NEW CONSULTANT LAUNCH A launch is a clever way to leverage your time by introducing Arbonne to a number of people you know, all at once. It's also a great way for new consultants to hear someone more experienced discuss the company - more on the job training that you will someday duplicate with your own team of consultants. The biggest goal at a launch is to find your first teammates – either people at the launch or people they refer you to. The second goal is product purchases. The third is booking future presentations. It's basically a short party, with a 20-25 minute talk, led by your upline (or a few people in your line/sidelines), followed by a chance for people to hang out, try some products (and of course order any if they are so inclined!), ask any questions they’d like, and socialize. It’s fun and casual. The new consultant invites people he or she knows and likes friends, relatives, etc. to come raise a glass and help celebrate his/her new business endeavor, learn what s/he is doing in case they know anyone who might be interested in exploring the business opportunity or the products. Four launches in the first two weeks of your business are highly recommended to get your business off to a dynamic start. Here’s what a launch will look like. PREP – arrive at least 30 minutes early, and dress like the Arbonne class act you are! Do not drink alcohol at launches or group presentations. 1. Bring a small amount of product (be sure everything is pristine). You want this business to LOOK simple, and you want it to BE simple. THIS IS KEY IN ORDER TO ATTRACT BUSINESS PARTNERS . What to Bring: RE9 Advanced Anti-Aging Set RE9 Advanced Instant Lift RE9 Advanced Body Firming Cream Seasource Detox Gelee Awaken Sea Salt Scrub Primer FC5 Hand Creme FC5 Skin Conditioning Oil Genius Protein Shake Fizz Stick and a bottle of water and small plastic cups Optional: RE9 Men’s Set FC5 Face Set (only if there are younger people there) Clear Advantage Set (acne-prone skin) Calm Set (for people with sensitive skin) Baby Set (if people with young children will be there) Bronzer Foundation and/or CC Cream Shea Butter Lotion Liquid Sunshine Pure Vibrance Hair Care Cosmetics Set Fit Chews Somewhere near where you’ll be speaking, choose a place to display as many products as you have, from as many product lines as you have (suggested list below) SET UP Set Gold Bag and your favorite products on table. Business items to have: Catalogs, Order Forms, Wellness Profile, Pens, Calculator, Eye on Arbonne Stories The following - in plastic sleeves - Business Overview, Toxic Burden Article, Top 10 Why Arbonne – for guests to see. Curiosity/Prospecting Packets What should be served? Lemon Water, Detox tea, Fizz sticks, protein bars (recipe on The Source). Fruit, veggies. Keep it simple. When people arrive, invite them over to sink to experience the Awaken Scrub. Explain that you won’t really be talking about products very much during the actual launch presentation, so you want them to have an idea of the kinds of products your new company offers. This gives you a casual chance to catch up with people, or learn a bit about them if they are new to you. (Use this opportunity to LISTEN and see if there’s anyone who seems like they might be a great business prospect.) PRESENTATION When everyone has arrived – welcome them more formally, thank them for coming, say that you’re excited about starting your business, and tell your short Arbonne “why”. Remind them you are just starting out – so you don’t know all the ins and outs - but you’re learning on the job. And this is part of that – a way to introduce people you know and trust to what you’re doing, with someone who’s been doing it for longer than you have -- and learn how they explain it. Then you’ll introduce your upline (refer to them as “colleague” or “business partner”, who will tell their Arbonne “why” and then say something like: “I’m thrilled to have you all here to support ________ as s/he starts her new business – which is creating global distribution networks with our company, Arbonne. There are a number of ways to help him/her do that. 1. Obviously, if when we’re done with this presentation, you are interested in purchasing Arbonne products, we’ll show you how to get them at great discounts! 2. If you want host an event for ______ - and earn products for yourself at 50-80% off - s/he can show you how. 3. If you know anyone who might want to learn about this business opportunity, please note this down on the referral section of the Wellness Profile, and introduce _____ to them! 4. And if something we say resonates with you personally on the business side, please let us know, we’d love to speak with you further! You’re here because ________ trusts and respects you, and wants you to know what s/he’s doing - in case you know someone who might be interested in learning about this business, or these products. You’re part of ________’s network -- and this business is all about networking. In fact, we are a $500 million company, created entirely by word of mouth recommendations. You each have our own networks of friends, family, co- workers . And you never know when you’ll come across somebody who might be looking to earn an extra six figures alongside their current commitments – as _______ is planning to. Because if you know anyone who might be right for this business - in any of the countries where _______ is building teams - then it would be great for you to introduce them. And your introduction will come with a very high level of integrity. That’s important to _________, and to the success of his/her business. And of course, if you know anyone who you think would simply like to learn about our products, we’d be delighted to tell them. Please include these people on your referral list. So ... I’m going to tell you some facts about Arbonne, about the current cultural and lifestyle shifts that are changing the way people work and shop, and give you some information to help consider whether what we do feels like a fit for you or someone you know. We want you to come away with two things: What makes the Arbonne products different and excellent, and what makes the Arbonne business opportunity different and excellent! And then we’re gonna raise a glass to __________ and celebrate! I have some notes. Why? Because I don’t want to forget any information, and also to show you that if you can read, you can do this business. (Then they will either speak from the NOTES below alone , or cover the same info utilizing a visual DA presentation.) NOTES: (This is basically all the material in a DA. You and your upline will share these – depending on which number launch you’re doing. If it’s the first launch, your upline will do the whole presentation. If it’s # 2 or 3, you’ll share it. If it’s your last, you’ll do it all, and your upline will chime in if necessary or give constructive feedback to you afterwards.) If you are not yet familiar, Arbonne is the world’s leading botanically-based health and wellness company. We’re a 35 year old, $500 million company, offering over 450 cutting edge skin care, hair care, makeup, spa and nutritional products – things people use every day. We’re backed by blue chip investors like GE Capital and Bank of America. We’re run by former high level executives at Proctor and Gamble (CEO Kay Napier and CFO Gretchen Price), Philosophy, Unilever and L’Oreal (Michael D’Arminio). Our Scientific Advisory Board features doctors from the Mayo Clinic (Dr. Brent Bauer), UC Irvine (Dr. Chris Zachary), Yale (Dr. Michael Kaminer) and more. Arbonne products are unique in the marketplace because they are ultra-premium, botanically-based, pure, safe, VEGAN, never tested on animals, contain no parabens, pthalates or other cancer-causing ingredients, and -- most importantly – REALLY work. We have a Swiss Heritage - we actually follow the European guidelines for what we can/cannot put in our products. This is important because Europe has banned 1400 chemicals from their personal care products, whereas the US has banned 10. The US has it backwards. Here we need to prove that something is harmful in order to have it taken out of products (who will spend the money to prove the ingredients are harmful? Not the companies!). In Switzerland they have to prove that something is safe before they can put it in the product. We literally have something for everyone, from babies to baby boomers and beyond... products ranging from toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant, to sun screen, anti-acne, baby, to fabulous weight loss, vitamin, energy and nutrition products. Our flagship product is the RE9 anti-aging skin care line. Arbonne offers our ultra-premium products at economy prices. Its products are comparable to La Mer and La Prairie …its prices comparable to Clinique. Pass out Arbonnize Your Home flyer and say, We want to help you find safer, more effective alternatives to what you already buy. Most people aren’t aware of low-level toxins in their everyday products. Look over this sheet and circle every product on the left that you already buy. Fact: The average woman applies 515 chemicals to her face a day - makeup, perfume, skin care, lotion, and other personal products contribute to toxins that cause health problems. (Hold up the Toxic Burden flyer) Grab YOUR catalog only and say “you’ll be able to flip through this at the end, but first I want it to be clear why we’re different.” Open the Ingredient Policy. Highlight Arbonne’s entire product philosophy of “pure, safe, and beneficial.” We are at the forefront of research in green science. Dr. Peter Matravers, our VP of product development, ran Aveda's research and development arm for over 10 years before coming to Arbonne. We are lucky to have him. He’s created formulas that are: PARABEN FREE. Studies have shown 18 out of 20 breast cancer cells are connected to parabens. Parabens are harmful preservatives and are in almost all personal care products. They will usually be the last ingredients listed and have the word paraben with a prefix in front of it. SLS FREE (sodium laurel sulphate) SLS is a foaming agent and it is found in most hygiene products. SLS has been connected with testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, early onset puberty, menopause and infertility. Those suds in shampoo and bubble bath are actually toxic! PHTHALATE FREE. Phthalates soften plastic; they are perfumes, and act as binding agents. You will notice that water bottles are crinkly now… that is because by law they had to remove the phthalates. Personal care products don’t have that law yet. The powers that be know that phthalates have been connected with: learning disabilities such as ADHD, asthma, metabolism issues, thyroid issues, infertility and miscarriages. PH CORRECT - our PH level protects our skin from aging and bacteria. Our products won’t disrupt that-they are PH correct. Our skin is supposed to sit at 5.5 acidity. We have a natural acid mantle to our face; it is our 1st line of defense against bacteria. Most North American cleansers test between 9 and 11 alkaline (same as Fantastic kitchen cleaner). These cleansers strip your acid mantle (that squeaky clean feeling is not good). When we strip our acid mantle our skin takes 14 hours to repair. We usually cleanse our skin within 12 hours and that puts our skin into over drive to correct. The result creates an oily Tzone, red flaky cheeks and acne around the chin. When you use PH correct products your skin is happy and therefore put its energy into keeping your skin glowing. CERTIFIED VEGAN -NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS OR BY-PRODUCTS – If you’re Vegan, we’ve got what you want. If you’re not –you should still care if your skin care and make up, for instance, are Vegan. Why? Explain the huge business of rendering plants - animal fat skimmed off the top then goes into makeup and skin care, still contains substantial amounts of hormone altering antibiotics, chemicals and toxins. 2/3 of the antibiotics used in the USA are on animals. 97% of skin care/ makeup/toiletries contain animal fat unless it says otherwise on the bottle. NO CHEMICAL DYES AND FRAGRANCES – these are known toxins. You want essential oil and botanical fragrances – which Arbonne offers. Most people who say they are sensitive are sensitive because of the chemical fragrances. NO MINERAL OIL - mineral oil comes from black, crude oil . It’s a cheap filler….. the #1 ingredient used in North American hygiene products. It is not permitted in the EU. The molecular make up of mineral oil is too big for your skin to absorb. Putting mineral oil on your skin is like wrapping your skin in plastic wrap. Nothing good gets into your skin, and worse, nothing bad can leave your body. Your skin is your largest organ and its job is to excrete toxins. When you cover your skin in mineral oil you trap the toxins in your body. All of our Arbonne Essentials products are Gluten free, dairy free, soy free, cholesterol free, trans fat free, GMO free. They also don’t contain any artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors. And… everything we offer comes with a 45 day no questions asked money back guarantee. You can use something for 44 days and mail it back if you want, for a full refund. We all love the products. We couldn’t be doing this business if the products weren’t excellent. But the REASON we’re doing the business is because of the business model. Arbonne is experiencing HUGE growth right now, and it’s doing so because of a convergence of trends: -Health and Wellness (our business sector… on the verge of becoming a trillion dollar business …led by baby boomers … who control 2/3 of every dollar spent in this country. Someone else turns 60 every 14 seconds in U.S., will continue for next 12 years.) -Increased demand for safe products (led by Gen X’ers) . We have been “pure, safe and beneficial” from the beginning, before it was a trend. Not only are we free of all the toxins we just discussed, we’re green – we utilize soy based inks, recyclable packaging, and have are the only network marketing company to be Carbon Neutral Certified by UPS. -People looking for a financial plan B… or a new plan A. - The 20th century corporate model is broken – there are no guarantees for financial “job” security. Every generation participates here. Many boomers can’t afford to retire, Gen Xers are looking for a balanced way to earn a great living while raising kids, and Gen Y can’t get enough work because other generations are still in the workforce. They want ownership and portability. We offer flexibility, and freedom of choice: the benefits of businesss ownership without the overhead or risk. - The Rise of Internet Shopping (2008 tipping point – more than half of all shopping is done on line) The internet also frees us up from being stocking products in our basements and allows us to have a “franchise in the cloud” that we can run from anywhere. Arbonne takes advantage of this trend – forget brick and mortar – we’re click and order! - And... a new acceptance of our business model - Network Marketing ($360 Billion worldwide; thousands of companies in dozens of industries using this model, supported by Buffett, Trump, Kiyosaki, etc.) Network marketing is simply word of mouth marketing. We cut out the middle man. Whereas retail model has wholesalers, warehousers, advertisers, retail outlets and all the costs associated with each of these steps – up to 80% of what you pay for an item in a store – network marketing, has none of these. It simply relies on the word of mouth of independent consultants to move products from the manufacturer to the consumer. Consumers get a better product for less (in our case, a LOT less), and consultants get paid for helping connect people to products (in our case, quite handsomely!). Network marketing is a hugely popular alternative to retail marketing. It allows each of us to own our own businesses – potentially multimillion dollar businesses - without the overhead or risk usually associated with business ownership. Network marketing works on a principle of time leveraging. It’s a lot of people doing a little bit. And a lot of people buying a little bit. In our case, because we deal exclusively in DAILY CONSUMABLE PRODUCTS, it’s a lot of people buying a little bit of something they buy anyway, all the time, from somewhere. No one will ever stop showering, or washing their hair, or brushing their teeth. We show people how to change their LIVES… by changing their BRAND. It’s a fully internet integrated business. If you want to do this business, everyone is connected thru an ID, you just go on line, order what you want, and it’s delivered to your door via Carbon Neutral Certified UPS. We can introduce the brand to someone once and get paid for years to come. We can introduce the business idea to a few people, who introduce a few people, who introduce a few people, and get paid on every single purchase anyone ever makes. We do this in nooks and crannies of our busy lives because we do it in an organized fashion and we all duplicate a simple system. This is a very smart business model -, in a business sector – health and wellness - that is booming, that can give someone a substantial residual income, just by duplicating a simple system. In real estate the adage is location, location location; in network marketing it’s duplication, duplication, duplication. So what do we do when we “do” Arbonne? Three simple things: Stop (buying inferior products from retail stores that don’t pay us to recommend them ; Start (using superior products and buying them from ourselves); and Teach (others to do the same). We very respectfully educate people about what is in the products they use, the choice they have, and show them - if they want to- how to build a business by re-directing money they are already spending on health and wellness products and teach others how to do the same. That’s it. You are in business FOR yourself but not BY yourself. We have extraordinary online support and training. Arbonne corporate take care of everything, from our excellent products and marketing materials to our accounting. We have an amazingly supportive group of consultants who are 100% collaborative, never competitive - to help support you every step of the way in this business. So you get a community of like-minded, helpful people to allow you to take this business as far as YOU want. We teach you how to build global distribution networks. • Arbonne is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s more like a 5year plan. • Many people are looking to make more money, or save more money, or have more time, and this might be their answer. • • So you might know someone – or be someone - who o Has recently been laid off, is looking for a plan B. o Doesn’t like their job/boss, or not getting paid what they’re worth o Wants to stay home with their kids… o Wants to earn an extra $500 a month or wants to replace a six figure income o Arbonne can help them – or you – do this! WRAP UP THE TALK “We hope we have educated you on what to look for and what to avoid in your personal care products. And we hope you now see why ______is excited about this business, and was excited to share it with you.!” There are 4 ways to “win” with Arbonne: 1. Shop our catalog as a Client and order retail and pay the price right out of the catalogue. If you are looking at just one or two products, this is the best choice for you. 2. Shop 20% off starting today as a Preferred Client. Most people do this to enjoy the discount. It costs $20.00 and that gets you 20% off of all of your purchases for the next year including your order tonight. If you place an order of $150.00 retail or more, you will save 20% and can choose a FREE product up to $50 SRP 3. Host a presentation and shop at up to 80% off and get free products. As a host, you take advantage of 50-80% off. I will help you get people there and we will have a great night. 4. Build a business using our system for success. As a Consultant, you save 35%-80% off catalog prices and can earn unlimited income! The best way to enjoy Arbonne products is by joining us. You immediately get 35%- 80% off of all of your products and you can share the discount with whomever you wish and build a business of whatever size you desire. You may want to do it as a hobby and make a little extra money or you can literally build a multi-million dollar business from your living room by teaching people to share these incredible products. We want you to get the products you want at the best possible price. Check the items on the order form that you would like and come chat with us because we know lots of little tricks to get you what you want within your budget. And we WANT your referrals. As we said at the beginning, referrals are a critical way to help _________ start their new business with a bang! We will collect your Wellness profiles, take orders and give out Curiosity Folders (with more business information) now. Everything you purchase today will benefit (new consultant or host name). I want to meet with each of you to answer questions and help you find specials that fit your budget. Does anyone have to leave right away? I’ll meet with you for a minute first. Here are the catalogues and order forms. Feel free to come up and try anything you like. These are all testers; don’t be shy. THANK YOU so much for coming! (Have people raise a glass – ceremonially or actually) *** Remember to get people’s order requests and credit card info at the launch – you can enter in orders on the website at your leisure. For New Preferred Clients, you will need: Name, address, email, phone #, birthday (gotta be over 18); and credit card info (including security code) ….. and THAT’S IT! Good Luck, Have Fun, Make Money, Change Lives!
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