2nd April 2015 Kia Ora Whānau Term 1 has been a whirlwind of a term. Already the children have been involved in so much exciting learning with all classes taking advantage of the opportunities to work outside as much as possible. This term has seen the completion of the retrofit of Rooms 7 and 8 and the children are enjoying their new open working environment. Attached to our newsletter is a report from the Board of Trustees outlining some of the other exciting projects coming up this term and other news from the Board. My gratitude to the Board and our parent group Te Whānau Awhina for all their hard work and dedication this term. Thanks Marketing Works The lovely ladies who organised the Appeal – L-R Leanne Little with her wee helper, Brooke, and Luanna Brunt KAURILANDS SCHOOL VANUATU APPEAL Fast and furious was our collection for items for Vanuatu. We were so overwhelmed and humbled by the Kaurilands School families who donated to help the local people in Vanuatu who were left with nothing. A big shout out to Marketing Works, Henderson for supplying transport and a driver. Thank you all so much for your support! Leanne Little & Luanna Brunt Order your new Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships from us today, and 20% of your Membership goes towards our fundraising! For only $65 Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel, and much more! Available as a traditional Entertainment™ Book -or- Digital Membership on your smartphone, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2016! Order either Membership type before 24th April 2015, and you'll receive over $170 worth of Early Bird Offers which you can use straight away! CONTACT: Nancy Robinson Kaurilands School 8175645 nancyr@kaurilands.school.nz THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT YEAR 6 CAMP: FINLAY PARK 2015 Wow, what a week for the Year 6 children who went to Finlay Park for their annual camp and an adventure-packed week of activities. The children, as well as the parents and teachers, had the opportunity to try heaps of activities including Kayaking, Go-carting, Rafting, Abseiling and Hydro-sliding. Everyone had fun and enjoyed watching the children challenge themselves to give things a go and step outside their comfort zone. A big thank you to all the amazing parents who went on camp – without your help and support the week of fun and learning would not have happened. Enjoy reading Liam’s fantastic recollection of his experience at Camp! That was Camp! Remember the adrenaline when you were zooming down the hydroslide frozen stiff and all you could hear was everyone yelling “Pull up! Pull up!” Remember losing your shoes at skull island as you were running away from the wild dog? Remember speeding round the go-cart track almost hitting the cows? That was camp! Remember whizzing down the soap-filled zoom slide about to go over the top like a missile darting into the sky? Remember your noisy cabin mates yelling and waking you up at 6:00 in the morning? Remember walking to the rafts with the sharp spiky gorse under your feet? That was camp! Remember the warm brown milo as it slid down your throat like melted chocolate? Remember touching the electric fence and your arm jolting towards you as if it wasn’t part of you? Remember Ms Best chasing you through the thick, dark brown mud of skull island as she was yelling, “I’m coming to get you!” That was camp! Liam Ferguson Room 1 ANZAC DAY SERVICE As part of our community’s commemoration for ANZAC Day in 2015 and 100 years since Gallipoli, the Titirangi RSA has asked each of the local primary schools to bring 25 children to th march in the parade on Saturday 25 April (9.30 – 11.30am approx), with one of their parents and one of their grandparents. Each family will carry one of a hundred handmade poppies that will be presented as part of the commemoration. Thanks to the 20 families who have volunteered. We need 5 more families. If you would like to join us please email me over the holidays denisel@kaurilands.school.nz. As a school we look forward to being part of this community event and thank the RSA for making this possible. Denise Lacassie CONGRATULATIONS! To Dylan Sauvarin (Rm15), Gia Gore Chapman (Rm13), Cadie Reid (Rm18) and Jahmayn Williams (Rm13) who were asked to represent Glen Eden Athletics Club in the recent Top 10 Teams event in which athletics clubs from across Auckland enter their top 2 boys and girls to compete in each age group – they all represented the under 7 years th age group. The boys placed 8 out of 16 teams and each received a ribbon at their Club prizegiving. The girls also performed very well and they were all a credit to their Club. Dylan and Jahmayn also did well at their Club champs with Jahmayn achieving nd some 1st and 2 placings and Dylan placed in every event in which he competed receiving 8 ribbons in all. To Cara Bennett and Abby O’Hagan (Rm9) and Zara Rose (Rm13) who entered the Weetbix Tryathlon at Narrow Neck Beach nd on the 22 March. They all competed incredibly well To AlexDunkley (Rm3) who is 9yrs old and finished 2nd overall in an U12yrs 18 week competition in the Takapuna State Beach Series 250m Swim after battling some tough conditions along the way to his success. Well done Alex, amazing effort! To Jade Werner (Rm4) who attends animation classes in Titirangi and was asked to do all the animations for the music video of the song “Worms in the Ground” by David Parker and his band The Ukes a ukulele trio. The song and music video will feature on YouTube later this year and will also be used by David’s band in schools around New Zealand. David will be known to many locals as the face behind the Titirangi Music Festival. To Findlay Lister (Rm1) who recently came 1st in the Rooks Division of the Sarapu Cup for chess with a total of 5.5 points (5 wins and a draw) from 7 games! Well done Findlay who is also Captain of the Kaurilands School Chess Team who have been the top primary school team in West Auckland for the last 2 years. Max (Yr6) and Alexander (Yr4) Van der Westhuizen , together with their Dad, are part of Team Tengu who have th th entered the Oxfam Trail Walker 100km walk on the 28 -29 March. They are trying to raise funds for Oxfam and if you wish to help them you can make a donation to this worthy cause by visiting their website link http://www.oxfamtrailwalker.org.nz/otw15/teams/team-tengu YEAR 3 MOTU MOANA TEAM BUILDING Room 17 had a great day at Motou Moana where they challenged themselves with difficult activities. th On Monday 9 of March Rooms 18, 15 and 13 went to Motu Moana to work as a team. First we went on the flying fox and the confidence course. We had to work to help each other on the confidence course. When I went down the flying fox and hit the tyres I screamed “This is Awesome!” I got two jolly good goes. Next we did orienteering. It was fun because we had to find clues. You had to find the right letters to get it right. We got CAMP IT CITY, but it was CAMP IN CITY. Orienteering was super-duper cool. After the orienteering we did the team challenges. We worked really hard. The kids won against the parents at the tug of war. I was impressed we did it. Last we went down the water slide. Miss Namajuska was the champion. I had one go because the queue was so big that I felt too cold. The water slide was so slippery. My favourite activity was the flying fox because I went so fast. By Tate Bennetts – Rm18 SWIMMING POOL KEYS Our school swimming season has now finished. Could you please return your pool key to Mrs Robinson in the school office by the first week after the holidays as only half of our keys have currently been returned. Thank you to all those parents who have already done so. TRAVELWISE Dear Parents and Families, Auckland Transport conduct regular surveys, to understand how important messages are being communicated within the Auckland community. They are currently seeking feedback from our school community on the ‘Back to School’ campaign which has been run throughout the Auckland region. Please click on the link: http://tinyurl.com/AT-BackToSchool2015 to be taken directly to a brief online survey. Everyone who completes the survey goes into the draw to win a $50 Prezzy Card. All information and responses are used for internal research purposes only. Thank you for taking the time to assist with the survey and for supporting our Travelwise programme. WANTED! A parent or whānau member to help with our Junior kapahaka group each Thursday afternoon. If you play the guitar that would be wonderful! Our group is very, very enthusiastic and fun to work with! Please contact Mrs Heremaia jocelynh@kaurilands.school.nz if you could help us out. KAURILANDS HOLDS ITS FIRST PASIFIKA FIAFIA! Last Friday marked a special occasion for Pasifika whānau and for Kaurilands as we held our first ‘Fiafia’! It was a really great night with lots of singing and dancing and excellent kai! We had a great time getting to know the different whānau who put in a huge amount of effort to make the night a great success. It was really great for us to hear stories from traditional Pasifika life as well as to see the tamariki, parents and teachers sing and dance. Kia ora koutou for making it such a great night! We are looking for Pasifika whanau to help us set up some engaging cultural learning experiences for the tamariki. If you would like to help or get some more information about our newly established Pasfika group, please get in touch with lanim@kaurilands.school.nz or sians@kaurilands.school.nz. Manuia fa’afetai, Sian Smith and Lani Maoate. WESTERN ZONE SWIMMING SCHOOL’S CHAMPIONSHIPS th On Wednesday, 25 March our school representative swimmers competed as a team in a total of 148 races over the course of the day in the West Auckland Primary Swimming Championships. Seven other local primary schools competed and the competition was fierce. The team of twenty-one were Anais Logan, Amelia Hinvest, Ella Nelson, Ella Battle, Daniella Lemamea, Nikki Plackett, Bee Townsend, Jessica Frost, Alex Dunkley, Abigail Edwards, Cole Brown, Kasey Watts, Rhiannon TaylorRoberts, Eric Arnold, Amber Moule, Olivia Tukia, Samantha Poore, Poppy Paterson-Boock, Hamish Nelson, Olivia Bindon and Connor Spavin-Little. Our teams’ skill and commitment to training sessions to prepare for the competition and their quiet determination on st the day resulted in a convincing 1 place overall. Our medley relay team (Alex Dunkley, Jessica Frost and Nikki Plackett) and freestyle relay team (Abi Edwards, Cole Brown, Kasey Watts and Bee Townsend) both placed first in the Division 1 finals. Many thanks to all the parents who helped with transport to training sessions and the championship day. Particular thanks to the many years of time that Judy Frost and Cheryl Bindon have given to school representative swimming – not only with Jessica and Olivia, but their older children, who were members of the school’s teams during their time at Kaurilands School. Denise Lacassie Swim Sports Co-ordinator Noho ora mai (stay well) Jo Augustine Principal HAVE A GREAT EASTER & HOLIDAY BREAK! STAY SAFE AND ENJOY THE SUNSHINE! LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL FOR TERM 2 ON MONDAY, TH 20 APRIL. AN UPDATE FROM YOUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES With lots happening in and around school, the Board thought it would be a good time to provide an update. Ipads in our Classrooms Last year the Board approved the lease of 210 more Ipads – 7 per class across all year levels. This, in addition to the technology we already have available in our classrooms will provide our children with the ability to be 21st Century technologically savvy learners. School Website The Website was always going to be a work in progress. Our timeline for this project was a year – we planned to tweak issues as we became aware of them. We appreciate your constructive feedback – please use the feedback option on the website page for your comments. Attached to this newsletter is a “how to” for viewing our newsletter using pdf format in firefox. Often it is not our school website at fault but computer settings that change when our home computer updates the programmes it runs. In regards to viewing these newsletters on Ipads and Iphones, our website will need to be reconfigured. This will be done over the holidays as our site is required to be offline. One of the main issues we have come across is viewing .pdf files when using Firefox. This is NOT a website issue but an issue caused by some Firefox updates. The instructions below are for a MAC but the fix is very similar for a PC. In order to view PDF files properly follow these steps: 1. On the menu bar, click on the Firefox menu and select Preferences…. 2. Select the Applications panel. 3. Type pdf into the search bar. 4. For each content type listed, click on the drop-down menu in the Action column andchange the selection to use to “Preview in Firefox”. 5. Close the Preferences window School Beautification Update This is a very exciting project – watch for lots happening around school. th Over the holidays, beginning 7 April, the senior court (outside Rooms 1-6) will be resurfaced with artificial turf. Poles went in on Monday for shade sails. We appreciate that over the holidays many families use the senior court area to ride bikes, scooters and skateboards. If you could stay off the senior court during the holidays while the turf is being laid that would be fantastic. You are of course welcome to use other concrete areas of the school. Our turf will last longer if we lay it properly and follow the instructions we have been given. In Term 2 a plan will be in the foyer of what is to come with this project. We hope to turf other courts, change bark to matting in playgrounds and erect shade sails – the list is always growing. Along with grants we are applying for, Te Whānau Awhina will help us to raise money with their fundraising events. We would love for you to get behind these events as the faster the money can be raised the more things we can achieve for the children of Kaurilands School. Finally in this update, the Board farewelled Marshall Boyes. Marshall was part of the Kaurilands School Board for 6 years. Both his daughters, Sofie and Emma, have now left Kaurilands. We would like to publically acknowledge Marshall’s hard work for our school and wish him well. Congratulations to Helen Dunlop who has been elected to the Board Chair position. Helen has 3 sons at Kaurilands School and has been a Board member for 3 years. We hope you all have an amazing holiday and look forward to seeing what Term 2 will bring. Helen, Brendon, Natalie, Ronnie & Sarah *** COMMUNITY NOTICES *** FREE PIANO WORKSHOP Run Monthly until December 2015 No obligation INTENSIVE tutorial for children with no musical experience covering the contents of around 4-6 average piano lessons. Workshop notes will be provided. By the end of the 2 hour workshop you will be able to read most music and place 2 simple melodies with both hands. Limited places per workshop – booking essential – one parent must attend. For information or to make a booking, telephone 818-3410 This is an action packed 4-day community program offered to boys and girls between the ages of 5-12 years. Our fun skill based training is delivered by professional Wellington Phoenix Soccer School Coaches and provides an opportunity for young soccer players to further their development with additional training in a unique professional environment. Cost: $150 (Includes WPSS Shirt for first time registrations) Venue: Bill McKinley Park, Mt Wellington. Week 1: Tuesday–Friday, 7th-10th April. 9am-12pm th Week 2: Monday-Thursday, 13 -16th April. 9am-12pm What to bring: Players to wear WPSS Shirt Bring a Football Water Bottle Snack Rain Jacket For registration information please visit www.wpss.org.nz or contact us on admin@wpss.org.nz SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN AT PARADICE ICE SKATING Holiday Programme 9am-12noon LEARN AN OLYMPIC ICE SPORT! 136 Lansford Crescent, Avondale. Phone 828 3800ext6; email avondale@paradice.co.nz or visit www.paradice.co.nz Classes for Beginner to Advanced skaters from 6 years 1 hour Ice Skating Lesson & 2 hour Supervised Public Session – All Fees include Admission, Equipment Hire and Tuition WAITEMATA JUNIOR RUGBY REGISTRATIONS Every Wednesday 4pm-6pm All players receive a Milo pack, including a Ball and all registered players go in the draw for an Avanti bike. For further information email jrcdelegate@waitematarugby.co.nz CAN YOU HELP VICTIM SUPPORT? We are currently recruiting Volunteer Support Workers to provide practical and emotional support to victims of crime and trauma – full training is given. If you are a good listener and communicator, computer literate, have a full driving licence and a car and can commit to being on call for one shift per week day or night and interested in working in the Community please telephone 0800 86 58 68. PLAY RUGBY AT SUBURBS RFC All grades from Under 5 to Under 13 Registrations on Thursdays 5 - 6pm at Shadbolt Park, 200 Portage Rd, New Lynn Telephone 828 9387 or 0272 817 461 for more information.
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