KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 1 BILL NO 1 PRELIMINARIES CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AND PRELIMINARIES ABBREVIATIONS C.M. S.M. L.M. MM Kg. No. Prs. S.S.M Ditto m.s. Shall mean cubic metre Shall mean square metre Shall mean linear metre Shall mean Millimetre Shall mean Kilogramme Shall mean Number Shall mean Pairs Shall mean the Standard System of Measuring Building works Shall mean the whole of the preceding description Except as qualified in the description in which it occurs. Shall mean measured separately. Provisional sum Shall mean a cost to cater for all the described item(s) EMPLOYER: The "Employer" is THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY,MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE Through KENYA AMBASSADOR -PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA) The term "Employer" and "Government of Kenya" wherever used in the contract document shall be synonymous. PROJECT MANAGER The term "P.M." wherever used in these Bills of Quantities shall be deemed to imply the such person or persons as may be duly authorised to represent the Client. Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -1- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SECTION A Interpretation (A2-A7) 1 Clause 2.0 - Definitions and interpretation Pricing of bills of quantities The contractor is to allow opposite each item for all costs in connection therewith. All prices to include, unless otherwise stated, for all materials, fabrication, conveyance and delivery, unloading, storing, unpacking, hoisting, labour, setting, fitting and fixing in position, cutting and waste (except where to be measured in accordance with the standard system of measurement), patterns, models and templates, plant, temporary works, returning of packaging, duties, taxes, imposts, establishment charges, overheads, profit and all other obligations arising out of the agreement Items left unpriced will be deemed to be covered in prices against other items throughout these bills of quantities and no claim for any extras arising out of the contractor's omission to price any item will be entertained Prices for all plant, temporary works, services and other items shall include for the supply, maintenance, operating cost and subsequent removal and making good as necessary Legal status of contractor If the contractor constitutes a joint venture consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons then: 1. These persons are deemed to be jointly and severally liable to the employer for the performance of this agreement 2. These persons shall notify the employer of their leader who has authority to bind the contractor and each of these persons 3. The contractor shall not alter its composition or legal status without the prior written consent of the employer Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -2- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Clause 3.0 - Language and Law Language of the Contract and the law governing the Contract shall be English language and the Laws of RSA respectively unless otherwise stated. Where such laws conflict with Kenyan laws governing procurements the latter shall prevail. Clause 7.0 - Subcontractin The Contractor may subcontract with the approval of the Project Manager, but may not assign the Contract without the approval of the Employer in writing. Subcontracting shall not alter the Contractors obligations. 7.0.1 The contractor shall: Designate an area for the sub - contractor to establish a temporary office and workshop and storage of equipment and materials 7.0.2. Permit the sub - contractor to use erected scaffolding, hoisting facilities, etc provided by the contractor, in common with others having the like right while it remains erected on the site Execution (A10 - A16) 2 Duties of the parties 3 Clause 10.0 - Preparation for and execution of the works The Contractor shall construct and install the Works in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings. The Works may commence on the Start Date and shall be carried out in accordance with the Program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Project Manager, and complete them by the Intended Completion Date. Fixed:..................Value:....................... Time:...................... Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -3- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Enclosure of the works The contractor shall erect, maintain and remove at completion hoardings with gantries, fans, safety screens, barriers, access gates, covered gangways and the like as necessary for the enclosure of the works and elements thereof, all for the protection of the public and others Office accommodation Specific requirements: The contractor shall provide, maintain and remove on completion of the works an office for the exclusive use of the principal agent, minimum size 8 x 4 x 3m high internally, suitably insulated and ventilated, provided with electric lighting and fitted with boarded floor, desk, chair, drawing stool, drawing board and lock-up drawers for drawings. The office shall be kept clean and fit for use at all times. Fixed:.......................Value:........................Time:................... Item Notice board The contractor shall provide, erect where directed, maintain and remove on completion of the works a notice board size 2.44 x 3.02m as per drawing, constructed of suitable boarding with flat smooth surface and with edging bead 19mm thick round outer edges and projecting 12mm from face of boarding and rounded on front edge. The board shall be securely fixed to hoarding, where hoarding is provided, or fixed to and including a suitable supporting structure of timber or tubular posts and braces. The board is to be painted ivory white and the bead and 12mm wide dividing lines deep blue. All wording shall be inscribed in dark green as per the coat of arms for SA. All wording shall be inscribed in deep blue painted helvetica medium lettering. Fixed:.......................Value:........................Time:................... Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -4- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 4 Encroachments The contractor shall notify the project manager if any encroachment of adjoining foundations, buildings, structures, pavements, boundaries, services, etc exist in order that the necessary arrangements may be made for the rectification of any such encroachments Fixed:.................... Value:.................... Time:........................ 5 Item Clause 10.1 - Site and access Clause 10.1.1 - Known services Clause 10.1.2 - Protection of trees Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 6 Item Clause 10.2 - Setting out of the works The contractor shall notify the project manager if any encroachments of adjoining foundations, buildings, structures, pavements, boundaries, etc. exist in order that the necessary arrangements may be made for the rectification of any such encroachments. Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -5- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 7 Clause 11.1 - Temporary works The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of temporary works. However before erecting the same, he shall submit his designs including specifications and drawings to the Project Manager and to any other relevant third parties for their approval. No erection of temporary works shall be done until such approvals are obtained. Subclause 11.1.1 - Enclosure of the works Subclause 11.1.2 - Office accommodation Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 8 Item Clause 11.2 The Project Managers approval shall not alter the Contractors responsibility for design of the Temporary works and all drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or permanent Works, shall be subject to prior approval by the Project Manager before they can be used. Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -6- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Clause 11.3 - Health and safety The contractor's attention is drawn to the provisions of Construction Regulations issued in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993. The contractor shall price opposite this item for compliance with the act and the regulations and the reasonable provisions of the aforementioned health and safety specification. Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Completion (A18 - A24) 9 Clause 18.0 - Interim completion Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 10 Item Clause 19.0 - Practical completion User note List with a suitable heading in bold any special requirements for practical completion here. Reference as [19.3.1] Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 11 Item Clause 20.0 - Sectional completion User note If sectional completion is applicable, then a clause with a suitable heading in bold should be inserted, or drawing(s) annexed, to define the various sections. Reference as [20.1] Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 12 Item Clause 21.0 - Defects liability period and final completion Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -7- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 13 Clause 22.0 - Latent defects liability period Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 14 Item Clause 23.0 - Revision of date for practical completion Substitution of materials and goods The removal or substitution of any materials and goods which do not conform to the specification or the contract drawings shall not constitute grounds for the extension of the construction period nor for the adjustment of the contract value [17.1.8, 23.1 & 2] Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 15 Item Clause 24.0 - Penalty for late or non-completion Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Prices submitted Where prices are submitted by the contractor or subcontractor during the progress of the works in respect of contract instructions or in regard to a claim under the terms of the agreement and notwithstanding the fact that such prices may be used in an interim payment certificate, there is to be no presumption of acceptance. Should the principal agent wish to accept any such prices prior to the issue of the certificate of final completion, it shall be in writing Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -8- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Cost of claims All costs incurred by the contractor in the preparation of claims shall be borne by the contractor The contractor shall review, assess and adjudicate any claims received by him from any subcontractor and thereafter submit same to the principal agent with a recommendation to assist the principal agent in adjudicating the claim [26.6] Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 16 Item Clause 27.0 - Recovery of expense and/or loss Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item PAYMENT 17 Interim payment to the contractor The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager monthly applications for payment giving sufficient details of the Work done and materials on Site and the amounts which the Contractor considers himself to be entitled to. The Project Manager shall check the monthly application and certify the amount to be paid to the Contractor within 14 days. The value of Work executed and payable shall be determined by the Project Manager. The value of Work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in the Bills of Quantities completed; materials delivered on Site, variations and compensation events. Such materials shall become the property of the Employer once the Employer has paid the Contractor for their value. Thereafter, they shall not be removed from Site without the Project Manager’s instructions except for use upon the Works. Notwithstanding this or any other clause, materials and goods stored off site shall not be included in the amount authorised for payment. Clause 23. Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -9- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Fixed:.......................Value:........................Time:............... 18 Item Adjustment to the contract value Where prices are submitted by the contractor and/or sub-contractors during progress of the works in respect of contract and notwithstanding the fact that such prices may be used in an interim payment certificate, there is to be no presumption of acceptance. Should the Project manager wish to accept any such prices prior to the issue of the final certificate, it will be in writing. Clause 25.0 Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 19 Item Final account and final payment The Contractor shall issue the Project Manager with a detailed account of the total amount that the Contractor considers payable to him by the Employer under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. Clause 32.0 F:.......................... V:.......................... T:.......................... 20 Item Payment to other parties Clause 35.0 Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item TERMINATION 21 Termination by Employer - Contractor's default Clause 33. Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -10- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 22 Termination by Contractor - Employer's default Clause 33.0 Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 23 Termination - cessation of the Works Clause 33.0 Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item DISPUTE 24 Dispute settlement Clause 37.0 Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item CONTRACTING AND OTHER PARTIES Employer: KENYA HIGH COMMISSION 302 Brooks Street Menlo park 0081 Project Manager: Works secretary, Ministry of Land Housing & Urban Development Directorate of Public works P. O. Box 30743-001 Nairobi Kenya Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -11- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Agent (1): Architect Tiki Architects P. O. Box 4922 Mmabatho 2745 Telephone: (018) 381 7895 Fax: 086 720 1619 Email: Agent (2): Quantity Surveyor G T Chaane Quantity Surveyors 4th Floor, Building 22 CSIR Campus Meiring Naude Pretoria 0001 Telephone: (012) 349 5194 Fax: (012) 349 2823 Email: Agent (3): Electrical / Mechanical Engineer Izazi Consulting (PTY) LTY 260 Surrey avenue, Ferndale Telephone:(011) 787 4715 Fax: (011) 789 6884 Email: Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -12- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Agent (4): Civil / Structural Engineer MaziConsult Engineering & Management Pty Ltd MaziConsult Network Group 564 Adcock St., Gezina 0084 P O Box 756 LaMontange 0184 Telephone :(012) 329 5709 Fax: (012) 329 9526 Email:| CONTRACT DETAILS Works description: Proposed renovations of Kenya Embassy building, existing staff houses, new staff houses and construction of ambssadors residence at Waterkloof, Pretoria, South Africa Site description: Kenya Ambassy Site is situated at 302 Brooks Street, Menlo Park. New Ambassador's Residence site is situated at 361 Crown street, waterkloof. New Staff Accomodation site is situated at 318 Polaris Avenue, WaterKloof. Proposed Renovations to the following site 1. 25 Spiral Walk, Menol Park 2. 289 Albertus street, Erasmusrand 3. 432 Julius Jeppe Street, Waterkloof 4. 365 Muskejaat Street, Waterkloof Work or installations by direct contractors Not Applicable Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -13- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Possession of the site is intended to be given on: Date to be indicated after contract award Period for the commencement of the Works after the Contractor takes possession of the site To be agreed with the client. For the works as a whole: The date for practical completion and the liquid damages per calendar day. The work programme and cashflow to be submitted within thirty calender days after site possession and will form part of the deliverable milestones. Failure to meet these shall be deemed to be in breach of contract. Should the contractor fail to submit both within this period, the Project manager and/or Quantity Surveyor shall impose both and the contractor shall have seven working days to counter such with an acceptable programme and cash-flows. Acceptability shall be solely decided by the Project manager and/or Quantity surveyor and/or Project Manager Date for practical completion: 15 Months from site posession Liquid damages per calendar day: Seventeen Thousand Rands R17 000.000 For the works in sections: Not Applicable 25 INSURANCES Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -14- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Contract Works insurance to be effected by Contractor For the sum of: Equal to the Contract Sum plus 20% With a deductible of: Equal to 0,1% of the above insured amount Supplementary insurance is required: Yes Public liability insurance to be effected by: Contractor For the Sum of: R 5,000,000.00 (Five million rand only) With a deductible of: 0.1% of the above insured amount Support insurance to be effected by the contractor Yes SECTION B - PRELIMINARIES Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -15- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 42.4 DOCUMENTS 26 Checking of documents. The items in these bills of quantities are to be read and priced in conjunction with and the descriptions regarded as amplified by the Model Preambles for Trades as recommended and published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1999 edition, and no claim arising from brevity of description of items fully described in the said Model Preambles for Trades will be entertained. Clause 2.1 Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Construction document copies to be supplied to the Contractor free of charge: Three (3) Bills of Quantities/Lump sum document / schedule of rate drawn up in accordance with: Standard System of Measuring Building Work 1999, Sixth Edition (Revised) On acceptance of the tender the bills of quantities/lump sum document is to be submitted within working days: Five (5) The contract value is to be adjusted using CPAP (Contract Price Adjustment Provision) Indices: Yes Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -16- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B The site 27 Defined works area. The area of the works to be occupied by the contractor, any restriction on the area and the limit of access or exit will be pointed out to the contractor by the principal agent on handing over the site. Clause 3.1 F:.......................... V:.......................... T:.......................... 28 Item Geotechnical investigation. Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 29 Inspection of the site. There will be a compulsory site inspection and briefing meeting as per the tender advertisement. Failure to attend will lead to disqualification of the tender. Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 30 Item Existing premises occupied Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 31 Previous work - dimensional accuracy Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -17- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 32 Previous work - defects Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time:............................ 33 Item Services - known Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................. Item 34 Services - unknown Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................. Item 35 Protection of trees Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 36 Articles of value Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 37 Inspection of adjoining properties Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................. Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -18- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Management of works 38 Management of the Works The Contractor shall obtain all necessary particulars of Subcontractors' work timeously so that provision for recesses, chases, holes, etc. can be made Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 39 Item Programming for the Works Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 40 Progress meetings Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 41 Technical meetings Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item 42 Labour and plant records Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Previous work and adjoining properties 43 Previous work - dimensional accuracy Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -19- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 44 Previous work - defects Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 45 Item Inspection of adjoining properties Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Samples, shop drawings and manufacturer's instructions 46 Samples of materials Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 47 Item Workmanship samples F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ 48 Shop drawings Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 49 Item Item Compliance with manufacturer's instructions Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Item Schedule of variables Provisional bills of quantities The quantities are provisional Yes Availability of construction documentation Construction documentation is complete Yes Previous work - dimensional accuracy Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -20- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Previous work - defects Inspection of adjoining properties Water (By contractor) Yes Electricity Option A (by contractor) Yes Telecommunications Telephone Yes Facsimile Yes E-mail Yes Ablution facilities (By contractor) Yes Protection of the works 50 Site instructions Instructions issued on site are to be recorded in triplicate in a site instruction book which is to be maintained on site by the contractor Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -21- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 51 Warranties for material and workmanship Where warranties for materials and/or workmanship are called for, the contractor shall obtain a written warranty, addressed to the employer, from the firm supplying the materials and/or doing the work and shall deliver same to the principal agent on the certified completion of the contract. The warranty shall state that workmanship, materials and installation are warranteed for a specified period from the date of final completion and that any defects that may arise during the specified period shall be made good at the expense of the firm supplying the materials and/or doing the work, upon written notice to do so. The warranty will not be enforced if the work is damaged by defects in the construction of the building in which case the responsibility for replacement shall rest entirely with the contractor Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 52 Item Co-operation of contractor for cost management It is specifically agreed that the contractor accepts the obligation of assisting the principal agent in implementing proper cost management. The contractor will be advised by the principal agent of all cost management procedures which will be implemented to ensure that the final building cost does not exceed the budget. The principal agent undertakes to make available to the contractor all budgetary allowances and cost assessments/reports to enable the proper procedure to be implemented and the contractor shall attend all cost plan review and cost management meetings. The contractor undertakes to extend these procedures, as necessary, to all subcontractors Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -22- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 53 Propping of floors below The contractor is advised that propping of floors below may be required if he wishes to use any areas of completed suspended reinforced concrete slabs for vehicle access, storage of materials and goods and location of plant, scaffolding, etc. The location of these areas and any necessary propping shall be approved by the principal agent and the cost thereof shall be borne by the contractor Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 54 Item Testing of windows for watertightness Each window shall be tested for watertightness with water sprayed on using adequate pressure. If in the opinion of the principal agent, the pressure proves to be inadequate, then the pressure shall be boosted by means of compressed air or other approved means Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ 55 Item Testing of flat roof waterproofing for watertightness Flat roof waterproof areas shall be prepared with small sand dykes around them of a size and enclosing an area approved by the principal agent, flooded with water and kept "ponded" for at least 36 hours as a test to ensure the watertightness of the waterproofing and before any further construction work is carried out above the waterproofing Fixed:............................. Value:............................ Time :............................ Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -23- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SECTION C - SPECIFIC PRELIMINARIES 56 PERFORMANCE BOND. The Contractor shall find and submit on the Form of Tender an approved Bank and who will be willing to be bound the Government in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Contract amount for the due performances of the Contract up to the date of completion as certified by the Client or his Representatives and who will when and if called upon, sign a Bond to that effect on the relevant standard form included herein.(without the addition of any limitations) on the same day as the Contract Agreement is signed, by the Government, the Contractor shall furnish within seven days another Surety to the approval of the Government. 57 PLANT, TOOLS AND VEHICLES Allow for providing all scaffolding, plant, tools and vehicles required for the works except in so far as may be stated otherwise herein and except for such items specifically and only required for the use of Nominated Sub-Contractors as described herein. No timber used for scaffolding, formwork or temporary works of any kind shall be used afterwards in the permanent work. 58 59 Item Item TRANSPORT. Allow for transport of workmen, materials, etc., to and from the site at such hours and by such routes as may be permitted by the Competent authorities Item MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. All materials and workmanship used in the execution of the work shall be of the best quality and description unless otherwise stated. The Contractor shall order all materials to as early as necessary to ensure that they are on site when required for use in the works. The Bills of Quantities shall not be used for the purpose of ordering materials, the Contractor shall use the construction drawings and allow for wastages and overlaps. Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -24- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 60 SAMPLES The Contractor shall furnish at his own cost samples of materials or workmanship for Client or his representatives for approvals.All materials to be installed but be in accordance to the approved samples. All samples must conform to any applicable Local Laws. The procedure for submitting samples of materials for testing and the method of marking for identification shall be agreed upon. The Contractor shall allow in his tender for such samples Item 61 GOVERNMENT ACTS REGARDING WORK,PEOPLE ETC. Allow for complying with all Government Acts, Orders and Regulations in connection with the employment of Labour and other matters related to the execution of the works. The contractor will be responsible for acquiring construction permit or any other authorization from local authorities . 62 Item NHBRC levies The employer shall allow for and pay any levies required by the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC). The contractor warrants that he is registered and will maintain registration with the NHBRC for the duration of this agreement Item 63 SECURITY OF WORKS ETC. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the security of all the works, stores, materials, plant, personnel, and must provide all necessary watching and other precautions as necessary to ensure security against theft, loss or damage and the protection of the public 64 Item PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ROADS The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with acquiring permit(s) to use any public or private space for purposes of temporary use. Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -25- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 65 EXISTING PROPERTY The Contractor shall take every precaution to avoid damage to all existing property including roads, cables, drains and other services and he will be responsible for and shall make good all such damage arising from the execution of this contract at his own expense to the satisfaction of the neighbours or aggrieved parties and local authorities. Item 66 VISIT SITE AND EXAMINATION OF STATUS OF THE SITE. The Contractor shall visit the site before submitting his tender. He shall be deemed to have acquainted himself there with as to its nature, position, means of access, extent of described works or any other matter which, may affect his tender. No claim arising from his failure to comply with this requirement will be considered. 67 AREA TO BE OCCUPIED BY THE CONTRACTOR The area of the site which may be occupied by the Contractor for use of storage and for the purpose of erecting workshops, etc., shall be defined on site by the Client or his Representatives 68 Item Item WATER AND ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FOR THE WORKS The water and electric power for the works shall be arranged and maintained by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Local Authorities and the Client Item 69 SANITATION OF THE WORKS The Sanitation (workers washrooms) of the works shall be arranged and maintained by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Local Authorities and the Client Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -26- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 70 SUPERVISION AND WORKING HOURS The works shall be executed under the direction and to the entire satisfaction in all respects of the Client who shall at all times during normal working hours have access to the works and to the yards and workshops of the Contractor and sub-Contractors or other places where work is being prepared for the contract. 71 Item PROVISIONAL SUMS. The term "Provisional Sum" wherever used in these Bills of Quantities shall mean sums allowed for by the Client to be expended only on his instructions only. Such sums are net and no addition shall be made to them for profit unless where explicitly allowed for in the Bills of Quantities. The contractor shall not commit Provisional Sums unless under Clients written authorization. Item 72 PROGRESS CHART. The Contractor shall provide within two weeks of Possession of Site and in agreement with the Client or Client Representatives a Progress Chart for the whole of the works. One copy to be submitted to the Client and a further copy to be displayed on Site. Progress to be recorded and chart to be amended as necessary as the work proceeds. 73 Item INSURANCE The Contractor shall insure as required in Conditions No. 30 of the Conditions of Contract. No payment on account of the work executed will be made to the Contractor until he has satisfied the Client or his Representatives either by production of an Insurance Policy or and Insurance Certificate that the provision of the foregoing Insurance Clauses have been complied with in all respects. Thereafter the Client shall from time to time ascertain that premiums are duly paid up by the Contractor who shall if called upon to do so, produce the receipted Premium renewals for the Client's inspection. Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -27- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 74 PROVISIONAL WORK All work described as "Provisional" in these Bills of Quantities is subject to remeasurement in order to ascertain the actual quantity executed for which payment will be made. All "Provisional" and other work liable to adjustment under this Contract shall left uncovered for a reasonable time to allow all measurements needed for such adjustment to be taken by the Client or Client Representatives Immediately the work is ready for measuring, the Contractor shall give notice to the Client or Client Representatives . If the Contractor makes default in these respects he shall if the Client or Client Representatives so directs uncover the work to enable all measurements to be taken and afterwards reinstate at his own expense. Item 75 ALTERATIONS TO BILLS, PRICING, ETC. Any unauthorised alteration or qualification made to the text of the Bills of Quantities may cause the Tender to be disqualified and will in any case be ignored. The Contractor shall be deemed to have made allowance in his prices generally to cover any items against which no price has been inserted in the priced Bills of Quantities.All items of measured work shall be priced in detail and the Tenders containing Lump Sums to cover trades or groups of work must be broken down to show the price of each item before they will be accepted. Item 76 PROTECTION OF THE WORKS. Provide protection of the whole of the works contained in the Bills of Quantities, including casing , casing up, covering or such other means as may be necessary to avoid damage to the satisfaction of the Client or his representatives and remove such protection when no longer required and make good any damage which may nevertheless have been done at completion free of cost to the Government. Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -28- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 77 REMOVAL OF RUBBISH ETC. Removal of rubbish and debris from the Buildings and site as it accumulates and at the completion of the works and remove all plant, scaffolding and unused materials at completion. Item 78 MATERIALS ON SITE All materials for incorporation in the works must be stored on or adjacent to the site before payment is effected unless specifically exempted in writing by the Client. 79 Item HOARDING AND PROTECTION OF WORKS The Contractor shall enclose the site or part of the works under construction to the satisfaction of Local Authorities. The Contractor is in addition required to take all precautions necessary for the safe custody of the works, materials, plant, public and Employer's property on the site. Item 80 CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENCE/SITE AGENT The Contractor shall constantly keep on the works a literate English speaking Agent or Representative, competent and experienced in the kind of work involved who shall give his whole experience in the kind of work involved and shall give his whole time to the superintendence of the works. Such Agent or Representative shall receive on behalf of the Contractor all directions and instructions from the Client or Client Representatives and such directions shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. 81 Item SCAFFOLDING AND TEMPORARY PLATFORMS The contractor shall provide scaffolding, temporary platforms means of hoisting materials etc. He shall be responsible for their removal once the works are complete. Item Carried to Collection Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -29- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17- Carried Forward Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -30- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries COLLECTION Page No Brought Forward Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount R -18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29- Carried to Final Summary Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 Preliminaries -31- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 1 ALTERATIONS REMOVAL OF EXISTING WORK Taking out and removing doors, windows, etc from brickwork to be demolished 1 Timber single door and steel frame not exceeding 2,5m2 No 2 2 Timber double door and steel frame No 1 3 Steel security gate No 2 4 Steel security grill 2700 x 2700mm high from one brick wall No 1 5 Steel garage doors exceeding 5m2 and not exceeding 7.5m2 No 2 No 24 Gypsum plasterboard ceilings, including cornices, and prepare timber brandering, etc. to receive new plasterboard ceilings m2 57 Ceiling suspended not exceeding 1m below concrete soffits. m2 15 Vinyl tile floor covering including preparing screed for new floor covering m2 48 Carpet tile floor covering including preparing screed for new carpeting m2 168 Taking out and removing sundry joinery work, fittings, etc 6 Replacing 1200 x 600 x 900mm high hardwoord cupboard doors, tops and drawers including handles and hinges Taking down and removing ceilings 7 8 Taking up and removing vinyl floor coverings, carpeting, etc 9 10 Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -32- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Taking out and removing glass and mirrors 11 Remove glass from steel windows including cleaning out rebates, preparing for new glass and replace glass to match existing (6mm Clear float glass) m2 8 m2 20 m 23 Making good brickwork 12 13 Stonework by fixing loose and cracked mortar to joints and applying two coats brick dressing Fixing cracks by hacking off plaster laying chicken mesh, applying two coats plaster and applying three coats paint Skirtings 14 20 x 75mm Meranti skirting and 20mm quadrant in patchwork m 20 15 100mm High tile skirting m 5 Inspecting the roof for leaks, replace wrotten timber truss members, broken roof tiles etc. m2 1,373 17 Service and seal the skylight No 2 18 600 x 600mm Missing or broken skylight No 2 19 Clean and service the existing downpipes and gutters m 27 20 Remove and replace damaged gutters to match existing m 60 21 Replace damaged and missing bardge boards to match existing m 68 Making good roofs 16 Making good doors 22 Service entrance double doors No 6 23 Service garage doors No 2 24 Repair damaged door strip m 2 Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -33- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Making good windows 25 Service sliding windows No 4 26 Clean and service sunscreen louvres No 75 m2 12 m 12 m2 16 m2 296 m2 92 Making good "Rhino" gypsum plasterboard ceilings (bandering elsewhere) 27 Ceilings in patches 28 Ceilings where partition removed Making good screeds 29 25mm Thick on floors in patches by applying pavelite Making good external wall finish 30 Walls in patches Making good wall tiles 31 Existing ceramic wall tiles by replacing broken tiles to match existing Making good floor tiling 32 Existing slate tiles by replacing broken tiles to match existing m2 196 33 Existing ceramic tiles by replacing broken tiles to match existing m2 168 34 Existing rubber tiles by replacing missing tiles to match existing m2 116 35 Existing timber tiles by sanding down and applying two coats vanish m2 84 36 Applying sealant between tiles and timber fittings m 40 37 Applying sealant between tiles and sanitary fittings m 26 38 Fixing loose floor dividing strip m 3 39 Fixing loose steel balustrades, and applying two coats paint m 44 Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -34- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Making good brick pavers 40 Relay loose 60mm thick paving bricks and replace broken pavers to match existing m2 42 Making good sliding gate 41 Service the existing gate No 2 42 Service existing intercom No 1 Making good water feature 43 Clean and rehabilitate the existing water feature Item Making good swimming pool 44 Clean and rehabilitate the existing swimming pool No 4.00 Making good braai stand 45 Clean and rehabilitate the existing braai stand Item Making good to Gate house 46 Repairs to existing gate house Item OPENINGS THROUGH EXISTING WALLS ETC Breaking out for and forming openings through brick walls for new doors and frames including necessary precast concrete lintels and making good plaster on both sides and into reveals and with concrete thresholds with steel trowelled finish (new doors and frames and making good paintwork elsewhere) 47 Opening 2000 x 3540mm high through one brick wall No 3 48 Altering opening in one brick wall where 1613 x 2032mm high door removed to form a plain opening for 2000 x 35400mm high overall by breaking out brickwork on both sides and bottom including necessary precast concrete lintel and making good plaster on one side No 1 Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -35- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -32-33-34-35- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -36- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO.2 BILL NO. 2 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY: For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades". NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Plate nailed timber roof truss construction The following is applicable in respect of roof trusses: Trusses are at maximum 1,20m centres. Roof covering is 0,6mm Similar approved profile sheeting on 50 x 75mm purlins. Ceilings are 6,4mm skimmed gypsum plasterboard sheeting on 38 x 38mm brandering. The references given in the descriptions refer to the respective types of trusses detailed on the architect's drawing numbered H100/015 accompanying these bills of quantities. The dimensions in the descriptions of the trusses are nominal and actual measurements shall be obtained from the architect and/or the site before design or fabrication commences. Joinery Descriptions of frames shall be deemed to include frames, transomes, mullions, rails, etc. Descriptions of hardwood joinery shall be deemed to include pelleting of bolt holes. Fixing Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or shot pins to brickwork or concrete. Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 2 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -37- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Decorative laminate finish Laminate finish shall be glued under pressure. Edge strips shall be butt jointed at junctions with adjacent similar finish. EAVES, VERGES, ETC Pressed fibre cement 1 12 x 225mm Fascia and barge board including galvanised steel H-profile jointing strips m 56 No 2 m 46 DOORS ETC Security External Solid hardwood door hung to steel frames 2 40 x 813 x 2 032mm Door. SKIRTINGS Wrought meranti 3 19 x 76mm Skirting including 19mm quadrant bead nailed to wall Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 2 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -38- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 2 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -37-38- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 2 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -39- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to brickwork or concrete Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to include screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 600mm centres, and where described as "bolted", the bolts are measured elsewhere Proprietary suspended ceilings Electric light fittings, diffusers, panels, etc generally are "lay in" units of the same dimensions as the suspension grid described and allowance shall be made accordingly for their support, inclusive of any flexibility in setting out that may be required (ceiling panels have not been deducted and pricing shall take cognisance thereof) Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING -40- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B "Rhino-Drywall" partition systems "Rhino-Drywall" partitions shall comprise 63,5mm top and bottom galvanised steel tracks with 63,5mm galvanised steel vertical studs at maximum 600mm centres, friction fitted or pop-riveted to the top and bottom tracks with similar additional verticalstuds as necessary at abutments, ends, etc and covered as described with wallboard screwed to studding with "Drywall" screws at maximum 220mm centres. Boards shall be butt jointed and finished with "Rhino" tape and "Readymix D" jointing compound allin accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, complete with flat section aluminium skirtings. Intersections and abutments are measured separately and descriptions shall be deemed to include any additional studs, corner beads, jointing compound "Approved" partition systems Demountable partitions are to be "Approved" with an overall thickness of 76mm, comprising 50mm wide galvanised steel tracks and studs with one layer of 12,7mm gypsum plasterboard in 1,20m modules on each side and flat section aluminium skirtings and recessed aluminium cornices. The panels shall be covered with "Similar approved" paper backed vinyl wall cladding wrapped around edges. Aluminium door frames and glazing sections, skirtings, cornices, etc. shall be natural anodised aluminium. The partitions shall be erected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Access Flooring When access flooring is to be included in the bills of quantities, other than by means of a provisional sum, supplementary preambles in the form of technical specifications and descriptions are to be compiled in conjunction with specialists in this field and thoroughly investigated and checked to ascertain their correctness for the works. CEILINGS, ETC "Aerolite" insulation 1 50mm Insulation closely fitted and laid on top of brandering between roof timbers, etc Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING -41- m2 15 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B NAILED UP CEILINGS 6,4mm "Approved" gypsum plasterboard (SANS Specification 266) with H-type pressed steel jointing strips including 38 x 100mm sawn ceiling joists, nailed to (with 2mm diameter galvanised or cadmium plated clout head nails 40mm long) and including 38 x 38mm sawn softwood brandering, in compliance with SANS 653, at 450mm centres in both directions including any additional brandering at walls and ends 2 Horizontal ceilings, including 38 x 38mm sawn softwood brandering at 400mm c/c, with 32mm gms clout nails at 150mm c/c. all joints between panels to be covered with "rhino " or equal approved cover strips. m2 148 6 mm Nutec fibre-cement Rhino boards or similar approved with H-type pressed steel jointing strips 3 6mm thick ceiling boards nailed to 38x38mm brandering, suspended by114x38mm from truss or concrete roof m2 118 m 208 CORNICE 4 75mm Gypsum cornice Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING -42- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -40-41-42- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING -43- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 4 FLOOR COVERINGS, PLASTIC LININGS, ETC SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the Architect FLOOR COVERINGS 300 x 300 x 2mm "Marleyflex" semi-flexible vinyl tiles 1 On floors m2 40 m2 168 Belgotex Royal Secret cut pile with luxurious finish, 100% stain proof SDX carpet tile. 2 On floors Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 4 FLOOR FINISHES -44- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 5 TILING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Unless described as "fixed with adhesive to plaster (plaster elsewhere)" descriptions of tiling on brick or concrete walls, columns, etc shall be deemed to include 1:4 cement plaster backing and descriptions of tiling on concrete floors etc shall be deemed to include 1:3 plaster bedding WALL TILING 300 x 300 Ceramic wall tiles (PC R450,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to plastered walls, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 1 On walls m2 8 2 On splashbacks m2 37 m2 2 MOSAIC WALL TILES Natural mosaic tiles, FTMO0013 Saturn square 300 x 300 x 50mm mosaic, applied to plastered wall (elsewhere) with approved tile adhesive mixed with ABE plastergrip and with the joints grouted solid with a mixture of one part cement to two parts white cement and water 3 On walls FLOOR TILING Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 5 TILING -45- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 300 x 300 x 6mm thick Ceramic floor tiles (PC R300,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 4 On floors and landings in diagonal pattern 5 Skirting 100mm high Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 5 TILING -46- m2 5 m 9 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 5 TILING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -45-46- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 5 TILING -47- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 6 PAINTWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions of paintwork shall be deemed to include for all cutting in PREPARATORY WORK TO EXISTING WORK Previously painted plastered surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a suitable filler and finished smooth Previously painted metal surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal Previously painted wood surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, filled with suitable filler and finished smooth PAINT SPECIFICATIONS All painting shall be done in accordance with "Plascon" specifications or similar approved Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK -48- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAINTWORK, ETC TO NEW WORK ON ON FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES WITH One coat "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Plascon Superlow Sheen" or similar appproved paint 1 On external plastered walls m2 25 2 Internal walls m2 12 m2 52 m2 15 m2 5 m2 2 One coat alkali-resistant plaster primer, one coat universal undercoat and two coats eggshell enamel paint on ON FIBRE-CEMENT SURFACES One coat undercoat and two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on 3 On fascias and barge boards PLASTER BOARD SURFACES WITH One "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Professional Contractors Matt White" paint 4 Ceilings and cornices METAL SURFACES WITH One coat 'Professional Plascoprime 170 Zinc Phosphate Primer' and two coats 'Plascon Velvaglo Satin' paint or similar approved 5 Door frames WOOD SURFACES WITH One Professional Wood Primer and one coat Professional All Purpose Undercoat, and two coats Professional Plascosafe 200 Waterbased Enamel 6 Doors Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK -49- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAINTWORK, ETC TO PREVIOUSLY PAINTED WORK ON FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES WITH Wash with sugar soap, sand and apply one coat bonding liquid, one unversal under coat and two coats super acrylic PVA paint on work in sound condition on 7 External weather boarding at gable end m2 128 m2 750 Remove all plaster splashes, loose material and surface contamination by brushing or scraping. Using the appropriate filler, make good and minor defects, which may not be bridged by the paint coating. Allow drying, and ensuring that any power residues are removed. Apply 1(one) coat of plaster primer.thin primer up to 10% to aid penetration. Apply 1(one) coat of universal undercoat. Undercoat must comply with sabs specification 681. Type ii. Apply 2(two) coat highly washable enamel paint. Paint must comply with sabs specification 633 grade i. 8 On walls Wash with sugar soap, sand and apply one coat Velvaglo on work in sound condition 9 External walls m2 2,334 10 Internal walls m2 1,550 m2 66 SMOOTH CONCRETE SURFACES WITH Remove all plaster splashes, loose material and surface contamination by brushing or scraping. Using the appropriate filler, make good and minor defects, which may not be bridged by the paint coating. Allow drying, and ensuring that any power residues are removed. Apply one coat "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats 'Professional Superior Low Sheen' or similar approved 11 On beams Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK -50- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 12 Columns m2 7 13 Ceilings m2 161 PLASTERBOARD SURFACES WITH Two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on work in sound condition 14 Ceilings and cornices m2 1,669 15 On fascias and barge boards m2 115 METAL SURFACES WITH Remove any loose and flaking paint. Feather edges.Wash surfaces with "Plascon Aquasolv Degreaser" to remove oil, grease and other contaminants. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water and allow drying, then apply one coat 'Professional Plascoprime 170 Zinc Phosphate Primer' and two coats 'Plascon Velvaglo Satin' paint or similar approved 16 Windows m2 158 17 Doors m2 15 18 Door frames m2 82 19 Rails, bars, pipes, etc not exceeding 300mm girth m 88 20 Eaves gutters and downpipes m2 91 m2 27 WOOD SURFACES WITH Remove peeling off paint by sanding down and applying one Professional Wood Primer and one coat Professional All Purpose Undercoat, and two coats "Plascon velvaglo" or similar approved 21 Doors Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK -51- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Remove peeling off paint by sanding down and applying one Professional Wood Primer and one coat Professional All Purpose Undercoat, and two coats Professional Plascosafe 200 Waterbased Enamel 22 Doors m2 Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK -52- 23 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -48-49-50-51-52- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 6 PAINTWORK -53- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO.7 GENERAL SITEWORKS (PROVISIONAL) For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" EARTHWORKS (PROVISIONAL) SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES NATURE OF GROUND User Note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "nature of ground". Nature of ground The nature of the ground is assumed to be loose sandy material, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be gravel, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be silty clay with loose river boulders varying in size up to approximately 450mm diameter, all of which will be deemed as "earth", but possibly interspersed with "hard rock". Trial holes indicate that the nature of the ground is silty clay to a depth of approximately 500mm with fine to medium loose sandy material below, therefore "earth".. Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -54- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B A soils investigation has been carried out on the site by the engineer and the report is annexed to these bills of quantities. The soils report indicates that the ground varies between silty sand, reworked soil of mixed origin and residual shale, all of which will be deemed as "earth". All very hard unweathered shale, ironstone, etc, the removal of which necessitates the use of explosives or heavy duty hydraulic percussion hammers (peckers), will be classified as "hard rock". SUB-TERRANEAN WATER User note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "subterranean water". Subterranean water No subterranean water is expected. GENERAL Foundations shall not be laid until excavations have been approved of, in writing, by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and such excavations shall not be covered until any variation has been measured. Excavation for working space in rock Notwithstanding clause 11 page 8 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, excavation for working space in rock will be measured in cubic metres to the extent executed and given as "extra over" bulk excavation or trench and hole excavation as the case may be. Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site to a suitable dumping site outside the boundary of the site. Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -55- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Filling All filling material to be utilised shall be approved beforehand by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer prior to ordering. A sample of 60 Kg of such proposed fill shall be made available by the contractor, with a 14 days period set aside for carrying out such sample testing. Notwithstanding the reference to prescribed multiple handling in clause 1 page 6 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, prices for filling and backfilling shall include for all selection and any necessary multiple handling of material. User note When no information regarding density tests is available the following preamble in respect of testing may be inserted. Testing Prices for filling are to include for all necessary density tests in accordance with SANS 1200D. User Note Soil poisoning shall be conducted with an approved registered soil poisoning material of the chlordane or aldrin type mixed with water and then applied at a rate of not less than 5 litres per square metre. The concentration of the solution shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to the approval of the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and undertaken under such supervision. BULK EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. User Note This section is given as an alternative option and in the event of it being utilised, the excavation, filling, etc. other than bulk is to be given in the later section under the appropriate heading. If this alternative is not utilised then all excavations, etc. (bulk and otherwise) is to be given in the later section under the appropriated heading. Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -56- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SITE CLEARANCE ETC Site clearance 1 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, hedges, shrubs and trees not exceeding 200mm girth, bush, etc m2 1,220 No 2 Remove, clean up and re-lay paving cobbles, including 50mm bed sand and filler sand m2 60 4 Scarify, process and re-compact subgrade m3 10 5 Provide concrete 200mm wide x 150mm deep edge beams (20Mpa); 30m m3 1 m2 60 m2 12 REMOVAL OF TREES ETC Taking out and removing, grubbing up roots and filling in holes 2 Tree exceeding 1000mm and not exceeding 1500mm girth PROPERTY AT 25 SPIRAL, MENLO PARK PAVING 3 Soil insecticide 6 Soil poisoning Stone fence 7 Provide expansion joint 50mm and fill up with compressible joint filler PROPERTY AT 432 JULIUS JEPPE STREET CONCRETE 8 Demolish drive way concrete, scarify and re compact subgrade m2 81 9 Cast new 20Mpa concrete to falls, 125mm thick m3 10 Provide ref mesh 193 centrally m2 81 10 Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -57- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SWIMMING POOL 11 Complete refurbishment Item 12 Remove and relay paving around pool including 15 Mpa concrete base 75 thick + edge restraints. Re-laid paving anchored in concrete base m2 50 m 20 20,000 00 PROPERTY AT 289 ALBERTUS STREET ERASMUSRAND PAVING 13 Provide 25mpa concrete edging ( 150x 200mm) along drive way SWIMMING POOL 14 Complete refurbishment Item 20,000 00 Item 20,000 00 PROPERTY AT 365 MUSKEJAAT STREET WATERKLOOF SWIMMING POOL 15 Complete refurbishment 16 Remove and relay paving around pool including 15 Mpa concrete base 75 thick + edge restraints. Re-laid paving anchored in concrete base Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -58- m2 50 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -54-55-56-57-58- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -59- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 8 PROVISIONAL SUMS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Power lighting 25 Spiral Walk menlo park 1 25 Spiral Power lighting Item 2 Profit Item 3 Attendance Item 25,000 00 365 Muskejaat street Waterkloof 4 365 Muskejaat Power lighting Item 5 Profit Item 6 Attendance Item 25,000 00 289 Albertus street Erasmusrand 7 289 Albertus Power lighting Item 8 Profit Item 9 Attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 8 PROVISIONAL SUMS -60- 25,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 432 Julius Jeppe Power street 10 432 Julius Jeppe Power lighting Item 11 Attendance Item 12 Profit Item 25,000 00 GENERATOR Generator 13 25 Spiral Generator Item 14 Profit Item 15 Attendance Item 15,000 00 SECURITY Security 16 25 Spiral Security Item 17 Profit Item 18 Attendance Item 15,000 00 Civil and Structural Works on sites 19 Allow the sum of R500 000,00 (Five hundred thousand Rand) for civil works and structural works on site Item 20 Allow for profit Item 21 Allow for attendance Item 500,000 00 SWIMMING POOLS 22 Allow the sum of R200 000,00 (Two hundred thousand Rand) for swimming pools Item 23 Allow for profit Item 24 Allow for attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 8 PROVISIONAL SUMS -61- 200,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 2 Bill No. 8 PROVISIONAL SUMS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -60-61- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No. 8 PROVISIONAL SUMS -62- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SECTION SUMMARY - RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE Bill No Page No 1 ALTERATIONS -36- 2 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -39- 3 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING -43- 4 FLOOR FINISHES -44- 5 TILING -47- 6 PAINTWORK -53- 7 GENERAL SITEWORKS -59- 8 PROVISIONAL SUMS -62- Carried to Final Summary Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE -63- Amount R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 1 ALTERATIONS TEMPORARY BARRIERS, SCREENS, ETC Temporary hoarding fence around building to be constructed including erection and dismantling at contract completion 1 2 2400mm high diamond mesh with and including shade cloth covering the sides, including all the corners, straining and support posts, droppers,straining wire, earthworks and necessary concrete bases, etc. m 15 No 1 2400mm High x 5000mm wide diamond mesh clad vehicle gate, with frame, straining wire bolts and lock sets, earthworks and necessary concrete bases, executed complete. REMOVAL OF EXISTING WORK Taking out and removing doors, windows, etc from brickwork to be demolished 3 Timber single door and steel frame not exceeding 2,5m2 No 47 4 Timber double door and steel frame No 2 Breaking up and removing mass concrete 5 Steps m3 2 6 150mm Thick surface beds m2 1 7 Beams m3 0.3 8 120mm Thick slabs (Cantilever) m2 26 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -64- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Taking down and removing roofs, floors, panelling, ceilings, partitions, etc 9 10 Timber floor cupboards with worktop m 6 Drywall partitioning 2700mm high, glazed borrowed lights, etc m 249 Gypsum plasterboard ceilings, including cornices, and prepare timber brandering, etc. to receive new plasterboard ceilings m2 57 Ceiling suspended not exceeding 1m below concrete soffits. m2 938 Vinyl tile floor covering including preparing screed for new floor covering m2 48 Carpet tile floor covering including preparing screed for new carpeting m2 899 Taking down and removing ceilings 11 12 Taking up and removing vinyl floor coverings, carpeting, etc 13 14 Taking out and removing ironmongery 15 Chromium plated towel rail not exceeding 1000mm long No 6 16 Chromium plated toilet paper holder No 9 17 Chromium plated hat and coat hook No 9 m 45 m2 146 No 6 Taking out/off and removing sundry metalwork 18 Steel pipe handrails from walls, including making good plaster finish Taking out and removing glass and mirrors 19 20 Remove loose sealing rubber from aluminium windows and replace to match existing Mirror 600 x 1500mm high from wall Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -65- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Taking out and blinds and curtains 21 Remove and replace blinds and curtains to match existing m2 238 Taking out and removing sundry joinery work, fittings, etc 22 Timber skirtings m 20 23 Timber floor cupboards with worktop 600mm wide x 900mm high m 6 No 12 24 Pinning board 900 x 900mm high Taking out and removing light fittings, power skirting, plugs, switches, air conditioning units, electrical conduit including existing wiring 25 Power skirting m 152 26 Electrical conduit including wiring m 48 27 Air conditioning units No 12 Hacking up/off and removing ceramic tile wall finishes and making good plaster finishes 28 Tiles to floors m2 120 29 Tiles to walls m2 235 Steel kitchen sink unit 1400 x 530 x 900mm high, including taps, trap, piping, etc. and making good plaster on both sides of wall No 3 Vitreous china wash hand basin, including taps, trap, piping, etc. No 7 Vitreous china WC pan with cistern, including piping etc. and making good screeded floor and plaster on both sides of wall No 11 Taking out and removing piping, sanitary fittings, etc, including disconnecting piping from fittings and making good floor and wall finishes (making good tiling and paintwork elsewhere) 30 31 32 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -66- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 33 Ceramic Urinal including fittings etc No 3 m2 143 m 16 m 274 Inspecting the roof for leaks, replace wrotten timber truss members, broken roof tiles etc. m2 445 38 Service and seal the skylight No 1 39 Remove and replace damaged gutters to match existing m 60 40 Replace damaged missing bardge boards to match existing m 68 No 3 No 38 m 108 MAKING GOOD OF FINISHES, ETC Making good brickwork 34 35 Stonework by fixing cracks to joints an applying two coats brick dressing At end of one brick walls Skirtings 36 Power Skirting Making good roofs 37 Making good doors 41 Service entrance aluminium double doors Making good windows 42 Service sliding windows 43 Clean and service suscreen louvres Making good screeds 44 25mm Thick on floors in patches m2 863 45 Floors where partitions removed m 249 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -67- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Making good internal cement plaster 46 Clean mamorum and restore to its origional state m2 652 m2 296 m 27 Making good external wall finish 47 Walls in patches Making good downpipes and gutters 48 Clean and service the existing downpipes and gutters OPENINGS THROUGH EXISTING WALLS ETC Breaking out for and forming openings through brick walls for new doors and frames including necessary precast concrete lintels and making good plaster on both sides and into reveals and with ? concrete thresholds with steel trowelled finish (new doors and frames and making good paintwork elsewhere) 49 Opening 2000 x 3540mm high through one brick wall No 3 50 Altering opening in one brick wall where 1613 x 2032mm high door removed to form a plain opening for 2000 x 35400mm high overall by breaking out brickwork on both sides and bottom including necessary precast concrete lintel and making good plaster on one side No 1 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -68- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -64-65-66-67-68- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 1 ALTERATIONS -69- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 2 FOUNDATIONS For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Nature of ground A soil investigation has been carried out on site by the engineer and the report is available from the office of the Engineer, upon request. Descriptions of excavations shall be deemed to include all ground conditions classifiable as "earth" described in the above report and where conditions of a more difficult character are indicated these are separately measured Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 1 Trenches m3 137 2 Holes m3 20 m2 84 WORKING SPACE EXCAVATIONS Back excavation of vertical sides of excavation in earth not exceeding 500mm deep for working space, including backfilling compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 3 For filling and casting concrete to trenches etc and building foundation brick wall, 600mm away from excavated face Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS -70- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SUNDRIES Extra over all excavations for carting away 4 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractor m3 64 Risk of collapse of excavations 5 Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep m2 344 6 Sides of trench and hole excavations exceeding 1,5m deep m2 54 Keeping excavations free of water 7 Keeping excavations free of water Item FILLING ETC Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density 8 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc m3 15 m3 2 m3 119 m3 97 m2 176 Earth filling (MinCBR at 93% Mod AASHTO = 25; Max PI = 10) supplied by the contractor compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density 9 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc Earth filling supplied by the contractor, compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 10 Backfilling behind retaining walls Earth filling (G6 material) in layers of 150mm supplied by the contractor, compacted to 98% Mod AASHTO density 11 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc Coarse river sand filling supplied by the contractor 12 50mm thick river sand Under floors, concrete slab, etc. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS -71- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 13 Behind retaining walls m3 6 m3 39 m2 104 m2 130 Under floors etc including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming m2 104 To bottoms and sides of trenches etc m2 281 Stone filling of 19mm broken stone 14 Behind retaining walls Compaction of surfaces 15 Compaction of ground surface under floors, trenches, etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 90% Mod AASHTO density FILTER FABRIC U19 geotextile membrane or similar approved 16 Stepped behind stone filled gabion retaining walls SOIL POISONING Soil insecticide 17 18 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS -72- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" SOILCRETE Soilcrete shall consist of hillwash mixed with 6% ordinary Portland cement with a minimum strength of 1,5MPa. The hillwash may not contain fragments larger than 100mm and the silt and clay fraction shall be less than 20%. The engineer shall decide on site which hillwash may be used in the soilcrete. The hillwash and Portland cement shall be mixed on site using suitable concrete mixers. Only sufficient water shall be added to give a consistency that will permit the placing of the soilcrete using vibrators. Soilcrete 19 Backfilling below bases m3 1 m3 5 UNREINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 15MPa/19mm concrete 20 Surface blinding under groundbeams, bases, etc. REINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 30MPa/19mm concrete 21 Foundation beams m3 84 22 Column bases m3 7 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS -73- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 23 Columns m3 0.5 24 Walls m3 34 No 26 TEST BLOCKS 25 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cube ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 26 Ground beams m2 168 27 Walls m2 162 No 6 m 48 Rough formwork to circular columns 28 300mm Diameter column 1.5m high MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with 12mm Jointex between vertical concrete or brickwork surfaces 29 10mm Soft board joints not exceeding 300mm high REINFORCEMENT Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 30 8mm Diameter bars t 2.10 31 10mm Diameter bars t 1.00 High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 32 10mm Diameter bars t 0.78 33 16mm Diameter bars t 1.00 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS -74- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -70-71-72-73-74- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 2 FOUNDATIONS -75- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO 3 For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Formwork Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -76- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Formwork to soffits of (solid) slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer fordesign reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20Mpa/20mm concrete 1 Ramps m3 2 REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/20mm concrete 2 Surface beds on waterproofing m3 2 3 Stairs, including landings, beams and inverted beams m3 11 30MPa/20mm concrete 4 Slabs, including beams and inverted beams m3 72 5 Columns m3 56 6 Walls m3 41 No 24 m2 104 TEST CUBES 7 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional) CONCRETE SUNDRIES Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float including non-slip brush finish 8 Surface beds, slabs, etc to falls Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -77- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc m2 264 10 Ramps to falls m2 74 11 Stairs with sloping soffits m2 70 Walls with total height exceeding 2,5m and not exceeding 3,5m above bearing level m2 215 SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY 1) Smooth formwork 12 13 Beams 14 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide 15 300mm Diameter column 2.85m high m2 59 m 30 No 11 m2 148 m 102 m 14 t 0.07 Smooth formwork to soffits 16 Slabs propped up exceeding 3,5m and not exceeding 5m high MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with bitumen-impregnated softboard between vertical concrete surfaces 17 10mm Joints not exceeding 300mm high or wide Vertical joggle construction joints through concrete, including thick cement slurry to one face 18 Surface beds not exceeding 300mmm thick REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 19 8mm Diameter bars Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -78- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 20 10mm Diameter bars t 2.00 High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 21 12mm Diameter bars t 1.91 22 16mm Diameter bars t 2.00 23 25mm Diameter bars t 0.01 Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete surface beds, slabs, etc m2 13 Type 617 fabric reinforcement in concrete surface beds, slabs, etc m2 272 Fabric reinforcement 24 25 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -79- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -76-77-78-79- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -80- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 4 For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" MASONRY SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES BRICKWORK Sizes in descriptions Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick" shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick Hollow walls etc Descriptions of hollow walls shall be deemed to include wall ties and leaving every fifth perpend of the bottom course of the external skin open as a weep hole Reinforced brick lintels Lintels shall bear at least 160mm onto adjacent walling. Where such bearing cannot be obtained due to the proximity of adjacent openings the lintel shall be continuous Face bricks Bricks shall be ordered timeously to obtain uniformity in size and colour Pointing Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork and face brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc BLOCKWORK Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -81- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Concrete masonry units Blocks shall be either solid or hollow modular dense concrete masonry units in accordance with SABS Specification 1215, having compressive strengths as described Blockwork Blockwork shall comply with SABS 0145 "Concrete Masonry Construction" Surfaces to be plastered shall have joints raked out to a depth of at least 10mm to provide a key. Cavities of hollow walls shall be kept free of mortar droppings or other undesirable matter. Every second perpend of the bottom course of the external skin of hollow walls shall be left open as a weep hole Standard complementary blocks Descriptions of blockwork shall be deemed to include standard complementary blocks such as corner, three-quarter, half and quarter blocks required in the construction of corners, reveals, jambs, ends, etc to solid and hollow walls and for bonding asnecessary General Window surrounds shall be built into brick walls and pointed all round on both sides with 10 x 10mm square recessed joints Prices shall include for building in as single units or combinations in patterns of two or more window units and for bedding solid all round in mortar and pointing Note Aluminium infill windows, glazing and pointing with sealing compound are measured elsewhere SAMPLES Samples of all masonry building units, shall consist of a minimum of 6 units Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -82- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAVINGS Quarry tiles, precast concrete, cement, terrazzo and similar tiles Tiles shall be of approved manufacture, well burnt or cured, and uniform and true in size, shape and colour Preparation of concrete floor beds, slabs, etc for pavings Concrete surfaces shall be hacked (preferably by mechanical means) until all laitance, dirt, oil, etc is dislodged and swept clean of all loose matter. Surfaces shall then be wetted and kept damp for at least six hours before slushing with 1:2 cement/sand and while still wet, pavings, etc. shall be laid on a 1:4 cement mortar bed not exceeding 25mm thick. Sand shall be clean, sharp river sand Jointing of pavings Pavings, etc, shall, except for crazy paving, be laid with continuous joints in both directions STONEWORK Slate, marble, granite, etc Slate, marble, granite, etc is to be best quality stone from an approved quarry, free from cracks and other defects and equal to samples to be submitted to and approved by the architect. Each stone is to hold its full size, square to the back and tobe set on its natural quarry bed Setting out Care shall be exercised in setting out the work, the preparation of templates and the checking of the detail drawings. All measurements shall be taken on the site where necessary and the full size setting out of each course shall be done at the yardso as to ensure the proper fitting of each stone Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -83- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Before putting any work in hand the contractor is to submit to the architect for his approval details of the manner in which he proposes to set out the slabs and joints in all wall facings, pavings, sills, treads, etc together with samples of grain or pattern matching Face labours Face labours are to match samples to be submitted to and approved by the architect Arrises are to be clean and sharp except to treads and thresholds where they are to be slightly rounded Bedding and jointing Slate, marble, granite and other floor paving and wall linings are to be bedded solidly on the mortar thicknesses described and are to have tightly fitting butt joints unless otherwise stated Where stonework is to be fixed with adhesive, the adhesive is to be "TAL Goldstar/Bond" (mixed 20kg/5 litre) for external use or where white or light coloured marble is used, "TAL Goldstar" for internal use or other approved. The contractor will be liable for any defects to the slate, marble and granite arising from the use of the adhesive Where soffit linings are suspended the suspension system must be concealed and must be submitted to the architect for approval before work commences Where tolerance screws are required these are to be stainless steel expanding bolt type with matching stainless steel bracket and PVC clad dowel with nuts and washers etc Damaged work Any damaged stonework shall be discarded and replaced at the contractor's expense. No touching up will be permitted except in exceptional cases, with the architect's consent Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -84- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Descriptions Descriptions of stonework shall be deemed to include preparatory work, labours to backs, beds and joints, templates, mortices for bolts etc and for hoisting and setting in position, bedding, jointing and pointing, casing and protecting from injury and cleaning down at completion Descriptions of recessed pointing to stonework shall be deemed to be square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc SUPERSTRUCTURE Brickwork of NFPE bricks (17MPa nominal compressive strength) in class II mortar in loadbearing walls etc 1 Half brick walls m2 16 2 One brick walls m2 334 m2 12 m2 4 BRICKWORK SUNDRIES Miscellaneous 3 Cutting toothings and bonding new brickwork to existing Joint forming material in movement joints 4 12mm Fibre board built in vertically between brick skins Brickwork reinforcement 5 75mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 24 6 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 982 Prestressed fabricated lintels 7 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths not exceeding 3m m 24 8 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths exceeding 3m and not exceeding 4,5m m 5 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -85- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Turning pieces 9 230mm Wide turning piece to lintels etc m 10 No 12 No 75 m2 18 m 3 m 18 Galvanised wire ties etc 10 4mm Diameter roof tie 2m girth bent double with one end fixed to timber and other end cast into concrete Galvanised hoop iron cramps, ties, etc 11 30 x 1,6mm Wall tie 500mm long with one end cast into concrete and other end built into brickwork FACE BRICKWORK "Agate Satin" or equal approval face bricks pointed with recessed horizontal and flush vertical joints 12 Extra over brickwork for face brickwork 13 Extra over brickwork for brick-on-edge header course lintel NUTEC-CEMENT WINDOW SILLS Natural grey sills in single lengths bedded in class I mortar, including metal fixing lugs etc 14 150 x 15mm Wide sills set flat and slightly projecting Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -86- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 4 MASONRY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -81-82-83-84-85-86- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 4 MASONRY -87- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO.5 WATERPROOFING For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect DAMPPROOFING OF WALLS AND FLOORS One layer of 375 micron "Plastall Gundle Brikgrip DPC" embossed damp proof course 1 In walls m2 26 m2 101 m2 107 One layer of mastic asphalt waterproofing 2 In concrete walls One layer of 250 micron "Plastall Gundle USB Green" waterproof sheeting sealed at laps with "Gunplas Pressure Sensitive Tape" 3 Under surface beds One layer of 500 micron "Visqueen DPM Black" waterproof sheeting 4 Under slabs m2 123 5 On concrete wall m2 143 WATERPROOFING TO ROOFS, BASEMENTS, ETC. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 5 WATERPROOFING -88- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B One layer "Derbigum SP4" waterproofing membrane sealed by means of "torchfusion" or "Coldbond 90" adhesive with 75mm side laps and 100mm end laps, laid under a ten-year guarantee, to receive two coats copolymer silver colour or bituminous aluminium paint protection 6 On flat roofs m2 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 5 WATERPROOFING -89- 77 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 5 WATERPROOFING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -88-89- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 5 WATERPROOFING -90- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 6 For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" ROOF COVERINGS ETC NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions of all roof coverings are deemed to include for all straight cutting TILES ‘Extra bold’ Double Roman M-22 coated concrete roofing tile to comply with SANS 542, with 100mm headlap fixed to timber rafters and battens as per manufacturer's structural requirements, incorporating all tile accessories, lapped and sealed undertile membrane with 75mm joints, tiling nails, storm clips, pigment, M-22 touch-up coating fixed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions 1 Roof coverings with pitches not exceeding 25 degrees 2 Hip tiles to match roofing tiles bedded and pointed in 1:3 cement mortar tinted to match tile colour m2 12 m 8 m2 17 PROFILED METAL SHEETING AND ACCESSORIES 0,6mm IBR profile Z275 spelter galvanised steel troughed sheeting with "Chromadek" finish on one side, in single lengths fixed to timber purlins or rails and 0,6mm galvanised steel accessories with "Chromadek" finish on one side 3 Roof coverings Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 6 ROOF COVERINGS -91- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 4 Side wall flashings 350mm girth m 9 m2 12 ROOF AND WALL INSULATION "Equal and approved" heavy industrial grade reinforced aluminium foil based insulation 5 Insulation laid taut over purlins (at approximately 1,1m centres) and fixed concurrent with roof covering, including white plastic coated straining wires (Measured flat on plan) Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 6 ROOF COVERINGS -92- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 6 ROOF COVERINGS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -91-92- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 6 ROOF COVERINGS -93- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO.3 BILL NO. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY: For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades". NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Plate nailed timber roof truss construction The following is applicable in respect of roof trusses: Trusses are at maximum 1,20m centres. Roof covering is 0,6mm Similar approved profile sheeting on 50 x 75mm purlins. Ceilings are 6,4mm skimmed gypsum plasterboard sheeting on 38 x 38mm brandering. The references given in the descriptions refer to the respective types of trusses detailed on the architect's drawing numbered H100/015 accompanying these bills of quantities. The dimensions in the descriptions of the trusses are nominal and actual measurements shall be obtained from the architect and/or the site before design or fabrication commences. Joinery Descriptions of frames shall be deemed to include frames, transomes, mullions, rails, etc. Descriptions of hardwood joinery shall be deemed to include pelleting of bolt holes. Fixing Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or shot pins to brickwork or concrete. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -94- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Decorative laminate finish Laminate finish shall be glued under pressure. Edge strips shall be butt jointed at junctions with adjacent similar finish. ROOF CONSTRUCTION: Plate nailed timber roof truss construction 1 2 Roof construction to single pitched roof with one gable end 3000 x 1560mm and 1000mm high overall,including design, manufacture, supply, delivery, unloading, handling, storage, hoisting and erection of roof timbers including wall plates, connectors, bolts, temporary and permanent bracing, jack, trusses, rafters, purlins with and including galvanised hurricane clips, truss hangers, etc. to the entire timber roof area, all as per Architects drawings No 2 No 1 Roof construction sloping to one side 5000 x 2500mm and 2800mm x 2400mm overall,including design, manufacture, supply, delivery, unloading, handling, storage, hoisting and erection of roof timbers including wall plates, connectors, bolts, temporary and permanent bracing, jack, trusses, rafters, purlins with and including galvanised hurricane clips, truss hangers, etc. to the entire timber roof area, all as per Architects drawings Sundries 3 Two coats creosote on sawn timbers m2 3 4 600mm Long wrought end to 38 x 114mm sawn timber No 2 m 18 EAVES, VERGES, ETC Pressed fibre cement 5 12 x 225mm Fascia and barge board including galvanised steel H-profile jointing strips DOORS ETC Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -95- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Wrought meranti doors hung to steel frames 6 40 x 813 x 2 032mm Door. No 1 No 22 No 2 19 x 75mm Skirting including 19mm quadrant bead nailed to wall m 204 19 x 100mm Skirting including 19mm quadrant bead nailed to wall m 106 Solid core flush doors with commercial veneer on both sides hung to steel frames 7 40 x 813 x 2 032mm Door. Fire doors 8 2 Hour ratet fire door 900 x 2400mm high including pressed steel frame for one brick wall and preparing frame for door closer and lock SKIRTINGS Wrought meranti 9 10 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -96- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -94-95-96- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -97- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 8 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to brickwork or concrete Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to include screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 600mm centres, and where described as "bolted", the bolts are measured elsewhere Proprietary suspended ceilings Electric light fittings, diffusers, panels, etc generally are "lay in" units of the same dimensions as the suspension grid described and allowance shall be made accordingly for their support, inclusive of any flexibility in setting out that may be required (ceiling panels have not been deducted and pricing shall take cognisance thereof) Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 8 CEILINGS, ETC -98- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B "Rhino-Drywall" partition systems "Rhino-Drywall" partitions shall comprise 63,5mm top and bottom galvanised steel tracks with 63,5mm galvanised steel vertical studs at maximum 600mm centres, friction fitted or pop-riveted to the top and bottom tracks with similar additional verticalstuds as necessary at abutments, ends, etc and covered as described with wallboard screwed to studding with "Drywall" screws at maximum 220mm centres. Boards shall be butt jointed and finished with "Rhino" tape and "Readymix D" jointing compound allin accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, complete with flat section aluminium skirtings. Intersections and abutments are measured separately and descriptions shall be deemed to include any additional studs, corner beads, jointing compound "Approved" partition systems Demountable partitions are to be "Approved" with an overall thickness of 76mm, comprising 50mm wide galvanised steel tracks and studs with one layer of 12,7mm gypsum plasterboard in 1,20m modules on each side and flat section aluminium skirtings and recessed aluminium cornices. The panels shall be covered with "Similar approved" paper backed vinyl wall cladding wrapped around edges. Aluminium door frames and glazing sections, skirtings, cornices, etc. shall be natural anodised aluminium. The partitions shall be erected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Access Flooring When access flooring is to be included in the bills of quantities, other than by means of a provisional sum, supplementary preambles in the form of technical specifications and descriptions are to be compiled in conjunction with specialists in this field and thoroughly investigated and checked to ascertain their correctness for the works. CEILINGS, ETC "Aerolite" insulation 1 50mm Insulation closely fitted and laid on top of brandering between roof timbers, etc Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 8 CEILINGS, ETC -99- m2 13 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B NAILED UP CEILINGS 6,4mm "Approved" gypsum plasterboard (SANS Specification 266) with H-type pressed steel jointing strips including 38 x 100mm sawn ceiling joists, nailed to (with 2mm diameter galvanised or cadmium plated clout head nails 40mm long) and including 38 x 38mm sawn softwood brandering, in compliance with SANS 653, at 450mm centres in both directions including any additional brandering at walls and ends 2 3 Horizontal ceilings, including 38 x 38mm sawn softwood brandering at 400mm c/c, with 32mm gms clout nails at 150mm c/c. all joints between panels to be covered with "rhino " or equal approved cover strips. m2 Extra over ceiling for opening for 650 x 650 mm trap door complete with trimmers, frame, cross branders, ceiling board, hinges, etc as described 301 No 1 m2 720 m 65 SUSPENDED CEILINGS Gypsum Ceiling tiles size 1200x600mm white vinyl face finish and aluminium foil backing laid to grid prepainted white 4 Horizontal ceilings suspended not exceeding 1m below concrete soffits CORNICE DAS or similar approved 5 75mm Gypsum cornice PARTITIONS, ETC Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 8 CEILINGS, ETC -100- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Beta® 90mm Drywall Partition System comprising natural anodised aluminium ceiling channel, 65mm Ultrasteel floor track and 64mm Ultrasteel vertical studs at 600mm centres, friction fitted, or riveted to ceiling channel and floor tracks with similar additional vertical studs as necessary at corners, ends etc. and covered both sides with 12,5mm Gypsum Tapered Edge Wallboard screwed to studding with 25mm drywall screws at maximum 220mm centres. Boards butt joined and tapered edges fitted with 50mm wide self-adhesive Fibatape and finished with Rhinoglide jointing compound all in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions. 6 Partitions 2,80m high with bottom and top tracks nailed m 271 7 Extra over partitions 2,80m high for vertical abutment No 24 8 Extra over partitions 2,80m high for T-intersection No 60 No 2 Extra over partitions for 40mm semi-solid flush doors with commercial veneer on both sides and hardwood edge strips to vertical edges, including additional studding, trimming, etc 9 Door 0,81 x 2,03m high and 500 x 300mm opening for louvre unit (louvre unit elsewhere) hung to and including standard pressed steel door frame with one pair of 100mm steel hinges, including "Union CZ682-24/2295-76SC" two lever mortice lockset Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 8 CEILINGS, ETC -101- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 8 CEILINGS, ETC COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -98-99-100-101- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 8 CEILINGS, ETC -102- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 9 FLOOR COVERINGS, PLASTIC LININGS, ETC SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the Architect FLOOR COVERINGS Belgotex Royal Secret cut pile with luxurious finish, 100% stain proof SDX carpet tile. 1 On floors m2 698 m2 91 VINYL FLOOR SHEETING 8mm Thick hard-wearing vinyl sports floor on plastered surface (plaster elsewhere) with adhesive, all in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specification and SANS 070 2 On walls Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 9 FLOOR COVERINGS -103- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 10 IRONMONGERY SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Finishes to ironmongery Where applicable finishes to ironmongery are indicated by suffixes in accordance with the following list: BS Satin bronze lacquered CH Chromium plated SC Satin chromium plated SE Silver enamelled GE Grey enamelled AS Anodised silver AB Anodised bronze AG Anodised gold ABL Anodised black PB Polished brass PL Polished and lacquered PT Epoxy coated SD Sanded 1 Assa abloy SS8025SS hat & coat hook with buffer No 25 No 22 No 70 Windovert or similar approved, vertical blinds. Size 5000 x 2000 mm No 50 Union 2 "AL8722AS" rubber tipped hat and coat hook CURTAIN TRACKS, DRIP RAILS, CURTAINS, BLINDS, ETC VENETIAN BLINDS 3 4 Windovert or similar approved, aluminium 50mm x0.23mm thick slats venetian blind size 5000 x 2000 mm high Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 10 IRONMONGERY -104- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B CURTAIN TRACKS 5 Windovert or similar approved, curtain tracks. Size 3000 x 1800mm No 30 No 25 No 20 No 20 No 20 PUSH PLATES AND KICKING PLATES BATHROOM FITTINGS 6 7 8 9 Grab rail CNTX 650 (Product Code: 359873) or similar with FFG-surface (Franke Fine Grip) to prevent slipping with an ergonomical, comfortable diameter of about 32mm. Mounting plates are applied for easy mounting. Covers in Stainless Steel 18/10. Screws and dowels are included. Grab rail CNTX PAR (Product Code: 359885) or similar approved with FFG-surface (Franke fine grip) to prevent slipping with an ergonomical, comfortable diameter of about 32mm. Mounting plates Wall mounted toilet paper holder CHRX 672 (Product Code: 359808) or similar approved manufactured from 0.8mm thick 15/10 Stainless Steel to take two rolls with maximum 108mm Ø. The reserve roll is non-visible and drops automatically into the dispensing position when required. The body of the dispenser is of a welded construction with a single piece deep drawn lid and cylinder lock with a standard Franke key - SATIN Finish. Screws and rawl plugs are included. Wall mounted liquid soap dispenser BS 618 (Product Code: 359800) or similar approved manufactured from 18/10 Stainless Steel with a deep drawn lid, welded body and cylinder lock with standard Franke key. The dispenser is for wall mounting and incorporates a replaceable 1 litre polyethylene container which is suitable for liquid and antiseptic soaps and lotions - SATIN finish. Screws and rawl plugs are included. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 10 IRONMONGERY -105- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 10 11 Wall mounted paper towel BS 600P (ProductCode: 359790) or similar approved manufactured from 18/10 Stainless Steel with a material thickness of 0.9mm and seamed welded upper and lower edges. The container is for wall mounting and has a capacity of 500-800 towels depending on type & folding SATIN finish. Screws and rawl plugs are included. No 20 No 20 BHM12P double towel rail 600mm by Franke or similar approved No 20 Norina single towel rail 600mm by CTM or similar approved No 20 Wall mounted waste container BS 604 (Product Code: 359821) or similar manufactured from 18/10 stainless steel with a material thickness of 0.9mm and seamed welded upper and lower edges. The container is for wall mounting and has a 26 litre capacity - SATIN finish. Screws and rawl plugs are included Rails, bars, etc. 12 13 SUNDRIES "Union" 14 "AL8730AS" or other equal and appoved door stop plugged No 70 15 TVCH 7025A Quarz toilet roll holder and lid by Cobra or similar approved. No 20 CTM or similar approved. 16 Norina single towel rail 600mm No 20 17 TVWR4020 Brass 3 lever shower caddy No 10 18 TVCH1828GD Nicola double tumble holder No 20 19 TVCH1669 Norina soap holder No 20 No 20 Franke or similar approved. 20 4 BS610 Perforated waste container Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 10 IRONMONGERY -106- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 21 BHM18P Towel ring No 20 SHOWER DOORS Showerline or similar approved. 22 Hinged frameless glass shower door No 10 23 Hinged framed shower door No 10 No 10 No 4 No 4 BLOCK OUT SCREENS AC Screens or similar approved 24 Light block out fabric motorisation operated WRITING BOARDS "Virtrex" or other equal and approved virtreous pinning borad 25 Pinning board size 2000Lx 1200Wmm consisting of one fixed panels complete with aluminium chalk rail, etc, plugged "Virtrex" or other equal and approved virtreous enamelled writing boards, etc to SABS CSK-36-1980 26 White writing board size 2000Lx 1200Wmm . Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 10 IRONMONGERY -107- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 10 IRONMONGERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -104-105-106-107- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 10 IRONMONGERY -108- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 11 METALWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Descriptions of bolts shall be deemed to include nuts and washers Descriptions of expansion anchors and bolts and chemical anchors and bolts shall be deemed to include nuts, washers and mortices in brickwork or concrete Metalwork described as "holed for bolt(s)" shall be deemed to exclude the bolts unless otherwise described STEEL HANDRAILS, BALUSTRADES, ETC. Galvanised stainless steel welded and bolted balustrades to Staircases 1 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 150mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect) Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 11 METALWORK -109- m 40 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Galvanised stainless steel welded and bolted balustrades to top of concrete roof slab 2 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 900mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect), including two of 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails parallel with each other at 900mm centres, 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in cross bracing and 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in a square pattern, all in line with the architect's requirements m 9 No 23 PRESSED STEEL DOOR FRAMES 1,2mm Rebated frames suitable for half brick walls with 2 brass butt hinges per door leaf 3 Frame for door 813 x 2032mm high STEEL STRONGROOM DOORS, VENTILATORS, ETC Austen strongroom doors etc suitable for 230mm walls fixed to brickwork or concrete 4 Double ended strongroom ventilator No 2 5 Category 2 strong room door and frame 950 x 1932mm high overall with a mass of 740kg, including ironmongery No 1 Strongroom door stop plugged to floor No 1 No 10 6 ALUMINIUM WINDOWS, DOORS, ETC WINDOWS Powder Coated Aluminium Window Frame. Opening sections with "Friction Stays", handles and weather seals including 6.3mm clear float glass and 6mm clear laminated safety glass with a Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) plastic interlayer fixed to frame with matching glazing beads A detail specification is to be inserted as necessary 7 Window 2500 x 1000mm high Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 11 METALWORK -110- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B DOORS Purpose-made powder-coated aluminium doors with panels glazed in 6mm laminated safety sandblasted glass 8 Door size 1600 x 2100mm high No 50 9 1500 x 2400mm High sliding door No 30 Door size 900 x 2400mm high, with 900 x 2400mm high fixed panel No 10 1500 x 2400mm high Mechanically controlled sliding door including sliding gears etc (SFG19) No 10 5000 x 2400mm High folding stacking door (SFG02) No 2 No 4 10 11 12 ALUMINIUM SHOPFRONTS SHOWER CUBICLE DOORS, ETC. (CPAP Work Group No 140) "Clearway Bi-Slider" white powder coated anodised aluminium shower doors glazed as described, including frames cleats, stops, etc., plugged and screwed to tiled walls and tiled floor 13 Shower door size 920 x 1750mm high (code BS 900) glazed with obscure toughened safety glass. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 11 METALWORK -111- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 11 METALWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -109-110-111- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 11 METALWORK -112- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 12 PLASTERING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES SCREEDS Screeds wood floated on concrete 1 Equal and approved self-levelling screed on floors m2 199 2 Average 25mm thick on floors to falls m2 34 m2 6 GRANOLITHIC Untinted granolithic finish composed of one-part cement, one-part fine sand, two-parts coarse sand and one-part granite that would pass through a 5mm mesh sieve (Colour, pattern and aggregate size all to the architect's approval) 3 30mm Thick on floors and landings INTERNAL PLASTER Cement plaster on brickwork 4 On walls m2 342 5 On narrow widths m2 25 Cement plaster on concrete 6 On ceilings m2 260 7 On circular isolated columns m2 59 8 On narrow widths m2 2 EXTERNAL PLASTER Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 12 PLASTERING -113- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Cement plaster on brickwork 9 On walls m2 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 12 PLASTERING -114- 62 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 12 PLASTERING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -113-114- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 12 PLASTERING -115- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 13 TILING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Unless described as "fixed with adhesive to plaster (plaster elsewhere)" descriptions of tiling on brick or concrete walls, columns, etc shall be deemed to include 1:4 cement plaster backing and descriptions of tiling on concrete floors etc shall be deemed to include 1:3 plaster bedding WALL TILING 300 x 200 Porcelain wall tiles (PC R450,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to plastered walls, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 1 On walls m2 429 2 On splashbacks m2 42 m2 168 m 72 m2 30 FLOOR TILING 300 x 300 x 6mm Porcelain floor tiles (PC R300,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 3 On floors and landings in diagonal pattern 4 Skirting 100mm high 300 x 300 x 6mm Natural Stone floor tiles fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 5 On floors Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 13 TILING -116- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 14 GLAZING GLAZING TO STEEL WITH PUTTY 6.3 mm Clear float glass TOPS, SHELVES, DOORS, MIRRORS, ETC 4mm Silvered float glass copper backed mirrors with 10mm bevelled and polished edges fixed with double sided adhesive tape 1 Mirror 450 x 600mm high No 8 2 Mirror 1200 x 900mm high No 4 Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 14 GLAZING -117- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO. 15 PAINTWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions of paintwork shall be deemed to include for all cutting in PREPARATORY WORK TO EXISTING WORK Previously painted plastered surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a suitable filler and finished smooth Previously painted metal surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal Previously painted wood surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, filled with suitable filler and finished smooth PAINT SPECIFICATIONS All painting shall be done in accordance with "Plascon" specifications or similar approved Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 15 PAINTWORK -118- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAINTWORK, ETC TO NEW WORK ON ON FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES WITH One coat "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Plascon Superlow Sheen" or similar appproved paint 1 Internal walls m2 342 m2 219 m2 148 m2 9 m2 720 m2 1,518 Gammazineth Acrylic coatings applications to walls 2 On walls ON SMOOTH CONCRETE SURFACES One coat undercoat and two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on 3 Ceilings and beams One coat alkali-resistant plaster primer, one coat universal undercoat and two coats eggshell enamel paint on ON FIBRE-CEMENT SURFACES One coat undercoat and two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on 4 On fascias and barge boards PLASTER BOARD SURFACES WITH One "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Professional Contractors Matt White" paint 5 6 Ceilings and cornices Partitioning WOOD SURFACES WITH Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 15 PAINTWORK -119- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B One Professional Wood Primer and one coat Professional All Purpose Undercoat, and two coats Professional Plascosafe 200 Waterbased Enamel 7 Doors m2 76 PAINTWORK, ETC TO PREVIOUSLY PAINTED WORK ON FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES WITH Remove all plaster splashes, loose material and surface contamination by brushing or scraping. Using the appropriate filler, make good and minor defects, which may not be bridged by the paint coating. Allow drying, and ensuring that any power residues are removed. Apply 1(one) coat of plaster primer.thin primer up to 10% to aid penetration. Apply 1(one) coat of universal undercoat. Undercoat must comply with sabs specification 681. Type ii. Apply 2(two) coat highly washable enamel paint. Paint must comply with sabs specification 633 grade i. 8 External walls m2 251 9 On walls m2 512 SMOOTH CONCRETE SURFACES WITH Remove all plaster splashes, loose material and surface contamination by brushing or scraping. Using the appropriate filler, make good and minor defects, which may not be bridged by the paint coating. Allow drying, and ensuring that any power residues are removed. Apply one coat "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats 'Professional Superior Low Sheen' or similar approved 10 On beams m2 26 11 Columns m2 12 PLASTERBOARD SURFACES WITH Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 15 PAINTWORK -120- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on work in sound condition 12 On fascias and barge boards m2 16 METAL SURFACES WITH Remove any loose and flaking paint. Feather edges.Wash surfaces with "Plascon Aquasolv Degreaser" to remove oil, grease and other contaminants. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water and allow drying, then apply one coat 'Professional Plascoprime 170 Zinc Phosphate Primer' and two coats 'Plascon Velvaglo Satin' paint or similar approved 13 Windows m2 234 14 Gates, grilles, burglar screens, balustrades, palisade fenceetc (both sides measured over the full flat area) m2 61 m 15 m2 11 15 Rails, bars, pipes, etc not exceeding 300mm girth 16 Eaves gutters and downpipes Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 15 PAINTWORK -121- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 15 PAINTWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -118-119-120-121- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 15 PAINTWORK -122- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO.16 GENERAL SITEWORKS For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" EARTHWORKS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES NATURE OF GROUND User Note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "nature of ground". Nature of ground The nature of the ground is assumed to be loose sandy material, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be gravel, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be silty clay with loose river boulders varying in size up to approximately 450mm diameter, all of which will be deemed as "earth", but possibly interspersed with "hard rock". Trial holes indicate that the nature of the ground is silty clay to a depth of approximately 500mm with fine to medium loose sandy material below, therefore "earth".. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -123- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B A soils investigation has been carried out on the site by the engineer and the report is annexed to these bills of quantities. The soils report indicates that the ground varies between silty sand, reworked soil of mixed origin and residual shale, all of which will be deemed as "earth". All very hard unweathered shale, ironstone, etc, the removal of which necessitates the use of explosives or heavy duty hydraulic percussion hammers (peckers), will be classified as "hard rock". SUB-TERRANEAN WATER User note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "subterranean water". Subterranean water No subterranean water is expected. GENERAL Foundations shall not be laid until excavations have been approved of, in writing, by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and such excavations shall not be covered until any variation has been measured. Excavation for working space in rock Notwithstanding clause 11 page 8 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, excavation for working space in rock will be measured in cubic metres to the extent executed and given as "extra over" bulk excavation or trench and hole excavation as the case may be. Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site to a suitable dumping site outside the boundary of the site. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -124- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Filling All filling material to be utilised shall be approved beforehand by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer prior to ordering. A sample of 60 Kg of such proposed fill shall be made available by the contractor, with a 14 days period set aside for carrying out such sample testing. Notwithstanding the reference to prescribed multiple handling in clause 1 page 6 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, prices for filling and backfilling shall include for all selection and any necessary multiple handling of material. User note When no information regarding density tests is available the following preamble in respect of testing may be inserted. Testing Prices for filling are to include for all necessary density tests in accordance with SANS 1200D. User Note Soil poisoning shall be conducted with an approved registered soil poisoning material of the chlordane or aldrin type mixed with water and then applied at a rate of not less than 5 litres per square metre. The concentration of the solution shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to the approval of the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and undertaken under such supervision. BULK EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. User Note This section is given as an alternative option and in the event of it being utilised, the excavation, filling, etc. other than bulk is to be given in the later section under the appropriate heading. If this alternative is not utilised then all excavations, etc. (bulk and otherwise) is to be given in the later section under the appropriated heading. Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -125- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B BOUNDARY WALL DEMOLITIONS ETC Taking down and removing 1 Security palisade fence 2100mm high overall complete with steel posts, droppers,etc m 144 2 Steel security gate No 2 3 Steel security grill 2700 x 2700mm high from one brick wall No 1 Demolition of the existing concrete Guard House 2.5 x 1.7x 2.1m high, including foundations m2 16 5 Brick paving m2 74 6 Concrete Bridge walkways m2 18 Comprises complete demolition of buildings, removal of rubble, etc, 4 Comprises the taking down and removal of walls, slabs, doors, sanitary fittings, etc.. 7 Concrete wall m2 67 8 One brick wall m2 16 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, hedges, shrubs and trees not exceeding 200mm girth, bush, etc m2 661 Stripping average 100mm thick layer of top soil and stockpiling on site m2 661 m3 89 SITE CLEARANCE ETC Site clearance 9 10 EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 11 Trenches Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -126- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Extra over trench excavation in earth for excavation in 12 Soft rock m3 4 13 Hard rock m3 9 m3 43 m2 254 Extra over all excavations for carting away 14 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractor Risk of collapse of excavations 15 Sides of bulk excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep Keeping excavations free of water 16 Keeping excavations free of water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 17 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc m3 11 m3 25 No 14 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 15MPa/19mm concrete 18 Strip footings TEST BLOCKS 19 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional) PRECAST CONCRETE PRECAST CONCRETE Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -127- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Modcon Concrete solution Precast concrete finished smooth on exposed surfaces including bedding, jointing and pointing 20 Mini Pyramid pier capping size 475mm x 475mm No 22 MASONRY BRICKWORK Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 21 One brick walls in foundations m2 61 22 One brick walls m2 92 Brickwork reinforcement 23 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally in foundations m 553 24 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 829 m2 10 m2 92 MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with 10mm Jointex or bitumen impregnated softboard 25 Joints exceeding 300mm high FACE BRICKWORK "Corobrik" FBS face bricks at a purchase price of R4500,00/1000 bricks pointed with recessed horizontal and vertical joints 26 Extra over brickwork for face brickwork 27 Extra over brickwork for brick-on-end soldier course band m 12 28 Extra over brickwork for brick-on-flat header course bands m 141 Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -128- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Brick-on-edge header course copings, sills, etc of "Corobrik" FBS face bricks at a purchase price of R4500,00/1000 bricks pointed with recessed joints on all exposed faces 29 Coping on top of one brick wall m 2 m 69 m 56 No 1 m2 248 FENCING "Tesa" or Equally approved palisade fencing and security systems 30 Palisade fence 1770mm high comprising 1,2mm thick prepainted palisades spaced at 100mm centres in nominal panel size 3048mm wide fixed to 4 horizontal cross members secured to brick piers (elsewhere) and incorporating 76 x 76 x 2mm thick square hollow section hot dip galvanised posts (SABS 763), with M8 cupsquares bolt and tamper resistant shear nut system, posts are planted in a minimum of 15MPa/19mm aggregate concrete block 450 x 450 x 600mm deep space at 1520mm centres to piers or equal. 358 DOUBLESKIN BETAFENCE OR EQUAL APPROVED 31 32 358 Doubleskin Betafence with bekasecure post and PVC coated panels and 40 x40 x3 Top and bottom rails Purpose made sliding gate size 3000 x 2000mm as per the Architects detail Spot priming defects in pre-primed surfaces with 'Plascon Namelcote Synthetic Metal' and apply one coat 'Plascon Merit Universal Undercoat' and two coats 'Plascon Super Universal Enamel' paint on steel 33 On palisade fencing including gates, posts, etc (both sides measured over the full flat area) ROADWORKS AND PAVING, ETC. PAVING TO WALKWAYS AND DRIVEWAYS Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -129- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Site clearance 34 Site clearance m2 750 m2 661 m3 59 m3 99 m2 661 m2 661 m2 661 m2 661 m 120 Extra over bulk excavation in earth for excavation in (Provisional) 35 Remove and relay paving around pool including 15 Mpa concrete base 75 thick + edge restraints. Re-laid paving anchored in concrete base Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 36 Reduced levels under paving Earth filling supplied by the contractor under pavings etc 37 150mm Base layer granular material stabilised to C4 compacted to 97% MOD AASHTO density Sand filling 38 50mm thick dry, clean, washed riversand layer evenly spread Compaction of surfaces 39 Compaction of ground surface under floors etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density "Hyvar-X" or similar weed killer 40 Under pavings, etc and sprayed over previously wetted ground Relay pavers on sand bedding to civil/ structural engineer's specification, in a herringbone pattern to the Architects's approval 41 Relaid brick pavers Edge beams 42 Edge beams Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -130- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -123-124-125-126-127-128-129-130- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -131- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect VANITY SLAB 1 Allow the sum of R70000,00 (Seventy Thousand Rand) for Vanity slabs Item 2 Allow for profit Item 3 Allow for attendance Item 70,000 00 JOINERY FITTINGS 4 Allow the amount of R500000-00 (Five hundred thousand Rand)Joinery Fittings, etc Item 5 Allow for profit Item 6 Allow for attendance Item 500,000 00 BLINDS 7 Allow the sum of R120 000,00 (One and twenty Thousand Rand) for the complete installation of Blinds Item 8 Allow for profit Item 9 Allow for attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS -132- 120,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SKYLIGHTS 10 Allow the sum of R120 000,00 (One and twenty Thousand Rand) for the complete installation of skylight Item 11 Allow for profit Item 12 Allow for attendance Item 120,000 00 STEEL CANOPY ROOF COVERING 13 Allow the sum of R275 000,00 (Two Hundred and seventy Five Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of Steel Carports Item 14 Allow for profit Item 15 Allow for attendance Item 275,000 00 STAINLESS STEEL HANDRAILS 16 Allow the sum of R275 000,00 (Two Hundred and seventy Five Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of stainless Steel handrails Item 17 Allow for profit Item 18 Allow for attendance Item 275,000 00 IRONMONGERY AND SIGNAGE 19 Allow the sum of R100 000,00 (One Hundred thousand Rand) for Sundry Ironmongery Items Item 20 Allow for profit Item 21 Allow for attendance Item 100,000 00 SHOPFRONTS 22 23 Allow the sum of R 300 000,00 (Three Hundred Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of Shopfront, etc. Item Allow for profit Item Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS -133- 300,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 24 Allow for attendance Item FIXED-SEATING AT ALL RECEPTION AND WAITING AREAS 25 Allow the sum of R 250 000,00 (Two Hundred Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of Fixed Seating, etc. Item 26 Allow for profit Item 27 Allow for attendance Item 250,000 00 Civil and Structural Works on sites 28 Allow the sum of R500 000,00 (Five hundred thousand Rand) for civil works and structural works on site Item 29 Allow for profit Item 30 Allow for attendance Item 500,000 00 INTERIOR DESIGN 31 Allow the sum of R4 000 000,00 (Four Million Rands) for Interior design Item 4,000,000 00 Item 1,000,000 00 ANY OTHER NECESSARY WORKS 32 Allow the sum of R1 000 000,00 (One Million Rands) for Interior design Carried to Collection Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS -134- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 3 Bill No. 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -132-133-134- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No. 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS -135- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SECTION SUMMARY - REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE Bill No Page No 1 ALTERATIONS -69- 2 FOUNDATIONS -75- 3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -80- 4 MASONRY -87- 5 WATERPROOFING -90- 6 ROOF COVERINGS -93- 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -97- 8 CEILINGS, ETC -102- 9 FLOOR COVERINGS -103- 10 IRONMONGERY -108- 11 METALWORK -112- 12 PLASTERING -115- 13 TILING -116- 14 GLAZING -117- 15 PAINTWORK -122- 16 GENERAL SITEWORKS -131- 17 PROVISIONAL SUMS -135- Carried to Final Summary Section No. 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE -136- Amount R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 1 FOUNDATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Nature of ground A soil investigation has been carried out on site by the engineer and the report is available from the office of the Engineer, upon request. Descriptions of excavations shall be deemed to include all ground conditions classifiable as "earth" described in the above report and where conditions of a more difficult character are indicated these are separately measured Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 1 Trenches m3 1,511 2 Holes m3 72 Extra over trench excavation in earth for excavation in 3 Soft rock m3 651 4 Hard rock m3 426 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -137- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Back excavation of vertical sides of excavation in earth not exceeding 500mm deep for working space, including backfilling compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 5 For filling and casting concrete to trenches etc and building foundation brick wall, 600mm away from excavated face m2 304 m3 25 Extra over all excavations for carting away 6 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractor Risk of collapse of excavations 7 Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep m2 1,459 8 Sides of trench and hole excavations exceeding 1,5m deep m2 144 Keeping excavations free of water 9 Keeping excavations free of water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density 10 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc m3 777 m3 137 m2 914 m2 914 Earth filling (G6 material) in layers of 150mm supplied by the contractor, compacted to 98% Mod AASHTO density 11 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc Coarse river sand filling supplied by the contractor 12 50mm thick river sand Under floors etc Compaction of surfaces 13 Compaction of ground surface under floors, trenches, etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 90% Mod AASHTO density Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -138- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SOIL POISONING Soil insecticide 14 15 Under floors etc including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming m2 914 To bottoms and sides of trenches etc m2 1,495 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -139- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SOILCRETE Soilcrete shall consist of hillwash mixed with 6% ordinary Portland cement with a minimum strength of 1,5MPa. The hillwash may not contain fragments larger than 100mm and the silt and clay fraction shall be less than 20%. The engineer shall decide on site which hillwash may be used in the soilcrete. The hillwash and Portland cement shall be mixed on site using suitable concrete mixers. Only sufficient water shall be added to give a consistency that will permit the placing of the soilcrete using vibrators. Soilcrete 16 Backfilling below bases m3 2 m3 21 UNREINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 15MPa/19mm concrete 17 Surface blinding under footings and bases 25MPa/19mm concrete REINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 25MPa/19mm concrete 18 Strip footings m3 106 19 Column bases m3 11 m3 1 No 48 30MPa/19mm concrete 20 Columns TEST BLOCKS 21 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cube ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -140- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Rough formwork to sides 22 Strip footings m2 304 No 16 m 608 t 28.51 m2 578 m 9,067 Rough formwork to circular columns 23 200mm Diameter column 1.5m high MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with 12mm Jointex between vertical concrete or brickwork surfaces 24 10mm Soft board joints not exceeding 300mm high REINFORCEMENT High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 25 10mm Diameter bars MASONRY BRICKWORK Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 26 One brick walls Brickwork reinforcement 27 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -141- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -137-138-139-140-141- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -142- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Formwork Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -143- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Formwork to soffits of (solid) slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer fordesign reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 25Mpa/ 20mm concrete 1 100mm Surface beds m3 91 REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/20mm concrete 2 Slabs, including beams and inverted beams m3 130 3 Stairs, including landings, beams and inverted beams m3 12 m3 3 No 32 m2 678 30MPa/20mm concrete 4 Columns TEST CUBES 5 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional) CONCRETE SUNDRIES Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float including non-slip brush finish 6 Surface beds, slabs, etc to falls ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -144- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Rough formwork to sides 7 Wood Float Surface beds, slabs, etc m2 49 8 Smooth formwork to sides and soffits of beams m2 65 9 Stairs with sloping soffits m2 8 m 16 No 16 m2 678 m 616 m 180 t 141.02 t 52.89 t 6.30 10 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY 1) Smooth formwork to circular columns 11 300mm Diameter column 2.85m high Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs propped up not exceeding 3,5m MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with bitumen-impregnated softboard between vertical concrete surfaces 13 10mm Joints not exceeding 300mm high or wide Vertical joggle construction joints through concrete, including thick cement slurry to one face 14 Surface beds not exceeding 300mmm thick REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 15 25mm Diameter bars 16 16mm Diameter bars 17 12mm Diameter bars Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -145- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 18 8mm Diamter bars t 4.15 t 6.61 t 24.00 Type 245 fabric reinforcement in concrete surface beds, slabs, etc m2 914 Type 617 fabric reinforcement in concrete surface beds, slabs, etc m2 678 High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 19 20 25mm Diameter bars 20mm Diameter bars Fabric reinforcement 21 22 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -146- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -143-144-145-146- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -147- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 3 MASONRY SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" BRICKWORK Sizes in descriptions Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick" shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick Hollow walls etc Descriptions of hollow walls shall be deemed to include wall ties and leaving every fifth perpend of the bottom course of the external skin open as a weep hole Reinforced brick lintels Lintels shall bear at least 160mm onto adjacent walling. Where such bearing cannot be obtained due to the proximity of adjacent openings the lintel shall be continuous Face bricks Bricks shall be ordered timeously to obtain uniformity in size and colour Pointing Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork and face brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc BLOCKWORK Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -148- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Concrete masonry units Blocks shall be either solid or hollow modular dense concrete masonry units in accordance with SABS Specification 1215, having compressive strengths as described Blockwork Blockwork shall comply with SABS 0145 "Concrete Masonry Construction" Surfaces to be plastered shall have joints raked out to a depth of at least 10mm to provide a key. Cavities of hollow walls shall be kept free of mortar droppings or other undesirable matter. Every second perpend of the bottom course of the external skin of hollow walls shall be left open as a weep hole Standard complementary blocks Descriptions of blockwork shall be deemed to include standard complementary blocks such as corner, three-quarter, half and quarter blocks required in the construction of corners, reveals, jambs, ends, etc to solid and hollow walls and for bonding asnecessary General Window surrounds shall be built into brick walls and pointed all round on both sides with 10 x 10mm square recessed joints Prices shall include for building in as single units or combinations in patterns of two or more window units and for bedding solid all round in mortar and pointing Note Aluminium infill windows, glazing and pointing with sealing compound are measured elsewhere SAMPLES Samples of all masonry building units, shall consist of a minimum of 6 units Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -149- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAVINGS Quarry tiles, precast concrete, cement, terrazzo and similar tiles Tiles shall be of approved manufacture, well burnt or cured, and uniform and true in size, shape and colour Preparation of concrete floor beds, slabs, etc for pavings Concrete surfaces shall be hacked (preferably by mechanical means) until all laitance, dirt, oil, etc is dislodged and swept clean of all loose matter. Surfaces shall then be wetted and kept damp for at least six hours before slushing with 1:2 cement/sand and while still wet, pavings, etc. shall be laid on a 1:4 cement mortar bed not exceeding 25mm thick. Sand shall be clean, sharp river sand Jointing of pavings Pavings, etc, shall, except for crazy paving, be laid with continuous joints in both directions STONEWORK Slate, marble, granite, etc Slate, marble, granite, etc is to be best quality stone from an approved quarry, free from cracks and other defects and equal to samples to be submitted to and approved by the architect. Each stone is to hold its full size, square to the back and tobe set on its natural quarry bed Setting out Care shall be exercised in setting out the work, the preparation of templates and the checking of the detail drawings. All measurements shall be taken on the site where necessary and the full size setting out of each course shall be done at the yardso as to ensure the proper fitting of each stone Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -150- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Before putting any work in hand the contractor is to submit to the architect for his approval details of the manner in which he proposes to set out the slabs and joints in all wall facings, pavings, sills, treads, etc together with samples of grain or pattern matching Face labours Face labours are to match samples to be submitted to and approved by the architect Arrises are to be clean and sharp except to treads and thresholds where they are to be slightly rounded Bedding and jointing Slate, marble, granite and other floor paving and wall linings are to be bedded solidly on the mortar thicknesses described and are to have tightly fitting butt joints unless otherwise stated Where stonework is to be fixed with adhesive, the adhesive is to be "TAL Goldstar/Bond" (mixed 20kg/5 litre) for external use or where white or light coloured marble is used, "TAL Goldstar" for internal use or other approved. The contractor will be liable for any defects to the slate, marble and granite arising from the use of the adhesive Where soffit linings are suspended the suspension system must be concealed and must be submitted to the architect for approval before work commences Where tolerance screws are required these are to be stainless steel expanding bolt type with matching stainless steel bracket and PVC clad dowel with nuts and washers etc Damaged work Any damaged stonework shall be discarded and replaced at the contractor's expense. No touching up will be permitted except in exceptional cases, with the architect's consent Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -151- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Descriptions Descriptions of stonework shall be deemed to include preparatory work, labours to backs, beds and joints, templates, mortices for bolts etc and for hoisting and setting in position, bedding, jointing and pointing, casing and protecting from injury and cleaning down at completion Descriptions of recessed pointing to stonework shall be deemed to be square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc SUPERSTRUCTURE Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar Brickwork of NFPE bricks (17MPa nominal compressive strength) in class II mortar in loadbearing walls etc 1 Piers m3 8 2 Half brick walls m2 131 3 Half brick wall In beamfilling m2 55 4 One brick walls m2 1,113 m2 301 m2 1,005 m2 6 m2 5 Brickwork of NFPE bricks (17MPa nominal compressive strength) in class II mortar 5 6 Half Brick walls One Brick walls BRICKWORK SUNDRIES Miscellaneous 7 Cutting toothings and bonding new brickwork to existing Joint forming material in movement joints 8 12mm Fibre board built in vertically between brick skins Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -152- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Brickwork reinforcement 9 75mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 1,269 10 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 6,176 Prestressed fabricated lintels 11 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths not exceeding 3m m 151 12 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths exceeding 3m and not exceeding 4,5m m 56 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths exceeding 4,5m and not exceeding 6m m 18 m 8 m 226 m2 198 m2 91 13 Turning pieces 14 230mm Wide turning piece to lintels etc Galvanised hoop iron cramps, ties, etc FIBRE-CEMENT WINDOW SILLS Natural grey sills in single lengths bedded in mortar including metal fixing lugs, etc. 15 175 x 15mm Wide sills set sloping and slightly projecting FACE BRICKWORK Face bricks (PC Amount R4500,00/1000) pointed with recessed horizontal and vertical joints 16 Extra over brick columns for face brickwork STONEWORK 150 x 600mm Limestone charcoal riven Cladding by union tiles or equal approved 17 Cladding to wall Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -153- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 3 MASONRY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -148-149-150-151-152-153- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 3 MASONRY -154- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO.4 WATERPROOFING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect DAMPPROOFING OF WALLS AND FLOORS One layer of 375 micron "Plastall Gundle Brikgrip DPC" embossed damp proof course 1 In walls m2 100 m2 914 One layer of 250 micron "Plastall Gundle USB Green" waterproof sheeting sealed at laps with "Gunplas Pressure Sensitive Tape" 2 Under surface beds Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 4 WATERPROOFING -155- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 5 ROOF COVERINGS ETC For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions of all roof coverings are deemed to include for all straight cutting EMBOSSED PROFILED ROOFING TILES ‘Extra bold’ Double Roman M-22 coated concrete roofing tile to comply with SANS 542, with 100mm headlap fixed to timber rafters and battens as per manufacturer's structural requirements, incorporating all tile accessories, lapped and sealed undertile membrane with 75mm joints, tiling nails, storm clips, pigment, M-22 touch-up coating fixed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions 1 Roof coverings with pitches not exceeding 25 degrees 2 3 4 m2 680 Close cut and fitted valleys including raking cutting on both sides (valley gutters elsewhere) m 72 Ridge tiles to match roofing tiles bedded and pointed in 1:3 cement mortar tinted to match tile colour including DPC strip m 128 Hip tiles to match roofing tiles bedded and pointed in 1:3 cement mortar tinted to match tile colour including DPC strip m 64 ROOF AND WALL INSULATION Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS -156- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B "Equal and approved" heavy industrial grade reinforced aluminium foil based insulation 5 Insulation laid taut over purlins (at approximately 1,1m centres) and fixed concurrent with roof covering, including white plastic coated straining wires (Measured flat on plan) Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS -157- m2 678 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -156-157- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS -158- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY: For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades". NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Plate nailed timber roof truss construction The following is applicable in respect of roof trusses: Trusses are at maximum 1,20m centres. Roof covering is 0,6mm Similar approved profile sheeting on 50 x 75mm purlins. Ceilings are 6,4mm skimmed gypsum plasterboard sheeting on 38 x 38mm brandering. The references given in the descriptions refer to the respective types of trusses detailed on the architect's drawing numbered H100/015 accompanying these bills of quantities. The dimensions in the descriptions of the trusses are nominal and actual measurements shall be obtained from the architect and/or the site before design or fabrication commences. Joinery Descriptions of frames shall be deemed to include frames, transomes, mullions, rails, etc. Descriptions of hardwood joinery shall be deemed to include pelleting of bolt holes. Fixing Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or shot pins to brickwork or concrete. Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -159- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Decorative laminate finish Laminate finish shall be glued under pressure. Edge strips shall be butt jointed at junctions with adjacent similar finish. EAVES, VERGES, ETC Pressed fibre cement 1 12 x 225mm Fascia and barge board including galvanised steel H-profile jointing strips m 432 No 52 No 4 m 739 DOORS ETC Wrought meranti doors hung to steel frames 2 40 x 813 x 2 032mm Door. Solid core flush doors with commercial veneer on both sides hung to steel frames 3 40 x 813 x 2 032mm Door. SKIRTINGS Wrought meranti 4 19 x 100mm Skirting including 19mm quadrant bead plugged Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -160- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -159-160- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -161- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 7 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to brickwork or concrete Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to include screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 600mm centres, and where described as "bolted", the bolts are measured elsewhere Proprietary suspended ceilings Electric light fittings, diffusers, panels, etc generally are "lay in" units of the same dimensions as the suspension grid described and allowance shall be made accordingly for their support, inclusive of any flexibility in setting out that may be required (ceiling panels have not been deducted and pricing shall take cognisance thereof) Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 7 CEILINGS ETC -162- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B "Rhino-Drywall" partition systems "Rhino-Drywall" partitions shall comprise 63,5mm top and bottom galvanised steel tracks with 63,5mm galvanised steel vertical studs at maximum 600mm centres, friction fitted or pop-riveted to the top and bottom tracks with similar additional verticalstuds as necessary at abutments, ends, etc and covered as described with wallboard screwed to studding with "Drywall" screws at maximum 220mm centres. Boards shall be butt jointed and finished with "Rhino" tape and "Readymix D" jointing compound allin accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, complete with flat section aluminium skirtings. Intersections and abutments are measured separately and descriptions shall be deemed to include any additional studs, corner beads, jointing compound CEILINGS, ETC "Aerolite" insulation 1 50mm Insulation closely fitted and laid on top of brandering between roof timbers, etc m2 759 Horizontal ceilings, including 38 x 38mm sawn softwood brandering at 400mm c/c, with 32mm gms clout nails at 150mm c/c. all joints between panels to be covered with "rhino m" or equal approved cover strips. m2 759 NAILED UP CEILINGS 2 3 4 Extra over ceilings for opening for 150mm diameter downlighter Extra over ceiling for opening for 650 x 650 mm trap door complete with trimmers, frame, cross branders, ceiling board, hinges, etc as described No 64 No 4 m2 105 6 mm "Everite Nutec" fibre-cement boards with H-type pressed steel jointing strips 5 Ceilings including 38 x 50 mm sawn softwood brandering at 400 mm centres Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 7 CEILINGS ETC -163- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 6 Extra over ceiling for trap door 726 x 726mm overall, of 38 x 100mm sawn softwood trimmers, 38 x 50mm frame with 38 x 100mm hinge rail, 6mm hardboard door panel with19 x 44mm wrought softwood cover strips all round, hinges, etc No 8 m 76 "Rhino" gypsum plasterboard cornices 7 75mm Coved cornices, nailed Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 7 CEILINGS ETC -164- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 7 CEILINGS ETC COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -162-163-164- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 7 CEILINGS ETC -165- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 8 FLOOR COVERINGS, PLASTIC LININGS, ETC SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the Architect FLOOR COVERINGS 300 x 300 PVC floor tiles (PC R250,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 1 On floors and landings m2 Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 8 FLOOR COVERINGS -166- 133 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 9 IRONMONGERY SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Finishes to ironmongery Where applicable finishes to ironmongery are indicated by suffixes in accordance with the following list: BS Satin bronze lacquered CH Chromium plated SC Satin chromium plated SE Silver enamelled GE Grey enamelled AS Anodised silver AB Anodised bronze AG Anodised gold ABL Anodised black PB Polished brass PL Polished and lacquered PT Epoxy coated SD Sanded CATCHES, CABIN HOOKS, ETC 1 Norina double robe coat hook by CTM or similar approved No 48 No 40 No 24 CURTAIN TRACKS, DRIP RAILS, CURTAINS, BLINDS, ETC VENETIAN BLINDS 2 Windovert or similar approved, aluminium 50mm x0.23mm thick slats venetian blind CURTAIN TRACKS 3 Windovert or similar approved, curtain tracks. Size: See window schedule Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -167- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B BATHROOM FITTINGS 4 Wall mounted toilet paper holder CHRX 672 (Product Code: 359808) or similar approved manufactured from 0.8mm thick 15/10 Stainless Steel to take two rolls with maximum 108mm Ø. The reserve roll is non-visible and drops automatically into the dispensing position when required. The body of the dispenser is of a welded construction with a single piece deep drawn lid and cylinder lock with a standard Franke key - SATIN Finish. Screws and rawl plugs are included. No 24 BHM12P double towel rail 600mm by Franke or similar approved No 4 Norina single towel rail 600mm by CTM or similar approved No 16 Rails, bars, etc. 5 6 SUNDRIES CTM or similar approved. 7 TVWR4020 Brass 3 lever shower caddy No 20 8 TVCH1669 Norina soap holder No 8 No 4 Franke or similar approved. 9 BHM18P Towel ring SHOWER DOORS Showerline or similar approved. 10 Hinged frameless glass shower door No 4 11 Hinged framed shower door No 16 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -168- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -167-168- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -169- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 10 METALWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Descriptions of bolts shall be deemed to include nuts and washers Descriptions of expansion anchors and bolts and chemical anchors and bolts shall be deemed to include nuts, washers and mortices in brickwork or concrete Metalwork described as "holed for bolt(s)" shall be deemed to exclude the bolts unless otherwise described STEEL HANDRAILS, BALUSTRADES, ETC. Galvanised mild steel welded and bolted balustrades to Staircases 1 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 150mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect) Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 10 METALWORK -170- m 24 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Galvanised mild steel welded and bolted balustrades to Balconies 2 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 900mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect), including two of 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails parallel with each other at 900mm centres, 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in cross bracing and 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in a square pattern, all in line with the architect's requirements m 64 No 4 No 4 PRESSED STEEL DOOR FRAMES 1,2mm Rebated frames suitable for half brick walls with 2 brass butt hinges per door leaf 3 Frame for door 813 x 2032mm high STEEL ROLLER SHUTTERS ETC "Roll-Up " garage electrically operated 75 x 1,0mm thick endlocked slatted curtain roller shutter with and including motor, wicket gate, ironmongery, lockable push button control, standard bottom rail, overhead box 360mm high, 75mm wide guides, extruded aluminium T-bar with rubber seal, hot dip galvanised ancillary components including 4,5mm thick end plates, guide rails, etc.; fixed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions: 4 Door to suite opening size 2935 x 2300mm high. ALUMINIUM WINDOWS, DOORS, ETC WINDOWS Powder Coated Aluminium Window Frame. Opening sections with "Friction Stays", handles and weather seals including 6.3mm clear float glass and 6mm clear laminated safety glass with a Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) plastic interlayer fixed to frame with matching glazing beads A detail specification is to be inserted as necessary Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 10 METALWORK -171- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Window size 2400 x 600mm high in two 600 x 600mm top hung opening panes and one 1200 x 600mm fixed pane No 8 Window size 1200 x 600mm high divided into 600 x 600mm top hung opening panel, 300 x 600mm and 600 x 900mm fixed panes with 4mm thick clear float glass No 24 Window size 1500 x 600mm high divided into 600 x 600mm top hung opening panel, 300 x 600mm and 900 x 900mm fixed panes with 4mm thick clear float glass No 12 Window size 3000 x 900mm high divided into two 900 x 600mm top hung opening panel, two 300 x 600mm and 1200 x 900mm fixed panes with 4mm thick clear float glass No 4 Window size 1500 x 1200mm high with two 600 x 600mm top hung opening panels, and 900 x 1200 side fixed panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 8 Window size 1500 x 1500mm high with two 600 x 600mm top hung opening panels, 300 x 600mm bottom fixed panel and 900 x 1500 side fixed panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 4 Window size 900 x 1800mm high with two 900 x 600mm top hung opening panels, 600 x 600mm bottom fixed with 4mm thick clear float glass No 12 Window size 2100 x 1800mm high with four 600 x 600mm top hung opening panels, two 600 x 600mm bottom fixed panel and 900 x 1800 side fixed panel with 6mm thick shatterproof glass No 4 Window size 2400 x 1800mm high with four 600 x 600mm top hung opening panels, two 600 x 600mm bottom fixed panel and 1200 x 1800 side fixed panel with 6mm thick shatterproof glass No 8 Window size 600 x 2600mm high with two 600 x 600mm top hung opening panels, and 600 x 1400 middle fixed panel with 6mm thick shatterproof glass No 4 Window size 4040 x 1800mm high with four 900 x 600mm top hung opening panels, two 600 x 600mm bottom fixed panel and two 1200 x 1800 middle fixed panels with 6mm thick shatterproof glass No 4 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 10 METALWORK -172- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 16 17 18 Window size 450 x 2600mm high divided into 450 x 500mm top fixed panel and 450 x 2100mm bottom fixed panel with 6mm thick sandblasted shatterproof glass No 4 Window size 3480 x 1500mm high with two 846 x 600mm top hung opening panels, two 600 x 600mm top hung opening panels, 588 x 600mm top fixed panel, one 588 x 900mm fixed panel, two 846 x 900mm fixed panels and two 600 x 900mm fixed panels with 4mm thick clear float glass No 8 Window 900 x 1200 mm high No 4 No 12 No 4 No 4 DOORS Purpose-made powder-coated aluminium doors with panels glazed in 6mm laminated safety sandblasted glass 19 Door size 900 x 2400mm high, with 900 x 2400mm high fixed panel Purpose-made epoxy powder-coated aluminium sliding doors with panels glazed in 6mm shatterproof glass 20 Double door size 1800 x 2100mm high SHOWER CUBICLE DOORS, ETC. (CPAP Work Group No 140) "Clearway Bi-Slider" white powder coated anodised aluminium shower doors glazed as described, including frames cleats, stops, etc., plugged and screwed to tiled walls and tiled floor 21 Shower door size 920 x 1750mm high (code BS 900) glazed with obscure toughened safety glass. Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 10 METALWORK -173- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 10 METALWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -170-171-172-173- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 10 METALWORK -174- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 11 PLASTERING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES SCREEDS Screeds wood floated on concrete 1 Equal and approved self-levelling screed on floors m2 705 2 Average 25mm thick on floors to falls m2 48 INTERNAL PLASTER One coat cement plaster (5 parts sand: 1 part cement)Cement as per SABS ENV 197-1, strength class 32,5, Sand as per SABS 1090. Apply one coat plaster to surface, leave to stiffen, strike off with a striker board, and wood float to an even surface and to a thickness of 10 - 15 mm with gypsum finish on brickwork 3 On walls m2 1,975 4 On narrow widths m2 76 m2 64 Two coat plaster composed of a rendering coat (3 parts sand: 1 part cement) and a setting coat (1 part fine washed sand: 2 parts putty plaster lime: 1 part cement) with gypsum finish on concrete 5 On ceilings EXTERNAL PLASTER Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 11 PLASTERING -175- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Cement plaster (5 parts sand: 1 part cement) on brickwork. Cement as per SABS ENV 197-1, strength class 32,5, Sand as per SABS 1090. Apply one coat plaster to surface, leave to stiffen, strike off with a striker board, and wood float to an even surface and to a thickness of 10 - 15 mm. 6 On walls m2 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 11 PLASTERING -176- 1,414 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 11 PLASTERING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -175-176- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 11 PLASTERING -177- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 12 TILING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Unless described as "fixed with adhesive to plaster (plaster elsewhere)" descriptions of tiling on brick or concrete walls, columns, etc shall be deemed to include 1:4 cement plaster backing and descriptions of tiling on concrete floors etc shall be deemed to include 1:3 plaster bedding WALL TILING 300 x 400 Ceramic wall tiles (PC R200,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to plastered walls, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 1 On walls m2 878 2 On splashbacks m2 32 m2 759 m 32 m2 105 FLOOR TILING 600 x 600 Polished Porcelain floor tiles (PC R300,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 3 On floors and landings 4 Skirting 100mm high 300 x 300 Non- slip Porcelain floor tiles (PC R300,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 5 On floors and landings Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 12 TILING -178- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 6 Skirting 100mm high m 26 300 x 300 Natural stone floor tiles (PC R350,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 7 On floors and landings m2 322 8 On skirting 100mm high m 153 m2 29 CERAMIC MOSAIC TILES Ceramic unglazed mosaic tiles manufactured by Vitrified Ceramics (Pty) Ltd, in approved colours with 40 x 20mm tiles supplied in panels on paper backing, applied to floor float coat (elsewhere) with approved tile adhesive mixed with ABE plastergrip and with the joints grouted solid with a mixture of one part cement to two parts white cement and water 9 To shower floors to falls Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 12 TILING -179- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 12 TILING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -178-179- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 12 TILING -180- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 13 GLAZING TOPS, SHELVES, DOORS, MIRRORS, ETC 6 mm Silvered float glass copper backed mirrors with polished edges holed for and fixed with chromium plated dome capped mirror screws with rubber buffers to plugs in brickwork or concrete 1 Mirror 450 x 600mm high No Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 13 GLAZING -181- 48 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 4 BILL NO. 14 PAINTWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions of paintwork shall be deemed to include for all cutting in PREPARATORY WORK TO EXISTING WORK Previously painted plastered surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a suitable filler and finished smooth Previously painted metal surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal Previously painted wood surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, filled with suitable filler and finished smooth PAINT SPECIFICATIONS All painting shall be done in accordance with "Plascon" specifications or similar approved Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -182- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAINTWORK, ETC TO NEW WORK ON ON FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES WITH One coat "Plascon" universal undercoat and two coats "Plascon" cashmere, or similar appproved paint 1 On internal plastered walls m2 1,734 m2 241 m2 1,432 m2 313 m2 432 m2 759 One coat undercoat of "Plascon" universal undercoat and two coats "Plascon" Velvaglo or similar approved 2 On Internal plastered walls Gammazineth Acrylic coatings applications to walls 3 On external plastered walls ON SMOOTH CONCRETE SURFACES 4 Ceilings and beams One coat alkali-resistant plaster primer, one coat universal undercoat and two coats eggshell enamel paint on ON FIBRE-CEMENT SURFACES One coat undercoat and two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on 5 On fascias and barge boards PLASTER BOARD SURFACES WITH One "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Professional Contractors Matt White" paint 6 Ceilings and cornices METAL SURFACES WITH Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -183- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B One coat 'Professional Plascoprime 170 Zinc Phosphate Primer' and two coats 'Plascon Velvaglo Satin' paint or similar approved 7 Door frames m2 4 8 On rails, bars, pipes, etc m2 24 9 On rails, bars, pipes, etc not exceeding 300 mm girth m 20 m2 120 10 On columns and beams WOOD SURFACES WITH One Professional Wood Primer and one coat Professional All Purpose Undercoat, and two coats Professional Plascosafe 200 Waterbased Enamel 11 Doors m2 80 12 On general surfaces m2 72 m 103 Two coats of clear Eggshell Polyurethane varnish 13 On interior skirtings, rails, etc not exceeding 300 mm girth. Stop, sand down and prepare wood surfaces and apply three coats 'Plascon Woodcare Woodcoat Polyurethane' X44 suede clear varnish 14 On doors m2 80 15 On open slatted shelves, seats, etc of 32 x 50mm slats at 25mm centres (both sides measured over the full flat area) m2 72 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -184- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -182-183-184- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -185- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 3 BILL NO.15 GENERAL SITEWORKS For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" EARTHWORKS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES NATURE OF GROUND User Note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "nature of ground". Nature of ground The nature of the ground is assumed to be loose sandy material, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be gravel, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be silty clay with loose river boulders varying in size up to approximately 450mm diameter, all of which will be deemed as "earth", but possibly interspersed with "hard rock". Trial holes indicate that the nature of the ground is silty clay to a depth of approximately 500mm with fine to medium loose sandy material below, therefore "earth".. Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -186- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B A soils investigation has been carried out on the site by the engineer and the report is annexed to these bills of quantities. The soils report indicates that the ground varies between silty sand, reworked soil of mixed origin and residual shale, all of which will be deemed as "earth". All very hard unweathered shale, ironstone, etc, the removal of which necessitates the use of explosives or heavy duty hydraulic percussion hammers (peckers), will be classified as "hard rock". SUB-TERRANEAN WATER User note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "subterranean water". Subterranean water No subterranean water is expected. GENERAL Foundations shall not be laid until excavations have been approved of, in writing, by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and such excavations shall not be covered until any variation has been measured. Excavation for working space in rock Notwithstanding clause 11 page 8 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, excavation for working space in rock will be measured in cubic metres to the extent executed and given as "extra over" bulk excavation or trench and hole excavation as the case may be. Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site to a suitable dumping site outside the boundary of the site. Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -187- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Filling All filling material to be utilised shall be approved beforehand by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer prior to ordering. A sample of 60 Kg of such proposed fill shall be made available by the contractor, with a 14 days period set aside for carrying out such sample testing. Notwithstanding the reference to prescribed multiple handling in clause 1 page 6 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, prices for filling and backfilling shall include for all selection and any necessary multiple handling of material. User note When no information regarding density tests is available the following preamble in respect of testing may be inserted. Testing Prices for filling are to include for all necessary density tests in accordance with SANS 1200D. User Note Soil poisoning shall be conducted with an approved registered soil poisoning material of the chlordane or aldrin type mixed with water and then applied at a rate of not less than 5 litres per square metre. The concentration of the solution shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to the approval of the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and undertaken under such supervision. BULK EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. User Note This section is given as an alternative option and in the event of it being utilised, the excavation, filling, etc. other than bulk is to be given in the later section under the appropriate heading. If this alternative is not utilised then all excavations, etc. (bulk and otherwise) is to be given in the later section under the appropriated heading. Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -188- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SITE CLEARANCE ETC Site clearance 1 2 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, hedges, shrubs and trees not exceeding 200mm girth, bush, etc m2 422 Stripping average 100mm thick layer of top soil and stockpiling on site m2 422 m3 6,191 Imported earth filling, supplied and carted onto the site by the Contractor, compacted to 95% modified AASHTO under solid floors. m3 2,052 Over site of C4-cemented gravel and compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density m3 2,668 No 12.00 m2 422 No 2 EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 3 Reduced levels Earth filling supplied by the contractor under pavings, etc. 4 5 Prescribed density tests on filling 6 Prescribed Density tests as and when ordered by the Civil Engineer Compaction of surfaces 7 Compaction of ground surface under pavings, etc. including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 90% Mod AASHTO density REMOVAL OF TREES ETC Taking out and removing, grubbing up roots and filling in holes 8 Tree stump exceeding 1000mm and not exceeding 1500mm girth Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -189- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 9 Tree stump exceeding 1500mm and not exceeding 2000mm girth No 1 m3 148 BOUNDARY WALL (PROVISIONAL) EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 10 Trenches Extra over trench excavation in earth for excavation in 11 Soft rock m3 77 12 Hard rock m3 55 m3 79 m2 422 Extra over all excavations for carting away 13 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractor Risk of collapse of excavations 14 Sides of bulk excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep Keeping excavations free of water 15 Keeping excavations free of water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 16 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc m3 37 m3 37 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 15MPa/19mm concrete 17 Strip footings Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -190- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B TEST BLOCKS 18 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional) No 8 MASONRY BRICKWORK Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 19 One brick walls in foundations m2 167 20 One brick walls m2 440 Brickwork reinforcement 21 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally in foundations m 828 22 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 1,726 m 88 m2 40 m2 880 MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with 10mm Jointex or bitumen impregnated softboard 23 Expansion joints with 10mm Jointex or bitumen impregnated softboard FENCING WATERPROOFING One layer of 375 micron "Plastall Gundle Brikgrip DPC" embossed damp proof course 24 In walls PLASTERING EXTERNAL PLASTER Cement plaster on brickwork 25 On walls Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -191- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 26 On narrow widths m2 40 No 1 m2 920 m3 300 m2 300 METALWORK FENCING 358 DOUBLESKIN BETAFENCE OR EQUAL APPROVED 27 Purpose made sliding gate size 3000 x 2000mm as per the Architects detail PAINTWORK Gammazineth Acrylic coatings applications to walls 28 On walls RETAINING STRUCTURES Excavation not exceeding 2m deep 29 Trenches Risk of collapse of excavations 30 Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep 30MPa/19mm reinforced concrete 31 Strip footings m3 40 32 Wall 300mm wide m3 80 m 600 t 20.00 t 20.00 Rough formwork to sides 33 Edges not exceeding 300mm high Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 34 8mm Diameter bars High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 35 10mm Diameter bars Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -192- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B INTERLOCKING PLANTER UNITS "Loffelstein" precast concrete interlocking planter units finished smooth on exposed surfaces 36 Retaining walls with stepped face and curves as required to suit slopes, of 500 x 450 x 170mm high type L300 interlocking units laid with horizontal bed joints to 70 degree slope, including backfilling not exceeding 500mm wide with earth obtained from the excavations and filling units with garden soil lightly tamped as the work proceeds m2 600 ROADWORKS AND PAVING, ETC. EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. Drive way and access road 37 100mm 30Mpa RC to falls m3 50 38 Mesh ref 245 centrally m2 500 39 150 mm thick C3 cement stabilised base compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement or as directed) m3 80 150mm C4 cement stabilised layer subbase compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement of as directed) m3 95 40 41 42 150mm thick G5 subgrade selected layer compacted to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 115 Rip and recompact 150mm thick layer insitu G7 subgrade to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 137 ACCESS PARKING Bellmouth access parking 43 60mm block paving complete m2 170 44 Bedding and filler sand as approved m3 12 45 150 mm thick C3 cement stabilised base compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement or as directed) m3 30 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -193- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 46 47 48 150mm C4 cement stabilised layer subbase compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement of as directed) m3 30 150mm thick G5 subgrade selected layer compacted to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 30 Rip and recompact 150mm thick layer insitu G7 subgrade to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 30 m 88 m 226 Kerbing and chanelling 49 Fig 8 Kerbs including base, haunching complete Subsoil drains 50 110mm perforated pvc pipe for Subsoil drain 51 Trench excavation to lines and levels m3 115 52 Backfill to trenches using excavated materials m3 63 53 Biddim U19 geotextile m2 452 54 19 mm aggregate in trench m3 44 55 Polyethelyne 250 thick m2 339 56 Ssubsoil outfall structure complete SUM Stromwater drainage 57 300 wide x 250 deep x 75 thick precast concrete channel jointed m 180 58 300mm wide steel grating m 180 59 05,5 m x 0,5m 0,5m catch pit No 2 60 250 dia uPVC down pipe at stand boundary and to outfalls m 70 Sewers 61 trench excavation soft up to 1,5m depth range m3 472 62 Ditto but for depth ranges 1,5m - 5,5m m3 140 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -194- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Backfill to trenches 63 depth range 0 - 1,5m m3 472 64 depth range 1,5m - 5,5m m3 140 65 160mm dia UPVC waste water pipes m 282 Appurtenances 1,2m dia manholes complete with PC rings, cover slab, covers, steps irons and interally base concrete benching complete 66 up to 1,5m deep No 4 67 1,5m to 2,5m deep No 2 68 Inspection chambers complete No 8 Water supply 69 trench excavation soft 1,5m deep m3 55 70 backfilling to trenches using excavated materials compacted to approval m3 27 m 145 71 40mm dia class 9 PVC U pressure pipe Pipe junctions and bends items - 160 dia class 20, 40 dia class 9, 25mm dia class 12 all as detailed in the drawings 72 160 dia class 20 socketed adaptor No 1 73 160 dia socketed ends adaptor No 1 74 160 x 40 socketed ends reducing Tee No 1 75 40 dia socketed end ball valve complete No 2 76 40 dia 1m connector pipe No 1 77 40 flanged end socketed end adaptor No 2 Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -195- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 78 KSM 40 dia kent approved meterbox No 1 79 40 x 40 socketed ends equal Tee No 1 80 40 dia socketed ends adaptor No 2 81 40 dia x 22,5 deg socketed ends bend No 1 82 40 dia x 90 deg socketed ends bend No 1 83 40 dia x 45 deg socketed ends junction No 4 84 40 x 25 socketed ends reducer No 4 85 25mm plaisson PVU-U/HDPE adaptor No 4 86 25mm connector HDPE 2m connector pipe No 4 87 Kent KSM house conncetion meter box to approval No 4 88 25mm ball valve complete (tap) No 6 m3 2 Thrust blocks (20Mpa concrete) 89 at junctions and bends Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -196- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -186-187-188-189-190-191-192-193-194-195-196- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -197- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect VANITY SLAB 1 Allow the sum of R70000,00 (Seventy Thousand Rand) for Vanity slabs Item 2 Allow for profit Item 3 Allow for attendance Item 70,000 00 JOINERY FITTINGS 4 Allow the amount of R500000-00 (Five hundred thousand Rand)Joinery Fittings, etc Item 5 Allow for profit Item 6 Allow for attendance Item 500,000 00 IRONMONGERY AND SIGNAGE 7 Allow the sum of R100 000,00 (One Hundred thousand Rand) for Sundry Ironmongery Items Item 8 Allow for profit Item 9 Allow for attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -198- 100,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B LANDSCAPE 10 Allow the sum of R350 000,00 (Three Hundred Thousand Rand) for Landscape Item 11 Allow for profit Item 12 Allow for attendance Item 350,000 00 SWIMMING POOL 13 Allow the sum of R200 000,00 (Two Hundred Thousand Rand) for Swimming Pool Item 14 Allow for profit Item 15 Allow for attendance Item 200,000 00 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL WORKS ON SITE 16 Allow the sum of R500 000,00 (Five hundred thousand Rand) for civil works and structural works on site Item 17 Allow for profit Item 18 Allow for attendance Item 500,000 00 MUNICIPAL CONNECTIONS 19 Allow the sum of R100 000,00 (One Hundred Thousand Rand) for Municipal water, Sewer and Stormwater connections Item 20 Allow for profit Item 21 Allow for attendance Item 100,000 00 ANY OTHER NECESSARY WORKS 22 Allow the sum of R500 000,00 (Five Hundred Rands) for Interior design Carried to Collection Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -199- Item 500,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 4 Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -198-199- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 4 Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -200- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SECTION SUMMARY - NEW STAFF HOUSES Bill No Page No 1 FOUNDATIONS -142- 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -147- 3 MASONRY -154- 4 WATERPROOFING -155- 5 ROOF COVERINGS -158- 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -161- 7 CEILINGS ETC -165- 8 FLOOR COVERINGS -166- 9 IRONMONGERY -169- 10 METALWORK -174- 11 PLASTERING -177- 12 TILING -180- 13 GLAZING -181- 14 PAINTWORK -185- 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -197- 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -200- Carried to Final Summary Section No. 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES -201- Amount R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 1 FOUNDATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Nature of ground A soil investigation has been carried out on site by the engineer and the report is available from the office of the Engineer, upon request. Descriptions of excavations shall be deemed to include all ground conditions classifiable as "earth" described in the above report and where conditions of a more difficult character are indicated these are separately measured Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 1 Bulk excavation m3 918 2 Lift pit m3 32 3 Trenches m3 1,093 4 Holes m3 18 Extra over trench excavation in earth for excavation in 5 Soft rock m3 655 6 Hard rock m3 760 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -202- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Back excavation of vertical sides of excavation in earth not exceeding 500mm deep for working space, including backfilling compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 7 For filling and casting concrete to trenches etc and building foundation brick wall, 600mm away from excavated face m2 640 m3 3,449 Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep m2 164 Sides of trench and hole excavations exceeding 1,5m deep m2 20 Extra over all excavations for carting away 8 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractor Risk of collapse of excavations 9 10 Keeping excavations free of water 11 Keeping excavations free of water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 12 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc m3 144 m3 141 m2 144 m2 848 Earth filling (G6 material) in layers of 150mm supplied by the contractor, compacted to 98% Mod AASHTO density 13 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc Coarse river sand filling supplied by the contractor 14 50mm thick river sand Under floors etc Compaction of surfaces 15 Compaction of ground surface under floors, trenches, etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 90% Mod AASHTO density Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -203- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SOIL POISONING Soil insecticide 16 17 Under floors etc including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming m2 848 To bottoms and sides of trenches etc m2 1,150 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT Soilcrete shall consist of hillwash mixed with 6% ordinary Portland cement with a minimum strength of 1,5MPa. The hillwash may not contain fragments larger than 100mm and the silt and clay fraction shall be less than 20%. The engineer shall decide on site which hillwash may be used in the soilcrete. The hillwash and Portland cement shall be mixed on site using suitable concrete mixers. Only sufficient water shall be added to give a consistency that will permit the placing of the soilcrete using vibrators. SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -204- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" SOILCRETE Soilcrete shall consist of hillwash mixed with 6% ordinary Portland cement with a minimum strength of 1,5MPa. The hillwash may not contain fragments larger than 100mm and the silt and clay fraction shall be less than 20%. The engineer shall decide on site which hillwash may be used in the soilcrete. The hillwash and Portland cement shall be mixed on site using suitable concrete mixers. Only sufficient water shall be added to give a consistency that will permit the placing of the soilcrete using vibrators. Soilcrete 18 Backfilling below bases m3 1 m3 16 UNREINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 15MPa/19mm concrete 19 Surface blinding under footings and bases REINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 25MPa/19mm concrete 20 Strip footings m3 49 21 Column bases m3 8 m3 9 30MPa/19mm concrete 22 Columns Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -205- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B TEST BLOCKS 23 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cube No 36 ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 24 Strip footings m2 644 25 Walls m2 252 No 5 m 56 Rough formwork to circular columns 26 200mm Diameter column 1.5m high MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with 12mm Jointex between vertical concrete or brickwork surfaces 27 10mm Soft board joints not exceeding 300mm high REINFORCEMENT Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 28 8mm Diameter bars t 2.50 29 10mm Diameter bars t 4.00 High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 30 10mm Diameter bars t 3.01 31 16mm Diameter bars t 6.02 32 20mm diameter bars t 10.00 MASONRY BRICKWORK Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -206- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 33 One brick walls m2 136 m 533 Brickwork reinforcement 34 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -207- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -202-203-204-205-206-207- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 1 FOUNDATIONS -208- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Formwork Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -209- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Formwork to soffits of (solid) slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer fordesign reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20Mpa/20mm concrete 1 Ramps m3 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/20mm concrete 2 Surface beds m3 146 3 Slabs, including beams and inverted beams m3 170 4 Stairs, including landings, beams and inverted beams m3 16 5 Walls m3 67 m3 3 No 48 m2 848 30MPa/20mm concrete 6 Columns TEST CUBES 7 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional) CONCRETE SUNDRIES Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float including non-slip brush finish 8 Surface beds, slabs, etc to falls Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -210- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc m2 98 10 Ramps to falls m2 3 11 Beams m2 55 12 Stairs with sloping soffits m2 73 13 Walls with total height exceeding 3,5m and not exceeding 5m above bearing level m2 216 Walls with total height exceeding 5m and not exceeding 6m above bearing level m2 216 m 22 No 17 m2 608 m 357 m 357 14 15 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY 1) Smooth formwork to circular columns 16 300mm Diameter column 2.85m high Smooth formwork to soffits 17 Slabs propped up exceeding 3,5m and not exceeding 5m high MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with bitumen-impregnated softboard between vertical concrete surfaces 18 10mm Joints not exceeding 300mm high or wide Vertical joggle construction joints through concrete, including thick cement slurry to one face 19 Surface beds not exceeding 300mmm thick REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -211- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 20 16mm Diameter bars t 18.00 21 12mm Diameter bars t 14.00 22 20mm Diameter bars t 25.00 m2 848 Fabric reinforcement 23 Type 245 fabric reinforcement in concrete surface beds, slabs, etc Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -212- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -209-210-211-212- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -213- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 3 MASONRY SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" BRICKWORK Sizes in descriptions Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick" shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick Hollow walls etc Descriptions of hollow walls shall be deemed to include wall ties and leaving every fifth perpend of the bottom course of the external skin open as a weep hole Reinforced brick lintels Lintels shall bear at least 160mm onto adjacent walling. Where such bearing cannot be obtained due to the proximity of adjacent openings the lintel shall be continuous Face bricks Bricks shall be ordered timeously to obtain uniformity in size and colour Pointing Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork and face brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc BLOCKWORK Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -214- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Concrete masonry units Blocks shall be either solid or hollow modular dense concrete masonry units in accordance with SABS Specification 1215, having compressive strengths as described Blockwork Blockwork shall comply with SABS 0145 "Concrete Masonry Construction" Surfaces to be plastered shall have joints raked out to a depth of at least 10mm to provide a key. Cavities of hollow walls shall be kept free of mortar droppings or other undesirable matter. Every second perpend of the bottom course of the external skin of hollow walls shall be left open as a weep hole Standard complementary blocks Descriptions of blockwork shall be deemed to include standard complementary blocks such as corner, three-quarter, half and quarter blocks required in the construction of corners, reveals, jambs, ends, etc to solid and hollow walls and for bonding asnecessary General Window surrounds shall be built into brick walls and pointed all round on both sides with 10 x 10mm square recessed joints Prices shall include for building in as single units or combinations in patterns of two or more window units and for bedding solid all round in mortar and pointing Note Aluminium infill windows, glazing and pointing with sealing compound are measured elsewhere SAMPLES Samples of all masonry building units, shall consist of a minimum of 6 units Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -215- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAVINGS Quarry tiles, precast concrete, cement, terrazzo and similar tiles Tiles shall be of approved manufacture, well burnt or cured, and uniform and true in size, shape and colour Preparation of concrete floor beds, slabs, etc for pavings Concrete surfaces shall be hacked (preferably by mechanical means) until all laitance, dirt, oil, etc is dislodged and swept clean of all loose matter. Surfaces shall then be wetted and kept damp for at least six hours before slushing with 1:2 cement/sand and while still wet, pavings, etc. shall be laid on a 1:4 cement mortar bed not exceeding 25mm thick. Sand shall be clean, sharp river sand Jointing of pavings Pavings, etc, shall, except for crazy paving, be laid with continuous joints in both directions STONEWORK Slate, marble, granite, etc Slate, marble, granite, etc is to be best quality stone from an approved quarry, free from cracks and other defects and equal to samples to be submitted to and approved by the architect. Each stone is to hold its full size, square to the back and tobe set on its natural quarry bed Setting out Care shall be exercised in setting out the work, the preparation of templates and the checking of the detail drawings. All measurements shall be taken on the site where necessary and the full size setting out of each course shall be done at the yardso as to ensure the proper fitting of each stone Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -216- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Before putting any work in hand the contractor is to submit to the architect for his approval details of the manner in which he proposes to set out the slabs and joints in all wall facings, pavings, sills, treads, etc together with samples of grain or pattern matching Face labours Face labours are to match samples to be submitted to and approved by the architect Arrises are to be clean and sharp except to treads and thresholds where they are to be slightly rounded Bedding and jointing Slate, marble, granite and other floor paving and wall linings are to be bedded solidly on the mortar thicknesses described and are to have tightly fitting butt joints unless otherwise stated Where stonework is to be fixed with adhesive, the adhesive is to be "TAL Goldstar/Bond" (mixed 20kg/5 litre) for external use or where white or light coloured marble is used, "TAL Goldstar" for internal use or other approved. The contractor will be liable for any defects to the slate, marble and granite arising from the use of the adhesive Where soffit linings are suspended the suspension system must be concealed and must be submitted to the architect for approval before work commences Where tolerance screws are required these are to be stainless steel expanding bolt type with matching stainless steel bracket and PVC clad dowel with nuts and washers etc Damaged work Any damaged stonework shall be discarded and replaced at the contractor's expense. No touching up will be permitted except in exceptional cases, with the architect's consent Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -217- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Descriptions Descriptions of stonework shall be deemed to include preparatory work, labours to backs, beds and joints, templates, mortices for bolts etc and for hoisting and setting in position, bedding, jointing and pointing, casing and protecting from injury and cleaning down at completion Descriptions of recessed pointing to stonework shall be deemed to be square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc SUPERSTRUCTURE Brickwork of NFPE bricks (17MPa nominal compressive strength) in class II mortar in loadbearing walls etc 1 Piers m3 6 2 Half brick walls m2 247 3 One brick walls m2 1,234 m 60 BRICKWORK SUNDRIES 4 Fill top of pressed steel door frame not exceeding 300mm girth with cement mortar and trowel smooth Brickwork reinforcement 5 75mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 726 6 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 3,066 Prestressed fabricated lintels 7 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths not exceeding 3m m 82 8 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths exceeding 3m and not exceeding 4,5m m 98 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths exceeding 4,5m and not exceeding 6m m 32 9 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -218- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Turning pieces 10 230mm Wide turning piece to lintels etc m 51 m 3 m2 60 m2 20 m2 744 m2 20 m2 30 Galvanised hoop iron cramps, ties, etc FIBRE-CEMENT WINDOW SILLS Natural grey sills in single lengths bedded in mortar including metal fixing lugs, etc. 11 175 x 15mm Wide sills set sloping and slightly projecting STONEWORK 150 x 600mm Limestone charcoal riven Cladding by union tiles or equal approved 12 Cladding to wall Random Limestone chunks riven Cladding by union tiles or equal approved 13 Cladding to wall 400 x 40 x 12mm Spiced gold slate riven Cladding by union tiles or equal approved 14 Retaining walls 400 x 40 x 12mm Sandstone desert sand riven walling loose by Mazista or equal approved 15 Cladding to wall 150 x 600 x 12mm Slate Asian autumn riven wall loose by Union or equal approved 16 To wall Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -219- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 3 MASONRY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -214-215-216-217-218-219- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 3 MASONRY -220- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO.4 WATERPROOFING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect DAMPPROOFING OF WALLS AND FLOORS One layer of 375 micron "Plastall Gundle Brikgrip DPC" embossed damp proof course 1 In walls m2 84 m2 848 m 792 One layer of 250 micron "Plastall Gundle USB Green" waterproof sheeting sealed at laps with "Gunplas Pressure Sensitive Tape" 2 Under surface beds WATERSTOPS Supplementary Preambles: Waterstop shall be "abe Supercast" virgin PVC conforming to CKS 389 of 1973 specification with a tensile strength in excess of 14 MPa and an elongation at break in excess of 300%. Multi PVC dumbell waterstops cast into concrete 3 350mm Wide with one edge cast into side of concrete member and other edge later cast into abutting member Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 4 WATERPROOFING -221- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 5 ROOF COVERINGS ETC For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions of all roof coverings are deemed to include for all straight cutting EMBOSSED PROFILED ROOFING 0.58mm Thick Z275 spelter galvanised sheet steel and accessories with concealed fixing roofing sheets manufactured from roll-formed certified steel complying with ISQ 550 (3T). The profile shall have three trapezoidal ribs at 203mm centres giving a nett cover of 406mm. The rib height shall be 41mm and provide capillary breaks. The male rib shall have spurs at 285mm centres to ensure a positive double interlocking action at side-laps. Each pan shall incorporate two stiffener ribs. Profiled roof sheets to be coated on one side with Colomet baked enamel finish to SANS 934 fixed to steel purlins 1 Roof coverings on flat area 2 Side wall flashings 350mm girth m2 13 m 8 TILES Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS -222- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B ‘Extra bold’ Double Roman M-22 coated concrete roofing tile to comply with SANS 542, with 100mm headlap fixed to timber rafters and battens as per manufacturer's structural requirements, incorporating all tile accessories, lapped and sealed undertile membrane with 75mm joints, tiling nails, storm clips, pigment, M-22 touch-up coating fixed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions 3 Roof coverings with pitches not exceeding 25 degrees 4 5 6 m2 1,020 Close cut and fitted valleys including raking cutting on both sides (valley gutters elsewhere) m 52 Ridge tiles to match roofing tiles bedded and pointed in 1:3 cement mortar tinted to match tile colour including DPC strip m 86 Hip tiles to match roofing tiles bedded and pointed in 1:3 cement mortar tinted to match tile colour including DPC strip m 184 m2 1,033 ROOF AND WALL INSULATION "Equal and approved" heavy industrial grade reinforced aluminium foil based insulation 7 Insulation laid taut over purlins (at approximately 1,1m centres) and fixed concurrent with roof covering, including white plastic coated straining wires (Measured flat on plan) Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS -223- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -222-223- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 5 ROOF COVERINGS -224- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 6 CEILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ACCESS FLOORING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to brickwork or concrete Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to include screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 600mm centres, and where described as "bolted", the bolts are measured elsewhere Proprietary suspended ceilings Electric light fittings, diffusers, panels, etc generally are "lay in" units of the same dimensions as the suspension grid described and allowance shall be made accordingly for their support, inclusive of any flexibility in setting out that may be required (ceiling panels have not been deducted and pricing shall take cognisance thereof) Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 6 CEILINGS ETC -225- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B "Rhino-Drywall" partition systems "Rhino-Drywall" partitions shall comprise 63,5mm top and bottom galvanised steel tracks with 63,5mm galvanised steel vertical studs at maximum 600mm centres, friction fitted or pop-riveted to the top and bottom tracks with similar additional verticalstuds as necessary at abutments, ends, etc and covered as described with wallboard screwed to studding with "Drywall" screws at maximum 220mm centres. Boards shall be butt jointed and finished with "Rhino" tape and "Readymix D" jointing compound allin accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, complete with flat section aluminium skirtings. Intersections and abutments are measured separately and descriptions shall be deemed to include any additional studs, corner beads, jointing compound CEILINGS, ETC "Aerolite" insulation 1 50mm Insulation closely fitted and laid on top of brandering between roof timbers, etc m2 1,031 Horizontal ceilings, including 38 x 38mm sawn softwood brandering at 400mm c/c, with 32mm gms clout nails at 150mm c/c. all joints between panels to be covered with "rhino m" or equal approved cover strips. m2 13 NAILED UP CEILINGS 2 3 4 Extra over ceilings for opening for 150mm diameter downlighter Extra over ceiling for opening for 650 x 650 mm trap door complete with trimmers, frame, cross branders, ceiling board, hinges, etc as described No 2 No 1 m2 337 6 mm Nutec fibre-cement Rhino boards or similar approved with H-type pressed steel jointing strips 5 6mm thick ceiling boards nailed to 38x38mm brandering, suspended by114x38mm from truss or concrete roof Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 6 CEILINGS ETC -226- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 6 Extra over ceiling for trap door 726 x 726mm overall, of 38 x 100mm sawn softwood trimmers, 38 x 50mm frame with 38 x 100mm hinge rail, 6mm hardboard door panel with19 x 44mm wrought softwood cover strips all round, hinges, etc No 3 m2 681 m 522 m 297 m 36 SUSPENDED CEILINGS Rhino board or similar approved 7 6mm thick ceiling boards nailed to 38x38mm brandering, suspended 114x38mm from truss of concrete roof. CORNICE DAS or similar approved 8 Classic (Code:DAS15)130mm, horizontal decorative molding cornice "Rhino" gypsum plasterboard cornices 9 75mm Coved cornices, nailed BULKHEADS, ETC. 9,5mm "Approved" gypsum plasterboard (SANS Specification 266) with H-type pressed steel jointing strips Extra over partitions for 40mm semi-solid flush doors with commercial veneer on both sides and hardwood edge strips to vertical edges, including additional studding, trimming, etc 10 Soffit and sides of horizontal bulkhead 1200mm wide x 900mm high including corners and ends Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 6 CEILINGS ETC -227- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 6 CEILINGS ETC COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -225-226-227- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 6 CEILINGS ETC -228- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY: EAVES, VERGES, ETC For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" NOTE: Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 124 for JBCC CPAP purposes _____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Plate nailed timber roof truss construction The following is applicable in respect of roof trusses: a) Trusses are at maximum 1,20m centres. Roof covering is 0,6mm IBR profile sheeting on 50 x 75mm purlins. Ceilings are 6,4mm skimmed gypsum plasterboard sheeting on 38 x 38mm brandering. The references given in the descriptions refer to the respective types of trusses detailed on the architect's drawing numbered H100/015 accompanying these bills of quantities. The dimensions in the descriptions of the trusses are nominal and actual measurements shall be obtained from the architect and/or the site before design or fabrication commences b) All roof trusses to be designed and constructed with softwood structural timber to include for live loads, wind loads and to take corrugated roof covering, purlins and fibre cement or gypsum plasterboard ceilings with brandering. Each roof truss shall have all its members accurately cut and close butted together and rigidly fixed by CSIR approved patented galvanised metal spiked connectors, fixed on both sides of each intersection by an approved method, all in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. c) Unless otherwise described all rafter feet are to extend 500mm beyond the length of the tie beam on one side, and 610mm on the other side. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -229- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B d) The design, manufacture and transportation of the roof trusses, bracing, etc. shall be under the control of a registered engineer in accordance with SABS 0243 and it shall be required from the manufacturer of the truss to lodge a written guarantee that his construction has been designed by a qualified structural engineer and that he is in possession of a capability certificate issued by the Institute for Timber Construction and approved by the Representative Agent. e) The tenderer's attention is drawn to the fact that the detail drawings represent only the overall size and bearing points of the trusses and not the required design. f) Erection must be carried out as described in "The Erection and Bracing of Timber Roof Trusses" published by the Truss Plate Association of South Africa and the National Timber Research Institute. g) Descriptions of roof trusses shall be deemed to include for design, manufacture, supply, hoisting and fixing in position, trimming ends, notching, etc. and for temporary bracing Joinery Descriptions of frames shall be deemed to include frames, transomes, mullions, rails, etc Descriptions of hardwood joinery shall be deemed to include pelleting of bolt holes Fixing Items described as "nailed" shall be deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or shot pins to brickwork or concrete Decorative laminate finish Laminate finish shall be glued under pressure. Edge strips shall be butt jointed at junctions with adjacent similar finish Pressed fibre cement 1 12 x 225mm Fascia and barge board including galvanised steel H-profile jointing strips Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -230- m 257 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B DOORS ETC Wrought meranti doors hung to steel frames 2 40 x 813 x 2 032mm Door, (D13) No 25 No 8 Solid hardwood doors hung to steel frames 3 40 x 813 x 2032mm Door. (D06), (D07), (D08) 4 40 x 1200 x 2032mm Pivot door. (D05) No 1 5 40 x 1511 x 2032mm Double door. (D10) No 1 No 1 No 2 No 2 No 2 2 Hour ratet fire door 900 x 2400mm high including pressed steel frame for one brick wall and preparing frame for door closer and lock No 2 8130 x 2032mm One hour rated fire door, (D02) No 1 m 240 Solid core flush doors with commercial veneer on both sides hung to steel frames 6 7 40 x 813 x 2032mm Door, (D04), (D05), (D11), (D15), (D16) 40 x 936 x 2032mm Door, (D17) 8 40 x 900 x 2032mm Door. 9 44mm Double Door 1613 x 2032mm high Fire doors 10 11 SKIRTINGS Wrought meranti 12 19 x 150mm Meranti skirting board nailed to wall Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -231- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -229-230-231- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -232- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 8 FLOOR COVERINGS, PLASTIC LININGS, ETC SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the Architect FLOOR COVERINGS 300 x 300mm PVC floor tiles (SANS Specification 581) 1 On floors m2 Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 8 FLOOR COVERINGS -233- 56 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 9 IRONMONGERY SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Finishes to ironmongery Where applicable finishes to ironmongery are indicated by suffixes in accordance with the following list: BS Satin bronze lacquered CH Chromium plated SC Satin chromium plated SE Silver enamelled GE Grey enamelled AS Anodised silver AB Anodised bronze AG Anodised gold ABL Anodised black PB Polished brass PL Polished and lacquered PT Epoxy coated SD Sanded HINGES, BOLTS, ETC CATCHES, CABIN HOOKS, ETC Union 1 2 Assa abloy SS8025SS hat & coat hook with buffer No 6 No 9 No 27 "AL8722AS" rubber tipped hat and coat hook CTM or similar approved. 3 Norina double robe coat hook CURTAIN TRACKS, DRIP RAILS, CURTAINS, BLINDS, ETC Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -234- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B VENETIAN BLINDS Windovert or similar approved aluminium 50mm x0.23mm thick slats venetian blind 4 Window size 600 x 1500mm high No 4 5 Window size 600 x 900mm high No 6 m 3 BHM12P double towel rail 600mm by Franke or similar approved No 5 Norina single towel rail 600mm by CTM or similar approved No 10 "AL8730AS" or other equal and appoved door stop plugged No 10 TVCH 7025A Quarz toilet roll holder and lid by Cobra or similar approved. No 11 CURTAIN TRACKS Windovert or similar approved 6 1200mm curtain tracks. BATHROOM FITTINGS Rails, bars, etc. 7 8 SUNDRIES "Union" 9 10 CTM or similar approved. 11 Norina single towel rail 600mm No 4 12 TVWR4020 Brass 3 lever shower caddy No 7 13 TVCH1828GD Nicola double tumble holder No 6 14 TVCH1669 Norina soap holder No 9 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -235- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Franke or similar approved. 15 4 BS610 Perforated waste container No 8 16 BHM18P Towel ring No 18 SHOWER DOORS Showerline or similar approved. 17 Hinged frameless glass shower door No 12 18 Hinged framed shower door No 7 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -236- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -234-235-236- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 9 IRONMONGERY -237- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 10 METALWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Descriptions of bolts shall be deemed to include nuts and washers Descriptions of expansion anchors and bolts and chemical anchors and bolts shall be deemed to include nuts, washers and mortices in brickwork or concrete Metalwork described as "holed for bolt(s)" shall be deemed to exclude the bolts unless otherwise described STEEL HANDRAILS, BALUSTRADES, ETC. Galvanised mild steel welded and bolted balustrades to Staircases 1 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 150mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect) Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 10 METALWORK -238- m 130 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Galvanised mild steel welded and bolted balustrades to Balconies 2 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 900mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect), including two of 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails parallel with each other at 900mm centres, 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in cross bracing and 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in a square pattern, all in line with the architect's requirements m 51 m 98 No 35 No 1 Stainless steel welded and bolted balustrades to Retaining wall 3 Horizontal balustrading 1200mm high of 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section continuous handrail welded to and including 75 x 50 x 2mm Rectangular Hollow Section newel posts at average 900mm centres bolted to floors (bolts to the satisfaction of the Architect), including two of 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails parallel with each other at 900mm centres, 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in cross bracing and 50 x 50 x 2mm thick rails in a square pattern, all in line with the architect's requirements PRESSED STEEL DOOR FRAMES 1,2mm Rebated frames suitable for One brick walls with 2 brass butt hinges per door leaf 4 Frame for door 813 x 2032mm high STEEL ROLLER SHUTTERS ETC "Roll-Up " garage electrically operated 75 x 1,0mm thick endlocked slatted curtain roller shutter with and including motor, wicket gate, ironmongery, lockable push button control, standard bottom rail, overhead box 360mm high, 75mm wide guides, extruded aluminium T-bar with rubber seal, hot dip galvanised ancillary components including 4,5mm thick end plates, guide rails, etc.; fixed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions: 5 Door to suite opening size 4600 x 2300mm high. ALUMINIUM WINDOWS, DOORS, ETC Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 10 METALWORK -239- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B WINDOWS Powder Coated Aluminium Window Frame. Opening sections with "Friction Stays", handles and weather seals including 6.3mm clear float glass and 6mm clear laminated safety glass with a Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) plastic interlayer fixed to frame with matching glazing beads A detail specification is to be inserted as necessary 6 Window size 600 x 600mm high in a single open pane No 1 7 Window size 600 x 1500mm high No 6 8 Window size 3200 x 2400mm high No 1 9 Window size 1200 x 900mm high with 600 x 900mm top hung opening panel, 300 x 600mm bottom fixed and 600 x 600 side fixed with 4mm thick clear float glass No 5 Window size 900 x 1200mm high formed of two equal panes 900 x 600mm high and one fixed 900 x 600 No 1 Window size 1800 x 900mm high with 900 x 600mm top hung opening panel, 300 x 900mm bottom fixed panel and 900 x 900 side fixed panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 2 Window size 2100 x 600mm high divided into two unequal panels one 1200 x 600mm fixed and one 900 x 600mm side opening panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 2 Window size 2000 x 1800mm high divided into four equal panel 1000 x 900mm side opening panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 1 Window size 600 x 1200mm high divided into two 600 x 600mm side opening panel with with 4mm thick clear float glass (W16) No 1 Window size 1200 x 1200mm high divided into two 1200 x 600mm side opening panel with with 4mm thick clear float glass (W15) 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 10 METALWORK -240- No R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 16 Window size 1800 x 900mm high divided into three panels one 600 x 900mm middle fixed and two 900 x 600mm side opening panel with 900 x 300mm bottom fixed with 4mm thick clear float glass (W30,31,32) No 4 Window size 2400 x 900mm high divided into three panels one 600 x 900mm middle fixed and two 900 x 600mm side opening panel with 900 x 300mm bottom fixed, with 4mm thick clear float glass No 4 Window size 2400 x 1200mm high divided into three panels one 600 x 900mm middle fixed and two 900 x 600mm side opening panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 1 Window size 3000 x 1800mm high divided into three panels one 600 x 1800mm middle fixed and two 1200 x 900mm side opening panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 1 Window size 2400 x 600mm high divided into three panels one 600 x 600mm middle fixed and two 900 x 600mm side opening panel with 4mm thick clear float glass No 1 21 Window size 2400 x 600mm high in a single fixed pane No 4 22 Window size 5400 x 1800mm high overall in a one-corner profile, consisting of 1280 x 1800mm high double sliding door, one 680 x 1800mm high fixed panel, and one 680 x 1800mm high fixed panel, including 1380 x 1800mm high double sliding door, one 690 x 1800mm high fixed panel, and one 730 x 1800mm high fixed panel. No 1 No 1 No 1 17 18 19 20 23 24 Window size 5400 x 1800mm high overall in a one-corner profile, consisting of two panels, 2600 x 1800mm high side panel in two 1380 x 1800mm high opening and equal panes, glazed with 6mm shatterproof glass (W02) Window size 3840 x 4205mm high overall, consisting of two 1321 x 2032mm high side panels each in four 635 x 800mm high top hung opening sash and two 635 x 800mm fixed panels, with two 1270 x 1700mm high fixed side panels and one 1300 x 1700mm high fixed centre panel (W1) Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 10 METALWORK -241- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B DOORS Purpose-made epoxy powder-coated aluminium sliding doors with panels glazed in 6mm shatterproof glass 25 Double door size 1800 x 2100mm high (D12) No 1 26 Double door size 2000 x 2100mm high (D01) No 1 27 Double door size 2100 x 2100mm high (D03) No 3 28 Door size 3000mm long overall consisting of two fixed and equal panels size 900 x 2100mm high, including 1200 x 2100mm high double sliding door, (D02) No 1 Purpose-made powder-coated aluminium doors with panels glazed in 6mm laminated safety sandblasted glass 29 Door size 900 x 2100mm high, (D04) No 1 30 3600 x 2100mm High folding stacking door (SFD3624) No 2 No 2 SHOWER CUBICLE DOORS, ETC. (CPAP Work Group No 140) "Clearway Bi-Slider" white powder coated anodised aluminium shower doors glazed as described, including frames cleats, stops, etc., plugged and screwed to tiled walls and tiled floor 31 Shower door size 900 x 2100mm high (code BS 900) glazed with obscure toughened safety glass. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 10 METALWORK -242- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 10 METALWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -238-239-240-241-242- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 10 METALWORK -243- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 11 PLASTERING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES SCREEDS Screeds wood floated on concrete 1 Average 25mm thick on floors to falls m2 848 m2 65 GRANOLITHIC Untinted granolithic finish composed of one-part cement, one-part fine sand, two-parts coarse sand and one-part granite that would pass through a 5mm mesh sieve (Colour, pattern and aggregate size all to the architect's approval) 2 30mm Thick on floors and landings INTERNAL PLASTER One coat cement plaster (5 parts sand: 1 part cement)Cement as per SABS ENV 197-1, strength class 32,5, Sand as per SABS 1090. Apply one coat plaster to surface, leave to stiffen, strike off with a striker board, and wood float to an even surface and to a thickness of 10 - 15 mm with gypsum finish on brickwork 3 On walls m2 2,550 4 On narrow widths m2 53 m2 560 Two coat plaster composed of a rendering coat (3 parts sand: 1 part cement) and a setting coat (1 part fine washed sand: 2 parts putty plaster lime: 1 part cement) with gypsum finish on concrete 5 On ceilings Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 11 PLASTERING -244- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B EXTERNAL PLASTER Cement plaster (5 parts sand: 1 part cement) on brickwork. Cement as per SABS ENV 197-1, strength class 32,5, Sand as per SABS 1090. Apply one coat plaster to surface, leave to stiffen, strike off with a striker board, and wood float to an even surface and to a thickness of 10 - 15 mm. 6 On walls m2 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 11 PLASTERING -245- 1,200 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 11 PLASTERING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -244-245- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 11 PLASTERING -246- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 12 TILING SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions Unless described as "fixed with adhesive to plaster (plaster elsewhere)" descriptions of tiling on brick or concrete walls, columns, etc shall be deemed to include 1:4 cement plaster backing and descriptions of tiling on concrete floors etc shall be deemed to include 1:3 plaster bedding WALL TILING 300 x 400 Ceramic wall tiles (PC R450,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to plastered walls, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 1 On walls m2 784 2 On splashbacks m2 61 m2 18 MOSAIC WALL TILES Natural mosaic tiles, FTMO0013 Saturn square 300 x 300 x 50mm mosaic, applied to plastered wall (elsewhere) with approved tile adhesive mixed with ABE plastergrip and with the joints grouted solid with a mixture of one part cement to two parts white cement and water 3 On walls FLOOR TILING Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 12 TILING -247- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 300 x 300 x 6mm Porcelain floor tiles (PC R300,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 4 On floors and landings in diagonal pattern 5 100mm High skirting m2 246 m 94 m2 77 m 46 m2 163 m 21 m2 95 m2 635 300 x 300 Ceramic floor tiles (PC R250,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 6 On floors and landings 7 100mm High skirting 300 x 300 x 6mm Ceramic non slip floor tiles (PC R250,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 8 On floors and landings 9 Skirting 100mm high 250 x 250 x 6mm Union floor tiles (PC R350,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 10 On floors and landings 600 x 150mm Porcelain Woodlike or similar approved floor tiles (PC R350,00/m2) fixed with an approved adhesive to screed, with 3mm spacing finished with grout 11 On floors and landings Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 12 TILING -248- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 12 TILING COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -247-248- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 12 TILING -249- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 13 GLAZING TOPS, SHELVES, DOORS, MIRRORS, ETC 4mm Silvered float glass copper backed mirrors with 10mm bevelled and polished edges fixed with double sided adhesive tape 1 2 450x1000mm High plate glass mirror with polished edges pn backing paper screwed with 4x plate capped screws in the wall No 12 450x600mm High plate glass mirror with polished edges pn backing paper screwed with 4x plate capped screws in the wall No 7 Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 13 GLAZING -250- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 14 PAINTWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions of paintwork shall be deemed to include for all cutting in PREPARATORY WORK TO EXISTING WORK Previously painted plastered surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a suitable filler and finished smooth Previously painted metal surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal Previously painted wood surfaces Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, filled with suitable filler and finished smooth PAINT SPECIFICATIONS All painting shall be done in accordance with "Plascon" specifications or similar approved Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -251- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B PAINTWORK, ETC TO NEW WORK ON ON FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES WITH One coat "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Plascon Superlow Sheen" or similar appproved paint 1 Internal walls m2 1,234 m2 1,200 m2 150 m2 342 m2 257 m2 681 Gammazineth Acrylic coatings applications to walls 2 On external plastered walls ON SMOOTH CONCRETE SURFACES One coat undercoat and two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on 3 Ceilings and beams ON FIBRE-CEMENT SURFACES One coat undercoat and two coats PVA acrylic emulsion paint on 4 5 Ceilings and cornices On fascias and barge boards PLASTER BOARD SURFACES WITH One "Professional Gypsum and Plaster Primer" and two coats "Professional Contractors Matt White" paint 6 Ceilings and cornices METAL SURFACES WITH Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -252- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B One coat 'Professional Plascoprime 170 Zinc Phosphate Primer' and two coats 'Plascon Velvaglo Satin' paint or similar approved 7 Door frames m2 22 m2 120 m 240 WOOD SURFACES WITH One Professional Wood Primer and one coat Professional All Purpose Undercoat, and two coats Professional Plascosafe 200 Waterbased Enamel 8 Doors Three coats polyurethane suede varnish, on 9 Skirtings, rails, etc. not exceeding 300mm girth Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -253- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -251-252-253- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 14 PAINTWORK -254- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO.15 GENERAL SITEWORKS For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" EARTHWORKS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES NATURE OF GROUND User Note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "nature of ground". Nature of ground The nature of the ground is assumed to be loose sandy material, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be gravel, therefore "earth", but possibly interspersed with "soft rock" or "hard rock". The nature of the ground is assumed to be silty clay with loose river boulders varying in size up to approximately 450mm diameter, all of which will be deemed as "earth", but possibly interspersed with "hard rock". Trial holes indicate that the nature of the ground is silty clay to a depth of approximately 500mm with fine to medium loose sandy material below, therefore "earth".. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -255- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B A soils investigation has been carried out on the site by the engineer and the report is annexed to these bills of quantities. The soils report indicates that the ground varies between silty sand, reworked soil of mixed origin and residual shale, all of which will be deemed as "earth". All very hard unweathered shale, ironstone, etc, the removal of which necessitates the use of explosives or heavy duty hydraulic percussion hammers (peckers), will be classified as "hard rock". SUB-TERRANEAN WATER User note The following are typical examples of descriptions of "subterranean water". Subterranean water No subterranean water is expected. GENERAL Foundations shall not be laid until excavations have been approved of, in writing, by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and such excavations shall not be covered until any variation has been measured. Excavation for working space in rock Notwithstanding clause 11 page 8 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, excavation for working space in rock will be measured in cubic metres to the extent executed and given as "extra over" bulk excavation or trench and hole excavation as the case may be. Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site to a suitable dumping site outside the boundary of the site. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -256- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Filling All filling material to be utilised shall be approved beforehand by the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer prior to ordering. A sample of 60 Kg of such proposed fill shall be made available by the contractor, with a 14 days period set aside for carrying out such sample testing. Notwithstanding the reference to prescribed multiple handling in clause 1 page 6 of the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, prices for filling and backfilling shall include for all selection and any necessary multiple handling of material. User note When no information regarding density tests is available the following preamble in respect of testing may be inserted. Testing Prices for filling are to include for all necessary density tests in accordance with SANS 1200D. User Note Soil poisoning shall be conducted with an approved registered soil poisoning material of the chlordane or aldrin type mixed with water and then applied at a rate of not less than 5 litres per square metre. The concentration of the solution shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to the approval of the Principal Agent and/or Civil Engineer and undertaken under such supervision. BULK EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. User Note This section is given as an alternative option and in the event of it being utilised, the excavation, filling, etc. other than bulk is to be given in the later section under the appropriate heading. If this alternative is not utilised then all excavations, etc. (bulk and otherwise) is to be given in the later section under the appropriated heading. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -257- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SITE CLEARANCE ETC Site clearance 1 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, hedges, shrubs and trees not exceeding 200mm girth, bush, etc m2 4,127 m3 1,749 Imported earth filling, supplied and carted onto the site by the Contractor, compacted to 95% modified AASHTO under solid floors. m3 1,430 Over site of C4-cemented gravel and compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density m3 1,859 No 20.00 m2 413 No 10 BULK EARTHWORKS EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 2 Reduced levels Earth filling supplied by the contractor under pavings, etc. 3 4 Prescribed density tests on filling 5 Prescribed Density tests as and when ordered by the Civil Engineer Compaction of surfaces 6 Compaction of ground surface under pavings, etc. including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 90% Mod AASHTO density REMOVAL OF TREES ETC Taking out and removing, grubbing up roots and filling in holes 7 Tree stump exceeding 200mm and not exceeding 500mm girth Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -258- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B BOUNDARY WALL (PROVISIONAL) For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 8 Trenches m3 269 Extra over trench excavation in earth for excavation in 9 Soft rock m3 13 10 Hard rock m3 27 m3 124 m2 768 Extra over all excavations for carting away 11 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractor Risk of collapse of excavations 12 Sides of bulk excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep Keeping excavations free of water 13 Keeping excavations free of water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 93% Mod AASHTO density 14 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc m3 124 m2 4,448 SOIL POISONING Soil insecticide 15 To bottoms and sides of trenches etc CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -259- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B UNREINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 15MPa/19mm concrete 16 Surface blinding under footings and bases m3 11 m3 67 No 20 m2 384 m 130 t 11.29 m2 384 REINFORCED CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 25MPa/19mm concrete 17 Strip footings TEST BLOCKS 18 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cube ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 19 Strip footings MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with 12mm Jointex between vertical concrete or brickwork surfaces 20 10mm Soft board joints not exceeding 300mm high REINFORCEMENT Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 21 10mm Diameter bars MASONRY BRICKWORK Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 22 One brick walls in foundations Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -260- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 23 One brick walls m2 672 Brickwork reinforcement 24 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally in foundations m 1,506 25 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 1,976 m2 74 No 2 WATERPROOFING One layer of 375 micron "Plastall Gundle Brikgrip DPC" embossed damp proof course 26 In walls METALWORK FENCING 358 DOUBLESKIN BETAFENCE OR EQUAL APPROVED 27 Purpose made sliding gate size 3000 x 2000mm as per the Architects detail PLASTERING EXTERNAL PLASTER Cement plaster on brickwork 28 On walls m2 1,344 29 On narrow widths m2 74 m2 1,344 PAINTWORK Gammazineth Acrylic coatings applications to walls 30 On walls RETAINING STRUCTURES External retaining walls Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -261- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Excavation not exceeding 2m deep 31 Trenches m3 200 m3 60 t 30.00 m2 600 m3 40 m 400 t 3.00 t 8.00 Retaining walls with stepped face and curves as required to suit slopes, of 450 x 350 x 225mm high type L300 interlocking units laid with horizontal bed joints to 70 degree slope, including backfilling not exceeding 500mm wide with earth obtained from the excavations and filling units with garden soil lightly tamped as the work proceeds m2 392 Concrete 32 30Mpa RC wall 300 wide Steel reinfoorcment to structural concrete 33 High yield bars [various] Risk of collapse of excavations 34 Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep 20MPa/19mm reinforced concrete 35 Strip footings Rough formwork to sides 36 Edges not exceeding 300mm high Mild steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 37 8mm Diameter bars High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 38 10mm Diameter bars INTERLOCKING PLANTER UNITS Terraforce L11 or equally approved 39 ROADWORKS AND PAVING, ETC. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -262- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC. Drive way and access road 40 100mm 30Mpa RC to falls m3 50 41 mesh ref 245 centrally m2 500 42 150 mm thick C3 cement stabilised base compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement or as directed) m3 120 150mm C4 cement stabilised layer subbase compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement of as directed) m3 138 150mm thick G5 subgrade selected layer compacted to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 167 Rip and recompact 150mm thick layer insitu G7 subgrade to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 200 43 44 45 ACCESS PARKING Bellmouth access parking 46 60mm block paving complete m2 300 47 Bedding and filler sand as approved m3 18 48 150 mm thick C3 cement stabilised base compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement or as directed) m3 53 150mm C4 cement stabilised layer subbase compacted to 95% MOD AASHTO (incl 2,5% cement of as directed) m3 53 150mm thick G5 subgrade selected layer compacted to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 53 Rip and recompact 150mm thick layer insitu G7 subgrade to 93% MOD AASHTO m3 53 m 301 49 50 51 Kerbing and chanelling 52 Fig 8 Kerbs including base, haunching complete Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -263- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Subsoil drains 53 110mm perforated pvc pipe for Subsoil drain m 186 54 Trench excavation to lines and levels m3 95 55 Backfill to trenches using excavated materials m3 52 56 Biddim U19 geotextile m2 465 57 19 mm aggregate in trench m3 22 58 Polyethelyne 250 thick m2 339 59 Ssubsoil outfall structure complete SUM Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep 60 Bulk earthworks - imported fill in 150 mm layers compacted to 90% MOD AASHTO m3 61 Cut to fill and trim roadbed formation to lines and levels m3 62 Bulk works to road bed formation m3 1,500 Stromwater drainage 63 300 wide x 250 deep x 75 thick precast concrete channel jointed m 204 64 300mm wide steel grating m 204 65 05,5 m x 0,5m 0,5m catch pit No 2 66 250 dia uPVC down pipe at stand boundary and to outfalls m 8 67 grass lined shallow ditches in mid areas as shown per trimming landscape lines and levels m 50 SEWAGE COLLECTION Excavations, filling, etc. Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -264- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B uPVC Pipes including couplings, fittings, etc. 68 trench excavation soft up to 1,5m depth range m3 486 69 Ditto but for depth ranges 1,5m - 5,5m m3 15 Backfill to trenches 70 depth range 0 - 1,5m m3 486 71 depth range 1,5m - 5,5m m3 5 72 160mm dia uPVC waste water pipes m3 238 Appurtenances 1,2m dia manholes complete with PC rings, cover slab, covers, steps irons and interally base concrete benching complete 73 up to 1,5m deep No 6 74 1,5m to 2,5m deep No 4 75 Inspection chambers complete No 4 76 Rodding eyes No 2 Water supply 77 trench excavation soft 1,5m deep m3 10 78 backfil to trenches using excavated materials compacted to approval m3 10 40mm dia class 9 PVC U pressure pipe m3 30 79 Pipe junctions and bends items - 160 dia class 20, 40 dia class 9, 25mm dia class 12, all as detailed in the drawings 80 160 dia class 20 socketed adaptor No 2 81 160 dia socketed ends adaptor No 1 82 160 x 40 socketed ends reducing Tee No 2 Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -265- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 83 40 dia socketed end ball valve complete No 1 84 40 dia 1m connector pipe No 1 85 40 flanged end socketed end adaptor No 1 86 KSM 40 dia kent approved meterbox No 1 87 40 x 40 socketed ends equal Tee No 1 88 40 dia socketed ends adaptor No 1 89 40 dia x 22,5 deg socketed ends bend No 1 90 40 dia x 90 deg socketed ends bend No 2 91 40 dia x 45 deg socketed ends junction No 1 92 40 x 25 socketed ends reducer No 1 93 25mm plaisson PVU-U/HDPE adaptor No 1 94 25mm connector HDPE 15m connector pipe No 1 95 Kent KSM house conncetion meter box to approval No 1 96 25mm ball valve complete (tap) No 1 m3 3 Thrust blocks (20Mpa concrete) 97 at junctions and bends Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -266- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -255-256-257-258-259-260-261-262-263-264-265-266- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -267- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 5 BILL NO. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the architect VANITY SLAB 1 Allow the sum of R200000,00 (Two hundred Thousand Rand) for Vanity slabs Item 2 Allow for profit Item 3 Allow for attendance Item 200,000 00 JOINERY FITTINGS 4 Allow the amount of R350000-00 (Three hundred and fifty thousand Rand) Joinery Fittings, etc Item 5 Allow for profit Item 6 Allow for attendance Item 350,000 00 COVERED PARKING 7 Allow the sum of R250 000,00 (Two hundred and fifty T housand Rand) for the complete installation carport Item 8 Allow for profit Item 9 Allow for attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -268- 250,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B BLINDS 10 Allow the sum of R75 000,00 (seventy Five Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of blinds Item 11 Allow for profit Item 12 Allow for attendance Item 75,000 00 IRONMONGERY AND SIGNAGE 13 Allow the sum of R100 000,00 (One Hundred thousand Rand) for Sundry Ironmongery Items Item 14 Allow for profit Item 15 Allow for attendance Item 100,000 00 STEEL GAS CAGE 16 Allow the sum of R300 000,00 (Three Hundred Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of Steel Gas Cage Item 17 Allow for profit Item 18 Allow for attendance Item 300,000 00 FACETTED SHOPFRONTS 19 Allow the sum of R60 000,00 (sixty Thousand Rand) for the supply and installation of facetted shopfront Item 20 Allow for profit Item 21 Allow for attendance Item 60,000 00 LANDSCAPE 22 Allow the sum of R250 000,00 (One Hundred Thousand Rand) for Landscape Item 23 Allow for profit Item 24 Allow for attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -269- 250,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SWIMMING POOL 25 Allow the sum of R200 000,00 (Two Hundred Thousand Rand) for Swimming Pool Item 26 Allow for profit Item 27 Allow for attendance Item 200,000 00 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL WORKS ON SITE 28 Allow the sum of R500 000,00 (Five hundred thousand Rand) for civil works and structural works on site Item 29 Allow for profit Item 30 Allow for attendance Item 500,000 00 INTERIOR DESIGN 31 Allow the sum of R1 000 000,00 (One Million Rands) for Interior design Item 1,000,000 00 Allow the sum of R200 000,00 (Two Hundred Thousand Rand) for supply and installation of Data Cable Sleeves Item 200,000 00 33 Allow for profit Item 34 Allow for attendance Item DATA CABLE SLEEVES 32 MUNICIPAL CONNECTIONS 35 Allow the sum of R100 000,00 (One Hundred Thousand Rand) for Municipal water, Sewer and Stormwater connections Item 36 Allow for profit Item 37 Allow for attendance Item Carried to Collection Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -270- 100,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 5 Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -268-269-270- Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 5 Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No. 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -271- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B SECTION SUMMARY - PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE Bill No Page No 1 FOUNDATIONS -208- 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT -213- 3 MASONRY -220- 4 WATERPROOFING -221- 5 ROOF COVERINGS -224- 6 CEILINGS ETC -228- 7 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY -232- 8 FLOOR COVERINGS -233- 9 IRONMONGERY -237- 10 METALWORK -243- 11 PLASTERING -246- 12 TILING -249- 13 GLAZING -250- 14 PAINTWORK -254- 15 GENERAL SITEWORKS -267- 16 PROVISIONAL SUMS -271- Carried to Final Summary Section No. 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE -272- Amount R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION NO. 6 BILL NO. 1 PRIME COST SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades" Items, materials or methods to be used specified by trade names or catalogue numbers are only an indication of the quality required. Items, materials or methods of similar quality may be used with prior approval from the engineer PLUMBING, SANITARY FITTINGS AND DRAINAGE WORKS 1 Allow the sum of R2,500 000,00 (Two Million Five Hundred T housand Rand) for Plumbing , sanitary fittings and drainage works. Item 2 Allow for profit Item 3 Allow for attendance Item 2,500,000 00 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 4 Allow the sum of R 5 300 000.00 (Five million three hundred thousand) for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Electrical Installation. Item 5 Allow for profit Item 6 Allow for attendance Item 5,300,000 00 ELECTRONIC INSTALLATION 7 8 Allow the sum of R5 515 000,00 (Five million, five hundred and fifteen thousand) for supply, Installation and Commission the Electronic Installation. Item Allow for profit Item Carried to Collection Section No. 6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL Bill No. 1 PRIME COST ITEMS -273- 5,515,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 9 Allow for attendance Item VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION INSTALLATION 10 11 Allow the sum of R1 050 000.00 (One million and fifty thousand rand) for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Vertical Transportation Installation. Item 1,050,000 00 Allow for profit Item 12 Allow for attendance Item HVAC INSTALLATION 13 Allow the sum of R 2 350 000.00 (Two million three hundred and fifty thousand rand) supply, Installation and Commissioning of the HVAC Installation. Item 14 Allow for profit Item 15 Allow for attendance 2,350,000 00 Item WATER STORAGE AND PRESSURE BOOSTING INSTALLATION 16 Allow the sum of R 140 000.00 (One hundred and fourty thousand rand) for supply, Installation and Commission the Water Storage and Pressue Boosting. Item 17 Allow for profit Item 18 Allow for attendance Item 140,000 00 HOT WATER GENERATION INSTALLATION 19 Allow the sum of R 480 000.00 (four hundred and eighty thousand rand) supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Hot Water Generation. Item Carried to Collection Section No. 6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL Bill No. 1 PRIME COST ITEMS -274- 480,000 00 R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B 20 Allow for profit Item 21 Allow for attendance Item GAS INSTALLATION 22 23 Allow the sum of R 165 000.00 (One Hunderd and sixty five thousand rand) for supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Gas Installation. Item 165,000 00 Profit & Handling on above Item 24 Allow for attendance Item KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 25 Allow the sum of R 525 000.00 (five hundred and twenty five thousand rand) for supply of the Kitchen Equipment. Item 26 Allow for profit 27 Allow for attendance 525,000 00 Item Item Carried to Collection Section No. 6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL Bill No. 1 PRIME COST ITEMS -275- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Section No. 6 Bill No. 1 PRIME COST ITEMS COLLECTION Page No Total Brought Forward from Page No. Amount -273-274-275- Carried to Final Summary Section No. 6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL Bill No. 1 PRIME COST ITEMS -276- R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B Item No Unit Quantity Rate Amount PROJECT VEHICLE BILL NO. 1 1 2 3 Provide Brand new Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 3.0 Diesel TX Auto : seven seater : Provide driver for the duration of the contract (rate for driver per month x 18 months) Provide insurance and maintenance for the duration of the contract Item No 18.00 Item THe vehicle shall be under the direction of the client and operated at the discretion of the client and when not in use, to be parked at the High commission parking 4 On completion of the contract, ownership of the vehicle to revert to the client. On hand over , the vehicle to be fitted with 5no. brand new tyres and full replacement of the suspension system with new. Carried to Final Summary Section No. 7 PROJECT VEHICLE Bill No. 1 PROJECT VEHICLE -277- Item R KENYA HIGH COMMISSION TENDER NO:WP ITEM NO.D04/NB/NB1201 JOB NO. 8433B FINAL SUMMARY Section No Page No 1 PRELIMINARIES -31- 2 RENOVATIONS TO THE EXISTING HOUSE -63- 3 REFURBISHMENT OF TAIFA HOUSE -136- 4 NEW STAFF HOUSES -201- 5 PROPOSED AMBASSADOR'S RESIDENCE -272- 6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL -276- 7 PROJECT VEHICLE -277- Amount SUB-TOTAL R Allowance for Contingencies R SUB-TOTAL R Project management as per the Client's request R SUB-TOTAL R Occupational Health and Safety as per the Client's request R SUB-TOTAL R Allowance for Contract Price Adjustment Provision (CPAP) R SUB-TOTAL (Excluding VAT) R ADD: Value Added Tax (VAT) calculated at the rate of 14% R Carried to Form of Tender -278- R 2,500,000 00 1,000,000 00 500,000 00 2,500,000 00
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