FACTSHEET FOR EXTERNAL FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES The Club Development Officer for the City of Karratha has provided a brief snapshot of some grant opportunities that your community sporting groups may be able to apply for. Please visit the respective websites for more information on specific grant opportunities. If your sporting group needs assistance with any application, would like to discuss their project or initiative or explore additional opportunities please contact your Club Development Officer: Sam King Mobile: 0427 132 786 Email: sam.king@karratha.wa.gov.au Active Regional Communities Grants Department of Sport and Recreation Aims to increase the opportunities for country people to participate in sporting and active-recreational activities in regional Western Australia The Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme (ATSS) is an initiative supporting athletes who have progressed into the high performance pathway of their chosen sport and are pursuing regional, state and national representation. Upgrades to facilities. i.e. synthetic playing surfaces and clubrooms. http://dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/region al/active-regional-communitiesguidelines Pilbara Office - 9182 2100 Grants are available of up to $5,000 for projects that increase capacity and participation of community sporting groups or to host a significant interregion event Open all year. http://dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/individ uals/athlete-travel-subsidy-scheme For more information and to apply online Eligible athletes, aged 13-21, can receive funding for out-of-pocket travel and accommodation expenses directly related to competitions and programs in accordance with the performance level categories and eligibility criteria outlined in the application guidelines. Opens 14 April – Closes 15 May 2015 http://dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/facilitie s-(csrff) DSR Pilbara Office - 9182 2100 City of Karratha sam.king@karratha.wa.gov.au Various. Consult DSR Pilbara Office Club Equipment Subsidy Department of Sport and Recreation Eligible sporting clubs have the opportunity to apply for a one-off $500 subsidy towards shared sporting equipment accessible to all members. http://dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/clubs/c lub-equipment-subsidy Pilbara Office - 9182 2100 Incorporated sport and recreation clubs may seek sponsorship for basic infrastructure upgrades to sport and recreation facilities. There are three types of grants – small, annual and forward planning. Sponsorship is available up to one third of the total project cost. One off grants of $500 are available to eligible incorporated sporting groups. Please visit the website to apply and for more information Community Participation Funding Department of Sport and Recreation Programs that increase physical activity among low participation groups, particularly indigenous and CaLD. http://dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/commu nity-groups 9492 9700 Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme Department of Sport and Recreation Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund Department of Sport and Recreation Grants between $1000 and $5000 are available to sport and recreation community organisations/clubs. Rounds open between March-April 2015 and SeptemberOctober 2015 Closes 15 May 2015 Elite Indigenous Travel and Accommodation Assistance Program Australian Sports Commission Local Sporting Champions grants program Australian Sports Commission Women Leaders in Sport Grant Program Australian Sports Commission Sport Incentive Program Australian Sports Foundation Giving4Grassroots Australian Sports Foundation Funding is available for indigenous athletes, coaches, managers or officials to assist with out-of-pocket travel and accommodation expenses when attending eligible national championships or international competitions The Local Sporting Champions program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide financial assistance for young people aged 1218 towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing, coaching or officiating at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state, national or international sporting championships or a School Sport Australia state or national championships. The WLIS grant program provides female administrators, coaches and officials with opportunities to undertake intermediate or advanced training within an existing pathway in the sport industry to reach their leadership potential. Australian Sports Foundation provides eligible clubs with the opportunity to raise funds for capital works projects. fund is a national small grants program that funds initiatives and programs aimed at increasing participation in grassroots and community sport throughout Australia http://www.ausport.gov.au/supporti ng/funding/grants_and_scholarships Visit website for eligibility criteria Open all year http://www.ausport.gov.au/supporti ng/funding/grants_and_scholarships Visit website for eligibility criteria Rounds Closing 28 Feb., 30 June and 31 Oct 2015 http://www.ausport.gov.au/participat ing/women/women_leaders_in_sport (02) 6214 1111 Both female individuals and incorporated sport and recreation clubs may apply for a one off grant of up to $5,000 and $10,000 respectively. Australian citizens or permanent residents aged 18 years or more can apply. Around September each year www.asf.org.au info@asf.org.au (02) 6214 7868 Financially viable incorporated sport and recreation clubs can apply if undertaking facility development, facility feasibility study, equipment, team travel, hosting a major sporting event or for sport development. Visit the website for eligibility criteria Open all year. www.asf.org.au info@asf.org.au (02) 6214 7868 Usually around April/May each year. Volunteer Management Department of Social Services Health Promotion Sponsorship Healthway Community Events Lotterywest Organisational Development Grant Lotterywest Furniture and Equipment Grant Lotterywest These grants aim to assist service providers to deliver ongoing services or one-off projects and activities to encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering. Sponsorship support for programs and events within the sport, motor racing and active recreation areas, where there is a significant opportunity to change behaviours and environments to improve health. Various event costs. i.e. publicity, advertising, hire of venues/equipment, entertainment https://www.dss.gov.au/grants/volun teer-management Under the Families and Communities Programme 1800 625 136 All kinds of development activities that benefit your organisation including: developing strategic and fundraising plans, training for volunteers, etc. Purchase of furniture and equipment that meet your organisation’s needs. http://www.lotterywest.wa.gov.au/gr ants/grant-types 9340 5270 End of July each year www.healthway.wa.gov.au healthway@healthway.wa.gov.au 9476 7000 Grants are offered to incorporated organisations and community groups. Please visit the website for further criteria At least 3 calendar months prior to project start. http://www.lotterywest.wa.gov.au/gr ants/grant-types 9340 5270 Not-for-profit organisations may apply for up to $20000 per financial year. Some documents needed to apply include: Constitution, Annual Report, audited financial statements, Event Management Plan. Various items will be considered by Lotterywest; please visit the website or contact them for more information At least four calendar months prior to project start. Not-for-profit organisations may apply for grants to purchase equipment that meets your organisations needs. Some documents needed to apply include: Constitution, Annual Report and audited financial statements. Open all year. http://www.lotterywest.wa.gov.au/gr ants/grant-types 9340 5270 Open all year. Sponsorship Bakers Delight Events that engage local communities and promote health and/or fitness. Bakers Delight – contact your local store or http://www.bakersdelight.com.au/Ou rCommunity/SponsorshipApplication .aspx Incorporated sport and recreation clubs can apply for local sponsorship comprising of product, merchandise, monetary, vouchers and promotional material. Open all year. Home Ground Advantage Holden Local club facility upgrades http://www.holden.com.au/homegro undadvantage Any sporting group or community organisation which runs and supports sporting activities within Australia Closes 28 Feb. 2015 Flying Start Jetstar Community groups who are seeking funding to help enhance the lives of people in their local community RAC have Grass Roots Grants for local community initiatives http://www.jetstar.com/au/en/flyings tart Apply for $30,000 made up of $15,000 cash and $15,000 worth of Jetstar travel to fund a project Open 1 Oct - Close 31 Dec 2015 http://rac.com.au/newscommunity/sponsorship/community -sponsorships Not-for-profit organisations with an ABN can apply for funding through RAC in line with their safe, sustainable and accessible mobility themes Activities or opportunities in the areas of Community, Education, Health & Safety, Indigenous and Youth A grants program supporting local communities across Australia. Bankwest customers are invited to apply for a grant up to $1000 to support a community group they're involved with, for example, a sporting club or school If your school or club is in regional Western Australia and require equipment, uniforms or something else that encourages participation in sport, we are happy to help. Funds local community connections for kids in Australia such as activities in arts and culture, education, health, the environment, sport and recreation http://www.easternwell.com.au/abou t-us/our-community/communitygrants.html communitygrants@easternwell.com. au Community groups, clubs and associations which provide lasting benefits to the community. Grass Roots 6 weeks prior to needing money. Closes 27 Mar. 2015 http://www.bankwest.com.au/aboutus/in-the-community/easy-grants Must be a Bankwest customer involved with the applying local community sporting groups and/or school Open all year http://www.mgjst.com.au/ Must be a not-for-profit community sporting groups or school group. Apply online for $500 (more on some occasions) Closes 31 March 2015 http://telstrakidsfund.com/ Must be a not for profit community groups applying with a Telstra employee Opens in March 2015. First in best dressed Sponsorship RAC Community Grants Easternwell Happy Communities Bankwest McDonald’s Junior Sports Trust Telstra Kids Fund Telstra
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