FREE I N S I D E AWA R E N E S S Message from the Editor: 19th Anniversary 2 Geri's Inspirations 3 You Are What You Eat “Turning Positives into Print” 4 The Do Something Awards (cont. from front page) 6 Capital Area Health Network 7 Introducing New Inspirational Columnisit Pastor Reggie Cleveland 8 Life UNCUT: The Starr (Super Star) Mitchell Story!10 Visit our website: or email us at Aunt & Niece Duo Prove that God’s Love is Far Greater than Life’s Adversity! Once there was a man complaining to Saint Peter (charger of crosses) about the size of the cross he was bearing… saying it was absolutely too large and he wanted to exchange it for a smaller cross that he felt he was more deserving of. Saint Peter immediately pointed out a person dragging a cross across the ground… he asked the disgruntled man, “How about that size cross?” The disgruntled man responded, “No, that one is definitely too large for me to bear. “Well what about the one that elderly (L to R) Aunt Pam and Niece Catherine person is carrying in his arms?” asked Saint Peter. “No… that one is still too large,” the man replied. So Saint Peter asked, “Do you see any cross here that you’re willing to exchange your cross for?” The dissatisfied cross bearer looked around and pointed to the smallest cross in the room in which a lady was holding with one hand and said “Yes… that’s the one I want to exchange my cross for.” Saint Peter smiled at the complaining dissatisfied, disgruntled cross bearer and replied, “Well sir… that’s the size of the cross you’re already bearing… the smallest cross we have.” The greatest blessing is to bear our crosses assigned to us with courage, faith and perseverance… for through Continued pg. 5 Volume XIX , Number I • April 2015 Introducing Starr (Super Star) Mitchell: A Testimony of Inspirational Fortitude! Back in the day, there was a popular Negro-Spiritual that stated: “Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen… Nobody knows but the Lord.” I can recall upon reflection singing and humming that song on many occasions in the past… just as many other waxed weary spirits did as well. Now Starr, this Negro-Spiritual was way before your generation… but the essence of those lyrics holds true today: “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen… Nobody knows but the Lord.” And Starr, because the Lord knows, He has blessed us with Angels encamped among us to assist us during our earthly trials and tribulations… so young lady, and to all the Starr Mitchells of the world… know this always… that you are never, ever alone… you just need to know how to identify your Spirit Angels here for you in this earthly physical realm. I know it gets hard sometimes and the road seems to disappear in front of you… but it hasn’t, that’s just a temporary illusion, a part of Satan’s trickery. Now Starr, I’m going to Continued pg. 10 The Do Something Awards: Honoring Those Making A Difference In Our Community! T he Do Something Awards came into existence by the visionaries of The Disciples Journey and The Dream Makers Academy. Part of the goal is to create an awareness of organizations and people who are making a difference in the communities at-large. With this awareness, the hope is that others will see the work of the individuals and be motivated to DO SOMETHING. Within these efforts are constituents of vision, hope and valor; the front liners; the unsung heroes. To say the least, people who think about the condition of a world, a nation, a state, a city, a community, the sacrifice isn’t always noticed. In all of the greatness of your humility, we wish to honor those who are making a difference. The greatest reward isn’t the distinguished award, but the surety knowing that you have empowered another to DO SOMETHING! Keep doing, you may see your name up here next year! MAYA CRISS BANUE (Beauty In You) “Because of the things that I’ve been through, I understand the importance of giving back.” “If you want to see change you have to be the change! JORDAN PEARSON Friends Helping Friends “I love serving others in the community because I am blessed. So I just want to bless other people. Continued pg. 6 Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 2 A Message from the Editor: Key Awareness Publishing Celebrate 19th Anniversary: We Could Not Have Accomplished This Without Your Invaluable Support…Thanks! Wow… 19 years! I remember vividly, 19 years and 6 months ago… walking across the floor at James River paper company… the vision being given to me to step out on faith and start my own newspaper. I remember several months prior, praying fervently, asking God to move me away from this job of 17 years… especially since I had declined management positions time after time. Well, walking across the floor that day my spirit spoke to me with great spiritual authority… you know like when your mom, or better still… your grandparent barked out a command filled with wisdom and total authority, leaving not an ounce of doubt for options. You knew at that moment that it was in your best interest to sit, be still, listen and absorb… you didn’t know if they were about to tell you that you were adopted… about to be adopted… or if they had found out about something you thought you had gotten away with…you just knew in your spirit that something heavy was about to come down… so at that moment I became still, quieted my spirit and listened. My spirit spoke precisely: “Robert listen… God has given you a gift… a talent for writing and composing… a talent in which you are not using. He wants you to use the talent He has given you to serve Him. Here’s what He want you to do… He want you to start a newspaper. This newspaper will be a beacon of light for lost souls; a source of inspiration and encouragement for those entrenched in despondency and self-doubt; you will help others establish their ministries; this newspaper will be a base foundation of support for many other outreach programs; you will go into schools, churches, into the bowels of society… drug houses, inner-city neighborhoods and get testimonies to be used as road maps, guides providing uplifting positive direction for the lost, disenfranchised and broken souls in society. You will call this newspaper the Key Awareness… Everything you publish will be positive, uplifting, motivational and encouraging; your motto will be “Turning Positives Into Print.” Never will you be allowed to use this gift to attack or harm others; nor for personal self-grandiosity. You will be about the business of saving lives… now go and do what you have been instructed to do… and fear not, for this ministry belongs to God… and remember… He has already given you Jesus as your savior, mentor and advisor… now He will be your Senior Editor/ Head Writer and CEO/ Publisher. Always remember “This mission belongs to you… but this ministry belongs to God, so it can’t fail.” So not having a clue about starting a newspaper or what that entailed; I did what I always do when I need to think… put on my running gear and run. So with a somewhat shaky faith… but with strong spiritual obedience and trusting totally in Jesus, I took my first step towards this awesome assignment. As I was cooling down from my run I passed a stranger walking in the opposite direction. .he stopped and said, “Hey… what are you about... what are you up to?” I responded, “Well, I’m a songwriter… a few years ago I sued Motown Records for plagiarizing one of my songs and won an out of court settlement.” The stranger said, “No… that’s not it… what are you into now?” I shared my recent vision and the stranger said, “Hold on a second,” as he retrieved a business card from his vehicle and handed it to me. The stranger was an investment banker, he stated, “After you go home and take a shower, give me a call; I can get you started with your business venture.” So later I called and he ran a list of steps and procedures that he would do for $2500. I stated that I did not have $2500… He said, “Well, when you come up with the money… give me a call and I’ll get your foundation started for your business… in 6 months you’ll have your paper on the market.” As soon as I put the phone down my spirit spoke to me and said, “You’ve just been given your first directions of your assignment… Now you go and do for yourself all the things that he said he would do for you”… so I did. My spirit also instructed me to go to the public library, check out some ‘how to’ books: How to write short stories and articles; how to edit; becoming a photographer and “Five Basic Steps of Interviews for Idiots”… Who? How? When? Where? & Why? Then my spirit, instructed me to take my last $85… go to Best Products, buy a camera $45.95, a tape recorder $19.95, get something to eat with the remainder of the money and go to work… and I did. Six months later I had a newspaper on the market. I’m sure you’ve heard the story by now of how the very first paper saved a young person from taking their own life by bringing them back from the brink of suicide; or about how a despondent soul was about to jump off a bridge and a friend talked him down with a Key Awareness newspaper’s Drugs Uncut article and got him in a rehab program from a number that we published in the paper. That same young man I interviewed 5 years later for our Drugs Uncut article who became a blessing to others through his testimony; or how a shy 8 year old introverted spirited little girl found the courage after our conversation to enter a talent/ beauty, debutante competition and placed 3rd, that gave her the belief that she could accomplish anything in life that she wanted to accomplish. Or the many young people that has been a part of the Key Awareness Ministry in some form or fashion who have either acquired college degrees or are in college acquiring degrees in various professional fields preparing for their individual God-assigned ministries. Well I could go on and on with 19 years of uplifting testimonies but I want to take the remainder of this article to Thank You… my beautiful brothers and sisters for your unending support… for your years of encouraging words… for your testimonies… for your help in too many ways to mention… for your indescribable invaluable contributions, financially, spiritually, and physically. I’d like to thank all of my distributors past and current for helping me get the word and good news out. I am about the business of accomplishing the assignment my Father has assigned to me… I Thank You All... because of your support you have made this a Blessed Endeavor. Thank You All and Stay Blessed! RWE Nu Look Hair Design II 3299 Mechanicsville Turnpike Looking for a licensed Beautician, Barber or serious Apprentice Spring Special Booth Rental: 3 months at $50 per week afterwards $85 per week “Nice Professional Atmosphere” “Friendly Working Environment” Only Interested Professionals Need Apply Contact: Carlton (804) 920-6694 Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 3 Geri’s Chamberlayne Foot Care Daniel N. Thomas, Foot Specialist D.P.M., A.C.P.P.S. Inspirations 2505 Chamberlayne Ave. Richmond (804) 329-0420 • Fax: (804) 321-6636 Office Hours By Appointment: Mon. 10am - 3pm • Tues./Thur. 10am - 5pm • Fri. 10am - 12noon WALK-Ins Welcome AVON Lucetta Robertson Independent Sales Representative B e c o m e a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r o n ly $15.00 B u y Av o n o n l i n e at w w w. y o u r av o n . c o m / l u c e t ta r o b e r t s o n To s e l l A v o n , g o t o w w w. s t a r t . y o u r a v o n . c o m Promo code lucettarober tson 804-687-5123 Supreme Flea Market 3302 Williamsburg Rd. Richmond, VA 23231 804-888-6684 Open Day Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 10a-7p When you come by you will not believe your eyes or your pockets. Great Items, even Greater prices $$$ Wide Variety of Items ~ Friendly Vendors ~ Café on Site ~ ATM available Vendors Wanted! Facebook/ Twitter Supreme Flea Market AFRIKONGO LLC African Variety Shop and Café 3302 Williamsburg Rd | Richmond, VA 23231 Owners-Richard and Harnella Walton (804) 888-6684 | Open Five Days A Week Wed-Thurs 10am-6pm | Friday-Sunday 10am-7pm African Art, Clothing, Fabrics, Figurines, Mask, Jewelry, Black Soap, etc… Supreme Flea Market Event Space for Rent! Inside Supreme Flea Market 3302 Williamsburg Rd, Richmond, VA 23231 804-888-6684 karen wilson, owner / stylist 757-619-2738 Salon Plaza, White Oak Village, Studio 110 twitter: @NaturalKurlTalk / youtube: @KarenWilsonNB follow me on Facebook! Open Night Hours: Friday-Saturday 7p-2p/ Sunday 7p-12a Afrikongo Café Bar and Lounge R&B Oldies But Goodies Cash Money & other guest D.J.s Largest Dance Floor in Central VA~ Facebook/ Twitter Afrikongo Café Bar and Lounge When You Absolutely Trust God There is no Plan B People always say, “If Plan A fails, then go to Plan B.” Nobody tells you what to do when Plan B fails also. Do you continue creating plans until you run out of alphabets? Of course not! We all know that God decides the ultimate plan. So why do we spend so much time trying to fix stuff, when some of our greatest successes came from things that didn’t make sense? Probably because it is hard to acknowledge, that we control very little of our day-to-day circumstances. To be honest, we control none of them. Every thought we have and every decision we make comes from God, or whoever your higher being may be. It is when you run out of options that you focus on the presence of God in your life. He was there all the time; you just didn’t reach out to Him until things got out of hand. I know it’s easier said than done, but we could save ourselves a lot of stress if we followed God’s plan from the beginning. I will be the first to tell you that I have gone through Plan A, B, C, and D many times. So my words are only words of encouragement, not words of perfection. It is a daily struggle to listen for God’s voice and know it when I hear it. I question all my decisions before I make them, and most times after I have made them. Sometimes I don’t get the answers until the situation has blown up in my face. And other times I don’t get an answer at all. In those cases I just try to find the good in whatever circumstance I find myself. As an organized and in control person, I am learning to not expect outcomes that I can’t control. I see every mishap as a chance to expand my outlook. I remind myself that when Plan A doesn’t work out, then God has something bigger and better in store for me. The hardest part is waiting on the manifestation. I try not to give up, give out, or give in to the temptation to solve the problem my way. I remember when God found me, and that helps me to see my disappointments as God’s appointment. For Insurance Call: So, when you absolutely trust God there is no (804) 264-9443 Plan B! Michael Fisher State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 4 You Are What You Eat Cynthia's Health News "The old adage 'you are what you eat' is fast being replaced by the more accurate 'you are what you absorb.' And what we're absorbing is shocking." Toxic heavy metals find their way into our bodies daily. Cosmetics, antacids, car and truck exhaust, tuna fish, bass and trout, seafood, shellfish, canned foods, lipstick, buffered aspirin, tobacco smoke, drinking water, amalgam "silver" dental fillings, laxatives, vaccines, fertilizers, processed cheese, industrial pollution, insecticides, herbicides, medications, and many more, contain toxic heavy metals. Toxic heavy metal contamination is so pervasive in our environment that it is no longer a question of whether one has been exposed to toxins, but rather the level of exposure. Toxic heavy metals in your body affect three main areas: the nervous system, cardiovascular system and immune system. Heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, arsenic, nickel, aluminum and others disrupt nerve cell growth and metabolism and have been implicated in a variety of conditions. Do you know your level of toxic heavy metal exposure? Symptoms like indigestion, bloating, headaches, fatigue, and allergies, as well as the more severe diseases of our time, like cancer, Alzheimer's, lupus, muscular dystrophy, environmental illnesses, and fibromyalgia, may all be connected directly or indirectly to some form of toxic overload. Unfortunately, each of us is bombarded by toxins daily; through preservatives, pesticides and other food additives, chemicals in tap water, air pollution, pharmaceuticals, mercury in dental fillings, and even hidden external stressors such as radiation. So the question is: how can we detoxify our bodies in order to give good nutrition, exercise, and supplements the optimal chance they need to help us stay healthy? Of course, there are a number of detoxification methods, all of which you will learn more about in this document. THE DETOX REVOLUTION The toxins and carcinogens found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the foods we eat can overload our systems and endanger good health. Whether you’re born with surprisingly “good” genes or “bad” genes, you can still boost your body’s ability to cleanse itself of these harmful substances by following the breakthrough program presented in The Detox Revolution. By now, the health benefits of such foods as green tea and soy have been well touted. But what you may not know is that through a carefully structured diet balancing the right “superfoods” with supplements and lifestyle strategies you can help your body perform at optimum levels of health and energy, while greatly reducing the risk of disease. Written by an internationally respected, thirty- five-year veteran in cancer research and nutrition, The Detox Revolution promotes the importance of building a new, more rational food pyramid, with special emphasis on incorporating surprising superfoods, including blueberries, grapefruit, carrots, rosemary, ginger, broccoli sprouts, onions, walnuts, spinach, watermelon, and salmon, as well as such sinful favorites as red wine, dark chocolate, and coffee! Based on the American Medical Center’s heavily researched findings. By practicing healthy eating habits you strengthen your body’s detoxification and immune systems, thus preventing such degenerative and deadly diseases as diabetes, arthritis, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Some tips to cut down on toxins: Installing water filters in the kitchen and bathroom taps, as well as showerheads Adding a little watercress to your salads and sandwiches everyday Incorporating a liberal amount of spices in your diet Marinating meats with garlic, onions, turmeric, or rosemary Finding a dry cleaner that utilizes less harmful cleaning methods And much more! Cleanse yourself of the toxins that invade your body every day and live a longer, healthier life with Our Detox Program. Optimize your body’s ability to fight disease! From Our Hearts to Yours! For more information contact Healthy Heart Plus at 804-320-1220 or eatright@; Submitted by Healthy Heart Plus Famous BLACK INVENTORS: The Gift of Black Investors! Jan Matzeliger (1852-1889) Invented the show lasting machine that revolutionized the shoemaking industry. Dr. Meridith Gourdine (1929-1999) Physicist Used principles of electro gas dynamics to convert gas to electricity. Jo Anderson (1808 b.) Blacksmith A lifetime friend Cyrus McCormick, at the 100th anniversary of the invention of the reaper, he was recognized as co-inventor. Dr. William R. Johnson (b. 1926) Inventor, chemist Received 10 patents for his work in the area of smoke chemistry. Dr. Howard S. Jones, Jr. Electrical Engineer Virginia Union University Graduate. Best known for work in the field of microwave antennas. Elijah McCoy (1844-1928) Mechanical Engineer Developed the first self-lubricating BONDS $60 Hairst yles Licensed Beauticians Needed Sew-In- Weave • Come with hair Washed and Blow dried • Bring 2 bags of hair Also Relaxers $25 ~Silk Wraps $20 Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday {804} 644-3064 10 E. Marshall St. devices. The term “the real McCoy” came about because of his work. Frederick M. Jones (1893-1961) Engineer First automated (mobile) refrigeration systems for long-haul trucks. Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) Mathematician, Surveyor, Astronomer Inventions include: Wooden clock, almanac, helped lay out the city of Washington, DC Lewis Temple (1800 – 1854) Blacksmith Developed a barbed harpoon “Temple’s Toggle” that revolutionized the whaling industry. LUXX Restaurant & Lounge "Where Soul Food And Luxury Meet" 1509 Chamberlayne Ave. • (804) 716-4358 Complete Breakfast Entrees 7am.-11am / Lunch Specials (Full Menu) Delicious Dinner Entrees Great atmosphere for family / business / social dining Courteous professional staff Open Mike Night every Thursday Comedy Entertainment Starting April 18th. Tim Casey Presents 'Comedy AllStars' Location: The former Glenns Restaurant Parking in parking lot adjacent to restaurant. For Information: (804) 716-4358 LUXX Restaurant & Lounge "Where Soul Food And Luxury Meet" Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 5 Aunt & Niece Duo Prove that God’s Love is Far Greater than Life’s Adversity! (cont. from front pg.) these examples others are blessed by our triumphs. “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character and character, hope.” [Romans 5:34] Eighteen year old Catherine Winfread Faggins and her guardian, Aunt Repunze Newkirk (Pam) are my newfound sheros for the cross they’re forced to bear daily… I have no desire for complaint ever again of mine. Eighteen year old Catherine Faggins is a senior honor student at Varina High School with plans to attend Woodrow Wilson College in Fisherville West Virginia. “I plan to major in Special Education because I like working with children… especially special needs children,” she stated. Two weeks before this interview young Catherine had a head full of beautiful black hair before she started her recent treatment of chemotherapy. Also Catherine, who is an ardent lover of sports (NFL Pittsburg Steelers is her favorite team) played on Varina’s All Star Basketball team before having her left arm amputated just below her shoulder due to a rare cancer she’s battling called Neurofibrotosis (NF1)… a disease that claimed the life of her older sister Yasmine. “When I was sixteen (16) I started having severe pain in my left arm and hand. It was discovered that I had a tumor in my left arm due to the disease neurofibrotosis.” Catherine stated. “After diagnosis the doctors stated that either they would have to amputate my arm or I was going to die. I replied, ‘Well, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, remove the arm. My Aunt Pam got upset and I said to her… what are you crying for; it’s just an arm… I can live with one arm. At first it was very difficult trying to figure out how to do things with just one arm… but I figured out how to tie my shoes and how to get dressed with one hand, now I’m about to figure out how to drive and things like that. So far, battling this disease I’ve had lung surgery and breast surgery but I thank God today and every day that I’m still here… I thank God that He allowed me recently to see my eighteenth birthday. Some of my friends asked me why did I let them amputate my arm… I said because I want to be here like everyone else does. God motivates me to continue through my adversity and trials to move forward each day of my life and don’t look back. The past is the past… we must always continue to move forward… God has a plan for our lives… I just don’t complain, I do what I have to do each day so that I can continue to move forward. Young people, whatever your life circumstances may be, always pray to your God, keep your head up high, don’t look back, stay strong and move forward. Catherine has three brothers, Edward, Gigante and Ralph. One sister, Yasmine (deceased). Catherine lives with her faithful and most dedicated aunt Repunze (Pam) Newkirk. Her community involvement includes being involved with the homeless feeding program (hot meals) and also passing out personal hygiene bags for those in need through New Jerusalem International Christian Ministries. Aunt Pam stated, “Catherine is my maternal niece, I got her when she was two. Later I returned her to her mother but took her again when she was twelve… I’ve had her ever since. This disease is hereditary… after it affected her older sister it began to act on Catherine. We deal with it by doing what the doctor says, going to chemo treatments, staying positive and like she said… by not looking back, each day is a brand new day filled with brand new hope. Catherine is a great inspiration to me because I’ve never met anyone as positive who can take all of this in stride like she has. Through all of her surgeries, chemo and losing her arm she never changed… her grades in school never changed. She never complains, ever. Today she is battling with multiple tumors… the chemo slows her down but she just pushes through it. Today we’re praying that this new medicine she’s taking is going to work… and we’re just looking forward to the future. I’ve put my life on hold to take care of her… it’s been a hard road but God has been good all the time. No matter what it takes I’m going to be right here with her… she has been a blessing and an inspiration in my life.” Catherine stated: “My aunt Pam has been a tremendous blessing in my life… she inspires me; she is a great person and a loving person… I don’t know where I’d be without her.” “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter until the full light of day”. {Proverbs 4:18} Catherine and Pam your spirits are the light of hope and inspiration illuminating dimming spirits in the souls of many. What a blessing to know you. Mr. Evans, Editor, Key Awareness Publishing. Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 6 The Do Something Awards (cont. from front pg.) Media Award: ROBERT EVANS Publisher of the Key Awareness Newspaper “It is God’s desire that we grow in understanding that we are our brother’s keeper.” “If you can breathe you can assist the needs of others in a positive way. There are no excuses.” JOHN MURDEN Community Blogger- Church Hill People’s News, www. “Taking action in my local community unlocked for me what it really means to be a neighbor and a citizen.” STACY HAWKINS ADAMS Author and Journalist- “When we are blessed, our mission should be to share the fruit of our labor, our gifts and talents, our knowledge and our opportunities with others, so that they, too, can flourish. When one of us wins, all of us win.” CLOVIA LAWRENCE Rolling For Freedom- R45facebook.cim/Rolling For Freedom- R45 “Why be selfless and serve others in the community?” “Because it’s a way of life for me.” Community Service Award: TOMMY PAGE Faith 4 A Cure- “It is our duty as God calls the chosen to encourage, support and inspire all men. That’s how they become disciples of Him. In return He rewards us for our sacrifice.” DOROTHY CRENSHAW The Salvation Army Boys & Girls ClubFamily & Friends “Dorothy means Gift of God. It’s an honor to be His gift and I try my best to give my best in all I do. Helping others comes natural from me.” RAYMOND NEBLETT Ray Neblett’s Inner City Basketball Camp- facebook. com/Inner City Basketball (ICB) “I was raised to be selfless. My mother taught all ten of her children the power of giving and I also know how it feels to need help.” DR. JUDITH BENNETT The Resource Center- “It’s what Jesus told us to do. It contributes to the wellbeing of the community what goes around; tomorrow I may be the one who needs help.” Education Award DR. JOANN HENRY Director of Dream Academy- www. “We were taught to give back to the community by sharing with people less fortunate than we were growing up. And this has always been a part of me.” HOSEA C. BROWER Band Teacher- Henrico High School “I feel the need to educate the youth and share our talents through quality music performance.” Continued pg. 9 Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 7 At our Vernon J. Harris Medical Center and Glenwood Medical Center, CAHN is dedicated to providing comprehensive pediatric care to infants, children and adolescents from newborns to 21 years of age. Our pediatricians, Dr. Carla King and Nurse Practitioner Ginger Mary, are ready to serve you with standard well-child exams, back-to-school and sports physicals, immunizations, obesity, diabetes and other disease management, and acute illness care. We offer same day sick care visits. Call today for an appointment and keep our children the Health of our Community! For more information, go to our website CAHN Offers Transportation CAHN is happy to announce transportation services to ALL patients! Our bus provides transportation from your home to your doctor's appointment regardless of the insurance you carry. We service patients, for a small fee, who live within a 12-mile radius of the CAHN center where their appointment is scheduled. Our CAHN Transportation bus runs Monday – Friday. Go to our website for more information and schedules. Pediatric Dentist at CAHN! We welcome Dr. Robert Easterling to Capital Area Health Network! Dr. “Bob” has a special interest in providing care to children and eagerly wants to serve ages 0-21. Dr. “Bob” comes to CAHN from the Henrico County Health Department’s Dental Clinic where he served pediatrics for many years. We are pleased to have Dr. Bob with the CAHN family of providers. Remember it’s time for back to school and what a great way to kick off the season with a good oral health checkup. Call us today or visit our website to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Bob. Call us at 804-780-0840. For more information, go to our website Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 8 Introducing New Inspirational Columnist Pastor Reggie Cleveland! Key Awareness newspaper is very excited and highly honored to introduce inspirational writer Pastor Reggie Cleveland as a contributing writer for our paper. Pastor Reggie Cleveland, a retired Air Force Chaplain with 20 years of service has served as senior pastor for Shady Grove Baptist Church in Gum Spring, VA for the last twelve years. Pastor Cleveland is married to the lovely First Lady, Yolanda Armstead Cleveland. They have two children: son Tyrone, a graduate of J. Sergeant Reynolds and daughter Alexcia, a recent graduate of William & Mary College. Pastor Cleveland, a graduate of John Marshall high school attended Morehouse College and Virginia Union School of Theology on scholarship before joining the Air Force as a Chaplain. “When I was around 17 or 18 years old I fell in love with the Word of God… I just loved hearing preachers come to my neighborhood church Sharon Baptist, preaching the Gospel… I was just fascinated by them. I grew up not knowing my father and my father’s family until I was around 26 years of age. Once I met my father’s family, come to find out that we had generations of preachers on my father’s side of the family. A calling is a strong desire… that’s why the Bible states that ‘many are called, but few are chosen.’ But when God chooses you, He also gives you the gifts that go with your ministry. So my gifts were communication, the ability to connect and to see the meaning with the help of the Holy Spirit… along with that desire. So when the desire and the gifts came together that’s when the ministry was born… I did my first sermon at Moore Street Church when I was 19… from there I attended Morehouse College to sharpen my skills and then to Virginia Union School of Theology and from there, the US Air Force. One of my mottos has always been about the three stages we go through: Learning, Earning and Returning. I believe now I’m in the Returning stage with my ministry. This is what I seek to pour into my church ministry. I believe through my life’s walk God has prepared me through Godly obedience and spiritual wisdom for this: for in life what you’re wise about you keep… what you’re a fool about you lose. Wisdom is the principle thing… “for the lack of wisdom our people perish”, so in my small country church it’s about taking that gathered wisdom and giving it to another generation of people so that they can live Godly lives also. The Holy Spirit has led me to writing again which has always been a passion of mine… I believe through this dimension I can reach thousands… This is what the Holy Spirit is calling me to do.” “And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God”. [Colossians 1:10] Once again we thank Pastor Cleveland for his spiritually inspiring contribution to our paper… many will be blessed. Direct: (804) 690-3615 Office: (804) 329-0917 Fax: (804) 329-2302 “Help Wanted Notice” In Matthew 9:38, Jesus puts out this help wanted notice: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field.” It is inspiring to see Christians attending church on Sunday morning; dressed up in their Sunday best; however, the real work of the church does not end inside its walls. The Lord needs workers to go out into the harvest field (the world) and use the power of the Gospel to transform lives. The late Dr. Joseph L. Roberts made this observation: “There is a difference between church work, and the work of the church.” Planning certain church activities and keeping the building up is “church work.” Going into the community feeding the hungry; visiting those who are in prison; and standing for justice is “the work of the church.” Lives are transformed and communities are made better when Christians not only do “church work,” but “the work of the church.” So let us answer the Lord’s help wanted notice for workers in His harvest field. Pastor Reggie T. Cleveland Shady Grove Baptist Church Gum Spring, Virginia Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 9 The Do Something Awards (cont. from front pg. 6) Education Award MARCY WILLIAMS CEO of KaKY and Kareer 4 Youth- www. “I believe we are blessed with gifts and talents and it’s our responsibility to pour into others.” DEDRA HAMPTON Pathway To Success “As a community leader and educator, it is essential to help and serve others.” Faith Based Award REV. DAVID FRAZIER Pastor, Mount Sinai Baptist Church “I just want to make a difference!” GRACE AND HOLY TRINITY Nancy Trego, Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church – “God calls us to praise and thank Him. Make disciples, and serve all of God’s people and the world.” REV. VICTOR TORRES New Life for Youth/ New Life Outreach- www. “God has equipped everyone with gifts. You will never know how much of a difference you will make until you step out and serve others.” ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL Deb Lawrence, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church- www. “As the Church, we are called to seek and serve Christ in others, loving our neighbors as ourselves. We must strive for justice and peace. We owe it to ourselves and our community and we must give back. We need to share our many blessings.” Community Business Award MIDAS OF RICHMOND MARK AND PATTY SMITH “All of us can do something. If we let the power of our example be an example of our power, we can make very positive changes!” VIRGINIA BLOOD SERVICE MELANIE MITCHELL “To inspire and empower people to take action and get involved. It starts with self first and others will follow.” 2015 Honorees Legacy Award MARTHA ROLLINS Founder of BOAZ and RUTH- (Retired) “Take seriously the truth behind when God told Abraham I will bless you that you will be able to bless others.” REV. BENJAMIN CAMPBELL Pastoral Director of Richmond Hill MICAH ASSOCIATION/ RVA RAPID TRANSIT “Why be selfless and serve others in the community? It is the way of true life for all of us” Congratulations to all of the 2015 Do Something Award Honorees…Thank You for Making a Difference! NORTH SIDE OUTREACH CENTER BUTCH JOHNSON “I believe that we all are called to serve. I mean after all that’s what the commission is all about. It’s not about just talking about something; it’s truly about going out there and being that change that you want to see.” Page 10 Key Awareness | April 2015 | Life Uncut: The Starr (Super Star) Mitchell Story! (cont. from front pg.) tell you what Satan already knows concerning you. He knows that through your trials and tribulations that God is grooming you to be a blessed Angel sent here to assist the needs of other spirits broken by the evil one…. That’s what he knows… so stay the course… and know always that you’re never alone. Jesus said: “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness”. [John 12:46] Starr, that very same light of Jesus’ shines through your spirit so that you may illuminate the darkened path of others… that is your purpose young lady. You are not just Starr Mitchell… you are God’s SuperStarr Mitchell shining brilliantly for the world to see. Stay the course young lady… stay the course. Life Uncut: The Starr (Super Star) Mitchell Story! My name is Starr Mitchell. At the age of ten I lived in Philadelphia with my mom and younger sister named Jasmine, she was seven. My mom became addicted to crack cocaine which overpowered her and left her doing horrible things to us. She would be gone from the house for weeks at a time, leaving me at 10 years old to care for my baby sister. I had to grow up fast… I missed school a lot. Often there was no food for my sister and I… our lights were often turned off… these conditions went on for a few years. By the time I turned twelve my mom’s addiction became so bad that she pretty much had forgotten that she had kids. We were living in a bad neighborhood so we didn’t have neighbors to watch out for us. As her addiction progressed she started letting men come in and out the house that we didn’t know… eventually that led to sexual abuse to me and my sister that went on for months at a time. Eventually I stood up for my sister and me and told a neighbor. She called Child Protective Services. They came and removed us from the home and I went to live with my uncle and my aunt and my other siblings. During this period my mom gave birth to my little brother who was born with crack in his system so they removed him as well. For a while everything was good for me, my sister and my baby brother. But after a while my uncle started doing crack cocaine… it became really rough… he started beating me. He never abused my sister and my lil’ brother, just me. I turned all of that anger into school… I was labeled a problem child. I was acting out my anger and hurt everyday… I was fighting… everyone became a target to me… I stayed angry all the time. It became a serious problem… my teachers thought I was just being disrespectful, so none of them wanted to deal with me... my family members didn’t deal with me, so I was pretty much on my own. By the time I turned thirteen there was still physical abuse from my uncle but I held on because I didn’t want me and my younger sister and brother to be split up and become out of my care. But the abuse became so bad eventually I had to say something…one day he stabbed me in my face and my ear… I had to get stitches so the police got involved. They removed me from the house and I was placed in a temporary foster home as well as my sister and brother. Because they were being removed and I didn’t want them to be separated I lied and said that my uncle didn’t do anything to me… so they remained in the home and I went into a foster home. My new foster parent was abusive also to me and the twelve year old girl who was already living there. By then I was fourteen and getting a little larger, so my twelve year old foster sister was being abused more than me. Once my foster parent put her hands on me and I rebelled and put my hands back on her to protect myself… well needless to say, they removed me from her care as well. After that they placed on my record that I was a treatment child on medicines for all of these anger issues and stuff that they labeled me as which wasn’t true… I was just hurting from all of the previous abuse. From age 14 to 17 I was in numerous foster homes. Eventually I was put in a foster home with a lady named Ms. Delores Hill, my life was very unstable. The home just before her the foster parent treated me nice… I thought she was going to be the one to finally save me, so I trusted her and gave her my love… but one day we went to court and she said that she didn’t want me anymore, it broke my heart, by then I was 15 and devastated. While living with Ms. Hill I was suicidal and very unstable but she would sit up at night and talk to me… she became my mentor and my friend… I confided in her. During this time I had gotten involved with this young guy that I cared about a lot… one day he broke up with me and I tried to commit suicide, but she was there for me. Afterwards she adopted me, we became very close, but I eventually converted back to my old ways because my hurt and pain from all of the abuse I had suffered was so deep I felt I couldn’t truly trust anyone… so once again I became very disobedient. I was playing hooky from school, staying out late, not coming home for days at a time, doing drugs. I think I was about 17 but because I never celebrated my birthday I didn’t pay much attention to how old I was at any given time. While hanging in the streets I experienced even more horrific unspeakable things. Around 17 I started dating a man 30 years old. I moved out of my foster mom’s and moved in with him. I stopped going to school… he turned me out. I lost what little identity I managed to have up to that point. I was doing all kinds of drugs, pills, etc. I pretty much depended on him. One day some people ran into his house, they had guns, they tied us up and put a gun to my head... they were going to kill us because of his street involvement. Fortunately God was with me… after that incident I left him and moved in with my biological mother whom I hadn’t seen for years. Even though she had become clean from substance abuse, still it didn’t work out because she still was not a good mother. All of these years it wasn’t just my weight I was carrying… I was still trying to watch out for my little sister and brother when I could. They were okay. Eventually I went back to my foster mom; she took me back and continued to mentor and council me. Also I always had an aunt whom I was very close to name Anita Span. Although I never lived with her, I could always pick up the phone and talk to her. If I was sad or felt suicidal or if I needed to eat she was always there for me. I could always depend on her… she never judged me. My foster mom tried to get me back in public school but there was so much red tape that she paid for me to go to a private school: Greater Hope Christian Academy… there they introduced me to the Bible. That’s when I learned about God. The principal there was Pastor Marilyn Miles… she pretty much latched on to me and along with her brother they mentored me and taught me about God. Pastor Miles helped to change my life… she helped to put me through school and to prepare my thoughts for college. Because I was use to moving from one location to another by myself… leaving Philadelphia and coming to Richmond wasn’t that hard for me. When I moved here it gave me time to think, so I was able to find myself. I was determined from this point in my life that I was never going to make excuses for my life. I was accepted at Virginia Union University and there I met two really great and inspirational friends… Brittany Caesar became my best friend. Also I met Ezekiel Davis, a graduating senior at VUU. They’re both great inspirational friends… they keep me motivated to live and to keep pushing forward because from time to time I still get thoughts and emotions of great despondency and suicide if I allow myself to go back to that place in my mind… so I remain focused on who I am today and where I’m going. When I reflect back I see where God has placed people in my life to assist me… my biggest gift is recognizing who I am and that my motivation comes to me from Him. I want to be a positive inspiration for my siblings and anyone who is suffering from the affliction and abuses from the minds and hands of others. Today I’m working two part time jobs at Starbucks and the new LUXX Restaurant and Lounge while attending VUU, majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Business. My goal is to put myself in a position to be able to give back and to assist the needs of other young people dealing with various life devastations. This is my purpose. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord… for He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” [Psalm 31:24 & Isaiah 40:29] This article is dedicated to all the Starr (Super Star) Mitchells throughout the world. Stay Strong…Stay Focused…and Stay the Course! Mr. E. / Key Awareness Publishing. Key Awareness | April 2015 | Page 11 “Turning Positives into Print” FOR A D S or S TO R I E S Contact: Robert Evans (804) 788-6872 - Fax: (804) 788-0433 3005 Oxnard Road • Richmond, VA 23223 Copyright 2015. The entire contents of the Key Awareness Newspaper is copyrighted. Any use or reproduction, in part or in whole is forbidden without expressed written permission of the publisher. Design & Production: Visual Appeal, LLC | John L .Taylor, III Attorney and Counselor At Law (804) 649 7688 FAX: (804) 649 8757 North 25th St. & Jefferson Ave. P.O. Box 8027 Richmond, Virginia 23223 9405 Telegraph Run Lane Glen Allen, VA 23060 Why Rent? 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