2015 Gold Medal Training Camps Ken Chertow Wrestling Arizona May 23-26 | Scottsdale Embassy Suites Phoenix - Scottsdale More camps in CA, OR & across the nation! Camp options for all ages! Commuter discounts and pro-rated fees available. TEAM CAMP INCLUDES: Specialized team training & competition, coaches seminars, free coaches clinic DVDs and other incentives. SIGNIFICANT TEAM DISCOUNTS AND EARLY ENROLLMENT INCENTIVES FOR COACHES AND WRESTLERS ALL CAMPS FEATURE: Systematic Curriculum Intense Drills Video Analysis Mental Preparation Live Wrestling Nutrition Seminars World Class Staff Strength Training Outstanding Facilities 4-da How to Enroll • Visit kenchertow.com & click Online Application. • Fill out the application on our summer brochure and mail it to PO Box 120, Boalsburg, PA, or fax it to 814-466-3420. • Print an application at kenchertow.com by clicking “Printable Application.” • Collect your team’s applications and mail them in together to receive a discount! Contact us to request camp brochures and a FREE motivational poster! KENCHERTOW.COM 814-466-3466 | CAMPS@KENCHERTOW.COM KenChertowNutrition.com application Wrestler Office Use Only Wrestler’s E-mail Address City Home Phone ( ) Grade Entering School - Birth Date Parent Name Weight Commuter ($75 discount) State Cell Phone ( ) Male/Female Zip - Years Experience Coach’s Name Parent’s E-mail (Required) Resident/Roommate Preference(s) Nutrition Package: 2 packets of Rehydrate, 2 packets of Spark, and 2 bottles of Slam, plus a water bottle, for $15! Scholar-Athlete Package: Coach Chertow’s 160-page book, Technique Notebook, 2-hour Highlight DVD #5, and Laundry Bag for $50! We strongly recommend you add on one or both packages for your wrestler. Packages will be distributed at check-in. You must include your payment with this application and enroll at least 3 weeks prior to camp to receive this deal! Additional Lodging Options Father/Son Option: Room and board with your son and another father/son pair for $275. Please provide an additional $100 deposit. Female: We welcome girls at all camp locations. Private Room: To reserve a hotel room, include a deposit of $105 for Arizona or $100 for San Diego & indicate which nights below. _______________________________ Wrestler to be housed with other campers. Wrestler staying in room with parents. Meals for parent(s): Breakfasts Lunches Dinners Contact our office for meal package pricing: 814-466-3466. Signature below is authorization for use of credit card and agreement to the refund policy which can be found on kenchertow.com. A $7 registration fee will be charged with each application. All sales are final. No monetary refunds. VISA Master Card Discover Card Number: Expiration: 3 Digit V-Code We accept VISA/MC/DISCOVER Charge Cards for DVDs, Wear and Gear, and camp enrollment. No charge cards or personal checks accepted at check-in, cash or money order only. We authorize our child or ward to be treated by a licensed physician, EMT, dentist, physicians assistant, registered nurse, or athletic trainer, if necessary, while attending camp. In submitting this entry, we waive, release, and forever discharge Chertow, Ken Wrestling, Inc. t/d/b/a Ken Chertow’s Gold Medal Wrestling Camp (“Camp”), and all camp directors and staff, and the host facility for and from any and all injuries, losses, or other damages suffered by our child or ward or us at this camp, while traveling to and from this camp, or while participating in this camp. We agree to indemnify and hold Camp, and all camp directors and staff, and the host facility, harmless from and against any and all claims or demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party, to include our child or ward, due to or arising out of our child or ward’s participation in this camp. We acknowledge that participation in this camp poses risks for our child or ward, and we represent that our child or ward is physically able to participate in this camp, and has trained sufficiently to do so. Signature of Parent or Guardian KC DVD *4 FREE DVDs (a $120 value) for wrestlers enrolled in a Super Gold Camp by April 1. Phoenix, az: may 23 - 26 Embassy Suites Phoenix - Scottsdale Gold Medal 5/23 - 5/26 ($425) Kids Training 5/23 - 5/26 ($425) Technique 5/23 - 5/26 ($425) Future Champions 5/23 - 5/26 ($355) Insurance Co. Policy # *FREE T-Shirt for wrestlers enrolled by April 1. T-Shirt Size: San Diego, CA: June 28 - july 2 Marriott La Jolla Gold Medal 6/28 - 7/02 ($525) Kids Training 6/28 - 7/02 ($525) Technique 6/28 - 7/01 ($425) Future Champions 6/28 - 7/01 ($355) ashland, or: june 20 - 23 southern oregon university Gold Medal 6/20 - 6/23 ($425) Kids Training 6/20 - 6/23 ($425) Technique 6/20 - 6/23 ($425) Future Champions 6/20 - 6/23 ($355) KENCHERTOW.COM • camps@kenchertow.com • 814.466.3466
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