outlooknews - Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce

Connecting business and community
Don’t miss the 2015 Spring Social & Raffle!
April 10th at the Keene Country Club from 6:00-10:00 PM
Bar (f s D’oeuvre
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and in ocial
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s are
Ticket for two into big!
nce to
and on
Greater Keene
Chamber Of
ts sold
Only 5
12 cha
With Us
On Linked in!
Proceeds from the raffle will be used for chamber programs that promote the
Monadnock region, promote member businesses, and promote issues awareness
– initiatives that enhance economic development in the region.
For tickets and more information, see insert in this newsletter, see a board member,
call the GKCC at (603) 352-1303 or send an email to nbishop@keenechamber.com.
in this issue
Member Services Manager
Business After Hours Registration
February BAH Fun Photos
New Members
Member Spotlight 6
Partner Programs
Member News
April 2015
Live Music! Great Food! Cash Prizes!
With US
President’s Note
outlook news
t Monadnock International Film
Dons’!! Festival (MONIFF): APRIL 16-18, 2015
Visit www.moniff.org for more information
Member Events
B2B Lunch: Music for Business
GKCC Events
visit our website! keenechamber.com
President’s Note
Phil Suter
As many of you have
seen in our Greater
Keene Chamber of
Commerce 2015
Report to Members
and the Community
(if you don’t have a
copy, call or stop by
the Chamber and
we’ll get you one), our
day-to-day efforts are
primarily in three areas:
Our favorites are people like the couple who came in wondering if the place
where they were married five decades ago is still around. We’re promoting the
region every day.
• Promoting member businesses
• Promoting issues awareness
• Promoting the region.
Promoting the Monadnock region is important for
many reasons. It is our way of showcasing what we
all love about our area. Quite frankly, we’re happy
to brag a little about Keene and the surrounding
Chambers of commerce are expected to be knowledgeable about the communities they represent
and, like most chambers, we answer an amazing
variety of questions from the many people who
call us, email us, or just walk through the door.
Some are moving to the area (or thinking about
it); others are visiting family, friends or their
children at Keene State College; still others want
to know where to stay, eat, park or buy something
(we recommend our members first); and some just
want directions to the nearest covered bridge or
other local attraction.
As our chamber board and staff continue to think through the best ways
we can provide value to our members, we are continually reminded of the
importance of promoting the region as a function of economic development.
In that context, most marketers quickly get to the task of establishing a brand.
For the past several months, the Chamber has joined with other organizations
in the region – including other Chambers, the Monadnock Travel Council,
Arts Alive, and more – to see if we could establish a brand (not unlike what
the Berkshires have done, or the state of Vermont).
People say you don’t really want to know too much about how laws or sausages are made, and the same might be said about creating a brand – it can be
tedious, messy, frustrating and time consuming. Not surprisingly, with the
help of Jamie Trowbridge of Yankee Publishing as facilitator for many discussions, the people of the Monadnock region brought their amazing collaborative instincts to the task. Here’s the result of the work thus far, in the form of a
brand statement:
“The Monadnock Region stands alone at the intersection of winding roads
and world class culture – off the beaten path, but not far away – in the heart of
New England ”
This is not a done deal yet, but we think it fairly represents the attributes of the
region, as bandied about by our group. It may still change and we welcome
your thoughts, comments and input.
A brand statement is not a tag line – we may tackle that next, or call in the
professionals. Nor is it intended to replace the brand of any other company
or organization. If it works right, over time, an effective Monadnock region
brand will help tie our collective identity together. It’s our promise to the
world, inviting people to visit, live, learn, work and play here – while energizing those of us who already do. It should help us all promote the region in
ways that help all our businesses – large or small – succeed. That’s why we’re
committed to promoting our region.
GKCC Officers & Directors – 2014-2015
Past Chair - Bob Cox, Monadnock Radio Group
Chair - Maryann Lindberg, Keene State College
Ben Fournier - SCORES Sports Bar & Grille
Malcolm Katz – Katz Architects
Chair Elect - Heather Minkler, Clark-Mortenson Insurance
Sarah Kossayda – Community Health (CMC-DHK)
Vice Chair - Rich Randall, Markem-Imaje
Mary Ann Kristiansen – Hannah Grimes
Vice Chair - Don Driscoll, MSA Group Insurance Co.
Cole Mills – C&S Wholesale Grocers
Sandie Phipps – Cheshire Medical Center
Vice Chair - Rita Schrader, Liberty Mutual NE Region
Tim Murphy - SWRPC
Vice Chair - Deb Byrne Johnson, PrintFusion
Lisa Nugent - People’s United Bank
Treasurer – Christine Greenwood, Savings Bank of Walpole
Secretary – Bob Lyle, Keene Sentinel
Jarvis Coffin – Hancock Inn
Rob Phillips - Phil-Mack Media
Larry Sportello – Budget Blinds Keene
Cameron Tease – Monadnock United Way
Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
Member Services Manager
Christine Hadlow
Have you
the MemberPlus
mobile app yet?
MemberPlus is the only app designed to let chamber members
interact directly with the Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
and each other.
This FREE mobile application allows members to:
• Receive notifications from the Chamber
• Link to their Member Information Center
Nancy Salwen
Music All Around
Music is a Natural!
Connect Your Team
Share Leadership
Shift Dynamics
Re-Vitalize Creativity
Gain Insight
Contact me today to discuss creating the perfect team-building
workshop for your organization, using the magic of music!
Absolutely no musical experience is necessary!
• View member listings
• Update profile information
• Register for events
• Interact with other members
• Post & view jobs, hot deals and member-to-member specials
The MemberPlus app is FREE to download and available
for iOS and Android devices. Download at itunes or google play,
and search for “memberplus”. You can download the app and try
a demo account, or log in with your current member credentials
and begin using it immediately. To learn more, call me at (603)
352-1303 or attend the next Chamber 101 on April 14th.
Outlook News April 2015
GKCC Business
After Hours
Antioch University New England
40 Avon Street, Keene, NH
April 15, 5:30-7:00 pm
This April Business After Hours event will mark the community kick-off of AUNE’s 50th Anniversary Celebration week.
Antioch University New England has been a part of the Greater Keene Community since 1965 – with more than 2,800 alumni
within a 1 hour drive of Keene, and more than 10,000 alumni living across the United States and the globe.
Refreshments will be served, followed by a short presentation by AUNE’s President and a raffle of commemorative
50th Anniversary t-shirts.
To learn more about AUNE’s 50th Anniversary celebration and opportunities for community members to participate go to:
Yes! I will attend the April Business After Hours from 5:30 to 7:00pm
Please RSVP to the GKCC at (603) 352-1303 or email info@keenechamber.com.
We hope to see you there!
s to
Thank X
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for hos ry Business
Februa ours
After H
Photos by Ed Thomas Photography
Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Monadnock Society for Human Resource Management
(GMSHRM) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing
professional development and networking opportunities to local
HR professionals. This organization is comprised of local HR professionals, business owners and individuals with an interest or responsibility in human resources. Our members work in private and
public sector organizations, and represent all levels of the HR profession, including administrators, specialists, managers, consultants
and top level executives. Chapter meeting topics vary from day-today HR basics to more advanced HR strategy discussions.
Founded in 2003, GMSHRM is based in Keene, and is affiliated
with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
SHRM is an outstanding resource for information and assistance to
the local chapters, as well as individuals. Membership in GMSHRM
is separate from the national SHRM membership.
As a member of GMSHRM, you can look forward to rewarding
monthly meetings that provide information on current human
resources issues as well as networking opportunities. There are also
opportunities for professional development through continuing
education credits, by participating in special seminars presented
during the year, and by getting involved in the various committees
or as part of the GMSHRM Board of Directors.
Greater Monadnock Society for Human Resource Management
New Members
Ward Legal Group
129 West Street, Keene NH
(603) 352-7310
Shir-Roy Camping Area
136 Athol Road, Richmond NH
(603) 239-4768
David O’Neil Construction is
a small, growing excavation
company serving Southern NH
and the Monadnock Region.
It is your one stop shop for all
your excavation and site work
needs. With over 20 years in
the industry they know how
to complete your project in a safe, professional, cost effective and
timely manner. They are a hard working team set out to meet
your excavation and site work needs! David O’Neil Construction,
LLC offers a large variety of excavation services.
• Inspection, Design and Installation of new septic systems
• New driveways and repairs to old driveways
• New House Lots - Need an excavation contractor for your
new home site?
• Water lines for your well, back flush, or dry well
• All underground utilities
• House and Barn Jacking - Need a new foundation to replace your falling down field stone foundation?
• Foundation drains and French drains
• Water runoff and drainage solutions
David O’Neil Construction strives to make everyone’s excavation project their own and take pride in the top quality work they
deliver. On every job they work with the idea that the end result
would be exactly how they would want the final product in their
own home. They offer premium products with exceptional and
professional installations.
David O’Neil Construction, LLC
(603) 827-3497
(603) 357-3180
148 Key Road
Keene, NH
Est. 1973
IP-PBX Telephone Systems
Auto Attendant/Voice Mail
Video Surveillance Systems
Access Control
Voice/Data/Video Networks
Public Address & Intercoms
Outlook News April 2015
Member Spotlight
Cheshire Glass Company
What does over 50 years of combined glazing experience in the Monadnock region
say about a glass company?
Commitment to providing the right products.
Commitment to providing the right services.
And most importantly, commitment to treating customers the right way.
The focus of Cheshire Glass has always been on customer satisfaction.
Their experienced staff realizes that in today’s competitive market, they
need to go the extra step to ensure your complete satisfaction. They go
above and beyond. If you are looking for windows, doors, door hardware,
mirrors, exclusive custom shower doors, commercial storefront, or any
other glass product, contact Cheshire Glass or visit their showroom today!
Cheshire Glass is different.
They are proud to be a family business. John LeClair and
his brother, Wayne, founded
Cheshire Glass in 2002. Born
and raised in Keene, their
parents, grandparents and even
great grandparents were entrepreneurs in the Keene area so
they understand the local
market and are well known in the community. They
love glass and believe in personal service. Whether residential or
commercial, they are proud to approach each project with cutting edge
materials and technology.
No project is too big or small for the highly trained professionals at
Cheshire Glass. Their team will visit your home or place of business to
determine the best course of action that will deliver the results you dream
about. They offer competitive prices to fit your budget and will get the job
done on time to exact specifications.
Cheshire Glass specializes in shower and heavy glass. They strive to stay
ahead of the competition in materials and material applications. This
dedication to advanced materials shines through all of their glass shower
Most importantly, their service does not end with the sale. The dedicated
service and delivery team at Cheshire Glass will provide support as long as
you own the product.
Cheshire Glass Company
7 Krif Court, Keene NH
(603) 357-8889
Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
Partner Programs
Keene Young Professional’s Network
Join the Keene Young Professionals
at their April events!
Monthly Social at Scores Sports Bar and Grille in Keene
April 1st, 2015 5:30PM
Mount Monadnock Hike
April 18th, 2015 Time TBD
Visit www.kypn.org for carpooling and trail information.
Keene YPN promotes economic vitality and community involvement
among young professionals throughout the Monadnock region, striving to attract, retain and connect young people living in our communities. You can find KYPN on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and
online at www.kypn.org.
An interview with Heather
Houle, a graduate of Leadership
Monadnock 2014:
Houle is the Job Developer at
Monadnock Developmental Services where she works with Project SEARCH, a comprehensive
employment training program
for individuals with disabilities.
What did you learn by participating in Leadership Monadnock?
When I was in Leadership Monadnock, I learned that our region’s
challenges are interconnected in such a way that to solve them requires collaboration among many community sectors. When I think
about workforce development, I think too of education, healthcare,
affordable housing. There are many opportunities to get involved in
our community to strengthen it as a whole.
Who has influenced you in this community?
My colleagues at MDS and everyone involved in Project SEARCH! I
have great respect for the people I work with and am always learning and challenged to grow both personally and professionally.
Your local solution for Joomla
and WordPress websites.
45 Summer Street, Keene, NH 03431
180 Emerald St.603-903-0793
Suite 204, Keene, NH 03431
If you could have dinner with anyone in the community, who
would it be? Bill Whyte and Katie Schwerin of W.S.Badger Company. I admire
their company culture, their contributions to the community, and
their efforts in the passing of Benefit Corporation legislation in
NH. I’d also be interested in speaking with Bill because he is a bee
keeper. He raises bees in top bar hives, and I had my first top bar
hive two summers ago. Unfortunately, the bees didn’t survive their
first winter.
What was the last book you read?
The last book I read was Far from the Tree, by Andrew Solomon.
Would you like to give a shameless plug for an organization close to
your heart?
Certainly! Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a great
organization. They have touched many children’s lives. Their
service as advocates on behalf of abused and neglected children is
The 2015/2016 Leadership Monadnock class will begin in
September 2015. For more information on the program,
email snewcomer@keenechamber.com or call the Chamber
at (603) 352-1303.
Outlook News April 2015
Member News
Savings Bank of Walpole t(SBW) is
pleased to announce that Mark Bodin,
Vice President and CFO, has been elected
to the Bellows Falls Area Development
Corporation’s (BFADC) Board of Directors. BFADC is a nonprofit group that
focuses on industrial and commercial
development and, as a local economic development corporation, partners with the
Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) to support the creation and expansion of businesses in Rockingham, VT.
Out of the twelve regional development
corporations across the state of Vermont,
BFADC is the oldest chapter.
Bank of New
Hampshire is
proud to be the
Official Bank of
the 92nd Anniversary of Laconia
Week® and takes
pride in all that
it brings to New
Hampshire. As two of the oldest operating
establishments of their kind, Bank of New
Hampshire and Laconia Motorcycle Week
partnered to keep vendors and motorcyclists coming to New Hampshire.
Bank of New Hampshire was the winner in New Hampshire Business Review’s
2015 BOB Awards statewide readers’ survey
in the Best Local Bank for Small Business
category. “Bank of New Hampshire is honored to receive a BOB Award for the third
year in a row in the Local Bank for Small
Business category,” stated Mark Primeau,
President & CEO of Bank of New Hampshire. www.BankNH.com
The People’s United Community Foundation, the philanthropic arm of People’s
United Bank recently announced that
it awarded $42,664 in grants to nonprofit
organizations throughout the communities it serves in New Hampshire in its first
grant cycle this year. Ten organizations
received funding in support of activities
that ranged from an emergency shelter
and transitional housing, to basic needs
services and afterschool programs. For a
detailed list of organizations that People’s
United Community Foundation supported
in New Hampshire during the first grant
cycle of 2015, visit www.pucf.org.
Cheshire Medical Center/
Dartmouth- Hitchcock Keene
(CMC/DHK) is pleased to welcome Currier
Neily, APRN, to the
Department of Family
Medicine. Neily has
more than ten years
of pediatric nursing
experience. Prior to
joining CMC/DHK,
she worked at South
Royalton Health Center in South Royalton,
Vermont. Neily completed a Master of
Science in Nursing from the University of
New Hampshire’s Family Nurse Practitioner
Program in Durham, New Hampshire. She
holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from
Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.
Service Credit Union recently launched
its Veterans Program for any member who
has served in the military. The program is
a special collection of products and services
featuring exclusive price benefits with lower
rates on loans and higher rates on deposits.
As a member of the Service Credit Union
Veterans Program, qualified members
will earn a .35% premium over the credit
union’s 1-year regular certificate rate for a
6-month term. In addition, members can
save even more with an extra .35% more on
savings account rates. Veterans loan .35%
discounts are offered on most consumer
loans including auto, recreational and personal loans along with credit cards.
John Oliphant,
known to Monadnock area radio
listeners as “ JohnO”,
has returned to the
airwaves to host the
morning show on
Great Eastern
Radio Group’s
new Adult Rock Radio station, “The Peak”.
Oliphant, a 30 year radio veteran, and
Swanzey resident for 18 years, was the
long time host of the morning talk show
at WKBK for 10 years, after radio stints
in Providence Rhode Island, Buffalo New
York, Boston, and San Francisco.
At the February Business After Hours
event at RE/MAX Town & Country, Mike
Acerno was the lucky winner of a Keene
State College $99 Ed2Go course. Acerno,
Transportation Manager at Home Healthcare Hospice & Community Services in
Keene, had his pick of hundreds of online
courses. He chose to use his $99 online
Ed2Go course to learn to play the guitar.
“I’ve always wanted to learn to play the guitar, and winning this online course gave me
the push I needed to get started. I can learn
at my own pace in the privacy of my own
home.” Visit www.ed2go.com/keene
for a complete course listing.
Kids can experience the essence of Paris
at MoCo Arts April Vacation Camp.
MoCo transforms their studios into a
French adventure. Campers experience the
landmarks, food, music and culture of the
beloved ‘City of Lights’ while participating
in age appropriate activities such as dance
games and creative crafts that educate
them about Paris and all of the wonderful
Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
people, technology and art that come from
the great city.
April in Paris runs April 20 through
24th from 9am – 3pm at MoCo Arts, 76
Railroad St. in Keene. Campers ages 4 yrs
through 6th grade are welcome. Tuition
is $204 for the whole week. Register by
visiting or calling MoCo Arts at (603) 3572100. Early drop off and aftercare until
5pm is available for $12 per day.
Marjorie Droppa, PhD, has been hired
as the Interim Program Director for a
new Collective Impact initiative focusing on early childhood development in
the Monadnock Region. Recently, Impact
Monadnock, a local non-profit organization, chose Monadnock United Way
(MUW) in partnership with Spark NH to
lead this new initiative. The initiative targets
all children in the region from birth to age
5 and their families. Funding is provided
through grants secured by Impact Monadnock. Dr. Droppa will work closely with
MUW and Spark NH to build a coalition
of support in the community. Her initial
priorities will be establishing an infrastructure to provide leadership, funding and
resources, and creating an action plan that
can sustain the long-term viability of the
early childhood initiative.
Solutions is
pleased to announce
that Lisa Orten has
joined WWCS as
a Sales Executive.
Orten will focus
on developing new business opportunities for both Software Services and IT
Infrastructure Services. Her background
includes sales and lead generation in the
IT industry, as well as budgeting, planning, relationship building and operations
management from her work in the food
service industry.
The Apple Hill Center for Chamber
Music Board of Trustees elected officers
and trustees at its recent annual meeting.
Elected as President, Mark Meess; Vice
President, Lindsay Dearborn; Treasurer
Fred Hadlow; Secretary, Maura Glennon;
and new trustees, Deborah Ford, Eileen
Sarson and Linda Stavely. For 45 years,
Apple Hill has existed to create, perform,
and teach chamber music at the highest standard, broaden the appreciation
of chamber music through the development of educational programs, and
cultivate connection and understanding
among people of diverse backgrounds
and cultures through its Playing for Peace
program. 2015 summer concerts will be
held on ten consecutive Tuesday evenings
starting June 23, 2015 in the Louise Shonk
Kelly Concert Barn located on its 100-acre
campus in Nelson, New Hampshire..
Person Centered
Leadership Seminar
Wednesday April 8th, 2015
Best Western Hotel
Mark your
2015 Calendars!
8:00 AM—Noon
Leaders Build Strong Organizations
Wednesday, June 24th
One Relationship at a Time
Learn to develop and maintain a culture of mutual relationships that encourage commitment and accountability. Based
on “The TEAMS Foundations”, this approach will demonstrate
how leaders can create the right environment for success. In
Call Today!
Like us on
(603) 352-6051
addition, you will learn how to create purposeful communications that stress key methods for influence, including how to
understand your audience, and how to find the best ideas.
Visit www.mondanockshrm.org for more information
and to register.
Register before April 3 for Early Bird Pricing!
Family-Style Assisted Living Close to Home
361 Court Street, Keene, NH
A limited number of affordable rooms are now available.
Outlook News April 2015
Member Events
Visit www.keenechamber.com/events
for event details.
Greater Monadnock Society for Human
Resource Management (GMSHRM)
Person Centered Leadership Seminar
Wednesday, April 8 from 8 AM to Noon
Best Western Hotel, 401 Winchester Street in Keene
In this seminar, Renee Charney and David Liddell will first
lead participants through innovative and interactive presentations that focus on the value of leading through strong
relationships. Learn how to develop and maintain a culture
of mutual relationships that encourage commitment and accountability. The second part of the seminar will explore how
as leaders, you can set the best strategic course and get people
on board. For more information or to register, go to
Keene State College
Transition to Employment for College
Graduates on the Autism Spectrum:
Unique Opportunities and Challenges
Friday, April 10 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Keene State College Student Center
This symposium will address the post-graduation employment crisis that affects many college graduates and future
graduates with autism. Barbara Bissonnette of Forward
Motion Coaching will be the Keynote Speaker. Lunch will
be included. Employers, vocational rehabilitation counselors,
employment agencies, KSC faculty, staff, college students and
their families should attend.
The event is free, but space is limited; early registration is
recommended: http://www.keene.edu/it/helpdesk/training/
coursedesc.cfm?Course_ID=559. When registering please
indicate your industry and title in the Department field and
click KSC Faculty/Staff button.
Cheshire Medical Center/
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene
7th Annual Bald is Beautiful Cancer
Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 9:00 AM – 2 PM at MJD & Co
All proceeds from the event support the Patient Relief and
Cancer Care Funds established to provide financial assistance
to local patients receiving care at the Kingsbury Pavilion. who
have difficulty covering daily living costs like gas, heating fuel,
and groceries. Funds raised through Bald is Beautiful allow
the Kingsbury Pavilion to extend its reach of care beyond the
hospital walls, where the real healing begins. In addition, donations allow the purchase of vital equipment for the Kingsbury Pavilion, such as television monitors for chemotherapy
infusion chairs, blanket warmers and other items. Donations
are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Individuals
and teams are urged to register today to begin their fundraising. To participate or donate, visit www.baldisbeautiful.org.
Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community
3rd Annual 5K Run/Walk
Saturday, May 9 at 9:00 AM to benefit the Healthy Starts program at Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services
The 3.1 mile course starts and finishes at HCS’s Keene office at 312 Marlboro Street. The course is a mostly flat loop
through residential areas and the bike path – suitable for all
levels of runners and walkers. All ages are encouraged and
strollers are permitted, but please leave dogs at home. Every
participant who registers by April 17, 2015 will receive a free
race t-shirt.
For information about participating in the 5K, volunteering
at the event, or corporate sponsorship opportunities, please
contact Chaille Cohen at 352-2253 or ccohen@HCSservices.
org. Register online at www.HCSServices.org or print out
and mail the entry form.
Monadnock Developmental Services
First Annual Run~Walk~Smile 5K/1Mile Event
Saturday, May 30 in downtown Keene. Check-in begins at
7:30 AM., rain or shine, at Bike Path near MDS and Whitney
Brothers, 93 Railroad Street. The event kicks off at 8:30 AM
with the 1-mile walk on the Rail Trail. The 5K Run begins at
9:00 AM.
Pre-event registration for the 5K is $25 per person, $15 for the
1-Mile walk. Day-of-race registration is $30/$20. The first 100
participants to register will receive a free T-shirt. All proceeds
benefit the MDS Dental Fund to help pay for critical dental
work and emergencies for people with developmental disabilities. Visit www.mds-nh.org for full details and to register
Save the Date!
Pathways for Keene
4 on the 4th Road Race
Saturday, July 4th 2015
Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
April B2B
Brown Bag Lunch
Music-Based Workshops for Team
Building and Staff Development
How can music-making help your
business or organization reach its goals?
Friday, April 10th from noon - 1 PM
in the GKCC Conference Room
Join Nancy Salwen, of Music All Around, in a hands-on informational session that will demonstrate the benfits making music
and engaging in the creative arts in a business setting.
Learn How Music & Collaborative Arts Help...
• improve moral & access your team’s passion and enthusiasm
• improve creative problem solving
• increase co-operation and team spirit
• improve communication – both verbal and non-verbal
• learn about your team’s dynamics and how to improve them
To register, email nbishop@keenechamber.com or call the GKCC
at (603) 352-1303. The cost is $5 for members and $15 for not-yet
Elegant Settings, Ltd.
vent R
For Every Taste
& Budget
The Sweetback Sisters & The Stray Birds
Saturday, April 18th at 8:00 PM
Cost: $25 Advance $28 at door
Park Avenue,
Avenue, Suite
Suite 103,
103, Keene
28 Park
603.352.4089 || Elegantsettingsltd.com
Outlook News April 2015
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Keene, NH
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48 Central Square
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April 2015
Call Today!
603-352-1303 or email
to learn about our very
reasonable Web Site
Advertising Rates!
GKCC Events...
Keene Young Professionals Network
Monthly Social
Wednesday, April 1, 5:30 pm
Scores Sports Bar and Grille, Keene
B2B Brown Bag Lunch
Friday, April 10, Noon – 1 pm
GKCC Conference Room
Music Workshops for Team Building
& Staff Development
Social Raffle!
Friday, April 10, 6:00-10:00 pm
Keene Country Club, Keene
Business After Hours
Wednesday, April 15, 5:30-7:00 pm
Antioch University New England
40 Avon Street, Keene
fo r h o
s t in g
B u s in e
the M
a rc h
ss Afte
r Hou
Look at Pictures on Facebook Now,
and in Outlook News Next Month!
Newsletter Designed by Salwen Graphic Design, Keene NH
48 Central Square, Keene, NH 03431 • Tel: 603-352-1303 • Fax: 603-358-5341
www.keenechamber.com • info@keenechamber.com
While the GKCC does its best to verify the content of this publication, details may change after publication date and member information
is dependent on our members’ submissions. Please verify content when appropriate.
Please note: The Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce is neither a member of, nor is affiliated with the United States Chamber of Commerce.
23rd Annual Fenton Family
Dealerships Golf Tournament
Please join Fenton Family Dealerships on June 1, 2015 as we host the 23rd annual charity golf
tournament to benefit The Community Kitchen.
In 2014, The Community Kitchen served over 500,000 meals to more than 9000 area residents. Without
the help of supporters and your donations, they cannot continue to serve the community effectively.
In 2015, it is estimated that there will be a greater need in the area. Please consider sponsoring this
event and/or playing. Help make a difference! Multiple sponsorships are available.
As in previous years, players will:
Be challenged by a demanding private 18 hole course with exclusive club house and bar.
Play for Hole-In-One Awards of a variety of gifts including the opportunity to win one million
dollars, two one hundred thousand dollar prizes and an opportunity to win a new car.
Participate in a raffle and take a chance on winning golf equipment and other prizes.
Enjoy a wonderful dinner.
Enjoy a silent auction to include sports events, autographed items, etc.
Located at the Keene Country Club 755 west Street Keene NH
Pre-registration is at 9:00 AM- Driving range will be open.
Drawing for one million dollar shoot out 10:30 AM
Please note pre-registration is limited to the first 36-foursomes 144 players so please sign up early!
Start time: 11:00 AM (shotgun)
The Community Kitchen is a 501 (C) 3 Charity www.thecommunitykitchen.org
23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Sponsorships Needed
June 1, 2015
Shotgun start at 11:00am
10:30 AM: $1million and $100,000 Shoot Out
Held at the Keene Country Club
755 West Street, Keene, NH
Fenton Family Dealerships will host the 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Keene
Country Club. All proceeds will benefit The Community Kitchen located in Keene, NH. This is
the area’s single largest fundraiser to benefit the Community Kitchen, a United Way Agency,
which serves over 500,000 meals each year. Tournament tee and green sponsors are needed.
Questions contact pbell@fentonautosales.com or jrios@fentonautosales.com
YES, I will support the Community Kitchen event as a:
____ Tournament Sponsor (1) $2500
____ Million $$$ shoot out (2)
____ Cart Sponsor (3)
Dinner Sponsor (3)
Lunch Sponsor (3)
Putting Green (3)
Tee Sponsor and green
Prize Sponsor
Mail your sponsorship to:
The Community Kitchen Tournament
c/o Fenton Family Dealerships
PO Box 646
Keene, NH 03431
Name exactly how it should appear on signage:
Contact Name: ____________________________
Address: _________________________________
City, ST Zip ______________________ Phone: _______________________
Email _________________________________________________________
 My Check is enclosed (payable to: The Community Kitchen Tournament)
 Please charge my credit card: ___ MC ___ Visa ___ Discover
Card # __________________________________________________________
Name on Card ______________________________________ Exp ____/____
Signature ________________________________________________________