2015 JDA Nomination Form - University Parish Newman Center

Established in 1995, the Msgr. John J. Daum Campus Ministry Award is an
annual award that recognizes outstanding contributions to Catholic campus ministry
at Kent State University. This award is named after our founding pastor, Msgr.
Daum, whose vision, dedication and leadership founded the University Parish
Newman Center in 1962.
The Msgr. John J. Daum Campus Ministry Award will be presented to one or
more persons who have demonstrated a strong commitment to campus ministry.
Undergraduate students, graduate students, and non-student parishioners who
meet the following criteria are eligible for this award.
1. Demonstrates consistent support of and dedication to the vision of campus ministry
in the parish.
2. Is active and present in a wide variety of campus ministry and parish activities.
3. Models a mature Catholic faith, life and spirituality.
Note: A listing of previous winners is on a plaque in the Social Hall. Professional staff members are
not eligible for this award.
To nominate deserving persons for this award, complete this form, using a separate form for each
person you wish to nominate. You may use the back of the form or attach a separate letter. In your
nomination, please state why you believe this person deserves the Msgr. John J. Daum Campus
Ministry Award, using concrete and specific examples of how the nominee exemplifies the above
criteria. Please use complete sentences and employ legible handwriting. Selections from
nomination forms are often used to introduce the winner!
This award will be presented at the Msgr. John J. Daum Awards Dinner on Sunday, May 3, and the
winner(s) will be recognized at the 8:00 p.m. Mass that evening. Nominations must be received in
the parish office by Tuesday, April 7 at 5:00 p.m. If you have questions, contact Mary Lynn
Delfino at (330) 678-0240 or email mdelfino@kent.edu.
Nominee’s Name ___________________________________________________
Student? Yes / No
Your Name: _________________________________________________
Phone Number & E-mail Address _______________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _________________