o,oo{h"$"*q**S*' THEKENYAGAZETTE Publbhd by Authorltyiof the Rcpubflcof Kenya (Rcgistered as r Nelryryapcr at lhe G.P.O.) I VoL CXVtr-No.29 . 9* Tb NAIROBI, 20th ll,Iarch, 20f5 cox,hnms cazBTtENoflcEs GAZETTE PAGB eOonem Act-Appoinmcot-:----------- Ibce$ra Agrbutunl CoUc& Act Rcglilnlkn Letd Act-Inquky. NdncBs{Coard.) Pece L6 ofh&esChrtpofNemec 66(}{6t 6ffi 6v Act-bsr d Pfovbind O.dificrtss,GE Ib 6v 6?4 Ib 3ub Hrcntn Act- Afoinrrncn Ib Lsd Prtce Sh" 60 8t 6W I?t EMEftT t{c. 26rd 2l Nationalknrt$ &ilt,?nJlS PAGB 646 ..., OmtyGotenm il?433 ftr 655-556 Thc Frir Admini*rrtivc Action Bilt, 2015................. The Divisioo of Rcvcnuc Bill, 2O15................-..--.- Coqmbs Act-Dbsoh*ioo. crc lltc hydcd n mhl la.Oqt*n of Prt DovcloprntHrnr Bavimrml lfuacm d Alhnd trya Aum U*Brfifi3{p The pi*nl Coordhattn Aa- RcFft .....-... Sody of tlrcollectU O@& *-..-......... 656{y' SIIPPLSMENTNo. l7 Lcgislative 657-659 Suppbun LEoALNoilcENo. (J9 , 669{60 l5l t6l 24-The hblic Fmrre M"mgcmcnt (Atrrmativc Action Socid Devcloprcnt Fud) Rcgulrtions, 20 I 5 ........................ 139 [or: 634 THEKENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 CoRRIGENDT M IN Gazette Notice No. 442 of 2015, amend the title No. printed "Kiambaa/Karurall. 22" to read "Githunguri/Gathangari/1 395". THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT as (No.3 ofzot2) IssUE oF A KOVTSIONAL CERTIFICATE GAZEIENCflcENo, 1812 THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT (Cap.446) THEKENYA SEED COMPANY I.IMITED APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE ofthe powers conferred by section 6 (l) (e) ofthe State Corporations Act, the Cabinet Secrctary for Agriculture, Uvestock and Fisheries appointsCrrRrs OKEr{o (DR.) WHEREAS Joseph Sembei Mutua, of P.O. Box 29843-ry202, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietol lessee of ail that Flat 4 K erected on all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 1870N1238, situate in the crty of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by viroe of a lease rcgistered as I.R. 91294/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said lease has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been receivcd within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. C.N. KITIJYI, Re gistrar of Title s, MR/6992881 to be a member of the Board of the Kenya Seed Company, for a period of thre.e (3) years, with effect from 23rd March, 2015. GAZE.I.IE NoTcE Darcd the 17th March,2015. Nairobi. No. 1816 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT FEI-D( K. KOSKEI, Cabinet Secrearyfur Agriculture, Uvestock and Fisheries. (No.3 IssUE oFA ol20l2) hou$oNAL CERTmCATE WHEREAS Kajiado Enterprises Limited, a limited liabiliry company incorporated in Kenya, of P.O. Box 19ffi1100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 99?31202, situate ir Kajiado Township in Kajiado District, by virtue of a grant rcgistercd as I.R. 446oll, md whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show GMEmENonCENo. I8I3 THE BUKI.JRA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE ACT (Cap.348) THE BUKI.'RA AGRICT]LTURAL COLLEGE APPOtr{TMH.I"T IN E)(ERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 (l) (a) of the Bukura Agricultural College Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries appoints- that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received witiin that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. C.N.KIT[M, NOAHWEKESA(DR.) Re g MFJ6992917 to be the Chairman of the Board of Bukura Agricultural College, for period of three (3) years, with effect from l6th March,2015. istrar of Title s, Nairobi. a GAETTENo[cENo. l8l7 Dated the lTth March,2015. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT FEI.JX K. KOSKEI, Cabinet Secremry for Agriculture, Livesmck ard Fisheries. Q'io.3 of20l2) IssUE oF A K,oUSIoNALCERTmCATE GAzErrENoncENo. l8l4 TTIE BASIC EDUCATION ACT (No. 14 of20l3) TIIEBASIC EDUCATION (EDUCATION STANDARDS AND QUALITY ASSTJRANCE COUNCIL) REGULATIONS, 2014 (LN. ll ot20t4) APPOtr.ITMET{T Darcd the 20th March,2015. IN E)(ERCISE of the powers conferred by section I (1) (a-c) of the First Schedule of lrgal Notice No. 11 of 2014, the Cabinet Secretary for Blucation, Science and Technology WHEREAS (l) John Mwangi Ngware and (2) Joseph Mwangi Njuguna, both of P.O. Box 31217{D6O0, Naimbi in the Repblic of Kenya, arc registered as pmprietors lessees of all that piecc of land known as L.R. No. 3361546, situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a grant negistercd as I.R. 95255/1, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a pmvisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within ftat period. C.N.KITIIIrI, Re gistrar MR/6992516 of Title s, Nairobi, appoints- Belio R. Kipsang (Dr.), Joseph M. Kivilu (Dr.), Gabriel Lrngoboini, Julius Ouma Iwan (Dr.), Grace W. Watuku (Ms.), Samson Chepchieng Komen, David K. Some (Prof.), James O. Marienga, James Malla, Lilian AwuorOwiti, Bibianah Pakata Florence (Ms.), to be members of the Education Standards and Quality Assurance Council, for a period of four (4) years, with effect from 3rd August, 2014. Dated the l2th Novermber,2014. JACOB T. KAIMENYI, Cabinet Secrenry fu r Education, Science and Technolo gy. GAzEnENcmcENo. l8l8 THE LAND RECiISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) IssUE oFA K,ousIoNAL CERTmCATE WHEREAS Hezekiah Maina Macharia, of P.O. Box 72972$1fi), Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprictor lessce of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209n961175, siuate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a lease registcred as I.R. 121988/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has bc€n adduced to show that the said lease has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that'no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. C. N. MR/6992984 KIfiJYI, Re gistrar of Title s, N airob i. 2566 1Xqs1sft,, 635 TIIE KEIIT.$A G,A.ztrIFnE 2G{5: GAE?nENOfiCENo, IE23 GAMTIE NOI1CE I{O; 1819' Tllg LAND RESISIftT6SIION' TlE L,AI{D.RE6ISMATION ACT Aer (Ito.l ofm2) IssT,E oF A.KoVISIONAL (No.3 of20tZ) CEIIftCAIts, ISST,'B OF WfiERAAS Akvana, Ilbusing Co-opcrarive Socicty Limitd, a limitcd.lirbilitl+cornpay,.of F.O: Box. 123trl, l{ritro8i,ia ttc RcpuUHc of Kcays,.b.rugirt6red aE proptietor lc$eo of fltrt laad:knowrt as L.ft: No. 20fl14/8& siruat in thc] city of Niirobi iil tho Nriiobi Atra, by virtuo of a c€rtificatG of 6do regi*errd s Lk 7tE62ll, andr wlrdtas sufEeicnt cvidcnce hrs bon addirced: to shoo'fu' thc ssid cefiifieaE of dtl6 hrc been lorg notioe is given that aflcr dle expirttion of sixty (6) days ftom thc di$b t!e$o[ I shall issuo a pmvisk o4lroertificatoof titli providcd dr* ro.objection has beon rcceiwd within'fiat pcriod. A EROVISIONAL CEF"IIFTCAIE WI{EREAS Itf€tl.o EntEprises LimiEd, a limited liability comp6ny, of PO: Box 30777{1m, Nairobi itr the Repblic of I[siya; is rtgistered'as poprietor lbssee ofall tltat piece of land known as L.R No. 2219n, sifie& N.E. of Nyeri Township in Nycri District, by virhrc of a grant regisared as I.R. 7711, and whereas sufficiirnt ovid€fice has tixn adduc€d,to shorv dnt dre said glant has bcen lost, nothe i* givat,that affer the expiration of sixty (60) days fiotn tlr dhte 1p66f, I: shall issue a provisional ccttificirte of title providcd that no objccdoc,hae bccn reeeived within thatipcriodr Datod the 20tr March,2015. Dacd'dre 20tlt Mhrchi 2015. c.N. Knr.m; GAzffrENsncENo. Irff.rr054391 Re g i s trar GAzEmENoficEI{o, 1824 1820 TI{B LAND REGISTRAfi ON ACT (No,3 of2$lZ) TT{E ISSTJE OF .WHE[EAS.('I) Chung Hak Kitrr and (2) Gee Yeon Kim' are r€gistdrd as propriaors leisees of frar aparfficat numbq 82 eitcted krurn as L.R. No. t/473, situatc h the qity of t{airobi in thc Nairobi Area, by virttrc of a l@se r€gisbrcd d I.R. l04447ll, ard whereas $fficient evidcnce hlr bcer adduc€d torshow Slt the said lee ha6 beon los&, notice is givon thtt afor tfte expi{ratl,on of sixty (60) days ftom the dnte horcof, I slrall issue a paovi[ional ccrtifico of title provi&d that no objcction has bcen receiwd kithin thatperiod. Datsd fte 20th lvfasch,2015. Nfr.t7054255 GAzExrsNcncBNo. l82l WHEnEAS Metrc EEErpriscs Limid, a lihited liability cornpany, of PO. Bbx 30777-O0lm, Naibobi in thc Rbpubtic of Kenya, ie regirtetcd as'p{Dprictor lesset ofall that piece of land known as L.R. No 3223',sifrrala. N.E. of Nyeri Township in Nyeri Disuict, by virtue of a gnnt rtgiscrcd as I.R. 3910/1, ard whereas sufficient evidericc hi! bcEn addrrced'to show drat the said grant has bcen lost, notice is giver that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days from drc date hereof, I sball'irsue a provisional certifieate of title providcd that no o,bjoctiott h& been received within drat period. 20 t 5. P. N. MBURU, Rc gts tar of Tltlis, Nalrob MRrr05439r l. GAGTIENgnCENo. 1825 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oflAfl) (No.3 KO\4SIoNAL CMTIFICATE WHEREAS Ar*jnr Kirit Kumar Patel, as'adrninistrator of tM estsle D*cd thc 20rh Marsh,20t5. WHEREAS Kertya GirI Guides Association Mombasa Division, of PlO. Box 87262, IttcmbasE in ttr Repnblic of Ke*ya, is regirtcrcd, as preprieto ir lcasdrold iatcrtst of tlrat lartd contdtirtg 1.492 hectares fi'tlEitdbd, known as No. MNff22O7, situste within l\rtombasr Ivlunieipdity in Mirmbasa Disttict, by virtue of a ccrtificate of hae,hold registcred as C.R. 1655I, and whereas suffici,ent eviderrce hs bgea ad&rced to sholv that drc said certificate of'lcasdrold has bceo lort, nodce is giveri diet'aftcr tlne expiration of'sixty (6O) days from fu date hcrcof, I shall issue a provisironal certificate of tifle Fovidod ftat no objectibn has been rcceived within that period. Ddtcd,the 20tk Merch, 2015. B. F. ATTEI.IO, Rcgistrar of Tttlcs, Nairobi. Mf,r5S929t7 ofAtt2) ISSUE OF A MOVTSIONAL CERTIFICATE of (1) KiritkunrarNatwarblrai Fatel (decegod) and (2) Jayesf Auto Sparcs Limir.d, a linitcd liability cotrpaoy idcoryoralcd ir Kefrya, of F.O; Box 47812, Nakobi in the Rcpnblie of Kcrya, is registiird as proprbton lossoe of that land'known ar L.l& No, 1870/llf/, siiustc ifl city of Nairobi, by viratc of ffrc leme rcgictrtd ae I.R. 37581f 1, arrd rvtcl* safficicnt evifuircc hes bc,ixr dduoed to shtw dirt tlie said Ic$€ hee U€er hst, notice is givan thet aftcr ttr expiration of sixty (6) days'ftom'the date hercof, I shall issuc a pmvisional,certificate of titlc plwided tha,no objection has bcen rcacivcd wifiin fiet peliod; cAuf,TENo[cENo. A T*'OVISIONAL CERTTHCATE Dded'drc 20th March. C. N. KITUYI, Riqistmr of Titles, Nairobi. ISSI.,E oF A LAND.REGISIAATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) ISSUE OF A PIROVISIONAL CERTIFTCATE on,all thc piece of land N. II,{BI,RU, of Title s, Nairo b i. P. Registmr of Ti t le s, Nairabi. Itri.l69Y2994 1822 J. G, t!kl$t!ns4l Re g is tar of \YANJOHI, Morlbass. Tt tles, GAzErrENoncENo. 1826 I TT{E LAI.{D .RBGISTRATION iTIts LA}ID REGISTRATION ACT (i{o.3 of?.O12) ISSI'E OF A KOUSIONAL CEEfiFICATE WHEREAS AIfred Chadcs Juma, of P.O. Box 2511O{0603, Ndrobi'in ftc Repblic of Kerya, is rtgiseied-as paoprietor lessec of all tha'iricceof:lurd lorwn as L.R. No. 775A&, situate in the city of NdfoUi'ifi thc Noirobi Area, by viroe of a cerdficarc of title registered a lffr.2?.6llll, and. whercas sufficient evi&noe has becn addued to shsrr diat'tho iaid ccrtificnte of tidc has bccir l6st, notice is given tliat a&er thc expirdim of sixty (60) days 'ft,orn 6c dac hcrcof, I s[all issue a prortbiord'ceidfic.e of dtliE prsvidod:lellt Do obirctier has been receivcd wilhin Datd dto, ldfttc9rzg,4 fnt ISSTJE OF WIIffiEIAS (l) A PROVISIONAL CERTIFrcATE Moses Misivai Buasa and (2) Dzaac Akida D@he, tb& of'PO; Box 8?3-80108, Kifrfi in the Rc@lic of Kenya, da rcEiStertd a6 pqrielon in leaschotd iffer€lit of dral land known as L.R. No. 17051233t41, si&atc id the Kilifi Disrict; by virtue of a certificas of freelrcld registercd as C.R. 28637, and whereas sufficient evidcne has been addueed to show that the said certificate of heehold has becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from dre'dae hrcof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of tille provided.that no objection has been rcceived rtithin thatperiod. period. 20ft Mjrch; ACT (No.3 ofAol2) Daed the 20 15. B. F. AIIINO; Ri gi*rar of Tttbs, N'dilabi. Mit/70J4365 201ft Merch, 2015. Re J. G. \ryAN'OHI, gistrar of Tit lcs, Mombasa. 636 THEKE}.TYA GAZETTE GAzE'rrENoncENo. 1827 20th March,2015 GAZE.TTENcflCENo. 1831 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 o/2012) , ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Alex Ruwa Kilumo, of P.O. Box 1734, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in freehold interest of that piece of land containing 0.0175 hectare or thereabouts, situate in Mombasa District, known as within Mombasa Municipality Mombasa/Shanzu Squatter/I033, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days fmm the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. Ianil MR/6992892 H. G. SAT, Re gistrar, Mombasa District. GAZE,nENoTICENO. 1828 ISST,E oF A NEw LANDTITLEDEm (l) Francis Njoroge Guat (ID/2027.105) and (2) Mary Wanjiru Mungai (ID/11616245), are registercd as Foprielom itr absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contaiaing 0.(X55 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nrkunr, rcgistercd under title No. Bahati/Kabatini Block l/6358, and whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced !o show that the land titlc deed issued thereof has b€en lost, notice is given that after drc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title dccd provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Dated the 20th March,2015. M.V,BI,'NYOLI, MN6992545 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. GAZEI.IENcncENo. I832 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) ISSTIE oF A (No. 3 o/2012) NEw LANDTITLEDEED WHEREAS Joseph Kamau Ngugi, of P.O. Box 8087, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.O15 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the disrict of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Eldoret Municipality/King'ong'o/482, and whereas sufficient cvidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. E. J. KETER, ISST'E OF NEW IAND TTTLE DEEDS WHEREAS Hellen Auma Obilo, of P.O. Box 84, Kakarnega iri tte Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in aboolutc ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.05 hecare or thereabouts, situat€ in the district of Kakarnega, registered under titlc Nos. Butsotso/Shikoti/8l18 and 8117, and whereas sufficient evfrLnce has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thermf havc bcen lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom dre date hereof, I shall issue new title decds providcd that no obilction has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. Iand Registrar, Uasin Gishu District. MR/6992880 I.M.FI'NDIA, Land Re gistrar, Kakamega District. MR/6992884 GAzE'rrE NcrncE No. I 829 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZErIENo[cENo. 1833 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 o/2012) ISSI'E OF A NEW LAND TIII,E DEED WHEREAS Jecinta Aroko Ndiege, of P.O. Box 486, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of land containing 0.03 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/I(ogonyl5499, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced b show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed'provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. G. O. I.IYANGWESO, MR 054107 Iand Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. GAffirENsncBNo. 1830' (No.3 o/2012) DEED WHEREAS Christopher Whoel Mutsami, is regisiered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land sitrate in tidc the district of No. Kakamega, registered under Kak/Shiakungu/439, and whereas sufficient evidcrce has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been los! notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days frtim the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has been reccived wifiin that period. Dated the 20th March.2015. J.M.FUNDIA, MRl69928M Land Registrar, Kakanuga District. TIIE LAND REGISTR,ATION ACT No3 ol2ol2) NEw LAND TI].I.E DEED WHEREAS Roberr Chepkaitany Labatt (ID/10155451), is rcgistered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.043 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. KiambogolKiambogo Block All97 (Mwariki), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March, 2015. MR/6992864 NEwLANDTmI GAzsrrENcvncENo. 1834 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSI.,E oF A IssI.,E oF A IssI,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Donald Musungu Mumia, is Egistered as pmprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that pieoe of lamd containin.g 0.46 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the dietrict of Kakamega, re.gistemd under title No. Butsotsor/Shibyel34l2, and whercas slrfficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dce{ k$ed thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration bf sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new dtle deed plovidcd that no objection has been rcceived wi6in that period. ', Dated the 20th March,2015. M. SUNGU, Land Registrar, Nalwru District. MR/6992884 J.M.FUNdh, Land Rcgistar, Kakatuga District. GAzEmENsncENo. 1839 GAzE'rrENoIIcENo. 1835 TTIE 637 THEKENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT LAND REIiISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssI,E oF A NElv LAND TTn.E DEED IssI,,E oF A NEwLANDTIILEDEED proprietor in WHEREAS Samwcl Matsia Lumbasi, is registered as absolute ownership intsEst of that piece of land mntaining 6.43 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. N/Kabras/Matsakha/E57, and whcrcas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Datcd the 20rh March,2015. I. M. FI.'NDIA, ltnd MR/6992520 Registrar, Kalcanu ga District. WHEREAS (l) Alcxander Kimanzi and (2) Grace Mutinda Nzioka Kimanzi, both of P.O. Box 2385-90100, Machakos in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of thal piece of land contrining 0.05 hectarc or thereabouts, sitttate in the disuict of Machakos, registered under title No. Muputi/Kiima Kimwe8370, and n{rereas sufficient evidence has be€n adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is givcn that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the daie hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has bcen received within that pcriod. Datd &e 20th March,2015. G.M.NJOROGE, Itnd MN6992924 Re gistrar, Llachakos District. GAzErrE NsHcE No. 1836 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzE[ENoucENo. TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 o/20r2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND in TIflJ DEED WHEREAS Stephen Eshiwani Andalia, of P.O. Box 16, Khwisero the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that pieoe of land conrqining 3.5 acrcs or thereabort, sihrstc in the district of Kakamega, registered mder tide No. Kisrflilambulishe/85l, and whercas sufficient cvidencc has been adduced b show that the land title deed issued theroof has becn lost, notice ie given that after the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc datc hereof, I shall issuc a new title deed povided that no objection has been reccived within that period. Datcd the 20th March,2015. I.M.FI.JNDIA, Land Registrar, Ifukanega Distrbt. MN699299',1 GAZE,ITBNgIIcENo. 1837 IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITI.E DEED WHEREAS Fctcr Wamugunda Muriithi, Ind MR/6992916 l84l ISSI]B OF A NEW LAND TITT-E DEBD WHEREAS Fetcr Wamugunda Muriithi, of P.O. Box 12895001m, Naircbi in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistcrcd as poprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piecc of land containing 0.@9 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Machakos, registcred undcr title No. Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block Ul8l57, arrd whereas sufficicnt evidcnce has becn adduced to show tlut ttrc land title dced issued ttcrcof has been lost, notice is given trat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed pnovidcd that no obirction has becn received G. M. NJOROGE, Ia nd Registrar, Machakos District, MR 054l0l GAZETIENoncENo. I83E wi6in that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. R. M. SOO, Land Re gistrar, Mac hakos District. MR/6992996 GAzETIBNcrncENo. 1842 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND RECiISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) IssT,E oF A NEw LAND (No.3 o/2012) fiTLE DEED WHEREAS Fortuc Gardcns Holding Limited, of P.O. Box 16000618, Ruaraka in the Republic ofKenya, is registered as proprietor in absoluQ ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.4 hectare or thcrehbouts, situate in the district of Machakos, registcrcd under title No. Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block ll47A5, and wherpas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that tlrc land title deed issued thcreof has been lost, notice is given that after the cxpiration of sixty (f0) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provid$ that no objr:ction has bcen rpcoived within that pcriod. Dated the 20tr lvlarph,2015. MR/69929r8 R.M.SOO, Registrar, Machakos District. T}M LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) T[I-B DEED Dated.the 20th March, 2015. P.O. Box 12895- Datcd lhe 20th March,2015. GAZHTENSIICENo. WHEREAS Ndile Ndolo, is registered as pmoprieor ia absolute ownership interest of that piece of laod containing 2.2 hcctarcs or thcrpabort" situate in the distict of Machakos, registcred under title No. Muthetheni/Utithini/947, and whercos zufficient eviderrce has becn addrcd to show that the land title &ed issued thereof has be€n lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has becn received within that pcriod. of 00100, Nafuobi in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is rcgisrcred as ptoprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.05 hectarp or thc,rcabuts, sinrate in the district of lvlachakos, r€gistercd under title No. Mavoko/Town Block 1216329, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed iszued therpof has becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from tbc date hereof, I shall issue a new title dccd provided that no ob!:ction has boen received within that period. TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND 1840 IssI,,E oF A NEw LAND TIfi.E DEED WHEREAS Kuria Gatrru (ID/18976S9), of P.O. Box JJ6J, f,ueka in the Republic of Kenya, is registcrcd as prcprietor in absolurc ownership inter€st of that piece of land containing 0.1718 hectarc or thercabouts, situate in ttre district of Kiambu, rcgistered mder title No. Kiambaa/Ruaka/2841, and whereas sufficient evidence hac been adduoed o show that the land title deed issued theroof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6()) days ft,om tre daa hcrcof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectiotr has been received within that pcriod. Dated the 20th March,2015. G.M.NIOROGE, Land Registar, ilbchakos District. W.N.MUGIJRO, MW6992894 land, Registrar, Kiambu District. THE KENYA GM.EITE 638 GAZETTEN.ffICENo. 1843 GAZE,TTE NqnCE No. I.847 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (Nq.3 o/20r2) TIIE I,AND REGLYIRAIION ACT (Na,3 oIZaID, IssuE oF A NEw LANE TI,TLE DEED f,lltEREAS John Itkcharia Gikonyo (Ip/1O&7462O, of P.G Eox 7E&40217, Limuru in the Republic of (enyq. is regirtered, as praBnetor in- absolute ovnershig ifrrr"st of that piece of land cotrtsining 0'0& hect{rE or thereabouB, siurqtc in 0re disfict of Kianbu, rcgip.cred undcr title No. I;imun/Kamirithu/1367, and whercas suffiqiqnt ecidence has ben adduced, to, staw that the land title deed ieslled theloof has been last, mtice is given, that after the expiratiou, of sirW (6Q) dgys from the date ' hereof, f, shall issue- a aew title, deed provided ftat no objection has been nceived,within. that period. 20&I&rch, mlS ISSUE Of. A NEW IIAND TITLE DENE IVI{ERE.AS Michael, $erye Kimaai (ID/,t686?5}), cf RQ, Eox Keaya" iB. ryisE.rt4 a$ pnopci€tor in aDsolute inErert cf 6st piece of lqd cgrtsjung' ?.00. hegtsfia8 or thereaboutr, situate in, tbe disFht of KiEmbu, regist€rqd. under title No, NSuistri/Thigio/1299, srd whemne q!fficient eyidence hqs becn, adducpd: to show thqt t[e land titla dEad issued thelpof bes beca lost, notice ia.gfvco thetafter 6c erpk&ion of sixty (60) {gys ft,om the dsle hcreof, L shatl issuc 4 nerv title dS prqvidd that no obje+tion hae been rpceiyed withitthot perMr 70&{0S02, Kikuyu in 6c Dated the2O& Itfarch, Dated Republic of mls. tie 20th March.2015. W. N. IT&JSURO; Iand MW6992511 Y/, N. MVGUROT Registrar, Kiambu District. Iznd Pg,eitraL Kiqn bu'Eaiorrict, MR/6992968 GAZETTENSICENO. 1848 GAzE'mENsflcENo. 1844, TI{E LAND BEGISJTRATTO}{ ACT T}IE LAND REGIST.RATION ACT (No.3ol2012) (No.3.o/2012) IssI.JE oF AI{EW IssIJE oF NEw LAND TITE DEEDS WHERE.dS Ndungu Kinothe (ID/1809128), of P.O. Box ll2G 009fi), Kiambu in,the Republic of Kenya, is registercd ar proprietor in absolute ownership interest of tlrose pieces of land contaiuing 0.30 and 1.68 hectares or therpabout, sihrate in &c district of Kiambu, registered under title Nos. Kiambaa/Kanunga/T. 76 ard 374, and whereas sufficient evidcoce has been adduced to show that the hnd title deeds issued ftereofhave becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sirty (@) days from the date hercof, I shall, isure new title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. T,ANDT:["E Datcd fte 20th M8rch.2015, Dated the 20th March,2015. w. N. MIJGUROI Latd Rcgbtrar, Kjambu District. MR/6992948 IrdR/69929m un&r title No. Limuil/fHbirioni/T. 831, aad whereas sufficient evideoce has been adduced to sbow tbet the lsld title deed issued thercof.has beel lost, notice is given,Qnfiafter the expiration of sixty (60) days from the darc hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no obilctim has boen received within that period. Dated the 20th March.2015. GAZET R.EGISIIRISNON ACT Qlo.totml2) ISSI,E OF A NEw LANDTITLBDEED lYHEREAS.James. Gachanja I{araoja (181892073), of F.O. Box 31021, Nailobi io th Republic of Kenya, is registered as goprietor in abgolut€ orvner$ip intertst of that piece of laad containiug 1.301 trctares or thereabout, siorate fu tue district of Kiambu, registered SI. N. MUGIIEO, nd Rc9istrar, Kiambu District. 1849 TIE [,AI{D LAND REGISTRI$ION ACT (No.3 o/2O12) ISST,E o[. ANEW LAND T{TLE DEED WHEREAS Kamou lVainaiaa (IDt/4510097), of PO: Box 53, Kagwe h tlre Republic of.Kenya" is registcrcd aspoprietor in *6oh& ownership. int€rcst of thrt pies of land condning &6 acres or thereabouq situate io the distict of Khmbu, registe&4 uoder tide No. Gatamaiy'uNyarduma/651, wherae sufficielt ovidence hea been adduced b show tut e€ hnd title deed bsn€d ttrcEof has bcen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of s,ixty (60) days ftorn the daa hereof, I shall issue a new title deed providrd thet, m objectipn has been received within that,perid. d Dated tlrc 2Gh March,2015. W. N, MUGURO, Land Registrar, ICiambu District. (vR16992944. La GAzE'rrENqncEI{o GAZSITENOTCENO. 1845 TXIE rENcflcENo. 1846 w. N. MtGURp, Iand kgistrar, Kbt&u Distrirt. MR/7054268 GAzErrEN.olcENo. l85O TIIE LAND REIiISTRATIOiI ACT (tlo. 3 o/2O12) THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No.lof&l2) IssI.IE oFA NE\ry LAND TTTLEDEED IIIHEREAS Petcr Ngethe Gahigi (ID/10810571), of P.O; Box 8300621, Nairobi in the Rrpublic of Kcnya, is rrgiltered as prcprietor in absolutc ormerrhip interest of that piecs of lend containing 0.046 hsctare or thereabouts, situatc in the district of Kiambu, registered udcr titlc No, KiambaaRuaka/1600, and whereas sufficient e.vidence has beer addrced to show that the land title deed is$ed ttercof has been lsst, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days frop the due hereof, I slnll is$q€ a new title deed provided that no objgction has been received within that period. ISSUE OF A NEW LAI.IDTITLE DE@ WHEREAS. Joseph Kabugo Njenga (ID/10961024), of P-O. Box 20671, Nairobi in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprieor ia absolutc ownership interost of that piac.e of hod contrining 0.159 hectare or ttrereabouts, situs-te io the 4isrict of Thika, rcgictcred udor title No. Ruiru East/Juja East Block Alll95, and whereas zuffrelnt issqed evidence has been adduced to show dpt dra lrnd tide thereof has boen lost! ndicp is given that aftor. the oxpira{on of sixty (60) days &om drc dat€ hercoft I stlall is$ue a npw title decd povidcd that no objection has been received within.that perkrd. @ Daad thc 2fth March,2015. Datad tha 20th March, 2015. W. N, MI,JGURO, w,t692533 DEED] (l) TryHEREA.$ John. Nioroge Kinltlt; (2) I!frmyu* Kiilktt Douglas, (3) Willism Kimani fin*u aad (4) Robort Kamor, Kiuku, all of P,O. Box 2-@5401fi)r h{aimbi in &e Rcpublic of Kpaya, are registored as proprieors in absolute owDarshjp inqtc& of thai pioce of land containing O.27"tptsrc or thcrcabou6 sihr&tc iB, tia.distrift of Kiambu, regisrcrod uader tith No. Kabete/Karqra/l0B0, and; whereas sufficient evidence has been adducd tp Sow ttat the land. title ded, issuod thereof hae been lsct, notice is givecthat aftcr the aryintiolof sixty (CI) days, ftom the date hereof, I'sball issue a new &le deed providcd that no objection has been reccived within th* period: land Resistrar, Kionbu District. MR/6992947 land M. N. MI/XIIUKI; ra\ Thik4, Dk fi k t, Re gis --?:".l.r_-'_ r I I ffil*$&, I i lXBKSTYAGA#fTE m15 Ilw i Lif, I{D RSC}ISIRA{rcN (No.3 t t tI t ) I i ! I I I i I I ISS.E G ^ tCf nrEEL ib* t GAz8rrEtr{ercEt*). t8t2 D@ ls$JBtts {bs puio4. TIIE It fullu W'nt. LATCD TIfi.E d$o hrtof, I Eh.[ &*ftc a rcw Hlc {oal hs boa rcociwd wfrh rha pcrird. ftIi6.Giea*ft,n frhtEali ha'fu rRcrivod ,.U.TVAMBT'A, rk16992t80 Lad D@ ISSI,E$F A ** *oqcta Fovlld ie6tra9m &rrd &*t*rr, f**tWe fu*'*.t LAITD I$!V LA}b TIII.E DEEb E# ISG*i neleffi, sf P.0. $ox 8{Flddim, t{rft&i h * W rf Ifts},i, tu lgSiselcA's iliryrdn ih ed*r dfieanfe *,frut ttr rh* Sce of re.i uueffig o.l0 tGctEr d *Batffi, siE$e h Sc &Efriai tf t(iffdo, 'ftEi*rrod dcr S No. X$l.lo/thlt8gel$$, .5d r*.ftdb utltcitat ar*hD6c h bta rAiscad to *lov *i6t lhc lud ff6r ih6d ffi6d hisof b8lffi kEL f,er h 8i\,ca tMSerrtetxgtrrtroD d$xry @) &In tt* ro ilffi fu $fpdfa dse hrrcof' I dhal ise r frcw s{e dcd povrdcd ktr ftcoivdd tr,thh tiffi paiiod. hts r*#Ht& 3 Ti{E LAI{D f,EGiSfiAItO[T ACi (No.3 qf2Ola) B A I'W L,ril6 fite Dhs o$odi Orut 0f P.O lor S3t=rym, l,L&obt b Uc n@e 6f tr DMrl * ngsa*td s proprfrbr fit tulrrcowmlp ffiEilof ffiptoc of H uhsrtt h k ififfibr of Xliiidq ttgi#d * *b ib. 8ts18/t{ I($do/KfrafeUl!?'4+ nrd wkctt *hrt cvtcapc ht bu .rdduod b dhrvri*&c M Hb&al trfrEd tifidf ts ba[ lod, mdoc b gftna M e thc tryimm d$firy @) fut hbn b dtB hrrsof, I SdI he r rcw rftb &cd prcvldrd t* m @m hor bch tcEivcd trflbh li$S.rhd. DrHl &e fftrh litsrA,2015. ItmXIO*ll0l Sdffi hh l3$!Sttq f*W b**t N.&'6hr ih Uc f,tprdh of Kayr. tl Sall$ osdet@ MrS df Sd pisac d htd urnmg 0.t9 h6dhn 0[ rlt0m&orre Btils h fu disi& sf &flr*L $tiiiHud M.t Hb ilc f$&6ft.*du1793, id stu$8 dthflfr rtk h ktfr id&Md b tfurv o* tS6 h[d e dcrd P.(I $gtfuci e S#*d progncmi lkf lil bEu pov# tu h 16,il, ec mEft b Biwn {}il rft.r ftc eipe#ffi sf fioNu eb h.ftoi, I *eil tmr no oQlaet&n har bttn ftuivd *irti! dny 16) dry* I|GTANDRHlX$rtAN${AE? t - tHE LAIrD ESTJE r& ovt& whuua ntfiislart hrr bccil b ib*l tutrha hd de &d hrnrd boftof iu btar lort m6ce ir glvtr t&*rhtScexflrrrtbnof drg (t0)dryr lronfu dap lrrrof, I rlull buc . n w &b dud pruvltti frrt aoalqlrcHon hu ad&rccd tHiltltAttoil Aef wffhh [ratpaiod. 20ti [&rch, illl$. 6 A NEw LAIibTITlI DEED WiiEtEAit ffnlffi Oehtng ortrat'bo (fr1134?51?i} of P.0. Bor {l!,h2, Haiiubi tr frr frliitlHh of ftea,q ts rt8rered r3 etoefftur in &rotte offioIrhlD lrErcd of flH @ci of Ldd euutrug 0:03? h€rtfl€ or $0n6btfftr duab h eb dl$t,bt uf l(i$&, tcBtdcild rudcr tirb No. NgongrHgoug/10t3?, rrd whrirnr sffichnt ctr'&rcc hrr bccn adalttccd b ih6t {trf trd hd ttb &cd bbu€d fuftof hr! b|€cn h*, notict ir glvEfl lh* rfo* 6c:tpdrrfion of llrty (60) dayr llom ftd d.re hcrcof, I &oil btuc t w &b d6"d p[bvi& &rt t6 objeetnn har brui rl€dvtd slthlh &&pEfi0d. D.bd h€ x)fr lirch,2015. P.UAXA$I Mnnulru!6 f,.K,l(ALAt{A' k@ il,** bit#l*,t. (No.3rd$t2) ISSTE 6F A I'IEIT LAI.IETIIT.B DEED m; r ue *Xdr**, ISSB dioll) YvIIEIEAS $tolod Yrnlngu. of P.O. ldr yrl. Krjie ih tbc n p6llc of f,ayr, b rcgettd or pltstlsr U rbmbu osfttrhip of rtrrr plet of lad mmlry $ furrrbort dh{ia in dtuuH Ndtudo, ftgld.rud uda l*o. D.tilto r u* tm g*d M ptfrd. MnlflnAtgs tlffrfiUNfifttl'ftL t854 d tttr^EDb Aytt&o Ahro& tihtuoi! (D/12380i3), of Drl0effiivkdoh,20t3, faildttugf$puf, (No.3 qfhl2) Issf.E€F A $BW LAND WtffiEAS T.N.XAMAU, bcctr GcaiYGd D.ri.Kyui& Id'dl@s,a,,,Xdfrddo.fiI{'fcf. tss{.E K&tutcuogdsE03t{ . SlIfthhAS nreISmA'ffilhl ASt GlorBp of Erii*tfi, r*Jilrito futitu GA'Er&Nofi,E100. 1857 t853 (r*o. tnr* rtc Re hal*cimMd'&',015' C.VE.XIAGI, GlrtsrrrNomtl{o. trirlfin$dtilorbd. 20h!Mi,2015. 0{o. !}qfi0[2) DErlbmti*r4slJ. mfiREAs of Pjo. tsox .40}t1- @Rs{?if96), :l*ririi inrtc hc@IEcd*eaya, is rqtmdr prupriac in fuctae omor*t iru'dt of {hs pioce of ida cqn inhg O.OS82 l64et oY ihdu$oe, t&Iea ta *D disrd.*'of *idiealo, n4Htllld st,f $lb lgo. kffiAoerryemt62, .eA \ihdrrN s{Et t*rt sridcrot 5s lbnil aitahoai lo *ow thd {ha lrrrd tfu dioil i$se.d thrrdf lis uffi hdq fidie is Silrir's* s& &e rxpl*itn c*cy @) &ys em {tc 6# ktof, i sLd tusc a hcb tda de€d pr,ovid;d tlSLrSbfffiSmAIIol.IAcT ^ ItlE l€*I-x)*D trrr,E'D@ €Oil@, I.A}S REGiSIhAIMN ACt '(l,fo.3d.mll) WIffiEA$ Aft \*Mr IYIEFI (Dflim:Ber), o[?.O. Box S, Xrqg.lfi ir &e niadlis dKcqlg b q$turds?hpidtt/hr 6ffilc otiler*fu hictfi 6f ed $iooe of tf s*lrtrg O.l? toc& fi &crt$nr*$" 6tue tr . G d[xkf$d *hiilr*q a8tffid t[dcr fie No. IeolKs*o/t881, ed sfrrfrt iltfRlf.* cvidace Lr bcca .dtircEd a Sffi $s b. lxd ti$c dool *scl t[sroikr bcil Ioc, ruiec b giytrlb* rilhr thc erp**o dse.ry @)tiI4B fifr bo Gezstrs!.[ofieila A ko GrCiEflENoucENo. t856 ISSOB (f I&f I CIffiBAS sur3r S.W.*ARftfiq {drrd NUB&rrur, I ACA 'tNo cf2olD f IilEqI L^}TD Tlfl.ts *o o\iiuia trs bcoa m*tuclt xrfle DedteBrhLM,r0rS. m/r05{38 lsnffist|RAfioN qf&t2) YIffiBTS .ilglcs lr$dra X*$.'@irl$fsfl, rrf p.G. box 3tJ0ffi0, ffee n ec htpr*ilc d Kallq h <qt*cttd er t[,oHiiltr b eee offucr@ imaw d th* lpiEoo r[ lsa coffig aJ tld$llEr or &de$(r& M h ee dsdid d tH(rb ,qtsna*l ma:r tilb [ih. Icffii/,th],rlfr69, *i rfunts fficttH eddre ks UGth aileuood to Sfr ihx ft hd dde Accd issod ihodf,ilD U6 loit, ffiicc is gfrEa&8,frtetxpfomim of Eixty @) drys *ffi thGd*e t fllof, tr .&i[ iesuc e ecw tii& iLcil ?Fdridbd i. l t Girffil3'l$aErcts lib. f 855 GArE$EN@lctst{o. 185{ I 639 l#lkgtsrrr,f*r&Arru, liHr6t0a905 trd )g{rww, l.x,xff tlt*' fr@ fitor* f*lr{et 64 20th March,2015 TIIE KENYA GAZETTE GAErrENcrncENo. GAZETTENgnCENO. IE59 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) ISSTIE oF ISSUE oF NEW I,AND TTTI.E ANEw LANDTITLEDEED WHEREAS Ronald lrposo Musengi (ID/1064713), of P.O. Box 4fi-{[l2lJ,9, Ngong Hills in the Republic of Kenya, is tegistered as proprictor in absolute ownership intercst of that picce of land containing l.2l hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kajiado, regist€red under title No. NgongNgong/I89t8, and whereas sufEcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given lhat after the expiration of I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objrxtion has been received within that period. sixty (60) days from the date hereof, R. K. period. S. R. KALAMA, Land Registrar, Kajiado North District. rENoilcENo.1864 THE LAND REGISTRAfiON ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ofz0t2) (No.3 of20t2) IssI.,E oF A NEw LAND TNLE DEED ISSI'E OF A NEW LAND TITI-E DEED WHEREAS Silvanus Nyairo Obaga (ID/6959581/69), of P.O. Box 1080, Masosa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolutc owncrship interest of that piece of land containing 0.01 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyamira registered under tide No. West Mugirango/Bonyamatuta/1603, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduccd to show that the land titlc deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given lhat after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. WHEREAS Geoft,ey Njungc Mwangi (ID/5704636), of P.O. Box 519, Ol Kalou in the Republic of Kenya, is regisrcred as proprietor in absolue ownership intercst of that piece of land containing 0.20 hectare or thereaborts, sihute in the district of Nyandarua, rcgisEred under title No. Nya/lvlelanginel2So0, and whereas sufFrcicnt cvidence has been adduccd to show lhat the land title deed issued thc,rcof has becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tith decd prcvided rhat no oblrtion has been received within that period. Datcd the 20ttr March,2lll5. N. G. GATTIAIYA, M. OCHARO, Land Registrar, Nyamira District. J. 054208 MN6992923 Land ISSTJE OF IssrrE oF A NEw LAND Tnr,E DEED WHEREAS Priska Kembo Okongo (ID/1603178), of P.O. Box 9863, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is regisrcred as proprietor in absolut€ ownenhip interest of trat piece of land containing 0.03 hectare or thereabouts, sifirate in the district of Nyamira, registercd under title No. West Mugirango/t{yamaiya/3730, and whereas sufricient evidcnce has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcroof has been lost, notice is given dlet after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall iseue a new title decd p,rovidcd that no objction has been received within that period. ANEW LANDTNI.EDEED WHEREAS Ioyce Nkatha Gilunda (ID/3065638), of P.O. Box 73991-{0100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as pmprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of laod containiqg 4.0 hcctarcs or therc.bout" sihratc in the disfrict of Nyandanra, rcgistered under title No. Nya/Ol Ioro Orok Salientl2282, and whercas suffrcient evidencc has been ad&rced to show that ftc land title deed issued thereof has been losg notice is given that aftcr the expintion ofsixry (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no obi:ction has becn reoeived wilhin th* period. Dated the 20ttr March,2015. Datcd the 20th March,2015. N. G. GATHATYA, J. M. OCHARO, Latd Registrar, Nyamira District, 054208 IC-I (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 of2cl2) Land MR/6992536 Re gistrar, Nyandarwl Samburu Dktricts, cAzEnENoIIcENo. 1866 cAzErIENsncENo. lE62 TTTE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) WHEREAS Nyakundi lvlaeche Nyaigoti (ID/3505681), LAND RECIISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJzotz) IssI,,E OF A NEW LAND IssUB oF A NEw LANDTTTLE DEED is registercd as pro,prietor in absolurc ownership intercst of that piece of land contahing 0. 057 hectue or thercaboub, siturte in lhe dishict of Nyamira, registered under title No. East Kitutu/Bot$ori lll22l4, ud whcrcac sufficicat evideoce has be€n adduc€d to show that thc land title deed issucd theleof has been losg notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days tom ths date hercof, I shall issue a new titlc decd provided that ao objection has been received wilhin that period. Dated the 20tt March,2015. R.N. SANDUKI, MM/054208 NyandarualSanbaru Distrbts. T}IE LAND REGISTNINON TI{E LAND REGISTRATION AC"T TTIE Re gistar, GAzEf,lENsucENo. 1864 GAzsrrENsucENo. t86l MR KAMBAGA, Land Registrar, Kisii District. MN6992925 cAzET GAZEflENONCENO. 1860 MR DEDS WHEREAS Samwel Oyunge Maisiba, of P.O. Box ,l{)?4, Kisii in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of those picces of land situate in the district of Kisii Cenral, registered under title Nos. lVanjare/Bokeire/,l4ll anrd 4412, and whereas sufricient evidence has been adduced to show that thc land title deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datc hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has bcen received within that Dated the 20th March,2015. Dated the 20th March,2015. rt[N6992946 1863 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ot7-012) Laad Registrar, Nyamira District. Tr T DEED WHEREAS Rahab Kagure Muriu (ID/2EE4935), of P.O. Bot297, Nyahururu in the Ropublic of Kcnya, is registcred as proprietor in absolutc owncrship intercst of that pierc of land conaining 0.05 hcctarr or fiercaborts, situatc in thc district of Nyandarua, registcred undcr title No. Nyandarua/t{daragwa/Ifunjogu Block I (Ndururi)/669, and whereas sufficient cvidenoe hae b€co adduccd to ghow that fte land title dced issucd thcrcof has been lost, notice is givcn that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the dab hqeof, I shall igsuc a ncw titlc dced provided trat no objcction has bcen received widrin that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. MR/6992528 land Re g N. G. GATHATYA" istrar, Nyandar wl Samburu Districts. ffi-- 641 THE KENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 cAzErfiNoilcENo. GAzE',nENOUCENo. 1867 1871 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TI{E LAND REGISTRAfiON ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 of 2ot2) ISSIJE OF A NEW LAND TITLEDEED WHEREAS Joseph Wafula Wakhungu, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.8 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the disrict of Bungoma, registered under title No. W. Bukusu/S. Mateka/3490, and whereas sufficicnt evidenoe has been adduced to show that dre land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the datc hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has becn received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. MR P. K. SIBUCHI, Land Registrar, BungomalMt. Elgon Districts. 054296 ISST,E oF A GAZETIENSUCENo. 1868 WHEREAS Christopher Okuro Aruji, of Homa Bay in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 12.6 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Hoinra Bay, registered under title No. Kanyada/Iknyabala/1013, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced o stpw that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is give{ that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. V. K. LAMU, land Registrar, Homa Bay District. MN6992926 GAzEnE NoflcENo. 1872 TTIE LAND RF{'ISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 a/2012) IssT,E NEw LAND TITLE DEED (No.3 o/2012) oFANEw LAND Tm.EDEED WHEREAS Abdallah Mwadzayo Mwakutala, of P.O. Box 139tftunda in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolutc ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under tide No. Kwale/Ukunda/l 125, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed 8O4{X}, issued thercof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has becn received within that period. sixry (60) days from the date hereof, I Dated the 20th March,2015. C. K. NG'ETICH, Land Regfutrar, Kwale District. MN699292t IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Florcnce Wangu Njogu, of P.O. Box 54167, Nairobi registercd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.048 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of I-aikipia, registered under title No. Narok/l\,Iutara South Block U2267 (Kiamariga), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced !o show that the land title deed issued thercof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. in the Republic of Kenya, is Dated the 20th March,2015. J. M. MWINZ, Land Registrar, Laikipia District. MR/6992505 GAzEI.IENoncENo. 1869 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZE'rIENstIcENo. 1873 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2Ol2) ISSI,E oF A NEW LAND TNLB (No.3 o/2012) DED WHEREAS Monicah Syongombe Ngui, of P.O. Box 1007, Kitui the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownenhip interest of that piece of land containing O.I7'hectare or thereabouts, sinrac in the district of Kitui, registered under title No. Nzambani/KyanibJz4g7, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adducod b show that the land title deed isrued thereof has been lost, in notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (CI) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a new title dced povided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. J.M.MUTHUI, land Registrar, Kitui District. MR/6992507 GAztrENo[cENo. 1870 ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLEDEED WHEREAS Lincoln Njogu Kariri, of P.O. Box 54167, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.12 hectarc or thereabouts, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under title No. Narok/lrlutara South Block U3550 (Kiamariga), and whereas sufficient evidencc has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, noticc is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided ftat no objection has been receivpd within that period. Dated the 20th March, 2015. J. MR/6992504 Land Registrar, M. MWINZ, Iaikipia District. GAzErrENoucENo. 1874 THE LAND REGISTtr,AIION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 ol20l2't IssUE oFA NEx,LANDTTILE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Crnld Maina Muchiri (ID|&120E2), of P.O, Box ,14O, It alfudi in the Republic of Kenya, ir registcred as proprietor in absolute owrcnhip inlercgt of that piecc of land sihratc in the district of Malindi, rcgistered under title No. Gedellt{ijombonilll9, and whercas sufficient evidence has bcen ad&ced !o show ftat the land title decd issucd therEof has been lost, notice is given tlut after the expiration ofsixty (60) drys frrom the datc hereof, I shell issue a new title decd providcd thu no obictior har been received within that pcriod. WHER.EAS Stephen Mburu Ndungu, of P.O. Box 27, Kenol in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of land contaitring 0.0473 hectare or thereabouts, sifirate in the district of Murang'a, registered under title No. Makuyullvlakuyu Block UnL$, Nd whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that.after the expitation of sixty (60) diys ftom the datc hereof, I shall issue a new title deed providcd thaf no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. Datcd the 20th March,2015. CHINYAKA, Land Re g istrar, Malhdi D istr ict. M. MR/6992873 J. S. MN6992934 K. KAMAU; Land Registrar, Murang' a District. @ GtzErffNquqENo..1875 .GaEEr[€ slowcElfio. f,$7t9 TXE r^Anp ,IssrEq ffi{rsp.Mr@maffiNdcr *EGI$r8.Anr0N ACT &Io.3.d,4il!) ilsew,$F Affi{4,!@'[,IaJEDm 'fNo.so/mta, A l{Ew LaDD fi il,ED@ $,iIGftEAS {sdnki Gigx8uthi, of iPO.,Box r$, [ahubia h thc Sapublic,of ,I(onya, is pgirtorodls flqprbEr h ahmeue oumo.nbip intosert "d dnt fl*Ei ,qf rhod co&iaisg O.*t ,hectar? ,or {homeborts, si!$tc ,in ,!ho drtsict sf lrfury'a, .&girforod ,mCg,tidp No. I*oc. ,!ryVaqiqgi/1233, md xbcrcas affoient gvidocc fiet,be€o ddrrcod to rbow $ltlhc hod tidc .hcd istu0d ,lkoof tas ,bocn ,lrost, osticc is giv+ thrt Ser $c expinlior of Bixty (f0) dq,s fiomlbcdsekrtd, drdl iasrlr a ,osw iith deed govlhd &a ae,obiration &as bcon I ,e.ccived m&*fn*'Sfl6 ffiEKEN-YAG,AffiIIiIE vi6in,tut.pcriod. hpmaros or rthonc*st, ,ryndcr fiiflp DIo. svidow r.I(.,{.df,ftril.r, Lcnd&,c6i**,ilfu,W"*0duo'w. rffffe92909 ,iE &c dlicaictdeeUlfoco, ,ryi*good hs8 ,bos {tHmad ris sbw^lhd,{b hoat ilillr ,daqd isflEd ffibc& givm&*Scr,eoafor$m dd&ry eq ec dl&&!*!d, n {hd isql.,rocil,d&&od frcvi&d &oroef bro taenr&nt, @J dqrc &s,roobirotion ers,bcao $oah4Gal silltin,CI$*crioril. 206'it[rrdh, 20il5. G.O.GDEIre, lNkght&,Audaf,cdD*ft */805i1963 GAzEf,EilIoIrcEIb. I88O 1876 rIEtudIlD&ffi8R#ImW*Gn Gro"sd$r2, M#I.ANDRreISTRAITONACT gle'36f2O12) ISSIE.G A $TEwI.A}TD IYI&REAS rHfoo M, Gikofao, TIfl.E off0. .IssrEtr DEe Box 199, tr(na8pnr h lbo nmildic of lGoys to ryigcrd a$ lroprictor fui &dwc osaen*ip irelEs of Nh$ f,osp of ,lrod comipiu I,Ot hg*rrco fr lbsm&o*t, sihrarc ia lhe es8icf of i{mrog'r, rtalercA rpdgr ffie Nq. Inc. l4Ekh/l:956, ,nd x&qrl6 rufEckrt evidonce hns ,hco! nd&rcd to $pw &et Sc land ffiE .@d isrped eceof hss &G€a loat, ootiee is gavea thdcr,6c eryiraioqof sixty (60) drrs e,oo qp dsc h€Gof, I Miirnnc ! low tidc ded pnvi@ Snt no ob&gip hrs beq .necivcd lime ilfuh&lhddite/{ft, t{d tlhm r6t&rt Del tu Da{ed.6c 2&h f{e{ab" 2015. GAffirENsfl@No. fiffiREAS Mllifilo,@Hb,Qyoq is,ryiaaod *o6rydcr nr l&ogt.dlb {dee €f {Dal omnitieg 3J $sctdc wi$h lt$ D6isd. &ta4dtc2ffilftr€h,2015. Iad tmr6lD2qx) ,.s.K4ilil4u' &e eJ;grs, IrEfl X.{lp ffu.c A fu To0@ifr6rtCh@rc,tuqi*md,rpcgieb Sogl$c omdip ieEd ef ,{bc sb of M mtre*g Ofl &colre s lbc*do*, siEsl rb.'&r di4!ir* trf $[$./f!.s. qlillrEd tds fre tlo. 8.,eryoutD*ruEkdil056, nd tu 'raroi-t cuidw 'is soaE ldflraad to &ery {t* *r hd flG Jd ,hrEa {hcaef ts h locr" acekE is giqm {td a*tr6c q6indmd riry 464) fiy5 ftoa lhe dde hrecof, I *d iry e,ry t&tlp H pridod lh* ro @fun tm b.!r reooiuld wilir tdfa*rd. WICSEAS D{odec m& Marcb.&15. G.O.OiErCO, LcdicCd;lrrt,,WtcsDi*it*- ra/mfirr5, l@arg' a Iil wbt. oArrBrx@B!$O. l88r IIE I.AID IBC!$IXAISI TCT GAUFTxEN.qrcaNo. lE?7 Iffi (trlo.3d4l2) TA}D R8SISIT.AITON ACT G{o.3d20t2) tr A, ilEf,, LAID IIrI.8 DEm I[r|EnFfiS hridcr !{!tpsr OO.qi, i6 ryi*cned r Sng**u to rhdrt9 ewscrllit, ilrtcpsr of e$ dcce of ,sd oosohiDg O.47 herc or Se*q$, liqr*c h $c dirlt* of epiE/Ieso, r4ilrcd uadcr flb Nq. !{6ryo/Ud.!g/955, rnd rttecrc qfidl$ pyidcpe b bcrn rd4rood to *cry &rt lte Lod ti{e d*d is,fled Smf t$ igcr locq no*p i* gir,fo e* rfr$ ec cxphds of ixty (60) deyp 4op Sc,f#ebcpof, I $dl isq.e rEcw ti{p doCarcdled IssUE t4 oo o0*rtln b hoq rcpcivd D'rts4&G ?nS Uascb, Al5. ",l6ip ld lffinp{+3s3 lh.t Fiod. c.o.oi{Dreo, ReeWs, B$sWTcp Pi*i{rt. Isfl.E ff A law l.aro TfsrDE@ qo?ce ryfmgA$ de ll*cn @ttlt0$), ir nogi*d .s ornerdts &Ecr. of {h fi.s d hd ewfd*r b Mrc ,toc*rps o.ll&, $Ear i ttc &ict of Ns!*, md*cro0 uo& & No. Cb-f,fmfioiy*i 23eC, rod uteeeu *ifcicu aidr* ts boc. llr bocr hr, cd&rmC 5 *or {L* lhe bd 6, ded isaGd lhf mb ir firm lh* r0s thp prfl$o drilry (6) drte tuln tu & conffhio3 fO57 tt{pof, I *rX issle r @& IIIIJ nll N.TflITI!P, EflEOTANSryLAIOTNl.8D@ DEED .ad (2) Barrsr Oredo, ue rpetutrrcd rvhcFss Brmci!4 pvidepc+ hrs bc.q ed&ccd io sbew 610 fu hod isqpd tulpof hs{ becq hs!, etic€ b clvca 6c afier tho ff& dd crpinlhn of rifty (60) 4ay6 fron ltc drt! hEl?of. I sall isEua n aow q{E @ provialcd tet ao obi*tion 18$ hooa recoived rihiu frrt Pshd. lrBrt054351 oo oliortfua TIE LATD NEOISTNAT()N ACT {t{o., ol$l2, ia rb8.rlt4c ovocrsbb Lscrc* of 6at plae of lrod pfnEinip€ ?6 hm.taes or ltser0orrl, citnab i8 &c diericr of BBeia/fgsa, rcgirtord ledcr tilh No. Bu]tryotUunffrn5l, ed pS povidd the N, ${o'3 of2atl) qT A NE,$I LAND pqtsd Sp dood l-d ieei*u, Nar* tMl Wt Di**s. wt8tn942 I!-E I-AilP BrcIETAAflON ACT es pronuictors flp CAzEflEiloTIcET&. tEE2 GrflFr,lENorEFDro. lETq I!$IE WIPBEAS (l) Drilsili oory rccird,rthin Od leriod Dn.ed llc PA U.ncf. 2015. tceo WHEBEAE tleary CheCp Mwrgo <ID.2f)3IJ7WI, ot PO. Box 99G Z)ll7, !{alvuhl in tbc Bognblic of Koayr, io rrgicuod ra popt&tor of th* picrc ef hd coatrirtE l.Zr9 ir Ebcolds wncr*ip hsctsrgs or ltamehout, iitufi ir (hc di.tript of Nrivarha. Egiltrcd ie!$ u& dtb No. Nrivrdn/LtvHridryiri Bhc* 4/l.l5l. and rtcrcer sufiEciom pvi@ hos borNr rdercod b shoil thd lbc Lod tille dccd isr{d lhstof tr3 boen looq aodcc b givsr 0rd rfbr rhc crpintfon of rirty (60) drye frorn dlc dslc hcsoof, I shdl irgrc r nery title docd pmvfolcd th* no objqe{ftn has bocn Fcoi?cd within ltrt pctbd. Drtorl 6e zCIt lt&rch, 2015. t{#ph,2015. l*d E,O.OHpEr), Rc tisrar, Bwfficn Dllr.irlr,, J. M, )frl6tur'p ItIf,,AI.,BA, Iand Rcgiltar, Natwsru Dtsnkr. CAErrENoncENo. 1887. ,THELANDREGISTRATIONACT - GAzErrE NoflcE No. 1 883 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . (No. 3 (No.3 ol20t2) dfzolz) fiILE ISSUE oF A NEw LAND RiroxsrxuctoN DEED rcgiste-red as proprietor of in absblute that piece of land comaining 0.04 hectarc or in the district of Meru Sorth, registered under title No. Karingani/Ndagani/9905, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thermf has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of eixty (fl)) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objgction thereabouts, situate . Losr oR DEsrRoyED LAND REcrsrER is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days.from tre date hereol the pioperty rcgister shall be reconstructed un$r the has been received within that period provisions of section 33 (5) of the Acq provided that no objectiort has wittin that period 'Dated rhe 20th March,20l5. been receiVcd N. KARUTI, Iand Rcgisaar, Meru South Disttict. P. l\i[N6992931 oF WHEREAS (l) Wcston Yosi Otolo and (2) Rose Nyadiko Otolo, ' both of P.O. Box 2887(H[200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are registered poprietors for an estate'in fee simple-of all that pilce of land known as L.R. No. 209111373147, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of atonvei-ance rcgistered in Volurne N 58'Folio4l8, rnd whercas the lard register in respect thereof is lost-or desroyed, and whcrcas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed; notibe WHEREAS Gaurne Pauline Wahorne, of P.O. Box 356, Chuka in the Republic of ,Kenya, is ownership interest 643 THE KENYAGAZETTE 20th March,2015 Dated the 20th Merch, 2015. W.M.MUIGAI, MRt692928. GAZETTENOTTCBNo. land 1884 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Nairobi. GAzErrENsflCENo. 1888 (Ng.3 ofzor2) . IHELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No.3 of20t2) ISSUE oF A NE.w LAND TTTLE DEED WHEREAS Jeremiah t'huku Wainaina" of P.O. Box 99, Timboma ' in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistcr€d as proprietor in absolute ownership int€rEst of that piece of Iand containing 2.403 hecUres or thercabout, siuagin the district of Koibatck, registered under tide No. l.embus/Mosop/lMumberes Block I (Gilgil/9l, ind whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issucd thereof has bgen lost, notice-is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereof; I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. N.O. ODHIAMBO, . Laid Registrar, Koibauk District. MR/6992965 Re gistar, ' RBcoxsrf,rrcnoN oF Losr oR DEsTRoyEDiAND REcrsrtR WHEREAS Nebange Limited, of P.O. Box 45922-00100, N;irobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registercd proprietor of of that piece of land known as L,R. No. !61ffi66, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virfirc of a conv€yanoe registered in Vol, N31 Fqlio 48n5, File 10029, f,nd whbreas the land regiser in respect thercof is lost or desuoyed, and whereas efforts madc to locaE the said land registtr have failed, notice is given that after the -expiration of sixty (60) days ft,om the date hereof, the.property register shall be rcconstructed under thc provlsions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no,objection has becn received wittrin ttlat period. Dated the 20dr March,2015. W.M.MUGAI, GAzEnENoTIcENo. 1885 Iand MR/6992509 Re gistrar, N airobi. THE LAND REGISTR,ATION ACT (No. 3 of 2Ot2) . ISSI.IE oF A GAZE.TTENSTTENo; 1889 NEw LAT{DT.ITLE DEED TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT WHEREAS David John Dambo (.ID197722O5), of P.O. Box lfi), Watamu in the Republic of Kenya, is rejistered as. proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that plcce of land situate in the district of Malindi, registered under title No. Gede/Dabaso/480, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notioe is given sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I tral after the expiration of shall iSsue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within-that period Dated &e 20th March.2015. M. s. crmwaxa, Land Registar, Mqlindi District. \jrRn054270 GazET (No.3 oJ2Ot2) . REcoNsTR!.,cTIoNoFLo6ToRDESTRoYEDLANDREcIslq WHEREAS Florence Wairimu Njenga, of P-O. Box 31439-00600, Nainlbi in the Republic of Kenya, is registerEd as proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as 14870l{16, situate in tbe district of Kiambu, by viitue of a cettificate of title registered as'I.R. 55390, ard whereas ttr land register in respect thereof is ldst or destroyed, and wherras effotts made to locate the said land rcgistei have hiled, noiice is givcn that after ttrc expiration of sixty (6O) days fr,om the date hcreof, the property r€gister shall be reconstructed under the provisionr of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has becn ipccived within ttrat period rENoncENo.1886 ; Dated the 20tlr March,2015. W.M. MTIGAI, TIIE LAND REGISIRATION ACT MR 0s4l50 (No.3of2}t2) . Re g istr ar, Nairob i. ISSUFoFANEWLANDTITLEDEED WT{EREAS Dan Oruko.Sigu, of P.O. 8ox25296-2001@, Nakuru iir the Reptrblic of Kenya, iq registered as proprietor in absolute owncrship inter€it of that piece of lanil containing 1.63 hectares or thereabout, situate in the dishict of Nyando, registered under title No. Kisumu/Agoro lVest/I57d, and whereas sufficient evidcncc has hcen adduced to show that the land titb deed. issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the.cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall.issue a new title deed provided that no objection,has been received within that period. Datcd the 20th March, 2015. MR Land 054401 Itnd S. L. WERE, Registrar, Nyando Distict. GAZET rENoncENo. 1890 THE LAND RFCISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) RECONSTR,UCTIONOT LOST OR, DESTROYED LAND REGIS13R WHEREAS Msrsai Villas Limited, of P.O. Box 439350, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistercd as.proprietor lessee of that piebe of land known as ?fr9/l2rc&, siurate in the city of Nairobi, by virhre of a grant r€gistered as I.R.'63626/1, and whercas the larid regisier in r$pect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locdte the said land rcgister have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days frorh the date hereof, the property regisEr l l 20th March,2015 shall be rcconsructed under the provisions pf section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no irbjoction llas been received within that period. Dalcd the 20th March,2015. i MRn054299 W. M, MIIIGAI, .land Re gis trar, Npirob Naromord Block 2/lr{uriru/2071; and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show.that the green card issued thereof has been lost, noticelis'given that after the expiration of sixty'(60) days from'thedate hereof; I shall open a riew lzind regisbr provided that no objr:ction has been niceived within ttrat period il. Dated the 20th March,2015. Ia ad IVIR/6992983 GAzE'rrENoncENo. l89l W.R.NGAANYI, Dist ict. Re gistar, Nyeri. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT CAZETfE N0ncE No. 1 895 f$ELANDREGISTRAfioNACT RECoNSTRUCTION oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Tncielna Mwaghadi and others, of P.O. Box 27, Athi River in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of that piccc of land known as L.R..I,tro. 127151681, bituat€ in disrict of Machal(o, by virhre of l grant registered as I.R. 4793 1/1,.and whereas the Iand register in respect thereof is lost or destoyed, gnd whereas efforts rnade to locatc the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the eipiration 9f sixty (60) days frorn the date hereof, the propgrty r€gisEr shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided diat no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 20th March,2015. W.M.MUIGAI, Iand MRrr054389 Re gistrar, N airo bi. (No. T . OPEi\ING : of2}l2) oFANEWREGIS.IER " WHEREAS Titus Thuo Muruthi (ID!49\577O), of P.O. Box 75495-00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya,-is registered as proprietor in absolute ovtlnership interest of that piece ofland situate in the distict of Thika, registered under'title No. Ruiru/East.Block 3/15,10, and whereas sufficient evidcnce'has been adduced to sho$, that thE land register {green card) issued thereof has been lo*t, and whercas all efforts made to locate the land regisrcr (green card) have failed, notice is givon that after the,expiration of sixty (60) dayd fiom the date hereof, I intend to open a 0J9w land register and upon such opening the said missing fand register shall be deerne"d obsolete and no effect. of Dated the 2fth March,2015: GAzEnENorrcENo. 1892 'Iand MR/7054379 F. M. NYAKI,'ND-I, Segistrar, Thiko Dittrict, TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ot2) GAzE|rENgnc-ENo. (l) situate rq the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/I(orando/17, 'and whereas sufficient . gvidencc 'has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has been lost, notic.e is givcn that affcr the expiration of six_ (60) days from{rc ilatc hereof, I shall issue a new gr€en card provided that no objection has been received witrin that period Dared the 20th March,2015. MR kind Registrar, Kisumu Eastlwest Districts. 054107 GAZET rENcflcENo. 1893 . of Thika, rtgistered under titte No. Kiarbu/C-atuanyaga/391, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced ta sho.w that the land register (green card) issued thereof lias bcen los! notice is glvcn that after the expirotiori of sixg (60) days fiom the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been rcceived within that period,.I intend to oprin anodrer land register and upon srch opening the said missing I land register ihall be deemed obsoleteand of no effeqt. . : NYAKUNDI, Lard Re g is trat, Th ilv Dis tr ie t. F. M. MW6992886 (No,3 oJ20l2) GAzErrENoncENo.I8g7 WHBnSaS Milkfish Company Limited Kinango, is registerod as proprictor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of tand situatc in the distict of Kwale, rgistcr€d undcr title No. Kwale/Diani Complexf/Ot, and whereas sufficient evidence has bcen-adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has been lpst, notice is given that after the oxpiration of rixty (60) days from the ilate hereof, I shatl optxr a.ncw rcgistor pmvided that no objection has been received within that pcriod Dated the 20th March,2015. A.N. NJOROCE, l THE LAND RFCISTRAfiON ACT ', ,,,, (No.3ol2frl2) WHEREAS Rajinder Singh Rayit also known as Rajinder Singh Biyit, o[ P.O. Box I I5OG0M00, Nairobi in thc Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land containing 0.1302 hectarc or thereabouts, known as L.R;-2O9l5Ofin situate in Nairobi County, held.under a-cirtificate of title rcgistercd as I.R. 2765411, and wlrerea* tlre-said Statrdard Chartered la nd RcgiStrar, Kwalz District. ACT, ' OrnriNGoFeNEwREcrsER .' , WHEBEASThomas Nyaga Oituru, of PO. Box 688, Kerugoya iir Kenya, is. registcrcd as proprietor in absolute hectare or Nycri, registbred under title No. ownership hterest of that piece of land containing 0.35 ghereabouts, situate in the district of Bant of Kenya Limiteil has executed.an instrument of discharge in favour of Rajiiider Singh Rayit also known as Rajinder Singh Biyit" of P.O. Box I 1506- filled in 004O0, Nairobi, and whereas.affidavits have bee+ 1894 THE LAND REGISTRATION $e f,epublic of - WIIEREAS Charles Ngugi Kariuki (ID/3332:155), ot P.O. Box 72262, Neirpbi in the Republic'of Iicnya, is ^registercd as proprietor in absolute ovrgrenship intercst of that piece of land situate in the district : 'lpss or GBEEI{'CAID cAz#rENcflcENo. I..oSS oF LAND REGISTER Dated the 20th March,2015. T}IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MNl054392 . (No.3of20l2) Box 169, Kisumu in lhc Republic qf Kenya, are registered as proprietors of that pioce of land containing 0.38 lhctare or ihereabouts; . TTELANDRECISTRATIONACT Esther Andiego Atieno, (2) Joshua Omwa Otieno, (3) Christopher Olang Atieno and (4) Samuel Owiti Atieqo, all of P.O, WHEREAS 1896 terme ,of section.65 (1) (rr) of dre,said.Act, declaring trat the said lea$ regislered as LR. 2J654ll is qot available for.registration,.notice is givcn that .after.the erpiratioo of foutcen (14) days from the date hereof; providod no valid objection has boen receiwd within that period, I intiird to dlspenso with the production oflhe said lpase and proceed with the regishation of the said instrument of discharge. Dated the 20th March,2015. MRf/054399 : s.r.i'rrnNo, . Re g istrar of Titles, Nairobi. 645 TIIE KENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 GAZETTENcrncENo. 1898 GAzE'mENcrncENo. 1901 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGTS.TNAUON OC'T (No.3 of20l2) (No .L RECIETRATIoN oF INSTRI.IME}.IT ' -WHEREAS Kamau Philip Muigai (deceased), is registorcd as of that piece . of land containing 0.4359 hectare or thereabouts, known as.Solai/lildungiri Block 31331, situate in the district of Nakuru, and *he.ear Veronicah Muthoni Kamau is the proprietor .3 oJzol2) REGISTRATIONOFINSTRUMENT WHEREAS Njoroge James Mwicigi (deceased), is registered ds propiietor of that piece of'land containing 0.39 hectare or thereabouts, known as Gatuanyaga/Ngoliba Block 112873, situate in the district of Thika, and where4i the chief magistrate's court at Thika in succession cause Nir 63 of 2O12, has issued grant of letters of administation to ultimat€ benefibiary, and wherqas the land title deed has beonreported' missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided no. valid objection has been received within that period, I shall dispense with ihe production of the said land title deed and proceed *ith ttr" regidaation of the death certificate of the deceascd herein and issue a.new title deed to the beneficiary thereof, and upon such registration the land title deed Failh ]Manjiru Njomge aid (2) Kevin Wachira Njoroge, and Whereas the land title deed issued earlier to the said Njoroge James Mwicigi (dec,eas€d) has been reported missing or iost, notice is given issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and.of no effect. and.rtpon such registration the land titte deed issued earlier to the said Njoroge Jarnes Mwicigi (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and ofno effecL Dated the 20th March.2015. s. M. N,ABUIJryDO, Land Registrar, Nakuru District. MR17054102 (l) that after the expiration of thirty (30) days'from the date hercof provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispensc with the poduction of the said lnnd title d@ and proceed with regisration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, Dared the 20rh March.20t4. J. K. NJOROGE, Land Registrar, Thika District. MR/6992882 GAZETTENCnCENo. 1899 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAaTrENcvncENo. 1902. (No.3 of2olz) . rgE I-END REGTSTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) REqSTRATIoNoFINSTRUMENfS WHEREAS Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased), is'registered as proprietor of those pieces of,land contalning 0.016 hectare or thereabouts, knswn as Ngenda/Githunguchi/1413, 1418 and 1420, situate in the district of Thika, and whereas the High Coun at Nairobi in succession cause No.2S3O of ZXll, has-issued gftut of letters of administration to ( I ) Samuel Kabogo Qachuru and (2) David Njoroge Gaehuru, and whereas the land title deds issued earlier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased) have been report€d missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiratioir ofthirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been reeeived within that period, I intend to dispense with the prodgctibn of the said land title deedand pr6ceed with regisuation of 'the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L.7, and ufon such registration the land title deeds issired earlier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased), shall be deemed l4ll, to be cancelled and ofno effect . REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRI,MENT . WHEREAS Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased), is registered as of that piece .of land containing 1.370 hectares or thereabout, known as Ngenda/Githunguchu/1435, situate in the district crf Thika, and whereas the High Court at Nairobi in succession cause No. 2830 of 2001, has issued grant of letters of administration to (l) Sanurel Kabogo pachuru and (2) Eavid Njoroge 4achuru, and whereas the.land title deed issued earlier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deqeased) has been reported missing or lost, notice.is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no vatid objectiol has been received within that period, I intend to dispenge with the pmduction of the said land title deed and proceed with rcgistration of the said instument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, hnd upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. proprieor Dated the 20th March,20l4. \ J.(. MN6992963 NJOROGE, Land Registrar, Thika District. cAzErrENoncENo. 1900 Dated the 20th March, 2014. J. K. NJOROGE, Land Registrar, Thika Distict. MR/699299s GAzEr-rENsncENo: 1903 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ( . Nit.3 ol2otz) (No.3 of2}l2) . RE0IST,RATIoN.oF INSTRI.IMEI\ITS WHEREAS Mary. Gachuru.Kabogo (deceasedt is registered f,s proprietor of those pieces of. land containing 0.032 hectare sr thereabouts, knbwn As Ngenda/Githunguchu/I434 and 1424, situate in . the disrict of mi4a, and whereas tse Hgh Cciurt at Nairobi in -succession cause No. 2830 of 2001, has issued grant'of letters of adminisfiation to (l) Samuel Kabogo Gachuru and (2) David Njoroge Gachunr, and whereas the land title deeds issued eaflier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased) have been rcported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thiay (30) days from the 'date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense. with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with-registration of.the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon subh registration the land title deeds issued eadier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deccased),.shal be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. of as that piece of Iand containing 0.015 hecttre or thereabouts, known as Ngenda/Githunguchuil450, .situate. in the proprietor district of Thika, and whereas the High Court at Nairobi in succ€ssion cause No. 283O of 2001, has issued grant of letters of administration to (1) Samuel Kabogo Gachuru and (2) David Njoroge Gachuru, and whereas the land title deed issued eailier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased) has been reported missing or lost; notice is given that after ttre expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, Fovided no valld objection has been received within thit period, I intend to dispense with the production of.the said land title deid and proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and RL. 7, and upon such regisfation the land title deed issued earfier to the said Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelted and of no effect. Dated the 20th March, 2014. Dated the 20th March, 2014. J. K. NJOROGE, MRt6992995 REGISTRATIoN oF INSIRUI|ENT WHEREAS Mary Gachuru Kabogo (deceased), is registered Land Registrar, Thika District. MR/6992995 J. K. NJOROGE, Land Registrar, Thika District. , 646 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzEmE NoflcE No. 1 907 GAZET,IENCmcENo. 1904 . 20th March,2015 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT. THELAND REGISTRATIQN ACT (No..3 (No.3 of20t2) REcIsrRATroN oF INsiRUME[s . WHEREAS Teresia Kabura Kamau (deceased), is registered as' proprietor of those pieces of land containing 0.4O0 hectare or thereabouts, known as Ruiru East/Block 212677 and 2676, situate ir the distict of Thika, an{ whereas the High Court at Nairobi in succession cause No. 1062 of 1994, has issued grarit of letters of administation to Simon Kamau Kiguongo, and whereas the land title deeds iszued earlier to the said Teresia Kabura Kamau (deceased) have been reported missing or lost, notice is given tlrat after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been rcceived within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the Said land title deed and proceed with registration.of the said iristrument of R:L. 19 and R.L 7, and upon such registration the land titte deeds issued earlier to the said Teresia Kabura Kamau (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. WHEREAS Joseph Auma Ongoro (deceased); is rcgistered as prolrietor of that piece of land containing 0.4 hectare-or thereabouts, known ds C. KasipuUKartiuma/42i, situate ir the disrict of Rachuonyo, and whereas the High court at Kisumu in successiori cause No. 479 of 2012 has issued grant and transmissiotr. documents to Grace Akinyi Auma, and whereas all efforts made to trace the said tand titli deed have failed, notice is given that after the expiration qf thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received wittrin that period, I intend to {ispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration ofR.L. 19 and issue a title de€d to the iaid Grace Akinyi Airma,-and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the 30id luseph Auma Ongoro (deceascd), shall be deemed to be cancelled and ofno effect. ,. MR/6992939 Dated the 20th March,2014. S. W. I(ARIIJKI, land Registrar, Thika District. MN6992526 ol20t2) REGISTRATION OF INS'TRUMENT _ J. O. OSTOLO, LandRegistrar,RachuonyoNorthlSouthDktricn. GAZEITENCNCENo. I9O8 THE LAND REGISTiTENOT.{ ACT (No.3 of20t2) GAZE-IENCflCENo. 1905 I, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . REGISTRATION OFINSTRUMETTT WHEREAS Kasturiral Palimal Aggarwal, (No.3 o!2012) REGISTRATIoN OF NSTRI.,MENT WHEREAS Charles Mwawaza Poisa (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Mgange/Dawida/l4l, situate in the disnict oi Taita Taveta, and whereal the senioi principal magistrate's court at Voi through succession cause No. 35 of 20 I I, has issued grant of letters of administration to (1) Antony Mbelenga Mwawaza and (2) Cosmas Poisa Mwawazarand whereas all efforts made to recover the.said land dtle deed to be surrcndered to the laad rrgistrar for cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date fusrcof, provided no valid objection.has been receiv6d within that podod, I intend to dispense with dre production of the said land title deet and Broceed with the rcgistration of the said adminisration letters to (l) Antony Mbelenga is registercd as proprietor of that piece of lutd known as Nanyuki/l\tlarura Block 8n227 (Nturukuma), situate in the district of L,riikipia, and wherpas sufficient.evidence provos that the land title deed was erroireously issued, and whereas all efforts made to aompel thc registered proprietor to surrender the said land title ded for cancellation have faile( notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days frorn the date hereof, provided no vilid objectiort hae be€n received within that period, I ittend to dispense with the productiori of the said land title deed to the rightful owner, Christopher Nderitu Kinyua; and upoh this publication the land title deed issued earlier shall be deemod to be cancelled an6of no effect. Dated tlre 20th Much,2015. I.M.MWINZ, Land Registrar, lzikipia District. MN6992907 Mwawaza and (2).Cosmas Poisa Mwawaza, and upon.such regisEation the lanitr title deed issued earlier to the said Charles Mwawaza Poisa (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. ' Dated.the 20th March,2015: GAZETTE NoTcE No. 1909 THE LAND ACT (NO. 6 OF 2012) , M,.WEA T.RRIGATION EXPANSION D. B. MWAKIO, Land Registrar; Taita Taveta District. MBJ6992982 INQT,IRY IN PURSUANCE of the transitional provisions contaircd in section 162 (2) of thc Land Ac! 2012, aod section 9 (l) of the Land Acqtrisition Act (Cap.295 repealed). The National Land Commission gives notice that inquiries to the hearing of claims to compe,nsation for interested parties in the land required for Mwea lrrigation Sxpansion shall be held on Tuesday, 14tr April, 2015, at the Deputy GAzErrE NsncE No. 1906 . THE LAND RECiISTRATION ACT ' (No-3 of10t2) Commissioner's offioe, Kirinyaga East. REcrsrRAIIoN oF INsrnuvrBNr WHEREAS Ephantus .stanley Njagi Moko, of Embu in the of Kenya, is registered as proprietor-of that piece of land Republic containing 0.33 hectar€ or thereabogts, situate in tlie district of Embu, and wlpreas the resident magistrate's court at Embu in civil suit No. 26 of.2ol4, has ordered that the'said piece. of land be registered in the name of the plaintiff, Monica Ruguru Njiru, of Embu, and whereas the executive officer has in pursuance ao an-order.of the said court Registered Kabare/Kiritine/819 Muhia Gachocho Rnnifaap (linhirn Gqohiriorr l.l4 Kaham/Kiritine/OiR Johnson Gitari Kabare/Kiritine/129( James Mwansi Niuki Kabare/Kiritine/l l3 Boniface Gichira luguru Njinr, urd I shall be deemed to be cancelled and ofno effect. March,20l5. MN6992962 Da,ted the 20th I Approx. Area to /aorivc lHal I.66 ' 0.44 u.70) 0.s5 0.263 Gachirigua, Gacoki Gachirigua, Stephen Njagi execuM a transfer of the said piece df.land in favour of Monica whereas all efforts made to compel the registered proprietor to surrender'the lqnd title deed issued in respect.of the said piece of land to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereoi provided no .v'alid objection has been received within that period, intend !o dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed 'with regisfation of the said instrument of transfer and issue a land title deed to the said Monica Ruguru Njiru, and upon such relistration the laud title deed issued earlier to the said Bphantus Stanley Njagi Moko, land Owners Plot Ndambiri and Michael Buadi Ndambiri (oint nmemhin) Every person interested in the affectgd land is required to deliver to the National L,and Carmnission.on oi before the day of inqiriry a written claim to compensation, co-py of.Identity Card @),,Personal Identification No. (PIN),.land ownership bank documents and bank account details. Commission offices are.in Ardhi House, 3rd Floor, Room 305, Nairobi. Dated the I lth March,20l5. -;--I. M. MTJNGUTI, Land Registrar, Etnbu District. MR/?054293 MUTIAMMADA. SWAAJRI, Chairman, Nalionsl Land Conmission. .ffi."1 THE KENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 cAzErrENoncENo.. l9l0 of devolution much will depend on the existence in the counties of legal and institutional frameworks to effectivbly and efficiently deliver' services to the people. Some of the fuameworks have been estatilished THE COUNfY GOVERNMENTS ACT by the Cons$tutior itsqlf while (No.t7 oJ20t2) THE COUNTY GOVERNIVIENT OF ELGEYO MARAKWET ELGEYO MARAKWET . COUNfi PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD ANNUAL REPoRT SUB'IflTIED TO THE COUNTY ASSE}YIBLY DECEdBER,2OI4 THE COUNTY PUBUC SERVICE BOARD SECOND REPORT TO THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY Preamble This report is prepared in accordance with the Constitution and section 59 (l) (d) and'(! and subsection (5) of section 59 of County Government Act No. 17 of 2Ol2 which states that the Counry Public Service Board shail: 59 (l) (d) preparb regulai reports for submisiion to the County Assembly on the executior of the functions of the board; 59 (1) f) others are to be crcated tfuough legislative mcasures at the county and national levels. Amdng these is the institutional frarnework to establish and maintain in each county, in accordance with section 56 of-the County Govemments Abt, a ,. professional and efficient Public Service that will ensure fesponsive, pmmpt, accountabE, bffective and economic use of resources. .I.2 1.3 The powers andfunctions of a County Pubtic Service Board of the County Governments Act (2012) that each Coirnty Public Service Board must deliver a rcport to the respective C-ounty Assembly in the month of December each year; Th€ scope of the report which is itemized in the secfion 59 (5) (b-fl (Annex I) is primarily on the extent to which'the county is implementing,the promgtion and protection of the principles and values elicited in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution This rcpoft meets all the requirements in section 59 sub sectio*-(S) of the County Govemment AcL The powers and fimctions of a.County Rrbiic Service Board are set in section 59 of the County Govemments A€t and relate to public officcrs in the county public service. Broadly, a County Public Sdrvice Board is, responsible for- out (a) establishing and abolishing offices in the county public service; (D) I-INTRODUCTION exercised at two levels: _ 4. To protect interest$ and rights of marginalized groups. Frvices closer to the people. To ensure equitablc sharing of rcsources. 7, Tq enhancq checks and balances and separation of powers. . The Constitutibn has conferred on coun$.govemments various glgcutiVo, legislative and oversight functions intended to achieve these objectives. In addition, the county goveilrments have the power !o manage nnd co-ordinate county ad{nilktration and its departments so as to ensure effective and efficicnt publii service delivery. In doing thls, they are enjoined to reflect the guiding principles of devolution as set out in Article [75 of the Constinrtion which include: I. That county gbvernments shall have reliable . - sources of revenue ' to enQblp them to govam arid deliver services effectively. . 2. That the county governments shalt be based on th6 democratic pn.nciples and separation of powers to enhance and promote democracy and accountability in the cxercise of power. 3. Ensurc gender representation Whpther or not the county governments fully realize the objectivbs resource pfarining and budgeting for personnel emoluments in counties; met;ig to the Salaries and Remuneration of thc county govemments, on the recommendations remunoration, pensions and gratrities for county.public service. employees;and (i) exerci3ing disciplinary control over and rcmoving persons holding or acting in *rose offices; promote, promote social and Economic development and bring 6. faiilitating the developmeirt of coherent, integrated human The County Ptrblic. Service Boards responsib$ry is also o ia the _County Public Service, the values and principles set put in Afiicles l0 al.d 232 of the Constitution. They evaluate and For self governance and the participation of peoplc in decision makrng on matters that affect them including development. 5. To f) Commission, on behalf of power. To foster national unity by recognizing divcrsity. . for human resource management and career development practices to address staff shortages and balriers to staff mobility; providing (g) (D) County level. 2. 3. ffid (e.) . (a/ National leveh and To promote democratic govcmance and accountable exercise those . offices, (d) advising the county govertrment on human resource develop,ment and management and utilization that best cnhances service delivery by county public service institutions; The Constitudon of Kenya, 2010 divides the territory of Kenya into forty-seven counties as specified in the First Schedule, one of which is Elgeyo Mardkwet County. The Cohstitution further vests soveteign power in the people of Kenja. This sovereign power is l. or act in prcductiveservices for the people of the cormty; 1.1 Background The objectives of devolution under Article 174 of the Constitution include: appointing pemons. to hold confiming appoiirtments; (c/ providing for the organization, staffrng and funbtioning of the countypublig service in ways that ensure efficient, quality and Th-c report of the C-ounty Public Service Board of Elgeyo Marakwet submitted to the County Assembly on the executioa of its functions and on thc status of promotion of values and principles as stipulated in Article l0 and 232 ofthe conbtitution. . for the establishinent of a County Public County. Public Service Boards (CPSB) are devolved governanie uhits, esablished for the purpose of establishing and managing professional, effective and efficient public serv.ice to enable the county governmerits achieve the objectives of devolution. arc.gomplied with in tbe County Public Service; CHAPTER of the Constituton requires every county to be Service in accordanee with unifomr norms and standards prescribed by an Act of Parlidnenl Accordingly, section 57 of the County Govemments Act establishes a County Public Service Board for ever,i county. The board . comprises a chairperson, not less than tlree and not. more. than five membets and board secretary, all of whom 'are oominated and appointed by the Governor with the approval of the County Assembly. Article 235 cvaluate and report to the County Assembly on the extent under section 59 (5) (a) Esubtishrrcnt of the County Public Semice Board responsible to which the values and principles referred !o in Articles lO aad 232 It is a requirement 647 tBport to the cciunty assemblies on the extent to which the values and pringiples are complied with in the County Pnblic Service and provide standards to pomotc ethical conduct and professionalism in county public service. Further, CPSBs advise county govemments on implementation and monitoring of the county performince manageiDent systems and piepare regular rcports for submission to the coudty assemblies on the execution ofthetrnctions ofthe boards. '1.4The compositidn of the EMCPSB The County Public Scrvice Board (the Board) was sourced comp€titively and sworn into office on 25ttr June, 2013. The bbard. is comprised of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson(l), four (4) Members and a board secretary. ' Table 1: The Elgeyo Marakwet County Public Service Board Name Desigtution GideooKipyakwai Chairman Susan Koech ViceChair Abraham Kipruto Membeg Susan Rotich Member . 648 THE KEI\TYA GAZETTE Edwin Kamar Member Nicholas Chepkiyeng Member Francisca Bartoo Board Secretary 20th March,2015 Health Rbcords Ward Adminisfators Ambulance Driv€$ 134 9I 93 10_ 551 165 t9 t9 l0 'I-fir^k l]ivFr 145 PlantOoerator 158 33 76 56 45 68 33 46 39 t4 I 6 I 156 Wsion Mcnhaninc An excellent County Public Service that provides effective services add promotes the people to champion service delivery. 'Mission Artificial Inseminators 46 55 Infsrrnation Officer l3 5 62 t0 ,.2 Tablo 3: Distribution Of Regularized And New Appointments In . Different Job Groups As Per Gender To align human resource, support systems and- functions to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. :?6tl Tital {t4 Integrity. D E Responsiveness, creativity and innovation. F 8 32 t\l Team spirit. G 35 33 6f, Faimess and equity. Tiansparency and accountability. H tt7 59 116 J I I ,, 3 '4 M. Huduma na Haki". 1.5 Board Commiuees To effectively deliver on its mandate, the board works through the following committees. l. Human Resource recruitment, selection, training 7 P 4 o I I ToTAL Table 4: Humat Resource Employee relations, Welfare and Discipline. Finance and Administration. Audit, kgal and Governance The board has four direltoiates within the secretariat which R'' I 729 of all Appointments in Different Job Groups Keiyo. O^-.., 67 tt7 . During ttre calendar year, the board undertook several activities: fust tWest d 109 3',t4 8l D I E 3 interviewed and appointed 6 9 7 lt 6 G 9 7 4 4 44 30 31 r8 39 K Table 2: Recruitment Stages Tallies M Title of Position Fihhnceand, 459 4s9 425 425 138 l0 6 t 28 6. Adminisratiqn rsb [.esal Officer-Cosb Tourism Officer Countv Chief Warden 29 6 5 l6 4 3 4 48 5 f 5 5 I Officer-Tourism Urtan /Iown Administrator 32 6 5 I Assistaqt Toucr 90 ll 10. ) Administrators Relularized Health 0 0 0 Strategy And Marketing 134 , r76 I I 3 4 I 5 4; 20 P 2 5 1 ). I 12 a J 2 2 ) 3 t2 I I 4 3 2 2 2 t27 l8t r24 l.l5 32 30 31 29 \verage 9 l14 8: 729 )er Vartl Table 5. Summary of Total-ipplicants, applicants rvith apecial needs who applied and thpse who werc appointed, T ltle of Position 75 72 g tot' 4 125 73 '14 l0 Clinical Officers t67 92 30 Radioaraohers Nn tritinni ct< 1.3 l3 82 49 90 6 48 Phvsiotheraoists Pharmacists t8 14 I 2 l'nrrriefr 97 56 60 l4 Counfv Chief Warden tu 68 ,) 6 to2 5A? 40 3 , Chlef Off cers Nurses Medical Lab Technolosists ,| 56 I N s 29 27 SaffGsp) 3 R Mqnqoerfmlr 3 F H 459 as VtAll t The foltowing table provides the summaries for each position of total pcrsons who ap,plied for positions, and the number shortlisted, ' 12 -4' 3 6 North 2:l Appointnuns Ecd Teachers Ranqers- 17, n 1.96 lroup The.secretariat has four staff, orte in each directorate: Human Resource Officer, Finance and Adminisration Officer, Liaison and Communication Officer and kgal Officer. '374 '20 3 tob lontracl correspond to the committees of the board. ed '5 3 13 per Sub-Courity of Origin Public Relations, Communication and Agenda. CHAPTER tr-ACTTVITIES IJNDERTAKEN IN TIIE YEAR 2OI4 'Disribution I 533 s development. 2. 3. 4. 5. N R, and .3 -t K Motti . M 2t F Cllntract Professionalism. ' 353 .Iob Groun Core Values Ecd Teachers Ranirers Finance and Adminisfatior . Tb:tal Tonl.PWD No ofPwds Applications applicants Appointed. .4.t9 t0 4?,\ 2E o ,0 0 0 5 Mqnq@r-ftnch 7 Hr-('ncll 29 lo ksal l6 0 0 .o 48 29 0 0 o 0 Officer-Cosb I l*ti.Fr o Strategy hnd 649 T}IE KENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 27 0 0 Officer-Tourism Urban Town Administrator 32 0 0 Assistant 90 0 0 Marketinl Towr Measures.are then put in plaoe to ensue that the risks are managed well. The County Public Service Board, in coqrultation with its stakeholders (Executive, County Assembly Commiuee bn. ICT and Public Service, Uniolg, Professional Bodies and PSC) is in the process of formuluing its Suategic Flan 2015-&19 which is expectcd to be launched early 20i5. Administrators Regularized :Health Stal 0 0 0 (Eso) Chiaf l-rffinpr< 593 o Nurses t44 0 o 0 Medical L,ab Technoloeists 125 I Clinical Officers t67 o 0 o 0 Prdi l3 Nrrritinr 82 -0 o l8 o Phamaniqfe 98 2 551 156 145 0 I 0 0 2 ,o 0 582 I 0 Plant Ooerator Mechanics Inseminritors 169 33 0 0 46 o 0 Information 0fficer 51 0 0 Health Records' Ward Admhistratois Ambulance..Drivers 134 Truck Drivers Drivers During the year, the board aucnded five day training on Corporat€ Governance at the centre foi Corporate Governance. The bourse content inc{uded but was not limited to: l. Boards and their Flnctions. Role of Board Chair, Members and Secretary/CEo. . Board ' 4. Managemeorof Boards. 5. Company Social Responsibility. 6. Board Reporting 2. 3. Dynamics. Z.*Recularization olSufrm Secondncn ,. -' The county inherited staff from the National Govemment and the ihree Lncal Authorities of Tambact /Iten, Keiyo and Marakwet..To harmonize them, the board desigped a staff regularizatior process where positions are advertised intemally and siatr are encouraged to apply. The process involved 0re Board visiting staff in the sub6ounties tci sensitize theri on taking up positiorrs compctitively. I Acting appointnents in tlte year ulder review. There.were a.tolat seven acthg appointsnent made This process aims at achieving tfuee major objectives: in the year under review, -ihere.were a total of 28 transfers and deployments in the period unc::r rcvrcw. RETIREMENTS RESIGNATIONS - , Nine employees resigned from the. Seryice of the Cornty Govemment d-uring the period under rcview. 2.2 D iscip linary Actions In the year.rinder review, two disciplinary cases.werc reported which culminated in issuance of waming letters. The two are still being handled at the departrn-ental levels. 2.3 Board Internal Projec* 2.3.1 RolI out of County Human Resource Information Sjstem Motiv{ng staff who wish to serve in positions other.than thelrcunentposting. 2. Reducing excesscs in departnents by latcral movement.of staff (Removing excesses and filling deficis). l. Reducing.tire County Wage bill by sourcing from within. 2.5 Advisories to the Executive Six employees retired in the period under rcview: . t. ' DEPLOYMENTS NNO TNNNSTENS The board established the HR advisory and management commifiees. The IIR Advisory Commince comprises the Corhty sccrctary as the Chair and director'of HR as the secretary. AII chief ofEceri are members. The committee will be responsible for approving promotions, dlscipline management and admiristsation of schemes of service in consultation with the board as and when tlie need arise. In the. same meeqing, the board delegated some of its functions to lhe chief officers as pmvided for by the section 86.of the,County Govemment Arl"zDlz. 2.6Training . .To improve efficieocy in the recruitmeot process, the board rolled out the County Human Resource Information System: This marked the beginning of online recruitment, selection:and. management of staff in the county. The .system has improvEd the board's efficiency by reducing tum-aicund time, and the amqrnt of paper work in its operations, especially rccruitrnent. The boarrrt recommended to heads of departmeht to set aside 30 per cent of their adminisEation budgets fgr training and induction of staff, Newly appointed staff are inducted.-.within three montrs of eEployment !o enable them discharge their duties well. Further, the_ board delcgated the management of raining of staff to chief officers.' All deparfhents scnd employeeS for naining and capacity building. . fur regularization with the supprt of PSC Ths board conducted sensitization exercise in all the four subcountieq. The exercise was.supported by the two niajor.unions in the county and PSC, and was.attended by PSC commissioner Vercrtica 2.7 Sensitizations . 2.3.2 Roll.out of Couru1 Document Management Systent To improve effrciency in the managdrnent of records and information sharing, the board procure&. a document manag€ment system which js being used to manage all information from stakeholders and staff records. Birgen. The emphasis of the sensitization was to encourage ell employees fiir advertiscd po.sidons in tlre cor,mty. to show interest by applying \ 2.3.3 Ofice Space ' In the month of'January,2Ol4, the board sourced for space from the office of the Sub-couirty Administrator, K. N. Currently, the.office accommodates the Board, Sub-county Administration arid Department of Physical Platning. Tlre board rolled out staffmotivation-initiatives such as r6view of terms, rolling:out the process of procuring for medical cover for all employees, and working on the pensions. It'has also. spearheaded the process ofensuring tlrele is promotions and trainingir. Glass partitioning of the offices has been undertaken and is yet to be completed. The board requires a toa-l space.of 4200 sq ft,.and currently hris 100 sq ft, Plans are in place to build an abluubn block 2.9 P e rfu rmanc e C ontacting Performance contracting was rolled out starting with dre County Govgmor. and the -Exccutive, and the same is being cascaded with modemized lavaory facitities for both males and females. downwards. 2.3.4 Board Strategic Plan . A Strategic Plan is a tool used by the management of institutions to achieve both short term and long term objectives. It enables an institutiorl to bring the fufure closer by'planning for it and clearly spelling out dre risks thatmay hinder the.achievement of its objectives. 2.lO Housing of Staff - Salaries and Remuneration Commission has provided for a policy on.provision of mortgage for all staff. The board will work with the reasury and other eirtities to enzure that corulty staff are faciliated to thke a{vantage of the facility which will pmvide housing for all county staff. . .: THEKENYAGAZETTE 650 20th March,2015 CHAFTEB.II_STATUS OFVALUES AND PRINCIPI.ES IN THE legal departnent to nibnitor, investigate and r6port on how the COI,JNTY coulty public officcrs co;nply with the values and principles in Articles l0 and 232 of the Constitution. Tho Constitution of Kcnya Article 10. Stipulales thau . (2) Operationalize fuU furctional independetce through opening of operational bank acc.ounts and employment of p$curcment officer under the financc and administration.deprirtment. (1) The national values atd principhs ofgovoroancc in tris Article bind all Sateorgans, State officeis, public ofhcon and all ' ofthem- persong whbnever any tQ idopt (a) applies or interprets this eonstitution; (i) (D) enacts, applies or interprets any law; or - . (c),Makes or implements public policy decisions. (2) The national valucs and principles of govemance - l. ' roluol . . , include- , pptriotism, nationat udty, sharing and devolution of power, the rule of law, democracy and participation of the people; . 2. human dignity; equity, . social, justlce, inclusivenass, 4, 5. 6. . . (iii) ' and of offices and Insallation of CCTV. to- scnsitize staff on nornis and servlco delivory .tuoCatAt. (ii) Sensitization of stakeholdcrs on the functions and powers offieCPSB. of (6) Work with the executiie throqgh lbc deparmcnt Service and ICf to: efficient, effective and ecoiomic useof,resources; equitable (a,I '_ involvementof the people in the processof poticy making; accountability for administrative acs; . transpdency and provision to the public of timely, accurate Public lvlobilizc rcsoirces in each department for trrlihing and develoBmentoftterespectivestaff. (D) Provision ofguidance and counscling eerviccs to all (c/ Improve work place safety and staffwolfare. st{ff. . iiformation; (d) Source for PPP alrrngcmont with a rchabilitatisa Centers for reliabilitatiol services. 7. subject to paragraphs (A) and (i), fair competition and merit 4s ttie basis of appointmerrts and promotios; (e) Table 0re PSB Bill in ihe Counry Arsombly. 8, g. rrpresentation of Kenya's diverse communities;aod affording adequate and . equ.al oppo(unities fqr appointne.nt, training -(i) (ii) - (iii) of- and (/J Establish mediial cover for ail county saff. (g) Fast-track conclusion orthe county pelsirms . (fr) Develop and implememt a comprehensive. ocholanhip prograrn in liaison with rclcvant bgdibs, at all levels ofthe (i) Monitor implementation of the perforoancc ' . Eystems anf imp.rovc productivity thiough. men.and women; themembersofallethnicgroups;and (i) Persons with disabilities. 1. ' 2. f) all State organs in both levels of Gbveinrnent; and o . Eneuring ttrat public officers the publio.ofEgers declaration 2 . 3. . 4. of coirp$with Ethics Act, process. the provisions of 20Q3-,tbrough the weal0r |m) all pmcesscs afford adequate and equal opportunities to.all citizens. The board ensures that there is faimess, msparercy and affirmative action during employment and perforuance management appraisal ptocesi. Recdmmrcndations thrcugh. lecers lnd in meetings measurrs to protnoto values and principles in all officcs and pointq of I Throlgh cooperating and patmering.with the general public, national and county institutiOns to prormte and monitor for values and principles in the public servioe. 3.2 Board mcdiun term pbns With pmper rcsourcing and funding, thp board wilt conduct the following activities in &e year 2015. (l) (l) !o iraproving usc of county HRIS. Devclop 6 disciplioary madual. Devclop pprformancc reward policy. . Establish ths office of compliapce pnd moiritoring under the i (iv) Orientation and induction'manuals'and Reguhtlons, (v) Interoship and student traiooo/athchment policier. Signing of rccognition agrocmonl and CBA with Unionr, (rz) ' Impmve sewice delivcry feedback mcchanirms. (i) Sening.up of Eisuring that ser.vice. tcamr (iii) staffplaccmentpolicies. 3.1 Promotions oJvalues and principles in the county l. Tnin staffon tlrc (i) (ii) give full effect to this The board is continually, providing leadership in thc promotion values and principles by: department. (ft) Develop several manuals and pcilicies. allstate Corporations. (3) Parliament shall enact legislation Alticle. with supervision thrnrgh: in- Service rDatragemont Dissemination oJdepaitmcntal goah and objecdves- (ii) Partner (2) The valucs and plinciples of Rrblic Service apply to Public . pgvgt6p qpacity building and raining prograu for all the staffcadres. (i) highsiandardsofprofessionaletlilcs; public service : Approve Relevant taining of staff based on skills gap and haining needs assbcsment. (ii) Clocking in systoms. Sustainable development. responsive, prompt, effcctive, impanial provision of services; to: and optimal strirfling at all levels, (5) Conduct civic cducation Ihe Coostitution of Kenya Article 232. Stipulites that: (l ) The values and principles of public service include- l. 2. . '3. (ii) (i) and accountability; and 4; aB (4) Procure essentia! infrqstructur€ fpr'security rccords ofemployces. oquality, human rights, non.discriminatio.n and protection ofthc marginalizcd; 3. Good govemanco, integrity, tralsparency the CARPS r{sults so Review orgryrizadional stnrctures for qitimal sfao of curtomcr care deik at the:county headquartcrs, (ii) Sening up suggestion boxcs in all departmontolficer. . (r) Work with .othcr insdtutions e.g. PSC, TA, SRC,.DP$M, CIC with the objectvc of coming-up rvilh ralsvrrt poli0y documcnts; circula8, gazette noticos and guldolines. 3.3 Challengcs experienced in the year 2011 In the year under reviiw the Board faecd the followiog ehatlonges (a) Confltcting mandates on human resoutcc rttsnagcmont axEao such as responsibility for performance matragement, pbneio-ns, and devcloprrrent of organizatipn sEucftrc Ieft groy ueAs in cxecution of the mandatce. Thc rolc of the County Asoembly, the Executivc Comniuce, th€ board, thc offrces of. county secretary, CEC, HR and.the line dcparmeirts necd m be clarified. 651 THEKENYAGAZETTE 20th March,2015 . (D) Pr6ference fot' manual access to information and processes by stakeholders including staff rcduced efiiciencies of existing ICT platforrps. l,ow ICT network coverage in the coulty -leading to limited access to informaton including application ofjobs. Hugq training necds of county staff were exacerbated by inadequate funding. l,ate introduction of perforrnance management system delayed achievement ofkey objectives. (c) Resistance to change delayed release of funds to thp board. The board will open its own operational bank account and establish a procurcment unit to enable requisitioning and execution of its procurcment needs. work closely with the lxecutive Committee and County ,to ensure sufficiency of resource Assembly . Committee allocation. CONCLUSION The board is unwavering in its commitment to execution of its ftmctions and powers as provided in both the County Govemment Act, 2Ol2 and.the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. it is only through this commitrnent that the Vision of an excellent County Public Service will become a reality ' (d) Resource Allocation. The resources allocated to the board ap not sufficient to actualize the roles of the CPSB. The board will Datedthe 24th Januarry, 2015. GIDEON KIPYAKW.AI, MR/6992506 Chairman. GAzEntsNmrcENO. l9l1 NANDI COUNTY ASSEMBLY CALET.IDAR FoR TI{E CoUNTY ASSET,BLY, 20 I 5 PLJRSUANT to Standing Order No. 29 (1) and (2) of Nandi County Assembly the County Assembly informs the general public and sundry thar the qaleldar of the Assembly for the year 2015 is as follows: First Part Date Day 10th Febmary to 14th April,2Ol5 Tlrcsday Morning Session $ternoon Session 9:30 d.m. to 1:00.o.m. 2:30 o.m. to 6:30 o.m. 2:30 o.m. to 6:30 o.m. Wednesday Thursday Bocess Second Part l5th April to l4th Mav. 2015 15th May to 14th Augusq 2Ol5 2:30 o.m. to 6:30 o.m. Committee meetingscontinue Tuesday 2:30 o.m. to 6:30 o.m. Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to l:00 p.m. Thursday Recess l5th August to 15th September, 2015 Third Parl 16th Sepreinber to 3rd Decembei, 2015 Tuesday 2:30 o.m. to 6:30 o.m. Comrniuee meetinss continue 2:30 om to 6:30om Wednesday 9:30 a.m, to l:00 o.m. '4th December td 9th February,2016 2:30 pm to 6:30pm2:30 prn to 6:30pm- Thursday Recess 2:30 o.m. to 6:30 o.m. Commi$ee Meetings to continue only from 4th DeceYnber,2015 to l8th December,20ll BARNABAG. K. KQSGEI, N'F.16992912 Clerk to Assembly. GAZETENCECENo. I9I2 ] . . 'H" MEDICAL PRACTMONERS AND DENTISTS ACT \ (CaP.253) COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NAKURU APPRoVED INSTTTUTIoNS PURSUAM to-s€ction 22 (2) (b)of the Medical Practitioners ard Dentists Act, the County Secietary and Head of Public Service in Nakuru Counly, declares the i4stitutions named iri the Schedule htireunder to be approved institutions for the purposesofthat section. . Name of Facility Sub County Ward Typs 14265 Bondeni Matemity Biashara Tier 3 l5o0s ffaolrh lranlirr Nioro Sub District Hosoital Miruei Kariuki Sub:Counw:Hosoital illosotio Sub Disrict HosDital K'ennseI Suh I lrstflct Hoshrt l ehazi Suh Countv Hmnifal Nekuru East Nakunr East Flar Nioro Nioro Nakuni East Visoi lier Tier IT,IFL I No. 5fl58 l5l8E 1 52tn a Nakuru East Ronqai Kurcsoi South 3 3 l-ier 3 Tier 3 Kenneet Kabazi Tier Kerineet Tier2 Kamara Mbaruk Eburu Tier,2 luhukia Amalo Kerineet Tier 2 20fft Munanda DisDensarv Ndese Disoensarv Solai Kuresoi Kuresoi Subukia Subukia Subukia Subukia Nakuru North 16381 Kintrnoi Dismncqro Naiva-sha Naivash Easl Tier 2 Tier 2 Naivasha Maicla Tier2 I4E36 tl1 I r6681 16403 18824 I lLs'lr) 17860 17859 l 7988 t5776 Gerol Disoensarv fotel f)isfiensaru Mbaruk Disoensary Ime (Aic) Communi'tv Disoensaro Silibwet Dispenary Tendwet Disoeniarv Simboiyon Dispensar'v Wel Disoensarv 20595 20596 I9EE3 Subukia Kuresoi Kurescii Gileil 3 Tier 3 Tier2 Tier2 \tr/aseses Tier 2 Tier 2 Subukia fiet2 iuhukia Tier2 Tier2 Kabazi tffet 652 THE KENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 MFLNo. Name of Facility Sub Counry Ward Type r6380 16382 Namocha Disoensarv Nsondi Dispenarv Gk hisons Annex Disoensarv Olkaria Communifv Dispensary Waneu Communitv Dispensary Naishi Gam6 Dispeniarv Gatimu Dispensarv Gichobo LrisDensarv Naivasha Naivasha Naivasha Naivasha MaiMahiu Tier 2 Maiela Tiet2 Viwandani Olkaria Tier2 Nioro Niorn Niom New Canaan Ido Disoensarv Sasimua Disoensarv Nakuru Kuresoi t45t6 20565 15772 t6402 163E7 16400 20617 20618 Tier2 [ffe K Municioaliw Nvota Nvota K o'efha f)icmnclru fier 2 Tier 2 'fipr ? Irrc l6:ttfr) 'rq5q, Tiet 2 Biasham Lare Navasha Tier 2 Tiet2 Tiet2 Tier 2 miNc.rrxlBu, MRflo54395 CEC Member, Health Servhes, Nakuru County. GAzEmENoTICENo. I9I3 THE CONSTITUTION OF KETIYA THECOUNTYGOVERNMENTSACT ( No. 17 i of20l2\ BARINGO COI,JNTY GOVERNMENT - NEW OPERATTONAL HEALTH FACILTTIES ll, PURSUANT to Chapte( Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, and sections 5 (2) (c) and 336 (l) (a-c) ofthe County Govemr.qents Act ?A12, relating td the functions of the County Govemments on County Heatth Services, the following new and operational he{th facilities wiftinQaringo County are herein officially gazetted. WLCodz .Facility NamelType Type Sub 2O45(r Akwichatis HIC East Pokot t6730 20461 Seretion Chemonl 67i4 Driohrhii Disp. Disp. Disn- K f)i sn Krezzs f)isn East East East East East East East East 16725 20457 Couny Pokot Pokot Pokot Pokot Pokot Pokot Pokot t7797 Plesian Disn- 14392 20048 16728 Churo IvC Lomuse Chesirimion 20462 Toolen Disp. Disp. Disn- 6729 Nakoko Htc F-ast Pokot 673r Chemsik f)icn 6733 6737 Pnqi Diso; Diso. East Pokot East Pokot East Pokot 16736 20455 2046I) Kaounvanv l"odeneo Chepturu Ns'ainn' Tunoiwo wc DisD. Disp. Disn- 2o/,74 tata't\ Rebeko Awatui, Disp. Disp. 'ztvltll Akoroyan Lrisrr- 21t47{.} Tilni Disn- 20467 Kaokombe Sutvechun Kasaka KaDtarakwa Kaokures f)iqn 17103 20353 t4775 t4732 20466 20476 r4944 2fi476 20478 17056 20,471 20472 20473 7350 7351 Msoonot Orokwo Kisok Kasoivo I plcnf . Barsemoi Kimnrint Tinamoi Kaokuikui Sirata Eldume Disn Diso. I )rsn Diso. Disp. Disp. DisD. Disp. Disp. Disp. Diso. T)isn f)isn Disp. Diso. Diso. 7348 [,amaivwet 4702 4809 7349 Kapindasirir DisD. Kssiel, Nyimbei DisD. Disp. Pokot Division Ownership Mondi Nsinyang Mondi Bannso Countv Govt- Birinso Countv GovL Nsoron, Baririso Countu Govt. Churo Barinso Countv Govt, Barineo County Govt. Barinsb Counw Govt. Barinso County Govt. Barinpo C?runtv GovtBarinso.Countv GovtRirincn Cnnntw l.lnv't Ngoron Churo Churc Taneulbei Iiast Pokot M^n.li East Pokot Mondi Mondi Npinvans Kolowa Kolowa Kolowa Kolowa Nsoron East Pokot East Pokot East Pokot Barineo North Barineo North Barinso North Barineo Nortll Barinoo North Barinso North Barinso North Barinso North Barinso Central Barrabwa KiDsaraman Barwesa Kabarbnio Kahartonio Kiosaraman Kal keharfonin Kabamet Barinso Central Barinso Central Sacho Salawa Barinso Cental Barineo Cenral Kabamet Salawa Barinso Central Barinoo (lentml Kabamet Marisat Marisat Marioqt Mari Marioat Marisat Maneat Marisat Marisal Marigat Marieat Mochonsoi Ienqes Ofirnfu f16vf (rolirf!-G6vt Barinpo Countv Govt Barinqo Corrntrv Govt ' Barinso Countv Govt. Barinso Countv 6ovt Barinso CouriW Govt, Barineo Countv Govt. Barineo Countv Govt Barifls(} Cduntv (iovt-' Barinso Countv Govt. Barinso Countv GovtBarinso Countv Govt. Barinpo Countv Govt. (r^rrntv Govt Barinqo Cbunw Govt. Brrinso (-ixlnfv Govf Barinso Countv Govt. Barinso Barineo Barinso Barinso ^ Countv Govt, Countv Govt. CountY Govt. CdtntY Govt. a-^rrrtu G^vt Barinso Countv Gort. Barinso (louRtv Govt- Mqriorf ('drnfv (i6wf Marioqt Baririco Countv Govt. Barinpo Counw Govt. vlansat Mrnorl Mmhoncni Mochonooi Mochodooi Mochonsoi' Hrnnqo(:oilntv(iovt Rrrinoo Corrnft (iovt Rrrinoo Co[ntv (iovtBarineo Countv Govt, Barinoo (--ountv Govt. 653 TTIEKENYA GAZETTE 20th March.2015 MFLCode Facility NamelType Type Sub County Division 20008 Rosopa 20011 Kintnim Kinnonmm Kaboeor Diso. Diso. Mnonfin Moqotio Mosotio Mosotio Mosotio Mosotio Mosotio Moeotio [osotio Mosotio Fmini Mosotio Mosotio Eminino Mosotio Moqotio Kinnoorom Moootio Emininq Koibatek Koibatek Koibatek Koibatek Eldama Ravine Eldama Ravine Esageri Eldama Ravine 20006 20007 20009 I )rcn I)isn Kimose Diso. Diso. tooto ' Emsos 20004 Tian Modotio DisD. Oldebes Cheriroinoi Chemususu Saos, Disp rs 198 17090 r7095 HIC 20,4?3 Diso. Disp. Disp. Disp. zwt35 Disp, 20436 20434 Kisanana Ownership r (.nnnru (inwr Barinso Countv Govt. Barinso Countv Govt. Barinqo.Countv Barinso Countv Barinso Countv Barinso Countv Barinso Countv Barineo Countv Barineo.Countv Barineo CountY Barinso Countv Barinso Countv Baringo.County Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt Govt. Dated the 26th February,2015. GAZEI'IENOflCENo. 1914 Masdaline Ouma THE CONSTMUTION OF KENYA I THE TRANSITION TO.THE DEVOLVED GOVERNMENT ' (No:I of2012) Iohn Ouma Obuoso Odhiambo Mbaso David MoSes Odero Odira Sub Countv Adrninistabr IN EXERCISE foi the power conferred by part (4), sub-section 15 (1), (2) of the Sixth Schedu.le of the Constitution as read with section 23 and 2,4 of tle transition to devolved Govemment Act 2012 and ' further t6 Lrgal Notice No. 15I of 2013. The County Executive,... Committee Member in-charge of Heilth Services appoints persons to serve as members of Hospital Management Boards for a period of (3) lst March,2015 COIJNTY HEALTH BOARD Prof. Richard Otieno Musa Countv Director Of Health Dr. Vincent Orinda Prof. James BiII Ovieke Marsaret Osgo Dr. JaneKembo Marsaret Adhiambo Okundi Ptof. RobertObura Jos€Dh Ochiens Anindo R^ahrrnnvn Ruth Ochiens Fh.rlrtv lnch Sub Counw Administrator KABONDOSUB.COUNTYHOSPITAL Sylvanus Oloo Owino Chairman Secretarv Member Cllr. Titus Kwadha Steven Ben Nvans'ava [,oice A. Owak Mernber Member Pwd Member Womeo lrader Member Rangwe Ndhiwa P'id Vincent Nvaransa Obura Pamela Oiuok Sub Countv Administrator RACHUOT{YO NORTH SUB.COUNTTHOSPMAL Member Relisious Member Dr. Ofafa Adede Pwd Member Member Elly Akama TOM MBOYA LEVEL4 Shadrack Onpondo Rindo foseoh Owato Okerch . Sub C<iunw Moh Seci Lrr. L)treno Uuma Member Charles A. Oyoo Member Millinent Atiena Pr Sub Counw Administrator Lilian Oiiro Suba Ovusi Masese Casmiel O Binse Vicar Geaera1 Fr Odiwa JaneJowi Kiche Romanus Onvango Oehiene Makloeo Dr. Martin Osumba Jane Were Member Member Member Member Member Member Pius Koneo Odhach Georee Olbo Homabav Mhifa Chairman Town Administator Chairman Secretarv Secretarv Ravmond Oloo Ndonp Esther Dwalo Dr. Osono Odenv William Medical Officer [ncharee Sam Awuodi Oiode Chair /Kabondo - Kasioul HOMA BAY RETERRAL HOSPITAL Georse Oufia Member Member Member Member Member NDHIWA SUB-COUNTY HOSPITAL HOMA BAY COUNTY years effective MOSES ATUKO, Coun$ Executive, Health Services. Baringo County. ' MR/7054394 Chairman Member Memher Member Relieious Rep Pwd Women Ren Secretarv Member MBNA SUB.COI]NTY HOSPITAL Shadrack Ooivo Amm Faciliry Incharee Chairman Olela Maurice Obuya Christine Member Sub Counw Moh Joshua Ob,el Nyhnia filmnwn Rose Anvanso Ovoo Rukia Hamisi Janet A. Otieno Sub Countv Administrator Chairman Secretarv Member Member Memher Women Leader Member Pwd Member KASIPUL SIJB-COIINTY HOSPMAL K Fn ( )k^th Che Hosoital Incharge Scmoh Marearet Oiuando [-eah Achienp Muma James Caulfield Fredrick Ndede Evans Omondi Otieno Cyprine Ongoro Secretarv Member Member Mernber Member Member Member Memher Secretary Member RANGWE SUB.COT.INTY HOSPITAL Francis Mi : 654 Faciliw Incharee .Se-cief"ru Peter Odenv Member Member Member Hanninston€ Oluoch Owuor Daniel Oewans Mandela Phsemba Odeny Phoebe.dnvaneo Okoth Beatrice Adhiambo Oyusi Sub County Administrator THEKENYAGAZETTE Member Member Member Member 20th Blasto Kwanya Asak Erick Adede Ouinter A Oihiene Member Member Member MillicentAtieno WilliamAeutu Othoo Member Maro A- Otieno hvd Sub Countv Administrator Member KANDIEGELEVEL4 SUBA SUB.COTINTY Salmon Aneira Facilitv Incharse Hellen Kwasu Chaiman Member Mamber Member Member \ecretarv Odundo Tobias Kines BenardOburu Facilitv Incharse Beniamin Manase Muosa Member Chairman Secretary Stenhen Aron Memirber Esther Abudho ClementB Masania Memher Member Memtrer Women l-eadtir Member Marparet Osiro Iohnson Otieno Okovo Damaris'Auma Otieno Samwel Ondiso Ohilo Iosephine Abonyo Sutr Counw Admini'.strator Slh (anrrnru Chairman Serretaro Member Member Member Member Iudith Gowi Georse Aron Ogot Evans Omulo Fabian Otieno'Kiche hine Akinyi Osalo Mefilber Solomon Othira Mwansi Faciliw Incharee Rachuonyo 0ulo Sflmwel ()kuta Onduto Christiner Kaizer Eaizr Flzhnwr Siniur Cheiman Benhrd Ciima Miiondo Mem'ber Memher Secretary Member Memher IVIember Mimhar Dated the 27th February,2015. l\4U6gg}gl3 OGONGO SUB.COUI.TIY HOSPITAL Chie.f M.A,RTIN P. OWNO, Oficer of Health, Homa Bcy County. Chairman Secretary Faciliw Incharse GAZErIENcflCENO. A Joshua Ondito Sub County Administrator Pwd Member Odera Amavo IVlbmher OT}IORO LEVEL 4 HOSPITAL KISEGI SUB.DISTRICT HOSPITAL Iack B Otana Faciliw Incharge Kennedy O. Tito March,2015 t9I5 THECONSTITUTION OF r I -CoUNTY KENYA ] NYERTCOUNTYASS'EMBLY ASSEMBLY PUBHC OLTT-REA:H PRocRAMIvG PURSUANT to the provisions of Article 196 (1) (a) and (D) and (2) of the Constitution of Kenya, Z)10 which povides for thi County Assembly to conduct its business in an open manner and hold its sitting and those of its cbmniittees in public; and standing or&r 224 which allows evefy peirson access to the.County Assembly and its committ€es; and pursuant to the resolution of tle Nyeri County Assembly Business Committee of 3rdrlvkrch, 2015; it is notified for the infot'mation of the General Public ttrat the County Assembly 9f Nyeri will be holdidg its sittings in each of the 30 wards in Nyeri County on the dates, venues and times indicated in the schedule below. We hereby invite all members of the public to at end the sinings and witness live Assembly proceedings. Ward Dates Gatarakwa t2-3-2015 Mukurwei-ili Central Masut! \puthi Ga*ki I Chlnsa Kisaniol Mathari Gakawa Puoi Iria-ini Mathira Dedan Kimadri Iria-iniOthaya Gatitu/tfirrueuru t7-T20ts ()-a-?llI 5 24-3-2015 26-3-2015 3lr3-2O15 2-4-2015 t4-4-2015 t*2015 214:2015 Mueunda 23-+-2015 28-4-2015 30-4-2n15 Gikdndi tt4-20t5 Rusuru Wamasana 18-6-2015 9.30 a.m. GichilaStadium 9-3O a-m- (rhinoe (-hiefc (-qmn 9-3Oa-m^- l-il)o.ni. Kisanio Railwav Ground Bursurct Shoooins Centre 9.30 a.m. - 1.(X) o.m. Giathusu APs Camo Kaneocho Primarv School GathAthi-ini Primaru Schonl Iria-ini Primarv School Gatitu Nursery School Nairutia orimary school Muthuthi-ini kimary School Kiamariea Nurserv Ground Waniagana Stadium 9.30 a.d. - I.fi) o.m. 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 o.m. 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 o.m I l.O0 a.m. - 1.00 D.m. 10.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Karima Kamakwa/Mukaro Kabaru Mukurwe-ini West o9-1-20 5 23-7-20 ) Kimahuri Primarv School I(icurmrrnrnr Shnnnino ('enm 30-:7--20 5 Kiamabara Chiefs Camo Kaeonve Chiefs Camo Giakania SecondarY School Naromoru Stadium Giasatika Shoppins Centre Konvu Mahisa Rurin'su Naromoru Kirimukuw 5 6-8-2015 l3-8-2015 m-&-2015 27-8-201s )ivic Education 11.00 a.m. - l,0OD.m. Watuka Prhiary School Iohamara Gatei Disnensaro 25-6-20 5 30-6-20 5 o2J-20 Time Venue WitimaCDFHall Tetu Bovs llltt(lqh - I.fi) p.m.. -l(Yl - l-(X)o.m. - 10.30 a.m. 1.(X) o.m. 9.30 a.m. 1.(X) o.m. 9.30 a.m. 1.fi) p.m. l(l?Ilam-llrl 9.3O a.m. llllllam - 1.0O n.m. -llxl 1.0O o.m. 9.30 a.m. I1.00 a-in.- 1.00 o-m. l0-OO a.m- - l.O0 n.m. 10.(X) a,m. - 1.fi) o.in. l0.OO a-m. - 1.(X) o.m. 9.30 a.m. - l.0O D.m. 10.fi)a.m.- 1.fi)o.m. 10.00 a.in. - 1.00 p.m. lenary, 2.30 o.m. -6,30 o.m. 2.30 p.m, -6.30 p.m. 2-30 o.m. -6.30 o.m2-30 ti.m.-6.30o.m. .30 n.m. -5.30 n.m. 2.30 o.m. *6.3O o.m. 2.30 o.m. -6.30 o.rn- 2.30 o.m. -6.30 o.m. 230nm -53Onm 23Onm llOn-m 2.30 o.m. -6.30 2 ?O n,m, -5-3O 2.30 p.m. -6.30 2-3O o.m. -5-30 2-3O n.m- -6-3O , {llnm o.m. n-m- p.m. o.iir. o.m. --fa {ll ? fll.n m --h {ll 2.30 o.m. -5.30 o.m. 2.30 o.m. -5.30 o.m. 2.30 o.m: -5-3O o.m2.30 o.m.'-6.30 o.m. 2.30 o.m. -6.30 o.m. 2.30 o.m. -6.30 o.m. 2 1O n-m- -ll-10'n-m. 2-3O o.m.'-6.30 b.m- ; I ffi- I 655 THEKENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 l-10-2015 Rwarc Mwiyoso/Endarasha I(er*inr Thesu River Whispers Park ' Kanvasia Chiefs Cemn Keratina Stadirm 9.30 a.m. 8-l(L20t5 l5-l(L2015 22-10-zJt5 Nienp'u Secondarv School zg-rc-zJt5 Chaka Plav Crround Ial{Ytam 2.30 p.m. -6.30 p.m. 1.3(l n.m- -6.3(l n-m-. 2.3O n.m. -6.30 o.m2.30 o.m. -6.3O o.m. 2.30 o.m. -6.30 o.m. - 1.00 o.m. -llYl - 9.3O a.m. l.(X) o.m. lO.0O a^m. l.OO n.rn. 9.30 a.m. l.(X) o.m. - - DAVIDM.MUGO, MRJ6992915 Speal<er, County ,4ssembly GAZETTENoflcENo. 1916 Lillian Cherotwo Masai THE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENTACT (No. 18 Moses Ngweyo Member Member Member Member (ho.) Rosemary InwaniTendet John of2}l2) of Nyeri. Mutii Shadrack TI{E C,OVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGENGNT (HOSPITAL SERVTCES) REGULATTONS, 2009 . NATTIRT SUB-COUNTY HOSPTTAL COUNTYqOVERNMENTOFBUNCOMA APPOINTMENT oF MEMBERS oF THE BT,N0oMACoUNTY HEALTH AND . HosprrAISMexecrlanrrCoMMfrrEEs Iohn Matui Shadrack (Rev.) Moses Mutoro Munialo Naomi N. Mwanja Act ?0l2 and the PURSUANT to the provisions of the Public Finance Managernent Government (Hospital Management Sirvices) Regulations,2009, the Govemor, Bungoma C-qunty. appoint the:under listed as members of the County Health Management, County. Referal Hellen Barasa Mwembe Moses Wafi.rla White Hospital and Sgb-County Hospitals Manirgement Committees. CHWELE SUB-COUNTY HOSPIIAL l LISTOFBI.'NGOMA COUNTY HEALTH AND HOSPTTAL MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEES BI.INGOMA EOUNTY IIEALTII MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE GovernorMohammed N. Said (Dr.) Catherine Musakali Samsom Wanjala (Dr.) hof. Isaac Ipara F,unice J. Chebukwa Wanjala Rose Wansari Tom S. Sindani (Dr.) Rita Juma Membor Member Member Member Chairman Member Member Member Membef BOKOLI SUB-COUNTY HOSPMAL Maurice Mukinginginyi Wekesa Beatrice M.Masibo (Dr.) Judy Kilobi Mr. Isaac Mukenya Welikhe Wycliffe Sinino t t Joyce Nato @r.) Clare Luseno Onrnga Ambi JackrTurnwa Bob Munialo Member Member Membei Member Mark Barasa Hellen Siambi Gabriel Wakasiaka Ernily Wasike . Ioseph Kituyi Chaimlan Member Member Member Member Member BUMI,'LA SUB-COUNTY HOSPITAL Kiketi Mung'au Siambi PeterWatulo Maumo Lucy Nasimiyu Makokha GeorgeKadima Simiyu Valarie Mukhwana Chaiiman Member Member Member Member Member SIRISIA STJB.COIJNTY HOSPITAL Mary Omoche Saisi Proos Osyanju (Fr.) Chairman Member Basani George Member Chairman Wycliffe Wanyonyi Member' Member Dorrice Chebasudi Chesebe Member .Member Member Member CHEPTAIS SIJB-COI]NTY HOSPITAL Chairman Menrber Chrispus Ndiema (Prof.) Jennifer Ngaina Margaret Mamai Frcd Boiyo Surai Member Peter Okiring WEBI,IYE SUB{OUNTY HOSPITAL John Biketi Sipuria Chairman Chairman BI.JNGOMA COUNTY REFERRAL HOSPITAL Dismas Nyongesa Francis Khaoya / Chairm:in Member Member Member Member Member Dated the. I 6th March, 20 I 5, KENNETI{ MR t t - Member 054475 M, LUSAKA, Governor, Bungoma County. KIMILILI SIJB.COUNTY HOSPITAL HilarryWafula Jackson Bukhpbi Barasa I Loice Simiyu Samuel Kinyanjui Kagir t Imelda Mhter€ Chairman Mernber Member Member GAzE'mENqucENo. Member l9l7 (Cap.486) Dissoumor.r I I KAPSOKWONY SLJB-COLJNTY HOSPmAL Brown Kiorotich Mutios for Chairman PURSUANT to scction 339 (5) of the Companies Act, it is notified general . infonhation that the under mentioned companies are . dissolved. I 656 THE KENYA GAZETTE Number Namb ofCompany cPN20t3t93r77 A One Fnterprises Limited Altech Swift Global Limited Ana kwa Ana Limited Badar International Limited BBoxx (Kenya) Limited 46129 , cPFJ2009ns693 cw,t2009t93t7 cPR/2010/30582 Bluestrings Communication Limited cPU20r2t140st Chess Limited cPR/2014/139s60, Deji Properties Co. Limited Deli Prope4ies Co. Limited Dodhan Properties Limited Fahari Embakasi Limited Goense Capital Holding Limited Golden Square Liniited cPN2014t136258 65590 125425 cPR/2010/35207 cPR/2012168208 . cPN2012t67343 'cPpu2or2tg736s Greenation Construction Company Limited Hasjay Enterpri es Limited Joyland Pub'Limited ' Joyna Cab limited Kagina Insurance AgencieS.Limited KGR Group Kenya Limited Khawerex Limited Kobe Tours Explorer Limited Luwe Holdings Limited Mahamood Jafferali Karim Limited CPRJ2ot0t3t774 cPR/2010/l?031 2ffi92 cPwzol2n,9s3 ' 127396 109237 cPRt20L4n52t15 17206 cPR/2013/105880 Medi Spa Limited Mengrani Trading Limited Meshirobit Limited Neotech Motor Spares Li6ited Nourishing Life Compa4y Umited Regency Park Hotel Limited cPw2013/97081 cPRJ20t3trr83',t2 cPlN2009/4495 cPRl20t2l77t98 cPN2012t70268 cPv20l2n4903 109214 t06277 cPN2011t43923 ' cPw20r4fi632t2 cPN20i3t94683 t47425 cPN20t3t92826 51862 cPR/201 r/63087 cPvzolo131672 cPR/2010/r6682 cPN20t2169052 cPR/201 lis9928 ' Rive Trees Development Company Limited Safariblu's Paradise Limited Scratch Connect Limited Silvermine Shuttle Co. Limited Sprout Intemational Limited Tia Clothing Limited Trans-Equitorial Air Services Limited Ufalme Tai Limited United Overseas Agencies Limited Urja Distributors Limited YVD Internet Limited Zax Entcrprises Limited Zdbrajobs Kenya Limited Zulfastar Company Limited Dated the loth March,2015. 20th March,2015 Lygecy Managernent Consultants Umited Mass Mover$ Investment Limited Martinair Africa Limited Mount Kenya View Limited Nimrod Mombasa Limited hofessionaI Outsourcing Services Limited Prima Gems Limited Task Services Limited Three Quick Seconds Limited Trust for.East African Carbon Limited' The Flower Hub Limited . Tal Kenya Limited cPR/201 1/64160 cPRJzot4t130263 c84421 cPwzotU47472 c2033t c t21783 cPRt2009/471 c 19219 cPR/2009/17154 cPR/20r0/30079 c t50517 c 156070 Dated the l2th March,2015. H.NYOKABI; Jbr ,\ GAZE.TTE I{oTIcE No. . 1 Re gistrar oJ Companie s. 9I9 THEPHYSICALPLANNINGACT I (Cap.286) CoMpLET'roN oF PART DEvEr-opMENr PLAir (PDP No. MKN1|7/20l4tot Jor Proposed Site jor Anglican Church oJ Kenya (Emmanuel Sultan Hamud Parish) NOTICE is given that the above:mentioned development plan was on 16th June,2014, completed. Copies of the part development plan have been deposited. for public inspection at the office of the County Secretary, Chief Officer, Lands and Urban Planning and Director of Lands and Urban Planning, P.O. Box 78-90300. Makueni. The copies so deposiied are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at the offices of the County Secretary, Chief Officer, [ands and Urban Plahnini and Director of Lands and Urban Planning, P.O. Box 78-90300, Makueni, betweeh the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objectiotr !o the above-named part development plan may send such represenations or objections in writing to be received by the County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 295- &is notice and such gro,unds on whieh it is repiesentations or of obiections shall state the maie ' IiTCOMPANYACT (Cap.486) i { { j I B.K. NGENY,.' MN6992524 I I Dated the 6th March,2015. GAzEnENoTIcENO. 19I8 I The development plan relates to land situated within Sultan Hamud Township of Makueni County. 90300, Makueni, within sixry (60) days from the date of publication H. NYOKABI, for Re gistrar of Companies. I fur Director of Physical Phnning. .l I I I ,\ GAzErrENoficENo. 1920 1 l INTENDED DISSoLTmoN THEPHYSICALPLANNINGACT PURSUANT to section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, it is, notified that at the expiration of three (3) months from the date the register of (Cap.286) . l companies and the company shall be dissolved. Name ofCompany Number c Adili Intemational Consultants Limite; 162077 cPRtzot0n9527 c93017 cPR/2009/r3t 19 cPR/2010/25518 c 129451 c 26803 cPw2otU42t34 c32ffi2 c 98525 c 5t679 c l703ll c 162388 cPN2009nrcz c75934 c 65438 cPRJ20t3fiO377t African Sun Kenya limited Alleycat Limited Beach lane limited Beawolf Holdings Limited Bristal Construction Limited I CoMPIETIoN oF PART DEVEI,,oPMENT PI.AN (PDP No. NYNCl1271014l0l fur Proposed Formalization of Existing Site,for Mwenja Primary School, Gathanji __ NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned development plan was i on 20th August,2014, completed The development plan relates to land situated. Township, Nyandarua West Sub-County. within Gathanji Copies of the part develofment plan have been depoSited for public inspection at the office of the County Physical Planning OfEcer, Consolidated Contractors Company Conmix (Kenya) Limited Davem Limited Horseback Kenya Limited Impala Paper Products Limited Ithenguri Holdings Limited Iremia Medical Centre Limited The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at the offices ofthe County Physical Planning Offrcer, at Nyahururu and Chief, Gathanji I"ocation, between the hours of 8.O0 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Jevidol (K) Limited Kilalinda Limited Kenroof Company Limited Liluma Limited Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to die aboVe-named part development plan r4ay send such representations or objections in writing to be received by the County.Phjsical Planning Officer, P.O. Box ll35- at Nyahururu and Chief, Garhanji Locatirin. r t THEKENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 Nyahunrru, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representations or objections shall state the grounds on which it is made - .Lack of formal 657 . Tullow and its contractors EI{S training fgrficld staff andeontracbrs - shall provide mandatory EHS inducti'on training for all persons working at the project site. ' Dated the l0th February,2015. Each contractor shall provide their,qtaff wittr formalized EHS training M.W.MURIUKI, for Director of Physical Planning. MR/6992898 accordance with'the in requirements of OSHA, EMCA and internal company EHS policies.' GAZETTENOTICENo. /659 Imphcs related to surface. Tullow and its contractors shall provide atlution facilities as required by the water THE ENVIRON MENTAL MANAGEMENT.AND .CO.ORDINATIONACT Public Health Act. (Na.8o|r999) All materials including hazardous materi4l.; ihall be properly stored to THE,NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT avoid any sgb:surface soil and ground 'ATJTHORJTY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR T}IE PROPOSE.D KAPESE INTEGRATED SUPPORT BASE Impacts associated operations and IN TURKANA COTJNTY . hrBuc INVTTATToN oF PLIRSUANT to rigulation maintenance adhere and ' implement a prevertive and predictive maintenanae program for all Audit) Regulations, 2003, equipment used at the project site. Tullow and its contractors shall develop and implement a formal Emergency Response Plan (ERP) based oir The hoponent (Tullow Kenya B.V) is proposing to an Integfated Support Base in Turkana County. anticipated risk scenhrios. The proposed ISB is about 1.3 km2 in area and will comprise a 400 man camp and uaining Csntre; Tullow offices; A fuel st-orage facility; A truck parking facility; A qecurity camp; Upgrading the runway to accommodate large aircraft such as the Hercules L100-30 arid Dash 8 Bombardier, ttr/ate-r supply lom boreholes for work areas; storage/yard space, segregated wuk sites for Tullow and contractorS, office space, waste management facility and refueling facility and Site drainage for the ISB. Impacts on biodiveisity lmpacts on health and safety Mitigation Measures Tullow will roll out thcir EHS Policy for all persons workirg at,tlie project site. system Tullow will ddvclop a localized risk based EHS management sys€m for. activities to be'caried out within the raffic (construction will be managed with the Trillow's Land Transport Poliey and its associated documentation, and rclevant sections of the Traffic Acr and operational p.hases) in accordance , operatiot of contractor's work area ' implemelt their internal health . Practical (ALARP) potential health and safety risks tfuoughout the life cycle of the project. Social impacts associated with the project Tullow and its contactors should give -first priority for all'jobs'to the local community. Tullow and its contractors should make a conscisus effort to provide vocational training by offering tedrnical raining Environment Managepent and Coordination (Water Quality) Regulationb, required for various work activities to be carried out wilhin the Kapese Integrated Support Base. 2ffi6. types of wastes generated by the accordance ordination (Waste Regulalions, 2006. Management) formal Stakeholder Engagemeni Plan (SEP) for the project. Tullow should develop, rollout and implement a documented Communication Plan for continual engagement with the community. gflevanoes. project site during its lifetime, complies' with the requirements of L.N. 120: with the applicable iequirements of L.N; 12l: Environment Management and Co- . Tullow will implement a Tullow will develop and implerirent a formal Grievance 'il[echanism for the project. .with timely resolution of all Tullow and its contractors shall ensure that all wastewater discharged from the ppject shall be handled in and safety manqement syslems to eliminate or reduce to As l,ow As Reasonably Each confractor shall minimize the'size of their construction camp and provide adequate drainagd around it. All decommissioning Tullow aird its confiactors will Safety requirg6ents shall be complied with at all times, Improper setup and Alien phases respectively. will be required project relabd -its Tullow and its contractors shall comply as a minimum with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007 (OSHA) and its applicable operational and, \ All implement pre-copstruction, Kapese Integrated Support Base. Impacts associatcd with ttaffic safety flora is cut down. s'ubsidiary legislation throughout the colstruction, policy and managernent to develop a local EHS management . systpm specific to their activities at the project site. provide biodiversity offsets wherever Invasive Species Plan for the project. Soctal Impacts Each contractor their contractors excavate- gnly those areas required by the project footprint. Tullow, through thgir contactors should Tullow will measures: o Tullow shotild ensure that o . The following are the anticipated imprcts and proposed mitigation EHS and international Tullow aiid its contractors will develop above proposed project. lack oJformal in Kenya and best practices. . the National Environmcnt Management Autrority (NEMA) has received an Environmeiltal Impactlssessment Study Report fcir ttre 1 Environmental And to EHS related laws regulations 2l of the Environmental Managemcnt and eoordination (Impact Assessment and ccritamination. Tullow and its contractors shall always of individuil work argas' CoMr"GNTs ,water with . Impacs associated with Corporate Social ' Responsibility (CSR) Tullow and its conaactors should implement their respective CSR programs in drder to get a "social license to operate",. The CSR program THE KENYA GAZETTE 658 20th March,2015 Maintain proper handling of solid and liquid waste. throughout the project rollout. should be based on thematie needs of the local community such as water, . heatth, sanitation, education; etc. .' All workers whether from within thc ' project area or any other parfof Kenya or outside of it must always comply with the cultural heritage of the host Impacts on cultural -heritage Avoid deep Soils . season. Limit the circulation or access of heivy For the construction phase, Tullow and its contractors will devetop a "Chance machines to minimal areas. Avoid clearance or establishment of for any potential arch4eological or paleontological finds. Finds Procedure" '(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off access roads along steep slopes; instead locate them perpendicular or'diagonally to the slope. Mombasa Road, P.O, Box 6783940200, Nairobi. (b) Principal Secretary, Ministry Resources, of in order to rcduce potential erosion after project 30521, construction phase is over. Nairobi. At the end of tonstruction works, level off the sorls and facilitate vegetation (q) County Director of Envfoonment, Turkana County. The National Environment Management Authority invites of the public to submit oral or written comments. within thiffy (30) days from the date of publication of this notice tb the regeneration. members , Dire'ctor-General, NEMA, making process of the plan. to assist the Authority the riglit of way should only be undertaken where it must be otherwise the same should be kept to a minimum; In cases where the excavations are undertaken in close Excavations along in the decision z. o. ouMA, for. D ire c to r - Ge ne ral, National Environment Management Authority, MR/7054110 , Stabilise the soils Environment and Mineral NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box areas Carry ort construction worlcs in the dry community. . in excavati6ns sensitive to orosioni proximity to the existiog oil pipeline 'taken in the.n the following will be considerations. NoICE No. 1 660 GAZETTE . All a . necessary construction of the Works. CO-ORDINATION.ACT ( No.8 Terrestrialenvironment . ol 1999) / for fauna. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR T,HE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A IO" (TEN INCH) I22KM OIL PIPELINE FROM SINENDET (PS-26) TO KISUMU (PS-28) BY CHINA.PETROLEUM PIPELINE BUREAU FOR . KENYA PIPELINE COMPANY UMITED TRAVERSING THROUGH 3COUNTIES NAMELY; NAKURU, KERICHO AND ' KISTIMU Adopt a proper waste management system to avoid attracting scavenging animals and environmental pollution. There should be very vegetaticin removal minimal with root-stock being maintained where vegetation will be eleared outside the Righf of way and.for setting up the base camp. INVITATIoN oF PIJBLIC CoMMENTS ' PURSUANT to regulation 2l of ttre Environmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Excavations and vegetation clearing should only follow the pre.surveyed routes and that only few access routes should be opened up. above pmposed project. Hunting/trapping and fishing The Proponent (Kenya Pipeline Company Limited) is proposing to a 10" (Ten Inch) l22I(M Oil Pipeline from Sinendet (PS-26) to Kisumu (PS-28) tr?versing through 3 Counties Namely; Nakuru, and gathering of. edible plants workers, when on and off be stictly prohibited. This prohibition should extend to ttre purchasi of these items from the indigenous population by workers. a distance of l22km and is intended to be tied from PS-26 and flow to ,PS'28. The general route of the proposed pipeline shall follow that of the existing 6 inch pipeline's Right of way with a centre displacement of about 5m to the righFdownstream in most of the sections. Surface and Groundwater Resources contractors sitecamp. and guidelines. measures: and EnvirowrAntal Mitigation measures . ' social impacts geology . Sustainable souicing of water for Waste management should be dbne accordilg to standfus set by legislation The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation Physiography of fauna by duty, should. Kericho and Kisumu. The proposed 10" (ten inch) pipeline construction covers the Ensure. that equipment are in perfect working order and cause minimal, if any,, noise/air pollution nuisance to (habitats, flora, and fauna) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY . excavations in open cut should be the minimum THEbNVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTAND and' . Maintain drainage course flows during excavations. ; . . Ensure trenching/excavations are only done algng the proposed pipeline route and where necessary as per the project description. Solid and Liquid Whstes . A waste management plan handling facilities and locations), .disposal, procedures and means of should be developed and shouH include a clear waste-tracking . Clear all waste from site. mechanism to . track waste consignments from the originating -locatioh to the final waste reannent and disposal location. It is recommeoded-ttrdt reinstatement of disturbed ground and Ceneral restoration ofsite. doctrmenting the waste strategy, storage (including segregation of solid wastes at .source is appropriately carried out and consideration given to re-use, recycling, or disposal appropriate. as , ahnffi,&ls IIEXENYAGAZEfiE 659 . d diprd d gcy *mr etrdd'hc oovcrod h tc illelc magcmd dro ia ordd b 1mectrte grtGBI hdft d6e rmdrcrs Ilygtotric aeitrtio md Srck. ffifrffiffiffi td,.ee gcprcrf,5nrHb. will lot cxcecd Aaire{k sdidl rnrsE ii rmrcdftom sfue &r lccydindeqlosst ody by e IiEMA"l&ird,mecbildEr. &El .od rthcr ryid stmp Es {h0d6 bc o66[ d lr.ed6d ilryd**y. Uvtc@ d ryfrwmt Sm,H bc €miod st;h r da$g$Gd gBgE e xeilt ls ry&fy nd*rhtd <ril ArbrEE hlx -d rcedily rvdh* Aiq4diy mlEEd 5 5 nldrni+ of *cs Alrtgcocrd*r!. v*i&s, trlctr ad ay oh m.fit .!y {bould bc rcgubdy ecrvioc4 Sidd xrcd unicrfuod, lotbse. d acrilEt€d off n€ocssary to protet employccs, ttsifurts aod livcsock ftom fa[iag into thc tlerchcs, cspeciatly whcre thc ficnch cmss mads/pafis. (c) Dircmr4cncml, NEM{ Fopo Rod, P.O. Bor 6783H)rD, Naiobi. (D) off Mombasa Road, Prhcipal Sccwery, Mhfufiy of Environmcat rnd Mneral Rcsqrccs, NHIF Buitding, Community, P.O. Box 30521, NrLoli (cl Cuuty DLectors of EnvircnmenL Nakunr, Kcrbho rnd KismuComties. Thc Natiooal Enviroament Ivlanrgemcnt Authority inviles rdcrr of lhc p$lic !o submit oral or written aonurents wi6itr lhfuty (3O) deys Aom dE daE of publication of this notice to frc DfooctoGcmrat, NEMA, to assist thc Auhority in the decision ruting process of tmri054l40 il rfusty @d*ions 0dETprqrbPPE. Occryatiodllcal6d . A[ opauiors will bc ondrcrd ia srfsty oorylirooa sili KFCts ud co[Eactor krdb in reskhtirl Baricr apes to be placcd as rbr Usclowmf&urfirch. € arEas. @e. flf,ch bc triild od ofrypod to pmrcxndfla ce.ftilqtiE& UBit tr& lpood rd rEsfict ltlo 6ro&iot m sie and ao furs ottcr thu d caap sie; smoLing will only bc th dnn. zo.ouMA, fur Dirccar4cncral, Natbttr.l hviromlent lfunagcnart Antluriry. Smployes x,€.tig EHS potbica" incmdirnsl bc6t Fcdoec d Kcnya Gov€mmcnt rtqriEmffi (rs sct onrt in thc Occupntid HS.d frc Ptrt Dc l{c.[n Ac0. Job-spccifrc Saftty Act uld pcrsonal cquipma* to be provided to the woitcs, training shorld be givcn, rod ttcir usc mdc ao&lory in dcsigtrstcd rlrts. Ervfuumd, sofety ad hcal6 rrguhirc rad polfo:icslpleos must bc eM so llcrxh hlby, BrcrXgr Act Publfu llcrllh Act, Locel Crovcrnmcnt Act, Phrsiort Plrudng Acq NEI{A GA4ITENorrcENo. l92l CISLE KENYA BRANCH STAFF RETIREMENT BENEFTT SCHEI',E VoN.I,ITTAR,Y WINDING-I,JP NOTICE is given frat Cisle Kenya Branch, Staff Retircment Bcoefit Scheme is bcing wound-up voluntarily with eftct from lst Iuly, 2014. Prrties with intercst should lodgc tbeir objcction/claims wilhin fourtcen (la) days from tb datc of ttis advertiscmcnl Such claims rnd objcctions Satl bc addrcsscd to: Thc Liquidator, Ngari aad Associeics, Ccrtificd Public Accountrnts, P.O. Box 74550.-fl)200, Nairobi or cmail: admin@gariandascociaEs. co.ke NGARI & ASSOCIATES, GAzEmENoncBNo. 1922 Rcgutrtbm. PANGANI AUCUON CENTRE A standby ambolmcc to bc pmvided to DISPoSAL oF UT.ICoIIEIED GooDs takc cart of cmcrgcncics. lpproglrtc aod well-stockod first aid kits and ftcfiglting oquipmnt shorld bc availabb !o all crcw, and specific crrw mcmtcrg rhould be tsaincd on first aid administration ad handting of fircfighting cquipment Adcquarc waming or cautionary signage will bc postcd as required. All elccricel cquipmcnt shall be properly instrllcd, groundcd raind and authorircd cmployccs shall opcrarc oquiptrrnt or Oaly pmperly rrachircry. The EPC Liqui/aan. MR/6992550, contrror o develop a driving NOTICE is given pursuant !o pmvisions of the Disposal of Uncolhcad Goods Act (Cap. 38) of thc laws of Kcnya, to thc owner of motor vchicles reg. No. KAX 945K prcsently lying uncollcced at thc premiscs of Pangani Auction Ccntrc, Murang'a Road, Na&obi, wtft:h was rrachcd pursuant to CMC! No. 3564 of 2010, Wycliff Mwanzi l.ugrlia versus John tVanjnhi, at Mlimani C-ommcrcial Coufis. Ful$cr notice is givcn that unless the motor vehiclc is collcctcd within thirty (3O) days from tbe date of publication of this notice ad rpon paytrrrlt of the accumulated storrgc charges and my other incidcntal cocts including the cort of publishing this noticc fic samc shall be disposod by way of auctio! by Frntasy Auctioncrs, P.O. Box 1496-0600, NaLobi, and the pocceds of the salc bc defrayed aSahst dl oubtuditrg amornts owing withor any fiirther rcfcrence. Datcd the 9th March,20t5. policy that must be adhered to and all othcr pmjcct-rpccific driving policies and jqumey maragemcnt plans to be sficdy adhercd to and enforced. m Emergency Response Plan, Evacuatbn Plan, Mcdcvac Plan, hovision of Malaria Managemcnt Plan and a communicablc diseascs cducation programmc !o bc Sccurity and public ssftly ptt in placc. Jourocy ffiagctrtcnt policy 8d monitoriag b bc eoforccd. GEORGE GITONGA MUCHIRI, llrlr, iaile€r. GAZEXTENSTCBNO. T923 STEPMAN MONOR SERVICES DIS$AL oF UNcoLLEclSD GooDs NOTICE is is$&d pursuant o tb pnoviskno of &e Disposd of Uncollcctcd Croodc Act (Csp, 38) of thc hun of Kcaya, to &c owocr! of Toyota Surlct, rtg, No, KAI 236W notor vdriclc ti collecr tb orid 660 THEKENYAGAZETTE rnotor vehicle ftom the premises of Stepman Motors Services Limited, of P.O. Box 14835, Nalturu, off West Road, within twenty-one (21) days ftrom the date of publication of this notice upon payment of storagc and any other incidenal chargcs and costs of this publication, failure to which the said rrctor vehicle will be sold by public auction or privetc t"aty ard th€ sal€ proceods defrayed against all accrued charges and the balancc if any, shall rcmain at the owners' credit, but should thcre be any shordall, the owners shall be liable therefore. Daed the loth March,2015. 20th lvlarch,2015 cAzsrrENcmcBNo. 1927 BRIIISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) IJMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 3037${X}100, Naircbi Loss oF[lcucY Policy No, 16l-3826 h tlu tpttu and on the lile of tancs Njihia Gachaka. STEPIIEN MATHENGE, Stcptwn ilIoar Seruices. REFORT having bcen made to 0ris company on the loss of the above numbered policy, noticc is given that unless objtrctim is lodged to British American Insrancc Comprny (K) Limited within thity (30) days ftrom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issud and shall bc uscd as mly valid documents by the coqany for all fu$rre transactions. tb GisarTENoTIcENo. 1924 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI.'RANCE COMPANY (K) LII\'ITED Dated the 26th February,2015. (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375{10, Naircbi IrssoFFoucY Policy No. 16l-20112 ia the nanp and on tlw life of Maha Mwangi Muriuki. REFORT having becn mde to this company on the loss of the above numbcred policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British Anrerican lnurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the daE of thir notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shdl be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. J. K. U nde rur it ing MR/692E85 MITEI, thruge r, Life. cAzEIItsNcmcENo. 1928 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 3037i{D100, Neirobi LossGPoucY ad ot the lifc of Milnn ltgotc Policy No. 122-18615 in the narne Wugu. Datcd the 26th February,2015. ,. K. MITEI, Mru692E85 U nde rw r itin g lufo na g e r, Lifc. REFORT having becn made to this company on thc loss of the above numbered policy, notice ir given tbat unlcss objoaion is lodged o British American Inorance Compmy (K) Limited within o&ty (3O) days Aom the darc of this notice, a duplicarc policy will be issrEd and shall be used as thc only valid documsts by the coryany for all GAzrnENoncENo. 1925 fuurre transactions. BRITISH AMERICAN INSI'RANCE COMPANY (K) UI\'ITED Datcd the 26th February,2015. (ncorponted in Kcnya) Head Ofrice: P.O. Box 3037ilD100, Naircbi J. K. I'ITEI, U nderwr iting lubnager, D;fe. MR/699288s [.ossoFFoucY Policy No.46l-1616 in rte name and on the life otThumbi Ndegwa, REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objtrction is lodged b British Arnerican losrance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days ftom thc date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shal be us€d a8 thc only valid documents by the company for all funrre Eansactions. BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCB COMPANY (K) UItflTED (Incorporaad in Kcnya) Head Oftice: P.O. Box 30371-001m, Natuobi ' IrssoFPoucy Policy No. 122-m77O in the ,arnc atd on tlu lile of Bcnurd Kibet Rono. Datcd thc 26th Fcbruary,2015. I. K, MITEI, U nde rur iting lrtanage r, Dfe, MR/692885 GAzEnENqflcENo. 1929 G^ztrrENoncBNo. 1925 BRIIISH AMERICAN INST'RANCE COMPANY (K) UMTTED REFORT having bcen madc.to thir company on the loss of the above numbcrcd policy, noticc ir givca that unless obirctim io lodgcd o British American lnsurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) dayr from thc date of this notice, a duplicatc policy will bc is$rcd and shall be uscd as tlre only valid documsnts by tho company for all frrturc tsansrctione. Datcd the 26th Fcbnury,2015. (ncorpontcd in Kcnya) Hcad Offrcc: P.O. Box 30375{100, Nairobi I. K. IIIITEI, thnag c r, Ulc, MR/69928t5 U nde rwr iting LcsGPoucY Pollcy No. l6l47t0 in tlp tunc and on the life of Nafoli Clubct. REFORT having bccn msdc to this company on the loss of thc rbove numbcrcd policy, noticc is given dut unlcss objr*tion is lodged b British Amcrican Inarance Company (K) Limied within thirty (30) daya ftom thc dttc of thic notice, a duplicalo policy will bc issued and sh.[ bG uecd ss thc urly valid &cumcne by the company for all funrrE tr nsactions. DaEd thc 26th Fcbruary,2015. I. K. MITEI, Mp6992t85 U ndc rw r iting ktug c r, Life, GAzErrBNoncENo. 1930 BRIIISH AMER,ICAN INSTJRANCB COMPANY (K) LIMITBD (ncorponted in Kcnya) Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 30375{Dlm, Naircbi LossoFlbucY Policy No. 16o-301l in tlp nane atd on the lile of Estlnr ttaaJcri Njiru. REFORT having boen made to this comprny on thc locs of the abovc numbcrpd policy, noticc is given that unlcss objcction is hdgco 661 THEKENYAGAZETTE 20th March,2015 to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the datc of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be uscd as the only valid documents by the cornpany for all futre transactions. GAzEmENcncENo. 1934 BRITISH AMERICAN INSLTRANCE COMPANY (K) UITdITED (Incorporatcd in Kcnya) Head Office: P,O. Box 30375{)()lm, Nafuobi Dated the 26th February,2ol5. I. K. MITEI, I)fe. U ndc rwr iting Manage r, MR/6992E85 GAzEmENSrtCENo. l93l BRIIISH AMERICAN INSI.'RANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED (Incorporatcd in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi U ndc rw r iting blatta g e r, Dte. 1932 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED flncorporated in Kenya) BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) UI"IITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30375{U00, Nairobi LossoF PoucY No. 16l-25836 in the nanc and on the lilc ol 30375{010, Nairobi in the nant and on tlu life of Maureen Nanfub Cbily Wanbura Muchira. REFORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbcrcd policy, notice is given that unless objetiot is lodged b British Amcrican Innrancc C-ompmy (K) Limitcd within thirty (30) days ftom 6e datc of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be uscd as the only valid documemts by the company for all fuure transactions. Datcd thc 9th March,2015. U nde rwr MR/6992546 [-oss oFFoucY l6l-1ffi llanag e r, Life. GAzEnENqncENo. 1935 Polkl I. K. MITEI, Policy No. U nde rw r iting Wangari Datcd thc 4th March,2015. Head Office: P.O. Box REFORT having been made to this company on the loss of tte above numbered policy, notice is given ttar unless obixtirxr is lodged to British American Inorancc Company (K) Limited within dftty (30) days from the date of this noticc, a duplicatc potcy will be issucd and shall be used as the utly valid documents by the company for all fuhue transactions. MR/6992885 REFORT having been madc to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American lnsurance Company (K) Limircd within thrty (30) days ftom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documcnts by the company for all futur€ transactions. GAEITENoICENo. in tlu nane ard on the lifc of Vittccnt Kariaki ,. K. MITEI, l@*W2 in the name and on the lite oJ Paula MR/6992885 l6l-2lW Dated the 26th Fcbruary,2015. LossoF PoucY Policy No. liwangi. LossoFPoucY Policy No. Itlburu. J. K. MITEI, itiag lttaruge r, LiJe. GAzrmENo[cBNo. 1936 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI'RANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED Ngoya, REPORT having been mde to this cornpany on the loss of the above numbcred policy, notice is givcn that unless objection is lodge.d to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days ftom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only vatd documen8 by the company for all futurc transactions. Datcd the 4rh March, i015. I, K. MITEI, U nde rw r iting Manag MR/6928E5 e r, LiJe. GAZEflENONCENO. 1933 (ncorporrted in Kenya) 30375{U00, Naircbi II)SSGIbUCT Head Office: P.O. Box Policy No. lfuiru. l6l-lE72l in tlw rune and on thc Aft of hn$ Wanjtu REFORT having been made to this compony on the loss of the above nunterpd policy, notice is given that unlcss oblxtior is Mgcd to British Amcrican Insrance Compaoy (K) Limitcd wilhin lhLty (30) &ys from the date of this notice, a duplicatc policy will be issued md shall bc uscd as thc oly valid documents by thc corryany for all futrrc trrnssctions. ,. K. Il,flTEI, lfurwgc4 Uf,c. MN699256 U tderuriting BRmsH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) Ln/nTED GAzEnENS[cENo. (Incorporatcd in Kcnya) (Incorporatod in Kenya) Lrss oFPoucY Policy No. l6!37E0 h tlu twne and on the lilc of Cboplus Ounu Head Officc: P.O. Box 0guu. 30375{Dlm, Nrircbi [I)ssoFFoucY REFORT having bcen madc io this company on the loss of the abovc numbered policy, notice is given tlrat unless objcctior is lodged to British Amdicm lnsurance Company (K) Limitcd within thirty (30) days from the datc of this noticc, a duplicatc policy will be issucd and shall be uscd as tlrc orly valid documenu by the company for all ftihrrr transoctions. Policy No, 163-689 in tlu mmc ad on ilc lift of lusns Kianbi Atithi. REPORT having bcen madc to this company on thc loc! of the above numbered policy, noticc is givcn that unlcsr obpctio is lodgcd to Britkh Arnerican Inurrancc Compmy (K) Limitcd within thirty (30) days ftrom thc dae of thig noticc, a duplicatc policy will bc issncd and shall bc uscd as tbc Datcd the 4th March.2015. orly valid docurncne by thc company for all future uansactions. ,. K, MITEI, MR/699288s 1937 BRMSH AMBiJCAI{ INST'RANCE COMPANY (K) LII,IITED Hcad Office: P.O. Box 30375-{D100, Nairobi U nde rur iting Marug er, Dated the 9th March, 2015. ,' K. irITEI, Ute, MN692546 U nde rw r itlng lfutugc r, Life. 662 2fiht&tdh,2lll5 TI{E KENYA GAZETTE GAffirEtBIHi{G GAZETIENorrcEt*o. 1938 nnmsH ar,crucAN rNsuRANcE C0MPANY (K) LTMxTED (hcorporerd in Karye) BRITISTT I.N'ffIILrcY Polkry No, l6t-1E949 in tlp tlr,nle and an the Kar,lo, W of lohr, lhMm REPORT heving bccn bdc to thfut comgony on thc loss of the nudemd policy, ooti:c is givcn fur unlc$s obioctiln is l@ed o British Amcrican Insmncc Coapray (K) Limited within htuty (3O) d.yB from fic daE of lhis notice, a duflicre policy will bc isstd ed fte orryany for eU slroll be usod as fu orly vdit documcots fuuuc trrnsectinns. r. K. ITIITEI. U ttdc mr iting kaagc r, lift , MR/6992546 aborrc S GAZE,ITE NCTTrcE No. 1939 REPORT hrviry bccr Erd. to ilb ootFy a lL. rctcc b gircr {H etUt*r and a the lile of Farblc *ruetfu REPORT having bccn msd€ b rhis compuy m thc bas of tlc plicy, ooticc is givcn that unlcss obixtio is lodged o British Arcri;an lasmoceCoryany(K) Limibd wifrin Odfty(3}) days ftom th dan of this notbc, aduplixe policy will bc issucd nd shsll be uscd as tlrc only velil docum€ob by thc coqany for dl above nusSered fuurc trrnsactions. ,, K. MITEI. U ndcr*riting t&awgcr, MR/699288s h d $c t totot hm*Coryy m lied rnh ai(t (30, deye ftom tu & of tb rcioc, r *4tic* !*, d b lEd d ty tc co4ry k d $dl bc rsod s the oty vdil &m futuetransrrkm" ,.Kilra[ thg*r*gfker,f&. Mru692885 GAAfiENOTrcE}b. natt mmdr *r*o ebove nudcrcd po$cy, to Artuirh Amaiqo IgC*I OdpAll? G) LhETSD (ho$or*!dhxilUn) Hcdfficq P"O. Eo( Sl7t{nlm,IWi BRTITSH ArffiRrcAN nr$nAircE 30375{nlm, Naimbi IrssoF ForrcY thz il*oti tww. Herd Offioe: PO. Box h (hooqordiaf,tnyn) St?!t{Dlm, Otroe: P"O. Box LNtrF ,cr Polity No. l2}-?Ifrfihdc w*tlqfrcffitf BRIIISH AMER,ICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED (Iocorponrd ia Kenye) Policy No. 163-2708 Francis. AtffiREAil IISTN.A!rcGCOil*ANY (r} LMIEE Iftd HerdOffice: P.O. Box 303?ffilm,Nn&obi t942 I"Ntrhrrc? Jffi &rn Poh;A ilo. t6l-562f &a *c rera ad glr $c *p qf Kaita. REPORT hrving beGE edc b tilb ompuy o fu hes of lh. above nudcnd ?dery, mdE ir Styca 6il Btrk qti.dti$ b lodSld Amrix ImramcoryVG)ffn*cU wibhthy (S) &b rob!, r&ry*i* pUicy rU bE ned d $all bc uscd as tte oly vaH &flecs ty tho oryny fu ..! b British days firom &e dau of frrhrc tianscctlms. Ijft . ,.x" MnEx, {Irtdmrf&gkilScr,I&. MR/5992E85 GAzmrENo[cENo. 1940 BRITISH AMER.ICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTSD GAZETIE NOTICE BRIUSH (Incorporated in Kcnya) Ib. I9.,+ AlmrCAN TNSLTRA!-*Cts COilPAITY ($ rIrmBD (hco4ordhKcnye) Head Offic€: P.O. Box 30375-{tr1m, Naircbi IIc.d Offie: P.O. 3ot( fl13?5$10, t{ritutli Lss()FFoucY kEs{rkLrcs Policy No, 16l-18366 in tlp rwttu aad on tfu lifc of Rw*acl Pcn*alt WanitluNdangu. R.EFORT having bccn mdc b 6is company oo the loss of thc abovc nudcred policy, mice is given that unlresr ob!rction is loQpd to British &nerica! Innurnoc Company (K) Linit d within 6futy (30) dayr ftom thc of thisnotb, a&plicate policy will bc issucd ud shall bc uscd rc tfe mly valid docum€ote by ttc coqany fur dl & fuurrE triosactions. 16l-l?1)6 ord I6f-1720? ir rta nar* ad oi dr, {p qf basusGcorgc trfuwqd. Pdict No. luviry bccr edc b thb oo4pry il fu h dfu nudcrcd policy, dicc i$ giv,cn ttil u&$otie.iim b loQd to British Aocricur InoructCoapW(K) LieiEd wtrrthitu (30) drys &ornttcdrncof thbmtb, adqlfo*policy wilbe iredd sliall bc urcd as tie mly vaM &cu@ts by tho co4ql er r! REFORT above fuarre urnssctions. DaEd the 4th Mlrch,2015. I. K. MITEI. MR/692Ets U ndc rwr itins GAzrmENsncBNo. lhrager, W. 194.1 J.KT#TA, Urdarrr{Elf MR/69928E5 GAETIENSITENo. BRIIISH AIIIERICAI{ INSLTRANCE COMPANY (K) LIIiIITED 1945 BRITISH AITIERICAN INSURAI,@ COMPANY (f,) (Incorporard in Kcnya) Hcad Office: P.O. Box 303?5-{t)1m, Naircbi Itrcad h tlu mnc od LcsfiUICY oa tlu lift of Antlwny Wachira Murage. Policy No. 16l-5316 M*ani*j. REFORT having becn made to this compaoy on the loss of rhc nudcrcd policy, rcticc is giveo 6at unb$ obietim b lodged to British Am€.ic8n Inrurance Canpany (K) Lirnrtcd wiein thirty (3O) days ftom thc of rhir notkc, a fuplicrb policy wil bc is$Ed Ed shdl bc used rs thc oly valit documeilb by tbe coqaoy for all futurc tansactions. aDovc &t Detcd &c 4th l{arch, 2015. J.K. MITEI, lm/@92885 lJrmED (hcorpc*od ia Kcaya) OfEcq P.O. Bar 303?5-{Dl$, }-{ritobi LossorFoucs Policy No. 124-l5ll ard l@-3712 llleilfcr,t&. Udcruriting *haager, Lilc. h rte ruw m* aed oa b. $c C Aa*r, it<*ngr o REFORT havbg toca b tbb coopy thc has of lhc polkn nothc is givctr th* unLss oQinim b lo4ed o British Ancri:an lasuramConpy(K)fimiEd wiein tittty (30) bo lImDd ed days firom fu &!c of lhb ootbc, aduplh*c poli.y shdl bc uecd as ttc oly vdid &cuncnts by thc rll above numbcred ril qaoy fr futlre transactions. hrd thc 26th MR16992E85 ftbrusry, 2015. J.X"l@ a&ru**tbulrcr,ldt. zffi i&rch, mls 663 TTE KENYA GAUETTE GAffiTEN TTENo' G6e."!B }{o|rrE No. t9!46 I95O I.BERTY LTE ASSUNAI.{CE KENYA LEIfiTED IJBUftTY UFE ASSURAI{€E KENYA U},STED lled06ce: F.e br 30364.{}100,Nakobi lrGsophucy f;r/iay lf+, 359t2&l in hc nw ud o* tltr W ol f@ryby llcad Offics PO. Box 3038t{X}lm, Nairobi @Est*logafuort&" AD?UCATIOIII Aovilgbca nadc b tb& ompoy or tDe !o6s of rr&*pnhy, di6 is, giver &e urhss Si{Niq}e h cep !.,i&.lssump f.il&d wil$} $irq (3O) &ys&oa 6e the aDoro bd8Ed &b€f {Es lolipa, @lic.bpol&y viftboiesrd, aadSoEbe uredrc 6o odl vseeecrneil by t&p cocpary &r * fua&q ansaotioas. M l.ossoF FoucY Policy No.8ll994l itt tllc O*a4jo. i&/69&858 "dy Daled tbe Ebadof Cwwaw Sembe,l,ib*rty l"ift, &trky ilo. I,NFE ASST'RAI{CE LEERTY l.IfE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED XENYA UIETED. Head Officc: P.O. Box 3036,0{tr100, Nairobi L,ossoFForJcY I-o6soF Poucy ottd- on dv lift of lrene Nfuki Eigwa. bcen made b tlio compary on the wnu APPLICArcN havlg loss. Poticy No, 69DE907 in he rume and on thc Efe of Rovmary Walito ItMtb, of the a$oue numbetdBoilhy, notice io giv.ca ftd wkss oblrtion is hdtpd toCfC Lifo Aseursnffi Limibd withia thirty (3O) days ftom &e ds& of eis rroticc, drylicalepelicy witrbe irspd, aod $alLbc used as thcorly vdiddocuncntby the connory &r dl fuane faasactions. APPItrAI.ION having been made b this company on the loss of tlc abovo numlrcrsd policy, notice is given thtt unlcss objcction is lodgcd b Crc lri& Assurancc Limited within thhty (30) days ft,om rhe dac ofthia noticc,drptkate policy will be issred, and shall bc used as th only valid docrment by the company fur all future nansactions. Dordthc 4lt Itfrrch. 2015. Darcd thc rhh March,2015. KRS|BWIER, KE\TYAMT.,L Ited $Cusoner r@y699ry58 Seruicc; Iibrty nifr. GAmIilB NarrcE }lo, l94E KRISTOPIIER KINYANITI, L&6992958 I*ad ffia: Elll4ll Head of Customcr Sembc, Liberty qrGITENoncENo. LIHERfi LtrE AS$URANCE KEIXA t [t{llED Prlilry No. KRISTOP}IER KINYANJUI, Headof Castomcr Semice, Liberty Lifu, I!W699295E t*erd Offise: F.0. Eox 3036C-0,IOO, Nairobi 696O47 tr ia thc . 4$ March, ml5. oAzEm.ENo[rcENo. 195[ Gl{uErmN@El{o. 19t? H88RTY P;O' Eex 30364*&100, 1952 Head Office: P.O. Box l,ssG'FoucY h tb nrre and on *c liS of Mhcl t{*en& bfe. LBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Naiobi IfuPJ 30364{Blm, Natobi I,oSSOFFOIICY Potiq No. 6992998 in the tpnrc utd on the liJe af Beraard Kuria Lburu, AP?tI€AreN b thb conpaoy ot tln loes of given that udess. objectbn is lodgd,beE [.i& Aseunnca Linlhd withir thirty (30) &ycfrom the daieof lLianotics drrlbstc potiey will bo iarued, aod:clrall be umd as the oaly. valid"doc'nnurt by thc cornpeny foi all firnrrp transactfrms. havingbeeo mads ths abow ounbcred polhy, micc Ealptl:thc 4th March, ir APPLICATION having beclr mrde b this co6puly on the loss of the above numbcred policy, mtice is given that unless objcction is bdgpd h Cre Life Aszuraoce Limicd within thirty (30) days ftrom the datc of &bmtbo, drplicatG poliey will be issucd; aod shll bc used as the only, valid doounont by the ccnpany for all firtue transactions. mlsr f,l'rd,ttlo 4th March,2015. KIIS|IOPTTER KINYANII,'I, I*dof fr8Y6002958 Cuxowr Semice, Dbrty life. Gl{zFrrE Norrc8,},b. 1949 I: trFnR?Y lled llffi KRISTOPIIER KINYANIII, Headof Customcr Service, Ubctty W. MR/694958 GAa'rrB I.IffircE No. 1953 ASSURAI{CE XENI'A LIMITED Officc: Po. Box I.rBElUfY IJFE ASSI,RANCE KENYA LIITffTED 3034${nlm, Natobi Hcad Ofu l,N.sFoucy Policy. on thc We d Cln*ttlne Aivqag APPIICATION h*ving been Bada b tbis coapmy on thc loss of t&s above nnnber€d policy, aoticc is grvcn rhft uol€s$ ob*ntion is loqcd bCrc L,ifc.{suramclimidwieinthirty (30) days ftom &e fue of trb notice, dtrplicate policy will be issuod, aad shaU be used, as va$d &curnent by tbe compeny for an fuhuo Eansartions. t$e Sc 4& I\ftlch,2Ol5. K&ISEOPTEN, XFTYAI\$IN, rutu ail tto. El24B6 in thc ru* d oa tte Efr of nirbcrt Nywrrongi. APPLICAfiON hrving bcco m.dc b 6is ompmy on the loss of alovc numbored policy, mtice is grrm that unlcss ob!:erion is lodgcd to Crc Lifc Assurlnce Limited wittin thirty (30) days flom tbe dslc of tbk notica, <hplkale policy. will'be issud, ad slhll be uecd as : P.O. Box 30364-{B lm, Naircbi LossoFFoucy Policy No. 4969702 in Kabachb. tlp twrc atd on the life of ltlargaret Njcri APPLICAfiON having been rnde b this compaly on the loss of above m&€d policy, mtice is given that udess oblxtion is & tlp the only vafid doomlent by thc company for all funrrc uansactions. lodged to CE Life Assurancc Limited within thirty (30) days from the datc of this noticc, &plhate policy will be issu€d, aod shall be used as the only valid documcnt by thc cornpany fo.1 all fuure trmsactions. hied Dated the 4O March, lhe 4th,March, 2015. lm/6em58 XRHT,rcBITDR I(III,YANIII, Hedof Cuat*t Senice, l;iherty Ufc. mls. KRISTOPI{ER KINYANJT,II, Mru6992958 Head af Custonur Semicc, Iibrty l-ifu, ffi THE KENYA GAZETTE GAffiIENcncENo. GAZETTENoICENo. 1954 I Poliq 20th March,2015 IJBER,TY BERTY LIFE ASSI,'RANCE KENYA LIMITED 1958 LIE ASSI,IRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Head Offtce: P.O. Box 30364{D100, Naircbi [rssoF FoucY LossoFFoucY No.4598400 in the nanu and on the life of Nasar M. Butt. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of thc above numberpd policy, mticc is given that unless objection is lodgcd o CE Life Assurance Limited within.thirty (30) days from the daE ofthis notice, drplicatc policy will be issucd, and shall be used as the only valid doctnrent by the company for all future tsansactions. Dated the 4th March. 2015. KRISTOPHER KINYANJIII, Head of Cusamer Semice, liberE Afe, MR/6929s8 GAU'rrENo[cENo. UBER,TY 1955 Poticy No.7002951 in the APPLICATION having becn madc b this company on tbc loss of the above.numbcred policy, notice is givea that unlcss ob!:ction is lodged b Crc Life Assuraoce Limitcd within tlfrty (30) daya ft,om the date of this notice, duplicatc policy will be issued, and shollbc used as the only valid document by the company for all future fansactiotrs. Dated the 24th February,2015. KRISTOPIIER KINYANJI.II, Head of Custottter Service, Ifitcrty UIc. MR/6992908 GAzErrENoilcENo. 1959 llFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Hcad Office: P.O. Box LIBERTY LIFB ASST'RANCB KENYA LIMITED 3036+{Dlm, Natuobi Head OtEce: P.O. Box 30364-O0100, Natuobi LossoFFoucEs loss oFFoucY Policy No.8150191,8142819 and 81,10173 in the name and on tlv W of (I) Mary Bridget'Wawira, (2) Mary Bridget Ylawira and (3) Br$atuRose Makena. APPLICATION having bcen made b this company on the loss of the above numbcred policy, notice is given that unless obiction is lodged to Crc Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the datc ofthir noticc, duplicetc policy will bc issucd, and shall bc uscd as thc only valid doorment by thc company for all fuure transactions. Policy No. 8116720 in the na.ne and on thc lifc of ltarann Chepkwony. APPLICATION having bcen made o this oompmy on the loss of the above numbercd policy, notice is gvcn that unless objcction is lodged to CE Life Assurancc Limited within thirty (30) days from thc date of this notice, duplicatc policy will bc issuod, and shall be uscd a8 the only valid document by the cornpany for all fuuue tralsactions. Dated the 24th February,2015. Dated thc 4th March,2015. KRISTOPHER KINYANJI,I, Head of Customer Service, Uberty Life. MR/6992958 runu atd on thc lifc o! baroline Aunu Ochelle. KRISTOPTIER KINYANIUI. Head olcustorrar Senice, UbrX UIe. MR/6992908 GAzEnENsncENo. 1960 cAzsnENcrflcBNo. 1956 LIBERTY LIFE ASST'RANCE KENYA I IRERTY LtrFE ASST'RANCEKENYA LIMITED Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Naircbi Il)ssoFPoUcY Policy No.8ln874 in the runu and on the life of lusus Wambugu Kurcnu. APPUCATION having bccn mad€ b this compmy on the loss of tte above oumbcr€d policy, mtice is give,n that unless objetion is lodged o CE Life Assuraoce Limited within thirty (30) days from the datc ofthis noticc, duplicate policy will be issucd, and shall be used as the only valid doctment by the company for all future transactions. LIMIED HeadOfficc: P.O. Box 30364-{n100, Nairobi lossoFlbucY Policy No.3551(/ll in the nanc atd on Kahihu. tle lije o! Evnson Njcnga APPLICATION having been made b this company on thc loss of the above numbered policy, mtice is givco lhat uolcss objcction is lodged to CE Life Assurancp Iimitcd within thirU (30) days ftom thc datc of this notice, duplicate policy will be isrucd, ard Bhsll bG uscd as the only valid documcnt by thc company for all futurr trursectbrs. Datcd 6c l6th lanuary,2015. KRISTOPHER KINYANJI,II, Ihted the 24th February,2015. KRISTOPTIER KINYANJTII, Hed olCustonur Scrvbe, Ubmy Afi. MMr054r17 Head otCustomcr Service, Aberty LiJe. MW6992908 GAEmENC,IICENo. 196I GAUTTEN(MCENO. 1957 TIIE JI,JBrI FE INSURANCE COMPAI{Y OF KENYA IJMITED LIBER,TY LIFE ASSI,'RANCE KENYA Itread OfEcc: P.O. Box the nanp Policy No. 197356 in the nanp and on the lile of Clurlcs Mtrtlve andorrtc fift of Saruul Okurte . APPUCATION having bccn made to this company on the loss of the above numbcred policy, mtice is given that unless objection is lodgcd oC'E Life Assurancc Limitcd within thirty (30) days from the darc of this aotice, drplicale policy will bc issued, and shall be uecd as the only valid doorment by thc company for all future transactions. Dated thc 24th Fcb,ruary,?.O15, KRISTOPTIER MR/699290t Hcad Office: P.O. Box 30364{nlm, Naiiobi LsscForrcY Poliq No.692796 h 3037Gfl)lm,Nailtbi IrssoF ltucY LIMIIED Hedof Cusaner KINYANJI,I, Scmice, Ubcrty Life. Kinyw. APPUCATION has bcen made to this coqany forttc issuance of duplicate of thc above-numbered policy, the original having becn rcportcd as lost or mhplaed, Notice is givcn that unlcss ob.icetion is lodged o thc contrary at thc office of thc company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicatc policy will be issucd, which will bc thc sole cvidcncc ofthe contract. Darcd the 25th February,2015. ALE)(MWANGI, MR/6992887 Life Dcpartmcnt. 665 TI{E KENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 GAZETIENgncENo. 1966 GAzErrE NoncE No. 1962 THE JUBILEE INST]RANCE COMPANY OF KENYA UMITED THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA . Head Officc: P.O. Box 30376{X}100, Natuobi l,oss oF Foucy Loss oP PoucY Polby No. Il20ll000l458l in thc mnu and on the liJe of Emruh Policy No. 176559 in tlu natu and on tlu lite of Cyrus Wanfuu hlwangi. Wanjiru Ngugi. APPLICATION has been madc to this coryany forthe igsuance of duplicate of 0re above-numbered policy, thc original having been reportcd as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to thc cortsary at the offrce of thc cornpmy wittin thirty (30) days ftom the date of this noticc, duplicatc policy will bc issued, which will be the sole evidence ofthc contracL APPUCATION has been made to this company forthc issuance of duplicate of the above-numbered policy, the original having been rcported as lost or misplaoed. Notice is given tbat unless obirtion is lodged to the contrary at the of6ce of the company within thirty (30) days ftom the date of this notice, duplicate potcy will bc issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 5th February,2015. Datcd rhe lSth Fcbruary,2015. ALEXMWANGI, Lile Deparnunt. MR/6D2887 ALEXMWANGI, Lite Dcparount, MR/6992887 GAErrENoncBNo. 1967 GAzETlENoucENo. 1963 THE JITBILEE INSURANCE COMPAIIY OF KENYA LIIT ITED Head Offrce: P.O. Box UAP LIFE ASST.]RANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporatod in Kenya) 3037Gfl)lm, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box [rssoFltucY APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of thc above-numbercd policy, the original having bcen reportcd as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless oblrtion is lodgcd to the cmtrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issucd, which will bc the sole evidence ofthe contract. Datcd thc 25th February,2015. ALE)(MWANGI, UJe Departnunt. MR/6992EE7 GAzErENsncENo. 1964 Natuobi Policy No. MU0(n03236 in tlv nanc of Christine lfuwia Julius. APPIJCATION has been madc to this cornpany for the issue of duplicrre of 6e above numbered policy, the original having bcen reportcd as lort or misplaced. Notice is given thai unhss ob!rction is lodgcd to the contrary at the omc€ of the company within thirty (30) days ftom thc date of this notice, duplicatc policy will bc issued, which will be thc solc evidence ofthe contracL Datcd the 46 March,2O15. EDWARDKARAM, ClaimsOficcr. MN6992y22 GAzEI'IBNgflcENo. 1968 THE JT.IBILEE INST'RANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LI}IITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box 30376{D100, Naircbi LcsorPoucv filn6 h 23842{nlm, lossGPoucY Policy No. 198E85 in the rume and on thc lifc otGodftey Otieno Scwc. Policy No, LIMMD Head Office: P.O. Box 3037G{D100, Nairobi (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box tlu nanc atd on tlu lifc ol hvid Kinurtio Mburu. 3fi)59{D100, Nairobi LrssoF Foucy Policy No.37Ol@65 inthe rume of lrlaurccn MwhoniGiclangc. APPLICATION has bcen made to this company for the issuatrce of duplicate of the above-numbered policy, lhe original having been reporrcd as lost or misplaced. Notice is girco that unless oblrction is lodged to the cotary at the office of the oompany within thirty (30) days fi,om the date of this notice, duplicatc policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence ofthe contract. Dated the lSth February,2015. APPUCATION has bcen madc to this conrpany for the issuancc Datcd the 5th March,2015. ALEXMWANGI, Lift Dcpartment. MR/692887 of duplhatc of ttc above numbercd policy, the origiral having been reportid as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless dirction is lodged to the cmtrary at the ofEce of the company within thirty (30) dayr ftom tte date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issucd, which will be thc solc evidence ofthe conEact DAVIDKOIGI, M[J69v252t Oficer,Claims, NcrncENo. 1969 GAZETTENoTTENo. 1965 TIIE IUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KEI\TYA LIMITED CHANGEOFNAME Head Office: P.O. Box 30376{0100, Nairobi Notice is given that by a dccd poll dated 26tlr Fcbruary, 2015, duly executed and rcgislcmd in thc Registry of Docunrcnts at Nairobi ar Prcsentation No. 626, in volume Dl, Folio 53Il91, File No, MID(V, by or client, Faith Alimlim, of P.O . Box 2457 , Kitalc in the Republic of Keny4 formerly knorvl ar Faith Alinlim Rico, formally and absolutcly rcrrourrced md abandonod the usc of hcr fonrcr nanre Faith Alimlim Rico and in lieu thereof assumed urd adoptod the name Faith Alimlim, for alt purpores and authorizes and rEqucsts all perrons at all tim€s to &signare, descdbc and ad&pgs hcr by hcr a$umed name Faith Alimlim only. LossGFollcy Policy No, l9B77t,in thc rnme and on tlu lilc otMartin Shihcmi Mttsotryc. APPLICATIdNhas been madc to this company forthe issu8nce of duplicate oJ tlre above-numbercd policy, dre original having been reported as lort 9l misplaced. Notice ic giren that unless objr:ction is lodgcd to the contsary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicatc policy will be issucd, which will bc the sole evidcnce ofthc contract. Dated the MR/699288? lBtt Febnrary,2015. ALH(MWANGI, Iite Department. Dabd the l3th lr,Lsch, 2015. MRnO5422E DAVID MUTI,'NGA & COMPANY, Advocaus fur Faith Alilra,liz,, funnrly btown as Fairt Afimlim Rico, 666 atuffi,,20G$ TITEtsENYA GAZtsITE GAEnENSICENo. 1970 GAZE'rEI{OrcENO, l9rl4 CIIANGEOFNAME CHi&ITIG|EOS.ISAfiG: NOfnCE is giveo that by a decd poll daed: Eth lanuary, 2015, duly exccuted aod regisered iD S€ Registry of Documen8 at Nrirobi as Presmtation No. 1798, in Volumc EI, Folio 30/3M, File No. lefiliDry, by our clieut, Junaid Mohamcd Saleh Bawazir, of P:O Box ,l63tj-00100,Nafuobi in the Rcpublic ofKenya, fonnerty *nown.as hnaid Mohmed Saleh, furmally and absolutely remurced. md ah&ncd:tte uce of his foroer name Junaid Mohamed SoIelL and in lieu thereof rrsumcd and adbpEd the neme fumid Mohamcd Saleh hs6zh, fur all'prpmcs amd authorires and reques8 all'personsat all times b &rignate, describc aod address him by his asaurnd: asrne gire!,thsby e dtod:po&&H:4h&atalrq 4i4 duly execued and:Iegi8lclcdi4ttc Rpgirtrry off DocElo:d arlldro&! as Fi€s@Etior l{or l8I8;. in: V{rltm trl," Fodo.3lrfiN[ FiIe llb, MI\O(V, by, our clhnti.Dmh Stiogo Sndio8!(r od Fsi hx 6& 006m, Natuobi in dE Rtpnblie of Eoays, @, HiS oG &ilimo, irndd Itfiohamcd Saleh Bawazir only. NCIIOGU, OMWANZA & NYESIMI, MR 054393 GAzE'rrc NffircE No. NCIfEE i$ Spafingcr (mim), ftrillcl! knowa er, Effiimm Krqmtn od: absoluEry reoord:ad Srdoucd tto Dtilemon, Kmpdb itr hu, tlutof u*acd od: rbptcdr Pliibmon Splingsr ftr &prpnoar a[ pasom'ar. all dme o edgne, dbcedti.r md,rddios,tirn,by hi* namo asermcd,nmG Phibnoa SpCingrotrSi. N, C[ SOH6ie'& COilGnN.Ir, tfdwcatix for Mi Stwr. gt&r,g*, on bclulf of.Philcttle,n'Spalln,'fr Qdrwh Ion arly fuwn as Fhilbtton,,Barlpt6v: Advocatesfor lunaid L{ohamed fuleh Bawazir, fornerly known as Jaruid Mohamed fuleh. lttl*|6742.1:ffi l97l GAErrENsncEIib, lYls CHANGEOFNAME NOfiCE is given ttat by a decd poll datd CHAI\reEOFNATG. ll& December, Documents at 2014, &rly executed and rcgistued in the Registry of Naimbi as Prqentation No. 1797, in Volume DI, Folio 321402, File No. IdIvO(V, by our client, Samuel Omukoko, of P.O Box 353310020S Nairobi in the Republh of Kenya, fomrerly known as Sammy lfukoko Op€mbe, formally and absolutcly reirormced md abmdsred the use of his former name Sammy lvlulcoko Opcmbc, and in lieu thseof a$umed and adopted the nrne Samuel Omukoko, for all purposcs and authorizes and r€quests all personr at all times to desigade, dcacribe and adthess him by his assumed name Samuel Omukoko only. GAErrENor[cENo. D:dir, illa, NOIICE is given that by a d&cd poll datcd EtIi duly executcd ad'regbtrcd:ir fu REgfutry of DmE mr6,I$Crotdi a8 hesontation No. 1909; in Volumc El; Folio 4iASWS; Filc lt$or MlvDm/, by our olicnt, Leah Wairime lr&kiri, of R@: IBx" 255- otrt*ofid ASx Hftirl, Akx Mir*iri: W{iirm aad thc urc of ltig furerarAfom fi)300; Naimbi in trc Rgpblis of Keqni Irongu (minor), fonncrty tnown as absoluaty rcnormccd'rod dlndoncd hftkiri Wairimr ed fu lhr thcrcof assurcd'ad Alcx M*iri Imngu fur dl pufposcs pcrsons adtp:d]tlb lmc d dirircs rd:rtps*r dl' at all tiaes to dbsigmtr, furitb md dkns, lfrD'ry hio assurncd narnc Atcx Mirkiri Inirrgu'ooly. Datcd th€ 27th Februry, 2015: Daled thcl lth December,2014. MR/7054393 B,o,fihbfulrmc tk edi odioris drgrcs' d. NCHOGU, OhIIVANZA & I.IYASIMI, Adw cates fo r fu mue I Omuto ko, formerly lotown os Sanmy Mukob Openbe. 1972 ALFIIONCE IriUTIliD/{ & e(E{dA$W, Mwc ms for lkdt ttfutu' fr ; on bclu$t af 615 lglb$rf fiwP(n*w), W MN699Z776 funurty /i,wtwt u ,4b Ni*irltkitit8, GAzE[ENcneBNo. 1976 CHANGEOFNAIVIE CHANGEOFIdAIilE NOTICE is given that by a deed poll datcd 4th March, 2015, duly execurcd aod rEgistercd in the Registry of Documenth at Nairobi as Presentatioa No. 651, in Vohmre DI, Folio 7911132, File No. MIvo(V, by our client Marianne Gesare Nyab@gi, of P.O Box 5 I 134, Nairobi in trG R€p{!b}ic of Kenyr, formcrly known as Naomi Bosihori Ndege, formally and absolutety rcoounced and abmdoned the use of her fomrer namc Nasni Bosibori Ndcge, aod in lielr thermf assrmod and adqtcd tte name Mariranc Gesare Nyabcngi, for all purposes and authorizes md requesb all persons at all times to desigmte, describc and address her by hm assurlcd name }{arimne Gesare Nya,bengi only. Notice is giwn 6d by a &od,potl'dlodl6& ItMii &t,5; duly executed md rcgirercd in thc Rqisuy of,Docsracob d'Isthi,a Pnes.ntatiu lilo; 634i in wtw tll, Fdlo fl)1755; Filc lilo; tr0iflFif, by orclicm, M Giroe:, of P.0. Box2B4O2([, trEdi'ia db Rqublic of Kcnyr, fonncrly krei;u c Fclii Ii& oundq frtndy and absolubty ffil&e rtoorrnut ud Fctk Ntdb Otn&.md'ia liru ucadlib ftrmtm tMunmd;te6'ed{fod:fliu:1se md'dariry d Bernardr Giscge; for fl; purpora aud ruqladf pcrsotrlr ai all tirmr to dieaigre, disgrflr?,red,s6ahcrff;him hic assumcd oslc Btraild Gfuege tf mty. s.K.Kmr& Advoeate MR 054393 fumcrly for Marianne Gesare Nyabengi, lotown as Naami Bosibori Ndcgc. GAZ,ETTENgIIcENo. 1973 EEN K. GICHAIIA{ & EOITiFANY; GAffiTENCfficBNo. IY,7 CHANGEOFNAME NofiCE is given that hy a deed poll darcd 4dr Dccember, 2014, duly erecuted and regist€rcd in the Registry of Doctrrene at Nairobi No. 1817, in Volurre Dl, Folio 331426, File No. lIItOW, by our clien, Dorah Shose Spdinger, of P.O. Box 633as Prerentation h the R.epublic of Kenya, on behalf of Ryan Spalingcr (minor), formerly krorrn as Ryan Baraka ard abolutcly renourred aod abmdmod tle use of his forrncr narne Ryan Banka and in lieu thercof aosumcd and adoptod the nanre Ryan Spalingcr, for all psrposcs aad anthmizes and requests all persons at all times to designato, derribe ad address him by his assumed namc Ryan Spalinger only. 00600, Nairobi N. O. SUIITBA & COIvFANY, MxJgl42t66 AdwcauNftrEerwdGbtgc, fonrcr$ &rwtt ar Feltr lfulw'Mi* MR/705r*380 CHAITOEOFNAilIIE i Notice is givcn tt*rby a,&od pE 666r2Sff:issry;2O15, duly a.eo,Sedr aod rcgiei€r.d iptfc Ragicey: otrEbomrnttdrNnircbi' as Prescntation No. 2557, in rlohcp Dl, rui6 4215661 Fih No. MhOfV, by our clietr! Willfur Rtfiil!.etu* of,,Forftfi 24}&-2OWA, Nakuru in ee R@lic of Kry*.* formty trmn s,,XlflIhrn Ri*ftr, Mimi, fcnrdly and &otrcty namcad.ad,atq&d,ttrraa of his former nama Willtaa RrAio In&i rrdtir lftp'dfulofrssecd d: adopted thc nom Willirn RuHB Cba lhr a['nulilllcri &d a*sdzcs and reqr,rcsts all pcrsoru 6t 8g tidcstod.sig!.tai,e$iftb,rdd0l€ss him by his assurrcd nanrc lVillimftr*forCir*odyr' .. Datcdthe Advues fur Doruh fuse S@ing*, oa belu,lf of fuatt Spalhger (mimr), funncrty lowwn as Ryan Baraka. :r', l3rtMaotlZ)l5; , NAN€Y" W. NJONIeE & I[,.m170542.51 . Clofr&lil$ri ,adwew.f*,Wtl#fi'Ed&ci'",; fon*tty fuwtt as Wilfiir.,frtl*e,Iffilti THEKENYA GAZETTE 20th March,2015 NOW ON SALE TIIE NATIONAL POVERTY ERADICATION PLA}[ (leee-201s) RECRUITMENT AI\D TRAINING POLICY FOR PUBLIC SERVICE Muy, 2005 Price: K^Sft. 500 Price: KSh.250 20t0t20tt SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 2 OF 2OO5 On Development of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction ANNEX OF ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENIDITURE OF STATE CORPORATIONS OF GOVERNMENT OF KEI\IYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE, 2011 Price: KSh.250 PUBLIC SECTOR WORKPLACE POLICY ON HIV/AIDS Price: KS/r. 300 SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 9 OF ON FOREST POLICY 2OO5 Price: KSft. 300 April, 2A05 Price: KSft. 300 STRATEGY FOR REVITALIZING AGRICULTT]RE E.GOVERNMENT STRATEGY Q00+2014) The Strategic Framework Administrative Structure, Training Requirements and Standardi zation Framework March, 2004 Price: KSh. 200 March, 2004 Price: KSh.300 ECONOMIC RJCOVERY STRATEGY FOR WEALTII AI\D EMPLOYMENT CREATION REPORT OF THE JT'DICIAL coMMrssroN oF TNQUIRY INTO THE GOLDENBERG Af,'FAIR (2003-200a October, 2005 Price: KSh.500 Price: KSft. 800 TTIE KENYA GAZEf,TE 668 IMFON,TANT NOTTCE TO SUBSCruBERII lIO MID KENYA GAZETIE TtlB fulbrlng notor ut fu tc auidrea of pormr nbdtdeg "opy" fu NOW ON SALE BCONOIIfiC SUnVEY,201r Price: KSft. 1,000 lnclurioo in hc (l) <2) Prtce: KSh.235 ,e,l rr ltgtsbdvc Srypbnut cotrhr Ruhr md Rcguhdonr which iuncd by rta Ccorrl Oovc[rncnt Bccru* of ttb, ficy mu* b! rubmlud b th Oovcmrnmt Prlntai $rough ft. ofricc of thc Anonlcy{cltctrl. (3) Bil SWUrun cotrlnr Blllr rhich rru tor inrodrcton h 201u2012 ESTIMATES OF RECT'RR,ENT EXPDNDrII''N.E rh: NrtondArcnbly. (4) la Sqplenaa contrhr Actr prrrcd by hc Nrdonrl Aranbly. All "copy" rubrnlncd for publtcuim .hsH bsprcprcd m om ridc of u A4 .h€st no mrnar how snall drc Noticc lq crdr prgc being nm$ood urd OF TI{E GOVERNMENT OT KENYA FOR. THE YEAR, ENDING sum JUNE,2ol1 ihould bc typcwriucrr contein m rhandonr. rri6 doubh {*inl. Copy dnrld bc dor, giblc nd hr&uh.ru3ndoo lhould bc prtd r0 ltc folbvln3 polnu: (i) Sl$rnrr! nu* bc urpportrd b, rSbct'.mplnS ortyptng thc nln of 0lG dgnrlory in crplUl lottcn. vot. I (iiurt Price: I(Srr. 1,400 bG corrcct rnd fillcd ln whcrt (ifD Ort sllou5 be trlcn to ncerrry. .ililrr! dut all herdingr b Nods rd m legidrdoa rc up to drts od coofoan *ith ofdc Lews ofXcnyr. fiB CoDB oF R&utrnonr, Sr"non D- rftrcner vol,. II fSft. lanlu Odzc,t, Sl42hrlrln na N.W tJataru coaulnr tluircts of r gaoerl nrmrt which do nd rfhct lcahhdon. lbcy rt, lhcfcfolt, arbmiod b 6c Oovcrtrffi PrlnErdlrcctly. TIIE I'INAI\ICN BILL, 2014 Pricer 2&h March,2015 R.vbd drc Bditlon Exm,Asr FroM 1,200 Rcnya Gauttc vol,. m 34, (l) Comrnunicrdonr for thc tr nJ,u Oo&tru nilh rc.ch 6t Govemrrcnt hinE nd llEr thrh 9 r"m- on eidt, of 6G w6* hfr[ publtc*im ir &rlnd. Thc Govcrnmcot hlnu *ill not pnb[S cmnunicrdoor rlceivcd eftGr dlrt hou until thc nc[,t obic$Ent iuuc of hiG.rae, 'D Price: KSrr. 1,100 20tU2012 ESTIMATES OF DEVELOPMENT EXPENDIfl'NE OF TIIE GOVERNMENT O['KENYA (2) Mlniltrior *ill be rcquirod Glstof sdvcnillry in it. o pry fu thc ffary G&rtE lnd b nGGr 6. It lr cmphrdrd hll SG* DoEr re for juffucc otrly, bet lt lr ttqcrrd thrt pqlom il6miainS cony frr ptltcrOon frnt r.ti4 ttrdwr Ur.t ulcl copy is comphtc h ct ctry rc.pcct STDSIGXPMON AND ADVf,RIISEMINT CtrATGiS Wi$ 6ficct flom lBt July, knya6awtuttc ufullonr: FON, YEAR. ENDING 2012, ob*rtpttoo rnd dvcr{remom fti fui tts Sutstnrmon CYerors: 3(rrH Jt NE,2oll VOL. I Price: I(Sft. 1,100 l6i. ca. Annud Subecrfdon (c*eludiry pocugc h fcnyr)..,..,.........,.......-. 13,920 00 Annurl Subrrlpdut (hohdhg poatrgc in l(€nyr),.,.......,.,.,......,,... 16,9t5 m Annual Subscrlptlon (ovrncs).....,,.., 32,013 0O in lftnyr)...................... 6,960 U) Hrlf.ycrr SuboDdor (hcluding poct{e ln knye)...............-.,.... t,4?0 Hrlf.yerr vol,. II Price: I(Sft. I,100 S$*rtpdo (crcltdlnS posrl! 0 lldf"ycrsubslpdm(orctno)............. Singhcopywittouta{pleDcnts...,.,.... t50l0 m GAzEme St FpLlME{tCriARoBs-Pr( Coty: Potugc ht 6() m E"A, TIIE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Bit. clr CONSTITUENCIES AND COTJNTY ASSEMBLY WARDS ORDER., 2012 Kenya Gazette Supplement No, 13 (tegal Notice No. 14 of 2fl.l2) STATISTICAL ABSTRACT, 201 Up to E pa9s....,.. Up b 12 p!8cr..... Up tD 16 pqp! Up b 20prScs Up m 2t0pegos Upto Price: fSh.880 r Price: I(Srr. 1,000 t0 fl) 60oo t55 m ilo Ir5 u) tas m Up b 36 prgcs Up b,+0 pr8rr...,. Erch dditional 4 pagcs ir pfft $erEf,...... 00 l15 m rfrfr)ffi ADvRTrsEliBr.r OrArcFs: trtl, FUI pr9c",.,........... 27,E{ m 10,1,t) 0o 6,960 00 column......,.,..,.,.,......... Qurncr column c crl rr9lt m hll riajhcohnn 3,4& @ hss ......,.,............... [d lc rdvcnircn rdvird b rrndt prym.nr by botcrr ckqucs, pocol ordcn or moncy odas dnwn in frvur of 'Govcnurrd $bstbcrs Printe*". For ftudrer Informstion contact: The Government Priater, p.O. Box 30128-00100, Nairobi, Tel. 60m 60m $m 32roc! llntcqreru THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Price: fsft.250 t5 t! 25m 10m 60m Upo2pqa.,..... Uptoapl es....... 16l. cr. 6(} txl 60 u, Revanuc strmp crltrlot chrt'gts rrc peid in rdvere. bc 317840/4115?tB6/E7. rcccped, Subrcriptlom ud rdvetiscmcnl s.N"tfiowr, AS,@e{,rt*,r, PRINTED AND PUBUSHM BY TIIB OOVEN.NMENTPruNTER. N^IROBI P?*,lrct.
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