May 2015 Inside this issue: 3G Artificial Grass Pitch We are delighted to have had the official hand over of our 3G Artificial Grass Pitch! It looks absolutely fantastic and it will be a great resource for both the school and the wider community. I will be writing to you before the end of term to give you details about the official launch event. In the meantime if you have any queries about bookings please contact Vicki Newell Friends of Belarus We are looking forward to welcoming three teachers from our link school in Belarus. They will be visiting this area in June and we will be welcoming them into our school to visit some lessons and to meet some students. If your child speaks any Russian, even at a very rudimentary level, they perhaps might like to meet our visitors. If you are interested in giving your child this opportunity please contact Karen Kowalski Defibrillator Four members of staff recently attended a training session about the use of the defibrillator which has recently been donated to the school through the Heartsafe organisation. The intention is to train all of our new Year 10 students in its use starting in September 2015, as part of a national programme of training for Year 10’s across the country. Ideally we would like to have a second defibrillator in school and I would be interested to hear your views on any fundraising events that we could set up to raise the funds needed (approximately £700). Mrs Angela Edwards Headteacher Page Page 11 School Information 1-8 School Challenge 9-11 Community News 12 School Awards 13-14 Sports Hall Hire 15 School Term Dates 16 Surveys, newsletters, text messaging services, Sims Learning Gateway (SLG) – these are all ways in which we keep in contact with parents. Equally, if you want to contact us about routine matters please phone, email or make an appointment with your child’s Form Tutor or Year Progress Manager. For more serious concerns, please contact me or make an appointment to see one of our senior members of staff at our Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) surgeries which run from 3.00 – 4.30pm weekly. Mrs Angela Edwards Headteacher SIMs Learning Gateway Have you signed up to our FREE and SECURE online service to access your child’s data? If you haven’t and you would like to find out more about it, look on the KHS Website where you will find all the information required in the “Remote Access” section on the right hand side of the home page and select “SIMs Learning Gateway” to provide you with details and the necessary forms required to sign up. Page 2 Dear Parents/Carers At the end of last week a small group of students from Kibworth High School were approached by a man in a car in the High Street in Kibworth whilst on their way home from school. The incident was reported to Leicestershire Police and they will be monitoring the area from time to time in the future. No crime was committed and the students responded to being approached in a very mature and sensible way. At School we are discussing ‘Stranger Danger’ with all our students this week - as we agreed with the Police. We would ask you to reinforce with your children the importance of not talking to, going away with or getting into a vehicle with any member of the public that the child does not know. If they are approached they must tell either the school or you, their parents/carers, as soon as they arrive home so that what happened can be reported to the Police and investigated. Thank you for your support and continuing vigilance in this matter. Mrs Angela Edwards Headteacher Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers scheme is up and running again. Please send in any vouchers you have collected and ask your child to put them into the box in Reception. The more vouchers we collect, the more sports and cooking equipment we can acquire for the school. Page 3 May 2015 Parents/Carers of all girls Dear Parent/Carer At Kibworth High School we place great importance on the high standard of dress of our students, a fact that is frequently commented on by visitors and new staff to the school. Crucial to the maintenance of these standards is the support of parents/carers. Therefore, in advance of the final half term, I should like to take this opportunity to reinforce the issue of skirts. The skirts currently worn by many girls are too short and are the wrong fabric, and girls will no longer be allowed to wear these skirts to school from Monday 8 June. The choices, therefore, are as follows: Wear trousers that meet our school regulations either black one clip trouser or black one button trouser. NB If trousers are not bought through our suppliers Uniform Direct they must conform to a strict business-style cut and non-stretchy fabric Wear a black skirt which meets our current regulations (knee length polyester) Please note this style will not be part of our uniform from Sept 1 2015 – see below* If your daughter is in Year 7/8 or is in Year 9 and staying on here, please buy a black stitched down pleated skirt* (knee length) which is part of our new uniform. This skirt, along with the rest of the uniform, will be available to purchase from school on 4 June when our suppliers ‘Uniform Direct’ will be present. This therefore gives you the opportunity to buy an appropriate skirt which should be worn for the remainder of this year and the new academic year 15/16. If you do not wish to buy the skirt from Uniform Direct, the style must conform to our new school uniform (ie black, knee length, stitched down pleat). Uniform Direct will be at school at the following times on the 4 June: 5pm-6pm current Year 7 students 6pm-7pm current Year 8 students 7pm-8pm current Year 9 students We thank you for your anticipated and continued support in ensuring that your child is properly attired for their learning at Kibworth High School. Yours sincerely Mrs M McCann Senior Teacher Page 4 May 2015 Dear Parent/Carer 3G ARTIFICIAL GRASS PITCH – APPROPRIATE FOOTWEAR Our brand new 3G Artificial Grass Pitch is now complete and ready for use. This will be an exciting and valuable addition to our already impressive sporting facilities. Due to our concentration on athletics this term we will not be using it fully until next term so we are taking this opportunity to advise you well in advance of the footwear requirements for the new pitch. From September 2015 ALL students will have to have 3G approved football boots to protect the pitch as replacement of the surface costs in the region of £250,000. Students will be required to have trainers for use in the Sports Hall and for other field activities but they will also be required to have 3G approved boots for use on the 3G Pitch and which can also be used for football on the grass pitches. Acceptable footwear for the 3G Pitch is a football boot with moulded or screw-in plastic studs. Spikes, blades, metal studs, flat soled trainers or astro turf trainers CANNOT BE ALLOWED. Examples of appropriate footwear Moulded or screw-in plastic studs only If students do not have the appropriate footwear they will not be allowed on the 3G Pitch and footwear will be checked before each lesson. We appreciate your help in purchasing the appropriate footwear for use on the 3G Pitch. If you require any further advice please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Mr P Fearon Assistant Headteacher Page 5 Dear Parent/Carer Re: Charity Appeal—Operation Teddy I am pleased to advise you all that the world record was achieved on Sunday 3rd May 2015 - 15534 bears all laid one at a time, each one having to touch the last, from 9am-7pm. Finn surprised us all by turning up at 2pm which was very emotional. He laid the very last teddy to set the world record (see attached photo). This has to now be officially verified by Guinness World Record staff by analysing the 10 hours of video footage, adjudicator mark sheets and all photographs taken at every 500 teddies laid. The rain downpours didn’t deter us although there were some very wet teddies by the end of it! With the final teddies I took on Sunday, 1000 were donated from Leicestershire. It was an incredible day to be part of and a wonderful sight to see. Thank you to everyone for donations of teddies, financial donations, messages of support and the non uniform day which raised £614.17 which has been forwarded to the charity. Kind regards Bev Cuppelditch Business Manager Page 6 Friends of Belarus Thank you to the staff and pupils for their donation of £547.25 raised through the ‘non-uniform’ day on February 13th 2015. Your friends in No3 School, Ivanovo, Brest Region in The Republic of Belarus send you ‘Thank you’ and appreciation for the support that Kibworth High School continues to give their school. Page 7 We are pleased to announce that Heartsafe have donated Automated External Defibrillators to all High Schools in Leicestershire, for use in the school and the wider community. The Defibrillator kindly donated to our school has been homed in the main corridor, opposite the Main Hall, along with the above left green sign. We will be having a school assembly in the near future to explain the importance of the device and plan to invite Heartsafe to attend this assembly to help provide the training of it’s use to the students. Mrs Weller—AED Coordinator Page 8 SCHOOL CHALLENGE NEWS STEM Student numbers have increased in The STEM Club (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) since the last newsletter and this group continues to meet once a week after school on a Monday in Lab 8, from 3.10pm to 4.10pm. The students have now planned their individual research projects and they are now enthusiastically carrying out experimental work on a range of topics. These include investigating how caffeine affects the heart rate of Daphnia species (water fleas); the combustion of hydrocarbons; the frequency of human fingerprint types; and the effect of blade shape and pitch on the efficiency of wind turbines. Students will submit their work later this term to achieve a Bronze CREST award from the British Science Association. Ms Wildman Digital Photography Club The demand from students in Years 7, 8 and 9 to join this term’s Digital Photography Club in collaboration with ‘Imaging Partnership – Visual Communication for Schools’, has continued to increase and now twenty students have been learning about image composition and exposure using their knowledge of ISO, aperture and shutter speed. Whilst the weather has been good, the group has been capturing images around the school, under the themes of ‘My Friends and I’ and ‘The World Around Us’ and it is hoped that examples of their work will be on display around the school, later this term. The initial workshops, run by ‘Imaging Partnership’, for a 6-week period, are due to finish on Wednesday 20 May. The club will continue to meet weekly after the completion of the 6 week course. ‘It’s inspirational’. Y9 student ‘It’s good; I’ve learnt a lot so far.’ Y7 student Ms Wildman Page 9 SCHOOL CHALLENGE NEWS Continued Year 9 STEM ‘ALCOA’ project ALCOA is a global company with sites in the UK, including Leicestershire. Their products range from flat rolled plate for the aerospace industry to super alloys and advanced components for gas turbine engines. The Alcoa Foundation invests to further sustainability in areas where Alcoa has a presence and to support STEM education and workforce training initiatives to help build the advanced technology workforce. Recently, Kibworth High School has been successful in receiving funding from the ALCOA Foundation to promote a renewable energy STEM project with several other schools in the county. During the enrichment week at the end of last term, all Year 9 students initially took part in a physics-based project in Science lessons to build solar powered cars from kits. The students then evaluated the cars in terms of speed and distance travelled. From that, Y9 interested Science and DT students have now formed a group which meets after school to design and produce a new product which uses solar panels. At the end of this term, the students will meet with the teams from the other participating schools in a Dragon’s Den type competition. This is a fantastic team work opportunity for students to get involved in to develop their creative skills in design, engineering and technology within an industrial context. More news about this and the group’s design ideas will follow soon. Ms Wildman Arts Award Page 10 SCHOOL CHALLENGE NEWS Continued On Friday 1st May, Kibworth High School held its very own Mock Election to teach students about the importance of using their vote! Students in Year 9 put themselves forward to represent the five main political parties standing for election in the British Parliament. The parties represented were: Conservatives, Green Party, Labour, Liberal Democrats and UKIP. Each party in the mock election had to select a group leader who was the person standing for MP. They then had to deliver a three minute presentation in assemblies about why their party should be elected. At lunchtimes, each student party campaigned with flyers and leaflets to encourage students in school to vote for them. They even gave out colour themed cakes as an incentive to vote. It should be stressed that students had to do a lot of research into each party’s manifesto to make sure that what they said was accurate. Indeed teachers at Kibworth have been giving tips on script writing, presentation and how each party can engage with the electorate. The Mock Election was held on Friday 1st May. As it was a non-uniform day, students were also given the opportunity to wear the colour of the party that they would be supporting: Red for Labour, Blue for Conservatives and so on. Mr Mulholland, Head of Citizenship/ PSHE at Kibworth High School explained that “The main aim of this event was to get the whole school involved in the process of voting in an election and more engaged in the political decisions being made around them. As a school we have to be very careful about representing each party fairly and staff were given clear instructions about avoiding bias and not influencing the students about who they should vote for. We felt that the end result of who won our mock election was actually less important than the students getting involved and them knowing a little more about who the leader of each party is or what each party stands for. After all, many of the students will be eligible to vote at the next General Election.” The final results were a little different from the actual General Election: 1st Labour, 2nd UKIP, 3rd Conservatives, 4th Liberal Democrats & 5th Greens. Mr Mulholland Head of Citizenship Page 11 Page 12 Year 7 Awards May 2015 Excellence Art Art Design Tech Design Tech English English Geography Geography Ben Grace Daniel Poppy Adrian Charlotte Alastair Caitlin Haddon Cooper Howells French Dimitrov Ford Milner Ces Agraso 7.1 7.8 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.4 7.1 7.5 Effort Art Jack Art Jessica Design Tech Aaron Design Tech Sofia English Luke English Caitlin Geography Adrian Geography Maaya-Gabrielle Vernum Denton Bacon Rodriguez Kingan Green Dimitrov Hayer 7.8 7.6 7.3 7.6 7.6 7.8 7.4 7.6 Improvement Art Callum Art Lina Design Tech Adam Design Tech Chelsea English Howard English Nazar Geography Jai Geography Georgia Citizenship Citizenship Dylan Sofia Nimmo Rodriguez 7.4 7.6 Citizenship Jessica Citizenship Alice Kirkpatrick Mabey 7.4 7.5 History History ICT ICT Maths Maths William Annabel Adrian Matilda Matthew Emily Turner Grace Dimitrov Munden Pemberton Haycock 7.4 7.8 7.4 7.1 7.4 7.5 History History ICT ICT Maths Maths Jack Lois William Sophia Elliott Frances Vernum Moran Turner Rodriguez Sweeney Thornton French Ben Ridgeway 7.3 French Austin French Music Music PE PE RE Halle Max Sophie Fergus Larisa Joshua Kisby Rocket Ward Smith Djiekak Blair 7.2 7.4 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.6 French Music Music PE PE RE Maaya-Gabrielle Alastair Georgie Ewan Asha George RE Sophie Leech 7.3 RE Science Harvey Fitzpatrick 7.4 Science Science India Harran 7.2 Science Art Excellence Sam Collick Art Design Tech Design Tech Lucy Jane Zak Olivia Hensman 8.5 Walliker-Wright 8.7 Cosgrove 8.1 English English Geography Geography Citizenship Citizenship History History ICT ICT Maths Maths French French Music Music George Eliza Edward Eve Tom Jodie Joseph Molly Ethan Sophie Adam Alexandra Joe Eve Justin Emily Evans Niblett Kirk Holder King Haines Booker Barrow Gangar Curtis Vaughan Glyn-Smith Butler Holder Murphy Middleton PE George PE RE RE Science Science Spanish Spanish Berii Ethan Eve Joseph Ella Zachary Chloe Day 7.4 Galloway Sanhueza 7.6 Redmond Russell Cain Hamude Tailor Raymond 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.1 7.5 7.7 Citizenship Jude Citizenship Anna Johnson Young 7.3 7.5 7.8 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.3 7.7 History History ICT ICT Maths Maths Oliver Olivia Daniel Anya David Maaya-Gabrielle Gilbert Marshall Couper Cherry Stribling Hayer 7.1 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.2 7.6 Spencer 7.5 French Aaron Bacon 7.3 Hayer Milner Whitehead Smirk Rakha Hallam 7.6 7.1 7.1 7.6 7.2 7.6 French Music Music PE PE RE Poppy George Evie Thomas Sophie George French Kemp Bishop Moran Allen Kemp 7.2 7.7 7.2 7.3 7.8 7.7 Phoebe Voss 7.6 RE Lois Moran 7.2 Ben Ridgeway 7.3 Science Georgios Provatas 7.1 Sarah Pallett 7.3 Science Ella Brown-Goodman 7.3 Booker 8.6 Art Louie Art Lauren Design Tech Michael Design Tech Alice Fox Smith Hull 8.3 8.4 8.3 Art Amber Design Tech Carl Design Tech Millie Unitt Asher Dunn 8.7 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.4 8.2 8.6 8.1 8.3 8.6 8.3 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.6 8.1 8.6 8.4 8.6 English English Geography Geography Citizenship Citizenship History History ICT ICT Maths Maths French French Music Music Michael Georgina Freddie Lauren Amos Morgana Isaac Ella Myles Charlotte Daniel Lucy Carl Georgia Myles Karen Smith Harrison Bashford Copple Price Dilks-Howell Billington Phillipson Collymore Wilkinson Watson Crookes Asher Basey Collymore Brown 8.4 8.5 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.3 8.1 8.7 8.5 8.3 8.5 8.1 8.3 8.7 8.5 English English Geography Geography Citizenship Citizenship History History ICT ICT Maths Maths French French Music Music Matthew Jessica Benjamin Ella Sam Mia Noah Chloe Harry Madeline Edward Leah Taz Olivia Zak Sophie Slater Martin Jeynes Mrtynkova Collick Brecknock Timms Smith Johnson Odams Kirk Boulter Makusha Mills Walliker-Wright Robinson 8.3 8.5 8.3 8.1 8.4 8.3 8.6 8.1 8.6 8.5 8.2 8.5 8.4 8.5 8.7 8.7 Rawlings 8.3 PE Thomas Parsons 8.1 PE William Martin 8.7 Mir Gangar Holder Booker Mrtynkova Parsons Smith 8.7 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.1 8.3 8.1 PE RE RE Science Science Spanish Spanish Ella Matthew Fern Benjamin Grace Harvey Naomi Mrtynkova Slater Spencer Green Carpenter Potter Wright 8.1 8.3 8.1 8.4 8.4 8.7 8.6 PE RE RE Science Science Spanish Spanish Naomi Carl Megan Joe Leah George Isabella Wright Asher Snowden Butler Boulter Parker Westley 8.6 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.5 8.1 8.6 Year 8 Awards May 2015 Effort 8.4 Art Joseph Page 13 Improvement Packham 8.3 Year 9 Awards May 2015 Excellence Effort Improvement Art David Mays 9.5 Art Levi Bolger 9.6 Art Ben Cole 9.3 Art Grace Nadia Louisa Packham 9.6 Art Gabriel 9.5 Art Barrow 9.1 Design Tech Callum Boulter 9.8 Design Tech Jordan Barton 9.7 Design Tech Aston Medhurst 9.6 Design Tech Josephine Wood 9.2 Design Tech Molly Cheshire 9.8 Design Tech Kayleigh Palmer 9.7 Drama Charlie Hilton 9.8 Drama Roop Parmar 9.7 Drama Joseph Gangar 9.8 Drama Charlotte Lee 9.8 Drama Laura Parker 9.7 Drama Katie Young 9.1 English Jamie Morrison 9.5 English Charlie Wright 9.4 English Aston Medhurst 9.6 English Faye Grassick 9.4 English Emily Lewis 9.5 English Laura Parker 9.7 Geography Ben Newcombe 9.8 Geography Edward Moore 9.7 Geography Isaac Lakin 9.7 Geography Sophie Sutton 9.5 Geography Zebutu Starkie 9.8 Geography Josephine Wood 9.2 Citizenship Sonny To 9.6 Citizenship Daniel Willson 9.6 Citizenship Aston Medhurst 9.6 Citizenship Abigail Ward 9.6 Citizenship Molly Cheshire 9.8 Citizenship Katie Young 9.1 History David Mays 9.5 History Archie Cooper 9.1 History Jordan Barton 9.7 History Abigail Ward 9.6 History Kiera Douglas 9.7 History Phoebe Langton 9.1 ICT Ben Martin 9.5 ICT Christopher Hill 9.4 ICT Haydon Cook 9.3 ICT Molly Cheshire 9.8 ICT Hannah Ferris 9.5 ICT Emily Mobbs 9.8 Maths Jamie Morrison 9.5 Maths Harvey Wright 9.2 Maths Ben Tilley 9.5 Maths Ellie Burton 9.4 Maths Jessica Shields 9.3 Maths Megan Morris 9.2 French Ben Cole 9.3 French Luke Brown 9.4 French Archie Cooper 9.1 French Hannah Egan 9.3 French Hayley-Anne Hynes 9.2 French Hannah Patton 9.5 German Ben Cole 9.3 German Joshua Rengger 9.3 German Finnlay Baker 9.1 German Phoebe Langton 9.1 German Molly Kempster 9.7 German Grace Packham 9.6 Music Callum Boulter 9.8 Music Joseph Gangar 9.8 Music Levi Bolger 9.6 Music Zoe Bates 9.1 Music Imogen Solanki 9.6 Music Hannah Knight 9.1 PE Ethan Dawe 9.1 PE Daniel Pemberton 9.4 PE Archie Cooper 9.1 PE Jennifer Ward 9.8 PE Josephine Wood 9.2 PE Annie Callis 9.2 RE Frederick Cooper 9.7 RE Alfie Bright 9.1 RE Ewan Spilner 9.4 RE Grace Packham 9.6 RE Elise Kyle 9.1 RE Ionee Marlow 9.7 Science Edward Battersby 9.2 Science Levi Bolger 9.6 Science Isaac Hudson 9.6 Science Erin MacDonald 9.4 Science Kayleigh Palmer 9.7 Science Nadia Gabriel 9.5 Page 14 KIBWORTH HIGH SCHOOL A COMMUNITY TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE Now available for hire throughout the year for sports including: badminton / tennis / netball / martial arts Monday to Friday 5.00pm to 10.00p.m. Saturday & Sunday by arrangement We also have available for hire various sized rooms within the school for meetings, clubs & societies etc. Information on how to hire the sports hall or rooms within the school and current prices are available on request. Please contact Vicki Newell for further details on: Tel No.: 0116 2792238 Fax No.: 0116 2796400 email: Page 15 We’re on the web! Kibworth High School Smeeton Road Kibworth Beauchamp Leicester LE8 0LG Tel: 0116 2792238 Fax: 0116 2796400 email: School Terms & Holidays Academic Year 2015/2016 Autumn Term * School Opens Mid Term Break * School Closes Tuesday 1 September 2015 Monday 19 to Friday 23 October 2015 Thursday 17 December 2015 Spring Term School Opens Mid Term Break School Closes Tuesday 5 January 2016 Monday 15 to Friday 19 February 2016 Thursday 24 March 2016 Summer Term School Opens May Day Mid Term Break School Closes Monday 11 April 2016 Monday 2 May 2016 Monday 30 May to Friday 3 June 2016 Friday 15 July 2016 * Note that KHS have made two changes to the current LCC county schools dates, highlighted in blue. TECHNOLOGY Page 17 Page 16
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