File - Kate Coddington

Kate Coddington
Curriculum Vitae/ page 1
IBRU Centre for Borders Research
Department of Geography
Durham University
United Kingdom
Ph.D. with distinction, Geography, Syracuse University
Dissertation: Geographies of Containment: Logics of Enclosure
in Aboriginal and Asylum Seeker Policies in Australia’s
Northern Territory
Chair: Alison Mountz. Committee members: Jackie Orr, Margaret
Walton-Roberts, Jamie Winders, John Western
Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.), Women’s and Gender
Studies, Syracuse University
M.A., Geography, Syracuse University
Thesis: Living and Breathing Bodies and States: Stories of Park
and Place in Seward, Alaska
Chair: Alison Mountz
B.A. with distinction, magna cum laude, History, Carleton
Dean’s List 2001, 2002; Phi Beta Kappa
Academic Employment
Post Doctoral Research Associate, IBRU Centre for Borders
Research, Geography Department, Durham University
Syracuse University Fellow
Research Assistant, Dr. Alison Mountz, Wilfrid Laurier
University (ethnographic research in Australia, Indonesia)
Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University
Research Interests
Mobility of borders
Migration, asylum and detention
Settler colonialism
Citizenship and belonging
Feminist epistemology and research methods
Australia and the Indian Ocean region
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Refereed publications
Coddington, K. (forthcoming) Feminist geographies ‘beyond’ gender: de-coupling
feminist research and the gendered subject, Geography Compass
Coddington, K. (forthcoming) The “entrepreneurial spirit:” Exxon Valdez and nature
tourism development in Seward, Alaska, Tourism Geographies
Coddington, K., and A. Mountz. (2014) Countering isolation with use of technology:
how asylum-seeking detainees on islands in the Indian Ocean use social
media to transcend their confinement. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region,
10(1): 97-112.
Coddington, K., R. T. Catania, J. Loyd, E. Mitchell-Eaton, and A. Mountz. (2012)
Embodied Possibilities, Sovereign Geographies, and Island Detention:
Negotiating the ‘right to have rights’ on Guam, Lampedusa, and Christmas
Island. SHIMA: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, 6(2):
Mountz, A., K. Coddington, J. Loyd, and R. T. Catania. (2012) Conceptualizing
detention: mobility, containment, bordering, and exclusion. Progress in
Human Geography, 37(4): 522-541.
Coddington, K. (2011) Spectral geographies: haunting and everyday state practices
in colonial and present-day Alaska. Social & Cultural Geography, 12(7): 743756.
Senner, N. R. and K. Coddington. (2011) Habitat use and foraging ecology of
Hudsonian Godwits Limosa haemastica in southern South America. Wader
Study Group Bulletin. 118(2): 105-108.
Manuscripts in progress
Under review
Voice under scrutiny: feminist methods, colonial critiques, and new research
directions, special issue for The Professional Geographer
Mapping Geographies of Trauma: An Introduction (co-authored with MicieliVoutsinas), Emotion, Space and Society
Tired advocacy: Contagious trauma’s embodied effects, Emotion, Space and Society
Fractures at the ‘border continuum:’ little failures of Australia’s securitized border
regime, revise and resubmit for Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
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Under contract/ drafted
Wards of the state: Aboriginal Australians and the promise of citizenship, Political
Geography (submission targeted for April 2015)
Intimate Economies of Erasure and Ambiguity: Darwin as Australia’s 2011-2012
‘Capital of Detention,’ for Hiemstra and Conlon (eds) Intimate Economies of
Immigration Detention: Critical Perspectives (Routledge) (submission
targeted for June 2015)
The mobility of carceral logics: enclosure tactics and violent consequences for
Aboriginal communities and asylum seekers in Australia, for Turner and
Peters (eds) Carceral Mobilities (Routledge) (submission targeted for August
Book reviews
Coddington, K. (2014) Values and Vulnerabilities: The Ethics of Research with
Refugees and Asylum Seekers, edited by Karen Block, Elisha Riggs, and Nick
Haslam, (eds). International Migration Review, 48(3): 916-917.
Non-refereed publications
Coddington, K. (2014) Stopping the boats at all costs? Australia's Operation
Sovereign Borders. Borderlines, 12.
Grants, awards & honors
British Council Researcher Links Travel Grant (£5,500)
Maxwell Dean’s Summer Research Award ($1,500)
David Sopher Paper Award, Geography Department, Syracuse
Sopher Memorial Scholarship ($1,800)
Maxwell Dean’s Summer Research Award ($2,000)
Syracuse University Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Maxwell Dean’s Summer Research Award ($3,500)
Maxwell Dean’s Summer Research Award ($3,400)
Syracuse University Fellowship ($22,000/year)
Glenda Laws Student Paper Competition Award, Geographic
Perspectives on Women Specialty Group, Association of
American Geographers
Syracuse University PLACA Research Award ($2,100)
Maxwell Dean’s Summer Research Award ($1,650)
Maxwell Dean’s Summer Research Award ($1,650)
Richard A. Salisbury Fellowship ($1,800)
Carleton College Class of 1963 Fellowship ($1,800)
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Presentations at professional meetings
“The problem of circulation: asylum seeker mobility as a challenge to Australian
territory,” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
Chicago, April 21-25, 2015
Discussant: Enforcing Borders, Controlling Immigration 3: Immigration control at
the scale of the local and the community, Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, Chicago, April 21-25, 2015
Grieving witnesses: The politics of grief in the field (I), Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Chicago, April 21-25, 2015
“Interventions in Australia’s border continuum: Territory, security and failure,”
Durham University Geography Department Research Frontiers, January 15,
“Panic! Border control and containment policies in Australia” Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 9-13, 2013
“Conceptualizing detention on Christmas Island: mobility, containment, bordering,
and exclusion” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
Los Angeles, April 9-13, 2013
“Who feels the fear? Panicked Asylum and Aboriginal Policies in Australia”
Decolonizing Cascadia? Rethinking Critical Geographies 7th Annual Regional
Mini-Conference, Vancouver, Canada, November 16-17, 2012.
“Conceptualizing detention on Christmas Island: mobility, containment, bordering,
and exclusion” Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference,
Waterloo, Canada, May 28-June 1, 2012
“Asylum Seekers and Detention Networks” Darwin Press Club, Darwin, Australia,
March 6, 2012
“Flesh and Blood Ghosts: The Utility of the Specter for Feminist Political Geography,”
National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Denver, November
11-14, 2010
“Feminist Political Geographies: Beyond Bodies,” National Women’s Studies
Association Annual Conference, Denver, November 11-14, 2010
“‘It Was Just This Wild West Crazy Town’: Post-Exxon Valdez Transformations of
Nature and Neoliberal Subjectivities in Seward, Alaska,” Annual Meeting of
the Association of American Geographers, Washington D.C., April 14-18, 2010
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“Research in progress: critical junctures between migration, law, and medicine in
Guatemala,” Program on Latin American and the Caribbean, Syracuse
University, October 28, 2009
“Spectral Geographies: Haunting and the Everyday State,” Royal Geographical
Society-IBG (RGS-IBG) “Geography, Knowledge, and Society,” Manchester,
England, August 26-28, 2009.
“The building that isn’t there: contesting land and sovereignty in Seward, Alaska,”
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March
22-27, 2009
“Natural constructions: Ecotourism and women’s work,” Identity, Territory and
Social Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean, Syracuse University,
February 28-29, 2008.
Conference session organizing
“(Re)Imagining Borders in an Era of Migration and Deportation I-III,” organized with
Jill Williams, Clark University, Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Los Angeles, April 9-13, 2013
“Spatializing Shattered Subjects: Geographies of Trauma I & II,” organized with
Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, Syracuse University, Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 9-13, 2013
“Feminist Geography Re-Examined: Topical Considerations, Epistemological
Frameworks, Methodological Approaches,” organized with Jill Williams, Clark
University, and Tina Catania, Syracuse University, Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April 12-16, 2011
“Ten Years On: Feminisms and the 'War on Terror I & II,'” organized with Roberta
Hawkins, Clark University and Destiny Aman, Penn State University, Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April 12-16,
“What's feminist about this work? Challenges and insights from feminist research
methodologies I & II,” organized with Roberta Hawkins, Clark University and
Destiny Aman, Penn State University, Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, Seattle, April 12-16, 2011
“Theoretical Interventions: Writing Across Ism's,” organized with Katie Wells,
Syracuse University, Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Washington D.C., April 14-18, 2010
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“Gender, Sexuality and Space: In Memory of Glen Elder,” organized with Destiny
Aman, Penn State University, Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Washington D.C., April 14-18, 2010
“Gender, Feminisms, and Violence I & II”, organized with Destiny Aman, Penn State
University, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
Washington D.C., April 14-18, 2010
“Sovereign Natures: Un/bounding Political Ecologies: Political Geographies of
Political Ecology I & II,” organized with Keith Lindner, Syracuse University,
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March
22-27, 2009
Global Political Economy, Spring 2010, Teaching Assistant
Human Geography, Fall 2009, Teaching Assistant
The Natural Environment, Spring 2008 and Spring 2009, Teaching Assistant
World Geography, Fall 2007, Teaching Assistant
Professional service
Reviewer for Environment and Planning D: Society and Space,
Political Geography, SAGE Open, Marine Policy, Transactions of
the Institute of British Geographers
Graduate student representative to the Geographic
Perspectives on Women Specialty Group, Association of
American Geographers
Panelist at the Geography Undergraduate Career Night,
Syracuse University
Assisted with the organization of the Critical Geography
Graduate Student Workshop, Syracuse University
Student leader of Future Professoriate Program, Geography
Graduate representative to faculty of Geography Department
Member of Geography Department faculty search committee
Reviewer for the Maxwell School Review
Other Work Experience
Research Assistant, ECONorthwest, Eugene, Oregon
Homeownership Center Coordinator, Neighborhood Economic
Development Corporation, Eugene, Oregon
Americorps VISTA, Goodhue County Habitat for Humanity,
Red Wing, Minnesota
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Research and residence abroad
2004- 2005
Australia and Indonesia, 8 months
Australia, 7 weeks
Guatemala, 4 weeks
Venezuela, 4 weeks
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, 11 months
Guatemala, 8 weeks
Guatemala, Ecuador, 4 months
Mexico, 4 weeks
Germany, 12 months
Language Skills
Spanish (working knowledge); German (working knowledge)
Dr. Philip Steinberg
Professor of Geography and Director of IBRU Centre for Borders Research
Durham University
Lower Mountjoy
South Road, Durham
Phone: +44 (0) 191 33 41945
Dr. Alison Mountz
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Migration
Balsillie School of International Affairs
Wilfrid Laurier University
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5
Phone: +1 (226) 772.3143
Dr. Jamie Winders
Associate Professor of Geography
Syracuse University
144 Eggers Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1020
Phone: +1 (315) 443-2607