Burgersentrum Privaatsak / Civic Centre Markstraat X6003 Private Bag Upington 1r 054 338 7000 ~ / Market Street 8800 054 338 7350 Munisipaliteit - Municipality //Khara Hais 'NW'N, kharahais, gov,za E-pos / E-mail: manager@kharahais.gov.za Verwysing / Reference Navrae / Enquiries Hereby it is certified that the following is a true extract of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Friday, 27 February 2015, in the Council Chambers of the Municipality: 15, FINANCE: PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO THE 2014/2015 CAPITAL AND OPERATING BUDGET: (CM) : 5,1,1 : (OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER) 15/02/2015 RESOLUTION 1, 2014/2015 Adjusted Capital Budget 1,1 That the capital expenditure of R43,678,958 originally approved by Council in May 2014 and increased to R 100,859,447 after additional revenue became available and the roll-over Capital Budget was approved by Council in August 2014; be decreased with R31,127,484 to R 69,731,963 for the 2014/2015 financial year as set out in schedule B2 of the 2014/2015 Final Adjusted Capital Budget. 1,2 That Council approve the funding of the capital expenditure ofR69, 731,963 by - 1.2.1 The Capital Replacement Reserve (CRR)I Own funds (R30,255,013); 1,2.2 Secured grants to be received from national government, provincial government and other donors (R39,450,634); and 1.2,3 External donations (R26,316), 1,3 That Council take note that no taxes and tariffs are affected with the approval of the adjusted capital budget. 2 2. 2014/2015 Adjusted Operating Budget 2.1 That the operating revenue of R539,365,332 originally approved by Council be increased with R24,177,753 to R563,543,085 for the 2014/2015 financial year Adjusted Budget. 2.2 That the operating expenditure ofR635,850,647 originally approved by Council be adjusted with -RI2,647,972 to R623,202,675 for the 2014/2015 financial year Adjusted Budget. 2.3 That Council take note that non-cash items to the amount of RI23,479,552 is included in the operating expenditure above. Therefore the total for cash-item expenditure amounts to R499,723,123 (R623,202,675 - RI23,479,552). 2.4 That Council take note that an estimated operating surplus of R5,387,751 budgeted for the 2014/2015 financial year Adjusted Budget. 2.5 That Council take note that no taxes and tariffs are affected with the approval of the adjusted operating budget. That were VAT -corrections are needed on the Tariff-list be corrected and condoned from 1 July 2014. 2.6 That the Municipal Manager and senior management ensure that overtime as from 1 March 2015 be limited to emergency services only. 2.7 That the over-riding of expenditure that will constitute unauthorised expenditure not be allowed by the Municipal Manager or Chief Financial Officer in future. If there are insufficient funds available, the virement process has to be followed in terms of Council's Virement Policy. 2.8 That debt collection actions in terms of Council's Customer Care, Credit Control, Debt Collection and Indigent Support Policy be instituted with immediate effect against government departments and outstanding consumers who owes the municipality property rates and municipal service charges. DENGXANGA MUNICIP AL MANAGER IS
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