mycoses 42, 21–28 (1999) Accepted: April 20, 1998 REVIEW ARTICLE Pathogenesis and treatment of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in Japan Pathogenese und Behandlung hyperkeratotischer Tinea pedis in Japan H. Tanuma Key words. Tinea pedis, hyperkeratosis, pathogenesis, treatment, Japan. Schlu¨sselwo¨rter. Tinea pedis, Hyperkeratose, Pathogenese, Behandlung, Japan. Summary. In this paper, we describe the major characteristics of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis and review therapeutic results obtained in the Department of Dermatology of Kitasato University Hospital and those reported in the literature in Japan and abroad. Zusammenfassung. Es werden die Charakteristika der hyperkeratotischen Tinea pedis dargestellt und die Therapieergebnisse der Dermatologischen Klinik des Kitasato Universita¨tsklinikums in Japan im Vergleich mit der Literatur bewertet. administration of griseofulvin has been mainly used for the treatment of this type. Today, better therapeutic results can be expected thanks to the development of more effective topical antifungal agents such as butenafine HCl, terbinafine HCl and lanoconazole, as well as new oral antifungal agents such as itraconazole and terbinafine. In this paper, we present therapeutic results obtained in patients with hyperkeratotic tinea pedis at the Department of Dermatology of Kitasato University Hospital, outline the major characteristics of this disease, and review recent findings obtained with respect to its mechanisms on cytokine levels. Introduction In general, tinea pedis is classified into three types: interdigital, vesicular and hyperkeratotic. In Japan, the first two types, which are relatively responsive to topical antifungal agents, account for more than 90% of the total number of patients with tinea pedis [1–4]. These types are usually cured in 1–3 months. Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, which is associated with marked thickening of the plantar horny layer, is more refractory, and sufficient therapeutic effects cannot be expected with topical antifungal agents alone. For this reason, oral Department of Dermatology, Kitasato University School of Medicine, Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. Correspondence: Dr Hiroyuki Tanuma, Department of Dermatology, Kitasato University School of Medicine, 1-15-1, Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 228-0829 Japan. Characteristics of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis In Japan, hyperkeratotic tinea pedis is generally understood to be tinea pedis associated with plantar hyperkeratosis. Its definition in other countries seems to be more ambiguous, and chronic, noninflammatory tinea pedis which shows a tendency towards hyperkeratosis and is unresponsive to topical agents is treated as moccasin-type or hyperkeratotic-type tinea pedis [5, 6]. According to Kagawa [7], the major characteristics of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis are as follows: (1) there is formation of diffuse hyperkeratosis and desquamative erythema on the sole and the entire toes; (2) it is chronic and non-seasonal; (3) it is often accompanied by tinea unguium; and (4) the causative organism is Trichophyton rubrum. 22 H. Tanuma However, hyperkeratotic tinea pedis may also be caused by other fungi such as T. violaceum and T. mentagrophytes. The major characteristics of this disease on reports by different investigators are presented in Table 1 [10, 11]. On the basis of this table, the presence of marked hyperkeratosis in the entire sole and scales in skin sulci and the lack of seasonal changes in symptoms are essential to make the diagnosis of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis. Classification In daily medical practice, it is extremely rare to encounter patients with true hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, and this type accounts for only 2–8% of the total number of patients with tinea pedis [1–4]. Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, which is often resistant to treatment, is tinea pedis which, being associated mainly with hyperkeratosis and presenting a clinical picture very dissimilar to that of athlete’s foot, is often mistaken as simple chapped skin. Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis is for convenience’s sake classified into true, partial and quasihyperkeratotic types [8–11] in order to facilitate determination of the cause and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy. In our view, only the true type is hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in the strict sense; the partial type is seen only in limited areas such as the heels due to chronic exposure to external forces such as body weight and friction with shoes; quasihyperkeratotic type is formed as a result of recurrent vesicles in patients with vesicular type tinea pedis. Aetiology Although much remains unknown about the aetiology of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, immune system impairment is thought to be involved for a number of reasons: (1) it is more prevalent among the elderly than vesicular or interdigital tinea pedis; (2) the causative organism is T. rubrum in most cases; (3) it is associated with few inflammatory symptoms; and (4) the main symptom is hyperkeratosis. Table 2 shows the relationship between various types of tinea pedis and levels of host-derived Table 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Characteristics of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis Marked hyperkeratosis is present in the entire sole Marked scales are present in skin sulci in the foot Symptoms show little seasonal changes Itching is slight and no vesicles are seen Often associated with tinea unguium The causative organism is T. rubrum in most cases Table 2. Classification of tinea pedis and hosts’ resistance against fungi Classification Host-derived antidermatophyte substances Granuloma due to trichophyton 3 3 3 Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis True type Quasihyperkeratotic type Partial type 3~3 3 3 3~3 3* Vesicular tinea pedis Normal Interdigital tinea pedis Normal *Transfer of antifungal substances into the horny layer is partially insufficient (cited in Takahashi, H. et al., 1993, [8], with some modifications). antifungal factors [8]. Patients with true hyperkeratotic tinea pedis are more liable to fungal infections than patients with quasihyperkeratotic tinea pedis are more resistant to fungi, and vesicles are sometimes seen in these patients. In patients with partial-type hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, transfer of antifungal factors into the horny layer is partially insufficient, and this allows Trichophyton spp. to survive in the thick horny layer and cause hyperkeratosis. As reported by Kashima et al. [12], in patients with candidosis we believe that there are host-derived anti-Trichophyton factors and that they prevent Trichophyton spp. from entering into the thin horny layer, or if it does it causes only vesicles similar to those seen in patients with ordinary tinea pedis, and not hyperkeratosis [8]. We have conducted immunohistochemical evaluations of skin samples from areas affected by dermatomycosis in order to determine the mechanisms by which it is caused, as well as the mechanisms by which the body defends itself against fungi. Factors involved in these mechanisms are thought to include the fungi’s aggressive factors, the hosts’ defensive factors and environmental factors [10, 13]. Of all these factors, the hosts’ defensive factors, classified into specific and non-specific defensive types, are generally regarded as most important. Specific defensive factors include cellular and humoral immune factors, whereas non-specific defensive factors include physiological barriers, inflammatory responses and phagocytosis. Table 3 shows some of these factors involved in the defence of the skin against fungi. In general, hosts show eczema or dermatitis-type histological responses characterized by increases in Langerhans cells in the epidermis in affected areas and the presence of many CD4- and HLADR-positive cells around blood vessels in the upper mycoses 42, 21–28 (1999) Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in Japan 23 Table 3. Mechanisms by which dermatomycosis occurs and factors involved in the defence of the body against fungi I. Fungi’s aggressive factors 1. Adhesive factor (ability to adhere) 2. Proteinases 3. Cellular wall components 4. Others II. Hosts’ defensive factors 1. Horny layer 2. Epidermal Langerhans cells 3. Keratinocytes 4. Epidermis-derived basic protein components 5. Neutrophils (abscess) 6. Lymphocytes (in particular CD4-positive T cells, TH1 type) 7. Macrophages 8. Plasma cells 9. Granulomatous reactions 10. Mechanisms for foreign matter expulsion 11. Others III. Environmental factors 1. Trauma 2. UV rays 3. Drugs (steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, etc.) 4. Others layer of the dermis [13, 14] in the case of acute superficial tinea pedis such as tinea corporis, tinea cruris, interdigital tinea pedis and vesicular-type tinea pedis. In the case of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, hyperkeratosis is marked [14, 15], but epidermal Langerhans cells in affected areas are fewer than in healthy areas, inflammatory cell infiltration in the upper dermal layer is slight, and almost no CD4- or HLA-DR-positive cells are observed [14]. Based on the hypothesis outlined in Fig. 1, we thought that various cytokines contribute to causing a series of histological responses for defending the body against fungi. To test this hypothesis, we determined expression of various cytokines on mRNA levels by the RT-PCR (reverse transcription-coupled polymerase chain reaction) method using skin samples obtained from affected areas. Interferon c (IFN-c) was detected in all patients with acute superficial tinea pedis [10, 11, 15], and interleukin 2 (IL-2) and granulocyte–macrophage Table 4. Expression patterns for various cytokines in affected skin in patients with superficial dermatophytosis Cytokine Tinea corporis and tinea cruris Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis IL-1b IL-2 IL-4 IL-5 IFN-c GM-CSF M-CSF LT − + − − + + − − − − − − + − − − mycoses 42, 21–28 (1999) Figure 1. Role (hypothesis). of cytokines in superficial dermatophytosis colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) were also detected in some patients (Table 4). These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that eczema and dermatitis-type histological responses observed in patients with acute superficial dermatophytosis are delayed hypersensitivity reactions occurring in response to dermatophyte components and suggest that, as shown in Fig. 1, dermatophyte metabolites present in the horny layer act as antigens; that antigen-related information is transmitted via Langerhans cells and macrophages, resulting in the production of IL-2 by locally recruited dermatophyte-specific T cells, their differentiation and replication, and production of Th1-type cytokines such as IFN-c and GM-CSF; and that delayed type hypersensitivity reactions occur as a result of all these events [10, 11, 15]. These cytokines are thought to mobilize neutrophils and macrophages and release various antifungal substances, enhancing the hosts’ antifungal defences. IFN-c not only activates macrophages but promotes the growth of keratinocytes as well [15–17]. Therefore, it is thought to increase the turnover of epidermal cells and precipitate desquamation, thereby accelerating elimination of dermatophytes and enhancing the defence of the body against it. In the case of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, however, no IL-2 or GM-CSF was detected and only IFN-c was detected in skin samples obtained from affected areas [11, 15]. Koga [17] found that 24 H. Tanuma trichophytin-stimulated production of IFN-c and IL-2 was markedly decreased in peripheral monocytes from patients with hyperkeratotic tinea pedis and suggested that the disease becomes chronic because the causative organism is not efficiently eliminated for this reason [17]. Frequency Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis of the true type accounts for only 2–8% of the total number of patients with tinea pedis [1–4]. We suspect that the number of patients with hyperkeratotic tinea pedis of the two other types is greatly underestimated, because many of these patients do not seek treatment and if they do they are simply diagnosed as having chapped skin in many cases. We estimate that more than 50% of patients admitted to elderly persons’ hospitals have hyperkeratotic tinea pedis of these types. Although one group reported that the true type accounts for 23.6% of the total [9], the quasihyperkeratotic type may have been included in this percentage. Further multicentre trials will be necessary to more accurately determine the prevalence of each type. Age and sex All three types are more prevalent in elderly patients than vesicular or interdigital tinea pedis with peaks of prevalence between 50 and 69 years [8, 9]. There is no sex difference in prevalence. Duration of illness The duration of illness is usually very long, regardless of type (1–5 years in general and sometimes more than 10 years) [9]. Causative organism The true and partial types are due to T. rubrum in almost all cases, whereas T. mentagrophytes accounts for a greater percentage of patients in the case of quasihyperkeratotic tinea pedis. Clinical symptoms As shown in Tables 1 and 2, clinical symptoms vary to some extent according to type, but plantar hyperkeratosis, bilateral in 70–80% of patients, is commonly seen with all three types. All three types are occasionally associated with slight itching and do not show any seasonal change. According to Kasai [18], however, hyperkeratotic tinea pedis shows a tendency to worsen in winter. Complications Complications are seen in 36.4% of patients [9], but no complication is as serious as those associated with tinea unguium [19]. Interdigital and vesicular-type tinea pedis are seen in about 28% and 17%, respectively, of patients with hyperkeratotic tinea pedis [8], whereas tinea unguium is seen in about 50% of these patients. Treatment According to Takahashi et al. [8], imidazole topical antifungal agents had been used by them in almost all their patients, and had been ineffective in about two-thirds of cases. Oral treatment Oral administration of griseofulvin has been the mainstay in the treatment of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, because it is often unresponsive to topical antifungal agents. At present, combination of oral administration of griseofulvin and topical antifungal agents is the standard therapy. Recently, however, the new oral antifungal agent itraconazole has come into general clinical use, and oral administration of this agent alone or in combination with topical antifungal agents seems to be gradually replacing griseofulvin. Griseofulvin This agent was launched in Japan 35 years ago. Since its effects are fungistatic against Trichophyton spp., long-term treatment is unavoidable. In general, 375 to 500 mg/day is administered for 3–6 months. A cure is difficult to achieve, and the recurrence rate is high [20]. It is therefore recommended that this drug be administered in combination with topical agents, rather than alone. Since it is inexpensive and efficacy rates of 70–80% are reported in patients treated with 500 mg day−1 for 8 weeks [21], this drug can be recommended as the drug of first choice for economic reasons, but it must be remembered that treatment must be prematurely terminated in many cases due to adverse reactions such as gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders and photosensitivity reactions. In addition, decreased sensitivity of Trichophyton spp. to this agent has been reported in some cases [22]. Treatment with other drugs is therefore necessary in refractory cases. Itraconazole Owing to its relatively long blood halflife, sufficient plasma and ungual concentrations can be maintained by once-daily administration [23, 24]. To ensure good plasma concentrations, it must be administered immediately after meals. mycoses 42, 21–28 (1999) Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in Japan 25 In phase II and III clinical trials in Japan [21, 25], efficacy rates of 80% to 90% were obtained in patients treated with 100 mg day−1 for 8 weeks. Taking into account the transfer of the drug into plasma and horny layer in our unit, we now orally administer it at 100 mg day−1 during the first month, reduce the dose to 50 mg day−1 thereafter, and continue the treatment for up to 1 more month. This treatment regimen has resulted in good therapeutic outcomes (unpublished data). Further studies are necessary on various treatment regimens with this drug, such as intermittent administration and pulse therapy, as well as its transfer into the plasma and horny layer. trial is under way in order to obtain an additional indication for dermatomycosis. Once-daily oral treatment is possible with this agent, because high blood concentrations can be obtained, and its elimination half-life is long. A overall efficacy rate of 83.3–100% was obtained for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis after treatment for 8 weeks at 100 mg/day in phase III clinical trial in Japan [33]. Terbinafine Terbinafine is not expected to cause hepatic disorders. High blood concentrations can be obtained when terbinafine is orally administered once a day [26]. Although transfer into the skin is not as effective as into the blood [27], concentrations reached in the skin are thought to be high enough for this drug to be effective [27], because its effects against dermatophytes are fungicidal [28]. In Japan, a topical version is already in general clinical use, and an oral version is expected to be launched in September 1997. The oral version is expected to be useful for the treatment of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis and tinea unguium. An overall efficacy rate of 86.8% was obtained for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis after treatment for 8 weeks at 125 mg day−1 in phase III clinical trials in Japan [10, 11]. The efficacy rates for the true, partial and quasihyperkeratotic types were 100%, 86.6% and 80.0% respectively. In other countries, terbinafine is usually administered at 250 mg day−1 for 2 weeks, and this treatment regimen is reported to result in an eradication rate of 86% and an efficacy rate of 71% [28]. In a double-blind clinical trial in Japan, no statistically significant differences were observed between terbinafine and griseofulvin, probably because 125 mg day−1 of terbinafine was compared with 500 mg day−1 of griseofulvin [10]. In double-blind clinical trials conducted in other countries in which terbinafine was administered at 250 mg day−1, however, it was found to be significantly superior to griseofulvin [29–32], with efficacy rates of 75% and 88%, respectively, 6 and 8 weeks after completion of a 2-week treatment. The incidence of recurrence was also very low [29–31]. The optimal treatment regimen (dosage and treatment period) will have to be determined in Japan taking these foreign findings into account. Topical treatment Topical therapy has been regarded as almost ineffective for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis. However, its therapeutic performance has improved significantly in recent years because of the development of new drugs with increased antifungal activity, transferability and retainability, use of keratolytic agents, and improvement of occlusive dressing techniques. The topical treatment regimens in current use at the Department of Dermatology of Kitasato University Hospital (Table 5) include monotherapy with antifungal agents and their combinations with urea ointments using or not using the occlusive dressing technique. Fluconazole In Japan, fluconazole was approved for deep-seated mycosis in 1988. A phase III clinical mycoses 42, 21–28 (1999) Others Oral administration of ketoconazole is approved in some countries but not in Japan because of hepatic disorders. In Japan and elsewhere, the usefulness of ketoconazole for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis has been not studied in detail. Monotherapy with antifungal agents Umezawa et al. [34] obtained a high efficacy rate of 89.2% by topically applying tioconazole two or three times a day for 4 weeks, but their patients had tinea pedis in which hyperkeratosis was a major symptom, and not hyperkeratotic tinea pedis of the true type. Efficacy rates greater than 80% were also reported with a 2% ketoconazole cream applied once or twice a day for 4 weeks [35]. In general, however, sufficient efficacy cannot be expected with simple inunction of antifungal agents alone. In our study [36], the efficacy rate was only 46.7% Table 5. Topical treatment of hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in the Department of Dermatology of Kitasato University Hospital 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Econazole nitrate+10% urea ointment Tioconazole alone Bifonazole alone Bifonazole+10% urea ointment Bifonazole+10% urea ointment+ODT Butenafine HCl alone Butenafine HCl+20% urea ointment Lanoconazole alone Lanoconazole+10% urea ointment Terbinafine HCl alone Terbinafine HCl+20% urea ointment Others 26 H. Tanuma in patients with hyperkeratotic tinea pedis who received bifonazole solution once a day by simple inunction for 12 weeks, a rate considerably lower than those obtained in patients with interdigital or vesicular-type tinea pedis. We do not believe that satisfactory therapeutic results can be obtained by topical application of conventional imidazole antifungal agents alone. Recently, a number of new agents with increased antifungal potency which are more efficiently transferred to and retained in affected tissues, such as butenafine HCl, terbinafine HCl and lanoconazole, have been developed, and their efficacy for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis is being evaluated. A butenafine HCl cream produced high efficacy rates of 41.2–60% [37, 38] and 81.9% [39], respectively, when administered 4 and 12 weeks once a day, whereas a lanoconazole cream produced efficacy rates of 10%, 51.7% and 72.2%, respectively, when administered for 4, 8 and 12 weeks [8]. With lanoconazole, the efficacy rates for the partial and quasihyperkeratotic types were 80% and 55%, respectively, but the efficacy rate for the true type could not be determined because only one patient was of this type. In our study of a terbinafine HCl cream, the efficacy rates for the quasi-, partial and true types were 22.2%, 60.0% and 33.5%, respectively, after 4-week treatment and 93.8%, 100% and 100% after 12-week treatment [49]. According to Savin et al. [40], an improvement rate of 79% was obtained 8 weeks after 2-week treatment twice a day with a 1% terbinafine cream, but the improvement rate was 20% lower in cases associated with tinea unguium. However, we believe that terbinafine is very useful for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis and plan to conduct further studies on its efficacy, safety and transfer into the horny layer. Combinations of antifungal agents and urea ointments Urea ointments help the horny layer to maintain water and promote keratolysis. They are also known to increase percutaneous absorption of steroids when co-administered with topical steroidal agents in patients with keratosis associated with inflammation [41]. We often combine topical antifungal agents with urea ointments in the belief that the latter alleviates keratosis and enhances the penetration of the former into the horny layer [36]. Yamaguchi & Higashiya [42] and Doi & Umezawa [43] reported efficacy rates of 60–80% by stratified application of an econazole cream and a 10% urea ointment. We also obtained efficacy rates of 85.4–86.7% by combining a bifonazole solution or cream with a 10% urea ointment for 12 weeks [11, 36]. According to Nishikawa et al. [38], combination of a butenafine HCl cream and a 10% urea ointment was effective in 37.5% and 46.7% of patients after 4- and 8-week treatments, respectively, whereas in our study, combination of a butenafine HCl cream and a 20% urea ointment resulted in efficacy rates of 50.0%, 69.2% and 87.5%, respectively, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after treatment [39]. At present, we are evaluating the efficacy of combinations of terbinafine HCl or lanoconazole with a urea ointment. More recently, mixtures of antifungal agents and urea ointments have been used to evaluate their efficacy for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis. Nakamura et al. [44] obtained an efficacy rate of 33.3% after treatment for 4 weeks with a 151 mixture of a 1% oxiconazole nitrate cream and a 20% urea ointment. At present, we are evaluating 151 and 251 mixtures of bifonazole, butenafine HCl, terbinafine HCl or lanoconazole and an urea ointment. Results obtained so far have been encouraging (unpublished data). ZM-589 is an investigational new topical antifungal drug (solution) whose active ingredients are tolnaftate (2%) and salicylic acid (10%) [45, 46]. In experimental dermatophytosis, it was found to be significantly more effective than ZM-SA (a drug obtained by excluding salicylic acid from ZM-859), 1% econazole nitrate solution, 1% cyclopirox olamine solution and 5% exalamide solution (containing 2% salicylic acid). We therefore expect that more combination drugs will be developed in the future. Occlusive dressing technique (ODT) ODT using cream bases is thought to be more effective than simple inunction with antifungal agents, because it enhances maceration of the horny layer and secondary keratin desquamation. However, it causes discomfort, and hyperhidrotic patients often complain of vesicles and itching, particularly in summer. Nishimoto & Nakaura [47] reported the usefulness of a 1% clotrimazole cream administered using ODT. We also obtained favourable therapeutic results using ODT in combination with a bifonazole cream and a 10% urea ointment [11]: cutaneous symptom improvement rates were 31.8%, 58.1%, 77.3% and 82.9%, respectively, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after starting the treatment, and marked improvement rates were significantly higher in the ODT group than in the non-ODT group who received the same combination therapy at all evaluation time points, indicating that ODT makes it possible to more quickly improve clinical symptoms. ODT also increased eradication rates to 53.3%, 78.6%, 88.6% and 97.1%, respectively, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after starting the treatment and the usefulness rate to 91.7% 12 weeks after starting the treatment. We therefore regard ODT as a very useful administration method. mycoses 42, 21–28 (1999) Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in Japan Conclusions At present, oral antifungal drugs such as griseofulvin, itraconazole and terbinafine are useful for hyperkeratotic tinea pedis in patients who can orally ingest drugs. In patients who do not respond to griseofulvin, we recommend the combination of oral antifungal agents (such as itraconazole and terbinafine) with topical antifungal agents, although problems may be encountered in obtaining reimbursement under the current health insurance system in Japan. If oral administration is impossible, various topical application methods, such as concurrent use of urea ointments and the use of ODT, are worth trying [48, 49]. In any case, it is very important to continue treatment patiently without losing hope. 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