SPENDING THE SUMMER WITH FRIENDS! Camp Adventure 2015 SUMMER DAY CAMP ENROLLMENT PACKET KENOSHA YMCA Spending the Summer With Friends!!! Dear Parents, WOW!!! It’s time to make plans for Summer Day Camp already! The school year has gone by quickly! In this packet are the forms necessary to begin the enrollment process. It contains: Enrollment/Medical Form Registration Form Dates of Service & Payment Due Dates Transportation Agreement Immunization Record CACFP / Food Program Information Parent Policy Book Your child(ren) will officially be enrolled when ALL forms are completed and turned in along with payment in full for the first week (session) of attendance. If you want to reserve a place for other sessions, there is a $15.00 deposit for each session to be attended. The deposit is non-refundable and is applied to the payment due for the scheduled session. No child may attend a session without it being paid in full. Payments can be made via check, on-line (requires email contact information), at the Callahan Family Branch front desk, and set up as automatic withdrawal (please indicate on Registration Form so that we can get this set up for you). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Malinda Sliger (Office Assistant msliger@kenoshaymca.org or 262.654.9622 ext. 236). We look forward to building relationships with your kids and helping to meet the needs of your family. Please start planning to attend our Summer Day Camp Orientation, Saturday, June 6th, 10:00-12:00. Everyone will have the opportunity to meet the staff, sample some of the lunches on our SDC Menu (we serve am snack, lunch, & pm snack with no additional cost), ask questions, and experience some of the SDC games and activities being planned. Dr. M. Rachel Burton Youth and Family Director rburton@kenoshaymca.org 262.654.9622 ext. 238 DIRECTIONS Below you will find our Summer Camp Enrollment Packet. This packet must be completed and turned in when registering your child for the Kenosha YMCA Summer Camp Program. Please insure that all forms are filled out completely, please sure to sign and date each form and return them to: 1) Kenosha YMCA – Callahan Family Branch 2) Before & After School Program Staff Should you have any specific questions or concerns please contact: Malinda Sliger via email at msliger@kenoshaymca.org. OR 262.654.9622 ext. 236 Thank you and we look forward to serving your family! Kenosha YMCA Summer Camp Callahan Family Branch 7101 53rd St. Kenosha, Wi. 53144 262-654-9622 Please fill out in Blue or Black Ink ONLY! Child's Full Name kenoshaymca.org First Day of Attendance Gender (circle) M/F Address (City, State & Zip code required) Grade: (based on grade JUST completed, CIRCLE one) K - 1st 2nd - 3rd / Telephone # Last Day of Attendance / / DOB / Age T-Shirt Size (circle) 4th - 5th 6th - 9th Adult S Adult M Youth S Adult L Youth M Youth L Parent or Guardian (provide the information requested for EACH parent or guardian.) **NOTE: All parents/guardians will be permitted to visit during center hours unless access is prohibited or restricted by a court order** Legal Guardian #1 First and Last Name Address (City, State & Zip code required) Home # Cell # Work Name & Address Work # Legal Guardian #2 First and Last Name Email Address Address (City, State & Zip code required) Home # Cell # Work Name & Address Work # Child lives with : Both Parents Mother Special Custody Concerns: Email Address Father Grandparent(s) Guardian → This Section MUST be signed even if there are NO concerns ← Are there any custody concerns regarding this child that we need to be aware of while the child is in our care? Please Attach any documentation (court order, etc.) to back up all custody concerns. ⃝ Yes ⃝ No If YES, please explain: Signature of Parent or Guardian Physician & Medical Facility Information Physician Name Address Date Phone # Preferred Medical Facility - Please Circle one or select other: Aurora Medical - 100400 75th St. Kenosha Hospital - 6308 8th Ave. St. Catherine's - 9916 75th St. ⃝ Other _________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date I hereby give my consent for emergency medical care or treatment, to be used ONLY if I cannot be immediately reached. AUTHORIZED PEOPLE TO CALL & EMERGENCY CONTACT FOR YOUR CHILD. (Provide additional names & information for people authorized to: Contact when parent/guardian cannot be reached who can receive information on your child and are authorized as a pick-up person that staff can release your child into his/her care) Contact #1 First and Last Name Home # Address (City, State & Zip code required) Contact #2 First and Last Name Cell # Relationship to child Home # Address (City, State & Zip code required) Cell # Relationship to child I have had an opportunity to review the policies of the day care center and a summary of the Wisconsin Rules for Licensed Day Care Centers. ⃝ YES ⃝ NO I have been informed of pets in the center and their degree of contact with the enrolled children. ⃝ YES ⃝ NO Note: If pets are added after a child is enrolled, parents shall be notified in writing prior to the pet’s addition to the center. I give permission for my child to participate in Field Trips and other activities during operating hours. Walking ⃝ YES *Transported Field Trips always require an additional permission slip. This slip will include all details of the field trip. Signature of Parent or Guardian ⃝ NO Transported* ⃝ YES Date Signed ⃝ NO HEALTH HISTORY & EMERGENCY CARE PLAN 1. Check any special medical condition that your child may have: ⃝ None ⃝ Physical Handicaps ⃝ Epilepsy / Seizure Disorder ⃝ Asthma ⃝ Diabetes ⃝ Cerebral Palsy / Motor Disorder ⃝ Emotional / Behavior Disorder including ADD, ADHD or ODD (Please Circle) ⃝ Gastrointestinal or Feeding Concerns Including Special Diet and Supplements ⃝ Other condition(s) requiring special care (Specify):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Does your child have any allergies? Food Allergies - ⃝ No ⃝ Yes - Specify food(s):___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Non Food Allergies - ⃝ No ⃝ Yes - Specify:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If Yes, Fill out a - e. Attach additional information if needed. If No, skip to #3. a. Triggers that may cause problems - Specify:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Signs or Symptoms to watch for - Specify:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Steps the child care provider should follow:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. When to call parents regarding symptoms or failure to respond to treatment: ____________________________________________________________________________________ e. When to consider that the condition requires emergency medical care or reassessment: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is there additional information that may be helpful to the child care provider? ⃝ None ⃝ Yes Specify: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Does your child take any medication (this information is needed whether they take medicine while in the program or at another time of the day, in case of emergency) If yes, what is the medication? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUNSCREEN & BUG REPELLANT 5. I will provide sunscreen & insect repellant for my child when applicable (I give permission to the Kenosha YMCA staff to apply/assist in applying sunscreen & insect repellant to my child daily) __________________________________________________________________________ Brand_______________ SPF_____________ ⃝ Yes Signature of Parent or Guardian Date ⃝ No INSURANCE INFORMATION 6. Insurance Company: _____________________________________________________________________ Policy # _______________________________________________________________ 7. Name of person holding insurance policy:_____________________________________________________ Group # ______________________________________________ MEDIA RELEASE 8. I hereby irrevocably release, consent and authorize the Kenosha YMCA and its agents to use my child’s photograph, likeness/voice as it pertains to his/her participation with the YMCA in any manner for promotional efforts without exception of or right to any reimbursement in connection with its use. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date ⃝ Yes ⃝ No HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? 9. To better serve our community we would like to know how you heard about our program. Please circle one: Word of Mouth Newspaper YMCA Flyer Mail School Telephone Book YMCA Staff Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summer Day Camp Policy & Transportation Agreement Youth & Family Department 2015 Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ A. Policy Agreement (initials) I have read the Kenosha YMCA Program Policy booklet and agree to abide by the policies stated therein. This includes paying weekly fees 2 weeks BEFORE services are rendered OR Wisconsin Shares copays. I understand services will be declined without payment. B. Agreement To Participate & Transportation Agreement (initials) (initials) I will transport and sign my child in/out of the Kenosha YMCA Summer Program on the days I have indicated on the Summer Camp Registration Form. I will allow the Kenosha YMCA to transport my child to and from scheduled field trips to and from the Callahan Family Branch/Renaissance School during the Summer Camp Program hours on the days indicated. I give permission for my child to participate in ALL activities. (Please check all that apply) ⃝ Callahan Family Branch: Transporting for field trips. ⃝ Renaissance School: Transporting to CFB for swimming and transporting for field trips. ⃝ Camp Adventure: To / From (school): ____________________________________________________________________________________ Session (circle one): AM / PM Please share your email address with us for important program updates as well as online payment sign up. Parent/Guardian Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Signed DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & FAMILY SERVICES Division of Public Health DPH 4192 (Rev. 02/08) STATE OF WISCONSIN ss. 252.04,Wis. Stats. DAY CARE IMMUNIZATION RECORD COMPLETE AND RETURN TO DAY CARE CENTER . State law requires all children in day care centers to present evidence of immunization against certain diseases within 30 school days (6 calendar weeks) of admission to the day care center. These requirements can be waived only if a properly signed health, religious, or personal conviction waiver is filed with the day care center. See “Waivers” below. If you have any questions on immunizations or how to complete this form, please contact your child’s day care provider or your local health department. PERSONAL DATA STEP 1 PLEASE PRINT Child’s Name(Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) Area Code/Telephone Number Name of Parent/Guardian/Legal Custodian (Last, First, Middle Initial) Address (Street, Apartment number, City, State, Zip) IMMUNIZATION HISTORY STEP 2 List the MONTH, DAY AND YEAR the child received each of the following immunizations. DO NOT USE A (4) OR (X) except to indicate whether the child has had chickenpox. If you do not have an immunization record for this child, contact your doctor or local public health department to obtain the records. TYPE OF VACCINE First Dose Second Dose Third Dose Fourth Dose Fifth Dose Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (Specify DTP, DTaP, or DT) Polio Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B) Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Hepatitis B Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine Vaccine is required only if the child has not had chickenpox disease. Has the child had Varicella (chickenpox) disease? Check the appropriate box and provide the year if known. Yes year _____________________ (Vaccine is not required) No or Unsure (Vaccine is required) REQUIREMENTS STEP 3 The following are the minimum required immunizations for the child’s age/grade at entry. All children within the range must meet these requirements at day care entrance. Children who reach a new age/grade level while attending this day care must have their records updated with dates of additional required doses. AGE LEVELS NUMBER OF DOSES 5 months through 15 months 2 DTP/DTaP/DT 2 Polio 2 Hib 2 PCV 2 Hep B 1 2 3 16 months through 23 months 3 DTP/DTaP/DT 2 Polio 3 Hib 3 PCV 2 Hep B 1 MMR 1 2 3 2 years through 4 years 4 DTP/DTaP/DT 3 Polio 3 Hib 3 PCV 3 Hep B 1 MMR 1 Varicella 4 3 At Kindergarten entrance 4 DTP/DTaP/DT 4 Polio 3 Hep B 2 MMR 2 Varicella 1 If the child began the Hib series at 12-14 months of age, only 2 doses are required. If the child received one dose of Hib at 15 months of age or after, no additional doses are required. Minimum of one dose must be received after 12 months of age (Note: a dose 4 days or less before the first birthday is also acceptable). 2 If the child began the PCV series at 12-23 months of age, only 2 doses are required. If the child received the first dose of PCV at 24 months of age or after, no additional doses are required. 3 st MMR vaccine must have been received on or after the first birthday (Note: a dose 4 days or less before the 1 birthday is also acceptable). 4 th rd th th Children entering kindergarten must have received one dose after the 4 birthday (either the 3 , 4 or 5 ) to be compliant (Note: a dose 4 days or th less before the 4 birthday is also acceptable). COMPLIANCE DATA AND WAIVERS STEP 4 IF THE CHILD MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS (sign at STEP 5 and return this form to the day care center), OR IF THE CHILD DOES NOT MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS (check the appropriate box below, sign and return this form to day care center). Although the child has not received all required doses of vaccine for his or her age group, at least the first dose of each vaccine has been received. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain the remaining required doses of vaccines for this child WITHIN ONE YEAR and to notify the day care center in writing as each dose is received. NOTE: Failure to stay on schedule or report immunizations to the day care center may result in court action against the parents and a fine of up to $25.00 per day of violation. For health reasons this child should not receive the following immunizations __________(List in STEP 2 any immunizations already received) ______________________________________________________________________ Physician’s Signature Required For religious reasons this child should not be immunized. (List in STEP 2 any immunizations already received) For personal conviction reasons this child should not be immunized. (List in STEP 2 any immunizations already received): SIGNATURE STEP 5 To the best of my knowledge this form is complete and accurate. ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNATURE - Parent, Guardian or Legal Custodian Date Signed Camp Adventure @ Callahan Branch 2015 SDC REGISTRATION FORM Childs Full Name Todays Date Grade (based on grade JUST completed CIRCLE ONE): K - 1st 2nd - 3rd 4th - 5th I would like to purchase a Student Membership at the KENOSHA YMCA: $143.00 (6 month) or $180.00 (1 year) (Please complete a membership application) ⃝ YES ⃝ NO Member / Multiple Child Rates General Public Rates SDC 2015 FEES 1-2 Days per session = $90.00 1-2 Days per session = $105.00 3 days per session = $132.00 3 days per session = $155.00 4-5 days per session = $175.00 4-5 days per session = $205.00 SESSION 1 MUST BE PAID IN FULL. Non-Refundable Deposit of $15 per child/per additional session will hold a place for your child There are no refunds or credits issued for unused days. Parent is responsible for paying balance by due date. There will be a $5.00 late fee for each payment received late. REGISTRATION DIRECTIONS: → Place checkmark to select number of days needed per week. → Circle specific weekdays child will be attending. Camp Adventure Form → Make check/money order out to “Kenosha YMCA” Session 1 Session 7 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days June 15-19 ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: June 5th or 6th July 27 to July 31 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: July 17th Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 8 Camp Adventure Form August 3-7 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: July 24th Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 9 Camp Adventure Form August 10-14 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: July 31st Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 10 Camp Adventure Form August 17-21 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: August 7th Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 11 Camp Adventure Form August 24-28 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: August 14th Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Payment Option: (choose one) Online Payment Check Credit Card E-Payment Receipt # ________________________________________________________ Staff Name TOTAL AMOUNT PAID FOR ALL SESSIONS (Include each session that is paid in full, each session that a deposit has been applied to, late registration fees, and membership fees.) $_____________ Total Paid Camp Adventure 2015 SDC REGISTRATION FORM Childs Full Name Todays Date Grade (based on grade JUST completed CIRCLE ONE): K - 1st 2nd - 3rd 4th - 5th I would like to purchase a Student Membership at the KENOSHA YMCA: $143.00 (6 month) or $180.00 (1 year) (Please complete a membership application) ⃝ YES ⃝ NO SDC 2015 FEES Member / Multiple Child Rates General Public Rates 4-5 days per session = $87.50 4-5 days per session = $102.50 SESSION 1 MUST BE PAID IN FULL. Non-Refundable Deposit of $15 per child/per additional session will hold a place for your child There are no refunds or credits issued for unused days. Parent is responsible for paying balance by due date. There will be a $5.00 late fee for each payment received late. ⃝ 1-2 Days Session 6 REGISTRATION DIRECTIONS: → Place checkmark to select number of days needed per week. July 20-24 ⃝ 3 Days ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: July 10th → Circle specific weekdays child will be attending. → Make check/money order out to “Kenosha YMCA” Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Adventure-CFB Form Adventure-CFB Form Session 2 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days June 22-26 ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: June 12th Adventure-CFB Form Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 3 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days June 29 to July 3 ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: June 19th Adventure-CFB Form Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 4 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days July 6-10 ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: June 26th Adventure-CFB Form Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Session 5 ⃝ 1-2 Days ⃝ 3 Days July 13-17 ⃝ 4-5 Days $_____________ Amnt Due Payment Due & Registration Deadline: July 3rd Adventure-CFB Form Child will attend: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri Transportation Fee $50.00 MUST be paid in full before 6/22/15 *** We will determine the schools that we will be transporting to and from based on the enrollments that are turned in on or before 6/6/2015*** Payment Option: (choose one) Online Payment Check Credit Card E-Payment Receipt # ________________________________________________________ Staff Name TOTAL AMOUNT PAID FOR ALL SESSIONS (Include each session that is paid in full, each session that a deposit has been applied to, late registration fees, and membership fees.) $_____________ Total Paid AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION Youth & Family Department I HEREBY AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION OF THE FOLLOWING MEDICATION(S) TO MY CHILD BY STAFF OF THE KENOSHA YMCA YOUTH & FAMILY DEPARTMENT. (INSTRUCTIONS: Place form in child's file when medication is no longer required.) Child's Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ D.O.B: _____________________________ Name of Medication Dosage Time Dates for Medication to be given Prescription ⃝ YES ⃝ NO From: To: ⃝ YES ⃝ NO From: To: ⃝ YES ⃝ NO From: To: ⃝ YES ⃝ NO From: To: ⃝ YES ⃝ NO From: To: Special Instructions: Signature of Parent or Guardian: Date Signed: Medication Log Date Time Name & Dosage of Medication Person Administering Medication Date Time Name & Dosage of Medication Person Administering Medication 2015 Summer Camp Dates of Service and Payment Due Dates Session # Payment Due Dates of Care 1 June 5th or 6th 2015 6/15/15 – 6/19/15 2 June 12th 2015 6/22/15 – 6/26/15 3 June 19th 2015 6/29/15 – 7/03/15 4 June 26th 2015 7/06/15 – 7/10/15 5 July 3rd 2015 7/13/15 – 7/17/15 6 July 10th 2015 7/20/15 – 7/24/15 7 July 17th 2015 7/27/15 – 7/31/15 8 July 24th 2015 8/03/15 – 8/07/15 9 July 31st 2015 8/10/15 – 8/14/15 10 August 7th 2015 8/17/15 – 8/21/15 11 August 14th 2015 8/24/15 – 8/28/15 Please Contact the Youth & Family Office Assistant Malinda Sliger with any billing questions or concerns 262.654.9622 ext 236 or MSliger@KenoshaYmca.org Thank You
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