Cougar Tracks Kelly Creek Elementary 2400 SE Baker Way Gresham, OR 97080 503-663-7483 April 14th , 2015 PTC CORNER~~~~~ th Wednesday April 15 : th Monday April 20 : st Tuesday April 21 : nd Wednesday April 22 : rd Thursday April 23 : th Friday April 24 : th Tuesday April 28 : th Wednesday April 29 : th Wednesday May 6 : @ 6:30 PM PM Kindergarten nd 2 Grade Musical 7pm Connect To Kindergarten 6-7:30pm AM Kindergarten Popcorn Day C & I Day—No School Spring & Group Pictures PM Kindergarten PTC Mtg/Library/GRMS Principal th here for 5 grade Parents Registration for 2015-2016 Fall Kindergarten began on Monday March 2nd. Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2015 to be eligible for Kindergarten next fall. Please bring your child’s birth certificate, immunization record, proof of residence and names and telephone numbers of emergency contacts. Starting with the 2015-16 school year, Gresham Barlow SD will have FULL DAY Kindergarten at ALL Elementary Schools. This means, Kindergarten will be from 8:35-3:05 Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri. and on Wednesday’s from 9:35-3:05 Registration hours are 9:00AM - 3:30PM Mon-Friday until June 1st, 2015. Registration will resume again in August. If you have any questions, please call 503-663-7483. Popcorn Friday this month is Thursday, April 23rd! Send a quarter with your kiddo! There is a 1 bag at a time policy and a 2 bag limit per day, so please do not send your child with more than 2 quarters each. Mark your calendars for a Bingo Night May 12! We still need a lot of volunteers to help plan this fun event. Please let us know if you can help! Please note our PTC meeting dates for the rest of the year (these are a change from the first Tuesday of the month): Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30-Principal Rolland Hayden from GRMS will be here to talk to 5th grade parents. Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 Please join us for the 30th year of "The Children's Art Institute" Summer art classes for students entering 1st-12th grade and adults. Classes run for 8 days: July 7-10 and July 13-16. Please go to: for information and registration forms, email us, or call Marlene Bergan at (503) 784-8120 Hope to see you this summer! Parent Requests For IN-DISTRICT Transfers Accepted April 1-30, 2015 Deadline is April 30, 2015 BUDGET FORUMS FOR PARENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS The Gresham-Barlow School District will hold a series of budget forums to get input on how to reduce the budget for next school year. The funding level set by the state legislature for the next biennium will require the district to reduce its budget by up to $2.5 million next year and those reductions will remain in effect for 2016-17. A $2.5 million budget cut is equivalent to 25 teaching positions or seven school days. The district will use input from these meetings to guide its work as it puts together a budget for next year. Some of the programs/services being considered for reduction: • • Outdoor School Curriculum adoptions Some of the budget reduction options under consideration: • • • The Gresham-Barlow School District will accept in-district transfer requests for the 2015-2016 school year during the month of April only. This request is if you live within the district and want your child to attend a Gresham-Barlow school outside of your attendance area AND you currently don’t have an approved in-district transfer. If your student currently has an in-district transfer and is moving from elementary to middle or middle to high you must submit a new request. Transfer request forms will be available Wednesday, April 1, 2015 from (1) the main office at any GBSD school, (2) the district office, or (3) the district website: see Parent Resources. Your completed form can be dropped off at any GBSD school, faxed to (503) 661-1589, or mailed to the district office at 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham 97030 to arrive by April 30, 2015. You will be notified in writing after review of all requests. Please note: kindergarten and first grade requests will not be decided upon until late summer after elementary registration. For further information, contact the GreshamBarlow School District Office at 503-261-4550, attention Stephanie for elementary and Pat for secondary grades. Staff layoffs (Resulting in increased class sizes) Cutting days from the school year Reducing or eliminating programs Spanish and Russian interpreters will be available at the meetings. Date Time Location April 15 7 p.m. April 21 7 p.m. Kelly Creek Elementary 2400 SE Baker Way Gresham, OR 97080 Hogan Cedars Elementary 1770 SE Fleming Ave. Gresham, OR 97080 OUR LOST AND FOUND IS OVER FLOWING WITH CLOTHES THAT WOULD LOVE TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH ITS OWNER!!! PLEASE ASK YOUR CHILD TO CHECK THE CAFETERIA WHERE WE HAVE LAID EVERYTHING IN THE LOST AND FOUND OUT IF HE/SHE IS MISSING A COAT OR JACKET! PLEASE LABEL YOUR CHILDS COATS/HATS/GLOVES/LUNCHBOXES ECT…THAT WAY, THEY WILL BE RETURNED TO THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNER. NEXT SCHOOL DROP-OFF The Gresham-Barlow School District, in cooperation with First Student Transportation Services, is committed to providing students reliable, safe transportation to and from school. The transport of 8000-9000 students twice a day to and from 20 schools on more than 70 buses is no small task. One critical element of reliable service is keeping all buses on time. The smallest of glitches in a carefully planned route can lead to delays for many students at numerous schools. The procedure called “next school drop-off” helps ensure on-time buses for the afternoon trip home for students. Several situations require that a bus driver deliver a student to the next school on a route – referred to as next school drop-off. These situations include: 1. A kindergarten student that cannot be left at a scheduled stop due to the absence of an approved adult at the stop. 2. A K-5 student who forgets to get off at his/her assigned stop; and 3. A K-5 student who is on the wrong afternoon bus. In the event of any one of these situations, the bus driver continues the planned route and delivers the student to the next school on the driver’s route, providing that school is either an elementary or middle school. If the next school is a high school the driver will return the student to his/her home school. When the child is dropped off at the next school on the route, procedures are followed that ensure communication with the parent/guardian, the home school and the receiving school. These procedures provide continuous supervision of the student by GBSD staff until he/she is picked up at the receiving school by the parent/guardian. The basic procedures are: • Call the home school to alert them that you have the student. • Call the district office with the same information as above. • The home school makes the calls to find a parent or emergency contact. • An adult needs to remain at the home school and the drop-off school until the child is picked up. • If the home school has not been successful in reaching a parent, or the parent hasn’t shown up in the expected time, the police should be called using the nonemergency number. Maintain contact with the District Office until the child is picked up.
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