To encourage and promote the practice and knowledge of decorative painting. To promote a forum for painters to meet and exchange ideas. To enrich our painting experiences through programs, seminars and demonstrations. NEWSLETTER Lori’s Link February/March 2015 Dear Ladies, I would like to start this by thanking the entire executive that runs this organization so smoothly. It doesn't get noticed more than when things go awry. Everyone chipped in when Nicki couldn't teach because of illness and I could not attend for same reason. Please take a moment to tell your executive when you are pleased with their efforts. For those of you that already had your prep work for Nicki's class don't despair. She will be teaching it at the May 11th meeting. A great big thank you also goes to Helen Belsey and her son for donating one tile for each of us. Deco art has discontinued 30 paints and have published a mixing chart for them. The link can be found on our website for your use. I hope these cold winter months have found you all inspired to paint. If you have run out of projects, memory boxes are always needed and are so appreciated by the recipients. For anyone that hasn't painted one yet, there is an idea book with patterns in the library. The Coast to Coast convention is coming up. We need a volunteer to plan a bus trip if there is enough interest. It is always a pleasant outing with lots of time to visit and share on the ride. Happy Painting, Lori Kawartha Decorative Painter’s Guild Executive 2014-2015 President Lori Fife 705-696-9849 Past President Sharon Stafford 705-292-7402 Vice President Barb Pearce 705-742-7833 Treasurer Jennifer Burke 705-742-7892 Secretary Ann Graham 705-743-4558 Website Lori Fife 705-696-9849 Newsletter/Distribution Cheryl Tedford 705-652-8885 Membership Lyn Chaplin Elaine Dunn 705-740-0284 705-740-1787 Sunshine Therese Spence 705-559-4160 Photographer Anne Graham 705-743-4558 Library Elaine Ferren Donna Chapman Beryl Munshaw 705-741-4342 705-292-9442 705-652-9425 Lyn Chaplin Elaine Dunn Helen Belsey Dorothy Campbell 705-740-0284 705-740-1787 705-745-6938 705-742-8570 Carolyn Davidson Jenny Harbert Irene Masterson 705-652-1065 705-652-5009 705-292-7756 Programs Seminars Social & Luncheons Bus Trips Web address: Website Maintained by Kirk Gardner Membership list is issued with the December newsletter. Please ensure you register PRIOR to the October meeting so you are included in this list. Any new/returning members contact information will be published in the next newsletter after you join/rejoin for members to add to their list. Painting Supply List Suggestions Palette paper, tracing paper (gray & white), palette knife, stylus, paper towels, pencil, eraser, water container, brush cleaner, small containers (to store paint if you do not finish project in class), painter’s tape, c-thru ruler, photo holder, note paper, various brushes, Q-tips, and hair dryer. BASIC MEETING ESSENTIALS Name tag, coffee cup, note pad, Toonies, cheque book or cash for classes and surfaces. Loonies for Share the Wealth draw. Library books, finished Memory Box (es), Show & Tell. 2 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 2014-2015 Dates September 8th October 20th November 10th December 8th January 12th February 9th March 9th April 13th May 11th June 8th Time 9-2 9 – 12 9 - 12 9-2 9 – 12 9 - 12 9 - 12 9 - 12 9 - 12 9-2 Program Opening Luncheon – Pot Luck Acorn Lodge Wendy James Snowman Christmas Luncheon Fruit on a Tile Prep Work Fruit on a Tile Zentangle Fishing Boy Hydrangea on Frosted Glass Closing Luncheon Instructor Helen Belsey Sharon Kostesku TBA Helen Belsey Helen Belsey Lyn Chaplin Sharon Stafford Nicki Tasch TBA NOTE: ALL PAINT-INS ARE FROM 9 A.M. – 12 P.M. AND YOU MAY USE THE SURFACE OF YOUR CHOICE MEMORY BOXES There is an urgent need for Memory Boxes for the Maternal Bereavement Program at our local hospital. Perhaps you could paint one or two for us in the upcoming months. You can get a paper maché box at no cost to you from Lyn Chaplin. You can use any design you want, but it must be non-denominational and non-seasonal. The hospital is very appreciative of our painted boxes. Let's keep up the good work! If anyone has any items they wish to donate to the Guild for our draws at luncheons please connect with someone on the Guild Executive. SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE: Thank Ifyou to all who donate. you know of someone who is ill or has lost a loved one please notify Therese Spence at (705)559-4160 or Therese will send a card to spread a little sunshine. 3 M'M'M'M'MUFFINS! Remember, because of dietary concerns, PLEASE DO NOT butter muffins, breads, etc., but bring the butter or margarine in a separate container. Thanks. March Jen Burke Therese Spence Sherry Fryia Elaine Dunn Mary Lynne Sage April Mary Ann O’Neill Barb Pearce Joan Ward Diane Amos Sharon Stafford Please remember that if you are the first person on the list you need to call the names below you to remind them and to arrange decorating details and library setup. If you have not signed up yet for a month to bring treats please contact Carolyn Davidson. Thank you! May your birthday bring you all the things that make you smile! MARCH Joan Allen – 3rd Marion Philp – 10th Mary Ann O’Neill – 10th Jenny Harbert – 11th Mary Lynn Sage – 12th Patricia McCaul – 17th APRIL Fran McCarney – 3rd Lori Fife – 6th Joan Norris - 21st Catherine Woodford – 22nd Lin Jarvis – 30th If we’ve missed your birthday, we hope it was a happy one! Best wishes to all our birthday girls, and to anyone who has been missed please give your birthday information to Cheryl Tedford so your name can be added to the list. Please check to see h if you have any unfinished memory boxes at home. While we wait for new boxes to be delivered if you could either finish them or bring them back for someone else to paint it would be appreciated. Thanks Happy Family Day! Newsletter Submission Due Dates for 2014/2015 Guild Year September – August 8th October/November – September 15th December/January – November 15th February/March – January 15th April/May – March 15th To submit items for the newsletter please contact Cheryl Tedford at (705) 652-8885 and leave a detailed message or email 4 5 Fishing Boy (Taught by Sharon Stafford - Pattern by Wendy Fahey) - April 13, 2015 Palette: Americana – Bittersweet Chocolate, Light Buttermilk, Desert Sand (Delta Sandstone), Burnt Umber, Lamp Black Other Supplies: painters tape Brushes: your basic brushes (liners, floating…) including: a large flat (3/4”), a small brush for dry brushing (my favourite is a luner blender for this application but bring what you have), a small deerfoot (1/8”) for stippling Prework: Base the entire surface with Desert Sand. Dry Transfer (lightly) the ground & dock outlines Base dock (1 coat) Bittersweet Chocolate (we’ll do more in class) Tape under the horizon line with painters tape. That’s it! LIBRARY NEWS: by Elaine Ferren Donna Chapman will be looking after the library and "Book Returns" in February & March. Beryl Munshaw will be helping her in March. Thank you for returning borrowed books each month. Let us know if you have any requests for new magazines, patterns, or DVDs. Members, who have email, check out our new KDPG website. Under LINKS you will find suppliers listed there to help you to see what's new in decorative painting. Some offer free pattern downloads. Pat Rawlinson offers "how to" videos free with some of her projects. Most of decorative painting suppliers are also on Facebook. For those who don't have email or internet just ask and we can supply you with the info needed to contact suppliers. DEADLINE for the April/May NEWSLETTER: March 15th Please forward your newsletter submissions to: Cheryl Tedford or email: Please add the following to your Membership List: Jenny Harbert’s new email address and Sherry Fryia’s new email address 6 Zentangle or Yoga for the Brain with Lyn Chaplin – March 9th This is a relaxing day with no specific project however you will be pleased with the results. There is no right or wrong and mistakes are easily turned into perfect zentangles. Please bring the following supplies, paper and/or cardstock, a ruler, a fine black pen and a medium black pen. A small sketch pad watercolour paper is good to practice on. You will be given a copy of paper instructions. I will need to know the number attending so I may make the paper copies. Please sign up at the February meeting or call me at 705-740-0284. Helen’s Classes Monday, March 2 – GOOSEBERRY & CURRENTS Monday, April 27 – A SPRING WALK Monday, May 25 – EXOTIC TULIP ALL CLASSES ARE 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. AT HELEN’S STUDIO CALL HELEN FOR DETAILS – 705-745-6938 7 ALWAYS FIND TIME FOR THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY TO BE ALIVE! 8
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