Come Play Toddler Yoga Shari Vilchez-Blatt Toddlers Are Strong Walkers Through Age 3 or 4 Come Play Toddler Yoga! with Shari Vilchez-Blatt, founder of Karma Kids Yoga Why Toddler Yoga? However, Teaching Toddlers Comes With Challenges Because they can. Not all toddlers are verbal. Because they will try almost anything. They have a short attention span. Because they love it! They get tired easily. Because it plants the yoga seed in children early on. Everything is “mine.” “Rules” are a new concept. Meltdowns happen. They come with parents. Setting Expectations For The Class We suggest opening every class with the same speech… “They are not supposed to pay attention the entire time. But they are taking in so much more than you realize.” Model by example and play along!” Tips for Teaching Toddlers: 1. REPETITION & FAMILIARITY Consistency is key. Set up the class the same way every time – not only physical set up, but also class format. Use the same songs, routines and poses in your classes. 2. MUSIC IS A POWERFUL MOTIVATOR Pair songs with corresponding poses whenever possible. 3. USE YOUR VOICE! If you can sing it instead of say it, go for it! Toddlers will be drawn to your energy and spirit. Karma Kids Yoga Kids Yoga Academy 1 Come Play Toddler Yoga Tips For Teaching Toddlers: Shari Vilchez-Blatt Tips For Teaching Toddlers: 4. HONOR EVERY CHILD 7. IT’S NOT PERSONAL Every toddler in the class is important and gets a turn/chance to participate. Celebrate victories – big and small. Toddlers are going to “flop out” from time to time. Be okay with this. 5. “Great job ‘______’ Thank you.” 8. CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR Use verbal praise whenever possible – for following directions, doing a pose, sharing with another student, or helping to clean up. Teach the class you’re in, not the one in your head. Toddlers aren’t going to do everything you say. It doesn’t mean they’re not listening or taking everything in. They will participate when they’re ready. 6. EYE TO EYE Get down low to meet your students on their level. Things To Troubleshoot In Your Toddler Classes: Props & Set-Up *No toys or “loveys” in the yoga room *No food or drink • MATS *No cell phones (remind parents/caregivers) • PUPPETS *Socks/tight should be removed prior to class • MUSIC *No grownup side conversations during class • FEATHERS *No binkies • SCARVES • PINWHEELS The Magic Of Puppets Puppets Are Very Real To Toddlers *You must say “hello” and “goodbye” to the puppets. *Give each puppet a name. *Encourage gentle handling, hugging and feeding of the puppets. Karma Kids Yoga Kids Yoga Academy 2 Come Play Toddler Yoga Puppets Can Make Your Classes Magical & Special *Practice using your puppets! *Know where they are and keep them organized for easy access. *Never put the puppet down where a toddler can reach it. What Does A Toddler Class Look Like? Shari Vilchez-Blatt Fear Of Puppets *There is no need to force a puppet on a child. *Read the body language of the child. *Have the puppet face away from the child. Invite the child to touch/pet while the creature is not looking. Toddler Yoga Is… *LOUD & quiet *CoNstAnTLY moving & TOTALLY STILL *ALWAYS an adventure! *Organized CHAOS 30-45 minutes Let’s Get Started! Rub Your Hands (Om Song) *Criss Cross Applesauce (Sing It!) *Did you bring your hands today? (feet?) *SHOW ME! *Rub hands together – Warm or Cold? Heater/Air Conditoner Breath *Sing OM Song… Karma Kids Yoga Kids Yoga Academy “Rub your hands, sit up tall, take a deep breath….OM…” “How would a cow/cat/frog/snake/horse/bumblebee/sheep say OM? (include Rub Your Hands Song)” *Be sure to note that it was silly and clap. 3 Come Play Toddler Yoga Time to March! Shari Vilchez-Blatt Let’s Wind Up Our Yoga Clocks! * March feet out in front (while seated), place hands behind your back… “On the count of 3 we’ll lift our bellies to the sky…1, 2, 3!” * “Stretch out your legs really wide, stretch out your arms – really, really wide…and we’re going to go from side to side…” * “Lift your bellies UP and DOWN…And UP and DOWN..And UP…Say hello with your toes!” *Note: If a child flips over into downward facing dog, it’s very common. Do not correct. * “Tick, Tock, Little Yoga Clock…” Play Karma Kids Yoga’s Yoga Clock song and follow along. • “Turn to your grownup and give them a * “Good job!” “Yay!” & clap ‘Foot High-5’” (“Good job!” “Yay!” & clap) Are You Ready To Take A Yoga Adventure? * You can take a yoga adventure anywhere! Beach/Jungle/Farm/Zoo/Park/Pet Store * Public classes – Avoid licensed themes [i.e Disney, Nick Jr, etc]. * As the teacher, you can tell them where you’re going or if you’re comfortable you can ask them. * Be prepared to go with the first thing you hear. We Made It! * “We’re here! What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, let’s smell the fresh air! Take a huge dramatic breath. Stretch your body. * “Look up and down and all around and tell me…What creatures might we see here? Hmm..” (WAIT FOR ANSWERS) * If you don’t get any response, tell them “who you see.” Karma Kids Yoga Kids Yoga Academy How Will We Get There? * Ask the kids! (If you have kids who are non-verbal or shy, you may have to give options). Taxi/Car, Bus, Train, Airplane, Boat, Rocket, Running (Use a corresponding song if possible) * Stop & Go; Change directions; Make a turn. * Make the sound that the mode of transportation might make (horns, wipers, zooming, splashing, etc). Meeting New Friends * Use your puppets. Use photos. Give toddlers a chance to really interact with your puppets/pictures while YOU hold them. BECOME that creature in the yoga pose. “What does it say?” Make the sound. Repeat the sound, this time making the sound for longer, encouraging bigger breaths. * Say goodbye to the puppet/photo. * Next creature. Repeat, repeat, repeat. * Be prepared to get strange answers, i.e. Octopus in the jungle; Go with it! Do not correct them. 4 Come Play Toddler Yoga Shari Vilchez-Blatt Discovering Nature * Ask kids to notice the environment. What would you see there? What's growing? What's up in the sky? What makes up our world? * Do the corresponding yoga poses. And sing a song for one or two of them if you can. * Ask kids to imagine what it would be like to be outside in all weather. Upside Down Time * All kids are able to do L-Dog. Do not underestimate their capabilities. “Come on over to the wall” Song. * Demonstrate with verbal direction: “Downdog, feet at thet wall. Step up 1 foot, then the other foot and hold. Hold for only as long as your body says okay, then come down, shake out your paws and rest in mouse pose. Squeak!” * Repeat. * Always use nature as a means to take a deep breath/smell of fresh air. * Ask what sounds they might hear. Play a Game! Partner Poses Gaming is new to this age group so keep it simple and have lots of patience. With grownups in the class it makes sense to include at least one or two partner poses. Suggested games: These are our favorites for toddlers: * Ring Around the Yogi * Partner L-Dog * Partner Tree * Toega * Partner Boat * Partner Monkey * Sharing Bell Game * See Saw * Sunbathing Rock * Yoga Yoga Pose * Freeze Dance/Freeze Yoga Relaxation Time Closing Class * Let kids know that we are not taking a nap. “We are just resting our bodies because we worked so hard today.” * “Let’s start to wake up our bodies again…wake up your hands, your feet, your cheeks, etc.” * Consider giving foot rubs. * “Let’s come to sit criss-cross applesauce. * Take the time to verbally praise each child for something that was done in class. * “Make a big stretch and yawn. * Some kids are going to walk around, check things out, and maybe even follow you. Be okay with it. Karma Kids Yoga Kids Yoga Academy * “Let’s make a big clap over our heads, then bring our hands down in from of our hearts.” * “At the end of yoga we thank ourselves for having a strong and healthy body, for being so good and so smart and for trying new things. And there is a very special word that we say…Namaste! Sing Namaste Song. 5 Come Play Toddler Yoga Shari Vilchez-Blatt Music For Toddlers * Correspond songs with poses & activities. * Don’t play background music (it’s just unnecessary noise). Books For Toddler Classes * Sometimes toddlers tire before the class is over, which lends itself to including a book during class. * Use a non-yoga book: * Have a variety of music: upbeat, mellow and in-between. - Stories with animals & nature. * Use familiar songs: - Stories that are no longer than 7-10 minutes. * Itsy Bitsy Spider * Wheels On The Bus * Twinkle Twinkle * Row Row Row Your Boat - Offer options for doing the corresponding yoga pose. * A book may also be used as the theme of your class. * Old MacDonald Questions? Never Stop Learning! Karma Kids Yoga has something for everyone! What else do you want to know about Toddler Yoga? *30-hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training *30-hour Teen Yoga Teacher Training Intensive *1-Day Yoga in the Classroom and Yoga in the Preschool Classroom Workshops We can come to your studio or school! Email for info. Additional Resources Our “Come Play Yoga!” award-winning CD can be purchased at CDBaby, Amazon, Yoga Accessories and iTunes. Karma Kids Yoga Kids Yoga Academy Come Play Toddler Yoga! Om Shanti 6
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