90% of KES Contractors Happy with Current

Kaleidoscope Educations Solutions
90% of KES Contractors Happy with Current
Kaleidoscope Education Solutions (KES) is proud to announce the initial results
of its first annual Independent Contractor Satisfaction Survey. Initial findings show that
over 90% of our current Independent Contractors are happy with the opportunities that
KES has provided them. As a private agency dedicated to referring school-based
speech-language, psychological, special education, occupational and physical therapy
professionals to some of the largest school districts, Contractor and Client satisfaction
are top priorities. A significant number of responses have been received, but more
replies are expected.
Our Clients also communicated their satisfaction with the quality of knowledge of
the school-based therapists, special education teachers, and related service providers
presented and retained. “At KES we understand that a positive relationship between the
Independent Contractors and the Public, Charter, and Cyber Schools is critical to our
success,” stated David Rubinstein, Managing Director of KES. “We work diligently to
place contractors in a work environment where they have a comfortable commute, are
competitively compensated on a weekly basis, and in a supportive environment.”
About Us: Kaleidoscope is a private agency dedicated to referring school-based speech-language, psychological, special
education, occupational, and physical therapy professionals to schools who are committed to the students needing service.
Through our school-based services, professionals collaborate with other professionals, teachers, school leaders, and parents to
help students with a variety of developmental delays or disabilities achieve success and improve the quality of their lives.
More Information: David Rubinstein, 484-383-1840, Davidr@kesgroup.net
● 950 E Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 ● Toll-Free 888-829-2477 ● www.KESGroup.net