In the name of God .. Sport Sciences Research Quarterly .. Spring 2014, Vol.6 No.13 Abstracts ِDirector: Eidy Alijani (Ph.D) Editor: Mahvash Noorbakhsh (Ph.D) Managing director: Amir Sarshin (PhD) Executive Manager: Mostafa Fallahi Editorial Board: Alijani E (Ph.D) Aslankhani M.A (Ph.D) Khabiri M (Ph.D) Sepasi H (Ph.D) Shojaei M (Ph.D) Noor bakhsh M (Ph.D) Nour bakhsh P (Ph.D) Tojari F (Ph.D) ISSN: 4267-8002 Vol. 6, No.13, Spring 2014 Address: Karaj- Azadegan, Yadegare Emam Ave. Jahan Pahlevan Street,Sport Sciences Research Center. Postal code: 31547-1416, Tel:+98-26-32520921, Fax:+98-26-32522625 http:// http:// II Abstracts :: Table of Contents The Effect of Continuous and Intermittent Training on Ghrelin Hormone in Non-Athlete Obese Women.....................................................................IV M. Kamyabnia, Sh. Soheily, E. Yadegari Hematabadi An Investigation of Abilities and Importance of Computer Skills in Iran Sport Organizations......................................................................................V S. Mohammadi , N. Esmaili , N. Salehi The Effect of 12 Weeks of Combination Training Program on Serum Leptin, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Insulin Resistance Index (HOMAIR) in Overweight Men................................................................................VI R. Abbasi Bakhtiari, B. Abedi The Effect of Isometric Contraction in Lactic Acid Production on an Active Limb and Its Effect on Lactic Acid of an Inactive Limb.............VII M. Kasb Parast, H. Tabatabaei, A. Memari, P. Zarei, R. Abdi A Comparison of Two Methods of Selected Strength and Flexibility Training on Shooting Range and Dribbling Speed in Soccer Players of Tehran Premier League...............................................................................IX M. Chaleh Chaleh , Sh. Nazari ,H. Sedghi, A. Shakibirad An Investigation of Factors Influencing the Development of Sports ourism in Ardabil Province and Providing Executive Strategies..........................XI F. Nobakht, N. Atghia, M. Amiri, H. Gharekhani, N. Ashrafi III Abstracts The Effect of Continuous and Intermittent Training on Ghrelin Hormone in Non-Athlete Obese Women M. Kamyabnia , Sh. Soheily, E. Yadegari Hematabadi Abstract The aim of this study was to describe the effect of continuous and intermittent training on ghrelin hormone in non-athlete obese women. For this purpose, 30 obese female students (BMI ≥ 26) who volunteered to participate in this study were selected and randomly assigned to three groups (continuous training, intermittent training and control). The experimental training groups performed training three days a week for 12 weeks at a definite intensity and distance. Before and after 12 weeks of training, ghrelin (Elisa protocol), weight, BF%, BMI and Vo2max were measured. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. Results showed that continuous and intermittent training had a significant effect on ghrelin, body weight, BF%, BMI and Vo2max (P≤0.05 ). There was no significant difference between the two types of training. It seems that physical training (continuous and intermittent) significantly increases the levels of plasma ghrelin. Keywords: Continuous and Intermittent Training, Plasma Ghrelin, Obese Woman IV Abstracts An Investigation of Abilities and Importance of Computer Skills in Iran Sport Organizations S. Mohammadi, N. Esmaili, N. Salehi Abstract Sport managers can complete their tasks and projects more efficiently than before using computers and related software. As a result, it seems necessary for sport managers to gain fundamental computer abilities which can help to promote organizational goals. Therefore, in order to investigate the abilities and importance of computer skills in Iranian sport organizations, 137 managers were selected as the sample and responded to a researcher-designed questionnaire with proper face and content validity (panel of experts), construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (alpha Cronbach). Descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA, MANOVA) were used for data analysis. Results showed a significant difference between the rate of abilities and importance of computer skills in Physical Education Organization, sport federations and the General Office of Schools Physical Education. Also, the results of MANOVA showed a significant difference among the subscales of the importance of computer skills in completing sport management tasks and projects. Overall, it can be noted that because of the extensive nature of sport section, diversity of activities and early changes in data, managers are required to use computer skills with their most abilities so that organizational processes can be performed with more speed and accuracy and less expenditure. Keywords: Computer Use, Skill, Ability, Sport Organization V Abstracts The Effect of 12 Weeks of Combination Training Program on Serum Leptin, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Insulin Resistance Index (HOMA-IR) in Overweight Men R. Abbasi Bakhtiari, B. Abedi Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the effect of 12 weeks of combination training (CT) program on serum leptin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) in overweight men. In this quasi–experimental study, 30 sedentary men (age 20.97±1.9 years, BMI 26.47±0.75 kg/m-2) were randomly divided into the experimental group (EG: n=20) and the control group (CG: n=10). The EG performed CT which included aerobic exercise: 60%-70% of their VO2max for 20 min. and resistance exercise: 2 sets of 10 repetitions at 70% of 1 repetition maximum. The CG did not perform any physical exercises. At the end of the end of the CT, blood samples were collected from the EG. Leptin, CRP and insulin resistance index were measured before and 12 weeks after the training. Descriptive statistics were used and for the inferential analysis, paired t test was conducted. At the end of the 12th week, there were a significant reduction in serum CRP (1.45±0.27 mg. l-1 versus 1.39±0.3 mg. l-1, P<0.05), leptin (7.27±0.68 versus 7.24±0.65, P<0.05) and insulin resistance index (1.6±0.14 versus 1.5±0.23, P<0.05). It was concluded that 12 weeks of combination training could decrease leptin, CRP and insulin resistance index in overweight men, and this improvement was accompanied with increased cardiorespiratory fitness and decreased body fat which was independent of measurable changes in weight and BMI. Keywords: Combination Training, Leptin, CRP, HOMA-IR VI Abstracts The Effect of Isometric Contraction in Lactic Acid Production on an Active Limb and Its Effect on Lactic Acid of an Inactive Limb M. Kasb Parast, H. Tabatabaei, A. Memari, P. Zarei, R. Abdi Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of isometric muscle contraction in generating lactic acid on an active limb and its effect on the amount of lactic acid of an inactive limb. 12 non-athlete male students from Islamic Azad University (Tehran South branch) who aged between 20 and 22 (21.8 ± 4.12) and did not have regular sport training over the past two years participated in this study. Firstly, the amount of lactic acid was measured in active and inactive hands at rest before the protocol. Subjects participated in an advisory session where procedures were explained and they were prepared to perform the protocol in the next session. Before the protocol, lactic acid was measured at rest to assure that the subjects did not have any physical activity. Then, the subjects performed isometric contraction until exhaustion. Isometric contraction was performed: a weight equal to 70% of maximum strength of elbow flexors was selected for every subject. Then, they held the weights at an angle of 90̊ of elbow and upper arm until exhaustion for 45 seconds. This 2-minute procedure was repeated with 15-second rests. Immediately after the aforesaid procedure, the amount of lactic acid of active and inactive limbs was measured. The data were analyzed using dependent t test and the results showed that after isometric contraction, lactic acid was accumulated in the active muscles (α=0.01). With regard to the measurement of lactic acid in the VII Abstracts inactive limb immediately after the training, the results indicated that the transfer of lactate in the blood to the inactive limb was not to such an extent that it could affect the limb (α=0.01). On the other hand, the subjects did not report fatigue in their inactive limb after the isometric training which approved the present results. The results of this study did not approve the effects of accumulated lactic acid in the active limb and its transfer to the inactive limb and they were inconsistent with the theory of transfer of power and muscular endurance from trained limb to untrained limb (cross transfer theory). Keywords: Active Limb, Inactive Limb, Lactic Acid, Cross Transfer VIII Abstracts A Comparison of Two Methods of Selected Strength and Flexibility Training on Shooting Range and Dribbling Speed in Soccer Players of Tehran Premier League M. Chaleh Chaleh, Sh. Nazari, H. Sedghi, A. Shakibirad Abstract The aim of this study was to compare two methods of selected strength and flexibility training on shooting range and dribbling speed in soccer players of Tehran premier league. 30 soccer players of soccer premier league teams in Tehran city (mean age 21.73+2.87 yr, height 178.33+5.39 cm and weight 72.86+5.75 kg) who were preparing themselves to participate in the competitions of 2010-2011 season volunteered to participate in the study. Subjects were randomly divided into strength (n=15) and flexibility (n=15) training groups. First, all subjects were informed about the purpose, requirements and the experimental protocols of the investigation. Afterwards, dribbling speed and shooting range tests were conducted to measure these variables. After 8 weeks of strength and flexibility training, the tests were performed again. Data were analyzed by paired and independent t-student tests. Results showed that the selected strength training had a significant effect on the shooting range and dribbling speed of the soccer players (P=0.000). This was true for the selected flexibility training as well (P=0.000). Also, there was a significant difference between the effects of the two methods on the shooting range of the soccer players (P=0.008) and on the dribbling speed of the soccer players (P=0.001). According to the results, it can be concluded that both strength and flexibility training improve shooting range and dribbling speed and they can be suggested to the soccer players. In addition, strength IX Abstracts training had more effects. Keywords: Shooting Range, Dribbling Speed, Strength Training, Flexibility Training, Soccer Players of Tehran Premier League. X Abstracts An Investigation of Factors Influencing the Development of Sports Tourism in Ardabil Province and Providing Executive Strategies F. Nobakht, N. Atghia, M. Amiri, H. Gharekhani, N. Ashrafi Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate those factors influencing sports tourism development in Ardabil province and to provide executive strategies. The method was descriptive – analytical and data were collected from sport and tourism experts of this province by random sampling method. 126 subjects as the sample of the study responded to a researcher-designed questionnaire with acceptable reliability (α=0.92) and validity. Factor analysis was used to analyze data. Factors related to entertainment and leisure activities with factor load (78.64), physical education (78.57), sport services (76.1), tourism (75.72), facilities and infrastructure (75.12), natural resources (75.08), information services and communications (70.57), welfare facilities (65.07) and transportation services (56.75) respectively influenced the development of sport tourism in Ardabil province. According to these results, it is recommended that authorities should develop recreational sports and improve physical education and tourism plans and also expand fundamental infrastructures of sports tourism. Keywords: Sport Tourism, Development, Ardabil Province XI
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