GR142 KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION OFFICE OF THE KST No 70100202 Dated 03/09/1984 CST No 70150205 Dated 03/09/1984 TIN No 29450402266 Dated 13/09/2005 CIN-U85110KA1970SGC001919 PURCHASE ENQUIRY SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail Sealed itemwise quotations/offers against below mentioned enquiries are invited from manufactures/authorised dealers/reputed suppliers. The details of these enquiries are also available on website . Sl No Enquiry No Date 1 SESP/LN/MA3/OLAEL/15-16/69 2 Last Date Of Receipt /Opening of Tender Subject Supply of AHP Bottom Ash Drain Pump Motor 02/06/2015 16:00 24/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA3/CAM2/15-16/70 SUPPLY OF AIR COMPRESSOR 02/06/2015 16:30 02/06/2015 16:00 3 25/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA4/CHP2/15-16/71 SUPPLY OF CUTTING ELECTRODES 02/06/2015 16:30 02/06/2015 16:00 4 30/04/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EEBM2/15-16/72 SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL CONSUMABLES. 02/06/2015 16:30 02/06/2015 16:00 5 01/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM2/15-16/73 SUPPLY OF FILTERS CAPACITOR 02/06/2015 16:30 02/06/2015 16:00 6 01/05/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EECPS/15-16/74 SUPPLY OF 250 KVA SUPPLYING LTD BOX 02/06/2015 16:30 02/06/2015 16:00 7 01/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM1/15-16/77 SUPPLY OF 10A INDUSTRIAL CONNECTOR 02/06/2015 16:30 02/06/2015 16:00 03/05/2015 02/06/2015 16:30 The offers may be submitted well within due date of receipt. Any further details can be had from above office by written requisition. SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 24/04/2015 SESP/LN/MA3/OLAEL/15-16/69 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 6052418010 Item Name/Specification U7 AHP BOTM ASH DRN PUMP MOTOR Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 3 3PHASE, 415VOLTS,50HZ, 15KW, 1480 RPM,28.2 AMPS,INDUCTION MOTOR, FRAME:PM 160L,DUTY S1,ENCL:TEFC(IP55),INSU CLASS:F, BEARING NO:DE/NDE-6309ZZ, M/C NO: 02SH4038-01,FOOT MOUNTING, KIRLOSKAR (PRIMO) MAKE. Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER, VRL etc. 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 24/04/2015 SESP/LN/MA3/OLAEL/15-16/69 10 11 12 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 25/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA3/CAM2/15-16/70 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 6302300001 Item Name/Specification AIR COMPRESSOR Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 1 ELGI/ INGERSOLL RAND (AIR RECEIVER) AS PER SPECIFICATION BELOW: CAPACITY @ 7 kg/cm/2: 15.6 cfm (443 lpm),MAXIMUM PRESSURE:9 kg/CM2. (128 PSI), MOTOR AND STARTER RATING: 5 HP 3 PHASE, DOL, RECEIVER CAPACITY: 220 LTRS, FITTINGS: NRV, PRESSURE SWITCH, GAUGE, BELT GAURD, SUCTION FILTER, SAFETY VALVE AND V-BELT IN DRY CONDITION WITHOUT OIL., FEATURE::CAST IRON BLOCK, CONTINIOUS DUTY RATING: TOTALLY ENCLOSED BELT GUARD, AIR RECEIVER AS PER ASME/EURO NORMS: HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION. Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 25/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA3/CAM2/15-16/70 7 8 9 10 11 12 QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 25/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA3/CAM2/15-16/70 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 6302300001 Item Name/Specification AIR COMPRESSOR Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 1 ELGI/ INGERSOLL RAND (AIR RECEIVER) AS PER SPECIFICATION BELOW: CAPACITY @ 7 kg/cm/2: 15.6 cfm (443 lpm),MAXIMUM PRESSURE:9 kg/CM2. (128 PSI), MOTOR AND STARTER RATING: 5 HP 3 PHASE, DOL, RECEIVER CAPACITY: 220 LTRS, FITTINGS: NRV, PRESSURE SWITCH, GAUGE, BELT GAURD, SUCTION FILTER, SAFETY VALVE AND V-BELT IN DRY CONDITION WITHOUT OIL., FEATURE::CAST IRON BLOCK, CONTINIOUS DUTY RATING: TOTALLY ENCLOSED BELT GUARD, AIR RECEIVER AS PER ASME/EURO NORMS: HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION. Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 25/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA3/CAM2/15-16/70 7 8 9 10 11 12 QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 30/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA4/CHP2/15-16/71 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 3055010063 Item Name/Specification CUTTING ELECTRODE, 4.00 MM Cutting electrodes Unit Required Quantity KILOGRAMS 500 Size: 4.00mm X 350 mm Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. PRICES : The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT,d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 30/04/2015 SESP/EL/MA4/CHP2/15-16/71 11 12 then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EEBM2/15-16/72 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl 1 Item Code 1061002452 Item Name/Specification 2 CORE 50/ 0.25 MM, 15 AMPS Unit Required Quantity METRES 1150 METRES 100 NUMBERS 800 NUMBERS 50 NUMBERS 185 NUMBERS 80 NUMBERS 70 NUMBERS 120 1100 V GRADE PVC SHEATHED ANNEALED COPPER CONDUCTOR CABLE AS PER IS 694: 1977 IN 100 METER LENGTH COILS, FINOLEX/HAVELS/ANCHOR/KK CABLES MAKE 2 1061003432 3 CORE 30/ 0.25 MM, 15 AMPS 1100 V GRADE PVC SHEATHED ANNEALED COPPER CONDUCTOR CABLE AS PER IS 694: 1977, IN 100 METER LENGTH COILS, FINOLEX/HAVELS/ANCHOR/KK CABLES MAKE 3 1301031269 CLEAR LAMP PIN TYPE 60 W 230V MAKE : Philips/Anchor/Bajaj/Surya/Mysore Lamps or equivalent make 4 1303023000 HAND LAMP SET SCREW TYPE W/O L Hand lamp set without protection glass & with pin type brass holder. 5 1304001328 PIN TYPE PENDANT HOLDER. of standard make with ISI mark. 6 1325061118 HAND LAMP SET COMPLETE WITH PROTECTION GLASS & PIN TYPE BRASS HOLDER. 7 4641111029 INSULATION TAPE RED ADHESIVE INSULATION TAPE RED COLOUR MAKE: MIRACLE/STEELGRIP/CGL/BAJAJ/PHILLIPS/ HAVELLS/ ANCHOR/ STANDARD/ INDO ASIA. 8 4641311028 INSULATION TAPE BLUE ADHESIVE INSULATION TAPE 10 MTRS X 19 MM X 0.126 MM THK BLUE COLOUR. MIRACLE/STEELGRIP/CGL/PHILIPS/BAJAJ/HAVELLS/ANCHOR/STANDARD Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EEBM2/15-16/72 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. Important Note: a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. - PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER, VRL etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EEBM2/15-16/72 Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM2/15-16/73 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 6846206017 Item Name/Specification FILTER CAPACITOR-3300 MFD Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 40 FILTER CAPACITOR FOR 220V DC CHARGER SYSTEM OF UNITS-5 & 6 MAKE:RESCON, RANGE: 3300 MFD, 400V, 50 HZ. Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. - PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER, VRL etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM2/15-16/73 11 12 Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EECPS/15-16/74 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 1120606049 Item Name/Specification SUPPLYING LTD BOX 250 KVA, Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 10 440 VOLTS, OUT DOOR TYPE FITTED WITH MCCB 440 VOLTS AC 400 AMPS CONFIRMING TO IEC-947/IS-3947-II, BREAKING CAPACITY 50 KA, THERMAL SETTING 70 TO 100% AND MAGNATIC SETTING ADJUSTABLE TO 5 TO 10 TIMES 160 TO 400 AMPS 4 POLE AND ALSO FITTED WITH EARTH LEAKAGE PROTECTION CARRYING TWO OUT GOING CIRCUITS 200 AMPS EACH WITH KNIEF TYPE HRC FUSES SUITABLE FOR OUT DOOR TYPE WITH 40 X 6MM COPPER BUSBAR AND SHEET THICKNESS OF THE L.T.D. BOX SHOULD BE 12 SWG AS PER SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWING. MAKE: L&T/SIEMENS/MDS/HAVELLS ONLY. Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. - PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 01/05/2015 SESP/LN/EA1/EECPS/15-16/74 7 8 9 10 11 12 QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER, VRL etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 03/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM1/15-16/77 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 5511102130 Item Name/Specification 10A INDUSTRIAL CONNECTOR Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 40 10A, 10Pin Industrial connector set Model: Han Kit 10B 1033 010 0000 with side entry hood P.No 19300101540 with side entry surface mounting housing P.No.19300101250 Make: Harting Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 03/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM1/15-16/77 10 11 12 Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER, VRL etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 03/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM1/15-16/77 Sir, Please send your quotation/offer with terms and conditions for the materials specified in the table below. Sl Item Code 1 5511102130 Item Name/Specification 10A INDUSTRIAL CONNECTOR Unit Required Quantity NUMBERS 40 10A, 10Pin Industrial connector set Model: Han Kit 10B 1033 010 0000 with side entry hood P.No 19300101540 with side entry surface mounting housing P.No.19300101250 Make: Harting Important Dates: 1 . Last date for receipt of quotations/tenders/offers : 2 . Opening Date of quotations/tenders/offers : 02/06/2015 16:00 02/06/2015 16:30 Important Note: 1. Quotations/Tenders/Offers shall be in a sealed cover with following superscription. a) Purchase Enquiry Number and Date . b) Date of opening 2. Bidders/Agencies shall invariably furnish valid TIN along with Quotations/Offers. 3. Offers without valid TIN will not be considered for evaluation. Terms and Conditions of Enquiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VALIDITY : The rates offered shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receipt of tender/quotation. PRICES: The price shall be quoted per Unit on F.O.R destination basis exclusive of Taxes and duties. The following components of the rates shall also be mentioned. a) Discount if any, b) Excise duty, c) CST / VAT, d) Any other charges. Applicable "C" Form will be issued by KPCL. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% Payment with full taxes & duties as per actuals after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. If any other mode of payment is insisted/mentioned by the supplier, corporation reserves the right of loading the additional cost to arrive at the landed cost which may please be noted. QUANTITY : The quantity mentioned in the enquiry is subjected to variation depending on the final requirements and Purchase order condition. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : The materials shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch whichever is earlier against manufacturing defects/bad workmanship. During this period any defects noticed shall be replaced free of cost at site without waiting for settlement of claims. PENALTY : For delay in delivery of material beyond the stipulated delivery period, penalty @ 0.5 % per week subject to a maximum of 5% of value of the delayed quantity shall be applicable. QUALITY : If the materials supplied are found to be substandard, the materials will be rejected and action will be taken as per conditions of purchase order. Materials should be made of best quality in accordance with the specification duly indicating IS Code, Make , Brand etc. DEALERSHIP CERTIFICATE : Copy of valid dealership certificate shall be enclosed wherever applicable. Copies of purchase orders placed by other TPS/ Companies shall be enclosed along with offer. TRANSPORT : Material Shall be transported only through reputed transporters who have godown at 06-MAY-15 16:04:34 GR142 ( A GOVT. OF KARNATAKA ENTERPRISE ) OFFICE OF THE PURCHASE ENQUIRY PURCHASE ENQUIRY NO : DATE : 03/05/2015 SESP/EL/EA1/EEGM1/15-16/77 10 11 12 Raichur/Shaktinagar Like Associated Road Carriers, TCI, SER, VRL etc. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : If the quoted value is more than Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand Only) then 1% of the quoted value shall be furnished in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance)- Thermal, RTPS, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Shaktinagar - 584 170, from any nationlised / Scheduled Bank with minimum validity of 3(Three) months in a seperat sealed cover. Exemption Certificate for EMD/SD issued by NSIC or By any State Govt or Central Govt will not be considered and such offers are liable for rejection. AGREEMENT : An agreement shall be executed by the supplier ( as per KPCL format) immediately after receipt and acceptance of Purchase Order on e-stamped duty paper Worth of Rs 100.00 .(Purchased in Karnataka Only) before effecting supply. However in case any supplies are made the payment will be released only after entering into agreement. E.M.D. will be forfeited if the supplier fails to supply the materials after acceptance / placing of purchase order. SECURITY DEPOSIT : If the landing cost of the Purchase order exceeds Rs. 50000.00(Fifty Thousand), then 10 % of the landing cost shall be furnished as SD in the form of DD or BG issued from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank and it shall be valid for the entire contract/guarantee period before effecting the supply. Yours Faithfully For KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (STORES & PURCHASE) RAICHUR THERMAL POWER STATION, KPCL SHAKTINAGAR, PIN-584170 Phone 8532246151 Fax 8532246121 Mail 06-MAY-15 16:04:34
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