MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF KENNETT TOWNSHIP 801 Burrows Run Road Chadds Ford, PA 19317 April 1, 2015 Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., with Vice-Chairman Leff and Supervisor Hammaker both present. MINUTES Leff moved to approve the minutes from the February 18, March 4 and 18, 2015. Stevens seconded the motion and it carried with all in favor except Hammaker for the February 18, 2015 minutes because he was absent. NEW BUSINESS SALDO Design Standards Ordinance 234 Lisa Moore presented Ordinance 234 which sets design standards for apartments in the BP District. Hammaker moved to approve Ordinance 234 SALDO Design Standards. Leff seconded the motion and it carried with all in favor. Parking Standards Ordinance 235 Lisa Moore presented Ordinance 235 amending the parking standards ordinance to require additional parking spaces for guest parking in planned residential developments or residential condominium or townhouse communities. Hammaker moved to approve Ordinance 235 Parking Standards. Leff seconded the motion and it carried with all favor. Chris Burkett asked if there is any incentive for developers to have innovative parking rather than adding additional paving. He stated that additional parking will increase the runoff. Whitney Hoffman asked if ADA access will be addressed with parking standards. Lisa Moore replied that all new developments must meet the new ADA requirements. Street Standards Ordinance 236 Lisa Moore presented Ordinance 236 amending the street standards ordinance to require new roads width to be 24 ft. Hammaker moved to approve Ordinance 236 Street Standards. Leff seconded the motion and it carried with all favor. Ted Moxon expressed concerns with the environmental impacts that wider streets will cause. Lisa Moore replied that the narrow road width is a major safety concern for the Township and a maintenance issue. Chief McCarthy stated that the 18 ft. road width is a safety concern for the police. Library Update Donna Murray, Geoff Birkett and Susan Mackey-Kallis were present from the Bayard Taylor Library (Kennett Public Library) and provided an update on the library. Donna Murray stated that he library changed their name to the Kennett Public Library. Lisa Moore expressed concerns to the library that the Township was not consulted prior to the name change. The library is working on their capital fundraising campaign to determine the size of the library that they will construct on Ways Lane. The Supervisors and Manager stated that the library is a valuable asset to the community and appreciates the members attending a meeting to update the Township. Board of Supervisors Minutes April 1, 2015 Page 2 SUBDIVISION EXTENSION Hammaker moved to approve the Lord/Howe Speakman property extension until 10/2/2015. seconded the motion and it carried with all favor. Leff PUBLIC COMMENT Chris Burkett asked how much money the Township contributes to the library. Lisa Moore replied that it is approximately $150-160k per year. Chris Burkett asked if the Township has resolved the issue with the County regarding the money spent on the Chandler Mill Bridge which is owed to the FHWA. Lisa Moore stated that this is still an outstanding issue and will be resolved prior to transferring the ownership of the bridge to the Township. Chris Burkett asked about all of the trail signs at the intersection of Norway, Rosedale, Burrows Run Roads and asked if the trail heads will be designated. Lisa Moore replied that there will be mowed trails on each corner. Denise Waters stated that in the County minutes they state they are contributing $500k towards the easement on the Miller property. She expressed concerns with the way the Township handles easements and public notification. Ted Moxon asked if the Township would be willing to add a push button to the entrance doors at the Township Building for handicap access. Lisa Moore will look into it. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa M. Moore Township Manager KENNETT TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH 2015 During the month of March 2015 there were 187 requests for police services. This includes the number that come through the 911 Call Center and are transferred to the State Police but not the number received directly by the State Police. Once again the stormy weather affected the requests for police services. March had more than its share of snow storms affecting road conditions. The last snow storm was March 20. Even after that there was some overnight light rain that caused situations for the township road crew that required the road to be salted. The township road operations kept traffic moving and there were a limited number of accidents. The potholes with the fluxion was another problem facing the road crew. During March there were no house break-ins. Our residents continue to aid the township by reporting suspicious persons and vehicles. The large “bump” on West Hillendale Road went down. However, a section on East Hillendale Road between Bayard Road and McFarlan Road continue to break up despite temporary repairs. The road crew was called out after their regular hours to put out traffic warning devices until further repairs could be made. The police department provided traffic control for the road crew while the Rt. 52 (Kennett Pike) bike way path could be cleaned. The police department will provide traffic control on various roads when the road crew feels it is necessary. The township’s new police car has arrived. It is scheduled to have its markings and equipment installed during the month of April. Officer Nolt is spending additional time with traffic enforcement under an Aggressive Enforcement Grant the township has received. Administrative officers are exempt from these grant hours. Compliance with the newly installed four-way stops at Bayard and Hillendale and Hillendale and McFarlan Roads has increased. Residents have reported erratic drivers on certain roads at regular times during the week. Surveillance has been established to stop these motorists. So far these stops seem to be effective. KENNETT TOWNSHIP, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA RESOLUTION NO. _________ A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KENNETT, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, ADOPTING A POLICY TO REQUIRE THAT A TRAIL EASEMENT BE PROVIDED WITH CONSERVATION EASEMENTS IN KENNETT TOWNSHIP WHEN TOWNSHIP FUNDS ARE UTILIZED TO PURCHASE THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT; ALLOWING FOR EXCEPTIONS TO THE POLICY ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Kennett Township has contributed Township funds to the acquisition of conservation easements for preservation of open space in the best interests of the residents of Kennett Township, and intends to continue to contribute funds to the acquisition of conservation easements in the future; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that it is in the best interests of the residents of Kennett Township, and especially those persons living and/or working in proximity to property made subject to conservation easements, to require that a trail easement be provided with conservation easements in Kennett Township when Township funds are utilized to purchase the conservation easement; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to adopt a policy of requiring a trail easement to be provided with conservation easements in Kennett Township when Township funds are utilized to purchase the easement; NOW, THEREFORE, be it, and it is hereby RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Kennett Township, and it hereby ADOPTED and RESOLVED by authority of same as follows: 1. The Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a policy that requires a trail easement to be provided with conservation easements in Kennett Township when Township funds are utilized to purchase the conservation easement. 2. This policy may be waived by the Board of Supervisors in its sole discretion on a case-by-case basis. Waiver of the policy established by this Resolution shall not require that future waivers be granted, nor shall waiver have a binding effect on the Board of Supervisors’ implementation of this policy. 3. All resolutions or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency. 4. The provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. If any provision of this Resolution is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional. Such determination shall have no effect on the remaining provisions of this Resolution. 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its legal adoption. 1 RESOLVED and ADOPTED this _______________ day of _________________________, 2015. ATTEST: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF KENNETT TOWNSHIP ______________________________ Lisa M. Moore, Secretary/Manager __________________________________________ Scudder G. Stevens, Chairman __________________________________________ Richard L. Leff, Vice-Chairman __________________________________________ Robert A. Hammaker, Member 2
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