Dates: Week of March 30th-April 3rd, 2015 Subject: Vocational [Corner Store] Teacher: Katybeth Adamo <3 Identify Desired Results Aim: How do we operate the Corner Store in a highly effective manner? Do Now: Corner Store Meeting: Discuss student task groups based on this period’s store objectives. What kinds of long-term independent accomplishments are desired? Students will be able to use their learning to: *Behave and converse professionally in vocational environments *Familiarize US currency and conduct actual money transactions with support in a vocational setting *Work toward 2014-2015 Individualized Education Plan goals *Self-Assess realistically on their Individual and Group Corner Store Lesson Roles, as well as their Individual goals they are working toward. [attached] Standards (CCLS/CDOS): Higher Order Thinking Questions (HOT) Reading for Information 9-10.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. Reading 9-10.10: Read and comprehend literacy nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Writing 9-10.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid *Why is it important to adhere to your assigned role within the Corner Store? Why should we not rotate among groups without being assigned to a group? How would this affect the overall function of the Corner Store? P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15 *Why is it important to behave professionally within the Corner Store Environment? Would you go back to an establishment within the community where employees are behaving unprofessionally? (state relevant examples of unprofessional behavior) reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Explore and inquire into areas of interest to formulate an argument. Speaking and Listening 11-12.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Listening 11-12.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level: demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Alg HS: High School Math CCLS: A-SSE: Interpret the structure of expressions 1. Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context. a. Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients. A-CED: Create equations that describe numbers or relationships. 1. Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include equations arising from liner and quadratic functions, and simple rational and exponential functions. A-REI: Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning. Explain each step in solving a simple equation as P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15 *How would you rate the job your doing with your assigned task? Why would you give yourself this rating? Based on what criteria? *Using the self assessment, how are you doing with each of your IEP goals? How are you meeting a selected goal within this task? *Did you meet this period’s quanitified goal for your task? Yes or no? Why? If not, how can we change our work habits in the future in order to meet our goal? If you did meet this period’s goal, should we adjust our goal next time? How can we be even more efficient? following from the equality of numbers asserted at the previous step, starting from the assumption that the original equation has a solution. Construct a viable argument to justify a solution method. Lesson Opening: Instructor pulls up (or a student pulls up) the document “Corner Store Schedule” on the SmartBoard, which includes three “time slots” per 50-minute period, with a class number, name of a teacher, and phone number on it. Students are called up to find the day and period, then state aloud which classes are coming, at which times. Students can volunteer to interact with the schedule on the Smartboard by using the data found therein to make phone calls to classes to remind them of their confirmed visiting time. I Do: I make a “role assignment” on the board with three or four groups—Group roles, paraprofessional and teacher assignments, and student assignments. Roles within the “Corner Store” group include: cashiers, baggers, greeters, card sellers/security, bag station/phone duty, customer service, janitor. We Do: All students, upon entering the Corner Store, must use their “Sign In Cards” to clock in for their shift. They also must hang their coats up and put on their vocational wear (smock, nametag, etc). The class should check the Corner Store Schedule together. If classes are late or have forgotten their appointment, students must use the schedule to determine for themselves which day and period is appropriate, what number to call, what teacher to ask for, and what time they should be reminded to stop by the Corner Store. After deciphering together who should be coming in to visit corner store that period, all students must get into their assigned groups and begin their designated activity within the Corner Store Vocational Shop. You Do: GET INTO YOUR ASSIGNED POSITION!! With the support of the paraprofessionals and teachers, students sign in and get into their designated groups with as much independence as possible. Teacher should be taking note of the level of independence in Corner Store tasks for bi-weekly assessment purposes. Once the students fall into their assigned roles and it is taken note of with what level of independence they do so, students should effectively P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15 manage the school’s Corner Store for operation, using appropriate professional behavior, socialization, and integrating word problems that contain money (at the register) in this realistic Corner Store environment. Within the designated groups, students should be asking this month’s curriculum theme questions as appropriate relating to the task they are completing: *How do I assess my personal hygiene within this task? *How am I developing overall health and wellness as I effectively complete this corner store task? 3 Differentiated Activities and Student Groups 2 • Role: Greeter • Role: Bagger • Role: Inventory Keeper • Wrapping Projects • Merchandise Markup and Tag *Register Duty *Phone Duty *Basket Projects *Merchandise Markup *Cart Duty *IEP Goal Station [various] *Unique Station *Attainment/Connections group *Homework Review Station *Attainment: “Connection in the Workplace” Novella #8, 11, 14, 25, 28, 35, 31, “Not the Newest Anymore” Social Behaviors at Work *Attainment: “Whose Future Is It?” Lesson 1 “Getting Started” *Re-Decorating the Store/Window for Spring *Penny Harvest Donation Decision P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15 Appending • Cart Duty • IEP Goal Station [various] • Unique Station • Attainment/Connections group • Homework Review Station *Attainment: “Connection in the Workplace” Novella #8, 11, 14, 25, 28, 35, 31 “Not the Newest Anymore” Social Behaviors at Work *Attainment: “Whose Future Is It?” Lesson 1 “Getting Started” *Re-Decorating the Store/Window for Spring *Penny Harvest Donation Decision 1 *Role: Janitor *Role: Bag/Card Station *Role: Security *Role: Decoration Duty *IEP Goal Station [various] *Unique Station *Attainment/Connections group *Homework Review Station *Attainment: “Connections in the Workplace” activity “The Dream” Novella #8, 11, 14, 25, 28, 35, 31 “Not the Newest Anymore” Social Behaviors at Work *Attainment: “Whose Future Is It?” Lesson 1 “Getting Started” *Re-Decorating the Store/Window for Spring *Penny Harvest Donation Decision Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: *Daily Buzz individualized self- and teacher-assessment 8th period [using current IEP goals] *Laminated, Color Coded-IEP and SANDI-based self-assessments throughout lessons at teacherdecided intervals. *Paraprofessional and teacher observation and data tracking [biweekly data tracking sheets and daily behavioral sheets-sample attached] *Daily Buzz individualized self- and teacher-assessment 8th period [using current IEP goals] *Laminated, Color Coded-IEP and SANDI-based self-assessments throughout lessons at teacherdecided intervals. *Paraprofessional and teacher observation and data tracking [biweekly data tracking sheets and daily behavioral sheets-sample attached] *Daily Buzz individualized self- and teacher-assessment 8th period [using current IEP goals] *Laminated, Color Coded-IEP and SANDI-based self-assessments throughout lessons at teacherdecided intervals. *Paraprofessional and teacher observation and data tracking [biweekly data tracking sheets and daily behavioral sheets-sample attached] Student Choices (Optional): Students may choose to be in any instructional group if they approach their frustrational threshold with a vocational task in their assigned group. They may choose to work in a different staff-facilitated group, or choose to switch roles within their previously assigned group. Closure/Share Back: Daily Buzz at the end of the day-Students self-assess based on goals. We will also have a “Corner Store Recap” meeting daily to discuss our daily successes and failures and plan for the next day (Like they do at Target and other retail locations within the Community). After students’ self-assessment, they are to clock out as independently as possible, and hang up their smocks and nametags in their lockers. Throughout the lesson, students should be self-assessing at teacher-led intervals using their color-coded laminated, IEP and SANDI based self assessments. Paraprofessional Assignments P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15 1—Mr. Will Bree: 1:1 health para for Joseph Spadaro 3—Ms. F: Alternate Placement Paraprofessional: *Assigned Leader of any of the aforementioned, differentiated groups *Bathroom duty for students in a Z class at any time during the day that he is called to do so Language: Mohammed, Ashiqur, Nazame, Nahida, and Sarah *Leader of any one of the aforementioned, differentiated groups *Co-Toilets Alexis and Kebon 2—Ms. Emose: 1:1 crisis para for Massiah Pearson 4— *Assigned Leader of any of the aforementioned, differentiated groups *Co-toilets Alexis and Kebon Resources/Materials *School’s Monthly Track 1C Lesson Plan: Unit: My Community *Attainment workbooks and student readers * “Connections in the Workplace” student workbooks *My illustrious brain :D *Refer to my bi-weekly Student Data Folder *SmartBoard *Music for the Store’s “Mood” *Cleaning Supplies for Janitor Roles *Register cash/care of Gina Gallo :D *Ongoing Shopping in the Community Trips for Merchandise *Data Tracking Sheets for Individual Students’ Goals *Self-Assessment Packets Homework/Extensions P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15 SANDI Group 3: *Reading Book “Wonder” & Comprehension Questions/ Reading book “The Warrior Heir” and summary journal *“Student Shopper” functional money math workbook and homework calendar SANDI Group 2: *”Student Shopper” functional money math workbook and homework calendar SANDI Group 1: *Counting, Pattern-Identifying Math workbook and homework calendar **SEE RESPECTIVE HOMEWORK CALENDAR FOR SPECIFIC, DIFFERENTIATED HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS BASED ON SANDI GROUPS** P721K Suggested Lesson Plan 2014-‐15
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