GRAMMAR WORKSHOP! Today’s lesson will be independent work. Use the arrows above the white board (on the right side) to move through the slides. Since everyone will be moving at their own pace, please ask questions in the chatbox. (I will answer in chat.) When you have completed the workshop and reached the final slide, you may leave. Have fun at the grammar workshop! You may go to the next screen… FOCUS QUESTION When proofreading your own writing, what is error to you most often find? Move to next screen… SENTENCE CORRECTIONS Correct the sentences (on notebook paper). When you have finished, go to the next slide to check your work. CHECK YOUR ANSWERS… Move to next slide… REFLECT Did you correct all of the errors? Which one(s) did you miss? Put your answer in the chatbox. If you’re unsure of why a correction was made, ask me in the chatbox. Move to next slide… GRAMMAR FUNNY… Move to the next slide… BRAINPOP Login: palmetto Password: scvcs (all lowercase) Search for: Parts of Speech Watch the video and take the quiz in brainpop. Type your score on the quiz in the chatbox. Then, move to the next slide. GRAMMAR FUNNY Move to the next slide… WACKY WEB TALES! In your internet browser, type in You will find a list of many story titles. Choose one. Fill in the blanks with the different parts of speech they require (you can click on the help button for help with the parts of speech). When you’re finished, click on “See your Wacky Web Tale” to read your story. You can complete more than one if time allows. GRAMMAR FUNNY Move to next slide… NEXT STEPS… For extra grammar practice, you can: Review Study Island grammar assignments. Use GUM lessons in the OLS (I don’t assign or grade these lessons, but they are there if you need extra practice with a grammar concept.) Brainpop. (We’ve viewed several grammar topics in Brainpop. There are more videos there with quizzes, games, and practice sheets. Search for topics as needed.) Go to next slide… WHEN PROOFREADING YOUR OWN WRITING, WHAT IS ERROR DO YOU MOST OFTEN FIND? Answer the focus question (above) in the chat box. Then, you may log out. Enjoy your Spring Break!
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