s Recently I heard a man say’that he’d made 20 indoor color expo]argo number of the poor snap. sores at his son’s si~,tl’, birthday ailots which are made. It is osualJy heard as the con. party. He knew that tim Iihn in eluding Jane of a story about pur- the camera wa~ for ~.utdoor usc-~osely taking a picture under and that his fleshbulbs were trot tmfavorab]e conditions. Perhaps it of the right type to make the film ¯ ,’as too late or too early in the usable indoors. "I think I’ll try it. day; perhaps it was a shot which nnywayt" he said at the time. ~et required a camera with a faster he was very disappointed when ~]ena than that of the camera used; the postman brought him a box of (perhaps it wasan attempt at using transparencies--all very bad bo,erdinary ~ for a special purcause the color balance was com0pose. Whatever the actual ease pletely off. As is clear by now, the moral of ~ayhich have was knew one all in this story Is--if conditions aren’t the been, picture it taker e time that only a miracle would right, don’t "try it anyway." Use ake his shot a good one. your film and camera for the type Maybe amateur snapshooters of pictures they are designed to e incurable optimists, because make and thus avoid disappointe do seem to expect our equip, taunt. I .-.John van Guilder ~,l~ent and Supplies to perform feats, ~’ll]~a title statement which servesis one as ft,r t.tlay s column I I PublicLibraryBorrowersselect ........ Own’Hit Par=de’ of Notable Booksi[, l: Book-lovers who visit the Pree : Chicago Cnnfideotial. by Jaek I.ait ; Public l.ibrary have come up with and Lee Mortimer; Korea Tud. y. their owz~ ¯’tilt Parade" of best by C. M. MeCure: G..d Ilad Seven bo.ks. , Days. by llenry Mlsrork; Speaking ; *Their sele(’tiousof "No~a!:4e of Mau. by .Abraham Myerson; Books for 1950"was annouacedby Seot’sboroBoy. by liaywoudPattcrson; The Cardinal. by H.M. Miss Anne W. W. Bell, assistant Rohiuson; The Disenchanted, by " librarian. Budd Sehuiberg. Also announced was a ll~t of the "bests" selected by member libra- The Turquoise Trail. by Shirley Lift Up Your ileari, by ries of the American Library As- Seifert; Mousigaor Fulton ¯ J. Sheen .~eeiatioa, .~s well a~ the local ],load. by Waiter Til.,’.t,y: library staff’s own selections of the Champion WiuterUme by JJn Valtia: Jerut~,p reading of the year. salem Calling, by Pierre Van The people’s (’hoicos were these: Paasen; Worlds in Collision. by The Diplomat, by James AidImmanuel VeliJkovsky; aud World ridge; Truman’Merry-Go-Round. by Enough and Time, by R. P. WarR. S. Alien and W. V. Shannon; ren. Faster! Faster! by Patrick Bait; Boswell’s Landau Journal, by James Boswell; Juvllee Trail, by Owen Hertz AttendsSession J. H. Burns.Briar°w; Lucifer with a Book, by. Of Redevelopment Aides The Perfect Invader by Robert i Joseph Hertz, City’Housing Auth-i Burns; Son of ,: Hundred Kings, lorry director, attended a meeting by Thomas Costaln; Seeds o/Tre~ ~ of all redevelopment agency direc~l~aon, by Ralph DeToledano; The tars in the state held in the offices Cocktail Party, by T. S. Eliot; Col- of the Newark Housing Admthls|erred Stories of William Faulk-itratlon Tuesday afternoon. net; The Wall, by John Horsey; i Various phases of coordination Dlanetles, by L. R. Hubbard. ,, the lacal Joy Street, by F, P. Keyes; ]Hertz said. - "-=-*- .. ~{~ It maa be$prin~ when such a suit appears. The velvet.touched bolero (smart enough to live ~ ~ ~~t~ ~ ’S BOLEROSUIT " * .. "it 1¥1IRON WORSTEDS "IN WONDERFUL $i:es O0to 00, SOO/~ Sizes 10 to 111 $69.95 OpenBudgetA Account ShopThurtdey Till age~y were discussed. - a li/e o/its own) is heautilully made fn Miron’s new Honeycomb worsted.**t , its ,lender, shupely~kir;. .. in ]mperial Cnburdlne. Navy end white or brow~ end wbi~.Y 9 p. m. ~} BROOK S gl--"------ Friday, March2;-1951 11-1E RECORD Twelve Typographical LlnionFounded In $10-a-WeekDaysof 1869 ~. RUDOLP Vm The New B~uu~wtck Typogrstph- Bioluwd Conner. Union was formed back bs ~o Today conditions of typograpb oleeUons will ho days whe~ I10 st week wu con- icstl workers are st far ely trOm the inUnion silk shop dress tstetorfes In h#ld New ~d~red ¯ good wstEo for men who early dstys. SouthAmboy River,March Jameswoxked in ~’prLnflng mhops and All typo locstls support a union Brunswick. burg and Perth 19. newspaper composing rooms, home and hospital in Colorado 14 and 15 under the supe.-’vLd.n Sloeekle, Thstt wasone In 18~. o! the union’s or-,ment Printer Home, Springs. Col.,as inthewhich any member ’ Known In notes of the late Har1"y A. il n goodstanding rusty receive treat- of the National Labor Relations Board. Workers wilt indicate whether :.. , .g~nlzers and first members,is an ithe institution has provided hospithey wish the International Lstdios el,: i account of early typo days. t,~lizatlon for severstl local printers, Stoeckle wrote that Harold Ben- W,,ues =ver-ge aa7 ¯ w,.ek days Garment Workers Union to be nuthorlzed to enter into union shop ~tedict. Joe Simpson and he gotlsnd.S92 niehts in s eommereJai" agreements, together and held a meeting in! sheep a-rid $9-3-day= stnd-$~--n-i-gh-’ts An NLRB committee wiii spent Bobbins Hall. then on French St ......... s .... °r ’The work w three days touring slik dres| L~esaid a union organizer "haran- Is abont 37 hours long. Union in this are’a. them and the union . . wstS ’: spokesmen describe working conNew Brunswick shuns to be vls. " "/ ’. born. I ditions as "healthful and dignlted include Chstskes and Kulbaelk , - . ~:’~ In December of t89t, the union~ fled" ¯ A " 279 Buruet St,; Regal Sportswe~ --" ~/diwas chartered as New Brunswick _: -. "L ¯ " " " ~’I’T -" Uni on "’"~-~"thwt ~ toe’, there are some o4 memuers m 9 Little Bur¯at St.’, Grace Dres~ ~ ypo g ra pnsca| ~ , the union and,about 10 apprentices¯ ~9 Denois St.; Leiner Dress Co., 20 ¯ "< ¯ ~t " " " L ¯ , g enarte r memoers: " :: i."oilow’n 1, Shops comprising the union in the Jeiin St.; Joy Garment Co., 229 i .... li .......... " ". r mant,. O. L,augnton, l~waro NO , . ~" "1"" l ............ ¯ New Brunswick area include ten- French St.: and A & P Garment i Iff~US K |rK, ooNn ! |oe, A~r~m vstn Co., 18 No. 3rd Ave., Highland, Creer Geor"e nines. Kitchen & Drygo, Thatcher . . ~:~McMullen , John ... , ...s: Anderson, Spokesman Publishing .... Simpson, A. Fred r.Hmer, a. we- Co J Ford Ftagg L N. Blue Vogt Park. * . .......... ,Ired Morris, 5toecxze, I~. d. t~egan,PrinUng "’ ’ Co, Unimsn Printers ] Voting will take place at the II. , ............. CAMMERATA d05 ~ HL nL donn Hlexey, Thomas ............. and Barry B. Dress 20 Naph, ’_ |:teiomgsleLe [ St.; DressCompany, Co,, 45 Reid St.: ,~smuley, ........ Joun ~trassourger. ~a-, ;t tome News ¯no Samuel Dress Company, 1 Reid -- i win Clickner. Waiter Flint. I. N. Printing Co. i m. masme,’B,°e’ ,h’. Wm MeM’u en Raymond’ offieersAI Warren¯reChesteriS president.Austin,Olher.st.;jr, MarionDress Co., 32 MainSt.: lIR|An~,~enttanger, William Dingethal. i . Mayfair Dress Co., 1 Milton St.; i ~vuia~ r~ilw Vi|iVnnW!Joh n Caroe Iter, M H Myers, W I ~vlce-presldeot; Harold Lins. nnan- Dora Dress Co., 123 Whitehead I’ UA.,&.. Aa. ~,,Jl,,,...J,,=.. !lisa J. Gooley. HarOld Benedict, ’; cial secretary: Philip Varker, re- lAve.; South River Waist and Dress ,,|[i[AggnV AI, I Lnor’a--’s V (l K ~UI’00’-- _ i""’l," - ~J~" l ~’ur’{~y;F~:ank : Lipptncott. ToStateOfficials tat.,k ¯ George By RUDY CAMMERATA ¯= l’ulitics is everybody’s busine.~s. AFi, It.¯tiers and nnlons In Mid:neluding organized labor. . dlesex attct Monmouth Counties Managemenl freqttenily argues ~ will be i|osts to the State Federa- L - sergeant -arms ¯ Ven-ic°rding s " ri~t,s, ecretary, a nd" at William;co., 1 an~G - .................... A ~ C ~ ’’a’trodooniaos ’oo’ s’oyol’t,ion,, l, o,e,eeo,iveboard n NEWS and VIEWS of politics. Followed to the logical exeetitive council at the Kingsley voneiusion one can only reason ~hat management [eels il is the .Arms Ilotel. Asbury Park, Sotursole proprietor o1" American poll- day at 10:30 a. m. The two counties [ ,,as. l, ,s,,e,..,,n,,spu,edi.v ,oeoprie Nnl very’ den]()- feder.~tion, ,’rJtiC t).van.nlatlagemet|t. in charge, farther or retard. ’~ Baumrind, business 9SIm~ T homas S t. t’ manager of the union, explained that the Taft-Hartley law requires an actual majority of aii workers employed in the piant to vote for ti, e maintenance of the union sh~ Otherwise the union shop, the,’. WUes biishedin plants nearly half a century ago. will be outlawed. He pointed out that the aden shop has made possible many of ~]~ ’ het,e.isenjoyed bywori,l,,s,rie, o, ,he ReportOpposing AdditionalBenefitsthe era. i TheTaft-ilartiey law requires a arrangements are" U ~ n d er Disability Insuronce Hit by CIO majority of all those eligible to of Unioo.,, ;ire not interested In any For me polilieal party. This ha.~ been Mrs. alga Mar¯¯ski nf Perth Am-~ An Advi.~orv Council repo.’t ree-’ ly dormant for 21 months." This VOte to carry an election. ’~;mmcnding vice-president of the an increase in maxl- was the ~ame day tbst a legisiaexample. If st shop has 100 workers. evidenced in CIO ~tn’,ements on h ¯~v di,~lriet : mumTen porary Disab Ilty Insur-. five coinmlssion made up of labor at least 51 must vote in favor of .¯any issues ill rvcent yt’a=~, h.drralion, and Frauk Dalton of ante from $26 to $30 but opposing[management, legislative and public the union shop. Should only 50 Organized tabor supports canNeptune. preside¯| el tlw Men- [dependency. maternity, hospitallJ members was holding iLq first pub- vote. even if 49 favor the law. it didates on the basis of past permouth t, nd O(’can (’corral Labor (zation and other benefits was sit. lie hearing after having held would lose. The 50 who do not form¯¯ca or a solid platform, tacked lifts weekby the State CIO. weekly sessions for several months, vote art’. lit efreet, counted a~ t:nioo which will be beneficial to all The ,-(O charged that the council ¯ ," . ..... l The CIO charged that the report laboring people and that is al~z .~ nt~ [n a ~ .~s]oa eseX. , cutup e e v renec "old nO- pU b"eJ he ria sng-n-’= ur evoting agaiost it. " ’ ¯" s tne proI~ I n BtaiJding I rades Cotmt’ils, as well" ’ " most all the people. ’ " Mana~emenl’~ roh, In polities a~ :he New Brunswick Trad~es end /~anda and vested interest,~ of in*leeived no evidence or testimony organi- Utility Anti-Strlke was made crystal eh, ar itt the spa- I,abm" Coonei] and Ihe Perth Am- ’ sot¯nee companies who have a fl- from experts or interested Law nanelaltnwstake In Jersey.’ keeping. TIll ben- ! zaUons "except for the information In State Held Invalid title I~snt. of health inset¯oar. The I,)y Centr;rl Labor Unicm. also will slits in New [submitted by the insurance earnMedical Assuelation. (’hamher of bc represented. The Advisory Council. the ClO’:pany representatives on the counA Snpremc Court derision Mn,,j~ Commerceatstl the large eorpm’aVinreitt .I. Murphy of Newark. clay declaring unconstitutional Wls- " ell itself." lions .~pent a small [nrtuue in sn Sta~e AFI, secretary-treasurer, will said. was "~uddenly reactivated Dee. 20. 1930" after being "enlire"Lack of adeqoate stody of the) e°nsin’s i)ubl]r utility anti.strike. :disrupt to tlefc.~l this measure, report on federation activities. problem inadequate labor repre- compulsory arbilration law also In........................ Trade u,ic,,~s ,s nr~anizati.n.~ partlcu’.arly memlser:~htp and leslsCorpenters Acquire and overrepresentatJon ’,,alidates" . tiw .Ne~’ ./ers[ v.. law.s(’.sentat’u tt t :rod |fade ul]Jon[.~ls :ts individual.,; There wJ]l in, a r/lport on pl"esh t eording . to ’Sate (’IO P, "csdonl of |ndustry hcit ) expia i n why t e have bce. v.’a~iog a hmg, hard en~ ]t.gtsh’,th)n in T|’el’~h:,r, New Heodquofters b~." ¯ lto.lerman straggle far passage .f the heallh Thonr:s L. I’arsnnnet nf Newark. AFI, Carps¯lira Local 1006 councils report completely reflects. Carl the propagstnda and vested inter’"]’he ground,~ ei:cd by ihe court moved yesterday iotn new headh.dcration legislative (’ounsei, illsnranee bill. esls of inguraoce companies which ~for its aciion--that the law con. The e*~mpanies, lhe (’hamher~oF AbrahamSilver~lein¯ ptthlie re- quarters n174 Carroll PI. with lhe Natiolto] [,abor ’1 k ; v e a financial stake io keeping flirted William }l. l)unhnm, btls[n(,.,;.~ ¢’ommerce .rod o:he.’~ :~honl(I re(’oL~- lalinn d]re(’tor, wi]i also rt.por’. Relations Act . . . applies directly .ize Ih .l the thing that irnluees soThere alan will bc mecUngs el a~rnt, said the new lee¯finn has. TDI benefits low." the C[O con- to the NewJersey anti-strike act," rialism and c’nmnm,ism is a law /he frderalinn’s Icgi.~lative. public three rooms. As s rcsLdt, the prob- ’ tended Holderman said. ’[’he NLBA guarheodquarter~ bus’Chamber,,~. ~,,~=o,.Estimates,,~C°sts~,~.,,~ ~tand.wtl oF living, relali,n.~, edo~"atlonal and gover.- gemnf cramped right h . . a’ ¯¯tees- nil workers" th( ~ N ........ ~ ¯.-.,,P.~a--~ t~n... These ideologies thrive in bad m,nf ageneie.~ (’omnzittees. heeu elimioated, he said. -~ strike ¯ pay $1z.:~00000 m additional ............... uncm¯ times. It would be in the interA hi.cht.nn wilJ be fo]h)wed I)y a : .... I- )1|))’ ;.- ~1, L................. i., ,,,= I The.~lale (’i(’~ h’ad :d~n attnvk,’d " v.~ceculi,.’e meetin~ nf llw ClO eui|l]J[_’l ~| Uli [I LIIC IJ~est of management as well as jni.t a ,~,0,nre were to pass le, islation i bi i’. *’-hw’l ’abor to keep our standard of ,epublicanJ~ ho:trd .rod cnunt’i] aod a sLmon:tr¯ " -" ’hv el ¯ Cape May to SCUSS to ] Slate St..iHttHr "~e t aheco raising maximum UC benefits living high. izcd report From all commit!ass. "p(rmit;.h:g as high as $’~J per n*eek, arecrdh-~ buys to work after ctark F~vCt’ytme (ioe~tt’! h;t’,’t, tl~ agree The "~slnt’v Park meeting is itt ~[~ i P i ces0 ,, to Ihe State Chanlber of (,an:. r’..... I it] boarclwalk cnncesslons and other polio’ St W bill Z with all or lab,,r’..~ prop(,,a]~. UuL ihw with fhe m,,v rnfative t! is eve’,v ~tle’s z’e~p~,n.~I)ility t~ uf the tederatsou to hold its hoard M ch 3 4 I Opposing the le~i~h:ti!,,;, the iobs. " ! Chamb:.rsaid: "flu e.m~id-:.,P.,tion of insist that lahnr be ~Zivea an op- meeliug,~ in various parts of the SlabJliring priues alld wages and hrmth increases shuuld be made 7EDERATION TO MEET po h nl v it) preserd their views .~tate. joiotly wt’h AF], |coders in m~;biHzillg manp(;,.ver ~’ill b~. ’be Imlil N,’w .Icrse~,’s antiquated UC The New Bruuswiek Trades and -n a]l sLIbje(’ts¯ at al] limes. [h(, varinusdil.~trJt¯t,~. theme .r :l e:.,L r:’:,¯e .( ~tat,, C,t). law has been replaced wllh a mad- Labor Federation will huid a gen, :,,,,,¯ ,l ,t ~,.,.s March 3 atul4 lern. rMcient system o, admtnis;ra-erai membershipmeeting March ?extile W-orkers Co tHb l’ne eitief speaker. Hcrtram ! tion." ]3 ~t 295 Buroct St. ¯ ¯ ¯ --*s i~ l ........ s ¯ ~ (;rt,s.,,. exeeu!iw’ direct,.; or the Di ng r oges or n T o Inranr.e raralys,s h’ ute$90! .ampalgn IVt’, ,, <.,,,,e,l ,is T,e . ,, ,,_,__ .._L f0r-Plumbers ..... z3 ..enr ro K(llSe )ei" ’ : e < ¢’k for $,101.51 i~ ]u.Jn~ st,ill ,’ Y h;l(h’r<hll) el Shop ( haii’ntaH ,John :At ".’t ".~. 1, the "q.~tinnai Found¯tiros (.r i~- Z;,~’at.k,’. attd Shopt’hairman Alice ¯emir Outlt.ok.’ . ".~" -’. ’" A 25-ecnt increase In hourly /ant[i., Paralysis h¯day as a rcsuif f.’rehim [urned Ill $]7.60 from mcm- A forum on nl.lnpower tllo[,illZawages" for phlmbers and steamlion will be t.ondueted I) 3" F:. L. I fitte’s wi; szn in o effecl in lhts ,,F tile at.nnal .~lar(’h t)l" I)iott,.~ dr}re hz,l’~ a[ Nappe~olitlt M[g. C’O. ,ff l,(~(" s G’|D ;itl(I |~:~ of the Tea- * I’lanl SlewardArt lloceltetta altt] Kt’e~ t. ( ep I 3’ dirt.ctnr of Ihe I’ed- ! ......... L, It ,,,.,as revealed Sun-I tile W,)I k(’r, [’Hioo of Anl¢.ric;tA~ist;inl AI Honosnr. headed the eral Bnrcan el Elnplnyment Serur- sirestdayApril at the quarterly meeting o_ CiO. campai/.In fro’ I,ura[ 6:;0. assisted by ity: Russell .J. Ehlri(;gc, superinS’e~aJ’ds io ],~(’al 63o c(.lle(’h’d telldent el Ihe State Divi~inn el the Sta’e Association of Phtmbcrs. ;lit, >h.wardsin :;I] depsr~mertfs, $762.06 HF Ibis anlounl fr’onl mere(’(~ih.clion~ were: Mechanical. Enlp/oyment Seeurliy. and Kather- held at the Elks Chlb. z~ers ;.I .h)],nson &./,Jtzt-~.n. whih, .,~. 1.50: Hai)yI’rnduels. $74.30: Band- Ins E]lickson. (’iO a:;sncJa(e direrThe wage boost woohl iu’in~: the I,oeaf (~I2"s drive rtetft, fl SI3945. - ’~i(I. $73: El~tJt’ (;,m(l~. $’/0: C’hi(.- (or n[ research, hourly rat~ to $,3. l,oeal 682"s drive ~:t.: emnduett.d opec. $57.85: Shii)l)ing Ben Kaplan. of the Federal OfCenler. The association r~’e]eeted Patrick .~cp.~r:He]y in the (me" plaot-: which S,tS.10; Haoclage attd Gauze, $t3,75: lies of Price Stabilization. and St¯nF. Doyle el New Brunswick as make:q) t]taL lucal. Plaster of Paris. $43: Cotton Fin, i lay I{uttenberg. C’IO director o| president, The delegates were welWorkers in National Mo.,,ical i,~hing. $33.91: Paper Mill. $32+50. i research and education, will lead String Co. contributed $50.50 to; Also. Tenterlog. $23.50: Internal e paoel on price stabilization, corned by City Commissioner HerFinancial Secretary Roso DIPane. ’Transportation, $23.75; Medlcsted i Wage stabilization will be dLs- bert D, Datley. who Is assoclatlnn while Shop Chairmen Sol Maresea’Plaster. $19: Spool Room. $18.25; ,cussed by Solomon Barkln, re from New Brunswick and ,Ins Rzueek cagier’ted $36 from Cotton Tip. $17; First Aid, $14.50; search director of the TexHh delegate loeai. \lgro Knlttin~ (’a. members, qecetvlng Department. $14.15; Sol" Workers Uolon. and~..ilomas h Doyle la bus|ness m:.nager of tl~e Middlesex Fabric Print Works ,age. STY.80: MIll Room, $13.20; land of the Office o~ ~/Vstge Stabil, local unit, alcmbcr~ ~a;,. $3535 under the Dental Floss, $9; and Suture, ~ zation :- " ~ .... .~ I~AIRtI~K F. DOYLE "tl~’~ "T .......... F~iday,March2, 1951 THE RECOR~ : PageThirteen ¯ l ANORDINANCE ENA--No The,.wprohlhl*, oE ,., Chap’.l. nS ADOPTION NOTIC" A.END "Spiritual Aopeets of Family Take notice that an, ordinance en- TITLED ’AN ORDINANCEFIX- loans bolus made on property PhysiO IogyOf SeX nathy,April ANORDIN*.CE TOING THE SALARIES OFTHE where theso,ling price,, hlsher AdjustmentTopic LI.Other events, on the YMCAcal-titled AMENDAN ORDINANCEEN- TOWI~;SHIP CLERK, ASSESSOR, than the VA #ppralsai. over TITLED "AN ORDINANCEFIX- COLLECTORAND TREASURERQ--White In service during peaceING THE SALARIES, WAGE~!OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FRANK- time, [ was disabled as a result of "The PhysloloLv of Sex Adjust- Friday, 7:46, Bible Study Group; ANDCOMPENSATION OF THE LIN’.’" was introduced at a regu, l.ar an aircraft accident. At the tim* RECORDER,CUSTODIAN,ROADmeeting of the Township Commit- ot the accident. 1 was on duty ea menS" will be diseuued by Dr. 7, Friday Nltars; 9, television. Saturday, 7:30. youth dance. FOREMAN,WELFAREWORKER,tee of the Township of Franklin a flight engineer on the plane that Robert Laldler at a meeting of the Sunday, 3 p. m., Bible Class: 3:15 DOGWARDEN, CLERKSANDon January 25, 1951, and was finally crashed. If I am awarded dtnbfllty YMCAcourse In marriage edues- Youth Choir; 5-9, vespers. OTHEREMPLOYEESOF THE passed at a meeting held February compensation by VA, wlll the pay - ti~n Thursday at 8 p, m., at the Y. Dr. G. Hale Bucber will speak TOWNSIIIP OF FRANKLIN" was 22. 1951. Topics and speakers st remainFILED L. BAS’COM. be at warltmc or peacetime rates’: ing sessions of the course will be; °n "The Cross in Human Expert- introduced at a regulJr meeting A--The answer Io this question enee" at Lenten vespers March of the Township Committee el the i R-3 2 Clerk as follows: depends upon the conditions under Pelz II. A general management forum Township of Franklin on Januar~ March 15, Dr. William the "Psyehologlcal Factors in Mar-will be held March I, from 2:30 25. 195I, and was finally passet~ at: time. Wartime rates apply to all to 10 at the Roger Smith. ;a meeting held February 22, 1951. riage." VET FRED I,. BASCOM, service-cmmected disabilities reMarch 22, Dr. Sophie Kleegman. Clerk Q--I saw a house I’d like to buy solting from conditions simulating R-32 "The Father’s Role in Pregnancy Twenty-four dependents of de i with a GI loan. but the selling price war or extra hazardous conditions. and Children." ceased Mexican War veterans were,Is a good deal higher than VA’s Peacetime rates if these conditions ADOPTION NOTICE April 5. Dr. Luther Woodward. on V-A’s rolls st the end of 1950. ! Take notice that an ordinance en- appraisal of reasonahle value. Will are not met. "Creative Family Living." The Mexican War ended in 1848. ’. Iitled "AN ORDINANCE TO I I be able to get a Glloao anyhow’: In YMCA C ourN endar include weekend: the the following whloh *n.were erv*u, at NEWS IJIOU WHEN ¯ SHOP AT HOME !! FOR BIGMONEYSAVING BUYS...SUPE R SERVICE! SEEORCALLTHESE MERCHANTS ¯ CHILDREN’S WEAR ¯ FOOD MARKET ¯ APPAREL .. ¯_LIQUOR ALBERT O. BESSENYEI PonyRing Kiddie Shop Edith’sSpecialtyShop ¯ SIGNS REPASY ARTS WINES AND LIQUORS VOORHEES MARKET CHILDREN’S WEAR The Stere of Greater Values Liquors - Wines - Beer - Sods ~SIGNS~ Layettes Assembled Carrying a Full Line of Factory Close-Gate Job Lots WeCarry All Popular Brands t’RUCKS LETTERED CHOICE MEATS Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Swvators, FINE LINGERllLHOSIERY FREE DELIVERY Wsfl Signs, Pictorisls, "Banners, Hosiery, Shirts, HeadwearGift Groceries Frozen Foods 586 Hsmilton SL Kilmer 5-6453 amid.GUlES-SWEATERSSKIRTS " She-Cards Items, Toys, Books. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables V* Join Our Merchandise Club Custom M~ Outdor Signs 82 French SL, New Brunsw|c k ; SO0 Hamilton St., NewBrunswick " Free Dolivery ¯ Mason Contractor Box $5 (Franklin Park, N, J. Kilmor S-0193 Msrket St, East Millstone ¯ AutoElectrician Kaut=Electric Service Specisflzing in Ignition Work, Generator Service, Carburstor Service, Home Radio Repairs 95 Centrsl Ave, New Brunswick PhoneN, B. 2.4607 ..... .. -....,- m ...--... Au.u RRrA,K> E.Millstone 84097 ¯ Contractor-Builder STEVE SLIWKA GENERAL. CONTRACTING Mason Contractor Home Builder q" P’ D. 3, Box 206 Hamffton Road, New Brunswlc k Phone N, B, 2.8274W Contractor and Builder ~.very IJ|ys ........ a bales I~ay lie r ¯ Homes @ Stores ~,,,i~,.v,,~Lue Also General Trucking . avn[:vrq ~ Francis SL R F D. No. 3 _ FRANKLIN SUPER MARKET ~ k41 lelAq I,LI4~alPBI |rYl~lkJ Franklin Township i rq.~|s~v~slv,.q PhoneN. B. 2-10iT0 . 50 Hamilton St, New Brunswick ~/vltl;llq. " I ~~ , ~ CHAS. J. MANbrlNO --MUSIC CENTER-CORSETIER:E a i:lJI’[ nil I le Phone N.B.2-2124R2 DAN ROMANO --LOW PRICES-- " ¯ [ ¯ " STOVES - STOVE & APPLIANCE CO. ~st. 1917 " MonogramUomblnetion StovaSt Tapper Gas Ranges Westinghouse Appliances Youngstown Kitchens 85 Fren;hon:t~/" :.e~. Brunswick RICH ICofertM~:icTeachers _ I lnstructloSnCh;; I: JOHN’S GA~I~G ....... I [1~~[ ~e ll-llgure .m P~ll¶lOlYSlS I Repsir Work - Complete Overhsuls eee^ "--I-r [Let me show you how muc~t better X. ee.aflyoi ~,f Son I 75 FRENCH STREET General ;:infringe ; Acetylene yuo can look and feel n a Spencer ] FUEL OILS ..... . ...... KEROSENE [ New Brunswick, N. J, ik ~rc Welaing uraKos a SPOOalWSupport ~ Individually Designed Phone Charter 7-1464 Oil Burners Installed [ ¯ UPHOLSTERY ............... r"--. ,.. a.u ,~nav __ .For You .a.. ..... rat,= $86 Hsmilton St., New Brunswick [~, .uw rm CALL MRS. BETTY SANDERS ......... ,ll~pmollt~er,us t.narg~ ’~~-" Phone Kdmor 5-64,3 8 a.m. to 9:H30aam; 9 to7 p,m. Dsil’~ ¯ NEON SIt’N5 PhonMi~:~;el~NclJ30-R-I FURNITURE CHrtsr 7.0369-M ,,, [ /~ ¯ Ik A-B-CNeonSignCo., Inc.I " ~’r[ DECORAT,NO co. I Joseph S. Prankowskl. Pres.-Tre,s. ’ ¯ ¯ ’ Hamilton Serv,co Center ¯ DAIRYPRODUCTS ¯FUNERAL HOME Repsirs, Lubrication, Washing, QUACKENEOSS SomersetFern1| Doily ~Qusllty Dairy Products--- Polishing Body, Fender Work and Painting N. B, 2-9338 ¯ Phone EaSt Millstone AUTO DZ~’r~,C s~u.~sa,~"~ ¯ m, FUNERAL HOME 156 LivingstOn Avenue, New Brunswick Telephone Kil, 5-0008 Middlebush, N.J. I 8-.32 , L=SSOService Station REPAIRS ~ OILS ~ GREASE A Complete Line of ATLASAccessories. Hamilton and Cedar Grove Lnne Middleb~h, N.J. Phone E.Millstone. e.eeso ¯ , BEAUTYPARLOR I ] K’KAUbZ,~K’~ i~AIKT Establishsd 1910 Our milk delivered in new spacesaving square bottles with alumiRumcaps, 70-;~e Guilder St, NewBrunswick [* ¯ FURNITURE ,~, Vat"" the "FrenchSL"Schwartz. . . Schwartz Furniture Co. 79 French Street New Brunswick PhoneKilmer 5~o385 Kllmer S-104S DM~’YI"~t~’.OAI~i41:R~ .... ’ Mo’ox U holstery Co. I Upholstery . . P - i SICovers IGeneral p ¯--,.....-~.~.,~.~ rh. B--..*w,ckStud,o ..~ ! Sofa Seat Bottoms Rebuilt In ~. mt~rt~vv~o, ,-,~. Your Home PHOTOGRAPHER . s ac,zl Method Springs Cannot Sag P Family Groups- Weddings&;;,~ FREE ESTIMATES Children Our Spocizlty St, New Brunswick N, B. 2-8478 146 Neilson 4 Scott St. PhoneN. B, 2-2546 "" ¯ POULTRYMARKET , Q FARMSUPPLIES CustOmuPHOLSTERINGBuilt Furniture Wall Signs Slip Covers, Draperies, Bedspreads Truck Lettering NewBrunswick 2-10g0 New Brunswick 135 Nallson St, t~2 Esston Ave,, NewBrunswlok PhoneN," B, 2-8820 . I SERVICE ............... NeonSigns...Neon Servicelnteri°rLightingj am ¯ HARDWARE-PAINTS FRANKLINPOULTRY~r PRODUCEMARKET F.C.A. Fresh Killed Cut-up Poultry Killed, Cleaned While U Wait All Poultry Killed on Premises. [Free Parking Free Delivery [ 621 Somerset St. NewBrunswick PhoneN. B. 2.10044 , " * Millstone Hardware Co. PAINTS HARDWARE HOUSMEWA:nE: JAY’S BEAUTY SHOP FEED -- SEED -FERTILIZERS Free Delivery JOSEPHINE MORBIT Specleliain9 in Permanent Waving[ Lincoln H.ighway and. HowLane HAIR STLYIST - HAIR DYEING ~ _. NeW .~.r,I~,ttmer nswlc~_. Pnone 9-2a/g By Appointment Only [ N.B. 2-2916 S 216 Somerset St, ""-- ~’.* rnv, m Millstone 8.84~ ~ I ~ [ -- .O FLOORCOVERING 14)~INSURANCE le PRINTING . CHRISTI’EPRESS KAY’S [ RAI.PH Wo THOMSON BrunswickBake Service .................. ~--I I to a NewSPOP "From. Card err r,.~-.~ ~.uv~,m~ =.t,,~: Insurance Sorvlce BRAKE SPECIALs=. I I t nDINTERS... PATRONIZE BRAKESERVICE Linoleum~ *...... Window Shades Ground - Cylinders Honed vomman amos | Brakes Bonded 10~ Walton St, New Brunswick I~ French St, New Brunswick piano Klimer 5.81;28 PhonsN B. ~ -,~-_-, Drums ¯ COAL--FUELOIL ,~o~ e,tt,r Hoar" Phono N. Ik 2.1U$ ~K~r~E’S CE~’~J, Floral Fire - Automobile - Bonds - Theft ] Liability - Property Damage , ~ CompensaUon- Plate Gills I|-I~ 11 Front St, Middlebuah, N. J, p~n,E. M.istone ~e04S ¯ FLORIST RICHARDP. GROSSER FLORIST Deslgnk Porenniol Shrubs~ Cut Flowers, Pottmi Plants COAL - FUEL OIL CO. Amwell Road, Mlddlebush, N.J. 118¯ Jorsey Avo, New Brunsw~sk Phone E. Millstone 2.4~7J P~zo, New Brunswick N..B. 2-3498 H i ADVERTISERS eliAS. S. WALLNER INSURANCE i OUR Peace St, New Brunswick NE 2-3900 ¯ ReatEttate--Insuronce FREDL. BAS¢OM S Railroad r,~,=s i INSURANCE REAl. ESTATE 6 Scott St., NewBrunswick PhoneN, B, Z-239~ , , ; ,. THE RECORD Pane Fo~rtee~ Friday, March2, 19’$1 P __ji CLASSIFIED Novice Reporters Take ]’urns °" ... AsJurors in DistrictCourt _."°°’°"... *"’."°°" ._.’"soD.. .w """" *’" This elm|Iliad |action spears in tits limitation, and it’s workedout Ane. They’ve been very good Jurors throughthe years, In fact, the only SPOKESMAN, MIDDLESEX j beentoo good," ¯ truescMy. Minimumrate $0 cents for 20 wordk, three cents for eKh There are varied explamttions Zor itdditionel word. One morning In 1936 several atu- mends it highly for eommunltie, their extr*me ears in bearing a Extra charge of five cents mr Immrtlen I| made if clusiflN ig to dealt In the Junior new, reporting fortunate enough to have newabe MIIN. i ealue. Plot. Ede recall, one oeculon cite, at the Rutgers School of:paper schools. .on which the all-student july deJournalism found themselves I * * * * FOR SALE I " ACCOUNTING SERVICE Iiiberated a ease until nearly sunVlgRY I~d reconditioned refrig. JlNCOMEtax return prepared. As. moved out of the speetalors" seats. "YEARSAGOI would observe Idown. It was later revealed that a ¢~ orators. Guaranteed att.~dardi counting service for small and tn Judge George Morrison’s Dis- .Rutgers students sitting in my court :Journalism examination had beel~ Reasonable lake. Rice and Co., 201 Neilsen’large firms. rate& trkt Court In New Brunswick, aud,room taking antes, and 1 noticed;scheduled for that afternoon, and sworn ia as Jurors. iSt., NewBrunswick, NB2-122’/. Ch 7-~9~. "ha*’ Interested they were In what’ by arguing the merits of the case That was the beginning o/ a tupk place. From time to time we’d i behind closed Juryromn doors, the EXCAVATING--Bulldozer, load. IN~?-OME TAX returns prepared. unique learn-by-doing program grab Due or two of the students ~journalist~ had successfully beaten or, trucking, top soil, backfill, Monthly audits and statements which Prof. ltubert Ede’s report- ] to fill the Jury panel when we were ~,thelr own "rap." #and, cinders, gravel. Nick Pis¢l. rendered. Systems installed. Rea- ing classes have been carr)’lng on :short, and lu 1946 we began call- i Student reporters "cover" all tellt, $ Canal St., Sayreville. 5. R. so.able rates. Phone South River regularly for the past five years.lng the School of Journalism for leounty courts, and these assign6-2939-R1, $-2354. to the mutual benefit of the era-Ifuil panels," Judge Morrison i’e- ments give them enough knowledge YOUNGMANWANTED--Must be FOR SALE -- Lot, 80 x 100 ft,, bryo Journalists and the cause of called, i of legal procedure to enable them corner Appleby and Sunset St.; justice ill Middlesex County. : "The reason I like to have stu-;to Imeebenteally inclined, eager for Lot, 80 x 148, ft., on Sunset St. Dr, Frederic E. Merwln, director dents serve on Juries is that they Juryacquit box. themselves well tn the steady Job and good trade; must Call John MatieJunas, Applcby and of the School of Juurnallsm, says :do such a fine job, I dont know . . . . bare auto license; youth who caD iSutmet St. that as far as he knows such aa Ithat lye ever had any better, more Izavdle to~,ls, make himself handy ;. arrangement does uot exist in auy serious Jurors than the Rutgers i RFCENVI.Y in an all-student :n large plant as utility man. Write [FOR SALE--Man’s bicycle. 26 inch. other jouraalism school in the kids.’ Judge Morrlson added. !Jury and case three involving three automoIt country. Judge Morrison recom-’ Prof. Ede has made it a practice biles attorneys--all oi full details about yourself to Box [ Call S. R. 6-1726W. ¯ 349, New Brunswick. -..... -- ~ for many years to send his students iwhom appeared a bit skeptical .................... SALESMAN--Real opportunity for SEWING INSTRUCTRESS WANT- someone looking to make real Back Bill ED--Good salary, vaca!ion with !money, Selling subscriptions and Bar " log!t°IocalthelrcourtSreportorialas observerStraining.asTheypart :aboutthe apparentyouthof the .. ’ ’ are required to sit through a morn- !Jury members--Judge Morrlson assilts.pay’ hospltalizatiOnApply Mr.Royle,andsinger°ther Sew-hen’~:MusthandlmghaveCirculati°n’car. CallFull’timeMr. GlaserJ°b’ i.g.s docket and then submit a ’ sured the lawyers that s!udeut pauproceedingsas on never :a class assignment, ............... ’ considered all erroneous decision. A’CREAGEWANTED to rent" [WANTED Comlnanders¢;f veteran organlzaTile , small, Jury ....fee of 75 cents I, While the jury deliberated, the -- ; ~forGeneral 3 says hou~e~.vorker[ ea(n week ¯ball alter t. to obtain busi-I .. tlons are hned up solidi)’ behind;mak~ is difflcul, for potatoes corn or = Suitable ¯ ¯ a p. m. SR 6-0~71. [Assembly Bill 11. which prohibits : nessmea or womenfor jury duty. ’Judge told the three barristers what tombtoes. James McCaffery, Eng-; t._,~ ._.~l(mph,vment di’~crimination against iand Judge Morrison felt that al- his own opinion would be had he tv~nits.v~’~ ’*"-. ,~.U.I[I|~’** ...... ]ishtown. Plume Eng. 4621. g,~lt ii |--illl’f2t" Ut~Lil ~ll,~l ~ . . , * * * lowing the Rutgers s’.udents to been asked to decide the ease, ¯ 145 Prospect , [ garagt. St.. South these hable for nuittar) .serv,ee . i Matawan 1-2042-W And. several minutes later when serve The consensus among the of-t on the panels gave them an River S.R 0763-J the student foreman reported for BERNARD JONES fleers, however, was that there !opportunity to gain valuable cape- his panel just as the Judge h~d Service Man on " 7." ._ _’ ........... very little d!scrimination rience and the court the benefit of ,called it, the three lawyers were Electrical Ranges, Water Heaters, FORSALE--Easy spindrier washer has c beenthese . intelligent Jurors. . " ground.s . ’1 he r exper {’f late model, excellent condition. [ and Small Appliances, [treated to the rare spectacle of a it genes iodicated that area plants * * * * ’ beaming judge saying. "See wha~ tFormerly with J. C. P. & L, Co.) reasonable. N. B. 2-1~13. t are hiring men liable for military THE FIRST STUDENTS called-I mean?" service, 23 Johnson Ave. Matawan, N. J. .......... to serve were taken by surprise, ~ In one case the students were Enactment of the measure will and he attorneys on that morning outnumbered on the panel nine to OLDSMOBILE"SER-IES-’"981"-I’~ sconce make NewJersey the first state in ill 1936 were astounded to find some three, but sueceeded in swaying model. 4-door sedan. 20,000 mi., the nation to provide protection of of the Jurors sitting with pads and the nine "civlliar:’ Jurors to their excellent eomlition, orighml owner. dit this kind. pencils, noting every bit of testtattitude, and Judge Morrisun aphydramatie, radio, heater, grey, mo,Lv--a rare courtroom sight, proved their decision ,,t the end of The bill. no,pending, we.aid ,eat covers, $1.500. Call Linden 2Red Cross make it all unlawful employment "There is all age requirement of the trial. e974-R, tf, "We have nothing to hide in Red practice to discriminate in employ- ;21 years for jurors in this state," ’, Jersey Justice and Jersey JourHELP WANTED-- Female Opel- (’ross finances," Miss Virginia meat, or in the terms, conditions orlJudge Morrisoo explained. "but we nalism are both belwflthtg from ators being interelewed for pro4- Ih,acher-Smtth told some 120 vol- privileges of employment agains! hit on the practice of getting both Ru’gers student Jury program. eat and future hlrin’g. Day and unteer workers of the New Brans. any person because of his liability I night shifts. General Fuse Com- wk.k (’hapter at the annual fund- for service in the armed forces. III I Pany, Robert St.. South Rh’er. iroisiz,g dinner Wedlest ~ y night in l)iscu.~sing the bill. Cmdr. Morhi dressmaking the First Baptist ¢’hureh. a,a tailoring for itome use. Fx- The .speaker. who is Easternlth,, Bes,’rv,, Officers .Association. N.B. 2-9338 636 Hamilton Street Afterlloon Mates l’und eon~ultant for ghelsald he had reeeived rep. rh that perienced teaeher. ALL KINDS OF MECHAIqrCAL REPAIRS classes from l to 4: evenings. 7 to American Red Cross challenged i New Jersey employers have reMotors Rebuilt ... Motors Exchanged. . . Brake Work . . . 9:30 p. m. Moderate rates. New what she called mJaeoneeptlons fu~ed employment to numerous reComplete Front End Work . . . Expert Carburetor Work se~’ists. Brunswick School of Fashion, 143 ahmlt RL’d (’ross expenditures, We are Completely Equipped to Expertly Service and Repair ; ’"riwre is no big overhead, no Being thus "pena zed for their Albany St.. Kilmer 5-4075. All Makesof Automobiles. ....... hi~ bureauera.tie organization. Mis~’ patriotism" couhl have a serious Towing Service Available -- Body Work and Painting ~lb ATTEN’I’I()NII().’,lF. t)W’,LI{.;-- Ih, acher-Sntith ~aid lem, t.t on the morale OF servists, Let merellPVPyou(,f ht. I’t.,I,OllXiA COMPLETELINE OF GULF ACCESSORIES. GAS, OIL, ()f the .W~4.000.000 toliected by Naught poiutt.d out. bili~ies eozwt, rnt.d wilh making reTIRES, TUBES AND BATTERIES I{t’,l (’l’t)~’~ him year. 5.6 perce,t l -pairsr,’]lOV;tlioh~O" il,,I|I"’V(’Zlt,’Z:|~ "F’.stJlua!es Cheerfully Given" to your home. Work (iozle on ran- ’.:rift Ear ~,;flal’JP, slid t.xpense,~ and,Are YouPermanently Registered? I tract basis. Fr(,(, (,’,~iln;,ll..~. "tVt)l’k 1.,; I)eVct’nt ]mid tot the I’uHdriffs’]’he ;a’q day for Permanent Reg. ...... guaranteed. I. E. [,:,rsen. S. R. inf. sh|. ad(h’d. aml Ch..nge OF Re~idence It. I":mlkizt~ham. chairman istration 6-0(HJ4oW.~* Ill,. 3-1 |t;lll,I, ¯ of |h(, 19.,1 appeal, said Nee.’ Nohee--March 8. 1951. FORRI.’N’r~ |’aihli.;., .,uitahh, h,r |;rum.wick chaph’r’-, major job thi,~ O ce permar~e,,tly r¢’~,stcred have until rent. (.’all S|t li-24:;0"L .’," r is to as-i,q %,rvicvmen*’hi],.’ 9:1!0 p. m.. March 8. 1951. to do so." ~’()R SAI.I.: .1,t39 I’;.~mou|h 2-d..or h.v are in thi~ area. The dl’i’,’e for $73.359 as the They irl~.v regi.,ter either at the sedan, g,,od (-(,z:dthr,,t. (’;tit t|fflees t [ Mulzicipal Clerks ur *ith ehaph, r’s quota ill the naliona! goat the Cou:ay Board of E]et-t,ons. 6-1385.1t. Srl,.swIck oorge a, to Discriminotion runswle U "Mi lag o inst Reserves oe.sstory the ’elshad rendered *"fat he ptions’ ’Of Expe. ures By Hit / S-’RUCTI0N Iga,l . augh,.s, ,c ,res,de.t o, HAMILTON SERVICE CENTER ............ .,.,, , lJlli["l(d .o,er.,.o,,re,,,,,ye, N ti to V oters in Milit Dry Service / Hospitals or Patie nts in Vete rons d Fr ’ ,, ,,ur..a., ,o ondto Th eir Relotives on i end s ., u,,-, I ftlrrtished house ,,ear ,,;,,th Rtver. Wrih, Box 55. ,’o Spokesman, S(,u:h ltiver..Y..I. 3-1: ,oa, ....................... .... LOCKS ~V.AN’I r,Z)--Re,fl t’~tatt’ ".;i]t’M)lalh Must be familiar *.i|l, :-:..,tH’t .River ami sur,’ou,,dm~J area. I-:xt:ellent opporhlnil.v [t)l’ otis ~illittt2 to Wul’k.I"xl)el’iezw,’ ,lot v(" "’.~ ,rx" MUst have ear. .All,air :\~t~m-v. Metut.]wu. Ttq. 3:11 Lake Ave.. the Fleetion Law musl have lhe. (’o;lsli’ulio~lal ;Ig~ qualJfiealior~, tn wit. being of the .,ge of I,vt.ty-me’ t~: If you are in the Milita~ Service or a patient in a Veterans"Hospital and you desire to vote in the PRIMARYELECTIONto be held on April 17, 1951, NOTIFY YOUR COUNTY CLERK y,.,,,-~,,t ~h,.,i,,,ehe,,t,e,,,|,,~ to v,:l:, in any elcel:on. Repaired Whem.ver a rt’gi~tered v,ter; Installed REL|ABLI= ..hall cl,a,,~e his or her namedue LOCK & GUN It) 1,1(trziil~(,, divurec, ur by decree SHOP t|f (’our’. the rt.gl,trant shall bu re44 Dennis St. qtlircd 1o I’v-l’egi:,h,r. New Brunsw’k It you have recently moved, ’be Me|uehe. e-i~.~u. IMMEDIATELY, SERIAL __ eaH ¯ ~INGER expert $1WlNO CENTER NUMBER~MILITARY mechin, need, ~ttma~ repair~ furnished you ore o relotive or friend of such person whomyou believe will desire to vote, you moy 4[[ make an application under oath to your County Clerk, giving the facts stated above,ando Militory 5ervlee Bollot will be moiledto such relotive or friend. Formfor ruskin9 this opplication will be furnished upon request. lit ROBERTB. BERGEN, County Clerk, SomersetCounty CourtHouse,Somerville,N. J. PhoneSo~nervilie 8-1075 ~t-32 ¯ ,u,.,,.,.~.,.~,~,,,m..,,,, ~.. , . " NEW 8RUNSWJ¢:K C,..*:t,., /-*,70 , , and [[ Vrum Monday, March 5, through Thursday. March 8, the office will be open from 9:00 a. m, until 4:00 p.m., and from 7:00 p. m, untU b:00 p.m. when your advance for you~ appmv-I OEOROE ~TREET ~.~f.,~ "l~,ur’~:l.o,, T,!’ o p M ADDRESS OR 4.00 p. m., closingSaturdays at .oo.. enteed SINGER repairs... Written NAME--AGE~ your , m....,.-ure t,, Ir~,,~..rU:".~,..,li,,~>’our HOMEADDRESS, ond a Military Service Bollot ,.,,.e a.d.ew~,ld~e,~ t. ,.,’ ’_’~m- will be mailedto you. Inl~-il;flt-r of |~{’~i~t ra| JOlt {.’our| Ihdl-e. S:.mcrvflle. N. J.. or the .’dunwtp;tf (’h, rk. on or before i31arch 8, PJ31. Tr’.msfer cards are [lurnishtal by M,mieil,al Clerks or ¯1 !at tile olIiceof theCounty Board I of Elet’huus. "[he ul;iec of the CtluzCy Board To be sureof warranted of E|ections h, the basement of the {" llrL Jir:u~e iS ope,, weekdaysfor r~gistra|lon [~om~00a m...t, $|NGI:R* parts and guar- SINGER slating , . . , Hearth dlsease strlkes people at "~ ~ "’ " ~.:,~|1~ h’lek ~,~’ " I ,t~.t’ll,ln o , . ’;’ q ,, . . * , .. . , ¯ ..... THE RECORD Frick:y, March2, 1951 PageFifteen ’Roughing It CanBeFun" Explorer Tells LionsClub;r;."=::.; A Frank PenneH,Mrs. Fred Halley. Mrs. Barb.,CunnlnghamSr,, Mrs, the Pole. Apart from sheer adventure, D~nskin’s wo,’k in the sclcnhti, field covored U, S. Arctic weather work, terrestial magnetism ubservati,:n for the Carnegie Institute° -- . ,,oo,,., oo.d.,oo..h.o., r.o T ,6, Middlebush Reformed Church win 1 hold a turkey supper on M-~rch l I0. Servings will be at 5, 6 and | ? p. m. A fancy goods sale will ’l ;ake place before end after the I Supper. iI Mrs. Harold Wade. has appointed the following corn- I mittecs: supper. Mrs. BedJamJn Stanton, Mrs. Byron Slitter, Mrs. Voorhees Gullrk, Miss Viola With ................ ]l I I I ,, i DINER AVENUE 1 (Charles Smith, Prop ,I _ 1 ¯ II BBLE S N B R A . Sayrevdle Z~8 MecArthur Avenue S.R. 6-1662 FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT-- EDDIE WALTER5 " - " oNd HIs "~" NAVA.JO RIDERS Saturday ,. I T ROPi CAL get the Navy he taught a course entitled "Survival, which is proof enough of his ability as an outdoor man. He is currently engaged in =upervlsing .canoeingtrips to the Hudsons Bay area. Only boys from 12 to 15 years old who can swim are eligible for these ~lps. HIs talk for the Lion’s Club leatured his experiences ns a whaler In the Arctic and elsewhere. the skill of a HermanMelville he .u D WINES & LIOUORS 33 MAIN ST, SOUTH RIVER Free Parki’na i’t the Rear Phone SR 60115 Prompt Free Delivery-- ~’~A.ror..ol’e..~. ~.,,~,.a,a ~,.d~ o~p,or~,~o.. a.~,Turkey Runner ..... = =" ! ~ I~I" Danskln, who believes in "smoothing it while roungi.g it:" Plans Announced .-- : ’ is a man who Call aloilg under " " L IIII (Apricot Pench-CherryLoganberry) ...... " AMBOY FRESH FRUIT WINE James M. LyHch terrific ~t~rv teller and public speaker. And iz~lnaginc, somemenart. conlc,v, with just one carec, r. " CORNER JOHN STREET AND STI=VEN$ SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. ¯ .~,,o~ ,,y~.w.~.., ~a..~., ~,o, ,,,., ,,,~,n .,~r..d,.,,,. a.~,~ ,. BERRYCUP’5 R A R I ~g Th,,,d,y. Mo,ch By RUDY MARZANO Danaktn also said that two great Rcservalions f~r the supper may "Go north young man." was theimoder,, il,duslrie,, pert’umc mak-be obt:int.d by callhlv Mi.~s HHda cry heard at the Colonial Farms ing and candle maki,:g, arc, ab.~o- Ppnll(qL E. M. 8-3025. Tile tickets Wednesday nighl as wurld-f.~.wos lutcly dcpendcnl on tile whaling are pric(,d at $2 [m" achdL.~ altd $1~l fur (.hihlr(,n under 12, explorer Bob Danskin told the in(lu~tr.¢ For the nlakitl~ of I|lt’il" Lion’s Club of his experiences as products. Ambergris fr.,|’~l wh.,les ......... ’l" a world traveler. [s Ih~ sub.~tflllCt, t|lal i)rc’~ca[s oar. I L)anskin mu,;t be rt’Jalt’d to Jack fume irom uvaporatm~ (in c, xpo." HAVE YOU TRIED London, for if any man ever was tire to tile air ar=d para/lil: is one that man. His experit, nres include lInakh~g candh, s. whalhlg, three years in a pol:~r[ It seems the Lion’s, f.’Jub was desert, exploring the Pohu’ Sea by treated to a speut’h I)y a nHHIWild plane, three years as a Seabee. had not one career, I)ut many, schooner sailing 600 mile from the Aside from being J Polar histoPole. and a talk with the Eskimo rian. ge(,grapher, and expert on J [~nO~[~ e,e,yFriday . WESTERN ENTERTAINMENT AS YOU LIKE ~ I~ ¯ ~¯ ’~w~ nI~ .~ r~. mr m Route $-2g---netween Sooth River and New Brunswick ~. "" ¯ -" vrgan MelOOle$ Nightly Except Monday IT! I ........ FINE r ~. ~ Jill..... WJN s __~ "*J [ prosldent. =l kv " ’1 1 FRED LUCAS ~:I Peni| ........ Tonight and Every Friday Saturdly and Sunday THEL RGAN ods of, and the dangers In, catchIng whales. Altllough the general public no Zoflger thinks of whaling ¯ i FRED LUCAS. Organ as a large industry, It la still huge Polish - Russian - Western I and pro,table. Popular CORKEV,Accordtian, Vocal, Oneof the mostinteresting facts ¯ ; . revealed by Dansktn during his Chos.J.Monn,no talk ia that whales are of two 411 MAIN ST, SOUTH RIVER |if ....... kinds---with and without teeth. Across from Harrys Depl ¯St¯ 1 111 AI AIWOy$, PellCIOUI "rh~.tr teeth are solid bone. unseg. [ Food Served Dady mentedand covered with hair. ACCORDION, oo,rA, RECORDS II!+ HI lil~ ,oo,~,~0.o,r,oou,,.r I;I. _ II SCHOOL ....................... Jl i from S"p. m.toI a. m. II I IIII SATURDAY 4= "- ............................... DANCE ~u,, Y i FRI.& SAT.. MAR. 16-17 MON.. APRIL 11-12 VANJOHNSON "GroundsFor Marriage" BURT LANCASTER ROBERT WALKER --A°~-- AL KALLA "Coliforn|a Pa.oge" ,; ’~;PhhneS" R" 61"0 ~6 With Forrest.oc,er S0u,n-,. ORCHESTRA it Liberty Ballroom Last Times Today _._WhiteheadAve.. South River ";"4 "~-~’J~,"~~ ~, ~’i~’~’i’~ ............... Friday and Saturday, Mar. 2-3 Sunday -’"- and MAnd,v. Mar. 4-5 N~t’.¢7#¢RO0¢O ~/4MP..¢#[’.¢ ,.,.,,~o~ NEW FUN NIT OF/m~emGKg "V,.,.*..,Tech ER Tuesday. Wednesday.Thursday, March6, 7, 8 I BROS~ ;I~II~WAI~NrI~ J FAVORITE FUN TEAM TOWn’S In Love Be~ e mar with a with Irene Donne Alec U ~ AnD _.... --~- "~--..-,,,.=, ¯ In .:. ! "rHesus.WHO ,, Ill ¯ ._...._.....| "’". eed~ onhls,~ JgRRY’ ~EA/V I --’-.--~’~’ I~=--,~£~_~,o -p. =",n~ =0~=,~ m" PlI~’wP= _V --Also-- CHEATED HIMSELF ! II ana¢¢~,( ~ord~r THEBOWERY BOYSAREFIGHTING ~ ~r-o~ UNCU~ SAM/ ~o~. AT[aT NEWS [VI[NTS I IIJl~ .,...w..= .o r., lr~’ ,.~o c’~&owo- LAmES~L’VERV FRIOAY [ ~il[I . ,,-.~, .,om. [.’If ~wmt [IllUUll .llllii~ ~WION It "-"~-"~-., - -~11 ,, - ~0~0o, ,:~=,ma.$ P~e Shdun THE RECORD Friday, March2, 1951 I S OBil UARY DIETRICH BORCHERDING Dietrich Borcherding of-Lincoln Highway was buried in Van Llew Cemetery after funeral lervlcel In H~rdlng Funeral Homeyesterday. The Rev. Rufus Cornelsen of Emanuel Lutheran Church read the funeral service, Mr. Boreherding, who was a "- farmer, died in Middlesex General Hospital, New Brunswick, after a short illness. Twobrothers, a sifter and several nieces survive. J~ AI ....+.oo+o. A Full Year Tubeand Parts Warranty’with the Gorgeous ttO .11~ Mrs. Helen Rodkovich, who died Sunday in Somerset Hosplta, Som* ervllle, was buried yesterday in St. Slephen’s Cemetery after funei’a] Jervtees in St. Olga’s Russian Orthodox Church. Mrs. Rodkovich is survived by m E~1~jL~ andhCrhusband’Dlmitrl;as°n’Le°n;three d, aughters, cOS1 ! EDWARD WELSH Edward Welsh, of 19 Franklin Blvd., was buried Monday in Cedar Hill Cemetery, East Millstone, aft- ’°**+’-°°’ neral Home with the Roy. Frank +Langwltb and the Rev. David ]enks officiating. Mr. Welh, husband of Margaret 1951 CROSLEY TV SETS! "* Trade ,’n am Welsh died i. were h’~home Tbursd+ Your Old Pallbearers Roy Porter, Vernon Hlgglns, William Wilcox, Charles Porter, Charles Drella and +"-*-- 7"-10" MRS. GENEVA CRAWFORD Mrs. Geneva Crawford, of School St,, was buried Wednesday In Van Llew Cemetery after funeral servIces In Anderson Funeral Home with the Roy. Jesse Lee officiating. Mrs, Cra@ford died in the fire that destroyed herhomeSaturd,ay. 4 qi~fB IZ " TV SET Mrs. Crawford is survived by her husband,McKinleyCrswford; ,twosisters;two brothers, and an uncle. We Allow II.. vV To MRS. OSA ANDERSEN HOLM Mrs.Osa AndersenIfolm,wifeof Dr. August HolmofSaturday CortelyouLa., died early morning. Feb. 24, In Middlesex General Hospital, New Brunswick, following a long Illness. Dr. Holm Is a chemist at E. R. Squibb & Sons. Other survivors are a son, J..’mcs, and a daughter, Anna ~l~r~o: Sl50 Seethe Mentnrla] serviceswereconducted in the Emanucl Lutheran c,,,,,,h, N.~ru.sw,c,. b, t,o New 1951 Rcv. Rufus Cornelsen. pastor, last Tuesday at 2 p. m. Interment was private under the direction of the Quackenboss Funeral Home. New __w,+ The world’s largest field of pure gypsum Is White Sands In New ]~texico, a national monument. The CROSLEY Today! +.b, +.., ,,.446 66:, " CabinetIn Honduro, mahogany vmt~w. ,, RECORD Franklin Township’s Own Newspaper Published Friday at Middlebush, N.J. WARRENGLASER ..... Publisher RALPH J. AHRENS JR. Editor RUDOLPH V, MARZANO, Assistant EdRor Subscription Rate 112.00 Per Year "Notlncluding service, labor cost or installation the at. .DAY " J J7 , / ~. ,hones-New R~nawick ~o, East Mi,lstone 8-30+7 Published Weeklyby the Franklin Township Publishing Company. Entered as sccond-clas.s matter Post Office at Middlebnsh, N J., under the act of March .~, 18D. # $t~CO95 * : / S EE 10PS ~ I~IR? sERVICE AND TH FOR TOP .~.=.~ kA~ t4 TOWH ! .+ EASIEST ----’rk~+ -’" --- AMWELL TELEVISION SERVICJ Electrical Appliances Soles~r Service ll~ ~i;,U~qi~,~W |t~w~( ~g,~++ u P. A. SYSTEMS 526 HamiltonSt. ¯ ~E. Fran~inTwp. PhoneN. B. 2-I0467 (Formerly Ted’s) 1 t U A£UAN’(~*gv’g I,
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