APRIL 2015 “Following Jesus - Loving With Christ - Together” DISCIPLES TO DISCIPLES Words for me in Lent have been gratitude and forgiveness. I want each of you to know I am grateful for the ministries you share! It has been a gift to me to get to work with many of you and to celebrate your successes and talk through the struggles. VOLUME 39, ISSUE 5 Disciples of Christ of Greater K. C. www.facebook.com/ccgkc We’re on the Web: www.kcdisciples.org In This Issue Disciples Women’s Ministry 2 “One Last Craddock Story” 3 Faithful Servants 5 Hosting Conference 6 Association of Disciples Musicians 7 Tall Oaks: Newsletter, Camp Schedule, Acorn Dash, Bucket List Retreat Various Inserts Regional Minister Search Update 8 Rethinking Communion 8 Easter Special Day Offering 8 Bracken Retirement Celebration Flyer Insert Tall Oaks Newsletter Insert The reality of there being 80+ congregations and about 242 clergy, including chaplains and retired clergy, means I am not able to be there for your congregations, or for you as much as you or I might like. I know I have not always been able to be or do what you had hoped and even needed. For that, I ask your forgiveness and extend my desire to keep working to do as much as we can together in the time I have remaining as your interim. For those of you who have been able to increase and/or maintain your congregational and personal giving to Disciples Mission Fund, I extend my gratitude. The ministries we share - Search and Call, New Church, Tall Oaks, Ordination and Commissioning, General Church Ministries and Outreach, Women's Ministry, pastoral and congregational support, leadership development and more, are dependent on your gifts. One of our new church pastors, Terrell McTyer, shared this link with our New Church Ministry. It is potentially life and ministry changing! The presenter, Bob Lupton, is the author of Toxic Charity, a book I strongly recommend you and your outreach group read together. Moving From Betterment to Empowerment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIN3V5fEhn8 In the mean time, this 30 minute video, may help all of us to make some shifts that could really make a difference in our communities. You will also find other presentations by Lupton on YouTube. As we continue in Lent and move into Easter, may Christ be very close to you and those you serve. Abundant Blessings to You, Donna Rose-Heim Intentional Interim Regional Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Greater K.C. REGIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING - APRIL 27, 2015 The next Regional Board of Director’s meeting will be Monday, April 27, 2015, at Tall Oaks (12778 189th St, Linwood, KS 66052) in the Lifelong Learning Center at 7:00 PM. As a part of Regional Board, we will be blessing and installing those present whose term will be ending on April 30, 2015, and those whose term will begin May 1, 2015 and extend through 2017. The retirement celebration of Lyle and Sharon Bracken will begin prior to the Regional Board of Directors’ meeting in the Lifelong Learning Center. The celebration is from 5:30-6:30 PM with a special recognition at 6:30 PM. The new Tall Oaks Executive Director, Kenny Funk and wife, Marlene will also be introduced at the April meeting. DISCIPLES TO DISCIPLES Page 2 GREATER KC REGIONAL CWF Women’s Seminar Thursday, April 23 VOLUME 39, ISSUE 5 DISCIPLES WOMEN’S MINISTRY Registration - 6:00 PM Dinner - 6:30 PM Program by Rev. Edith Mendoza of Alta Vista Christian Church will follow dinner. ALTA VISTA CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1201 Cesar E. Chavez Kansas City, MO COST OF THE MEAL $6.00 pp April 25, 2015 TALL OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER - LIFELONG LEARNING CENTER 12778 189th Street Linwood, Kansas 9:30 a.m. Registration Materials will be provided to learn about resources available for Disciple Women’s Ministries (CWF) Study Material, service suggestions, leadership hints, workshop ideas, and mission presentation will be part of the program Bring your Blessing Box offerings for dedication RESERVATIONS are due no later than APRIL 20, 2015. CALL: 913-432-1414 EMAIL: office@kcdisciples.org 2015 SPRING RETREAT (By Ginny Bottrell) The Spring Retreat was held on March 1314, 2015. Keynote speaker was the Rev. Donna Rose-Heim and the theme was “Picture It”. Cynthia Graves (Fellowship) was the retreat leader. One hundred and nine women were present from thirty different congregations. The youngest participant was 13 and the oldest was 91. The offering was $1,120.00, which goes to help with the next retreat’s speaker. The Fellowship of John at Foxwood Springs received $119.50 from book sales and $240.00 was collected for Haiti mission. It was a great week-end, weather wise and spirit wise. Donna did a great job of challenging those present to picture their lives and their church lives in a more positive spin. Cost: $7.00 (includes meal and materials) -------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Women’s Seminar Reservation Form $7.00 Per Person Seminar Date: April 25, 2015 Send money with reservation form to the Regional Office BEFORE APRIL 15, 2015 Check Payable to: Christian Church of Greater Kansas City 7600 West 75th Street Suite 6 Overland Park, KS 66204 LAST NAME_____________________________________________ FIRST NAME ____________________________________________ CHURCH _______________________________________________ Questions: 913-432-1414 or office@kcdisciples.org Page 3 “One Last Craddock Story” By Mike Graves, PhD Those familiar with Craddock’s stories may recall the one about Molly Shepherd, the Native American woman who, upon learning of the death of John F. Kennedy, wrote in her local newspaper column that day, “Molly has no words for you today. Molly has nothing to write today. Molly has no words today.” That’s something of how I feel upon learning of Fred Craddock’s death. Here is all that I can muster at the moment. MIKE GRAVES REGIONAL MINISTER OF PREACHING So many of the high points of my career involve Fred Craddock. I stumbled onto his classic 1971 book As One Without Authority while doing my doctoral work in preaching. It was like discovering Elvis Presley for the first time when all you had known before were old-fashioned crooners. Both of them shook up the world as we had known it, the latter with his gyrations and the former by suggesting sermons need not give away the ending too soon. In the ABCs of homiletical history, there was Augustine, Barth, and Craddock. I introduced him that way one time. Over the years I became something of a regular at introducing him here in Kansas City. He once joked that my next book should be called Craddock Introductions. Each time I tried to find something new to say, and to keep it short. When I put him alongside Augustine and Barth in terms of impact on homiletical theory, he naturally deferred. It seemed true to me. When it came time to find a topic for my dissertation, Fred’s model of inductive preaching was the obvious choice. We had visited in person once during my studies when he lectured at the seminary. And so when I wrote about doing a phone interview for my dissertation, he graciously agreed, which I not so graciously screwed up because of the time zone difference. I still have the audio of that conversation, Fred chiding me, before we talked preaching. Not too many years later he was in Kansas City, speaking at a conference hosted by Church of the Brethren. I would have registered for the conference but I was going to be out of town for all but the first night. In my attempts to talk my way in, I told the man on the phone I had done my dissertation on Craddock and that I would be bringing some students. He said it would be fine. That same man introduced Fred, noting that one of Fred’s doctoral students was also present. When he called my name, my eyes got big as saucers. I feared a public chiding this time. Instead, Fred graciously smiled and waved. I explained the misunderstanding afterwards and we both laughed. We would remember that incident many years later as well. The highlight of my professional life, however, came when Fred agreed to have me and Richard Ward edit the collection called Craddock Stories. People have sometimes asked how that came about. It started when Richard and I were leading a workshop for preachers and Fred was in the hospital with a serious lifethreatening illness. Several of the pastors had heard and inquired, which led to everyone sharing their favorite Craddock story. Hardly any of us finished telling whatever story had occurred to us because someone would interrupt before it was over. “Oh, yeah, I love that one. But what about the one where….” That’s when the idea hit. I wrote to him later, suggesting how it could be done. We agreed to talk about it the next time he was back in Kansas City. I still remember sitting at a red light on the way back to his hotel, when out of the blue he said, “Let’s do that book of stories.” Believe it or not, there would be an even better moment as the book was coming to completion. I had listened to hundreds of sermon tapes, read every printed sermon I could get my hands on, and now we had the stories collected. The problem all along had been how they would be organized. On this particular visit to Cherry Log, Georgia, where Fred and Nettie had retired to, Richard and I sat on the back deck with him after dinner. Then came the oral examination. “So, Mike, how do you propose we arrange this collection?” I should add that he was never fond of the idea, not really. It seemed like way too much fuss over one preacher’s illustrations. That’s what he said. “Who would want to read a book like that?” I bounced several organizational ideas off of him that I knew wouldn’t work even as I suggested them. He agreed. I did recall a collection of Robert Frost’s poetry in which the first poem stood for the whole collection, with the remainder arranged at random. Before I could finish sharing that, I suddenly wondered if we might do something similar but with a twist. “What if the first and the last story stood for the whole thing?” He liked that idea, then added, “But which two stories?” He knew the answer already; that much was clear. I said, “The two that are about your dad.” Test passed. Continued on Page 4 DISCIPLES TO DISCIPLES VOLUME 39, ISSUE 5 Page 4 “One Last Craddock Story” - Continued from page 3 We stayed in touch over the years, and not just when he was in Kansas City with me to introduce him. I did one presentation with him at Candler School of Theology, and what a treat that was. He and Nettie invited me to dinner that evening. That was when we learned we shared the same wedding anniversary date, June 9. In what turned out to be the last few months of his life I shared how we were expecting our first grandchild, and they talked about their first great grandchild. During the Christmas holidays and then again after the first FRED BRENNING CRADDOCK of this year, I visited with Nettie on the phone, only to learn Fred was in the hospital again. I said that maybe it was better I checked with her first anyway. April 30, 1928 - March 6, 2015 I had this idea for a book, a sequel to the collection of essays I had edited some years back, What’s the Matter with Preaching Today? Fred had contributed to that first collection, and now I was imagining a companion volume, What’s Right with Preaching Today? I knew Fred would appreciate the positive emphasis, and that his health would not allow him to participate. His Parkinson’s wreaked havoc in many frustrating ways, interfering even with his ability to read. So I said to Nettie, “What if I flew out, had a conversation with him about what’s right as he sees it, then wrote it up as a kind of introduction to the book?” She wasn’t sure, but said when the time was right, she would talk to him about it. She suggested I call back. On the day Fred died, my wife surprised me with a dinner on the town, at which a dozen of our closest friends were there. My newest book, The Story of Narrative Preaching, had just been released. They were there to celebrate. When I had gone to Candler on my last sabbatical to work on the manuscript, I had driven up to Cherry Log to see Fred and go eat some BBQ at the Pink Pig. I told him how it was not only about narrative preaching, but was in the form of a narrative. He loved the idea. When I said I did too, but wondered if I should break that mold at the end and offer some concluding remarks as author, he chided once again. “No,” he said. “The thing about stories is that they either work or they don’t. Leave it at that.” Mike Graves, Regional Minister on Preaching CHRISTIAN MINISTRY SCHOLARSHIP FUND DINNER SAVE THE DATE - OCTOBER 13, 2015 RETHINKING COMMUNION MAY 16, 2015 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Rev. Graves will be leading an interactive workshop for clergy and laity, focusing on the Lord’s Supper. New Vision Christian Church 9101 E. Blue Ridge Blvd Kansas City, MO 64138 Participants will think about the biblical, historical, and theological foundations of the sacramental practice, including how over time a meal of feasting became more like a funeral. Like those earliest followers of Jesus who ate their common meals and Communion meals in the same setting, at the close of the morning together, the group will feast on lunch, as they remember Jesus. COST: $15.00 per person (includes light snack and lunch) RSVP deadline is May 1, 2015 Registrations are available through the GKC Regional E-CONNECT, and through the Greater KC Regional Center. Call 913-432-1414 or email: office@kcdisciples.org. Keynote Speaker REV. DR. MIKE GRAVES Page 5 MAY - Continued FAITHFUL SERVANTS - THANK YOU FOR YOUR MINISTRY We lift all Faithful Servants up in prayer and thanksgiving, and remember especially those who are currently serving or residing in our region who were ordained or commissioned during the months of April and May. MAY APRIL Gary Armour Elizabeth Coleman Roger Coleman Denise Dugan Monte Gravenstein Lee Hankins Tom Hawley Jeffrey Hon Don McCreary Sherry McGlaughlin Ryan Motter Helen Nelson James Nichols Karen Palmer Jerry Porter David Thompson - 1973 - 1968 - 1968 - 2012 - 1958 - 1954 - 1985 - 2006 - 1964 - 2006 - 2011 - 2006 - 1950 - 2007 - 1953 - 1999 www.facebook.com/ccgkc Carla Aday John Akinwale Priscilla Barner-Hawkins Lara Blackwood Pickrel Gary Bondurant Donald Brezavar Timothy Brooks Jacky Buck George Campbell Margi Colerick Robert Colerick David Culver Joe Cunningham Fred Daniels Paul Diehl Zachary Diehl Herschel Dugan Donald Dunn Neil Engle David Farris Mindy Fugarino Loyd Gentry - 1988 2012 2014 2009 1975 1985 1980 1975 1952 1971 1971 1988 1964 1984 1974 2009 1956 1955 1981 1976 2001 1962 Robert George - 1981 Doug Gilpin - 1989 Clare S. (Suzi) Goldt - 2003 Laura Guy - 2005 Raymond Hankins - 2012 Mark Harmon - 2011 Cynthia Heller - 2000 Tabatha Johnson - 2011 Michael Josue - 2000 Johnny Lewis - 2000 Monica Lewis - 2012 Tim Mabbott - 1976 Robert Magee - 1962 Mary Linda McDonnell - 2007 Kassie Smith McKee - 2012 Clay McQuerry - 1987 Thomas Minges - 1967 Brian Morse - 2004 Suzanne Kerr Motter - 2004 L Forest Newheart - 1986 Ray Nixon - 1956 Ralph Nolan - 1991 Debbie Schwarz - 2012 Matthew Silvers - 2009 Greta Smith - 2014 Beth Ann Sonneville - 2003 Paul Southard - 1978 Erin Wathen - 2004 Mark Willis - 2005 Shandra Yost - 2014 John Young - 1981 Reina Zamora - 2014 REGIONAL MINISTER SEARCH UPDATE (by John Steinmetz, Regional Minister Search Team Chair) The Regional Search Team has had a great response to our posting for the Regional Minister for the Greater Kansas City Region. We have 21 applicants for the position from 14 states. Search and Call papers are currently being organized for all of the candidates. An independent review/ scoring process will take place in the last part of March, to review each applicant based upon review criteria created by the Regional Search Team. By mid-April, the Regional Search Team will create a short list of applicants, and then begin doing reference checks and interviews. The team will then begin to narrow the list of candidates, and anticipates presenting a candidate at the Regional Board meeting August 3 pending Regional Board approval at Overland Park CC, and extending the call after Regional Board approval. The Regional Search Team is excited by the diversity and strength of the applicants. We are confident that God is at work and that we will find the exact right person to be our next Regional Minister. DISCIPLES TO DISCIPLES VOLUME 39, ISSUE 5 Page 6 HOSTING CONFERENCE - WELCOME Hope Partnership, in cooperation and conjunction with our Region and Merriam Christian Church, will be providing a seminar on hosting/nesting a new church. If your church is currently hosting/nesting a new church, is considering this faith step, or if you are a new church that is being hosted, we encourage you to come be a part of this learning and resource -sharing event. The conference will be on Saturday, June 13, 2015, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Merriam Christian Church. The evening will include information sharing, a dinner will be provided, and a panel discussion with representatives of new churches in our Region. Contact Mark Willis at markswillis@gmail.com if you have questions or to RSVP by the June 1, 2015 deadline. Merriam Christian Church is located at 9401 Johnson Drive, Merriam, KS 66203 MISSION-OUTREACH-SERVICE www.TallOaks.org WELCOME KENNY FUNK TALL OAKS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Phone: 913-301-3004 Email: kenny@talloaks.org Call it what you will...Please send a report on how your Worshiping community opens their hands, their hearts, their time, and their pocketbooks to the least of these--those in whom we see the face of Jesus. As a way to share the results with other Disciples Congregations in the Greater Kansas City Region, your report may be published in the E-CONNECT or the next bi-monthly packet mailed/ emailed out from the Regional Office. Tell us what you do by sending your report to Bev Sherwood. sherwoodb@swbell.net SAVE THE DATE NOVEMBER 6, 2015 Rev. Dr. Clark L. Hargus (Lee's Summit, MO) passed away on February 13, 2015. TALL OAKS GALA ARROWHEAD STADIUM Visitation will be at 12:00 PM, Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Lee's Summit Christian Church (800 NE Tudor Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64086. A memorial service will follow at 1:00 PM. Page 7 AMAZONSMILE PROGRAM Did you know when you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to the Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Greater Kansas City. If you will bookmark the following link you will support us every time you shop: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/44-0558472 Promotion Sunday May 17, 2015 Please note: The docket for the 2015 General Assembly will be distributed electronically this year. ASSOCIATION OF DISCIPLES MUSICIANS 2015 NATIONAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE JUNE 23 - JUNE 28, 2015 Churches will not receive a CD-ROM. A USPS letter with an order form for a paper copy or resolution packet will arrive in congregations this month along with voting representative information. CONGRATULATIONS To: Rev. Nancy Cook Ordained February 21, 2015, at First Christian Church Blue Springs, MO. William Jewell College Liberty, Missouri (NE of Kansas City Association of Disciple Musicians (ADM) is offering a special pricing opportunity for Greater Kansas City churches. These "sponsorships" will be recognized at the conference. You can honor or memorialize special musicians in your church. Perhaps you have present or former members of ADM you'd like to recognize! Contact Kirby Gould for the sponsorship form. Volunteers are also needed for the upcoming ADM Conference! GOLF CART DRIVERS: Kirby Gould is looking for a group of people to be our "golf cart brigade!" Because of the distance between the buildings where the conference is being held and the dorms, we like to offer as a courtesy to our attendees golf cart shuttles. If you or other folks in your church could give us several hours for a day or two, we will put them to work! DANCERS: Powershift Church is inviting interested liturgical dancers to join them in creating a dance for the worship service on June 27. Contact Kirby Gould if you have anyone interested. To: Rev. Gabriel Pfefer Ordained February 25, 2015, at Community Christian Church, Kansas City, MO LaVetta Hall will be ordained in a Service of Ordination of Christian Ministry on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at Community Christian Church, Kansas City, MO. The service will take place at 10:45 AM and everyone is welcome to attend. Contact Information Kirby Gould Phone: 816-665-8446 (cell), Email: kgould@ccf.disciples.org WE NEED YOUR HELP We are seeking to be good stewards of the earth. We hope you will consider joining us in this effort. If you participate in sending and receiving emails online, we would like to encourage you to take the bold step of requesting to receive the “Disciples to Disciples” newsletter online via email. Send an email to the Regional Office, office@kcdisciples.org with the subject line E-NEWS, and request the regional newsletter to be sent to you via your desired email address. Your change will be initiated and take effect for the upcoming “Disciples to Disciples” E-News published and emailed on June 1, 2015. Have you signed up for the E-Connect published on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday? Just email the Regional Office your request. Thank you for your help to reduce our carbon footprint. SAVE THE DATE Children Worship & Wonder Training July 10-11th, 2015 Overland Park Christian Church (Our Regional Training Center) 7600 W. 75th Street Overland Park, KS 66204 For more information contact: Jessica Kramer, Ministry Associate (317) 713-2641 familiesandchildren@dhm.disciples.org OR Lisa Engelken, CW&W Trainer 913-645-5434 lisa4women@yahoo.com It’s simple, really. Your gifts to the Easter offering travel as far and fast as a tweet. We are partners in mission from your doorsteps to the ends of the earth - around the corner, around the globe and around the Church. Most churches will receive the Easter Offering on March 29 and April 5, 2015.
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