File - Kentucky Volleyball Academy

2013-2014 Season
President: Heather Moore
Vice President: Ed Fisher
Administrative Director: Karen Vogt
Director of Sports Marketing: Cassie Cordero
KVA is an AAU Junior Volleyball Program for girls ages 8-18 of all skill levels.
We are committed to developing and promoting the sport of volleyball within our
community, we strive to provide a fun and organized environment while
developing sportsmanship, teamwork, and the skills of our players. We offer
quality instruction and competition that will help our volleyball players reach their
maximum potential. KVA will challenge players to become their BEST!
Our emphasis will be teaching the basic skills of volleyball for the majority of
our players so they will have a solid foundation so they can reach their maximum
potential and eventually play at a higher level. We will mainly focus on serving
and passing. Players will be learning how to run a one-setter offense and some
specialization. Mistakes are going to be made because this will be new to most of
them. Our main emphasis will be on setting up the ball and putting together a
pass, a set, and an attack. That is how success is measured in volleyball.
Winning games will not be our coaches’ main priority. It is nice to win, but KVA
feels it is more important for players to have the opportunity to learn the proper
way to play volleyball, especially if they aspire to play at a higher level such as
high school or college.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in games
and in practice. However, not all players will play the exact same amount of time.
Some players will be advancing to a higher level of play and may be put into
situations where they will be taught more advanced skills.
Our goal for girls at the high school varsity level is to prepare players for
varsity level competition. Our main emphasis is to teach them how to work
together which is a key component to being a successful team. Many of these
players have learned the basic fundamentals of volleyball and have been given
the opportunity to practice those skills. They are at a level where they are
capable of running effective offenses and defenses.
Coaching Staff
KVA will do its best to insure our coaching staff is knowledgeable in teach the game of
volleyball. We will stress the need for having a positive attitude toward players and the
game of volleyball. ALL coaches will be required to attend a coaches meeting and submit
a background check.
2013-2014 SEASON FEES
Each player will be required to pay the following
$100.00 KVA registration fee per league
$14.00 AAU membership fee (AAU membership is valid Oct 1st – Aug 31st) which included in
the $100.00 registration fee
Payments are to be made to Kentucky Volleyball Academy. League fees are NOT refundable
except in the case of an injury or illness that concludes an athlete’s ability to participate for the
remainder of the season. The amount to be refunded is prorated based on the amount of
participation and other budgetary items directly used by the individual. ALL refunds must be
approved by the KVA committee.
There are many costs to running a QUALITY Volleyball program, especially- with start-up. Here are
some of the expenses:
AAU membership & even sanction fee
Volleyball Equipment
Team Volleyball Jerseys
Coaches expenses such as continued education, background check, AAU fees, & shirts.
Volleyball skills clinic
Concession supplies
Game referees, line judges and scorekeepers
Administrative Expenses
League Awards
The official KVA Volleyball Season will run from Oct – May and will consist of the following leagues:
Fall League: Oct 29th – Dec 18th with registration being held in Oct
Spring League: March – May with registration being held in Feb
Each league will consist of the following:
1-2 practice sessions per week (most practices will be held at area elementary and middle schools
and churches.
6-8 league games (all games will be played on Sundays at Rolling Hills and/or St. Aloysious)
Location may change depending on availability
KVA reserves the right to change game and registration dates at any time.
Player Placement
Each player will be placed on a team. .
Players that have advanced volleyball skills may play up to the high school level, but must attend
mandatory try outs.
The Zones will be as follows, EAST, NORTH, and CENTRAL. KVA will do its best to place a
player in a zone in which she lives or goes to school, but will not guarantee it.
Depending on how many players join the league, the age groups will be divided into two separate
divisions or leagues based on skill level. Coaches will determine what division or league a player
will be placed in.
Players may not play for more than one team.
Players must remain with the team they started with
KVA volleyball rules are the same as USA volleyball and The National Federation of State High School
Associations with the following exceptions or interpretations:
Best 2 out of 3 games is considered a match and the third game will be played even if it doesn’t
count, if time allows
Rally scoring will be used for all games played. The first two games will be to 21 points. If a 3rd
game is needed, it will be played to 15 points. There is no cap (must win by 2) Rule 1, Sec2 Art 2.
A minimum of 5 minutes must be allowed for the following teams to warm-up. Normal warm-up times
shall be 10 minutes. Rule 1, Sec. 7 Art 1.
Teams will warm up one at a time for a minimum time of four minutes. They will use the entire
The team that wins the toss will warm up first. If more time than eight minutes is allowed, then the
teams will split the time.
Beginner age group: The serving line shall be 20’ from the net instead of 30’. A line will be located across
the floor for sideline to sideline. Exception to Rule 2, Sec 1, Art 6.
A player has 10 seconds in which she must serve. Too much delay is serving the ball, e.g. bouncing the ball
too long or just standing there holding it will constitute a delay of game and the team possessing the ball
will lose its serve. This decision of delay will be made by he referee. Exception to Rule 8, Sec 1.
Teams shall consist of 6 players to begin a match. If a team has fewer that 6 players after the start of a
match, it shall continue play. A TEAM MUST START WITH SIX PLAYERS. However, if a player is hurt
and must be removed from the game, and there are no substitutes the game will continue with five players
or less if anyone else gets hurt without forfeiture.
A ball is playable if it is hit by a player on the first of second hit and it touches the ceiling oh her teams’
side. The ball is not playable if a player hits the ball and it touches the opposing teams ceiling or ball falls
to opponent’s side after hitting the ceiling.
No volleyball player, coach, parent or spectator disagree with a Referee’s call. For displaying acts of
unsportsmanlike conduct, point/side out is awarded the opponents. For what the referee deems
EXCESSIVE unsportsmanlike conduct, team members, including all players and coaches may be
disqualified form further competition in the match or ejected from the premises. Failure to comply will
result in forfeiture of the match. (KVA Official or Referee can enforce this rule.) Rule 12, Sec. 2, Art a, 6
and 7. If a coach, player, parent or spectator are ejected from a game or premises for any unsportsmanlike
conduct, they must be reinstated by KVA before they will allowed to coach, play or on the premises.
If a coach or player is ejected for a game, there will be an automatic one-match suspension. The coach or
player must also be re-instated by the KVA Board before they will be allowed to coach or play again.
Middle School Age Group: Volley-Lite Volleyballs will be used. Volley-Lite Volleyballs are
regulation size, but weigh 7.0 to 7.8 ounces and have Sensi-Tech cover
High School Age Group: Official game volleyballs will be used. They are between 25.6 and 26.4
inches in circumference and between 9.1 and 9.8 ounces in weight.
High School Age Groups: Will ONLY use the Libero. The Libero may serve.
All leagues will use the same net height. The net shall be 7 feet 4 1/8 inches.
Any team which fins that it will not be able to present for any scheduled athletic contest shall be required to
inform KVA of it inability at least 48 hours in advance of game time or game will be forfeited.
Line up cards for your match must be turned in before play begins. Cards will be available on the KVA
The league winner is determined by matches won rather than the games won. If there is a tie for the league
between two or more teams, all team involved will be declared league winners. The league winner’s awards
will be given out at the finals of the tournament.
PROTEST: There will be no protests in league or tournament play.
PASSES: Coaches will be given ONLY 2 passes per team.
KVA will provide each girl a team volleyball jersey/t-shirt and it must be worn during all games.
Black shorts must be worn during games, preferably volleyball shorts.
Unmarking Athletic Shoes must be worn during practices and games.
There will be no jewelry, barrettes or hair band allowed at practice or games. Please leave your
jewelry at home, you will not be permitted to wear it on the court, and your coach is not
responsible for it when you take it off.
When a starting player(s) or an entering substitute(s) is wearing an improper uniform(s), point or side out is
awarded the opponent for each game, per player. But they will be allowed to play without correcting the
uniform. Exception: Rule 4, Sec2.
Practice will be 1-2 times a week. No more than two practices on school night (Mon-Fri) and one
practice on a non-school night (Sat-Sun)
Practice will not exceed 2 hours, including chalk talks, etc.
Players are required to be ready to begin practice at the designated start time. Please allow
yourselves enough time to put on kneepads and change shoes. Players are expected to assist in
practice set up and taking down nets and standards, and putting away volleyballs and other
equipment that may be used that day. Begin practice mentally prepared. Have personal goals for
all practices. A good time to think about goals is during warm-up.
Each practice session is very important to the development of our players. Players need to make
every effort to be at every practice so they don’t miss too much instruction that could affect their
performance at games. Also, coaches prepare practice plans according to whom and how many are
attending. They need to now in advance if someone will have to miss a practice. It is important to
note, if players do not attend practices on a regular basis, their play will be limited in games.
If a player must miss a practice, a telephone call to their respective coach is mandatory before
Advance notice is mandatory if a player cannot make a practice or game due to vacation, family
commitment, etc.
Please bring your own drink in a plastic bottle to practice and games.
All injuries must be reported immediately to a players coach. In the event of an injury that requires medical
attention, the athlete will not be permitted to participate unless written clearance is obtained from the
athlete’s physician.
Volleyball can teach many good traits, such as the spirit of cooperation, and the regard for physical fitness;
but it is difficult for these and other desirable traits to take root in young players when the adults around
them fail to set a proper example. We ask that parents refrain from criticizing opposing players, other
parents, coaches, officials, or teammates, in spectator enthusiasm we are often prone to issue several
instructions to the players that may be contrary to those of the coach, leaving the players confused and
upset. Please let these athletes follow their coach’s instruction and leave the coaching to the coach.
The coaches are giving their time, energy, and best efforts to teach your child to sport of volleyball and we
will not tolerate condemnation of the coaches. Understand that you will not agree or like every coaching
tactic, comment, or suggestion that is made by the coaches, but this does not warrant criticism and
rudeness. This is certainly not intended to reduce spectator enthusiasm. Please continue to cheer and
encourage the actions you like and ignore those you don’t. Please do not interfere with your child’s coach,
especially during play, or do anything else that will detract from the enjoyment your child deserves to get
from volleyball. Parents must ally themselves with coach in teaching their children how to cope with the
frustrations of being a member of a team.
Sports provide an excellent opportunity to teach young women about the realities of highly competitive
situations. They must be taught how to be cooperative team member, how to make use of both positive
feedback and constructive criticism, how to cope with adversity, how to achieve ‘mental toughness’, and
how to be a gracious winner or loser.
The most effective way to establish a rapport with a coach is to display a high level of commitment to the
activity. Players need to learn to display their commitment by coming early and staying late, doing extra
preparation, being enthusiastic about the activity, and actively and publicly supporting their teammates. A
parent who is successful in teaching these skills will never have to worry whether the coach is giving their
child a fair break.
If a player has concerns with a coach, parents have the responsibility for teach their child steps to remedy
the concern.
The following steps MUST be taken if any player has a concern with a coach.
Player should discuss the concern with the respective coach and try to arrive at a solution. None of
the coaches should be considered unapproachable. They are all very willing to listen to a player’s
concern and try to arrive at a mutual solution. Until the coach is made aware of the concern
nothing at all can be done to alleviate it. Do not wait until the end of the season to voice your
We ask that parents do not approach a coach to discuss a concern before or after practice or a
game. Please wait 24 hours to contact the coach.
There is a lot more expected of our players other than their volleyball skills. Players are expected to
participate in all practices as scheduled. Failure to do so may result in less playing time in the next game. It
is the player’s responsibility to notify the coach of their team if they cannot attend. If a player needs to miss
several practices because of extra-curricular commitments, they are required to provide their coach with a
schedule to allow for proper practice planning.
Players are expected to sign up for the full season and to make all games. Coaches will do their best to play
all players in games, however, players will be played at the discretion of the coach and playing time I not
Players are expected to consistently work on their own to raise the levels of their physical condition and
skill. All players will sign a code of conduct form as part of their membership with USA volleyball. The
following standards must be observed for one to continue as an active member of KVA; violation of
standards marked with (*) mean suspension of dismissal from KVA
* Alcohol and drugs including marijuana are prohibited at all times.
*Smoking is prohibited.
As a representative of KVA, no actions that will hinder the player’s performance, game or
scholastics will be tolerated. The player’s actions and behavior should always be such as to reflect
positively on the player, their team and KVA.
Players must be on time for all team commitments. Early is best
Players must call their team coach when they are going to be late or absent from practice, game or
All players are required to pursue all physical conditioning activities and drills unless excused by a
doctor or the coach.
Player’s must report all physical injuries or illness to their head coach immediately.
Players prohibited from supervised practice are expected to actively pursue physical conditioning
and skill improvement on their own.
Equipment and uniforms issued to each player must be cared for properly.
All other equipment must be properly cared for. Players are expected to help set up and take down
equipment at each practice. Players are to also assist in account for volleyballs.
Players are required to take proper care of practice equipment, keeping in mind that the equipment
is the property of the school, church, or KVA.
All players are expected to treat all other players, teammates, coaches, referees, and fans with
courtesy and respect.
If players are involved in a dispute, they must immediately work out problems between them. If
they are unable to resolve their problem immediately, they must meet with the coaches until their
problems are resolved. Problems between players must never be left unresolved.
All Actions and Consequences will be discussed with the player and the coach will take the
appropriate action that fits the conduct be the player. Consequences of actions could result in
dismissal from team, written warning, and loss of playing time, missing matches, and immediate
removal of match; sit out for one game suspension.
We may hold several fundraising functions during the season to help keep league cost down. Players and
parents will be asked to help with these fundraisers.
Address: P.O. BOX 702, Mt. Washington, Kentucky 40047