Suggestions for Prevention and Infection Control I

Suggestions for
Prevention and
Infection Control
Second Edition
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Reg Charity No 1079049
Report of the
UK Cystic Fibrosis
Trust Infection
Control Group
November 2004
Reg Company No 3880213
The UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust Infection Control Group
Dr James Littlewood OBE
Paediatrician and Chairman, Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Mrs Mary Dodd
Consultant Physiotherapist, Manchester and Representative
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cystic Fibrosis
Professor Stuart Elborn
Respiratory Physician, Belfast and Chairman, Cystic Fibrosis
Trust Research and Medical Advisory Committees
Professor Duncan Geddes
Respiratory Physician, London
Professor John Govan
Microbiologist, Edinburgh
Professor C Anthony Hart
Microbiologist, Liverpool
Dr David Heaf
Paediatrician, Liverpool
Professor Margaret Hodson
Respiratory Physician, London
Ms Teresa Jacklin
Patient Representative
Dr Andrew Jones
Respiratory Physician, Manchester
Dr Susan Madge
Nurse Consultant, London and Representative
CF Nurse Specialist Group
Dr Tyrone Pitt
Microbiologist, London
Mrs Helen Sanders
Parent Representative
Dr Martin Walshaw
Respiratory Physician, Liverpool
Dr Sarah Walters
Epidemiologist, Birmingham
Professor Kevin Webb
Respiratory Physician, Manchester
The Group is grateful to:
Mrs Jan Drayton (Cystic Fibrosis Trust) for administrative support.
Mr Alan Larsen, Director of Finance & Operations, Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
Mrs Sandra Kennedy (Publications Manager, Cystic Fibrosis Trust) for help in the
production of this document.
11 London Road
Kent BR1 1BY
Tel: 020 8464 7211
Fax: 020 8313 0472
© Cystic Fibrosis Trust 2004
ISBN 0-9540536-9-9
Suggestions for Prevention and Infection Control
Report of the UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust Infection Control Group
Chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa should be avoided
Variable prevalence of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
General environmental sources
Other factors
Cross-infection between siblings with cystic fibrosis
Evidence for infection and/or acquisition at Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics
Acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at CF holidays and camps
Transfer of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to non-CF individuals
Clinical consequences of transmissible Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
Regular microbiological surveillance
Reference laboratories at Colindale and Edinburgh
Segregation of patients according to their microbiological status
In the outpatient clinic
In the ward
Away from the hospital
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
This document describes precautions that may need to be taken in Specialist CF Centres and CF
Clinics where there is a possibility of spread of transmissible strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
between patients. The majority of P. aeruginosa is acquired from the environment and not
from other patients with CF or from the hospital. However, it is important that all Specialist
CF Centres and CF Clinics are vigilant that a problem of cross-infection is not developing
amongst their patients.
Whether or not segregation of patients, according to the organisms present in their respiratory
secretions, is practised in a clinic, the highest standards of personal hygiene, particularly with regard
to respiratory secretions and hand washing, are necessary at all times by patients, relatives and all
clinic personnel who have any contact with patients.
Regular expert microbiological surveillance of people with CF is recommended if spread of a
transmissible organism amongst patients is to be identified and dealt with at an early stage. For this,
expert microbiological laboratory services are required by the clinic. The reference laboratories
mentioned in the document are prepared, after discussion, to examine cultures from Specialist
CF Centres and CF Clinics who wish to investigate whether they have a cross-infecting
strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The present document reviews much of the available information on the prevention and control of
P. aeruginosa infection in people with cystic fibrosis. Some of the recommendations in this
document are based on firm evidence and many on experience. The UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Infection Control Group has considered the available evidence and considers that there is a risk
from cross-infection with some strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The recommendations are
considered to represent best practice for the prevention and control of P. aeruginosa infection with
the present state of knowledge; it is hoped that they may serve to provide some guidance for local
policies. It is intended that the present recommendations will be revised every two years to take
account of new developments.
Finally, the ultimate responsibility for the infection control policy in an individual Specialist CF
Centre or CF Clinic lies with the clinic director and staff in consultation with their microbiologist
and their hospital infection control committee; together they can decide on the precise precautions
that are necessary in their particular clinic.
The UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust Infection Control Group
November 2004
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
Grading scheme for recommendations used in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in People with Cystic Fibrosis
The criteria for the grading of recommendations in this document are based upon a paper by Petrie
et al published on behalf of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network.
Much of the data in the document are derived from observational studies where
randomisation is not appropriate or possible but many are from peer reviewed scientific
studies therefore this grading in not always appropriate.
Levels of evidence
Type of evidence (based on AHCPR, 1992)
Evidence obtained from meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Evidence obtained from at least one randomised controlled trial.
Evidence obtained from at least one well designed controlled study
without randomisation.
Evidence for at least one other type of quasi-experimental study.
Evidence obtained from well-designed non-experimental descriptive studies, such
as comparative studies, correlation studies and case control studies.
Evidence obtained from expert committee reports or opinions and/or clinical
experience of respected authorities.
Grading of recommendations
Type of recommendation (based on AHCPR, 1992)
A (levels Ia, Ib)
Requires at least one randomised controlled trial as part of the body of
literature of overall good quality and consistency addressing the specific
B (levels IIa, IIb, III)
Requires availability of well conducted clinical studies but no
randomised clinical trials on the topic of the recommendation.
C (level IV)
Requires evidence from expert committee reports or opinions and/or
clinical experience of respected authorities. Indicates absence of
directly applicable studies of good quality.
Petrie GJ, Barnwell E, Grimshaw J, on behalf of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Clinical guidelines:
criteria for appraisal for national use. Edinburgh: Royal College of Physicians, 1995.
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Acute pain management, operative or medical procedures and trauma
92-0032. Clinical practice guidelines. Rockville, Maryland, USA: Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research
Publications, 1992.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Grading Scheme
November 2004
All Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics should have a policy on cross-infection
that addresses Pseudomonas aeruginosa and considers issues of surveillance, hygiene
and segregation.
All Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics should provide guidance on the importance
of hygiene to people with CF, their carers and all staff involved in their care.
All Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics should undertake pro-active surveillance to
ensure that evidence of cross-infection is rapidly detected and appropriate measures
put in place to limit spread.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most frequent and important pathogen responsible for chronic
infection in people with cystic fibrosis (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry, 1996 [III];
Lyczak, et al 2002 [IV]). There are many different strains of P. aeruginosa and these may behave
differently. Cross-infection can be defined as acquisition of infection with the same strain directly
from another person or, indirectly, from the environment. Cross-infection with P. aeruginosa has
been reported in some Specialist CF Centres and guidelines are required to reduce the spread of
transmissible strains (Govan, 2000 [IV]; Jones & Webb, 2003 [IV]; Saiman, et al 2003 [IV]).
1.1 Chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa should be avoided
Chronic infection with P. aeruginosa is defined in this document as the regular culture of the
organism from the sputum or respiratory secretions, on 2 or more occasions extending over
6 months or a shorter period if accompanied by a sustained rise of anti-Pseudomonal antibodies
(Hoiby, 1974 [III]; Brett et al, 1992 [III]). Recently a more precise definition into 4 groups
“chronic”, “intermittent”, “free” and “never” has been suggested (Lee et al, 2003 [III]). It is now
well established that the clinical state can worsen when chronic P. aeruginosa infection
becomes established.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
The 64% of patients chronically infected with P. aeruginosa by the age of 7 years in
Toronto had a mean FEV1 that was 10% lower than those who were uninfected
(Kerem et al, 1990 [III]).
The outcome for 81 patients followed for 8 years was as follows: 21/50 (42%) of those
with mucoid P. aeruginosa, 2/19 (11%) of those with non-mucoid P. aeruginosa and only
1/12 (8%) of those with no P. aeruginosa had died (Henry et al, 1992 [III]).
Culture of P. aeruginosa from patients in the first 2 years was associated with increased
morbidity, and the finding of P. aeruginosa with Staphylococcus aureus with significantly
increased mortality, during the first 10 years after diagnosis (Hudson et al, 1993 [III]).
Despite optimal respiratory management, the pulmonary function of patients who were
chronically infected with P. aeruginosa deteriorated more rapidly than that of uninfected
patients (Pamukcu et al, 1995 [III]).
In the Danish CF Centre, the age at death correlated with the age of onset of chronic
P. aeruginosa infection. Six of 135 (4.4%) uninfected patients died and 60 of the 228
(26.3%) of those with chronic P. aeruginosa infection died (Frederiksen et al, 1996 [III]).
The median survival of patients with CF reported to the US CF Foundation database that
were chronically infected with P. aeruginosa was 28 years and with Burkholderia cepacia
only 16 years but for patients with neither infection it was 39 years (Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation Patient Registry, 1996 [III]).
The pulmonary function of patients who were prevented from developing chronic
P. aeruginosa infection by appropriate antibiotic treatment did not deteriorate over 2 years
in contrast to those who became chronically infected (Frederiksen et al, 1997 [IIa]).
Screened infants in Wisconsin who acquired chronic P. aeruginosa infection had a
more rapid decline in chest X-ray scores than those who were uninfected
(Kosorok et al, 2001 [IIb]).
November 2004
1.2 Variable prevalence of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
The prevalence of chronic P. aeruginosa infection differs considerably between Specialist
CF Centres, possibly reflecting varying opportunities for new infections and different treatment
policies of early infections (Taylor et al, 1993 [III]; Bauernfeind et al, 1996 [IV]). Other factors may
include clinic and ward practices relating to infection control, general hygienic measures such as
cleaning, hand washing, care of respiratory equipment, number of patients attending the clinic and
segregation of patients according to their microbiological status. Out-of-clinic social mixing and
participation in holidays for people with CF are other relevant factors (Ojeniyi et al, 2000 [III]).
An important factor in determining the prevalence of chronic infection is the clinic policy for
eradication therapy following first isolation of P. aeruginosa (Lee et al, 2004a [III]). Early treatment
is only 80% successful (Littlewood et al, 1985 [III]; Valerius et al, 1991 [Ib]; Vasquez et al, 1993
[IIb]; Frederiksen et al, 1997 [IIb]; Wiesemann et al, 1998 [Ib]; Lee et al, 2004b [III]), therefore
avoidance of early P. aeruginosa infection would be preferable, and economically advantageous
(Robson et al, 1992 [III]; Littlewood & Cross, 2000 [III]). Various studies have used different
treatment regimens and the optimal method to be used remains unclear. Recent evidence indicates
that 28 days of preservative free tobramycin solution for inhalation (TOBI), 300 mg twice daily,
provides a safe and effective alternative to eradicate or reduce lower airway density of P. aeruginosa
in young children with cystic fibrosis (Gibson et al, 2003 [Ib]).
This report will consider how to reduce the risk of acquisition and cross-infection, from the
environment and patients, both outside and within the hospital.
When P. aeruginosa first grows from respiratory culture, eradication should be
attempted. Nebulised colistin and oral ciprofloxacin is recommended as first choice
(Valerius et al, 1991 [Ib]) [A].
If eradication fails, a course of intravenous anti-Pseudomonal antibiotics and nebulised
colistin should be given (Antibiotic Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis. UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
2002. Section 4.4 [IV]) [C].
For practical purposes, at least 3 consecutive negative respiratory cultures spread over a
6-month period would indicate that the organism had been eradicated [C].
The same recommendations apply should reinfection occur [A].
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is found in many natural environments and also in hospitals.
2.1 General environmental sources
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is found in many natural and domestic environments including plants, soils
and surface water, especially warm moist environments containing organic material or
contaminated by human or animal waste. Although P. aeruginosa thrives in moist environments, it
is not considered to be a marine organism because the high salt concentrations inhibit its growth.
Hydrotherapy pools and Jacuzzis have been reported as a risk for people with CF because the
combination of water, warmth, aeration and human contamination impair adequate disinfection
whilst providing ideal growth conditions for P. aeruginosa (Govan & Nelson, 1993 [III]; Govan,
2000 [IV]). Swimming pools are generally safe provided chlorination is maintained at
recommended levels. Showers have not been reported as a source of P. aeruginosa cross-infection.
2.2 Equipment
Although not proved with P. aeruginosa specifically, contaminated equipment may be a source of
infection e.g. respiratory function equipment. However, respiratory function equipment has not
proved to be a major source of infection provided there are appropriate standards of hygiene.
The home nebulisers of 34 people with CF with chronic P. aeruginosa infection did not harbour the
organism although other pathogens were identified. Drying was an important part of the cleaning
procedure (Hutchinson et al, 1996 [III]).
Dental equipment may be a source of P. aeruginosa but is a relatively low risk and patients should
not be deterred from visiting the dental surgeon. Three of 103 (2.9%) water samples from 25 dental
sessions in an oral health care service were positive for P. aeruginosa. Eighteen of 327 samples (5.5%)
from 9/82 (11%) sessions from various dental clinics were positive for P. aeruginosa; one was the
same strain as isolated from a patient with cystic fibrosis (Jensen et al, 1997 [III]).
2.3 Other factors
The increase in first isolations (66%) and onset of chronic P. aeruginosa infection (68%)
between October and March has been attributed to the increased likelihood of viral infections
(Johansen & Hoiby, 1992 [III]).
There is some historical evidence that prophylactic anti-staphylococcal therapy with a broad
spectrum antibiotic (cephalexin) increased the incidence of new P. aeruginosa infections
(Stutman et al, 2002 [Ib] but a recent systematic review shows the evidence is inconclusive
(Smyth & Walters, 2003 [1a]).
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
2.4 Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is frequently found in some hospital environments, particularly intensive
care units. In one study, washbasins and sinks were found to be contaminated and identical strains
were identified on the hands of staff. The contamination level of P. aeruginosa in aerosols from the
sinks was greater in the mornings, presumably because of the opportunity for overnight bacterial
growth (Doring et al, 1991 [III]; Doring, 1993 [III]).
In a 4-week study 88% of all hospital ward washbasin drains contained P. aeruginosa, which
correlated with the strains isolated from patients; 4 of 16 patients grew the organism from hand
cultures. The organisms were detected for up to 180 minutes from hands experimentally
contaminated with sputum. Genomic fingerprinting of the bacteria did not distinguish between
contamination of the environment from secretions or cross-infection i.e. patient-to-patient
transmission (Doring et al, 1996 [III]).
Rates of faecal carriage of P. aeruginosa differ widely; carriage rates are generally low (less than 10%)
in healthy individuals but may rise to 40% in hospitalised patients (Agnarsson et al, 1989 [III]).
Several studies suggest that faecal contamination of patients with CF with P. aeruginosa follows
primary infection of the airways rather than secondary spread from the gut (Agnarsson et al, 1989
[III]; Taylor et al, 1992 [III]; Speert et al, 1993 [III]).
In a recent study from the Danish CF Centre, where precautions are taken to avoid cross-infection,
including segregation of patients according to their microbiological status and good hygienic
practice, there was no evidence that the hospital environment was an important source of infection
(Zambruska-Sadkowska et al, 1995 [III]). Following their policy of segregation and early treatment,
the mean age of acquisition of chronic P. aeruginosa infection in the Danish CF Centre has risen
from 6 to 15 years over the past decade (Hoiby & Pedersen, 1989 [III]; Hoiby, 1998 [III]; Hoiby
& Frederiksen, 2000 [III]). The effect of segregating patients with chronic P. aeruginosa infection
in reducing the incidence of infection amongst Danish patients is based on historical controls i.e.
the falling annual incidence of new infections following the introduction of segregation (1970-75
8.4%, 1976-80 17% and after segregation in 1981 6.5% falling to the present 3% of new infections
per year) (Hoiby & Frederiksen, 2000 [III]). A similar reduction in prevalence of chronic
P. aeruginosa infection has been reported from another regional paediatric centre and attributed to
early diagnosis following neonatal screening, early identification and eradication treatment and
patient segregation according to microbiological status (Lee, et al 2004a [III]). As a number of
measures were introduced, it is not clear which was the most important.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
3.1 Cross-infection between siblings who have cystic fibrosis
There is evidence that siblings with CF commonly carry the same strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
suggesting that, in closely related individuals sharing the same household for prolonged periods,
cross-infection is common or there is a common environmental source.
The early studies (Kelly, et al 1982 [III]; Speert & Campbell, 1987 [III]), mentioned in
Section 3.2, suggested that cross-infection with P. aeruginosa did occur between siblings
with cystic fibrosis.
In a 3-year surveillance study involving 835 isolates from 72 unrelated patients with CF
and 22 siblings, genomic fingerprinting, serotyping, bacteriophage and pyocin typing
showed that all unrelated patients were harbouring different strains. However, siblings
with CF were harbouring identical or closely related strains. Transmission within
the family was thought to be the most likely cause (Grothues et al, 1988 [III];
Kubesch et al, 1988 [III]).
In a study of 6 pairs of sibling with CF, 2 pairs of the 6 developed chronic infection with
the same strain; in all families transient cross-infection was observed. The authors
concluded that cross-infection or acquisition of the same environmental strain exists
within the family situation but does not always result in chronic infection
(Renders et al, 1997 [III]).
3.2 Evidence for and against infection and/or acquisition at Specialist CF Centres
and CF Clinics
Not all studies have revealed evidence of P. aeruginosa cross-infection in Specialist CF Centres and
CF Clinics.
Early evidence for cross-infection in Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics was scanty
except for its occurrence in sibling pairs with cystic fibrosis (Kelly et al, 1982 [III]; Speert
& Campbell, 1987 [III]; Govan & Nelson, 1993 [III]; Bingen et al, 1993 [IV]).
A recent study using a reliable genomic typing technique, randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA (RAPD), did not reveal evidence of significant cross-infection in the
Vancouver CF Clinic (Campbell et al, 1998 [III]). More recently these authors
concluded that there is an extremely low risk in the Vancouver CF Clinic for patients with
CF to acquire P. aeruginosa from other patients. It appears that prolonged close
contact, such as occurs between siblings, is necessary for patient-to-patient spread
(Speert et al, 2002 [III]).
A recent prospective study using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), presently
recognised as a gold standard for bacterial fingerprinting, has not shown cross-infection
within the Edinburgh paediatric Specialist CF Centre (Govan, unpublished data).
However, there are well-documented reports of outbreaks involving epidemic antibiotic resistant
P. aeruginosa and data suggesting that P. aeruginosa infection may be acquired from the hospital
environment when the patient density increases in the clinic.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
In early 1983, in the Danish CF Centre, there was an outbreak of infection with
P. aeruginosa resistant to aminoglycosides, carbenicillin, ureidopenicillins, ceftazidime,
cefsoludin and imipenem. The phenotypic bacterial fingerprinting systems available at the
time did not provide unequivocal evidence that a single strain was responsible. However,
segregating the affected patients stopped the epidemic and it was felt that clustering of
increasingly large numbers of the patients in the CF Centre had been a factor in the
outbreak. Close monitoring and immediate isolation of patients with resistant strains was
recommended (Pedersen et al, 1986a [III]; Pedersen et al, 1986b [III]).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection was more common in the 192 patients treated in the
Danish CF Centre than in the 19 treated at other hospitals (Pedersen et al, 1986b [III]).
The risk of P. aeruginosa infection increased between 1970-1987 when the number of
patients increased from 54 to 226 and the prevalence of chronic infection increased from
35% to 59%. (Pedersen et al, 1986b [III]).
In the Liverpool paediatric CF Clinic, 92 (76.7%) of 120 patients with CF had chronic
P. aeruginosa infection and 65 of the 92 harboured ceftazidime resistant isolates. The
isolates from 55 of these patients were shown to be the same strain by reliable genomic
finger printing techniques, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and flagellin gene
polymorphisms. The authors recommended there should be careful regular surveillance
and that patient segregation should be instituted to prevent cross-infection (Cheng et al,
1996 [III]).
Screened infants with CF in Wisconsin were seen at two CF Centres. There was earlier
acquisition of P. aeruginosa in the clinic where newly diagnosed infants mixed with older
patients who were already infected with P. aeruginosa. There was a higher prevalence of
chronic P. aeruginosa infection in patients at the non-segregating centre - in patients 0-3
years (30% vs. 21%) and 3-9 years (80% vs. 63%) and overall (75% vs. 65%). The
median "Pseudomonal-free period" was only 52 weeks in the centre where the patients
mixed, but was 289 weeks in the centre where segregation was practised (Farrell et al,
1997 [III]; Kosorok et al, 1998 [III]).
In Australia, 5 children with CF who died before 5 years of age at the Royal Children's
Hospital Melbourne during 1991-1995 were all infected by a single clonal strain of
mucoid P. aeruginosa. Sputum was examined from the 166 children attending that clinic
who produced sputum (51% of the whole clinic). Mucoid P. aeruginosa was grown from
the sputum of 115 children of whom 59 shared the same strain, which was not reliably
predicted by the antibiotic patterns. This study provides direct molecular evidence of a
long-term outbreak by a virulent, resistant mucoid P. aeruginosa strain in a large paediatric
CF Clinic. Following this study, segregation was introduced in the clinic (Armstrong et
al, 2002 [III]). Widespread use of microbiological surveillance was recommended
following subsequent studies which suggested that P. aeruginosa cross-infection may be
more common than previously believed (Armstrong, et al 2003 [III]).
Infection by a multi-drug resistant strain of P. aeruginosa has been reported from the
Manchester Adult CF Centre. Twenty-two (14%) of 154 patients with chronic
P. aeruginosa infection shared the same clonal strain. Two patients, previously free of
P. aeruginosa infection, became infected with a transmissible multi-resistant strain: both
became chronically infected despite prompt antibiotic therapy (Jones et al, 2001 [III]). A
subsequent study found no evidence of an environment reservoir for the transmissible
strain at the centre, but did demonstrate significant aerosol dissemination, suggesting this
may be an important route for patient-to-patient spread (Jones et al, 2003a [III]).
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Four of 6 children with CF who acquired colistin resistant P. aeruginosa between 1995 and
2000 in the paediatric Specialist CF Centre in Leeds harboured the same strain as judged
by PFGE genotyping; 2 were sisters. Two of the children were on the same ward together
at the time of their first isolation and have both since had overlapping admissions with
one of the sisters (Denton et al 2002 [III]).
In the Liverpool adult Specialist CF Centre, a longitudinal study of P. aeruginosa isolates
from all patients with CF using PFGE, demonstrated super-infection by a transmissible
P. aeruginosa strain in 4 patients previously chronically infected with unique strains of the
organism. All 4 episodes followed inpatient stays where these patients were not segregated
from those who were subsequently shown to be chronically infected with the same
transmissible strain. Other patients, who had only attended the outpatient department,
did not become infected with the transmissible strain. Extensive investigation of the
inpatient facilities did not detect an environmental reservoir for the transmissible strain.
The authors concluded that the transmissible strain had been acquired by cross-infection
from the previously infected patients and advocated a policy of segregation by genotype
of P. aeruginosa (McCallum et al, 2001 [III]).
A recent survey of over 1225 CF isolates of P. aeruginosa from 31 Specialist CF Centres
and Clinics in England and Wales revealed that at least 72% of patients haboured strains
with unique genotypes. Small clusters of related strains were evident in some centres
presumably indicating limited transmission of local strains. The most prevalent strain was
indistinguishable from that previously described as the ‘Liverpool’ genotype and
accounted for 11% of the patient isolates from 15 centres. The second most common
genotype (termed Midlands 1) was recovered from 86 patients in 9 centres and the third
genotype, which matched closely the PGFE profile of Clone C, a genotype originally
described in Germany, was found in 15 patients in 8 centres: a fourth genotype identical
to the published Manchester strain was found in 3 centres. The two most common
genotypes accounted for more than 20% of the isolates examined and transmissible
genotypes were found in all but 3 centres studied. These data strongly suggest that crossinfection has occurred not only between patients in individual Specialist CF Centres but
also between patients attending different centres (Scott & Pitt, 2004 [III]).
In paediatric and adult CF Clinics in Brisbane the presence of the same transmissible
strain of P. aeruginosa was demonstrated in 59% of patients (O’Carroll et al, 2004 [III]).
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3.3 Acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at CF holidays and camps
Cross-infection with P. aeruginosa has been reported to occur at camps and during holidays for
people with CF but with low frequency.
Earlier studies showed that patients who were Pseudomonas-negative remained negative
after the CF camp and those who were Pseudomonas-positive kept the same strain when
checked immediately after the camp. The authors suggested there was a low risk of
person-to-person transmission (Speert et al, 1982 [III]). However, the cultures may have
been taken too soon to identify the true incidence of cross-infection.
A later study showed that, over a 4-year period, 12 of 40 patients who were newly
colonised with P. aeruginosa had apparently acquired it at CF recreation camps, clinics or
rehabilitation centres. After hygienic precautions were introduced only one episode of
transmission was detected in 2 years (Tummler et al, 1991 [IIb]).
Ninety-one patients with CF who attended a CF camp had respiratory cultures performed
on arrival then at 2 weeks, 2 months later and regularly thereafter. The incidence of
sputum conversion to Pseudomonas-positive was 7% in previously Pseudomonas-negative
children with cystic fibrosis. The eventual incidence of new chronic P. aeruginosa infection
was approaching 2%. The authors concluded that the eventual risk was comparable to
that occurring in the community and "trivial compared with the obvious joy and social
benefit derived from a holiday camp" (Hoogkamp-Korstanje et al, 1995 [III]).
Eighteen German patients were studied before and one week after attending a CF holiday
camp and also 12 Israeli patients who joined them after a week. The study supported the
occurrence of cross-infection between the patients with cystic fibrosis (Hunfeld et al,
2000 [III]).
Another publication reviews data from a one-week winter camp in Spain using reliable
genomic typing methods. Twenty-seven patients attended the camp and 22 were studied.
Seventeen of the 22 were chronically infected with P. aeruginosa before the camp but after
the camp all 22 harboured Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The 5 that were initially
Pseudomonas-negative acquired identical strains to those isolated from the other patients
with chronic infection. The authors recommended holiday camps should be organised
based on infection status to avoid P. aeruginosa cross-infection (Ojeniyi et al, 2000 [III]).
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
3.4 Transfer of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to non-CF individuals
People with chronic P. aeruginosa infection are not usually regarded as presenting an infection risk
to non-CF individuals. However, serious respiratory infection with a multiresistant strain of
P. aeruginosa has been reported recently in both parents of a woman with CF who was chronically
infected with an identical strain of multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (McCallum et al,
2002 [III]).
A 14-yearold boy with bronchiectasis developed multiresistant P. aeruginosa infection following
several inpatient periods where accommodation was shared with patients with CF known to be
infected with the genetically identical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Robinson et al, 2003 [IV]).
Patients, who do not have CF but who are immunologically compromised may be at increased risk.
3.5 Clinical consequences of transmissible Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
Although there is substantial evidence that some transmissible P. aeruginosa strains have adverse
clinical consequences, it is not clear this applies to all such strains.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Patients with CF who were infected with a transmissible strain were shown to have an
increased number of exacerbations, days of intravenous antibiotics and hospital days than
those with sporadic P. aeruginosa (Jones et al, 2002 [III]); although a cross-sectional study
showed no difference in levels of inflammatory markers between 20 patients with cystic
fibrosis (Jones et al, 2003b [III]).
A single clonal strain of P. aeruginosa found in the Melbourne clinic caused 5 deaths in
children before the age of 5 years (Armstrong et al, 2002 [III]).
A retrospective study showed that patients infected with an epidemic strain had a greater
loss of lung function and deterioration in body mass index than patients with sporadic
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Al-Aloul et al, 2004 [III]).
A cross-sectional survey of 336 separate P. aeruginosa isolates in the Liverpool Adult
Specialist CF Centre showed those with the Liverpool epidemic strain were significantly
more antibiotic resistant than the remaining sporadic varieties. However, some epidemic
isolates were fully sensitive, indicating that multiresistance alone cannot be used to
indicate the presence of transmissible strains (McManus et al, 2004 [III]).
November 2004
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is common in people with cystic fibrosis
(Section 1.0, 1.2).
Chronic infection with P. aeruginosa can be associated with decline in pulmonary
function and a worse prognosis (Section 1.1).
Initial and re-infections with P. aeruginosa can often be eradicated if treated early
and chronic infection delayed and possibly avoided (Section 1.2).
It is likely that most P. aeruginosa infection is acquired outside hospital (Section 3.1,
3.3) but it can be acquired in hospital (Section 3.2).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be acquired from other people with cystic fibrosis
(Section 3.1).
Transmissible strains of P. aeruginosa are widespread in the Specialist CF Centres in
the UK. There is evidence that some transmissible strains are associated with a worse
clinical outcome (Section 3.5).
Transmissible strains are capable of super infecting patients who already have
infection with other Pseudomonas strains.
Evidence suggests that 2 or 3 different genotypes of P. aeruginosa have spread
beyond and between CF Centres in the UK (Section 3.2).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be acquired by cross-infection during holidays and
camps for people with cystic fibrosis (Section 3.3).
In some clinics, effective hygienic measures and patient segregation according to
microbiological status, appears to have reduced the incidence of acquisition and
cross-infection of P. aeruginosa (Section 2.4). It is still not clear which of the
measures is most important, or whether all are necessary.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
5.1 Regular microbiological surveillance
Although Pseudomonas aeruginosa is widespread in the natural environment, respiratory secretions
are an important potential route for transmission of P. aeruginosa and every effort should be made
to reduce the risk of transfer of these secretions from one patient to another either via infected
sputum or aerosol spread (Saiman et al, 2003 [IV]).
Surveillance is important within Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics, so that the clinical staff and
microbiologists are aware of the prevalent strains; also to recognise and identify P. aeruginosa
following the phenotypic changes that are associated with chronic infection (Miller & Gilligan,
2003 [IV]). Thus, laboratories responsible for processing respiratory cultures from patients with CF
are advised to follow the methods which utilise selective media, outlined in Antibiotic Treatment for
Cystic Fibrosis, Section 8. Microbiological Appendices. (UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust, 2002 [IV]).
It is important that the strains of P. aeruginosa that are, or appear to be, more transmissible than
usual are identified at an early stage to reduce the possibilities of spreading to other patients with
cystic fibrosis. Such strains may or may not have multiple antibiotic resistance; therefore relying
solely on antibiotic resistance patterns may fail to identify transmissible strains. It is for this reason
that genomic fingerprinting (PFGE is considered to be the present gold standard) of isolates is the
preferable method of surveillance.
5.2 National Reference Laboratories at Colindale and Edinburgh
In addition to local facilities, in England and Wales, reference facilities are available through the
Laboratory of Hospital Infection, Public Health Laboratory Service, 61 Colindale Avenue, London
NW9 5HT under the direction of Dr Tyrone Pitt. Tel 0208 327 7224; Fax 020 8200 7449; Email Complementary facilities are also available at the Cystic Fibrosis
Microbiology Laboratory and Strain Repository, Medical Microbiology Division, University of
Edinburgh Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG under the direction of Professor
John Govan. Tel 0131 650 3164; Fax 0131 650 6653; Email
The support provided by these laboratories includes the following -
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Confirmatory identification of atypical isolates of P. aeruginosa by specific phenotypic tests
(where possible) and by PCR-based systems (McIntosh et al, 1992 [III]; da Silva Filho et
al, 1999 [III]; Spilker et al, 2004 [III]).
Strain repositories for storage and comparison of P. aeruginosa isolates recovered from
Specialist CF Centres in the UK and abroad.
Genomic fingerprinting to identify clusters of similar strains within patient populations.
In such situations, consultation is provided to link local and national developments and
exchange strains between Colindale and Edinburgh.
The Colindale laboratory provides determination of serum antibodies to
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
November 2004
Recommendations for surveillance
Sputum or cough swabs are cultured regularly at clinic attendances and whenever the patient
is unwell using appropriate selective media (e.g. Difco Pseudomonas Isolation Agar). Antibiotic
sensitivities should be reported [C].
Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics are encouraged to send any organisms that are difficult
to identify to one of the reference laboratories [C].
Genomic fingerprinting is the most reliable way of identifying transmissible strains, and use of
this in surveillance is encouraged [B].
Clinicians and microbiologists should be aware of the identity of strains prevalent in their clinic
so they can identify cross-infection at an early stage and can take appropriate action to
limit cross-infection. Surveillance should include genotyping of all first-time isolates
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [B].
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
Available evidence suggests that the risk of cross-infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa does exist.
Currently medical opinion is divided as to whether patients with chronic P. aeruginosa infection
should be segregated from those without this organism, and also whether patients with particular
types of P. aeruginosa infection, such as transmissible strains, especially if multiresistant, should be
segregated from others.
Regular attendance and follow-up at a Specialist CF Centre has been shown to be beneficial to both
children and adults (Mahadeva et al, 1998 [III]). Therefore avoiding clinic attendance because of
fear of infection is likely to be harmful and seriously interfere with medical care and far outweighs
any potential risk of acquiring new infection. Patients and carers should be encouraged to discuss
their concerns about infection control measures with the clinic staff.
6.1 Segregation of patients according to their microbiological status
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Every Specialist CF Centre and CF Clinic, large or small, should have a microbiological
surveillance and infection control policy for the clinic that considers cross-infection risk.
The methods used and extent to which clinics segregate patients should be determined by
local policy based on knowledge of the current type and prevalence of organisms infecting
the patients. Genomic fingerprinting of P. aeruginosa strains is recommended [C].
Good hygiene should be practised in all outpatient clinics and inpatient facilities to
minimise the risk of transmission of P. aeruginosa between patients [B].
Segregation of patients with Burkholderia cepacia complex according to genomovar and
from others with CF is mandatory and discussed in detail elsewhere (Burkholderia cepacia
complex. Cystic fibrosis Trust, 2004 [IV]). However, Specialist CF Centres and CF Clinics
should consider implementing a policy of segregation according to lower respiratory tract
bacteriology for all their patients with cystic fibrosis. The risk of cross-infection with
P. aeruginosa is small, but it is quite definitely present; although it does not appear to be
a problem in some clinics, in others, it can be a significant problem [B]. Segregation of
patients is most important where the presence of transmissible strains of P. aeruginosa has
been identified [B].
It is advisable for clinics to monitor the rate of new acquisition of P. aeruginosa and
prevalence of multiresistant strains. A rise in either may suggest the presence of a
transmissible strain although transmissible strains are not necessarily multiresistant [B].
If a general policy of segregation were implemented, it would be logical for this to cover
both inpatient admissions and outpatient clinics. Where appropriate there would be
separate clinics for patients chronically infected with P. aeruginosa and those who are not.
In circumstances where separate clinics were not appropriate infrequent P. aeruginosa
growers and those without P. aeruginosa infection may instead be seen at the beginning of
the clinic or at a different time from those who are chronically infected [C].
Patients known to have transmissible strains should be seen in separate clinics.
They should be separated from both Pseudomonas-positive and Pseudomonas-negative
patients [C].
Depending on the segregation policy adopted, where appropriate the clinics for
Pseudomonas-negative, Pseudomonas-positive and for those with transmissible
P. aeruginosa strains should be ideally held on different days to avoid patients meeting
November 2004
and mixing in other departments e.g. laboratory, pharmacy, X-ray, etc. Alternatively a
patient’s own local pharmacy may supply the drugs, or the clinic can check that there are
no other patients with CF expected in the various departments [C].
6.2 In the outpatient clinic (* also applies to inpatient care)
Good hygienic measures are of great importance in any Specialist CF Centre or CF Clinic.
These should form part of the local infection control policy for the clinic, but the following
are suggestions for best practice:
General hygienic recommendations to limit cross-infection (applicable whether or not a policy of
segregating patients is in force).
Hand washing, disinfection with alcohol rubs or the use of disposable gloves before and
after contact with each patient and at the beginning and end of clinics is recommended
to minimise cross-infection [C].
Patients are encouraged to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing [B].
Patients should wash or disinfect their hands before use of a spirometer or other handheld
apparatus [C].
Respiratory function tests should be performed in a well-ventilated room away from other
patients [B].
Local infection control policies should be established to prevent contamination and crossinfection from clinic equipment. This will depend on the nature of the equipment [C].
Collection of sputum specimens and cough swabs should be done in a well-ventilated room
away from other patients [B].
Sputum pots should not be left uncovered and soiled tissues must be disposed of
immediately after use in the clinical waste bin. Sputum should not be expectorated down
toilets, sinks, and washbasins or in showers [C].
Airway clearance techniques should be carried out in a separate room away from the
waiting area [B].
The physiotherapists should take appropriate hygienic precautions to prevent
contamination of their hands and clothing with respiratory secretions by the use of
disposable aprons [B].
Cleaning of surfaces and apparatus between patients should be specified by local infection
control policies for the clinic. All equipment should be cleaned and dried after use and
maintained according to local infection control policies [C].
Apparatus, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, auroscopes etc. should be cleaned
between patients [B].
Consideration should be given to the potential for possible cross-infection afforded by toys,
books, computers, game consoles and other communal facilities. Preferably, children
should be encouraged to bring their own toys and books [C].
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
6.3 In the ward
For inpatients it is essential that all staff follow general hygienic precautions. Hygienic
measures that apply to inpatients with CF and the staff taking care of them should form
part of the local infection control policy for the CF unit, but the following are suggestions for
good practice:
General hygienic recommendations to limit cross-infection
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
All members of medical, paramedical, nursing and other staff who have physical contact
with patients should practice hand washing or appropriate disinfection of hands
between dealing with different patients. This includes anyone who comes into contact with
the patient [C].
Patients should have well-ventilated single rooms of adequate size and there should be
en suite facilities in all rooms [C].
Respiratory function tests, exercise tests, nebulisation and airway clearance treatment
sessions should be carried out separately either in the physiotherapy department, a
treatment room or in the patient's own room with the door closed [C].
All patients who require them should have their own air compressor and nebuliser system,
oxygen therapy delivery devices and airway clearance devices. In general, equipment
should not be shared between patients [C].
All equipment should be cleaned and dried after use and maintained according to the local
infection control policies for the CF unit [C].
Sinks, taps and showers should be cleaned according to local infection control policies for
the CF unit [C].
Apparatus, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, auroscopes etc. should be cleaned regularly
Consideration should be given to minimising the opportunity for cross-infection afforded
by the use of communal toys, pens, computers, board games by regular cleaning. Eating
and drinking utensils and sweets should certainly not be shared between patients. Ideally,
food should be taken in the patients' rooms rather than at a communal table [C].
Where a policy of segregation is in force in a particular Specialist CF Centre or CF Clinic
rooms should be cleaned between patients according to local infection control policies for
the unit [C].
Transmissible Pseudomonas-positive patients, other Pseudomonas-positive patients and
Pseudomonas-negative patients should not mix with one another. It is recommended that
separate bathroom and toilet facilities are available on the ward if en suite facilities are
not provided [C].
Hospital schooling arrangements should be arranged
Pseudomonas-positive and Pseudomonas-negative patients [C].
November 2004
6.4 Away from the hospital
Casual meetings between people with CF, including brief encounters indoors and outdoors, carry a
risk of infection and this risk is increased the longer and closer the contact.
Patients should discuss cross-infection issues with their physician and CF team and be aware
of their own microbiological status [C].
All communal CF camps and holidays should be avoided [B].
Spa and other forms of aerated baths should be avoided [B].
Schooling: although there is no evidence that P. aeruginosa infection can be transmitted
between children in the school environment, it is preferable for children with CF attending the
same school to be in different classes [C].
Higher education: students should be aware of their microbiological status and may wish to
discuss this with their CF physician, the Student Health Service (who then has legal
responsibility) and their personal tutor [C].
Workplace: people with CF should be aware of their microbiological status and may wish to
discuss this with their CF physician and Occupational Health Services who can then take
appropriate action to minimise the risk of cross-infection [C].
Siblings with CF should have separate bedrooms and should carry out their airway clearance
and other treatments separately [C].
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
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Cystic Fibrosis Trust
November 2004
ISBN 0-9540536-9-9
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ISBN 0-9540536-9-9