Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 Sparring and Poomsae 4th July 2015 Naenae Badminton Hall Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 Contents Introduction Information Date andTimes Eligibility Competition Rules Competition Categories Children Divisions Adult Divisions Types of Competition Coaches and referees meeting Entry Fees and Payment Late Entries Making Weight Awards Officials Team Lists Protests Admission General Public ENTRY FORMS CONCLUSION Introduction: Dear Masters & Instructors, It is with great pleasure that we invite you and your members to participate in the Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015. This event is being held on Saturday 4th July 2015 at the Hutt Valley Badminton Hall, Cnr Vogel Street & Naenae Rd, Naenae, Lower Hutt and it is a one day event. The tournament is expected to attract over 120 competitors from Taekwondo organisations throughout the Central Region and around New Zealand. This tournament is also open to white belts and yellow tabs and a seperate division (10-9 grade division) will be used to encourage 1st timers to experience sparring in a safe environment and to build confidence in performing poomsae. We will also be running a FREE jumping front kick competition with prizes for first, second and third placings. To ensure that competitors are not disappointed Instructors should check that the correct information is entered on the entry forms. All entry forms & payment must be received by Friday 26th June. No late entries will be accepted There will be a shop operating upstairs to purchase food and drinks throughout the day. There will be a seperate catered area set aside for the officials lunch in the lounge area. Club instructors/coaches are also welcome to join us for something to eat during the lunch break. Due to the size of the tournament we also ask that all clubs nominate 2 officials (who are not competing or coaching) to ensure that the tournament is run as smoothly as possible. Points that need to be noted by all Coaches and competitors: 1. It is compulsory for all fighting competitors to wear mouth guards when sparring. Mouth guards must be transparent or white. 2. ALL competitors are required to wear both shin and instep guards (or foot socks). 3. No head contact for all grades 14 years and under except for Cadets 12-14 years who are competing in the Cadet Black belt division. 4. Competitors may wear WTF approved gloves. 5. Finger and toe nails must be trimmed. Kind regards, Greg & Vai Hutt City Taekwondo Information: Tournament Director: Greg O'Brien 027 6332398 Venue: Hutt Valley Badminton Hall, Cnr Vogel Street & Naenae Rd, Naenae, Lower Hutt Date and Times The Tournament is set down for one day of competition on Saturday 4h July 2015. Tournament packages (draw and passes) will be available at the door from 7.50am for coaches to collect. Doors will open for competitors and coaches from 8.00am on Saturday. The general public will be allowed access to the Badminton Hall from 8.10a.m. onwards. Hutt City Taekwondo or the Tournament director reserves the right to exclude or eject any person from the venue. Poomsae will commence at 8.45am on all courts. Sparring will start at the conclusion of the poomsae. Eligibility The Tournament is open to all grades from white belt (10th Geup) upwards and is open to WTF & ITF Taekwondo clubs and organisations. The tournament director reserves the right to accept or decline tournament entries and coaches. Competition Rules • WTF competition rules. Paper scoring may apply if there is a problem with the electronic scoring.. There will be no video replay system or protest card system. The fight continues for the 3 rounds, there is no point gap rule unless the referee deems the fight unsafe to continue. • Instructors will be responsible for the behaviour of their students. Competition Categories Grades Grade 10-9 White Belt to Yellow Tab(s) Grades Grade 8-6 Yellow Belt to Green Belt Grade 5-3 Green Belt Blue Tab to Blue Belt Red Tab Grade 2-1 Red Belt and Red Belt Black Tab (may also enter the black belt division at no extra cost) Black Belt Junior Black Belt, 1st Dan Black belt and above NOTE - Adult is classed as 18 years and over. Children, Cadet and Youth Divisions Every effort is made to match children based on the weight, age, grade and sex as submitted on the entry form. We try to match kids and teenagers within 2 years and 5 kgs and similar grades and from different clubs. All details on the entry form are to be checked by the Club Instructor to ensure that the competitor can be entered into the correct division. Adult Divisions 18 years and older FEMALE MALE Fin weight under 46 kg under 54 kg Fly weight >46 kg & <= 49 kg >54 kg & <= 58 kg Bantam weight >49 kg & <= 53 kg >58 kg & <= 63 kg Feather weight >53 kg & <= 57 kg >63 kg & <= 68 kg Light weight >57 kg & <= 62 kg >68 kg & <= 74 kg Welter weight >62 kg & <= 67 kg >74 kg & <= 80 kg Middle weight >67 kg & <= 73 kg >80 kg & <= 87 kg Heavy weight over 73 kg over 87 kg NOTE – These may vary, depending on the entries for the day. These are the WTF divisions. Types of Competition Fighting - The number of rounds and their duration will be determined by the Tournament Director and will be based on the amount of time available for competition, the number of competitors and the number of officials. This is subject to change on the day of competition. We will endeavour to have black belts fight 3 x 2 minute rounds and youth/cadet divisions 3 x 1.5 minutes. Under 11 years 3 x 1 minute. Poomsae - WTF Style Poomsae divisions, however divisions may be combined if numbers are low in divisions and some divisions may be mixed male/female . Individual, Team & Pairs, two different Poomsae are performed. Players can pre-select their Poomsae. Jumping front kick competition – Divided into height, grade etc on the day. Competitors have two attempts at the height of the target. Competitors must land on their feet. COACHES & REFEREE Meeting Coaches - A team coaches meeting will be held on Saturday, after the weigh-in on the main court. Please bring your copy of the draw and advise of any changes or withdrawls at that time. Referees - When the Poomsae competition starts at 8.45am, referees are to report to the side of court one where the Head Referee will assign you to a court and give you a breifing on the rules and what is expected during the day. Entry Fees and Payment All entry forms are to be checked and signed by the Instructor. The entry fees to compete are: Adult & Children 1ST EVENT $40.00 SPARRING OR INDIVIDUAL POOMSAE 2ND EVENT $20.00 IF SPARRING AND YOU WANT TO DO INDIVIDUAL POOMSAE AS WELL FREE Jumping front kick Pairs, 2 people(can be same sex or mixed male & female) $20.00 per team Teams, 3 people (can be same sex or mixed male & female) $30.00 per team All entry fees for competitors are clearly marked on the entry forms, all clubs should collect the entry fees and then the club sends one cheque for the total amount of the entry fee. Clubs make all cheques payable to: Hutt City Taekwondo All completed entries with payment are to be sent to: The Tournament Director, P O Box 30-160, Lower Hutt 5040. Internet banking HCTKD 06 0529 0895916 00 Use club name as a reference. The closing date for the receiving of entries and payment is Friday 26th June 2015. Late Entries No late entries will be accepted. This will be strictly adhered to. Any withdrawal of competitors after Friday 26th June 2015 will not be refunded. All team lists must be completed and sent in with the entry forms and with cheque payment attached or internet deposit completed. All entries must be submitted on the official entry forms enclosed. Making Weight It is the responsibility of each competitor to make the correct weight for the division that they have been entered into. It is the responsibility of each Instructor to check the weight, age and grade of their competitors, ensuring that all entry forms are completed correctly before submitting them. Failure to check the entry forms may lead to unnecessary disappointment for your competitor. Awards Sparring & Individual Poomsae 1st place Medal 2nd place Medal 3rd place Medal Team & Pairs Poomsae 1st , 2nd & 3rd place Medals Teams 1st , 2nd & 3rd place Medals Jumping front kick 1st place Prize 2nd place Prize 3rd place Prize Other Awards Best fight of the day – Trophies Top Junior Poomsae competitor – Trophy Most improved referee – Trophy Top club (Most sparring gold medals) – Trophy NOTE - There will be only one 3rd place medal presented and where necessary a play-off for third place will be programmed. Officials We ask that all clubs nominate 2 officials (who are not competing or coaching) to ensure that the tournament is run as smoothly as possible. All Officials and Club Instructors/Coaches should attend the meeting for officials after the weigh in on the day of competition. Any necessary competition instructions will be issued at this time. Team Lists Team Lists and team poomsae lists are to be completed which includes an officials list. The number of coaches per team is determined on a 1:10 ratio, i.e. one coach for every ten competitors. Protests There will be no video replay or protest card system. The fight continues for the 3 rounds, there is no point gap rule. Under no circumstances are any Officials to be approached in relation to any results. Admission General Public The general public will be allowed access to the Badminton Hall from 8.10a.m. onwards. Hutt City Taekwondo or the Tournament director reserves the right to exclude or eject any person from the venue. Cost of Admission: Adults $5.00 Children 5-17 years $2.00 Under 5years Free ENTRY FORMS ( attached ) Team List Team Poomsae list Fighter's Entry Form Poomsae Entry Form Team/Pairs Poomsae Entry Form CONCLUSION This information package is designed to assist Officials, Instructors and Competitors.If there are any problems or questions in relation to this package or the Tournament then do not hesitate to contact the Tournament Director, Greg O'Brien 027 6332398.We again extend our invitation to you and your members and look forward to seeing you at the Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015. Yours in Taekwondo, Greg & Vai, Hutt City Taekwondo Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 INDIVIDUAL EVENT team list (sparring, poomsae, jumping front) CLUB NAME _____________________ G A r g a e d e name PHONE _______________________ W S P J T e p o u o I a o m t g r m p a h s I l t a n e g $ e.g. c burger 5 12 48 e.g. q pack bb 36 - 40 20 40 0 60 40 Please use another page if your team list is bigger Total $ ________ Clubs make the total cheque payable to: Hutt City Taekwondo Internet Banking 03 0531 0452866 02 use club name as a reference All entries are to be sent to: Tournament Director, P O Box 30-160, Lower Hutt 5040 Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 Team POOMSAE list TEAM/PAIR (AS PER ENTRY FORM) E.G. KARORI BLUE E.G TAWA GREEN PAIR $20 TEAM $30 20 TOTAL $ 20 30 30 TOTAL $_______ PLEASE COMBINE THIS TOTAL WITH THE TEAM LIST TOTAL Clubs make the total cheque payable to: Hutt City Taekwondo Internet Banking 03 0531 0452866 02 use club name as a reference All entries are to be sent to: Tournament Director, P O Box 30-160, Lower Hutt 5040 Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 2 officials passes for people who will dedicate the day to judging and refereeing sparring and/or poomsae who are not competing or coaching. They will receive lunch 1 coach pass per 10 players you have entered name official coach Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 FIGHTER'S ENTRY FORM NAME : ________________________________________ CLUB: _______________________ GRADE : _____________ SEX : ________ AGE : _______ WEIGHT : ____________ (Kg) DIVISIONS : (Circle the applicable divisions) BOYS GIRLS GRADE 10-9 GRADE 8-6 MEN GRADE 5-3 WOMEN GRADE 2-1 VETERANS (over 30 years) BLACK BELT If you are a 2-1 grade and wish to enter the black belt division as well, please circle both. First tournament Yes / No DECLARATION I, the undersigned, do hereby submit my application for registration as a competitor in the Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015. In doing so, I hereby agree to accept full responsibility and waive any claims against HUTT CITY TAEKWONDO or against any person within the tournament for any injuries I may receive during the tournament. I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the tournament and that I will accept the decision of the Officials. Signature of Competitor : _________________________________ Date : _______________ (or legal guardian/caregiver if under 18) Signature of Instructor : _________________________________ Date : _______________ Club Instructor has checked the details on the entry YES / NO ENTRY FEE $40.00 Make the cheque payable to your club: ____________________________________ Clubs make the total cheque payable to: Hutt City Taekwondo All entries are to be sent to: Tournament Director P O Box 30-160 Lower Hutt 5040 Entry fees and payment to be received by: Friday, 26th June 2015 The tournament will be held at Hutt Valley Badminton Hall, Cnr Vogel Street & Naenae Rd, Naenae, Lower Hutt on Saturday 4th July 2015. It is compulsory for all competitors to wear white or clear mouth guards when sparring. Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 Individual Poomsae ENTRY FORM NAME : ________________________________________ CLUB: _______________________ GRADE : _____________ SEX : ________ AGE : _______ DIVISIONS : (Circle the applicable divisions) BOYS GIRLS GRADE 10-9 GRADE 8-6 MEN GRADE 5-3 WOMEN GRADE 2-1 VETERANS BLACK BELT You choose your own two poomsae on the day DECLARATION I, the undersigned, do hereby submit my application for registration as a competitor in the Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015. In doing so, I hereby agree to accept full responsibility and waive any claims against HUTT CITY TAEKWONDO or against any person within the tournament for any injuries I may receive during the tournament. I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the tournament and that I will accept the decision of the Officials. Signature of Competitor : _________________________________ Date : _______________ (or legal guardian/caregiver if under 18) Signature of Instructor : _________________________________ Date : _______________ Club Instructor has checked the details on the entry YES / NO ENTRY FEE $40.00 OR $20.00 IF THIS IS YOUR SECOND EVENT Make the cheque payable to your club: ____________________________________ Clubs make the total cheque payable to: Hutt City Taekwondo All entries are to be sent to: Tournament Director P O Box 30-160 Lower Hutt 5040 Entry fees and payment to be received by: Friday, 26th June 2015 The tournament will be held at Hutt Valley Badminton Hall, Cnr Vogel Street & Naenae Rd, Naenae, Lower Hutt on Saturday 4th July 2015. WTF Poomsae rules and scoring will apply to WTF competitors. ITF Poomsae rules and scoring will apply to ITF competitors Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015 Team Poomsae ENTRY FORM CLUB: ____________________________ TEAM/PAIR: ____________________________ NAME DIVISIONS : (Circle the applicable divisions) PAIRS, 2 people (can be same sex or mixed male & female) TEAM, 3 people (can be same sex or mixed male & female) There are no age, sex or grade restrictions for pairs & teams Name __________________________ Name ______________________ Name __________________________ You choose your own two poomsae DECLARATION I, the undersigned, do hereby submit my application for registration as a competitor in the Hutt City Taekwondo Open 2015. In doing so, I hereby agree to accept full responsibility and waive any claims against HUTT CITY TAEKWONDO or against any person within the tournament for any injuries I may receive during the tournament. I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the tournament and that I will accept the decision of the Officials. Signature of Competitor : _________________________________ Date : _______________ (or legal guardian/caregiver if under 18) Signature of Instructor : _________________________________ Date : _______________ Club Instructor has checked the details on the entry YES / NO ENTRY FEE Pairs $20.00 Teams $30.00 Make the cheque payable to your club: ____________________________________ Clubs make the total cheque payable to: Hutt City Taekwondo WTF Poomsae scoring will apply. Venue: Hutt Valley Badminton Hall, Cnr Vogel Street & Naenae Rd, Naenae, Lower Hutt
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