M ay 2-3 May Crowning thur s day, May 7 | 7PM F R I DAy, m Ay 8, 5 -11pm: oc ho D e m Ayo—A l At I no c u lt u R A l c e l e bR At Ion ( De tA Il s InsIDe) Annulments Joe Fondacaro, 871-5757 ext. 222, jfondacaro@stceciliacincinnati.org Baptisms Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 Bereavement Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 Boosters & Gym Scheduling Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org Bulletin Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org Communications Steve Sullivan, steveco@fuse.net Cub Scouts Jeff Krietemeyer, 324-6497 Day of Adoration Laurie Kamp, 871-5757, ext. 243 Education Commission Erin DiMuzio, 351-5878 Euch. Ministers & Lectors Dave Rosselot, 396-6022 Festival Stan & Martha Messerly, 731-2500, stanmesserly@msn.com Diane Jezierski, 321-5221, diane.jezierski@gmail.com Flea Market Marta Misleh, mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org FOCCUS Marriage Prep Susan Kellison, suekellison13@gmail.com Gift Bearers Joanne Brinkman, 871-3230, jmbrinkman@zoomtown.com Gift Card Programs Doug & Joy Kornish, giftcards@stceciliacincinnati.org Girl Scouts Sharon Krietemeyer, jskrietemeyer@hotmail.com Greeters Nancy Worrall, 460-3336 Hospitality Geneva McPherron, 731-9547 Legion of Mary Barbara Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 Mom’s Group Holly Hemak, moms@stceciliacincinnati.org Oakley Food Pantry & Community Dinner Stan Messerly, 731-2500 Parish Council Jason Hemak, jason.hemak@gmail.com Pro-Life Jennifer Elliot, 561-1457 PTO Patricia Donnelly & Renee Dawson, 533-6060 Sacrament of the Sick Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 St. Vincent de Paul Tom Schimian, 871-5757, ext. 203 Servers Ron Case, 399-9331, rwmsc@yahoo.com Visitation Guild 871-5757, ext. 209 Home Distributors/Visits Fr. Jamie Weber , 871-5757, ext. 201 Vocations Sr. Mary Evelyn, 351-6176, maryevelynrsm@fuse.net Wedding Coordinator Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org Wedding Reservation Bob Kellison, 871-5757, ext. 208 bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org Welcome Committee Cathy Schneider, 271-2063 Nancy Worrall, 460-3336, nanworrall@aol.com Worship Commission Tricia Beiersdorfer, tricia.beiersdorfer@gmail.com Young Adult Group Janelle Allen, 313-2196, janelle.r.allen@gmail.com W E E K LY S C H E D U L E Rev. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 Pastor jweber@stceciliacincinnati.org Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 Rectory Secretarybbrowarsky@stceciliacincinnati.org Brendan Dudley, 871-5757, ext. 215 Faith Formation Directorbdudley@stceciliacincinnati.org Mike Goedde, 533-6060 School Principalmgoedde@stceciliacincinnati.org Robert Kellison, 871-5757, ext. 208 Music Dir./Stewardship bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 Pastoral Associatemmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 Business Affairs Directorvwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS 3105 Madison Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 (513)871-5757 • www.stceciliacincinnati.org www.facebook.com/stceciliacincinnati Weekend Masses: Sat. 4 pm & Sun. 8 & 10 am Daily Masses: Mon.-Sat. 9 am, Wed. 6:45 am Rosary: Mon.-Sat. 8:40 am Daily Communion Service: Mon.-Sat. 8 am Holy Day Masses: 9 am, 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm Latin Masses: Second and fourth Tues. of the month, 9 am Confessions: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 am, Wed. 7:05-7:15 am and 7:05-7:50 p.m., Sat. 3-3:30 pm, Sun. 7-7:30 am and 9-9:30 am Adoration: Wed. 9:30 am-8 pm Holy Hour: Wed. 7-8 pm Stations of the Cross: Fri. 9:30 am Baptismal Preparation: Noon, every second Sun. of the month in the Parish Center. Must be a registered parishioner in a parish. Monday, May 4 8:00 am Communion Service 9:00 amSpecial Intentions of Lorraine & Bill Downing by – Peggy & Bill Jackson, Emily & Jerry Davis Tuesday, May 5 8:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Catherine & Hubert Moermond Off The Moermond Family Wednesday, May 6 6:45 am Special Intentions of St. Cecilia Families 8:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Patty Fox Off Eileen Rodgers 9:30 am All-Day Adoration (Holy Hour & Confessions 7 – 8 pm.) Thursday, May 7 8:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Lauren Hill Off Tony Santoro 7:00 pm “May Crowning” Mary Service Friday, May 8 8:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Living & Deceased Members of Kamp & O’Leary Families by – Laurie Kamp 6:00 pm Wedding of Alex Mack & Jennifer Rains Saturday, May 9 8:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Elaine Horan Off Gerald Rouse 4:00 pm Deceased Members of the Meinhart Family Sunday, May 10 “Mothers’ Day” 8:00 am For the People 10:00 am Catharine Moore Off Dale & Jody Hutchinson Marriage Banns II – William Carrigg & Ashley Lyell I – Brian Hoyer & Angela Zuniga MAY 2 - 3, 2015 Pastor’s Corner May—the Month of Mary In the month of May, we take the time to honor Mary, Our Blessed Mother. We will honor her by crowning her as our queen at the May Crowning. This will take place on Thursday, May 7, at 7:00 p.m. This is a beautiful evening that has been held as a long tradition here at St. Cecilia. To crown her is a way to show we honor her as our lady that helps lead us to heaven, lead us to her Son. She is always there to help guide us and protect us. She is our greatest model. Another wonderful way you can grow closer to Our Lady is by listening to our new Marian CD put out by our very own St. Cecilia choir. I hope all of you take advantage of purchasing one or maybe more to give as gifts. Take some time this month to bring flowers to adorn Mary’s altar and say some prayers asking for her intercession. I want to encourage you to truly be devoted to her and spend time in prayer. Amen? Amen! Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group All are invited to pray the rosary for peace throughout our world. Every Wednesday from 1–2 p.m. in the last two pews of church. Pray more. Fear less. TH I S W E E K ’ S RE A D ING S SHOW ME THE FRUIT • Acts 9:26-31 • 1 John 3:18-24 • Psalm 22:26-28, 30-32 • John 15:1-8 “They even refused to believe that he was a disciple.” —Acts 9:26 Paul had been a notable sinner. By the grace of God, Paul became a new convert to Christianity. Many in the Jerusalem community couldn’t believe Paul’s conversion was sincere. “They even refused to believe that he was a disciple” (Acts 9:26). Paul was notorious for persecuting the Church. Understandably, the Christians didn’t trust Paul. They may have thought he was pretending to be a Christian so he could later arrest them (see Acts 26:10). Scripture cautions against too readily taking new believers at their word. When the new generation of Israelites promised to serve the Lord, Joshua wanted extra assurance of their willingness to commit themselves to the Lord (Jos 24:19ff). John the Baptizer didn’t believe the Sadducees and Pharisees as they came forward to be baptized. He challenged them to “give some evidence that” they meant to reform (Mt 3:8). Similarly, Paul advises the Church not to promote a new convert too quickly, “lest he become conceited” (1 Tm 3:6). Are you a new disciple of Jesus? If you face this situation of not being readily accepted by the community, take Jesus’ advice. Humble yourself before God and concentrate on bearing fruit (Jn 15:16). Accept your cross as a pruning from the Father, your loving Vinegrower, Who always does what is best for you (Jn 15:1-2). Bear the fruit of “patient endurance, kindness, generosity, faith, mildness, and chastity” (Gal 5:22-23) and “good deeds” (Eph 2:10). “Give...evidence” of your belief in Jesus (Mt 3:8). Glorify God by bearing much fruit and being His faithful disciple (Jn 15:8). “That should be the proof they need” (Mt 8:4). • Prayer: Father, prune me any way You choose. I am all Yours. • Promise: “I will fulfill my vows.” —Ps 22:26 • Praise: Praise Jesus, Who continues to disciple us into His Kingdom. (Reprinted with permission from “One Bread, One Body” at www.presentationministries.com) 3 St. Cecilia Catholic Parish CATECH E SI S (kat’i-ke’sis) n. Why is Jesus Christ the Lord of the whole world? Jesus Christ is Lord of the world and Lord of history because everything was made for his sake. All men were redeemed by him and will be judged by him. He is over us, and the only One to whom we bend the knee in worship; he is with us as Head of his Church, in which the kingdom of God begins even now; he is ahead of us as Lord of history, in whom the powers of darkness are definitively overcome and the destinies of the world are brought to perfection according to God’s plan; he comes to meet us in glory, on a day we do not know, to renew and perfect the world. We can experience his nearness especially in God’s Word, in the reception of the sacraments, in caring for the poor, and wherever “two or three are gathered in my name” (see Mt 18:20). (YOUCAT question 110) – Flocknote.com Friday, may 8 5-11 Pm K N O W YO U R S A INT S St. Rose Venerini (1656-1728) Rose was born at Viterbo in Italy, the daughter of a doctor. Following the death of her fiancé she entered a convent, but soon returned home to care for her newly widowed mother. Meanwhile, Rose invited the women of the neighborhood to recite the rosary in her home, forming a sort of sodality with them. As she looked to her future, Rose, under the spiritual guidance of a Jesuit priest, became convinced that she was called to become a teacher in the world rather than a contemplative nun in a convent. Clearly, she made the right choice: She was a born teacher, and the free school for girls she opened in 1685 was well received. Soon the cardinal invited her to oversee the training of teachers and the administration of schools in his Diocese of Montefiascone. As Rose’s reputation grew, she was called upon to organize schools in many parts of Italy, including Rome. Her disposition was right for the task as well, for Rose often met considerable opposition but was never deterred. She died in Rome in 1728, where a number of miracles were attributed to her. She was beatified in 1952 and canonized in 2006. The sodality, or group of women she had invited to prayer, was ultimately given the rank of a religious congregation. Today, the so-called Venerini Sisters can be found in the United States and elsewhere, working among Italian immigrants. — www.americancatholic.org Sa n ta C eCi l i a Corner oF madiSon & gilmore OCHO de MAYO authentiC Food and drink a l atino Cu lt u r a l Ce l e br ation L iv e M u s i c featuring Ku M b ia L at i na danCing and gameS MAY 2 - 3, 2015 Pastor Ramblings Rest in Peace, Caryl Cole: Caryl Cole, 87, passed away April 13, and her Mass of Christian Burial was on April 16. Caryl was a longtime parishioner and a devoted wife and mother. She loved St. Cecilia and will be dearly missed by all of her friends. (photo, right) ✠ Rest in Peace, Emma Rodocker: The Mass of Christian Burial for Emma Rodocker was on April 18. Emma was 102. She was a graduate of St. Cecilia School. She was a volunteer in the school cafeteria for many years when her children attended our school. (photo, left) ✠ School Baptisms: What a joyous experience it was on Thursday, April 16, when we baptized six of our students. Some of them will be preparing for their first Communions. We are so fortunate to have been able to prepare these families with the Sacrament of Baptism, which now opens the doors for their children to receive the other sacraments. (photos, below and right) ✠ Flea Market Storage: For the past four months, we’ve been collecting for our flea market, but we’ve run out of space. We want to thank John Planes for donating a trailer to store our items until we can set up in June. Thank you, Carl and Linda DeBlasio, for contacting John to help make this happen. Now that we have all this free space, help us fill it! We are hoping to have another successful year, and everything you donate helps us reach our goal. (photo, below) ✠ 5 St. Cecilia Catholic Parish Change How You Pay, NOT Where You Shop The c hoi r of sa int cecilia Ave Maria M agn ific at MeMorare M ay crow ning Buy gift cards for where you normally shop. Pay by cash, check or credit card. Up to 15% of the gift card value is donated to the parish. It’s that simple! Gift cards are available to hundreds of stores. Stop by the vestibule to place an order or buy some cards. Call or e-mail Doug & Joy Kornish with questions at 513-658-6377 or giftcards@stceciliacincinnati.org. Nine Months With Christ the newest recording from The choir of saint cecilia Jesus’ mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are becoming more defined this week, and his lungs are growing at a notable pace. Jesus of the womb, Hear our prayers! $10. all proceeds support the st. cecilia Music Ministry. the cD will be available at the church doors after all Masses, or contact Bob Kellison at 871-5757, ext. 208, or bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org. Pastoral region Prayer St. Cecilia Choir Honors Our Blessed Mother The newest CD recorded by the St. Cecilia Choir is dedicated to our Blessed Mother and now on sale at all the doors after Mass. Our 31-voice choir is accompanied by organ and augmented with trumpet and violin, presenting numerous musical versions of the Ave Maria, Magnificat and Memorare. A special addition to the CD includes all the familiar and traditional hymns sung at May Crowning. This is a perfect Mother’s Day gift. All proceeds benefit the music ministry at St. Cecilia Parish. CDs can also be purchased through Bob Kellison, 871-5757 x208 or bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org. Congratulations, Olivia Milliron Olivia Milliron, St. Cecilia graduate, has received 2nd Honors in Scholastic Honor Roll Achievement at Roger Bacon High School for the 3rd Quarter of 2014-2015 school year. Good Work! Almighty and Gracious God, You call us to be Your faithful disciples. Send forth Your Holy Spirit, as we seek to know Your will for our pastoral region. Guide us as we consider our purpose and mission to further advance Your kingdom. Help us to use our many diverse gifts, as we strive to serve the needs of all, for Your honor and glory. We ask this through the intercession of Saints Anthony, Cecilia, Margaret of Cortona, and John Vianney, and our Blessed Mother, through Christ Our Lord. Amen MAY 2 - 3, 2015 Opportunities Not to Cheat Yourself! Pray, Minister and Give From What You Have STEWARDSHIP OF PRAYER: KEEP THESE PARISHIONERS IN YOUR THOUGHTS for God’s healing graces to: Ken Schneider, Maddie and Gordon. SANCTUARY DEVOTIONAL CANDLE INTENTION Contact Barb Browarsky at the parish center, (513) 871-5757, ext. 202, with intention requests. Hearing the Call “Jesus, the true vine, promised that if we live in him we will produce abundantly. Look for the signs of new life in you. Find ways to nourish your relationship with Jesus.” (John 15:1-8) Love your faith even more. Sacred Heart Radio. 89.5 FM and 740 AM Stewardship of Finance COLLECTIONS - WEEK ENDING APRIL 19 Envelopes/Loose Change Online Giving Total $9,1754.00 $2,253.00 $11,428.00 Catholic Relief Services $1,684.00 Did you know that over 20% of Sunday contributions are processed through Online Giving? Many of our parishioners choose Online Giving because it offers the flexibility to contribute weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, twice a year and even yearly. You have the ability to choose the day of the week that you would like your contribution to be processed. St. Cecilia parishioners are able to donate to Sunday, holy days and even designated collections; without scrambling to find their envelopes on Sunday morning. We urge you to go to www.stceciliacincinnati.org and click on the Online Giving link. You will not be sorry that you did! Men of Saint CeCilia Are you looking for a simple way to get involved in parish life? Our usher ministry is in need to additional men to help with collections during our weekend Masses as well as Holy Days. This could be a great opportunity for you to become more active within the church without a time consuming commitment. Please contact Dale Bogard @ 513-410-6183 or d.bogart@cinci.rr.com. THIS WEEK’S CELEBRANTS & SERVERS MONDAY: • 9:00 am (Msgr. Lane) J. Escobar & C. Herzner TUESDAY: • 9:00 am (Msgr. Lane) St. Edmund Campion WEDNESDAY: • 9:00 am (Fr. Jamie) The Donovans THURSDAY: • 9:00 am (Fr. Jamie) C. DiMuzio, L. Whittaker & Z. Schnuck FRIDAY: • 9:00 am (Msgr. Lane) St. Edmund Campion & D. Hilgefort SATURDAY: • 9:00 am (Fr. Jamie) B.V. Johnston & B. Krietemeyer • 4:00 pm (Fr. Jamie) W. Merusi & J. Weber SUNDAY: • 8:00 am (Msgr. Lane) C. Brereton & J. Pearson • 10:00 am (Fr. Jamie) J. Misleh, E. Misleh & L. Davis 7
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