The Rocketeer, AKA pilot Cliff Secord, has uncovered a plot by the ruthless Maroni Gang to extort the authorities by threatening the launch of a stolen military rocket. In order to silence Cliff, Maroni is holding Cliff’s girlfriend, Jenny Blake hostage. Knowing of their secret airport hangar, Cliff races to Jenny’s rescue… Backstory The Rocketeer, a Disney movie from 1991, and previous comic books, about a test pilot turned superhero who foils a nazi spy with the help of a secret jet pack. Movie ends with him teaming up with an unlikely ally, the local mobsters while they battle an elite nazi invasion. Location Enter queue through the Gem Theater, a movie house between the nice and dark part of Victory Heights. There are roller coaster parts, both indoor and out separated by slow dark ride portions as we find new clues as to the next location. Ride System S&S Free Fly coaster Preshow Enter through movie house, The Gem Theater, which plays B-rate Westerns, starring our leading lady Jenny Blake. Movie is on a 20 minute loop. We proceed to the back of the theater where we discover that it is a mobster protected business. Here we find that there has been a recent gun battle and everything is a mess. We head to the apartment above the theater where Blake lives and find her missing. We climb to the roof, strap into our jetpacks and rush through the city to stop the bad guys and save the girl. 1. Entering theater 2. In cinema house, seeing film playing. 3. Back of theater: a. Torn apart b. Bullet holes and popcorn everywhere. c. Show staircase 4. Head upstairs 5. Enter apartment, find it empty. 6. We step out onto the fire escape and onto the building roof. Story: We dive off the apartment roof and soar through the city with our jetpacks. We have to get to the Vanderstil Airport before the mobsters are able to take off in their plane with Blake. We end up chasing their plane and saving our dame. ● When ride is in action, it isn’t necessary to show the track all the time. ● S&S ride vehicle, the center part can turn in any direction, but the cars stay relatively parallel to the ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Load: Roof top of an apartment building in NYC. We run along the roof tops for a moment, picking up speed. We dive off the rooftop and head down towards the street below. We dip down and fly up to the sky. We flip over, upside down and soar overtop of a building. Flying we follow a street above. We slow down and enter an office building a. RV turns on side, the two cars are in different rooms, one above the other. 8. Inside we find typical office, but with lots of mobster loot. 9. Animatronic mobsters find us and run from the building. 10. We meet them on the street and there is a car chase between us and two black mob cars through city streets. (this can be several cells) a. Potentially they could be shooting at us. In the storyboard, Mobsters can have huge drum-fed guns, but they aren’t pointing them at the guests. 11. We speed off and arrive at the airport ahead of the Mob 12. We find Blake in a hangar strapped to a rocket. a. in the recent comics Jenny Blake looks just like Katy Perry. 13. The countdown shows that she is about to launch. Mobster says that we have arrived too late. 14. Rocket Launches and we follow it up into the sky. 15. We return to the city and land on a roof where we see The Rocketeer hovering holding Jenny.
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